6 |
// |
// |
7 |
// ROOT headers |
// ROOT headers |
8 |
// |
// |
9 |
#include <TTimeStamp.h> |
10 |
#include <TString.h> |
#include <TString.h> |
11 |
#include <TSQLServer.h> |
#include <TSQLServer.h> |
12 |
#include <TFile.h> |
#include <TFile.h> |
48 |
printf(" -s || --silent print nothing on STDOUT\n"); |
printf(" -s || --silent print nothing on STDOUT\n"); |
49 |
printf(" -c || --clean remove file if exiting with errors\n"); |
printf(" -c || --clean remove file if exiting with errors\n"); |
50 |
printf(" -b || --benchmark perform and print a benchmark test\n"); |
printf(" -b || --benchmark perform and print a benchmark test\n"); |
51 |
printf(" -r || --reprocess force running on existing file [default: exit with error, NB: DEFAULT CHANGED since 10RED!!]\n"); |
52 |
printf(" -n || --new-fit use new fitting algorithm [default]\n"); |
53 |
printf(" --no-new-fit use standard (up to 9RED) fitting algorithm\n"); |
54 |
printf(" -auto || -AUTO exclude from processing detector which are NOT in the acquisition\n"); |
printf(" -auto || -AUTO exclude from processing detector which are NOT in the acquisition\n"); |
55 |
printf(" -zerofill if a detector is not in the acquisition the routine is called anyway \n"); |
printf(" -zerofill if a detector is not in the acquisition the routine is called anyway \n"); |
56 |
printf(" but all detector's data will be marked as bad [default]\n"); |
printf(" but all detector's data will be marked as bad [default]\n"); |
71 |
printf(" Standard call:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 \n"); |
printf(" Standard call:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 \n"); |
72 |
printf(" Process only RunInfo and Tracker (be verbose for tracker):\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 -all +RUN +TRK [ --verbose ] \n"); |
printf(" Process only RunInfo and Tracker (be verbose for tracker):\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 -all +RUN +TRK [ --verbose ] \n"); |
73 |
printf(" Process all and be verbose for calorimeter:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 +CAL [ --verbose ] \n\n"); |
printf(" Process all and be verbose for calorimeter:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 +CAL [ --verbose ] \n\n"); |
74 |
printf(" Set Tracker to work with simulated data:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 +TRK [ --simu ] \n\n"); |
75 |
}; |
}; |
76 |
77 |
// |
// |
95 |
Double_t ctrktime = 0.; |
Double_t ctrktime = 0.; |
96 |
Double_t caltime = 0.; |
Double_t caltime = 0.; |
97 |
Double_t ccaltime = 0.; |
Double_t ccaltime = 0.; |
98 |
Double_t caltime1 = 0.; |
99 |
Double_t ccaltime1 = 0.; |
100 |
Double_t toftime = 0.; |
Double_t toftime = 0.; |
101 |
Double_t ctoftime = 0.; |
Double_t ctoftime = 0.; |
102 |
Double_t toftime1 = 0.; |
103 |
Double_t ctoftime1 = 0.; |
104 |
Double_t trgtime = 0.; |
Double_t trgtime = 0.; |
105 |
Double_t ctrgtime = 0.; |
Double_t ctrgtime = 0.; |
106 |
Double_t actime = 0.; |
Double_t actime = 0.; |
119 |
Int_t error = 0; |
Int_t error = 0; |
120 |
// |
// |
121 |
Int_t CALSGN = 0; |
Int_t CALSGN = 0; |
122 |
Int_t CALSGN1 = 0; |
123 |
Int_t TRKSGN = 0; |
Int_t TRKSGN = 0; |
124 |
Int_t TRGSGN = 0; |
Int_t TRGSGN = 0; |
125 |
Int_t TOFSGN = 0; |
Int_t TOFSGN = 0; |
126 |
Int_t TOFSGN1 = 0; |
127 |
Int_t RUNSGN = 0; |
Int_t RUNSGN = 0; |
128 |
Int_t ORBSGN = 0; |
Int_t ORBSGN = 0; |
129 |
Int_t ACSGN = 0; |
Int_t ACSGN = 0; |
134 |
UInt_t NQRUN = 0; |
UInt_t NQRUN = 0; |
135 |
UInt_t NQTRK = 0; |
UInt_t NQTRK = 0; |
136 |
UInt_t NQCAL = 0; |
UInt_t NQCAL = 0; |
137 |
UInt_t NQCAL1 = 0; |
138 |
UInt_t NQTOF = 0; |
UInt_t NQTOF = 0; |
139 |
UInt_t NQTOF1 = 0; |
140 |
UInt_t NQORB = 0; |
UInt_t NQORB = 0; |
141 |
UInt_t NQTRG = 0; |
UInt_t NQTRG = 0; |
142 |
UInt_t NQAC = 0; |
UInt_t NQAC = 0; |
152 |
Bool_t beverbose = true; |
Bool_t beverbose = true; |
153 |
Bool_t givenid = false; |
Bool_t givenid = false; |
154 |
Bool_t bench = false; |
Bool_t bench = false; |
155 |
Bool_t reprocess = false; |
156 |
Bool_t newfit = true; |
