/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/TrkParams.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/TrkParams.cpp

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Revision 1.13 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Aug 22 07:03:45 2007 UTC (17 years, 6 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.12: +30 -2 lines
added several methods to get PFA info

1 /**
2 * \file TrkParams.cpp
3 * \author Elena Vannuccini
4 */
6 #include <TrkParams.h>
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include <iomanip>
9 using namespace std;
12 // -------------------------
14 // -------------------------
15 GL_TRK_CALIB TrkParams::calib = GL_TRK_CALIB();
16 TString TrkParams::calibpatht = "";
17 TString TrkParams::calibpathf = "";
18 Bool_t TrkParams::calib104 = 0;
19 Bool_t TrkParams::calibload = false;
20 // -------------------------
21 // PARAMETERS loaded from DB
22 // -------------------------
23 UInt_t TrkParams::trkparamtype[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
25 TString TrkParams::glpath[] = {"","","","","","",""};
26 Bool_t TrkParams::glload[] = {false,false,false,false,false,false,false};
27 // ----------------
28 // other parameters
29 // ----------------
30 cDbg TrkParams::init__dbg_mode = {0,0,0};
31 int TrkParams::init__pfa = 14;//COG4
32 int TrkParams::init__mini_trackmode = 0;
33 int TrkParams::init__mini_istepmin = 5; //3;
34 double TrkParams::init__mini_fact = 1.e4; //100.;
35 float TrkParams::init__pfa_e234ax[] = {0.,10.,10.,15.,15.,90.};
36 float TrkParams::init__pfa_e234ay[] = {0.,20.,90.,90.,90.,90.};
38 TrkParams::TrkParams(){
40 cout<<"TrkParams::TrkParams()"<<endl;
42 }
43 float aint(float f){
44 int ret = (int)f;
45 float ret1 = 0;
46 ret1=(float)ret;
47 return ret1;
48 }
50 float anint(float f){
51 int ret = (int)(f+0.5);
52 float ret1 = 0;
53 ret1=(float)ret;
54 return ret1;
55 }
56 /**
57 * \brief Static method to set the calibration to be loaded.
59 * It retrieves the calibration associated to a given run, from
60 * a given DB. It fills the F77 common.
61 * @param glrun Pointer to a GL_RUN row
62 * @param dbc Pointer to a DB connection
63 */
64 Bool_t TrkParams::SetCalib( GL_RUN *glrun, TSQLServer* dbc ){
66 // cout << "glrun-> RUNHEADER_TIME "<<glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME <<endl;
68 if( !CalibIsLoaded() ||
69 (glrun->TRK_CALIB_USED==104 && !calib104) ||
70 (glrun->TRK_CALIB_USED!=104 && calib104) ||
71 glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME < calib.FROM_TIME ||
72 glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME > calib.TO_TIME ||
73 false ){
75 // cout <<">>> isloaded? "<< CalibIsLoaded() << endl;
76 // cout <<">>> trk_calib_used "<< glrun->TRK_CALIB_USED<<endl;
77 // cout <<">>> 104 loaded? "<< calib104 <<endl;
78 // cout <<">>> from time "<< calib.FROM_TIME<<endl;
79 // cout <<">>> to time "<< calib.TO_TIME<<endl;
80 // if( !dbc || (dbc && !dbc->IsConnected()) ){
82 // if(TrkParams::WarningMode())cout <<" Missing DB connection -- check PAMELA environment variables "<<endl;
83 // TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod";
84 // TString user = "anonymous";
85 // TString psw = "";
86 // const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST");
87 // const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER");
88 // const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW");
89 // if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = "";
90 // if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = "";
91 // if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = "";
92 // if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost;
93 // if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser;
94 // if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw;
95 // if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
96 // cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl;
97 // cout<<"Connecting to DB"<<endl;
98 // cout<<"HOST "<<host<<endl;
99 // cout<<"USER "<<user<<endl;
100 // cout<<"PSW "<<psw<<endl;
101 // }
102 // dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data());
103 // if( !dbc )return false;
104 // if( !dbc->IsConnected() )return false;
105 // if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
106 // cout << " ...done"<<endl;
107 // cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl;
108 // }
109 // }
111 GL_TRK_CALIB q2;
112 GL_ROOT q3;
113 GL_PARAM q4;
115 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
116 cout << "--------------------------------------"<<endl;
117 cout << "UPDATING calibration -- run-header time "<< glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME <<endl;
118 }
119 if( q2.Query_GL_TRK_CALIB(glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME,dbc) ){
120 cout << " Bool_t TrkParams::SetCalib( GL_RUN* , TSQLServer* ) -- ERROR -- failed query to GL_TRK_CALIB "<<endl;
121 return false;
122 }
124 printf(" WARNING!! ---> EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1=%d it's different from EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2=%d \n\n",q2.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1,q2.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2);
125 if( q3.Query_GL_ROOT(q2.ID_ROOT_L0,dbc) ){
126 cout << " Bool_t TrkParams::SetCalib( GL_RUN* , TSQLServer* ) -- ERROR -- failed query to GL_ROOT "<<endl;
127 return false;
128 }
130 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << "selected DB entry "<<q2.ID<<" from_time "<<q2.FROM_TIME<<" to time "<<q2.TO_TIME<<" --> VALIDATION "<<q2.VALIDATION<<endl;
131 calib = q2;
132 calibpathf = q3.PATH + q3.NAME;
133 calib104 = (glrun->TRK_CALIB_USED==104);
134 calibload = kFALSE;
135 if(calib104){
136 if (q4.Query_GL_PARAM(glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME,7,dbc) )return false;
137 calibpatht = q4.PATH + q4.NAME;
138 }
141 // return TrkParams::LoadCalib();
142 return true;
143 }
145 return false;
146 };
148 /**
149 * Method to "validate" tracker calibration. Implemented for test purpose. Effective implementation
150 * in YodaProfiler.
