// // C/C++ headers // #include #include #include #include #include // // ROOT headers // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // Detector's package headers // #include // using namespace std; // // // #include // // // Usage subroutine // void amidalausage(){ printf("\nUsage:\n"); printf("\n Amidala [ options ]\n"); printf("\n Options are:\n\n"); printf(" --version print informations about compilation and exit\n"); printf(" -h | --help print this help and exit \n"); printf(" -g | --debug set debug flag\n"); printf(" -idRun run merge all runs in the directory which have the same date of run \"run\"\n"); printf(" -outdir dir output directory \"dir\"\n"); printf(" -dir dir merge all runs in the directory \"dir\"\n"); printf(" -d | -delete delete original DarthVader runs once merged\n"); printf(" -no-DBupdate do not update the DB\n"); printf(" -host name of the DB host [default = $PAM_DBHOST or mysql://localhost/pamelaprod]\n"); printf(" -user username for the DB connection [default = $PAM_DBUSER or \"anonymous\"] \n"); printf(" -psw password for the DB connection [default = $PAM_DBPSW or \"\"]\n"); printf("\nExamples: \n"); printf(" Amidala -idRun 1085 \n"); printf(" Amidala -dir /home/pamela/level2/ \n\n"); }; // // Here the main // int main(int numinp, char *inps[]){ // // Variables booking // TString message; // UInt_t run = 0; // TString dir = ""; TString outdir = ""; TString dectlist = ""; // TSQLServer *dbc = 0; TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod"; TString user = "anonymous"; TString psw = ""; Bool_t debug = false; Bool_t delop = false; Bool_t dbup = true; // const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST"); const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER"); const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW"); if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = ""; if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = ""; if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = ""; if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost; if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser; if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw; // stringstream myquery; // // Checking input parameters // Int_t i = 0; if ( numinp > 1 ){ while ( i < numinp ){ if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"--version") ){ AmidalaInfo(true); exit(0); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-h") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--help") ){ amidalausage(); exit(0); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-g") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--debug") ){ debug = true; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-d") || !strcmp(inps[i],"-delete") ){ delop = true; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-no-DBupdate") ){ dbup = false; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-idRun") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ) { amidalausage(); exit(-3); }; run = (UInt_t)atoll(inps[i+1]); }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-dir") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ amidalausage(); exit(-3); }; dir = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-outdir") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ amidalausage(); exit(-3); }; outdir = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-host") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ amidalausage(); exit(-3); }; host = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-user") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ amidalausage(); exit(-3); }; user = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-psw") ) { if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){ amidalausage(); exit(-3); }; psw = (TString)inps[i+1]; }; // if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-CAL") ) { dectlist +=" -CAL"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-CAL1") ) { dectlist +=" -CAL1"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-TRK") ) { dectlist +=" -TRK"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-TRK1") ) { dectlist +=" -TRK1"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-TRKh") ) { dectlist +=" -TRKh"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-TOF") ) { dectlist +=" -TOF"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-TRG") ) { dectlist +=" -TRG"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-S4") ) { dectlist +=" -S4"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-ND") ) { dectlist +=" -ND"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-AC") ) { dectlist +=" -AC"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-RUN") ) { dectlist +=" -RUN"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-ORB") ) { dectlist +=" -ORB"; }; // if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-all") || !strcmp(inps[i],"-ALL") ) { dectlist +=" -ALL"; }; // if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+all") || !strcmp(inps[i],"+ALL") ) { dectlist +=" +ALL"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+auto") || !strcmp(inps[i],"+AUTO") ) { dectlist +=" +AUTO"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+CAL") ) { dectlist +=" +CAL"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+CAL1") ) { dectlist +=" +CAL1"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+TRK") ) { dectlist +=" +TRK"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+TRK1") ) { dectlist +=" +TRK1"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+TRKh") ) { dectlist +=" +TRKh"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+TOF") ) { dectlist +=" +TOF"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+TRG") ) { dectlist +=" +TRG"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+S4") ) { dectlist +=" +S4"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+ND") ) { dectlist +=" +ND"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+AC") ) { dectlist +=" +AC"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+RUN") ) { dectlist +=" +RUN"; }; if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+ORB") ) { dectlist +=" +ORB"; }; // i++; }; // } else { // // no input parameters exit with error, we need at least the run id. // amidalausage(); exit(-2); }; // if ( run && strcmp(dir.Data(),"") ){ amidalausage(); printf(" Cannot give as input both ID run and directory \n\n"); exit(-2); }; if ( !run && !strcmp(dir.Data(),"") ){ amidalausage(); printf(" You must give as input or an ID run or a directory \n\n"); exit(-2); }; // // Connect to the DB // dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); if( !dbc ) throw -2; // bool connect = dbc->IsConnected(); // if( !connect ){ printf(" Error, not connected to DB\n"); exit(-1); }; // myquery.str(""); myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'; SET sql_mode = 'NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION';"; dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // RunGlue *rg = new RunGlue(dbc,run,dir,outdir); // if ( debug ) rg->SetDebug(true); if ( !dbup ) rg->SetUpgrade(false); rg->SetDList(dectlist); // TList *l = 0; // Int_t RET=0; // // TString treelist="+AUTO"; // while ( !rg->End() ){ // l = rg->GetRunList(); // if ( l ){ // // if ( rg->OpenFile() ){ if ( rg->FileIsOpen() ){ // rg->MergeRootfile(l); // if ( dbup ) rg->UpdateDB(l); // if ( delop ) rg->DeleteRunFiles(l); // rg->Clean(); // } else { RET = 255; }; } else { RET = 255; }; delete l; // }; // delete rg; // // Close the DB connection // if ( dbc ) dbc->Close(); // if ( debug ) printf(" exit with error code %i \n",RET); // printf("\n"); // exit(RET); }