157 |
Bool_t CAL = true; |
Bool_t CAL = true; |
158 |
Bool_t TRK = true; |
Bool_t TRK = true; |
159 |
Bool_t TRG = true; |
Bool_t TRG = true; |
299 |
bench = true; |
bench = true; |
300 |
found = true; |
found = true; |
301 |
}; |
}; |
302 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-r") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--reprocess") ){ |
303 |
reprocess = true; |
304 |
found = true; |
305 |
}; |
306 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-n") || !strcmp(inps[i],"--new-fit") ){ |
307 |
newfit = true; |
308 |
found = true; |
309 |
}; |
310 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"--no-new-fit") ){ |
311 |
newfit = false; |
312 |
found = true; |
313 |
}; |
314 |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-auto") || !strcmp(inps[i],"-AUTO") ){ |
if ( !strcmp(inps[i],"-auto") || !strcmp(inps[i],"-AUTO") ){ |
315 |
autom = true; |
autom = true; |
316 |
tedious = false; |
tedious = false; |
574 |
// If not in verbose mode redirect to /dev/null the stdout and stderr |
// If not in verbose mode redirect to /dev/null the stdout and stderr |
575 |
// |
// |
576 |
if ( !beverbose ){ |
if ( !beverbose ){ |
577 |
nul = open("/dev/null", O_CREAT | O_RDWR,S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); |
nul = open("/dev/null", O_CREAT | O_RDWR,S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); |
578 |
dup2(nul,1); |
dup2(nul,1); |
579 |
dup2(nul,2); |
dup2(nul,2); |
580 |
}; |
}; |
587 |
// |
// |
588 |
// Start: |
// Start: |
589 |
// |
// |
590 |
printf("\n Welcome to the PAMELA LEVEL2 flight software, version %s \n\n",version.Data()); |
printf("\n Welcome to the PAMELA LEVEL2 flight software, version %s (The Ultimate Warrior)\n\n",version.Data()); |
591 |
if ( run ) printf("\n Processing run number %u \n\n",run); |
if ( run ){ |
592 |
printf("\n Processing run number %u \n",run); |
593 |
} else { |
594 |
printf("\n Re-processing all runs?\n"); |
595 |
} |
596 |
// |
// |
597 |
// Connect to the DB |
// Connect to the DB |
598 |
// |
// |
610 |
glt = new GL_TABLES(host,user,psw); |
glt = new GL_TABLES(host,user,psw); |
611 |
//GL_TABLES *glt = new GL_TABLES(host,user,psw); |
//GL_TABLES *glt = new GL_TABLES(host,user,psw); |
612 |
// |
// |
613 |
printf("\n DB settings:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n",dbc->GetDBMS(),dbc->ServerInfo(),dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetPort()); |
614 |
printf(" DB %s --- User %s \n\n",host.Data(),user.Data()); |
615 |
if ( debug ) printf("\n DB INFORMATIONS:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n\n",dbc->GetDBMS(),dbc->ServerInfo(),dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetPort()); |
if ( debug ) printf("\n DB INFORMATIONS:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n\n",dbc->GetDBMS(),dbc->ServerInfo(),dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetPort()); |
616 |
// |
// |
617 |
// Use UTC in the DB |
// Use UTC in the DB |
636 |
filename += strun.str(); |
filename += strun.str(); |
637 |
filename += ".Level2.root"; |
filename += ".Level2.root"; |
638 |
}; |
}; |
639 |
// |
640 |
// check if file exists and check reprocess flag |
641 |
// |
642 |
if ( !reprocess ){ |
643 |
if ( !gSystem->GetPathInfo(filename.Data(),NULL,(Long_t*)NULL,NULL,NULL) ) { |
644 |
if ( beverbose ) printf(" File %s already exists!\n",filename.Data()); |
645 |
throw -37; |
646 |
} |
647 |
} |
648 |
649 |
processFile = new TFile(filename.Data(),"UPDATE"); |
processFile = new TFile(filename.Data(),"UPDATE"); |
650 |
if ( !processFile->IsOpen() ) throw -15; |
if ( !processFile->IsOpen() ) throw -15; |
651 |
// |
// |
653 |
TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(maxsize); |
TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(maxsize); |
654 |
processFile->SetCompressionLevel(1); |
processFile->SetCompressionLevel(1); |
655 |
// |
// |
656 |
// ok, we are going to do some kinf of processing, the file is opened and ready. Save processing infos first |
657 |
// |
658 |
ProcInfo *procinfo = new ProcInfo(); |
