/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/src/DarthVader.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/src/DarthVader.cpp

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Revision 1.26 - (show annotations) (download)
Sat Jan 27 06:22:24 2007 UTC (18 years, 1 month ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.25: +22 -0 lines
Added DB reconnection routine called in between detector software

1 //
2 // C/C++ headers
3 //
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <sstream>
6 //
7 // ROOT headers
8 //
9 #include <TString.h>
10 #include <TSQLServer.h>
11 #include <TFile.h>
12 #include <TSystem.h>
13 #include <TStopwatch.h>
14 //
15 // Detector's package headers
16 //
17 #include <RunInfoCore.h>
18 #include <TrkCore.h>
19 #include <TrigCore.h>
20 #include <ToFCore.h>
21 #include <CaloCore.h>
22 #include <AcCore.h>
23 #include <S4Core.h>
24 #include <NDCore.h>
25 #include <OrbitalInfoCore.h>
26 #include <RunInfo.h>
27 //
28 using namespace std;
29 //
30 //
31 //
32 #include <DarthVaderVerl2.h>
33 //
34 // Usage subroutine
35 //
36 void usage(){
37 printf("\nUsage:\n");
38 printf("\n DarthVader [ options ] -idRun ID_RUN [+-all] [+-detector [ detector options ] ] \n");
39 printf("\n Options are: \n\n");
40 printf(" --version print informations about compilation and exit\n");
41 printf(" -h | --help print this help and exit \n");
42 printf(" -v | --verbose be verbose [default]\n");
43 printf(" -s | --silent print nothing on STDOUT\n");
44 printf(" -c | --clean remove file if exiting with errors\n");
45 printf(" -b | --benchmark perform and print a benchmark test\n");
46 printf(" -auto | -AUTO exclude from processing detector which are NOT in the acquisition [default]\n");
47 printf(" -zerofill if a detector is not in the acquisition the routine is called anyway \n");
48 printf(" but all detector's data will be marked as bad\n");
49 printf(" -tedious exit with error if a detector is not in the acquisition and \n");
50 printf(" it has not been excluded from processing\n");
51 printf(" -host name of the DB host [default = $PAM_DBHOST or mysql://localhost/pamelaprod]\n");
52 printf(" -user username for the DB connection [default = $PAM_DBUSER or \"anonymous\"] \n");
53 printf(" -psw password for the DB connection [default = $PAM_DBPSW or \"\"]\n");
54 printf(" -idRun ID_RUN ID number (from the DB) of the run to be processed \n");
55 printf(" -processFile file output filename [default ID_RUN.Level2.root]\n");
56 printf(" +all | +ALL call all detectors software [default]\n");
57 printf(" -all | -ALL call nothing\n");
58 printf(" +detector process detector; detector can be: TOF,TRK,CAL,TRG,ORB,S4,ND,AC,RUN\n");
59 printf(" -detector do not process detector (as above)\n");
60 printf(" detector options must be included in square parenthesis with spaces, for example:\n");
61 printf(" +CAL [ --verbose -g ] +TRK [ -v --level1 ] \n");
62 printf("\n Examples: \n");
63 printf(" Standard call:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 \n");
64 printf(" Process only RunInfo and Tracker (be verbose for tracker):\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 -all +RUN +TRK [ --verbose ] \n");
65 printf(" Process all and be verbose for calorimeter:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 +CAL [ --verbose ] \n\n");
66 };
68 Bool_t CheckDBC(TSQLServer *dbc, TString host, TString user, TString psw){
69 //
70 Bool_t connect = dbc->IsConnected();
71 //
72 if( !dbc || !connect ){
73 dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data());
74 };
75 //
76 connect = dbc->IsConnected();
77 //
78 return(connect);
79 //
80 };
81 //
82 // Here the main
83 //
84 int main(int numinp, char *inps[]){
85 //
86 // Variables booking
87 //
88 //
89 // benchmarck variables
90 //
91 TStopwatch timer;
92 TStopwatch dvtimer;
93 dvtimer.Start(kTRUE);
94 UInt_t nevents = 0;
95 UInt_t nruns = 0;
96 Double_t runtime = 0.;
97 Double_t cruntime = 0.;
98 Double_t trktime = 0.;
99 Double_t ctrktime = 0.;
100 Double_t caltime = 0.;
101 Double_t ccaltime = 0.;
102 Double_t toftime = 0.;
103 Double_t ctoftime = 0.;
104 Double_t trgtime = 0.;
105 Double_t ctrgtime = 0.;
106 Double_t actime = 0.;
107 Double_t cactime = 0.;
108 Double_t s4time = 0.;
109 Double_t cs4time = 0.;
110 Double_t ndtime = 0.;
111 Double_t cndtime = 0.;
112 Double_t orbtime = 0.;
113 Double_t corbtime = 0.;
114 Double_t dvtime = 0.;
115 Double_t cdvtime = 0.;
116 //
117 TString message;
118 int nul = 0;
119 Int_t error = 0;
120 //
121 Int_t CALSGN = 0;
122 Int_t TRKSGN = 0;
123 Int_t TRGSGN = 0;
124 Int_t TOFSGN = 0;
