11 |
#include <TFile.h> |
#include <TFile.h> |
12 |
#include <TSystem.h> |
#include <TSystem.h> |
13 |
#include <TStopwatch.h> |
#include <TStopwatch.h> |
14 |
#include <TObjectTable.h> |
15 |
// |
16 |
#include <GLTables.h> |
17 |
// |
// |
18 |
// Detector's package headers |
// Detector's package headers |
19 |
// |
// |
67 |
printf(" Process only RunInfo and Tracker (be verbose for tracker):\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 -all +RUN +TRK [ --verbose ] \n"); |
printf(" Process only RunInfo and Tracker (be verbose for tracker):\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 -all +RUN +TRK [ --verbose ] \n"); |
68 |
printf(" Process all and be verbose for calorimeter:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 +CAL [ --verbose ] \n\n"); |
printf(" Process all and be verbose for calorimeter:\n DarthVader -idRun 1085 +CAL [ --verbose ] \n\n"); |
69 |
}; |
}; |
70 |
71 |
// |
// |
72 |
// Here the main |
// Here the main |
73 |
// |
// |
119 |
Int_t NDSGN = 0; |
Int_t NDSGN = 0; |
120 |
Int_t DVSGN = 0; |
Int_t DVSGN = 0; |
121 |
// |
// |
122 |
UInt_t NQRUN = 0; |
123 |
UInt_t NQTRK = 0; |
124 |
UInt_t NQCAL = 0; |
125 |
UInt_t NQTOF = 0; |
126 |
UInt_t NQORB = 0; |
127 |
UInt_t NQTRG = 0; |
128 |
UInt_t NQAC = 0; |
129 |
UInt_t NQND = 0; |
130 |
UInt_t NQS4 = 0; |
131 |
UInt_t NQTOT = 0; |
132 |
// |
133 |
Bool_t autom = true; |
Bool_t autom = true; |
134 |
Bool_t zerofill = false; |
Bool_t zerofill = false; |
135 |
Bool_t tedious = false; |
Bool_t tedious = false; |
178 |
TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod"; |
TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod"; |
179 |
TString user = "anonymous"; |
TString user = "anonymous"; |
180 |
TString psw = ""; |
TString psw = ""; |
181 |
// |
// |
182 |
// |
// |
183 |
const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST"); |
const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST"); |
184 |
const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER"); |
const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER"); |
575 |
// |
// |
576 |
if ( debug ) printf("...connected! \n\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf("...connected! \n\n"); |
577 |
// |
// |
578 |
GL_TABLES *glt = new GL_TABLES(host,user,psw); |
579 |
// |
580 |
if ( debug ) printf("\n DB INFORMATIONS:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n\n",dbc->GetDBMS(),dbc->ServerInfo(),dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetPort()); |
if ( debug ) printf("\n DB INFORMATIONS:\n SQL: %s Version: %s Host %s Port %i \n\n",dbc->GetDBMS(),dbc->ServerInfo(),dbc->GetHost(),dbc->GetPort()); |
581 |
// |
// |
582 |
// Use UTC in the DB |
// Use UTC in the DB |
585 |
myquery.str(""); |
myquery.str(""); |
586 |
myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'"; |
myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'"; |
587 |
dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
588 |
myquery.str(""); |
589 |
myquery << "SET wait_timeout=173000;"; |
590 |
dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); |
591 |
// |
// |
592 |
// |
// |
593 |
// Create LEVEL2 filename and open it in update mode |
// Create LEVEL2 filename and open it in update mode |
615 |
// |
// |
616 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
617 |
if ( RUN ) { |
if ( RUN ) { |
618 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
619 |
if ( debug ) printf(" Retrieve, if the case, the RUN informations from the DB...\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" Retrieve, if the case, the RUN informations from the DB...\n"); |
620 |
printf(" RunInfo called\n"); |
printf(" RunInfo called\n"); |
621 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start RunInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start RunInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
622 |
RUNSGN = RunInfoCore(run,processFile,dbc,version,runargc,runargv); |
RUNSGN = RunInfoCore(run,processFile,dbc,version,runargc,runargv); |
623 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end RunInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end RunInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
624 |
if ( debug ) printf(" ...done\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" ...done\n"); |
625 |
NQRUN = glt->GetNqueries(); |
626 |
}; |
}; |
627 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
628 |
runtime = timer.RealTime(); |
runtime = timer.RealTime(); |
701 |
// |
// |
702 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
703 |
if ( TRK ) { |
if ( TRK ) { |
704 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
705 |
printf(" TrackerLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" TrackerLevel2 called\n"); |
706 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
707 |
TRKSGN = TrkCore(run,processFile,dbc,trkargc,trkargv); |
TRKSGN = TrkCore(run,processFile,dbc,trkargc,trkargv); |
708 |
gSystem->Unlink("TrackerFolder"); //patch |
gSystem->Unlink("TrackerFolder"); //patch |
709 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrkCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
710 |
NQTRK = glt->GetNqueries(); |
711 |
}; |
}; |
712 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
713 |
trktime = timer.RealTime(); |