659 |
procinfo->runID = run; |
660 |
TTimeStamp *dt = new TTimeStamp(); |
661 |
procinfo->date = dt->AsString(); |
662 |
delete dt; |
663 |
for ( Int_t icl = 0; icl<numinp; icl++){ |
664 |
procinfo->commandLine += Form("%s ",inps[icl]); |
665 |
} |
666 |
procinfo->outputFilename = filename; |
667 |
procinfo->localDir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); |
668 |
procinfo->uname = gSystem->GetFromPipe("uname -a"); |
669 |
procinfo->DB = host; |
670 |
671 |
TTree *pinfo = 0; |
672 |
pinfo = (TTree*)processFile->Get("ProcessingInfo"); |
673 |
// ProcessingInfo tree does not exist, crating proc info |
674 |
if ( !pinfo ){ |
675 |
if ( debug ) printf("ProcessingInfo tree does not exist, crating proc info\n"); |
676 |
pinfo = new TTree("ProcessingInfo","Log of data processing"); |
677 |
pinfo->Branch("ProcInfo","ProcInfo",&procinfo); |
678 |
} else { |
679 |
pinfo->SetBranchAddress("ProcInfo",&procinfo); |
680 |
} |
681 |
pinfo->Fill(); |
682 |
processFile->cd(); |
683 |
pinfo->Write("ProcessingInfo",TObject::kOverwrite); |
684 |
if ( procinfo ) delete procinfo; |
685 |
if ( pinfo ) pinfo->Delete(); |
686 |
// |
// |
687 |
// Run the core program, put any output error in the "error" variable |
// Run the core program, put any output error in the "error" variable |
688 |
// |
// |
776 |
// |
// |
777 |
dbc->Close(); |
dbc->Close(); |
778 |
// |
// |
779 |
// |
780 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
781 |
if ( TRG ) { |
782 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
783 |
printf(" TriggerLevel2 called\n"); |
784 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
785 |
TRGSGN = TrigCore(run,processFile,glt,trgargc,trgargv); |
786 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
787 |
NQTRG = glt->GetNqueries(); |
788 |
}; |
789 |
timer.Stop(); |
790 |
trgtime = timer.RealTime(); |
791 |
ctrgtime = timer.CpuTime(); |
792 |
// |
793 |
// |
794 |
// new fitting algorithm require calorimeter level1 and tof XXX to be processed first |
795 |
// |
796 |
if ( newfit ) { |
797 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
798 |
if ( TOF ) { |
799 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
800 |
printf(" ToFLevel2 called, 1st call\n"); |
801 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
802 |
string tstring = "--level1-only"; |
803 |
tofargv[tofargc] = (char *)tstring.c_str(); |
804 |
tofargc++; |
805 |
TOFSGN1 = ToFCore(run,processFile,glt,tofargc,tofargv); |
806 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
807 |
NQTOF1 = glt->GetNqueries(); |
808 |
}; |
809 |
timer.Stop(); |
810 |
toftime1 = timer.RealTime(); |
811 |
ctoftime1 = timer.CpuTime(); |
812 |
// |
813 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
814 |
if ( CAL ) { |
815 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
816 |
printf(" CalorimeterLevel2 called, 1st call\n"); |
817 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
818 |
string cstring = "--level1-only"; |
819 |
calargv[calargc] = (char *)cstring.c_str(); |
820 |
calargc++; |
821 |
CALSGN1 = CaloCore(run,processFile,glt,calargc,calargv); |
822 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
823 |
NQCAL1 = glt->GetNqueries(); |
824 |
}; |
825 |
timer.Stop(); |
826 |
caltime1 = timer.RealTime(); |
827 |
ccaltime1 = timer.CpuTime(); |
828 |
} |
829 |
// |
830 |
// |
831 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
832 |
if ( TRK ) { |
if ( TRK ) { |
833 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
847 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
848 |
printf(" ToFLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" ToFLevel2 called\n"); |
849 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
850 |
if ( !reprocess ){ |
851 |
string tstring = "--delete-tree"; |
852 |
tofargv[tofargc] = (char *)tstring.c_str(); |
853 |
} else { |
854 |
tofargc--; |
855 |
} |
856 |
TOFSGN = ToFCore(run,processFile,glt,tofargc,tofargv); |
TOFSGN = ToFCore(run,processFile,glt,tofargc,tofargv); |