125 Int_t RUNSGN = 0;
126 Int_t ORBSGN = 0;
127 Int_t ACSGN = 0;
128 Int_t S4SGN = 0;
129 Int_t NDSGN = 0;
130 Int_t DVSGN = 0;
131 //
132 Bool_t autom = true;
133 Bool_t zerofill = false;
134 Bool_t tedious = false;
135 Bool_t remfile = false;
136 Bool_t debug = false;
137 Bool_t beverbose = true;
138 Bool_t givenid = false;
139 Bool_t bench = false;
140 Bool_t CAL = true;
141 Bool_t TRK = true;
142 Bool_t TRG = true;
143 Bool_t TOF = true;
144 Bool_t S4 = true;
145 Bool_t ND = true;
146 Bool_t AC = true;
147 Bool_t ORB = true;
148 Bool_t RUN = true;
149 //
150 Int_t calargc = 0;
151 char *calargv[50];
152 Int_t trkargc = 0;
153 char *trkargv[50];
154 Int_t tofargc = 0;
155 char *tofargv[50];
156 Int_t trgargc = 0;
157 char *trgargv[50];
158 Int_t orbargc = 0;
159 char *orbargv[50];
160 Int_t runargc = 0;
161 char *runargv[50];
162 Int_t acargc = 0;
163 char *acargv[50];
164 Int_t s4argc = 0;
165 char *s4argv[50];
166 Int_t ndargc = 0;
167 char *ndargv[50];
168 //
169 //
170 //
171 UInt_t run = 0;
172 //
173 TString filename;
174 TString outDir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
175 //
176 TSQLServer *dbc = 0;
177 TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod";
178 TString user = "anonymous";
179 TString psw = "";
180 //
181 //
182 const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST");
183 const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER");
184 const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW");
185 if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = "";
186 if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = "";
187 if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = "";
188 if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost;
189 if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser;
190 if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw;
191 //
192 //
193 TFile *processFile = 0;
194 //
195 // Checking input parameters
196 //
197 Int_t i = 0;
198 try {
199 if ( numinp > 1 ){
200 while ( i < numinp ){
201 Bool_t found = false;
202 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"--version") ){
203 DarthVaderInfo(true);
204 exit(0);
205 };
206 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-h") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--help") ){
207 usage();
208 exit(0);
209 };
210 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-idRun") ) {
211 if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ) {
212 usage();
213 throw -3;
214 };
215 i++;
216 found = true;
217 givenid = true;
218 run = atoll(inps[i]);
219 };
220 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-processFile") ) {
221 if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){
222 usage();
223 throw -3;
224 };
225 i++;
226 found = true;
227 filename = (TString)inps[i];
228 };
229 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-outDir") ) {
230 if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){
231 usage();
232 throw -3;
233 };
234 i++;
235 found = true;
236 outDir = (TString)inps[i];
237 };
238 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-host") ) {
239 if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){
240 usage();
241 throw -3;
242 };
243 i++;
244 found = true;
245 host = (TString)inps[i];
246 };
247 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-user") ) {
248 if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){
249 usage();
250 throw -3;
251 };
252 i++;
253 found = true;
254 user = (TString)inps[i];
255 };
256 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-psw") ) {
257 if ( numinp-1 < i+1 ){
258 usage();
259 throw -3;
260 };
261 i++;
262 found = true;
263 psw = (TString)inps[i];
264 };
265 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-v") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--verbose") ){
266 found = true;
267 beverbose = true;
268 };
269 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-c") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--clean")){
270 found = true;
271 remfile = true;
272 };
273 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-s") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--silent") ){
274 found = true;
275 beverbose = false;
276 };
277 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-g") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--debug") ){
278 debug = true;
279 found = true;
280 };
281 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-b") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--benchmark") ){
282 bench = true;
283 found = true;
284 };
