30 |
// |
// |
31 |
using namespace std; |
using namespace std; |
32 |
// |
// |
33 |
GL_TABLES *glt = NULL; |
34 |
// |
// |
35 |
// |
// |
36 |
#include <DarthVaderVerl2.h> |
#include <DarthVaderVerl2.h> |
47 |
printf(" -s || --silent print nothing on STDOUT\n"); |
printf(" -s || --silent print nothing on STDOUT\n"); |
48 |
printf(" -c || --clean remove file if exiting with errors\n"); |
printf(" -c || --clean remove file if exiting with errors\n"); |
49 |
printf(" -b || --benchmark perform and print a benchmark test\n"); |
printf(" -b || --benchmark perform and print a benchmark test\n"); |
50 |
printf(" -auto || -AUTO exclude from processing detector which are NOT in the acquisition [default]\n"); |
printf(" -auto || -AUTO exclude from processing detector which are NOT in the acquisition\n"); |
51 |
printf(" -zerofill if a detector is not in the acquisition the routine is called anyway \n"); |
printf(" -zerofill if a detector is not in the acquisition the routine is called anyway \n"); |
52 |
printf(" but all detector's data will be marked as bad\n"); |
printf(" but all detector's data will be marked as bad [default]\n"); |
53 |
printf(" -tedious exit with error if a detector is not in the acquisition and \n"); |
printf(" -tedious exit with error if a detector is not in the acquisition and \n"); |
54 |
printf(" it has not been excluded from processing\n"); |
printf(" it has not been excluded from processing\n"); |
55 |
printf(" -host name of the DB host [default = $PAM_DBHOST or mysql://localhost/pamelaprod]\n"); |
printf(" -host name of the DB host [default = $PAM_DBHOST or mysql://localhost/pamelaprod]\n"); |
131 |
UInt_t NQS4 = 0; |
UInt_t NQS4 = 0; |
132 |
UInt_t NQTOT = 0; |
UInt_t NQTOT = 0; |
133 |
// |
// |
134 |
Bool_t autom = true; |
Bool_t autom = false; |
135 |
Bool_t zerofill = false; |
Bool_t zerofill = true; |
136 |
Bool_t tedious = false; |
Bool_t tedious = false; |
137 |
Bool_t remfile = false; |
Bool_t remfile = false; |
138 |
Bool_t debug = false; |
Bool_t debug = false; |
547 |
// If not in verbose mode redirect to /dev/null the stdout and stderr |
// If not in verbose mode redirect to /dev/null the stdout and stderr |
548 |
// |
// |
549 |
if ( !beverbose ){ |
if ( !beverbose ){ |
550 |
nul = open("/dev/null", O_CREAT | O_RDWR,S_IREAD | S_IWRITE); |
nul = open("/dev/null", O_CREAT | O_RDWR,S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); |
551 |
dup2(nul,1); |
dup2(nul,1); |
552 |
dup2(nul,2); |
dup2(nul,2); |
553 |
}; |
}; |
576 |
// |
// |
577 |
if ( debug ) printf("...connected! \n\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf("...connected! \n\n"); |
578 |
// |
// |
579 |
GL_TABLES *glt = new GL_TABLES(host,user,psw); |
glt = new GL_TABLES(host,user,psw); |
580 |
//GL_TABLES *glt = new GL_TABLES(host,user,psw); |
581 |
// |
// |
582 |
if ( debug ) printf("\n DB INFORMATIONS:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n\n",dbc->GetDBMS(),dbc->ServerInfo(),dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetPort()); |
if ( debug ) printf("\n DB INFORMATIONS:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n\n",dbc->GetDBMS(),dbc->ServerInfo(),dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetPort()); |
583 |
// |
// |
701 |
}; |
}; |
702 |
if ( debug ) printf("\n End pre-processing \n\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf("\n End pre-processing \n\n"); |
703 |
// |
// |
704 |
dbc->Close(); |
705 |
// |
706 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
707 |
if ( TRK ) { |
if ( TRK ) { |
708 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
709 |
printf(" TrackerLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" TrackerLevel2 called\n"); |
710 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
711 |
TRKSGN = TrkCore(run,processFile,dbc,trkargc,trkargv); |
TRKSGN = TrkCore(run,processFile,glt,trkargc,trkargv); |
712 |
gSystem->Unlink("TrackerFolder"); //patch |
gSystem->Unlink("TrackerFolder"); //patch |
713 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
714 |
NQTRK = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQTRK = glt->GetNqueries(); |
722 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
723 |
printf(" ToFLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" ToFLevel2 called\n"); |
724 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
725 |
delete dbc; |
TOFSGN = ToFCore(run,processFile,glt,tofargc,tofargv); |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
TOFSGN = ToFCore(run,processFile,dbc,tofargc,tofargv); |
726 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
727 |
NQTOF = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQTOF = glt->GetNqueries(); |
728 |
}; |
}; |
735 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
736 |
printf(" CalorimeterLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" CalorimeterLevel2 called\n"); |
737 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
738 |
delete dbc; |
