43 |
printf("\n -c | --clean remove file if exiting with errors\n"); |
printf("\n -c | --clean remove file if exiting with errors\n"); |
44 |
printf("\n -idRun ID_RUN: ID number of the run to be processed \n"); |
printf("\n -idRun ID_RUN: ID number of the run to be processed \n"); |
45 |
printf("\n -processFile output filename [default ID_RUN.Level2.root]\n"); |
printf("\n -processFile output filename [default ID_RUN.Level2.root]\n"); |
46 |
printf("\n -auto | -AUTO exclude from processing detector which are NOT in the acquisition [default]\n"); |
47 |
printf("\n -zerofill if a detector is not in the acquisition the routine is called anyway \n"); |
48 |
printf("\n but all detector's data will be marked as bad\n"); |
49 |
printf("\n -tedious exit with error if a detector is not in the acquisition and \n"); |
50 |
printf("\n it has not been excluded from processing\n"); |
51 |
printf("\n -host name for the host [default = $PAM_DBHOST or mysql://localhost/pamelaprod]\n"); |
printf("\n -host name for the host [default = $PAM_DBHOST or mysql://localhost/pamelaprod]\n"); |
52 |
printf("\n -user username for the DB [default = $PAM_DBUSER or \"anonymous\"] \n"); |
printf("\n -user username for the DB [default = $PAM_DBUSER or \"anonymous\"] \n"); |
53 |
printf("\n -psw password for the DB [default = $PAM_DBPSW or \"\"]\n"); |
printf("\n -psw password for the DB [default = $PAM_DBPSW or \"\"]\n"); |
56 |
printf("\n +detector process detector; detector can be: TOF,TRK,CAL,TRG,ORB,S4,ND,AC,RUN\n"); |
printf("\n +detector process detector; detector can be: TOF,TRK,CAL,TRG,ORB,S4,ND,AC,RUN\n"); |
57 |
printf("\n -detector do not process detector (as above)\n"); |
printf("\n -detector do not process detector (as above)\n"); |
58 |
printf("\n detector options must be included in square parenthesis with spaces, for example:\n"); |
printf("\n detector options must be included in square parenthesis with spaces, for example:\n"); |
59 |
printf("\n +CAL [ --verbose -g ] +TRK [ -v --level1 ] \n"); |
printf("\n +CAL [ --verbose -g ] +TRK [ -v --level1 ] \n"); |
60 |
printf("\nExamples: \n"); |
printf("\nExamples: \n"); |
61 |
printf("\nStandard call: DarthVader -idRun 1085 \n"); |
printf("\nStandard call: DarthVader -idRun 1085 \n"); |
62 |
printf("\nProcess only RunInfo and Tracker (be verbose for tracker): DarthVader -idRun 1085 -all +RUN +TRK [ --verbose ] \n"); |
printf("\nProcess only RunInfo and Tracker (be verbose for tracker): DarthVader -idRun 1085 -all +RUN +TRK [ --verbose ] \n"); |
84 |
Int_t NDSGN = 0; |
Int_t NDSGN = 0; |
85 |
Int_t DVSGN = 0; |
Int_t DVSGN = 0; |
86 |
// |
// |
87 |
Bool_t autom = true; |
88 |
Bool_t zerofill = false; |
89 |
Bool_t tedious = false; |
90 |
Bool_t remfile = false; |
Bool_t remfile = false; |
91 |
Bool_t debug = false; |
Bool_t debug = false; |
92 |
Bool_t beverbose = true; |
Bool_t beverbose = true; |
228 |
found = true; |
found = true; |
229 |
beverbose = false; |
beverbose = false; |
230 |
}; |
}; |
// |
231 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-g") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--debug") ){ |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-g") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--debug") ){ |
232 |
debug = true; |
debug = true; |
233 |
found = true; |
found = true; |
234 |
}; |
}; |
235 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-auto") || !strcmp(inps[i],"-AUTO") ){ |
236 |
autom = true; |
237 |
tedious = false; |
238 |
zerofill = false; |
239 |
found = true; |
240 |
}; |
241 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-zerofill") ){ |
242 |
tedious = false; |
243 |
autom = false; |
244 |
zerofill = true; |
245 |
found = true; |
246 |
}; |
247 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-tedious") ){ |
248 |
tedious = true; |
249 |
zerofill = false; |
250 |
autom = false; |
251 |
found = true; |
252 |
}; |
253 |
// |
// |
254 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-CAL") ) { |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-CAL") ) { |
255 |
found = true; |
found = true; |
565 |
Int_t sgnl = runinfo->Read(run); |
Int_t sgnl = runinfo->Read(run); |
566 |
if ( sgnl != 0 ) throw -17; |
if ( sgnl != 0 ) throw -17; |
567 |
printf(" => ACQ_VAR_INFO = %i \n",runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO); |
printf(" => ACQ_VAR_INFO = %i \n",runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO); |
568 |
if ( TRK && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 4)) ) DVSGN += 1; |
if ( TRK && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 4)) ){ |
569 |
if ( TOF && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 0)) ) DVSGN += 2; |
DVSGN += 1; |
570 |
if ( CAL && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 3)) ) DVSGN += 4; |
if ( tedious ) throw -30; |
571 |
if ( AC && ((runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 1)) || !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 2))) ) DVSGN += 8; |
if ( autom ){ |
572 |
if ( S4 && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 5)) ) DVSGN += 16; |
TRK = 0; |
573 |
if ( ND && (runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 9)) ) DVSGN += 32; |
printf(" TRK excluded from processing \n"); |
574 |
}; |
575 |
if ( zerofill ) printf(" TRK is not in the acquisition! \n"); |
576 |
}; |
577 |
if ( TOF && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 0)) ){ |
578 |
DVSGN += 2; |