285 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-auto") || !strcmp(inps[i],"-AUTO") ){
286 autom = true;
287 tedious = false;
288 zerofill = false;
289 found = true;
290 };
291 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-zerofill") ){
292 tedious = false;
293 autom = false;
294 zerofill = true;
295 found = true;
296 };
297 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-tedious") ){
298 tedious = true;
299 zerofill = false;
300 autom = false;
301 found = true;
302 };
303 //
304 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-CAL") ) {
305 found = true;
306 CAL = false;
307 };
308 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-TRK") ) {
309 found = true;
310 TRK = false;
311 };
312 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-TOF") ) {
313 found = true;
314 TOF = false;
315 };
316 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-TRG") ) {
317 found = true;
318 TRG = false;
319 };
320 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-S4") ) {
321 found = true;
322 S4 = false;
323 };
324 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-ND") ) {
325 found = true;
326 ND = false;
327 };
328 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-AC") ) {
329 found = true;
330 AC = false;
331 };
332 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-RUN") ) {
333 found = true;
334 RUN = false;
335 };
336 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-ORB") ) {
337 found = true;
338 ORB = false;
339 };
340 //
341 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-all") || !strcmp(inps[i],"-ALL") ) {
342 CAL = false;
343 ORB = false;
344 TRK = false;
345 TRG = false;
346 TOF = false;
347 S4 = false;
348 ND = false;
349 AC = false;
350 RUN = false;
351 found = true;
352 };
353 //
354 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+all") || !strcmp(inps[i],"+ALL") ) {
355 CAL = true;
356 ORB = true;
357 TRK = true;
358 TRG = true;
359 TOF = true;
360 S4 = true;
361 ND = true;
362 AC = true;
363 RUN = true;
364 found = true;
365 };
366 //
367 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+CAL") ) {
368 found = true;
369 CAL = true;
370 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
371 if ( numinp < i+2 ){
372 usage();
373 throw -3;
374 };
375 i += 2;
376 calargc = 0;
377 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
378 calargv[calargc] = inps[i];
379 calargc++;
380 i++;
381 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
382 usage();
383 throw -3;
384 };
385 };
386 };
387 };
388 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+TRK") ) {
389 found = true;
390 TRK = true;
391 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
392 if ( numinp-1 < i+2 ){
393 usage();
394 throw -3;
395 };
396 i += 2;
397 trkargc = 0;
398 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
399 trkargv[trkargc] = inps[i];
400 trkargc++;
401 i++;
402 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
403 usage();
404 throw -3;
405 };
406 };
407 };
408 };
409 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+TOF") ) {
410 found = true;
411 TOF = true;
412 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
413 i += 2;
414 tofargc = 0;
415 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
416 tofargv[tofargc] = inps[i];
417 tofargc++;
418 i++;
419 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
420 usage();
421 throw -3;
422 };
423 };
424 };
425 };
426 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+TRG") ) {
427 found = true;
428 TRG = true;
429 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
430 i += 2;
431 trgargc = 0;
432 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
433 trgargv[trgargc] = inps[i];
434 trgargc++;
435 i++;
436 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
437 usage();
438 throw -3;
439 };
440 };
441 };
442 };
443 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+ORB") ) {
444 found = true;
445 ORB = true;
446 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
447 i += 2;
448 orbargc = 0;
449 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
450 orbargv[orbargc] = inps[i];
451 orbargc++;
452 i++;
453 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
454 usage();
455 throw -3;
456 };
457 };
458 };
459 };
460 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+RUN") ) {
461 found = true;
462 RUN = true;
463 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
464 i += 2;
465 runargc = 0;
466 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
467 runargv[runargc] = inps[i];
468 runargc++;
469 i++;
470 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
471 usage();
472 throw -3;