trktime = timer.RealTime(); |
715 |
// |
// |
716 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
717 |
if ( TOF ) { |
if ( TOF ) { |
718 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
719 |
printf(" ToFLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" ToFLevel2 called\n"); |
720 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
721 |
TOFSGN = ToFCore(run,processFile,dbc,tofargc,tofargv); |
TOFSGN = ToFCore(run,processFile,dbc,tofargc,tofargv); |
722 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end ToFCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
723 |
NQTOF = glt->GetNqueries(); |
724 |
}; |
}; |
725 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
726 |
toftime = timer.RealTime(); |
toftime = timer.RealTime(); |
728 |
// |
// |
729 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
730 |
if ( CAL ) { |
if ( CAL ) { |
731 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
732 |
printf(" CalorimeterLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" CalorimeterLevel2 called\n"); |
733 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
734 |
CALSGN = CaloCore(run,processFile,dbc,calargc,calargv); |
CALSGN = CaloCore(run,processFile,dbc,calargc,calargv); |
735 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end CaloCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
736 |
NQCAL = glt->GetNqueries(); |
737 |
}; |
}; |
738 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
739 |
caltime = timer.RealTime(); |
caltime = timer.RealTime(); |
741 |
// |
// |
742 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
743 |
if ( TRG ) { |
if ( TRG ) { |
744 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
745 |
printf(" TriggerLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" TriggerLevel2 called\n"); |
746 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
747 |
TRGSGN = TrigCore(run,processFile,dbc,trgargc,trgargv); |
TRGSGN = TrigCore(run,processFile,dbc,trgargc,trgargv); |
748 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end TrigCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
749 |
NQTRG = glt->GetNqueries(); |
750 |
}; |
}; |
751 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
752 |
trgtime = timer.RealTime(); |
trgtime = timer.RealTime(); |
754 |
// |
// |
755 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
756 |
if ( AC ) { |
if ( AC ) { |
757 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
758 |
printf(" AnticounterLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" AnticounterLevel2 called\n"); |
759 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
760 |
ACSGN = AcCore(run,processFile,dbc,acargc,acargv); |
ACSGN = AcCore(run,processFile,dbc,acargc,acargv); |
761 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end AcCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
762 |
NQAC = glt->GetNqueries(); |
763 |
}; |
}; |
764 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
765 |
actime = timer.RealTime(); |
actime = timer.RealTime(); |
767 |
// |
// |
768 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
769 |
if ( S4 ) { |
if ( S4 ) { |
770 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
771 |
printf(" S4Level2 called\n"); |
printf(" S4Level2 called\n"); |
772 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
773 |
S4SGN = S4Core(run,processFile,dbc,s4argc,s4argv); |
S4SGN = S4Core(run,processFile,dbc,s4argc,s4argv); |
774 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end S4Core STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
775 |
NQS4 = glt->GetNqueries(); |
776 |
}; |
}; |
777 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
778 |
s4time = timer.RealTime(); |
s4time = timer.RealTime(); |
780 |
// |
// |
781 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
782 |
if ( ND ) { |
if ( ND ) { |
783 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
784 |
printf(" NDLevel2 called\n"); |
printf(" NDLevel2 called\n"); |
785 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
786 |
NDSGN = NDCore(run,processFile,dbc,ndargc,ndargv); |
NDSGN = NDCore(run,processFile,dbc,ndargc,ndargv); |
787 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end NDCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
788 |
NQND = glt->GetNqueries(); |
789 |
}; |
}; |
790 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
791 |
ndtime = timer.RealTime(); |
ndtime = timer.RealTime(); |
793 |
// |
// |
794 |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
timer.Start(kTRUE); |
795 |
if ( ORB ) { |
if ( ORB ) { |
796 |
glt->ResetCounters(); |
797 |
printf(" OrbitalInfo called\n"); |
printf(" OrbitalInfo called\n"); |
798 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| start OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
799 |
ORBSGN = OrbitalInfoCore(run,processFile,dbc,orbargc,orbargv); |
ORBSGN = OrbitalInfoCore(run,processFile,dbc,orbargc,orbargv); |
800 |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
if ( debug ) printf(" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>| end OrbitalInfoCore STDOUT |<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n"); |
801 |
NQORB = glt->GetNqueries(); |
802 |
}; |
}; |
803 |
timer.Stop(); |
timer.Stop(); |
804 |
orbtime = timer.RealTime(); |