151 */
152 UInt_t TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib( CalibTrk1Event* caltrk){
154 UInt_t validate = 1;
155 Int_t vorder[]={5,5,3,3,4,4,2,2,1,1,0,0};
156 // UInt_t timeaftercalib=120000; //2000;
157 TString classname = caltrk->GetName();
158 // ----------
159 // Check CRCs
160 // ----------
161 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << " DSP: ";
162 for(Int_t ipkt=0; ipkt<6; ipkt++){
163 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout <<" "<<caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt];
164 if(caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]>0 && caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]<=12){
165 if( caltrk->crc_hcal[ipkt] ){
166 if(TrkParams::WarningMode())cout<<"(CRC Header)";
167 // if(TrkParams::WarningMode())cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: "<<classname<<" --WARNING-- CRC error in calibration header: pkt "<<ipkt<<endl;
168 // return 0; // :-(
169 validate = 0;
170 }
171 for(Int_t ilad=0; ilad<3; ilad++)if( caltrk->crc_cal[ipkt][ilad] ){
172 if(TrkParams::WarningMode())cout<<"(CRC Pkt-"<<ilad<<")";
173 // if(TrkParams::WarningMode())cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: "<<classname<<" --WARNING-- CRC error in calibration packet: pkt "<<ipkt<<endl;
174 // return 0; // :-(
175 validate = 0;
176 }
177 }
178 }
179 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << endl;;
180 // -----------------------
181 // Check missing packets:
182 // -----------------------
183 // Readout order:
184 // ------------------
185 // DSP packet board
186 // ------------------
187 // 12 0 1
188 // 10 1 1
189 // 8 2 1
190 // 4 3 1
191 // 6 4 1
192 // 2 5 1
193 // ------------------
194 // 11 0 2
195 // 9 1 2
196 // 7 2 2
197 // 3 3 2
198 // 5 4 2
199 // 1 5 2
200 // ------------------
201 // -------------------------------------------------
202 // Check if it is first or second calibration packet
203 // -------------------------------------------------
204 UInt_t build=0;
205 UInt_t base=0;
206 UInt_t mask=0;
207 if(classname.Contains("CalibTrk1Event")){
208 base=12;
209 mask=0x03F000;
210 }
211 if(classname.Contains("CalibTrk2Event")){
212 base=18;
213 mask=0xFC0000;
214 }
215 // -------------------------------------------------
216 // Count number of packets and set build variable
217 // -------------------------------------------------
218 Int_t npkts=0;
219 for(Int_t ipkt=0; ipkt<6; ipkt++){
220 if(caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]>0 && caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]<=12){
221 npkts++;
222 build = build | ( 1<<(base+vorder[caltrk->DSPnumber[ipkt]-1]) );
223 };
224 }
225 if( npkts==6 ){}//return 1; // :-)
226 else {
227 if(TrkParams::WarningMode())cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: "<<classname<<" --WARNING-- there might be some missing packets :-( ( "<<npkts<<" instead of 6 ) --> "<<endl;
228 validate = 0;
229 }
230 // cout << classname << " "<<eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()<<endl;
232 // -----------------------------------------------
233 // If missing packets: check the acq configuration
234 // (some DSPs might be excluded from acquisition)
235 // -----------------------------------------------
237 // -----------------------------------------------
238 // retrieve the first run header after calib
239 // -----------------------------------------------
240 // PacketType *pctp;
241 // EventCounter *cod;
242 // cod = eh->GetCounter();
243 // Int_t irun = cod->Get(pctp->RunHeader);
244 // TTree *rh=(TTree*)file->Get("RunHeader");
245 // if ( !rh || rh->IsZombie() ) throw -17;
246 // if( rh->GetEntries() == irun ){
247 // if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) no runs after calib (1) -- cannot validate :-( "<<endl;
248 // return 0; // :-(
249 // }
251 // RunHeaderEvent *run = 0;
252 // EventHeader *hrun = 0;
253 // rh->SetBranchAddress("RunHeader", &run);
254 // rh->SetBranchAddress("Header", &hrun);
255 // rh->GetEntry(irun);
256 // // cout << classname << " "<<eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime() << " Run " << hrun->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime() <<endl;
258 // if( OBT(hrun->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()) < OBT(eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime())){
259 // if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) no runs after calib (2) -- cannot validate :-( "<<endl;
260 // return 0; // :-(
261 // }