473 };
474 };
475 };
476 };
477 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+AC") ) {
478 found = true;
479 AC = true;
480 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
481 i += 2;
482 acargc = 0;
483 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
484 acargv[acargc] = inps[i];
485 acargc++;
486 i++;
487 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
488 usage();
489 throw -3;
490 };
491 };
492 };
493 };
494 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+S4") ) {
495 found = true;
496 S4 = true;
497 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
498 i += 2;
499 s4argc = 0;
500 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
501 s4argv[s4argc] = inps[i];
502 s4argc++;
503 i++;
504 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
505 usage();
506 throw -3;
507 };
508 };
509 };
510 };
511 if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"+ND") ) {
512 found = true;
513 ND = true;
514 if ( numinp >= i+2 && !strcmp(inps[i+1],"[") ){
515 i += 2;
516 ndargc = 0;
517 while ( strcmp(inps[i],"]") ){
518 ndargv[ndargc] = inps[i];
519 ndargc++;
520 i++;
521 if ( i > numinp-1 ){
522 usage();
523 throw -3;
524 };
525 };
526 };
527 };
528 //
529 if ( !found && i > 0 ){
530 usage();
531 printf(" Unknown input number %i, that is \"%s\" \n",i,inps[i]);
532 throw -22;
533 };
534 //
535 i++;
536 };
537 //
538 } else {
539 //
540 // no input parameters exit with error, we need at least the run id.
541 //
542 throw -1;
543 };
544 //
545 // If not in verbose mode redirect to /dev/null the stdout and stderr
546 //
547 if ( !beverbose ){
548 nul = open("/dev/null", O_CREAT | O_RDWR,S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
549 dup2(nul,1);
550 dup2(nul,2);
551 };
552 //
553 // Check that an input run number has been given
554 //
555 if ( !givenid ) throw -1;
556 //
557 TString version = DarthVaderInfo(false);
558 //
559 // Start:
560 //
561 printf("\n Welcome to the PAMELA LEVEL2 flight software, version %s \n\n",version.Data());
562 if ( run ) printf("\n Processing run number %u \n\n",run);
563 //
564 // Connect to the DB
565 //
566 if ( debug ) printf("\nConnecting to database... \n");
567 //
568 dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data());
569 if( !dbc ) throw -2;
570 //
571 Bool_t connect = dbc->IsConnected();
572 //
573 if( !connect ) throw -2;
574 //
575 if ( debug ) printf("...connected! \n\n");
576 //
577 if ( debug ) printf("\n DB INFORMATIONS:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n\n",dbc->GetDBMS(),dbc->ServerInfo(),dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetPort());
578 //
579 // Use UTC in the DB
580 //
581 stringstream myquery;
582 myquery.str("");
583 myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'";
584 dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
585 //
586 //
587 // Create LEVEL2 filename and open it in update mode
588 //
589 if ( filename.IsNull() ){
590 stringstream strun;
591 strun.str("");
592 strun << run;
593 filename += outDir;
594 filename += "/";
595 filename += strun.str();
596 filename += ".Level2.root";
597 };
598 processFile = new TFile(filename.Data(),"UPDATE");
599 if ( !processFile->IsOpen() ) throw -15;
600 //
601 Long64_t maxsize = 10000000000LL;
602 TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(maxsize);
603 processFile->SetCompressionLevel(1);
604 //
605 //
606 // Run the core program, put any output error in the "error" variable
607 //
608 if ( debug ) printf("\n\n Pre-processing:\n\n");
609 //
610 timer.Start(kTRUE);
611 if ( RUN ) {
612 if ( debug ) printf(" Retrieve, if the case, the RUN informations from the DB...\n");
613 printf(" RunInfo called\n");
614 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start RunInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
615 RUNSGN = RunInfoCore(run,processFile,dbc,version,runargc,runargv);
616 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end RunInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
617 if ( debug ) printf(" ...done\n");
618 };
619 timer.Stop();
620 runtime = timer.RealTime();
621 cruntime = timer.CpuTime();
622 //
623 // From the Run Infos extract acq_var_info to determine if detectors are in the acquisition or not
624 //
625 if ( debug ) printf(" Checking if requested detectors are in the acquisition\n");
626 ItoRunInfo *runinfo = new ItoRunInfo(processFile);
627 Int_t sgnl = runinfo->Read(run);
628 if ( sgnl != 0 ) throw -17;
629 nevents = runinfo->GetEntries();
630 nruns = runinfo->GetNoRun();
631 if ( debug ) printf(" => ACQ_VAR_INFO = %i \n",runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO);