857 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
858 |
NQTOF = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQTOF = glt->GetNqueries(); |
866 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
867 |
printf(" CalorimeterLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" CalorimeterLevel2 called\n"); |
868 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
869 |
if ( !reprocess ){ |
870 |
string cstring = "--delete-calo-tree"; |
871 |
calargv[calargc] = (char *)cstring.c_str(); |
872 |
} else { |
873 |
calargc--; |
874 |
} |
875 |
CALSGN = CaloCore(run,processFile,glt,calargc,calargv); |
CALSGN = CaloCore(run,processFile,glt,calargc,calargv); |
876 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
877 |
NQCAL = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQCAL = glt->GetNqueries(); |
881 |
ccaltime = timer.CpuTime(); |
ccaltime = timer.CpuTime(); |
882 |
// |
// |
883 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
if ( TRG ) { |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
printf(" TriggerLevel2 called\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
TRGSGN = TrigCore(run,processFile,glt,trgargc,trgargv); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
NQTRG = glt->GetNqueries(); |
}; |
timer.Stop(); |
trgtime = timer.RealTime(); |
ctrgtime = timer.CpuTime(); |
// |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
884 |
if ( AC ) { |
if ( AC ) { |
885 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
886 |
printf(" AnticounterLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" AnticounterLevel2 called\n"); |
932 |
orbtime = timer.RealTime(); |
orbtime = timer.RealTime(); |
933 |
corbtime = timer.CpuTime(); |
corbtime = timer.CpuTime(); |
934 |
// |
// |
935 |
936 |
// |
// |
937 |
delete glt; |
delete glt; |
938 |
delete runinfo; |
delete runinfo; |
964 |
case -34: message += " No S4 in the acquisition"; break; |
case -34: message += " No S4 in the acquisition"; break; |
965 |
case -35: message += " No ND in the acquisition"; break; |
case -35: message += " No ND in the acquisition"; break; |
966 |
case -36: message += " I/O error or missing entry"; break; |
case -36: message += " I/O error or missing entry"; break; |
967 |
case -37: message += " Cannot override output file, see help and use -r option"; break; |
968 |
969 |
// |
// |
970 |
case -50: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_RUN query"; break; |
case -50: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_RUN query"; break; |
1009 |
case -203: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - No Tracker branch in LEVEL0 Physics tree"; break; |
case -203: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - No Tracker branch in LEVEL0 Physics tree"; break; |
1010 |
case -204: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - No reprocessing implemented for LEVEL1 output"; break; |
case -204: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - No reprocessing implemented for LEVEL1 output"; break; |
1011 |
case -205: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error accessing RunInfo "; break; |
case -205: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error accessing RunInfo "; break; |
1012 |
case -206: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Extended-tracking mode - no Calorimeter and/or ToF trees found"; break; |
1013 |
case -210: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk mask GL_PARAM parameters "; break; |
case -210: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk mask GL_PARAM parameters "; break; |
1014 |
case -211: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk alignment GL_PARAM parameters"; break; |
case -211: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk alignment GL_PARAM parameters"; break; |
1015 |
case -212: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk mip GL_PARAM parameters"; break; |
case -212: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - Error opening/reading trk mip GL_PARAM parameters"; break; |
1024 |
case -301: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