263 // if( !run->RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB ){
264 // if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) RM_ACQ_AFTER_CALIB=0 -- cannot validate :-( "<<endl;
265 // return 0; // :-(
266 // }
268 // UInt_t dtime = OBT(hrun->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime()) - OBT(eh->GetPscuHeader()->GetOrbitalTime());
269 // if( dtime > timeaftercalib ){
270 // if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) run after calib too far ( "<<dtime<<"ms ) -- cannot validate :-( "<<endl;
271 // return 0; // :-(
272 // }
274 // if( (run->ACQ_BUILD_INFO & mask) != build ){
275 // if ( IsDebug() ) cout << "ValidateTrkCalib: (MISSING VIEW) ACQ_BUILD_INFO= >>> "<<hex << (run->ACQ_BUILD_INFO&mask) << " != "<< build << dec<<endl;
276 // return 0; // :-(
277 // }
279 // return 1; // :-)
281 // cout << validate << endl;
282 return validate;
284 }
285 /**
286 * Method to fill the tracker calibration-parameter struct from on-line calibrations
287 */
288 void TrkParams::FillACalibFrom(TFile* f0, Int_t ev_reg1, Int_t ev_reg2){
290 cTrkCalib *ca = &pedsigbad_;
291 ca->Reset();
293 TTree *tr1 = (TTree*)f0->Get("CalibTrk1");
294 TTree *tr2 = (TTree*)f0->Get("CalibTrk2");
296 CalibTrk1Event *calibdata1 = 0;
297 CalibTrk2Event *calibdata2 = 0;
298 tr1->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk1",&calibdata1);
299 tr2->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk2",&calibdata2);
300 tr1->GetEntry(ev_reg1);
301 tr2->GetEntry(ev_reg2);
302 Int_t dspn1(0),dspn2(0);
304 // --- TEST TEST TEST TEST --- //
305 // TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib(calibdata1);
306 // TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib((CalibTrk1Event*)calibdata2);
308 UInt_t test1 = TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib(calibdata1);
309 UInt_t test2 = TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib((CalibTrk1Event*)calibdata2);
310 if( !test1 || !test2 ){
311 if(TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION==1)cout << "--> modify DB info "<<endl;
312 TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION = 0;
313 }
314 if(TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION==0)cout << " ** WARNING ** Calibration not validated "<<endl;
316 for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++){
317 dspn1=calibdata1->DSPnumber[i]-1;
318 dspn2=calibdata2->DSPnumber[i]-1;
319 // cout<<"dspn1= "<<dspn1<<" dspn2= "<<dspn2<<endl;
320 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<3072;ii++){
321 Int_t j=(ii/128);
322 Int_t jj=ii-j*128;
323 if(dspn1>=0 && dspn1<12){
324 ca->pedestal[jj][j][dspn1]=calibdata1->DSPped_par[i][ii];
325 ca->pedestal_t[jj][j][dspn1]=aint(calibdata1->DSPped_par[i][ii]);
326 ca->sigma[jj][j][dspn1]=calibdata1->DSPsig_par[i][ii];
327 ca->sigma_t[jj][j][dspn1]=anint(calibdata1->DSPsig_par[i][ii]);
328 if(calibdata1->DSPbad_par[i][ii]==0)
329 ca->bad[jj][j][dspn1]=1;
330 else if(calibdata1->DSPbad_par[i][ii]==1)
331 ca->bad[jj][j][dspn1]=0;
332 // cout<<"sigma trk1= "<<sigma[jj][j][dspn1]<<endl;
333 // cout<<"sigma_t trk1= "<<sigma_t[jj][j][dspn1]<<endl;
334 }
336 if(dspn2>=0 && dspn2<12){
337 ca->pedestal[jj][j][dspn2]=calibdata2->DSPped_par[i][ii];
338 ca->pedestal_t[jj][j][dspn2]=aint(calibdata2->DSPped_par[i][ii]);
339 ca->sigma[jj][j][dspn2]=calibdata2->DSPsig_par[i][ii];
340 ca->sigma_t[jj][j][dspn2]=anint(calibdata2->DSPsig_par[i][ii]);
341 if(calibdata2->DSPbad_par[i][ii]==0)
342 ca->bad[jj][j][dspn2]=1;
343 else if(calibdata2->DSPbad_par[i][ii]==1)
344 ca->bad[jj][j][dspn2]=0;
345 // cout<<"sigma trk2= "<<sigma[jj][j][dspn2]<<endl;
346 // cout<<"sigma_t trk2= "<<sigma_t[jj][j][dspn2]<<endl;
347 }
348 };
349 };
351 tr1->Delete();
352 tr2->Delete();
353 };
354 /**
355 * Method to fill the tracker calibration-parameter struct from on-line calibrations
356 */
357 void TrkParams::FillFCalibFrom(TFile* f0, Int_t ev_reg1, Int_t ev_reg2){
359 cTrkCalib *ca = &pedsigbad_;
360 // ca->Reset();
362 TTree *tr1 = (TTree*)f0->Get("CalibTrk1");
363 TTree *tr2 = (TTree*)f0->Get("CalibTrk2");
365 CalibTrk1Event *calibdata1 = 0;
366 CalibTrk2Event *calibdata2 = 0;
367 tr1->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk1",&calibdata1);
368 tr2->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk2",&calibdata2);
369 tr1->GetEntry(ev_reg1);
370 tr2->GetEntry(ev_reg2);
371 Int_t dspn1(0),dspn2(0);
373 // --- TEST TEST TEST TEST --- //
374 // TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib(calibdata1);