632 if ( TRK && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 4)) ){
633 DVSGN += 1;
634 if ( tedious ) throw -30;
635 if ( autom ){
636 TRK = 0;
637 if ( debug ) printf(" TRK excluded from processing \n");
638 };
639 if ( zerofill && debug ) printf(" TRK is not in the acquisition! \n");
640 };
641 if ( TOF && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 0)) ){
642 DVSGN += 2;
643 if ( tedious ) throw -31;
644 if ( autom ){
645 TOF = 0;
646 if ( debug ) printf(" TOF excluded from processing \n");
647 };
648 if ( zerofill && debug ) printf(" TOF is not in the acquisition! \n");
649 };
650 if ( CAL && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 3)) ){
651 DVSGN += 4;
652 if ( tedious ) throw -32;
653 if ( autom ){
654 CAL = 0;
655 if ( debug ) printf(" CAL excluded from processing \n");
656 };
657 if ( zerofill && debug ) printf(" CAL is not in the acquisition! \n");
658 };
659 if ( AC && (!(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 1)) || !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 2))) ){
660 DVSGN += 8;
661 if ( tedious ) throw -33;
662 if ( autom ){
663 AC = 0;
664 if ( debug ) printf(" AC excluded from processing \n");
665 };
666 if ( zerofill && debug ) printf(" AC is not in the acquisition! \n");
667 };
668 if ( S4 && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 5)) ){
669 DVSGN += 16;
670 if ( tedious ) throw -34;
671 if ( autom ){
672 S4 = 0;
673 if ( debug ) printf(" S4 excluded from processing \n");
674 };
675 if ( zerofill && debug ) printf(" S4 is not in the acquisition! \n");
676 };
677 if ( ND && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 9)) ){
678 DVSGN += 32;
679 if ( tedious ) throw -35;
680 if ( autom ){
681 ND = 0;
682 if ( debug ) printf(" ND excluded from processing \n");
683 };
684 if ( zerofill && debug ) printf(" ND is not in the acquisition! \n");
685 };
686 //
687 if ( !DVSGN ){
688 if ( debug ) printf(" OK! Start processing detector's data. \n");
689 } else {
690 if ( debug ) printf(" WARNING! missing detector(s)! Start anyway processing detector's data. \n");
691 };
692 if ( debug ) printf("\n End pre-processing \n\n");
693 //
694 timer.Start(kTRUE);
695 if ( TRK ) {
696 CheckDBC(dbc,host,user,psw);
697 printf(" TrackerLevel2 called\n");
698 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
699 TRKSGN = TrkCore(run,processFile,dbc,trkargc,trkargv);
700 gSystem->Unlink("TrackerFolder"); //patch
701 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
702 };
703 timer.Stop();
704 trktime = timer.RealTime();
705 ctrktime = timer.CpuTime();
706 //
707 timer.Start(kTRUE);
708 if ( TOF ) {
709 CheckDBC(dbc,host,user,psw);
710 printf(" ToFLevel2 called\n");
711 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
712 TOFSGN = ToFCore(run,processFile,dbc,tofargc,tofargv);
713 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
714 };
715 timer.Stop();
716 toftime = timer.RealTime();
717 ctoftime = timer.CpuTime();
718 //
719 timer.Start(kTRUE);
720 if ( CAL ) {
721 CheckDBC(dbc,host,user,psw);
722 printf(" CalorimeterLevel2 called\n");
723 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
724 CALSGN = CaloCore(run,processFile,dbc,calargc,calargv);
725 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
726 };
727 timer.Stop();
728 caltime = timer.RealTime();
729 ccaltime = timer.CpuTime();
730 //
731 timer.Start(kTRUE);
732 if ( TRG ) {
733 CheckDBC(dbc,host,user,psw);
734 printf(" TriggerLevel2 called\n");
735 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
736 TRGSGN = TrigCore(run,processFile,dbc,trgargc,trgargv);
737 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
738 };
739 timer.Stop();
740 trgtime = timer.RealTime();
741 ctrgtime = timer.CpuTime();
742 //
743 timer.Start(kTRUE);
744 if ( AC ) {
745 CheckDBC(dbc,host,user,psw);
746 printf(" AnticounterLevel2 called\n");
747 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
748 ACSGN = AcCore(run,processFile,dbc,acargc,acargv);
749 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
750 };
751 timer.Stop();
752 actime = timer.RealTime();
753 cactime = timer.CpuTime();
754 //
755 timer.Start(kTRUE);
756 if ( S4 ) {
757 CheckDBC(dbc,host,user,psw);
758 printf(" S4Level2 called\n");
759 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
760 S4SGN = S4Core(run,processFile,dbc,s4argc,s4argv);
761 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
762 };
763 timer.Stop();
764 s4time = timer.RealTime();
765 cs4time = timer.CpuTime();
766 //
767 timer.Start(kTRUE);
768 if ( ND ) {
769 CheckDBC(dbc,host,user,psw);
