/** * \file TrkLevel2.cpp * \author Elena Vannuccini */ #include #include using namespace std; //...................................... // F77 routines //...................................... extern "C" { void dotrack_(int*, double*, double*, double*, double*, int*); void dotrack2_(int*, double*, double*, double*, double*,double*, double*, double*,int*); int readb_(const char*); } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- TrkTrack::TrkTrack(){ seqno = -1; image = -1; chi2 = 0; for(int it1=0;it1<5;it1++){ al[it1] = 0; for(int it2=0;it2<5;it2++) coval[it1][it2] = 0; }; for(int ip=0;ip<6;ip++){ xgood[ip] = 0; ygood[ip] = 0; xm[ip] = 0; ym[ip] = 0; zm[ip] = 0; resx[ip] = 0; resy[ip] = 0; xv[ip] = 0; yv[ip] = 0; zv[ip] = 0; axv[ip] = 0; ayv[ip] = 0; dedx_x[ip] = 0; dedx_y[ip] = 0; }; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- TrkTrack::TrkTrack(const TrkTrack& t){ seqno = t.seqno; image = t.image; chi2 = t.chi2; for(int it1=0;it1<5;it1++){ al[it1] = t.al[it1]; for(int it2=0;it2<5;it2++) coval[it1][it2] = t.coval[it1][it2]; }; for(int ip=0;ip<6;ip++){ xgood[ip] = t.xgood[ip]; ygood[ip] = t.ygood[ip]; xm[ip] = t.xm[ip]; ym[ip] = t.ym[ip]; zm[ip] = t.zm[ip]; resx[ip] = t.resx[ip]; resy[ip] = t.resy[ip]; xv[ip] = t.xv[ip]; yv[ip] = t.yv[ip]; zv[ip] = t.zv[ip]; axv[ip] = t.axv[ip]; ayv[ip] = t.ayv[ip]; dedx_x[ip] = t.dedx_x[ip]; dedx_y[ip] = t.dedx_y[ip]; }; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Evaluates the trajectory in the apparatus associated to the track. * It integrates the equations of motion in the magnetic field. The magnetic field should be previously loaded ( by calling TrkLevel2::LoadField() ), otherwise an error message is returned. * @param t pointer to an object of the class Trajectory, * which z coordinates should be previously initialized by calling the proper constructor ( Trajectory::Trajectory(int n, float* zin) ). * @return error flag. */ int TrkTrack::DoTrack(Trajectory* t){ double *dxout = new double[t->npoint]; double *dyout = new double[t->npoint]; double *dzin = new double[t->npoint]; double dal[5]; int ifail = 0; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) dal[i] = (double)al[i]; for (int i=0; inpoint; i++) dzin[i] = (double)t->z[i]; dotrack_(&(t->npoint),dzin,dxout,dyout,dal,&ifail); for (int i=0; inpoint; i++){ t->x[i] = (float)*dxout++; t->y[i] = (float)*dyout++; } // delete [] dxout; // delete [] dyout; // delete [] dzin; return ifail; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Evaluates the trajectory in the apparatus associated to the track. * It integrates the equations of motion in the magnetic field. The magnetic field should be previously loaded ( by calling TrkLevel2::LoadField() ), otherwise an error message is returned. * @param t pointer to an object of the class Trajectory, * which z coordinates should be previously initialized by calling the proper constructor ( Trajectory::Trajectory(int n, float* zin) ). * @return error flag. */ int TrkTrack::DoTrack2(Trajectory* t){ double *dxout = new double[t->npoint]; double *dyout = new double[t->npoint]; double *dthxout = new double[t->npoint]; double *dthyout = new double[t->npoint]; double *dtlout = new double[t->npoint]; double *dzin = new double[t->npoint]; double dal[5]; int ifail = 0; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) dal[i] = (double)al[i]; for (int i=0; inpoint; i++) dzin[i] = (double)t->z[i]; dotrack2_(&(t->npoint),dzin,dxout,dyout,dthxout,dthyout,dtlout,dal,&ifail); for (int i=0; inpoint; i++){ t->x[i] = (float)*dxout++; t->y[i] = (float)*dyout++; t->thx[i] = (float)*dthxout++; t->thy[i] = (float)*dthyout++; t->tl[i] = (float)*dtlout++; } // delete [] dxout; // delete [] dyout; // delete [] dzin; return ifail; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- //float TrkTrack::BdL(){ //}; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- Float_t TrkTrack::GetRigidity(){ Float_t rig=0; if(chi2>0)rig=1./al[4]; if(rig<0) rig=-rig; return rig; }; // Float_t TrkTrack::GetDeflection(){ Float_t def=0; if(chi2>0)def=al[4]; return def; }; // Float_t TrkTrack::GetDEDX(){ Float_t dedx=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)dedx+=dedx_x[i]*xgood[i]+dedx_y[i]*ygood[i]; dedx = dedx/(this->GetNX()+this->GetNY()); return dedx; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- void TrkTrack::Dump(){ cout << endl << "========== Track " ; cout << endl << "al : "; for(int i=0; i<5; i++)cout << al[i] << " "; cout << endl << "chi^2 : "<< chi2; cout << endl << "xgood : "; for(int i=0; i<6; i++)cout << xgood[i] ; cout << endl << "ygood : "; for(int i=0; i<6; i++)cout << ygood[i] ; cout << endl << "xm : "; for(int i=0; i<6; i++)cout << xm[i] << " "; cout << endl << "ym : "; for(int i=0; i<6; i++)cout << ym[i] << " "; cout << endl << "zm : "; for(int i=0; i<6; i++)cout << zm[i] << " "; cout << endl << "dedx_x : "; for(int i=0; i<6; i++)cout << dedx_x[i] << " "; cout << endl << "dedx_y : "; for(int i=0; i<6; i++)cout << dedx_y[i] << " "; } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- TrkSinglet::TrkSinglet(){ plane = 0; coord[0] = 0; coord[1] = 0; sgnl = 0; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- TrkSinglet::TrkSinglet(const TrkSinglet& s){ plane = s.plane; coord[0] = s.coord[0]; coord[1] = s.coord[1]; sgnl = s.sgnl; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- void TrkSinglet::Dump(){ int i=0; cout << endl << "========== Singlet " ; cout << endl << "plane : " << plane; cout << endl << "coord[2] : "; while( i<2 && cout << coord[i] << " ") i++; cout << endl << "sgnl : " << sgnl; } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- TrkLevel2::TrkLevel2(){ good2 = -1; for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ crc[i] = -1; }; Track = new TClonesArray("TrkTrack"); SingletX = new TClonesArray("TrkSinglet"); SingletY = new TClonesArray("TrkSinglet"); // PhysicalTrack = new TClonesArray("TrkTrack"); //sostituire con TRefArray... appena ho capito come si usa } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- void TrkLevel2::Dump(){ TClonesArray &t = *Track; TClonesArray &sx = *SingletX; TClonesArray &sy = *SingletY; cout << endl << endl << "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"; cout << endl << "good2 : " << good2; cout << endl << "crc : "; for(int i=0; i<12; i++) cout << crc[i]; cout << endl << "ntrk() : " << this->ntrk() ; cout << endl << "nclsx() : " << this->nclsx(); cout << endl << "nclsy() : " << this->nclsy(); for(int i=0; intrk(); i++) ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->Dump(); for(int i=0; inclsx(); i++) ((TrkSinglet *)sx[i])->Dump(); for(int i=0; inclsy(); i++) ((TrkSinglet *)sy[i])->Dump(); } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Fills a TrkLevel2 object with values from a struct cTrkLevel2 (to get data from F77 common). */ void TrkLevel2::SetFromLevel2Struct(cTrkLevel2 *l2){ // // Track = new TClonesArray("TrkTrack"); // SingletX = new TClonesArray("TrkSinglet"); // SingletY = new TClonesArray("TrkSinglet"); // temporary objects: TrkSinglet* t_singlet = new TrkSinglet(); TrkTrack* t_track = new TrkTrack(); // general variables good2 = l2->good2; for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ crc[i] = l2->crc[i]; }; // *** TRACKS *** TClonesArray &t = *Track; for(int i=0; intrk; i++){ t_track->seqno = i; t_track->image = l2->image[i]-1; // cout << "track "<seqno << t_track->image<chi2 = l2->chi2_nt[i]; for(int it1=0;it1<5;it1++){ t_track->al[it1] = l2->al_nt[i][it1]; for(int it2=0;it2<5;it2++) t_track->coval[it1][it2] = l2->coval[i][it2][it1]; }; for(int ip=0;ip<6;ip++){ t_track->xgood[ip] = l2->xgood_nt[i][ip]; t_track->ygood[ip] = l2->ygood_nt[i][ip]; t_track->xm[ip] = l2->xm_nt[i][ip]; t_track->ym[ip] = l2->ym_nt[i][ip]; t_track->zm[ip] = l2->zm_nt[i][ip]; t_track->resx[ip] = l2->resx_nt[i][ip]; t_track->resy[ip] = l2->resy_nt[i][ip]; t_track->xv[ip] = l2->xv_nt[i][ip]; t_track->yv[ip] = l2->yv_nt[i][ip]; t_track->zv[ip] = l2->zv_nt[i][ip]; t_track->axv[ip] = l2->axv_nt[i][ip]; t_track->ayv[ip] = l2->ayv_nt[i][ip]; t_track->dedx_x[ip] = l2->dedx_x[i][ip]; t_track->dedx_y[ip] = l2->dedx_y[i][ip]; }; new(t[i]) TrkTrack(*t_track); t_track->Clear(); }; // *** SINGLETS *** TClonesArray &sx = *SingletX; for(int i=0; inclsx; i++){ t_singlet->plane = l2->planex[i]; t_singlet->coord[0] = l2->xs[i][0]; t_singlet->coord[1] = l2->xs[i][1]; t_singlet->sgnl = l2->signlxs[i]; new(sx[i]) TrkSinglet(*t_singlet); t_singlet->Clear(); } TClonesArray &sy = *SingletY; for(int i=0; inclsy; i++){ t_singlet->plane = l2->planey[i]; t_singlet->coord[0] = l2->ys[i][0]; t_singlet->coord[1] = l2->ys[i][1]; t_singlet->sgnl = l2->signlys[i]; new(sy[i]) TrkSinglet(*t_singlet); t_singlet->Clear(); }; delete t_track; delete t_singlet; } /** * Fills a struct cTrkLevel2 with values from a TrkLevel2 object (to put data into a F77 common). */ void TrkLevel2::GetLevel2Struct(cTrkLevel2 *l2) const { // general variables l2->good2 = good2 ; for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ l2->crc[i] = crc[i]; }; // *** TRACKS *** l2->ntrk = Track->GetEntries(); for(Int_t i=0;intrk;i++){ l2->image[i] = 1 + ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->image; l2->chi2_nt[i] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->chi2; for(int it1=0;it1<5;it1++){ l2->al_nt[i][it1] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->al[it1]; for(int it2=0;it2<5;it2++) l2->coval[i][it2][it1] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->coval[it1][it2]; }; for(int ip=0;ip<6;ip++){ l2->xgood_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->xgood[ip]; l2->ygood_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->ygood[ip]; l2->xm_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->xm[ip]; l2->ym_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->ym[ip]; l2->zm_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->zm[ip]; l2->resx_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->resx[ip]; l2->resy_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->resy[ip]; l2->xv_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->xv[ip]; l2->yv_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->yv[ip]; l2->zv_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->zv[ip]; l2->axv_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->axv[ip]; l2->ayv_nt[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->ayv[ip]; l2->dedx_x[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->dedx_x[ip]; l2->dedx_y[i][ip] = ((TrkTrack *)Track->At(i))->dedx_y[ip]; }; } // *** SINGLETS *** l2->nclsx = SingletX->GetEntries(); for(Int_t i=0;inclsx;i++){ l2->planex[i] = ((TrkSinglet *)SingletX->At(i))->plane; l2->xs[i][0] = ((TrkSinglet *)SingletX->At(i))->coord[0]; l2->xs[i][1] = ((TrkSinglet *)SingletX->At(i))->coord[1]; l2->signlxs[i] = ((TrkSinglet *)SingletX->At(i))->sgnl; } l2->nclsy = SingletY->GetEntries(); for(Int_t i=0;inclsy;i++){ l2->planey[i] = ((TrkSinglet *)SingletY->At(i))->plane; l2->ys[i][0] = ((TrkSinglet *)SingletY->At(i))->coord[0]; l2->ys[i][1] = ((TrkSinglet *)SingletY->At(i))->coord[1]; l2->signlys[i] = ((TrkSinglet *)SingletY->At(i))->sgnl; } } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- void TrkLevel2::Clear(){ good2 = -1; for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){ crc[i] = -1; }; /* Track->RemoveAll(); SingletX->RemoveAll(); SingletY->RemoveAll();*/ // modify to avoid memory leakage Track->Clear(); SingletX->Clear(); SingletY->Clear(); } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Sort physical tracks and stores them in a TObjectArray, ordering by increasing chi**2 value (in case of track image, it selects the one with lower chi**2). The total number of physical tracks is given by GetNTracks() and the it-th physical track can be retrieved by means of the method GetTrack(int it). * This method is overridden by PamLevel2::GetTracks(), where calorimeter and TOF information is used. */ // TClonesArray *TrkLevel2::GetTracks(){ // TClonesArray *sorted = GetTracks_NFitSorted(); // return sorted; // }; /*TClonesArray *TrkLevel2::GetTracks_Chi2Sorted(){ TClonesArray *sorted = new TClonesArray("TrkTrack"); TClonesArray &t = *Track; TClonesArray &ts = *sorted; int N=this->ntrk(); vector m(N); for(int i=0; intrk(); i++){ if(((TrkTrack *)t[i])->chi2 < chi2ref && m[i]==1){ chi2ref = ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->chi2; indi = i; } } if( ((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image != -1 ){ m[((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image] = 0; N--; } new(ts[indo]) TrkTrack(*(TrkTrack*)t[indi]); m[indi] = 0; N--; indo++; } return sorted; }*/ /*TClonesArray *TrkLevel2::GetTracks_NFitSorted(){ TClonesArray *sorted = new TClonesArray("TrkTrack"); TClonesArray &t = *Track; TClonesArray &ts = *sorted; // TClonesArray &ts = *PhysicalTrack; int N = ntrk(); vector m(N); for(int i=0; i::max(); // first loop to search maximum num. of fit points for(int i=0; i < ntrk(); i++){ // if(N==ntrk())cout << "** "<GetImageSeqNo()<< " " <<((TrkTrack *)t[i])->GetNtot() << " " <<((TrkTrack *)t[i])->chi2 << endl; if( ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->GetNtot() >= nfit && m[i]==1){ nfit = ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->GetNtot(); } } //second loop to search minimum chi2 among selected for(int i=0; intrk(); i++){ if( ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->chi2 < chi2ref && ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->GetNtot()== nfit && m[i]==1){ chi2ref = ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->chi2; indi = i; // cout << "2** "<HasImage() ){ m[((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image] = 0; N--; // Int_t nfiti=((TrkTrack *)t[((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image ])->GetNtot(); // Float_t chi2i=((TrkTrack *)t[((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image ])->chi2; // cout << "i** "<< ((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image << " " << nfiti <<" "< m(N); for(int i=0; i::max(); // first loop to search maximum num. of fit points for(int i=0; i < ntrk(); i++){ // if(N==ntrk())cout << "** "<GetImageSeqNo()<< " " <<((TrkTrack *)t[i])->GetNtot() << " " <<((TrkTrack *)t[i])->chi2 << endl; if( ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->GetNtot() >= nfit && m[i]==1){ nfit = ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->GetNtot(); } } //second loop to search minimum chi2 among selected for(int i=0; intrk(); i++){ if( ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->chi2 < chi2ref && ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->GetNtot()== nfit && m[i]==1){ chi2ref = ((TrkTrack *)t[i])->chi2; indi = i; // cout << "2** "<HasImage() ){ m[((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image] = 0; N--; // Int_t nfiti=((TrkTrack *)t[((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image ])->GetNtot(); // Float_t chi2i=((TrkTrack *)t[((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image ])->chi2; // cout << "i** "<< ((TrkTrack *)t[indi])->image << " " << nfiti <<" "<Add( (TrkTrack*)t[indi] ); m[indi] = 0; // cout << "SORTED "<< indo << " "<< indi << " "<< N << endl; N--; indo++; } m.clear(); // cout << "GetTracks_NFitSorted(it): Done"<< endl; return sorted; // return PhysicalTrack; } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Retrieves the is-th stored track. * @param it Track number, ranging from 0 to ntrk(). * Fitted tracks ( images included ) are stored in a TObjectArray ( TrkLevel2::Track ) in the same order they are returned by the F77 fitting routine. */ TrkTrack *TrkLevel2::GetStoredTrack(int is){ if(is >= this->ntrk()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Track "<< is << "doen not exits! " << endl; cout << " Stored tracks ntrk() = "<< this->ntrk() << endl; return 0; } TClonesArray &t = *(Track); TrkTrack *track = (TrkTrack*)t[is]; return track; } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Retrieves the is-th stored X singlet. * @param it Singlet number, ranging from 0 to nclsx(). */ TrkSinglet *TrkLevel2::GetSingletX(int is){ if(is >= this->nclsx()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Singlet "<< is << "doen not exits! " << endl; cout << " Stored x-singlets nclsx() = "<< this->nclsx() << endl; return 0; } TClonesArray &t = *(SingletX); TrkSinglet *singlet = (TrkSinglet*)t[is]; return singlet; } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Retrieves the is-th stored Y singlet. * @param it Singlet number, ranging from 0 to nclsx(). */ TrkSinglet *TrkLevel2::GetSingletY(int is){ if(is >= this->nclsy()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Singlet "<< is << "doen not exits! " << endl; cout << " Stored y-singlets nclsy() = "<< this->nclsx() << endl; return 0; } TClonesArray &t = *(SingletY); TrkSinglet *singlet = (TrkSinglet*)t[is]; return singlet; } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Retrieves the it-th "physical" track, sorted by the method GetNTracks(). * @param it Track number, ranging from 0 to GetNTracks(). */ /*TrkTrack *TrkLevel2::GetTrack(int it){ if(it >= this->GetNTracks()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Track "<< it << "does not exits! " << endl; cout << " Physical tracks GetNTracks() = "<< this->ntrk() << endl; return 0; } TClonesArray* sorted = GetTracks(); TClonesArray &ts = *sorted; // TrkTrack *track = (TrkTrack*)ts[it]; TrkTrack *track = new TrkTrack( *(TrkTrack*)ts[it] ); //copia sorted->Delete("all");////TEMPORANEO return track; }*/ TrkTrack *TrkLevel2::GetTrack(int it){ if(it >= this->GetNTracks()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Track "<< it << "does not exits! " << endl; cout << " Physical tracks GetNTracks() = "<< this->ntrk() << endl; return 0; } TRefArray *sorted = GetTracks(); //TEMPORANEO TrkTrack *track = (TrkTrack*)sorted->At(it); sorted->Delete(); return track; } /** * Give the number of "physical" tracks, sorted by the method GetTracks(). */ Int_t TrkLevel2::GetNTracks(){ Float_t ntot=0; TClonesArray &t = *Track; for(int i=0; iGetImageSeqNo() == -1 ) ntot+=1.; else ntot+=0.5; } return (Int_t)ntot; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Retrieves (if present) the image of the it-th "physical" track, sorted by the method GetNTracks(). * @param it Track number, ranging from 0 to GetNTracks(). */ /*TrkTrack *TrkLevel2::GetTrackImage(int it){ if(it >= this->GetNTracks()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Track "<< it << "does not exits! " << endl; cout << " Physical tracks GetNTracks() = "<< this->ntrk() << endl; return 0; } TClonesArray* sorted = GetTracks(); TClonesArray &ts = *sorted; TrkTrack *track = (TrkTrack*)ts[it]; // TrkTrack *track = (TrkTrack*)(*(this->GetTracks()))[it]; if(!track->HasImage()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Track "<< it << "does not have image! " << endl; return 0; } TrkTrack *image = (TrkTrack*)(*Track)[track->image]; // GetTracks()->Delete(); ////TEMPORANEO sorted->Delete(); ////TEMPORANEO return image; }*/ TrkTrack *TrkLevel2::GetTrackImage(int it){ if(it >= this->GetNTracks()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Track "<< it << "does not exits! " << endl; cout << " Physical tracks GetNTracks() = "<< this->ntrk() << endl; return 0; } TRefArray* sorted = GetTracks(); //TEMPORANEO TrkTrack *track = (TrkTrack*)sorted->At(it); if(!track->HasImage()){ cout << "** TrkLevel2 ** Track "<< it << "does not have image! " << endl; return 0; } TrkTrack *image = (TrkTrack*)(*Track)[track->image]; sorted->Delete(); return image; } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Loads the magnetic field. * @param s Path of the magnetic-field files. */ void TrkLevel2::LoadField(TString s){ readb_(s.Data()); }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Get tracker-plane (mechanical) z-coordinate * @param plane_id plane index (1=TOP,2,3,4,5,6=BOTTOM) */ Float_t TrkLevel2::GetZTrk(Int_t plane_id){ switch(plane_id){ case 1: return ZTRK1; case 2: return ZTRK2; case 3: return ZTRK3; case 4: return ZTRK4; case 5: return ZTRK5; case 6: return ZTRK6; default: return 0.; }; }; //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Trajectory default constructor. * (By default is created with z-coordinates inside the tracking volume) */ Trajectory::Trajectory(){ npoint = 10; x = new float[npoint]; y = new float[npoint]; z = new float[npoint]; thx = new float[npoint]; thy = new float[npoint]; tl = new float[npoint]; float dz = ((ZTRK1)-(ZTRK6))/(npoint-1); for(int i=0; i>> created with 10 points" << endl; n=10; } npoint = n; x = new float[npoint]; y = new float[npoint]; z = new float[npoint]; thx = new float[npoint]; thy = new float[npoint]; tl = new float[npoint]; float dz = ((ZTRK1)-(ZTRK6))/(npoint-1); for(int i=0; i0)npoint = n; x = new float[npoint]; y = new float[npoint]; z = new float[npoint]; thx = new float[npoint]; thy = new float[npoint]; tl = new float[npoint]; int i=0; do{ x[i] = 0; y[i] = 0; z[i] = zin[i]; thx[i] = 0; thy[i] = 0; tl[i] = 0; i++; }while(zin[i-1] > zin[i] && i < npoint); npoint=i; if(npoint != n)cout << "NB! Trajectory created with "<> " << x[i] <<" "<< y[i] <<" "<< z[i] ; cout <<" -- " << thx[i] <<" "<< thy[i] ; cout <<" -- " << tl[i] << endl; }; } //-------------------------------------- // // //-------------------------------------- /** * Get trajectory length between two points * @param ifirst first point (default 0) * @param ilast last point (default npoint) */ float Trajectory::GetLength(int ifirst, int ilast){ if( ifirst<0 ) ifirst = 0; if( ilast>=npoint) ilast = npoint-1; float l=0; for(int i=ifirst;i<=ilast;i++){ l=l+tl[i]; }; if(z[ilast] > ZINI)l=l-tl[ilast]; if(z[ifirst] < ZINI) l=l-tl[ifirst]; return l; } ClassImp(TrkLevel2); ClassImp(TrkSinglet); ClassImp(TrkTrack); ClassImp(Trajectory);