579 |
if ( tedious ) throw -31; |
580 |
if ( autom ){ |
581 |
TOF = 0; |
582 |
printf(" TOF excluded from processing \n"); |
583 |
}; |
584 |
if ( zerofill ) printf(" TOF is not in the acquisition! \n"); |
585 |
}; |
586 |
if ( CAL && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 3)) ){ |
587 |
DVSGN += 4; |
588 |
if ( tedious ) throw -32; |
589 |
if ( autom ){ |
590 |
CAL = 0; |
591 |
printf(" CAL excluded from processing \n"); |
592 |
}; |
593 |
if ( zerofill ) printf(" CAL is not in the acquisition! \n"); |
594 |
}; |
595 |
if ( AC && (!(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 1)) || !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 2))) ){ |
596 |
DVSGN += 8; |
597 |
if ( tedious ) throw -33; |
598 |
if ( autom ){ |
599 |
AC = 0; |
600 |
printf(" AC excluded from processing \n"); |
601 |
}; |
602 |
if ( zerofill ) printf(" AC is not in the acquisition! \n"); |
603 |
}; |
604 |
if ( S4 && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 5)) ){ |
605 |
DVSGN += 16; |
606 |
if ( tedious ) throw -34; |
607 |
if ( autom ){ |
608 |
S4 = 0; |
609 |
printf(" S4 excluded from processing \n"); |
610 |
}; |
611 |
if ( zerofill ) printf(" S4 is not in the acquisition! \n"); |
612 |
}; |
613 |
if ( ND && !(runinfo->ACQ_VAR_INFO & (1 << 9)) ){ |
614 |
DVSGN += 32; |
615 |
if ( tedious ) throw -35; |
616 |
if ( autom ){ |
617 |
ND = 0; |
618 |
printf(" ND excluded from processing \n"); |
619 |
}; |
620 |
if ( zerofill ) printf(" ND is not in the acquisition! \n"); |
621 |
}; |
622 |
// |
// |
623 |
if ( !DVSGN ){ |
if ( !DVSGN ){ |
624 |
printf(" OK! Start processing detector's data. \n"); |
printf(" OK! Start processing detector's data. \n"); |
696 |
case -15: message += " Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
case -15: message += " Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
697 |
case -17: message += " Error during pre-processing"; break; |
case -17: message += " Error during pre-processing"; break; |
698 |
case -22: message += " Unknown input or wrong syntax in input paramters!"; break; |
case -22: message += " Unknown input or wrong syntax in input paramters!"; break; |
699 |
case -30: message += " No TRK in the acquisition"; break; |
700 |
case -31: message += " No TOF in the acquisition"; break; |
701 |
case -32: message += " No CAL in the acquisition"; break; |
702 |
case -33: message += " No AC in the acquisition"; break; |
703 |
case -34: message += " No S4 in the acquisition"; break; |
704 |
case -35: message += " No ND in the acquisition"; break; |
705 |
// |
// |
706 |
case -50: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_RUN query"; break; |
case -50: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_RUN query"; break; |
707 |
case -51: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_ROOT query"; break; |
case -51: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_ROOT query"; break; |
724 |
case -111: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Corrupted calibration"; break; |
case -111: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Corrupted calibration"; break; |
725 |
case -112: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No physics event related to registry entry in Level0 file"; break; |
case -112: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No physics event related to registry entry in Level0 file"; break; |
726 |
case -113: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No tracker event related to registry entry in Level2 file"; break; |
case -113: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No tracker event related to registry entry in Level2 file"; break; |
727 |
case -114: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Help called"; break; |
728 |
case -115: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Calorimeter bad strip offline mask file"; break; |
729 |
// |
// |
730 |
case -200: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL1 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break; |
case -200: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL1 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break; |
731 |
case -201: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL2 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break; |
case -201: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL2 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break; |
761 |
case -601: message += " NDLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
case -601: message += " NDLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
762 |
case -603: message += " NDLEVEL2 - No S4Level2 branch in Level0 tree"; break; |
case -603: message += " NDLEVEL2 - No S4Level2 branch in Level0 tree"; break; |
763 |
// |
// |
764 |
case -701: message += " NDLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
case -701: message += " ACLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
765 |
case -704: message += " NDLEVEL2 - No Anticounter branch in Level0 tree"; break; |
case -704: message += " ACLEVEL2 - No Anticounter branch in Level0 tree"; break; |
766 |
// |
// |
767 |
case -800: message += " RUNINFO - No such run in the RunInfo list"; break; |
case -800: message += " RUNINFO - No such run in the RunInfo list"; break; |
768 |
case -801: message += " RUNINFO - No RunInfo tree in Level2 file"; break; |
case -801: message += " RUNINFO - No RunInfo tree in Level2 file"; break; |