770 printf(" NDLevel2 called\n");
771 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
772 NDSGN = NDCore(run,processFile,dbc,ndargc,ndargv);
773 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
774 };
775 timer.Stop();
776 ndtime = timer.RealTime();
777 cndtime = timer.CpuTime();
778 //
779 timer.Start(kTRUE);
780 if ( ORB ) {
781 CheckDBC(dbc,host,user,psw);
782 printf(" OrbitalInfo called\n");
783 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
784 ORBSGN = OrbitalInfoCore(run,processFile,dbc,orbargc,orbargv);
785 if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
786 };
787 timer.Stop();
788 orbtime = timer.RealTime();
789 corbtime = timer.CpuTime();
790 //
791 } catch(Int_t signal) {
792 error = signal;
793 switch(signal){
794 case 51: message += " GLTABLES - TO_TIME < time when querying tables"; break;
795 case -1: message += " Missing/wrong run ID input parameter"; break;
796 case -2: message += " DB connection failure"; break;
797 case -3: message += " Error in input parameters (check format)"; break;
798 case -4: message += " Request reprocessing of all runs (idRun = 0) but processFile is missing"; break;
799 case -6: message += " No LEVEL0 file "; break;
800 case -7: message += " No Physics tree in LEVEL0 file"; break;
801 case -8: message += " No Header branch in LEVEL0 Physics tree"; break;
802 case -9: message += " No Registry branch in LEVEL0 Physics tree"; break;
803 case -11: message += " LEVEL0 Physics tree is empty"; break;
804 case -12: message += " Too few entries in the tree"; break;
805 case -13: message += " Cannot create processFolder directory"; break;
806 case -14: message += " Error querying the DB"; break;
807 case -15: message += " Cannot open file for writing"; break;
808 case -17: message += " Error during pre-processing"; break;
809 case -22: message += " Unknown input or wrong syntax in input paramters!"; break;
810 case -30: message += " No TRK in the acquisition"; break;
811 case -31: message += " No TOF in the acquisition"; break;
812 case -32: message += " No CAL in the acquisition"; break;
813 case -33: message += " No AC in the acquisition"; break;
814 case -34: message += " No S4 in the acquisition"; break;
815 case -35: message += " No ND in the acquisition"; break;
816 //
817 case -50: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_RUN query"; break;
818 case -51: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_ROOT query"; break;
819 case -52: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_PARAM query"; break;
820 case -53: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_TRK_CALIB query"; break;
821 case -54: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_CALO_CALIB query"; break;
822 case -55: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_CALO_CALIB query"; break;
823 case -56: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_TLE query"; break;
824 //
825 case -100: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Level2 input file"; break;
826 case -101: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open Level2 file"; break;
827 case -102: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Tracker TTree in Level2 file"; break;
828 case -103: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Calorimeter TBranch in Level0 file"; break;
829 case -104: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Trigger TTree in Level0 file"; break;
830 case -105: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Calorimeter ADC2MIP conversion file"; break;
831 case -106: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Calorimeter alignement file"; break;
832 case -107: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot find Level0 file needed for the calibration"; break;
833 case -108: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open Level0 file needed for the calibration"; break;
834 case -109: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No CalibCalPed TTree in Level0 file needed for the calibration"; break;
835 case -110: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No calibrations in Level0 file needed for the calibration"; break;
836 case -111: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Corrupted calibration"; break;
837 case -112: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No physics event related to registry entry in Level0 file"; break;
838 case -113: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No tracker event related to registry entry in Level2 file"; break;
839 case -114: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Help called"; break;