CALSGN = CaloCore(run,processFile,glt,calargc,calargv); |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
CALSGN = CaloCore(run,processFile,dbc,calargc,calargv); |
739 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
740 |
NQCAL = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQCAL = glt->GetNqueries(); |
741 |
}; |
}; |
748 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
749 |
printf(" TriggerLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" TriggerLevel2 called\n"); |
750 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
751 |
delete dbc; |
TRGSGN = TrigCore(run,processFile,glt,trgargc,trgargv); |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
TRGSGN = TrigCore(run,processFile,dbc,trgargc,trgargv); |
752 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
753 |
NQTRG = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQTRG = glt->GetNqueries(); |
754 |
}; |
}; |
761 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
762 |
printf(" AnticounterLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" AnticounterLevel2 called\n"); |
763 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
764 |
delete dbc; |
ACSGN = AcCore(run,processFile,glt,acargc,acargv); |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
ACSGN = AcCore(run,processFile,dbc,acargc,acargv); |
765 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
766 |
NQAC = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQAC = glt->GetNqueries(); |
767 |
}; |
}; |
774 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
775 |
printf(" S4Level2 called\n"); |
printf(" S4Level2 called\n"); |
776 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
777 |
delete dbc; |
S4SGN = S4Core(run,processFile,glt,s4argc,s4argv); |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
S4SGN = S4Core(run,processFile,dbc,s4argc,s4argv); |
778 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
779 |
NQS4 = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQS4 = glt->GetNqueries(); |
780 |
}; |
}; |
787 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
788 |
printf(" NDLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" NDLevel2 called\n"); |
789 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
790 |
delete dbc; |
NDSGN = NDCore(run,processFile,glt,ndargc,ndargv); |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
NDSGN = NDCore(run,processFile,dbc,ndargc,ndargv); |
791 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
792 |
NQND = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQND = glt->GetNqueries(); |
793 |
}; |
}; |
800 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
801 |
printf(" OrbitalInfo called\n"); |
printf(" OrbitalInfo called\n"); |
802 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
803 |
delete dbc; |
ORBSGN = OrbitalInfoCore(run,processFile,glt,orbargc,orbargv); |
dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); |
ORBSGN = OrbitalInfoCore(run,processFile,dbc,orbargc,orbargv); |
804 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
805 |
NQORB = glt->GetNqueries(); |
NQORB = glt->GetNqueries(); |
806 |
}; |
}; |
821 |
case -2: message += " DB connection failure"; break; |
case -2: message += " DB connection failure"; break; |
822 |
case -3: message += " Error in input parameters (check format)"; break; |
case -3: message += " Error in input parameters (check format)"; break; |
823 |
case -4: message += " Request reprocessing of all runs (idRun = 0) but processFile is missing"; break; |
case -4: message += " Request reprocessing of all runs (idRun = 0) but processFile is missing"; break; |
824 |
case -5: message += " RUNINFO - ERROR: no run with this ID_RUN (ID_RUN mismatch?) "; break; |
825 |
case -6: message += " No LEVEL0 file "; break; |
case -6: message += " No LEVEL0 file "; break; |
826 |
case -7: message += " No Physics tree in LEVEL0 file"; break; |
case -7: message += " No Physics tree in LEVEL0 file"; break; |
827 |
case -8: message += " No Header branch in LEVEL0 Physics tree"; break; |
case -8: message += " No Header branch in LEVEL0 Physics tree"; break; |
839 |
case -33: message += " No AC in the acquisition"; break; |
case -33: message += " No AC in the acquisition"; break; |
840 |
case -34: message += " No S4 in the acquisition"; break; |
case -34: message += " No S4 in the acquisition"; break; |
841 |
case -35: message += " No ND in the acquisition"; break; |
case -35: message += " No ND in the acquisition"; break; |
842 |
case -36: message += " I/O error or missing entry"; break; |
843 |
844 |
// |
// |
845 |
case -50: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_RUN query"; break; |
case -50: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_RUN query"; break; |
846 |
case -51: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_ROOT query"; break; |
case -51: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_ROOT query"; break; |
870 |
case -116: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break; |
