/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/TrkLevel1.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/TrkLevel1.cpp

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Revision 1.28 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Jun 4 07:57:04 2014 UTC (10 years, 8 months ago) by pam-ts
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.27: +65 -9 lines
New tracking algorythm implementation (extended to up to 2 calorimeter planes and with level1 cleaning for nuclei)

1 /**
2 * \file TrkLevel1.cpp
3 * \author Elena Vannuccini
4 */
5 #include <TrkLevel1.h>
6 #include <iostream>
7 using namespace std;
8 //......................................
9 // F77 routines
10 //......................................
11 extern "C" {
13 // int readetaparam_();
14 float cog_(int*,int*);
15 float pfaeta_(int*,float*);
16 float pfaeta2_(int*,float*);
17 float pfaeta3_(int*,float*);
18 float pfaeta4_(int*,float*);
19 float pfaetal_(int*,float*);
20 float digsat_(int*);
21 int npfastrips_(int*,float*);
23 float fbad_cog_(int*,int*);
24 float risx_cog_(float*);
25 float risy_cog_(float*);
26 }
27 //--------------------------------------
28 //
29 //
30 //--------------------------------------
31 TrkCluster::TrkCluster(){
33 // cout << "TrkCluster::TrkCluster()"<<endl;
34 view = -1;
35 maxs = -1;
36 indmax = -1;
38 CLlength = 0;
39 clsignal = 0;
40 clsigma = 0;
41 cladc = 0;
42 clbad = 0;
44 };
45 //--------------------------------------
46 //
47 //
48 //--------------------------------------
49 TrkCluster::TrkCluster(const TrkCluster& t){
51 view = t.view;
52 maxs = t.maxs;
53 indmax = t.indmax;
55 CLlength = t.CLlength;
56 if(CLlength){
57 clsignal = new Float_t[CLlength];
58 clsigma = new Float_t[CLlength];
59 cladc = new Int_t[CLlength];
60 clbad = new Bool_t[CLlength];
61 for(Int_t i=0; i<CLlength;i++){
62 clsignal[i] = t.clsignal[i];
63 clsigma[i] = t.clsigma[i];
64 cladc[i] = t.cladc[i];
65 clbad[i] = t.clbad[i];
66 };
67 };
68 };
69 //--------------------------------------
70 //
71 //
72 //--------------------------------------
73 void TrkCluster::Clear(){
75 // cout << "void TrkCluster::Clear()"<<endl;
76 if(CLlength){
77 delete [] clsignal;
78 delete [] clsigma;
79 delete [] cladc;
80 delete [] clbad;
81 }
83 view = 0;
84 maxs = 0;
85 indmax = 0;
87 CLlength = 0;
88 clsignal = 0;
89 clsigma = 0;
90 cladc = 0;
91 clbad = 0;
93 };
94 //--------------------------------------
95 //
96 //
97 //--------------------------------------
98 /**
99 * Evaluate the cluster signal including a maximum number of adjacent
100 * strips, around maxs, having a significant signal.
101 * @param nstrip Maximum number of strips.
102 * @param cut Inclusion cut ( s > cut*sigma ).
103 * @param force Falg to force the PFA strip-inclusion pattern (nstrip>0)
104 * If nstrip<=0 only the inclusion cut is used to determine the cluster size.
105 */
106 Float_t TrkCluster::GetSignal(Int_t nstrip, Float_t cut, Bool_t force){
108 if(CLlength<=0)return 0;
110 Float_t s = 0;
112 //-----------------------------------
113 // inlcude strips with s > cut*sigma
114 //-----------------------------------
116 if( nstrip<=0 ){
117 // for(Int_t is = 0; is < CLlength; is++){
118 // Float_t scut = cut*clsigma[is];
119 // if(clsignal[is] > scut) s += clsignal[is];
120 // };
121 for(Int_t is = indmax+1; is < CLlength; is++){
122 Float_t scut = cut*clsigma[is];
123 if(clsignal[is] > scut) s += clsignal[is];
124 else break;
125 };
126 for(Int_t is = indmax; is >=0; is--){
127 Float_t scut = cut*clsigma[is];
128 if(clsignal[is] > scut) s += clsignal[is];
129 else break;
130 };
131 return s;
132 };
134 //---------------------------------------------------
135 // inlcude strips with s > cut*sigma, up to nstrip.