375 // TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib((CalibTrk1Event*)calibdata2);
376 UInt_t test1 = TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib(calibdata1);
377 UInt_t test2 = TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib((CalibTrk1Event*)calibdata2);
378 if( !test1 || !test2 ){
379 if(TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION==1)cout << "--> modify DB info "<<endl;
380 TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION = 0;
381 }
382 if(TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION==0)cout << " ** WARNING ** Calibration not validated "<<endl;
384 for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++){
385 dspn1=calibdata1->DSPnumber[i]-1;
386 dspn2=calibdata2->DSPnumber[i]-1;
387 /* cout<<"dspn1= "<<dspn1<<" dspn2= "<<dspn2<<endl; */
388 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<3072;ii++){
389 Int_t j=(ii/128);
390 Int_t jj=ii-j*128;
391 if(dspn1>=0 && dspn1<12){
392 ca->pedestal[jj][j][dspn1]=calibdata1->DSPped_par[i][ii];
393 ca->sigma[jj][j][dspn1]=calibdata1->DSPsig_par[i][ii];
394 if(calibdata1->DSPbad_par[i][ii]==0)
395 ca->bad[jj][j][dspn1]=1;
396 else if(calibdata1->DSPbad_par[i][ii]==1)
397 ca->bad[jj][j][dspn1]=0;
398 // cout<<"sigma trk1= "<<sigma[jj][j][dspn1]<<endl;
399 // cout<<"sigma_t trk1= "<<sigma_t[jj][j][dspn1]<<endl;
400 }
401 if(dspn2>=0 && dspn2<12){
402 ca->pedestal[jj][j][dspn2]=calibdata2->DSPped_par[i][ii];
403 ca->sigma[jj][j][dspn2]=calibdata2->DSPsig_par[i][ii];
404 if(calibdata2->DSPbad_par[i][ii]==0)
405 ca->bad[jj][j][dspn2]=1;
406 else if(calibdata2->DSPbad_par[i][ii]==1)
407 ca->bad[jj][j][dspn2]=0;
408 // cout<<"sigma trk2= "<<sigma[jj][j][dspn2]<<endl;
409 // cout<<"sigma_t trk2= "<<sigma_t[jj][j][dspn2]<<endl;
410 }
411 };
412 };
414 tr1->Delete();
415 tr2->Delete();
416 };
417 /**
418 * Method to fill the tracker calibration-parameter struct from on-line calibrations
419 */
420 void TrkParams::FillTCalibFrom(TFile* f0, Int_t ev_reg1, Int_t ev_reg2){
422 cTrkCalib *ca = &pedsigbad_;
423 // ca->Reset();
425 TTree *tr1 = (TTree*)f0->Get("CalibTrk1");
426 TTree *tr2 = (TTree*)f0->Get("CalibTrk2");
428 CalibTrk1Event *calibdata1 = 0;
429 CalibTrk2Event *calibdata2 = 0;
430 tr1->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk1",&calibdata1);
431 tr2->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk2",&calibdata2);
432 tr1->GetEntry(ev_reg1);
433 tr2->GetEntry(ev_reg2);
434 Int_t dspn1(0),dspn2(0);
436 // --- TEST TEST TEST TEST --- //
437 // TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib(calibdata1);
438 // TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib((CalibTrk1Event*)calibdata2);
439 UInt_t test1 = TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib(calibdata1);
440 UInt_t test2 = TrkParams::ValidateTrkCalib((CalibTrk1Event*)calibdata2);
441 if( !test1 || !test2 ){
442 if(TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION==1)cout << "--> modify DB info "<<endl;
443 TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION = 0;
444 }
445 if(TrkParams::calib.VALIDATION==0)cout << " ** WARNING ** Calibration not validated "<<endl;
447 for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++){
448 dspn1=calibdata1->DSPnumber[i]-1;
449 dspn2=calibdata2->DSPnumber[i]-1;
450 /* cout<<"dspn1= "<<dspn1<<" dspn2= "<<dspn2<<endl; */
451 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<3072;ii++){
452 Int_t j=(ii/128);
453 Int_t jj=ii-j*128;
454 if(dspn1>=0 && dspn1<12){
455 ca->pedestal_t[jj][j][dspn1]=aint(calibdata1->DSPped_par[i][ii]);
456 ca->sigma_t[jj][j][dspn1]=anint(calibdata1->DSPsig_par[i][ii]);
457 }
458 if(dspn2>=0 && dspn2<12){
459 ca->pedestal_t[jj][j][dspn2]=aint(calibdata2->DSPped_par[i][ii]);
460 ca->sigma_t[jj][j][dspn2]=anint(calibdata2->DSPsig_par[i][ii]);
461 }
462 };
463 };
465 tr1->Delete();
466 tr2->Delete();
467 };
468 /**
469 * Method to fill the tracker calibration-parameter struct from default calibration
470 */
471 void TrkParams::FillTCalibFrom(TString path){
473 path_.FillWith(path);
474 fillpedsigfromdefault_();
475 if(path_.error) throw -216;
477 };
478 /**
479 * Method to fill the tracker VA1-mask struct from calibration
480 */
481 void TrkParams::FillMask(TFile* f0, Int_t ev_reg1, Int_t ev_reg2){
483 cTrkMask *ma = &mask_;
484 ma->Reset();
486 TrkCalib *calib = new TrkCalib();
488 for(Int_t i=0; i<2; i++){
489 TTree *tr=0;
490 if(i==0){
491 //-------------------------
492 //read calibration packet 1
493 //-------------------------
494 tr = (TTree*)f0->Get("CalibTrk1");