orbtime = timer.RealTime(); |
805 |
corbtime = timer.CpuTime(); |
corbtime = timer.CpuTime(); |
806 |
// |
// |
807 |
808 |
// |
809 |
delete glt; |
810 |
delete runinfo; |
811 |
// |
812 |
} catch(Int_t signal) { |
} catch(Int_t signal) { |
813 |
error = signal; |
error = signal; |
814 |
switch(signal){ |
switch(signal){ |
842 |
case -54: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_CALO_CALIB query"; break; |
case -54: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_CALO_CALIB query"; break; |
843 |
case -55: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_CALO_CALIB query"; break; |
case -55: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_CALO_CALIB query"; break; |
844 |
case -56: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_TLE query"; break; |
case -56: message += " GLTABLES - No entries matching GL_TLE query"; break; |
845 |
case -57: message += " GLTABLES - DB connection gone and not able to reconnect"; break; |
846 |
// |
// |
847 |
case -100: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Level2 input file"; break; |
case -100: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - No Level2 input file"; break; |
848 |
case -101: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open Level2 file"; break; |
case -101: message += " CALORIMETERLEVEL2 - Cannot open Level2 file"; break; |
981 |
if ( ND ) ndrt = nevents/ndtime; |
if ( ND ) ndrt = nevents/ndtime; |
982 |
if ( ORB ) orbrt = nevents/orbtime; |
if ( ORB ) orbrt = nevents/orbtime; |
983 |
// |
// |
984 |
printf("\n\n################################################################################\n"); |
printf("\n\n###########################################################################################\n"); |
985 |
printf("# Benchmark results: nevents = %10u runs = %3u #\n",nevents,nruns); |
printf("# Benchmark results: nevents = %10u runs = %3u #\n",nevents,nruns); |
986 |
printf("################################################################################\n"); |
printf("###########################################################################################\n"); |
987 |
printf("# Detector # Core routine called # Real Time # CPU time # Events/s #\n"); |
printf("# Detector # Core routine called # Queries # Real Time # CPU time # Events/s #\n"); |
988 |
printf("################################################################################\n"); |
printf("###########################################################################################\n"); |
989 |
printf("# RUN # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",RUN,fabs(runtime),fabs(cruntime),runrt); |
printf("# RUN # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",RUN,NQRUN,fabs(runtime),fabs(cruntime),runrt); |
990 |
printf("# TRK # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRK,fabs(trktime),fabs(ctrktime),trkrt); |
printf("# TRK # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRK,NQTRK,fabs(trktime),fabs(ctrktime),trkrt); |
991 |
printf("# CAL # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",CAL,fabs(caltime),fabs(ccaltime),calrt); |
printf("# CAL # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",CAL,NQCAL,fabs(caltime),fabs(ccaltime),calrt); |
992 |
printf("# TOF # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TOF,fabs(toftime),fabs(ctoftime),tofrt); |
printf("# TOF # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TOF,NQTOF,fabs(toftime),fabs(ctoftime),tofrt); |
993 |
printf("# TRG # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRG,fabs(trgtime),fabs(ctrgtime),trgrt); |
printf("# TRG # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",TRG,NQTRG,fabs(trgtime),fabs(ctrgtime),trgrt); |
994 |
printf("# AC # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",AC,fabs(actime),fabs(cactime),acrt); |
printf("# AC # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",AC,NQAC,fabs(actime),fabs(cactime),acrt); |
995 |
printf("# S4 # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",S4,fabs(s4time),fabs(cs4time),s4rt); |
printf("# S4 # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",S4,NQS4,fabs(s4time),fabs(cs4time),s4rt); |
996 |
printf("# ND # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",ND,fabs(ndtime),fabs(cndtime),ndrt); |
printf("# ND # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",ND,NQND,fabs(ndtime),fabs(cndtime),ndrt); |
997 |
printf("# ORB # %i # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",ORB,fabs(orbtime),fabs(corbtime),orbrt); |
printf("# ORB # %i # %3u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",ORB,NQORB,fabs(orbtime),fabs(corbtime),orbrt); |
998 |
printf("################################################################################\n"); |
printf("###########################################################################################\n"); |
999 |
printf("# Total # # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",fabs(dvtime),fabs(cdvtime),dvrt); |
printf("# Total # # %4u # %8.2f # %8.2f # %8.2f #\n",NQTOT,fabs(dvtime),fabs(cdvtime),dvrt); |
1000 |
printf("################################################################################\n"); |
printf("###########################################################################################\n"); |
1001 |
}; |
}; |
1002 |
// |
// |
1003 |
// |
// |