/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TriggerLevel2/inc/TrigLevel2.h
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Contents of /DarthVader/TriggerLevel2/inc/TrigLevel2.h

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Revision 1.11 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Apr 12 12:27:14 2012 UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10RED, v10REDr01, HEAD
Changes since 1.10: +4 -1 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
New TrigLevel2, ToFLevel2, OrbitalInfo classes, new order in DV processing (trigger first), ToF bugs fixed, new tof calibration, new variables in ToF and OrbitalInfo

1 /**
2 * \file TrigLevel2.h
3 * \author Gianfranca DeRosa / Wolfgang Menn
4 */
7 #ifndef TrigLevel2_h
8 #define TrigLevel2_h
9 //
10 #include <TObject.h>
11 #include <TClonesArray.h>
13 #include <TrigStruct.h>
15 /**
16 * \brief Class which contains the Trigger data
17 *
18 */
20 class TrigLevel2 : public TObject {
21 private:
23 public:
25 UInt_t evcount; ///<event number starts from 0 at each new run
26 UInt_t pmtpl[3]; ///<Rate counters top / middle /bottom
27 UInt_t trigrate[6]; ///<Rate counters of trigger configurations TOF 1/2/.../6 (time base 4 seconds)
28 UInt_t dltime[2]; ///<livetime or deadtime live=0.16*dltime[0]; dead=0.01*dltime[1]
29 UInt_t s4calcount[2]; ///<Rate counters of s4 and calorimeter (time base 4 seconds)
30 UInt_t pmtcount1[24]; ///<Rate counters of the first 24 pmt's (S111a,...,S118a,S111b,...,S118b etc. look at the QL sequence)
31 UInt_t pmtcount2[24]; ///<Rate counters of the last 24 pmt's
32 UInt_t patternbusy[3]; ///<Too complex to describe, basically there are 3 registers which store the status of the busy lines of all the detector in the 3 phases of acq. (after the trigger, when IDAQ set the busy and when iDAQ remove it)
34 /**
35 * \brief patterntrig[6] What is used in the trigger. One has to do some bit shifting to check the values. Details see below.
36 *
37 * You can see which channel was used in the trigger. One has to do some bit shifting to check the values....\n
38 * Format of patterntrig(6) variable [referring to bit in TB_READ_PATTERN_TRIGGER raw variable] \n
39 * patterntrig(1) --> Calo [56 to 53] 4 bits \n
40 * patterntrig(2) --> S4 [52 to 50] 3 bits: 7 means S4 trigger, 6 means no S4 trigger \n
41 * patterntrig(3) --> S3 [49 to 38] 12 bits: (S32b,S32a,S31b,S31a) \n
42 * patterntrig(4) --> S2 [37 to 30] 8 bits: (S22b,S22a,S21b,S21a) \n
43 * patterntrig(5) --> S12 [29 to 18] 12 bits: (S12b,S12a) \n
44 * patterntrig(6) --> S11 [17 to 2] 16 bits: (S11b,S11a) \n
45 */
46 UInt_t patterntrig[6];
48 /**
49 * \brief trigconf Gives the trigger configuration by bit shifting. For example: "trigconf & (1<<0)" => TOF1. More Details see below
50 *
51 * Gives the trigger configuration by bit shifting, for example: \n
52 * if ( pam_event->GetTrigLevel2()->trigconf & (1<<0) ) printf(" TOF1\n") \n
53 * and then analogue: \n
54 * trigconf & (1<<1) ) => TOF2 \n
55 * trigconf & (1<<2) ) => TOF3 \n
56 * trigconf & (1<<3) ) => TOF4 \n
57 * trigconf & (1<<4) ) => TOF5 \n
58 * trigconf & (1<<5) ) => TOF6 \n
59 * trigconf & (1<<6) ) => TOF7 \n
60 * trigconf & (1<<7) ) => S4 \n
61 * trigconf & (1<<8) ) => CALO \n
62 * trigconf & (1<<9) ) => CALIB_ON \n
63 * \n
65 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_01 => TOF_1 \n
66 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_02 => TOF_2 \n
67 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_03 => TOF_3 \n
68 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_04 => TOF_4 \n
69 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_05 => TOF_5 \n
70 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_06 => TOF_6 \n
71 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_07 => TOF_7 \n
72 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_08 => S4 \n
74 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_10 => CALO + S4 \n
75 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_11 => TOF_1 + S4 \n
76 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_12 => TOF_2 + S4 \n
77 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_13 => TOF_3 + S4 \n
78 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_14 => TOF_4 + S4 \n
79 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_15 => TOF_5 + S4 \n
80 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_16 => TOF_6 + S4 \n
81 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_17 => TOF_7 + S4 \n
82 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_18 => TOF_1 + CALO \n
83 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_19 => TOF_2 + CALO \n
84 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_20 => TOF_3 + CALO \n
85 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_21 => TOF_4 + CALO \n
86 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_22 => TOF_5 + CALO \n
87 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_23 => TOF_6 + CALO \n
88 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_24 => TOF_7 + CALO \n
89 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_25 => TOF_1 + CALO + S4 \n
90 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_26 => TOF_2 + CALO + S4 \n
91 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_27 => TOF_3 + CALO + S4 \n
92 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_28 => TOF_4 + CALO + S4 \n
93 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_29 => TOF_5 + CALO + S4 \n
94 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_30 => TOF_6 + CALO + S4 \n
95 * TB_SET_TRIGGER_CONF_31 => TOF_7 + CALO + S4 \n
96 * \n
97 * TOF_1 = (S11 + S12) * (S21 + S22) * (S31 + S32) \n
98 * TOF_2 = (S11 * S12) * (S21 * S22) * (S31 * S32) \n
99 * TOF_3 = (S21 + S22) * (S31 + S32) \n
100 * TOF_4 = (S21 * S22) * (S31 * S32) \n
101 * TOF_5 = S12 * (S21 * S22) \n
102 * TOF_6 = (S11 + S12) * (S31 + S32) \n
103 * TOF_7 = (S11 * S12) * (S31 * S32) \n
104 * S4 = S4_1 \n
105 * CALO = CALO_1 + CALO_2 + CALO_3 + CALO_4 \n
106 */
107 UInt_t trigconf;
108 Int_t unpackError; ///<is a flag set in case of CRC errors during the unpacking of data
109 //
110 // here you can define methods to make life simplier during the analysis
111 //
113 //
114 // constructor
115 //
116 TrigLevel2();
117 //
118 // 16 June 06: Included GetTrigLevel2
119 TrigLevel2* GetTrigLevel2(){return this;};
120 void SetFromLevel2Struct(cTrigLevel2 *l2);
121 void GetLevel2Struct(cTrigLevel2 *l2) const;
122 void printpatterntrig();
123 bool checkPMTpatterntrig();
124 bool bit(int decimal, char pos);
127 void Clear(Option_t *t=""); //emiliano
129 ClassDef(TrigLevel2,3);
130 };
132 #endif

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