case -116: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break; |
871 |
case -117: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot reprocess file with Level1 data without calling Level1 routine"; break; |
case -117: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot reprocess file with Level1 data without calling Level1 routine"; break; |
872 |
case -118: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot reprocess file without Level1 data calling Level1 routine"; break; |
case -118: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot reprocess file without Level1 data calling Level1 routine"; break; |
873 |
case -119: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No CalibCalPulse2 TTree in Level0 file needed for the calibration"; break; |
874 |
case -120: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No CalibCalPulse1 TTree in Level0 file needed for the calibration"; break; |
875 |
case -121: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open calorimeter neighbour crosstalk correction table file"; break; |
876 |
case -122: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open calorimeter second neighbour crosstalk correction table file"; break; |
877 |
case -123: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open calorimeter special calibration file"; break; |
878 |
case -124: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open calorimeter max rms file"; break; |
879 |
case -125: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open calorimeter silicon crosstalk correction table file"; break; |
880 |
// |
// |
881 |
case -200: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL1 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break; |
case -200: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL1 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break; |
882 |
case -201: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL2 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break; |
case -201: message += " TRACKERLEVEL2 - LEVEL2 framework unknown (HBOOK/ROOT)"; break; |
900 |
case -303: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No Tof branch in Level0 file"; break; |
case -303: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No Tof branch in Level0 file"; break; |
901 |
case -313: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No more tracker events in Level2 file"; break; |
case -313: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - No more tracker events in Level2 file"; break; |
902 |
case -314: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break; |
case -314: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - DB connection problems"; break; |
903 |
case -315: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction file parameter"; break; |
904 |
case -316: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, dividing by zero!"; break; |
905 |
case -317: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, outside time limits!"; break; |
906 |
case -318: message += " TOFLEVEL2 - Problems with dE/dx II order correction, too many time intervals!"; break; |
907 |
// |
// |
908 |
case -401: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
case -401: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - Cannot open file for writing"; break; |
909 |
case -402: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - No Trigger branch in Level0 tree"; break; |
case -402: message += " TRIGGERLEVEL2 - No Trigger branch in Level0 tree"; break; |
932 |
case -805: message += " RUNINFO - Reprocessing data but no RunInfo tree in Level2 file"; break; |
case -805: message += " RUNINFO - Reprocessing data but no RunInfo tree in Level2 file"; break; |
933 |
case -806: message += " RUNINFO - Can not handle more than 500 runs"; break; |
case -806: message += " RUNINFO - Can not handle more than 500 runs"; break; |
934 |
case -807: message += " RUNINFO - DB connection problems"; break; |
case -807: message += " RUNINFO - DB connection problems"; break; |
935 |
// |
936 |
case -900: message += " OrbitalInfo - no ToF tree"; break; |
937 |
// |
// |
938 |
default: message += "Unidentified error or warning"; break; |
default: message += "Unidentified error or warning"; break; |
939 |
}; |
}; |
1036 |
gSystem->Unlink(filename.Data()); |
gSystem->Unlink(filename.Data()); |
1037 |
}; |
}; |
1038 |
// |
// |
1039 |
if ( !error && (CALSGN || TRKSGN || TRGSGN || TOFSGN || RUNSGN || ORBSGN || ACSGN || S4SGN || NDSGN || DVSGN) ) error = 1; |
1040 |
// |
1041 |
printf("\n Finished, exiting...\n\n"); |
printf("\n Finished, exiting...\n\n"); |
1042 |
// |
// |
1043 |
// Close redirection if the case. |
// Close redirection if the case. |
1045 |
if ( !beverbose ) close(nul); |
if ( !beverbose ) close(nul); |
1046 |
// |
// |
1047 |
// |
// |
1048 |
exit(error); |
if ( !error ) exit(0); // no errors |
1049 |
if ( error == 1 ) exit(255); // warnings |
1050 |
exit(1); // errors |
1051 |
} |
} |