/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TriggerLevel2/inc/TrigLevel2.h
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Contents of /DarthVader/TriggerLevel2/inc/TrigLevel2.h

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Revision 1.8 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Mar 1 10:27:36 2007 UTC (18 years ago) by pam-de
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.7: +23 -11 lines
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Doxygen comment added

1 /**
2 * \file TrigLevel2.h
3 * \author Gianfranca DeRosa / Wolfgang Menn
4 */
7 #ifndef TrigLevel2_h
8 #define TrigLevel2_h
9 //
10 #include <TObject.h>
11 #include <TClonesArray.h>
13 #include <TrigStruct.h>
15 /**
16 * \brief Class which contains the Trigger data
17 *
18 */
20 class TrigLevel2 : public TObject {
21 private:
23 public:
25 UInt_t evcount; ///<event number starts from 0 at each new run
26 UInt_t pmtpl[3]; ///<Rate counters top / middle /bottom
27 UInt_t trigrate[6]; ///<Rate counters of trigger configurations TOF 1/2/.../6 (time base 4 seconds)
28 UInt_t dltime[2]; ///<livetime or deadtime live=0.16*dltime[0]; dead=0.01*dltime[1]
29 UInt_t s4calcount[2]; ///<Rate counters of s4 and calorimeter (time base 4 seconds)
30 UInt_t pmtcount1[24]; ///<Rate counters of the first 24 pmt's (S111a,...,S118a,S111b,...,S118b etc. look at the QL sequence)
31 UInt_t pmtcount2[24]; ///<Rate counters of the last 24 pmt's
32 UInt_t patternbusy[3]; ///<Too complex to describe, basically there are 3 registers which store the status of the busy lines of all the detector in the 3 phases of acq. (after the trigger, when IDAQ set the busy and when iDAQ remove it)
33 UInt_t patterntrig[6]; ///<What is used in the trigger. One has to do some bit shifting to check the values
34 UInt_t trigconf; ///<Gives the trigger configuration by bit shifting. For example: "trigconf & (1<<0)" => TOF1
35 Int_t unpackError; ///<is a flag set in case of CRC errors during the unpacking of data
36 //
37 // here you can define methods to make life simplier during the analysis
38 //
40 //
41 // constructor
42 //
43 TrigLevel2();
44 //
45 // 16 June 06: Included GetTrigLevel2
46 TrigLevel2* GetTrigLevel2(){return this;};
47 void SetFromLevel2Struct(cTrigLevel2 *l2);
48 void GetLevel2Struct(cTrigLevel2 *l2) const;
51 void Clear(); //emiliano
53 ClassDef(TrigLevel2,2);
54 };
56 #endif

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