840 case -115: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Calorimeter bad strip offline mask file"; break;
841 case -116: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break;
842 case -117: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot reprocess file with Level1 data without calling Level1 routine"; break;
843 case -118: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot reprocess file without Level1 data calling Level1 routine"; break;
844 //
845 case -200: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL1 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break;
846 case -201: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL2 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break;
847 case -202: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Neither LEVEL1 nor LEVEL2 output requested"; break;
848 case -203: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - No Tracker branch in LEVEL0 Physics tree"; break;
849 case -204: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - No reprocessing implemented for LEVEL1 output"; break;
850 case -205: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error accessing RunInfo "; break;
851 case -210: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk mask GL_PARAM parameters "; break;
852 case -211: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk alignment GL_PARAM parameters"; break;
853 case -212: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk mip GL_PARAM parameters"; break;
854 case -213: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk charge GL_PARAM parameters"; break;
855 case -214: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk pfa GL_PARAM parameters"; break;
856 case -215: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading field GL_PARAM parameters"; break;
857 case -216: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading default calibration GL_PARAM parameters"; break;
858 case -298: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Reprocessing not implemented in standalone mode"; break;
859 case -299: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Not yet implemented"; break;
860 //
861 case -300: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No Trigger branch in Level0 tree"; break;
862 case -301: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break;
863 case -302: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No tracker tree in Level2 file"; break;
864 case -303: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No Tof branch in Level0 file"; break;
865 case -313: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No more tracker events in Level2 file"; break;
866 case -314: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break;
867 //
868 case -401: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break;
869 case -402: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - No Trigger branch in Level0 tree"; break;
870 case -403: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break;
871 //
872 case -500: message += " S4LEVEL2 - No level2 file"; break;
873 case -501: message += " S4LEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break;
874 case -502: message += " S4LEVEL2 - No result from GL_S4_CALIB"; break;
875 case -503: message += " S4LEVEL2 - No S4 branch in Level0 tree"; break;
876 case -504: message += " S4LEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break;
877 //
878 case -600: message += " NDLEVEL2 - No level2 file"; break;
879 case -601: message += " NDLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break;
880 case -603: message += " NDLEVEL2 - No S4Level2 branch in Level0 tree"; break;
881 case -604: message += " NDLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break;
882 //
883 case -701: message += " ACLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break;
884 case -704: message += " ACLEVEL2 - No Anticounter branch in Level0 tree"; break;
885 case -705: message += " ACLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break;
886 //
887 case -800: message += " RUNINFO - No such run in the RunInfo list"; break;
888 case -801: message += " RUNINFO - No RunInfo tree in Level2 file"; break;
889 case -802: message += " RUNINFO - Cannot open file for writing"; break;
890 case -803: message += " RUNINFO - Updating but no RunInfo tree in Level2 file"; break;
891 case -804: message += " RUNINFO - Unknown detector"; break;
892 case -805: message += " RUNINFO - Reprocessing data but no RunInfo tree in Level2 file"; break;