495 tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk1",calib->GetPointerTo());
496 tr->GetEntry(ev_reg1);
497 }
498 if(i==1){
499 //-------------------------
500 //read calibration packet 2
501 //-------------------------
502 tr = (TTree*)f0->Get("CalibTrk2");
503 tr->SetBranchAddress("CalibTrk2",calib->GetPointerTo());
504 tr->GetEntry(ev_reg2);
505 }
506 for(Int_t ipkt=0; ipkt<NPLANE; ipkt++){
507 Int_t view = calib->GetView(ipkt);
508 if( (view-1)>= 0 && (view-1)<12 ){
509 for(Int_t ivk=0; ivk<NVK; ivk++){
510 Float_t sigm = calib->GetMean("SIG-BAD",ipkt,ivk+1);
511 Float_t sigmin = 0.;
512 if(view%2)sigmin = 6.5;
513 else sigmin = 2.5;
514 Int_t mask = 1;
515 if( sigm<sigmin )mask = 0;
516 ma->mask_vk_run[ivk][view-1] = mask;
517 }
518 }
519 }
520 if(tr)tr->Delete();
521 }
523 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
524 for(Int_t iv=0; iv<NVIEW; iv++){
525 cout<<"view "<<setw(3)<<iv<<": ";
526 for(Int_t ivk=0; ivk<NVK; ivk++)cout<<ma->mask_vk_run[ivk][iv];
527 cout << endl;
528 }
529 }
531 if(calib)calib->Delete();
533 };
535 // Bool_t TrkParams::CalibIsLoaded(UInt_t time){
537 // if( !calibload ) return false;
539 // };
542 /**
543 * \brief Static method to load calibration.
544 * Calibration is loaded ONLY IF TrkParams::CalibLoaded()==kTRUE, which appens after the method TrkParams::SetCalib(***) is called.
545 */
546 Bool_t TrkParams::LoadCalib( ){
548 if( TrkParams::CalibIsLoaded() )return false;
550 // =============================================================
551 // retrieve calibration file needed to reduce data
552 // =============================================================
553 // if run OBT is > last calibration "expiration date"
554 // - search for new calibration packet
555 // - load calibration parameters (full + truncated)
556 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
557 cout << "--------------------------------------"<<endl;
558 cout << "Retrieve calibration (PED-SIG-BAD) ..."<<endl;
559 cout << " Full pedestals for cluster finding:";
560 cout << " >> loading from LEVEL0 file: "<< calibpathf << endl;
561 }
562 FileStat_t t;
563 if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(calibpathf.Data(),t) )return false;
565 bool alreadyopened = false;
566 TFile *f0_c=0;
567 f0_c = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(calibpathf);
568 if(f0_c)alreadyopened=true;
569 else f0_c = new TFile(calibpathf);
570 if ( !f0_c ) return false;
572 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
573 cout << " calibration entry "<< calib.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1 << " " << calib.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2;
574 cout << " (from time "<< calib.FROM_TIME <<" to time "<< calib.TO_TIME <<")"<<endl;
575 cout << " - full+truncated parameters "<<endl;
576 }
577 TrkParams::FillACalibFrom(f0_c,calib.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1,calib.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2);
578 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << " - VK-mask "<<endl;
579 TrkParams::FillMask(f0_c,calib.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1,calib.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2);
581 // =============================================================
582 // retrieve calibration file needed to uncompress data
583 // =============================================================
584 // if the run was compressed using default calib
585 // load truncated pedestals from default
586 // otherwise reload them from on-line calibration
587 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << " Truncated pedestals for uncompression:";
588 if( calib104 ){
590 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << " >> loading default calibration: "<< calibpatht << endl;
591 TrkParams::FillTCalibFrom(calibpatht);
593 }else{
595 // if ( !f0_c ) return false;
596 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << ">> already loaded " << endl;
597 // TrkParams::FillTCalibFrom(f0_c,calib.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK1,calib.EV_ROOT_CALIBTRK2);
598 };
599 if(!alreadyopened)f0_c->Close();
600 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << "--------------------------------------"<<endl;
602 calibload = kTRUE;
603 return true;
604 };
606 Int_t TrkParams::GetIndex( UInt_t type ){
607 Int_t index = -1;
608 for (Int_t i=0; i< NTYPES; i++)if( type == trkparamtype[i] )index=i;
609 return index;
610 };
612 /**
613 * Set tracker parameters proper for a run querying the DB.