case -301: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
1025 |
case -302: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No tracker tree in Level2 file"; break; |
case -302: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No tracker tree in Level2 file"; break; |
1026 |
case -303: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No Tof branch in Level0 file"; break; |
case -303: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No Tof branch in Level0 file"; break; |
1027 |
case -304: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No trigger tree in Level2 file"; break; |
1028 |
case -313: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No more tracker events in Level2 file"; break; |
case -313: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No more tracker events in Level2 file"; break; |
1029 |
case -314: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break; |
case -314: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break; |
1030 |
case -315: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction file parameter"; break; |
case -315: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction file parameter"; break; |
1031 |
case -316: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, dividing by zero!"; break; |
case -316: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, dividing by zero!"; break; |
1032 |
case -317: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, outside time limits!"; break; |
case -317: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, outside time limits!"; break; |
1033 |
case -318: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, too many time intervals!"; break; |
case -318: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, too many time intervals!"; break; |
1034 |
case -319: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No more trigger events in Level2 file"; break; |
1035 |
// |
// |
1036 |
case -401: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
case -401: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
1037 |
case -402: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - No Trigger branch in Level0 tree"; break; |
case -402: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - No Trigger branch in Level0 tree"; break; |
1062 |
case -807: message += " RUNINFO - DB connection problems"; break; |
case -807: message += " RUNINFO - DB connection problems"; break; |
1063 |
// |
// |
1064 |
case -900: message += " OrbitalInfo - no ToF tree"; break; |
case -900: message += " OrbitalInfo - no ToF tree"; break; |
1065 |
case -901: message += " OrbitalInfo - Mismatch between tracker and tof tree branches concerning extended tracking algorithm(s)"; break; |
1066 |
// |
// |
1067 |
default: message += "Unidentified error or warning"; break; |
default: message += "Unidentified error or warning"; break; |
1068 |
}; |
}; |
1081 |
if ( DVSGN & (1 << 4) ) printf(" - No S4 in the acquisition\n"); |
if ( DVSGN & (1 << 4) ) printf(" - No S4 in the acquisition\n"); |
1082 |
if ( DVSGN & (1 << 5) ) printf(" - No neutron detector in the acquisition\n"); |
if ( DVSGN & (1 << 5) ) printf(" - No neutron detector in the acquisition\n"); |
1083 |
// |
// |
1084 |
// CaloCore, first call: |
1085 |
// |
1086 |
switch(CALSGN1){ |
1087 |
case 100: printf("\n WARNING CALORIMETER - Data with no associated calibration\n"); |
1088 |
case 101: printf("\n WARNING CALORIMETER - No tracks or good events in this run\n"); |
1089 |
} |
1090 |
// |
1091 |
// CaloCore: |
// CaloCore: |
1092 |
// |
// |
1093 |
switch(CALSGN){ |
switch(CALSGN){ |
1114 |
if ( processFile ){ |
if ( processFile ){ |
1115 |
processFile->cd(); |
processFile->cd(); |
1116 |
processFile->WriteStreamerInfo(); |
processFile->WriteStreamerInfo(); |
1117 |
if ( debug ) processFile->ls(); |
1118 |
processFile->Close(); |
processFile->Close(); |
1119 |
}; |
}; |
1120 |
// |
// |
1128 |
Float_t trkrt = 0.; |
Float_t trkrt = 0.; |
1129 |
Float_t calrt = 0.; |
Float_t calrt = 0.; |
1130 |