893 case -806: message += " RUNINFO - Can not handle more than 500 runs"; break;
894 case -807: message += " RUNINFO - DB connection problems"; break;
895 //
896 default: message += "Unidentified error or warning"; break;
897 };
898 printf("\n");
899 if ( signal < 0 ) cout << " ERROR ("<< signal << ") "<< message <<endl;
900 }
901 //
902 // Warnings from XCore routines and from DV:
903 //
904 if ( debug && DVSGN ) printf(" DVSGN = %i \n",DVSGN);
905 if ( DVSGN ) printf("\n WARNING DarthVader: \n");
906 if ( DVSGN & (1 << 0) ) printf(" - No tracker in the acquisition\n");
907 if ( DVSGN & (1 << 1) ) printf(" - No ToF in the acquisition\n");
908 if ( DVSGN & (1 << 2) ) printf(" - No calorimeter in the acquisition\n");
909 if ( DVSGN & (1 << 3) ) printf(" - No anticounters in the acquisition\n");
910 if ( DVSGN & (1 << 4) ) printf(" - No S4 in the acquisition\n");
911 if ( DVSGN & (1 << 5) ) printf(" - No neutron detector in the acquisition\n");
912 //
913 // CaloCore:
914 //
915 switch(CALSGN){
916 case 100: printf("\n WARNING CALORIMETER - Data with no associated calibration\n");
917 case 101: printf("\n WARNING CALORIMETER - No tracks or good events in this run\n");
918 };
919 //
920 // no other at the moment
921 //
922 //
923 // Close the DB connection
924 //
925 if ( dbc ){
926 if ( debug ) printf("\nClose the connection to the database... \n");
927 dbc->Close();
928 if ( debug ) printf("...connection terminated!\n\n");
929 };
930 if ( processFile ){
931 processFile->cd();
932 processFile->WriteStreamerInfo();
933 processFile->Close();
934 };
935 //
936 // print benchmark results (if the case)
937 //
938 dvtimer.Stop();
939 dvtime = dvtimer.RealTime();
940 cdvtime = dvtimer.CpuTime();
941 if ( bench ){
942 Float_t runrt = 0.;
943 Float_t trkrt = 0.;
944 Float_t calrt = 0.;
945 Float_t tofrt = 0.;
946 Float_t trgrt = 0.;
947 Float_t acrt = 0.;
948 Float_t s4rt = 0.;
949 Float_t ndrt = 0.;
950 Float_t orbrt = 0.;
951 Float_t dvrt = nevents/dvtime;
952 if ( RUN ) runrt = nruns/runtime;
953 if ( TRK ) trkrt = nevents/trktime;
954 if ( CAL ) calrt = nevents/caltime;
955 if ( TOF ) tofrt = nevents/toftime;
956 if ( TRG ) trgrt = nevents/trgtime;
957 if ( AC ) acrt = nevents/actime;
958 if ( S4 ) s4rt = nevents/s4time;
959 if ( ND ) ndrt = nevents/ndtime;
960 if ( ORB ) orbrt = nevents/orbtime;
961 //
962 printf("\n\n################################################################################\n");
963 printf("# Benchmark results: nevents = %10u runs = %3u #\n",nevents,nruns);
964 printf("################################################################################\n");
965 printf("# Detector # Core routine called # Real Time # CPU time # Events/s #\n");
966 printf("################################################################################\n");
967 printf("# RUN # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",RUN,fabs(runtime),fabs(cruntime),runrt);
968 printf("# TRK # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRK,fabs(trktime),fabs(ctrktime),trkrt);
969 printf("# CAL # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",CAL,fabs(caltime),fabs(ccaltime),calrt);
970 printf("# TOF # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TOF,fabs(toftime),fabs(ctoftime),tofrt);
971 printf("# TRG # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRG,fabs(trgtime),fabs(ctrgtime),trgrt);
972 printf("# AC # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",AC,fabs(actime),fabs(cactime),acrt);
973 printf("# S4 # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",S4,fabs(s4time),fabs(cs4time),s4rt);
974 printf("# ND # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",ND,fabs(ndtime),fabs(cndtime),ndrt);
975 printf("# ORB # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",ORB,fabs(orbtime),fabs(corbtime),orbrt);
976 printf("################################################################################\n");
977 printf("# Total # # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",fabs(dvtime),fabs(cdvtime),dvrt);
978 printf("################################################################################\n");
979 };
980 //
981 //
982 if ( error != 0 ) printf("\n\n WARNING: exiting with signal %i \n\n",error);
983 //
984 //
985 //
986 if ( remfile && error < 0 ){
987 printf(" -c or --clean option used, deleting file %s \n\n",filename.Data());
988 gSystem->Unlink(filename.Data());
989 };
990 //
991 printf("\n Finished, exiting...\n\n");
992 //
993 // Close redirection if the case.
994 //
995 if ( !beverbose ) close(nul);
996 //
997 //
998 exit(error);
999 }

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