614 * @param glrun Input run info
615 * @param dbc Database
616 * @param type Parameter type
617 * @return FALSE if parameter set fails.
618 * If glrun==NULL the last parameter entry from GL_PARAM table is set.
619 * If dbc==NULL, try to open a connection taking DB-connection
620 * parameters from PAMELA environment variables.
621 */
622 Bool_t TrkParams::Set( GL_RUN* glrun , TSQLServer* dbc , UInt_t type){
625 UInt_t index = TrkParams::GetIndex( type );
626 if(index < 0)return false;
628 if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(type) ||
629 glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME < gl[index].FROM_TIME ||
630 glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME > gl[index].TO_TIME ||
631 false ){
633 if( !dbc || (dbc && !dbc->IsConnected()) ){
635 if(TrkParams::WarningMode())cout <<" Missing DB connection -- check PAMELA environment variables "<<endl;
636 TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod";
637 TString user = "anonymous";
638 TString psw = "";
639 const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST");
640 const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER");
641 const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW");
642 if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = "";
643 if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = "";
644 if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = "";
645 if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost;
646 if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser;
647 if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw;
648 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
649 cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl;
650 cout<<"Connecting to DB"<<endl;
651 cout<<"HOST "<<host<<endl;
652 cout<<"USER "<<user<<endl;
653 cout<<"PSW "<<psw<<endl;
654 }
655 dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data());
656 if( !dbc )return false;
657 if( !dbc->IsConnected() )return false;
658 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
659 cout << " ...done"<<endl;
660 cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl;
661 }
662 }
665 UInt_t runheadtime = numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max();
666 if(glrun)runheadtime = glrun->RUNHEADER_TIME;
667 else cout <<"Missing run info -- taking last entry "<<endl;
669 GL_PARAM q4;
670 if( q4.Query_GL_PARAM(runheadtime,type,dbc) )return false;
672 gl[index] = q4;
673 glpath[index] = q4.PATH+q4.NAME;
674 glload[index] = false;
675 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())
676 cout << "<< set TrkParams type "<<type<<" from DB << RUN "<<glrun->ID<<endl;
677 return true;
679 }
680 return false;
682 };
683 /**
684 * Set tracker parameters proper for the run, from input.
685 * @param path Path to parameters directory
686 * @param type Parameter type
687 * @return FALSE if parameter set fails.
688 */
689 Bool_t TrkParams::Set( TString path , UInt_t type){
691 UInt_t index = TrkParams::GetIndex( type );
692 if(index < 0)return false;
694 gl[index].TYPE= type;
695 glpath[index] = path;
696 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())
697 cout << "<< set TrkParams type "<<type<<" from path << "<<path<<endl;
698 glload[index] = false;
700 // return TrkParams::Load(type);
701 return true;
703 };
705 /**
706 * Set and load tracker parameters.
707 * @param type Parameter type
708 * If no path as been yet specified, it set a default path.
709 * @return FALSE if parameter set fails.
