/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/param/orb-param
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Index of /DarthVader/param/orb-param

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File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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IGRF.tab (dead)  1.2  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
RDBCC.txt  1.5  10 years  malakhov   New Rotation Table up to September 2014
README  1.1  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
SortQuat.txt  1.7  10 years  pamela   empty last line in SortQuat.txt caused incorrect reading deleted
igrf00.dat (dead)  1.2  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf00s.dat (dead)  1.2  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf05.dat (dead)  1.2  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf05s.dat (dead)  1.2  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf10.dat (dead)  1.3  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf10s.dat (dead)  1.2  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf12_d05.txt  1.1  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf12_d10.txt  1.1  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf12_i15.txt  1.1  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…
igrf12_i15s.txt  1.1  10 years  mocchiut   Bugs in OrbitalInfo code fixed: wrong Earth B-field computation, OICore memory l…

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