--- DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/TrkProcess.cpp	2006/09/05 12:52:20	1.4
+++ DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/TrkProcess.cpp	2006/09/28 14:04:39	1.5
@@ -144,29 +144,28 @@
     else if (!frame1.CompareTo("hbook", TString::kIgnoreCase)) ifroot1 =false;
     else    throw -201;
-    if(get1){
-		TString filety;
-		if      ( ifroot1)  filety=".root";		
-		else if (!ifroot1)  filety=".rz";
-		else    throw -200;
-//		file1 = outdir + "/"+ gSystem->BaseName(pfolder) + "/" + file2(file2.Last('/')+1,file2.Last('.')) + ".Level1" + filety;
-		TString base = file2;		
-		if(base.Contains(".Level2.root"))base = base(0,base.Index(".Level2.root"));
-		else base = base(0,base.Index(".root"));
-		base = gSystem->BaseName(base);
-		file1 = outdir + "/"+ gSystem->BaseName(pfolder) + "/" + base +".Level1"+filety;
-//		cout << "Requested Level1 output. "<< endl << "Level1 File: "<< file1 << endl;
-		TString path = gSystem->DirName(file1);
-		FileStat_t t;
-		// check if processFolder directory exists, and possibly create it 
-		if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(path.Data(),t) ) {
-		    if( gSystem->MakeDirectory(path.Data()) == -1)throw -13;
-		};
-		// if it does, open/create teh putput file
-    };
+//     if(get1){
+// 		TString filety;
+// 		if      ( ifroot1)  filety=".root";		
+// 		else if (!ifroot1)  filety=".rz";
+// 		else    throw -200;
+// 		TString base = file2;		
+// 		if(base.Contains(".Level2.root"))base = base(0,base.Index(".Level2.root"));
+// 		else base = base(0,base.Index(".root"));
+// 		base = gSystem->BaseName(base);
+// 		file1 = outdir + "/"+ gSystem->BaseName(pfolder) + "/" + base +".Level1"+filety;
+// //		cout << "Requested Level1 output. "<< endl << "Level1 File: "<< file1 << endl;
+// 		TString path = gSystem->DirName(file1);
+// 		FileStat_t t;
+// 		// check if processFolder directory exists, and possibly create it 
+// 		if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(path.Data(),t) ) {
+// 		    if( gSystem->MakeDirectory(path.Data()) == -1)throw -13;
+// 		};
+// 		// if it does, open/create teh putput file
+//     };
     ostatus = 0;