710 */
711 Bool_t TrkParams::Set(UInt_t type){
713 UInt_t index = TrkParams::GetIndex( type );
714 if(index < 0)return false;
716 gl[index].TYPE= type;
717 glload[index] = false;
719 // -----------------------------------------
720 // check if enviroment variables are defined
721 // -----------------------------------------
722 glpath[index] = gSystem->Getenv("PAM_CALIB");
724 if( !glpath[index].IsNull() ){
726 switch(type){
727 case 1:
728 glpath[index].Append("/trk-param/field_param-0/");
729 break;
730 case 2:
731 glpath[index].Append("/trk-param/mip_param-0/");
732 break;
733 case 3:
734 glpath[index].Append("/trk-param/charge_param-1/");
735 break;
736 case 4:
737 glpath[index].Append("/trk-param/eta_param-0/");
738 break;
739 case 5:
740 glpath[index].Append("/trk-param/align_param-0/");
741 break;
742 case 6:
743 glpath[index].Append("/trk-param/mask_param-1/");
744 break;
745 case 7:
746 glpath[index].Append("/trk-param/default_calib/");
747 break;
748 }
750 }else{
751 cout << " TrkParams::Set( UInt_t type) ==> No PAMELA environment variables defined "<<endl;
752 return false;
754 }
756 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << "<< set TrkParams type "<<type<<" (from env var PAM_CALIB) >>"<<endl;
757 // return TrkParams::Load(type);
758 return true;
760 };
761 /**
762 * Set tracker parameters.
763 * If no path as been yet specified, try to read from DB
764 * otherwise it set a default path.
765 * @return FALSE if parameter set fails.
766 */
767 Bool_t TrkParams::Set( ){
769 Bool_t connected = false;
771 // cout <<" Missing DB connection -- check PAMELA environment variables "<<endl;
772 TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod";
773 TString user = "anonymous";
774 TString psw = "";
775 const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST");
776 const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER");
777 const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW");
778 if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = "";
779 if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = "";
780 if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = "";
781 if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost;
782 if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser;
783 if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw;
784 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){
785 cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl;
786 cout<<"Connecting to DB"<<endl;
787 cout<<"HOST "<<host<<endl;
788 cout<<"USER "<<user<<endl;
789 cout<<"PSW "<<psw<<endl;
790 }
791 TSQLServer *dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data());
792 if( dbc || dbc->IsConnected() )connected = true;
793 else cout << " >> DB connection FAILED!!!"<<endl;
794 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl;
796 if(connected){
797 if ( !TrkParams::Set(0,dbc) )return false;
798 dbc->Close();
799 }else for(Int_t i=0; i<NTYPES; i++)if ( !TrkParams::Set(trkparamtype[i])) return false;
801 return true;
802 }
804 /**
805 * Load tracker parameter, if not already loaded.
806 * @param type Parameter type
807 * ( Any call to TrkParams::Set(...) forces reloading )
808 */
809 Bool_t TrkParams::Load(UInt_t type){
811 Int_t index = TrkParams::GetIndex( type );
812 if( index<0 )return false;
813 if( glload[index] )return true;
815 if( glpath[index].IsNull() )TrkParams::Set(type);
817 switch( type ){
818 //------------------------------------------
819 case 1:
820 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout <<type<<" -- Loading magnetic field "<<glpath[index]<<endl;
821 strcpy(path_.path,glpath[index].Data());
822 path_.pathlen = glpath[index].Length();
823 path_.error = 0;
824 readb_();
825 if(path_.error) return false;
826 glload[index]=true;
827 break;
828 //------------------------------------------
829 case 2:
830 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout <<type<<" -- Loading ADC-to-MIP conversion parameters "<<glpath[index]<<endl;
831 strcpy(path_.path,glpath[index].Data());
832 path_.pathlen = glpath[index].Length();
833 path_.error = 0;
834 readmipparam_();
835 if(path_.error) return false;
836 glload[index]=true;
837 break;
838 //------------------------------------------
839 case 3:
840 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout <<type<<" -- Loading charge-correlation parameters "<<glpath[index]<<endl;
841 strcpy(path_.path,glpath[index].Data());
842 path_.pathlen = glpath[index].Length();
843 path_.error = 0;
844 readchargeparam_();
845 if(path_.error) return false;
846 glload[index]=true;
847 break;
848 //------------------------------------------
849 case 4:
850 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout <<type<<" -- Loading p.f.a. parameters "<<glpath[index]<<endl;
851 strcpy(path_.path,glpath[index].Data());
852 path_.pathlen = glpath[index].Length();
853 path_.error = 0;
854 readetaparam_();
855 if(path_.error) return false;
856 glload[index]=true;
857 break;
858 //------------------------------------------