Float_t tofrt = 0.; |
Float_t tofrt = 0.; |
1131 |
Float_t calrt1 = 0.; |
1132 |
Float_t tofrt1 = 0.; |
1133 |
Float_t trgrt = 0.; |
Float_t trgrt = 0.; |
1134 |
Float_t acrt = 0.; |
Float_t acrt = 0.; |
1135 |
Float_t s4rt = 0.; |
Float_t s4rt = 0.; |
1139 |
if ( RUN ) runrt = nruns/runtime; |
if ( RUN ) runrt = nruns/runtime; |
1140 |
if ( TRK ) trkrt = (nevents+1)/trktime; |
if ( TRK ) trkrt = (nevents+1)/trktime; |
1141 |
if ( CAL ) calrt = (nevents+1)/caltime; |
if ( CAL ) calrt = (nevents+1)/caltime; |
1142 |
if ( TOF && newfit ) tofrt1 = (nevents+1)/toftime1; |
1143 |
if ( CAL && newfit ) calrt1 = (nevents+1)/caltime1; |
1144 |
if ( TOF ) tofrt = (nevents+1)/toftime; |
if ( TOF ) tofrt = (nevents+1)/toftime; |
1145 |
if ( TRG ) trgrt = (nevents+1)/trgtime; |
if ( TRG ) trgrt = (nevents+1)/trgtime; |
1146 |
if ( AC ) acrt = (nevents+1)/actime; |
if ( AC ) acrt = (nevents+1)/actime; |
1154 |
printf("# Detector # Core routine called # Queries # Real Time # CPU time # Events/s #\n"); |
printf("# Detector # Core routine called # Queries # Real Time # CPU time # Events/s #\n"); |
1155 |
printf("###########################################################################################\n"); |
printf("###########################################################################################\n"); |
1156 |
printf("# RUN # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",RUN,NQRUN,fabs(runtime),fabs(cruntime),runrt); |
printf("# RUN # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",RUN,NQRUN,fabs(runtime),fabs(cruntime),runrt); |
1157 |
printf("# TRG # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRG,NQTRG,fabs(trgtime),fabs(ctrgtime),trgrt); |
1158 |
if ( newfit ){ |
1159 |
printf("# TOF L1 # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TOF,NQTOF1,fabs(toftime1),fabs(ctoftime1),tofrt1); |
1160 |
printf("# CAL L1 # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",CAL,NQCAL1,fabs(caltime1),fabs(ccaltime1),calrt1); |
1161 |
} |
1162 |
printf("# TRK # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRK,NQTRK,fabs(trktime),fabs(ctrktime),trkrt); |
printf("# TRK # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRK,NQTRK,fabs(trktime),fabs(ctrktime),trkrt); |
printf("# CAL # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",CAL,NQCAL,fabs(caltime),fabs(ccaltime),calrt); |
1163 |
printf("# TOF # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TOF,NQTOF,fabs(toftime),fabs(ctoftime),tofrt); |
printf("# TOF # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TOF,NQTOF,fabs(toftime),fabs(ctoftime),tofrt); |
1164 |
printf("# TRG # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRG,NQTRG,fabs(trgtime),fabs(ctrgtime),trgrt); |
printf("# CAL # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",CAL,NQCAL,fabs(caltime),fabs(ccaltime),calrt); |
1165 |
printf("# AC # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",AC,NQAC,fabs(actime),fabs(cactime),acrt); |
printf("# AC # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",AC,NQAC,fabs(actime),fabs(cactime),acrt); |
1166 |
printf("# S4 # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",S4,NQS4,fabs(s4time),fabs(cs4time),s4rt); |
printf("# S4 # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",S4,NQS4,fabs(s4time),fabs(cs4time),s4rt); |
1167 |
printf("# ND # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",ND,NQND,fabs(ndtime),fabs(cndtime),ndrt); |
printf("# ND # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",ND,NQND,fabs(ndtime),fabs(cndtime),ndrt); |
1181 |
gSystem->Unlink(filename.Data()); |
gSystem->Unlink(filename.Data()); |
1182 |
}; |
}; |
1183 |
// |
// |
1184 |
if ( !error && (CALSGN || TRKSGN || TRGSGN || TOFSGN || RUNSGN || ORBSGN || ACSGN || S4SGN || NDSGN || DVSGN) ) error = 1; |
if ( !error && (CALSGN1 || TOFSGN1 || CALSGN || TRKSGN || TRGSGN || TOFSGN || RUNSGN || ORBSGN || ACSGN || S4SGN || NDSGN || DVSGN) ) error = 1; |
1185 |
// |
// |
1186 |
printf("\n Finished, exiting...\n\n"); |
printf("\n Finished, exiting...\n\n"); |
1187 |
// |
// |