859 case 5:
860 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout <<type<<" -- Loading alignment parameters "<<glpath[index]<<endl;
861 strcpy(path_.path,glpath[index].Data());
862 path_.pathlen = glpath[index].Length();
863 path_.error = 0;
864 readalignparam_();
865 if(path_.error) return false;
866 glload[index]=true;
867 break;
868 //------------------------------------------
869 case 6:
870 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout <<type<<" -- Loading VK-mask parameters "<<glpath[index]<<endl;
871 strcpy(path_.path,glpath[index].Data());
872 path_.pathlen = glpath[index].Length();
873 path_.error = 0;
874 readvkmask_();
875 if(path_.error) return false;
876 glload[index]=true;
877 break;
878 //------------------------------------------
879 case 7:
880 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout <<type<<" -- Loading default calibration "<<glpath[index]<<endl;
881 strcpy(path_.path,glpath[index].Data());
882 path_.pathlen = glpath[index].Length();
883 path_.error = 0;
884 // fillpedsigfromdefault_();
885 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << ">> not implemented <<"<<endl;
886 if(path_.error) return false;
887 glload[index]=true;
888 break;
889 default:
890 if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << " Bool_t TrkParams::Load(UInt_t type) -- type "<< type << "not yet implemented"<<endl;
891 return false;
892 };
894 return true;
895 }
897 Bool_t TrkParams::Load( ){
898 for(Int_t i=0 ; i<NTYPES; i++)if(!glload[i] && trkparamtype[i]>0 )if( !TrkParams::Load(trkparamtype[i]) )return false;
899 return true;
900 };
901 Bool_t TrkParams::IsLoaded( ){
902 for(Int_t i=0 ; i<NTYPES; i++)if(!glload[i] && trkparamtype[i]>0 )return false;
903 return true;
904 };
907 /**
908 * Get BY (kGauss)
909 * @param v (x,y,z) coordinates in cm
910 */
911 float TrkParams::GetBX(float* v){
912 TrkParams::Load(1);
913 if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(1) )return 0.;
914 float b[3];
915 gufld_(v,b);
916 return b[0]/10.;
917 }
918 /**
919 * Get BY (kGauss)
920 * @param v (x,y,z) coordinates in cm
921 */
922 float TrkParams::GetBY(float* v){
923 TrkParams::Load(1);
924 if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(1) )return 0.;
925 float b[3];
926 gufld_(v,b);
927 return b[1]/10.;
928 }
929 /**
930 * Get BY (kGauss)
931 * @param v (x,y,z) coordinates in cm
932 */
933 float TrkParams::GetBZ(float* v){
934 TrkParams::Load(1);
935 if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(1) )return 0.;
936 float b[3];
937 gufld_(v,b);
938 return b[2]/10.;
939 }
943 /**
944 * \brief Set tracking mode (0=standard. 1=???)
945 */
946 void TrkParams::SetTrackingMode(int trackmode) {
947 init__mini_trackmode = trackmode;
948 SetTrackingMode();
949 };
950 /**
951 * \brief Set fit-precision factor (typical value fact=100.)
952 */
953 void TrkParams::SetPrecisionFactor(double fact){
954 init__mini_fact = fact;
955 SetPrecisionFactor();
956 };
957 /**
958 * \brief Set minimum number of step in track fitting
959 */
960 void TrkParams::SetStepMin(int istepmin){
961 init__mini_istepmin = istepmin;
962 SetStepMin();
963 };
965 /**
966 * Fill F77 commons with PFA settings
967 */
968 void TrkParams::SetPFA(){
969 sw_.pfaid = init__pfa;
970 for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
971 pfa_.e234ax[i] = init__pfa_e234ax[i];
972 pfa_.e234ay[i] = init__pfa_e234ay[i];
973 }
974 };
975 /**
976 * \brief Set p.f.a.
977 *
978 * Implemented algorythms:
979 * 0 ETA
980 * 1 ---
981 * 2 ETA2
982 * 3 ETA3
983 * 4 ETA4
984 * 5 ETAL ==> ETA+LANDI
985 * 10 COG
986 * 11 COG1
987 * 12 COG2
988 * 13 COG3
989 * 14 COG4
990 */
991 void TrkParams::SetPFA(int pfaid){
992 init__pfa = pfaid;
993 SetPFA();
994 };
995 /**
996 * \brief Set p.f.a. angular intervals
997 *
998 * This methods allows to set these amgular intervals to apply ETA2,ETA3 or ETA4
999 * algorythm, in case ETA or ETAL is chosen (see TrkParams::SetPFA(int pfaid)).
1000 * @param v Pointer to a vector of 12 components, which represent the
1001 * angular limits for ETA2,ETA3 and ETA4, for x and y views, respectivelly.
1002 *
1003 */
1004 void TrkParams::SetPFA(float *v){
1005 for(int i=0; i<6; i++){
1006 init__pfa_e234ax[i] = v[i];
1007 init__pfa_e234ay[i] = v[i+6];
1008 }
1009 SetPFA();
1010 };
1011 /**
1012 * \brief Get spatial resolution.
1013 *
1014 * Method to retrieve the spatial resolution associated with the
1015 * adopted p.f.a.
1016 * @param view Tracker view (1-12)
1017 * @param angle Track projected angle
1018 *
1019 * In order to change p.f.a. use the SetPFA(int pfaid) method, eg.:
1020 *
1021 * TrkParams::SetPFA(0) // ETA
1022 *
1023 */
1024 float TrkParams::GetResolution(int view, float angle){
1025 float res = 1000;
1026 if( init__pfa == 0 )res = riseta_(&view,&angle);
1027 else cout << "float TrkParams::GetResolution(int view, float angle) -- PFA "<<init__pfa<<" not yet implemented"<<endl;
1028 return res;
1029 }
1033 ClassImp(TrkParams);

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