136 // strips are included in order of decreasing signal
137 //---------------------------------------------------
138 if( !force ){
140 Int_t il = indmax;
141 Int_t ir = indmax;
142 Int_t inc = 0;
144 if( clsignal[indmax] < cut*clsigma[indmax] ) return 0;
146 while ( inc < nstrip ){
147 Float_t sl = -100000;
148 Float_t sr = -100000;
149 if( il >= 0 ) sl = clsignal[il];
150 if( ir < CLlength ) sr = clsignal[ir];
151 if( sl == sr && inc == 0 ){
152 s += clsignal[il]; //cout << inc<<" - "<< clsignal[il]<<" "<<s<<endl;
153 il--;
154 ir++;
155 }else if ( sl >= sr && sl > cut*clsigma[il] && inc !=0 ){
156 s += sl;//cout << inc<<" - "<< clsignal[il]<<" "<<s<<endl;
157 il--;
158 }else if ( sl < sr && sr > cut*clsigma[ir] ){
159 s += sr;//cout << inc<<" - " << clsignal[ir]<<" "<<s<<endl;
160 ir++;
161 }else break;
163 inc++;
164 }
165 return s;
167 }else{
168 //---------------------------------------------------
169 // evaluate signal using a fixed number of strips,
170 // following the PFA inclusion patters
171 //---------------------------------------------------
172 // --> signal of the central strip
173 Float_t sc = clsignal[indmax];
174 // signal of adjacent strips
175 Float_t sl1 = -9999.;
176 Float_t sl2 = -9999.;
177 Float_t sr1 = -9999.;
178 Float_t sr2 = -9999.;
179 if(indmax-1>=0) sl1 = clsignal[indmax-1];
180 if(indmax-2>=0) sl2 = clsignal[indmax-2];
181 if(indmax+1<CLlength) sr1 = clsignal[indmax+1];
182 if(indmax+2<CLlength) sr2 = clsignal[indmax+2];
184 if(nstrip==1){
185 s = sc;
186 }else if(nstrip==2){
187 if( sl1>sr1 && sl1+sc!=0 )s = (sl1+sc);
188 if( sl1<sr1 && sr1+sc!=0 )s = (sc+sr1);
189 if( sl1==sr1 && sl1 != -9999.){
190 if( clsigma[indmax-1] < clsigma[indmax+1] && sl1+sc!=0 )s = (sl1+sc);
191 if( clsigma[indmax-1] > clsigma[indmax+1] && sc+sr1!=0 )s = (sc+sr1);
192 }
193 }else if(nstrip==3){
194 s = (sl1+sc+sr1);
195 }else if(nstrip==4){
196 if( sl2>sr2 && sl2+sl1+sc+sr1!=0 )s = (sl2+sl1+sc+sr1);
197 if( sl2<sr2 && sl1+sc+sr1+sr2!=0 )s = (sl1+sc+sr1+sr2);
198 if( sl2==sr2 && sl2 != -9999.){
199 if( clsigma[indmax-2] < clsigma[indmax+2] && sl2+sl1+sc+sr1!=0 )s = (sl2+sl1+sc+sr1);
200 if( clsigma[indmax-2] > clsigma[indmax+2] && sl1+sc+sr1+sr2!=0 )s = (sl1+sc+sr1+sr2);
201 }
202 }else if(nstrip==5){
203 s = (sl1+sc+sr1);
204 if(sl2 != -9999.)s += sl2;
205 if(sr2 != -9999.)s += sr2;
206 }else{
207 cout << "Float_t TrkCluster::GetSignal("<<nstrip<<","<<cut<<","<<force<<")- not implemented"<<endl;
208 }
210 }
212 return 0.;
214 };
217 /**
218 * Evaluate the cluster signal-to-noise, as defined by Turchetta, including a
219 * maximum number of adjacent strips, around maxs, having a significant signal.
220 * @param nstrip Maximum number of strips.
221 * @param cut Inclusion cut ( s > cut*sigma ).
222 * If nstrip<=0 only the inclusion cut is used to determine the cluster size.
223 */
224 Float_t TrkCluster::GetSignalToNoise(Int_t nstrip, Float_t cut){
226 if(CLlength<=0)return 0;
228 Float_t sn = 0;
230 if( nstrip<=0 ){
231 for(Int_t is = indmax+1; is < CLlength; is++){
232 Float_t scut = cut*clsigma[is];
233 if(clsignal[is] > scut) sn += clsignal[is]/clsigma[is];
234 else break;
235 };
236 for(Int_t is = indmax; is >=0; is--){
237 Float_t scut = cut*clsigma[is];
238 if(clsignal[is] > scut) sn += clsignal[is]/clsigma[is];
239 else break;
240 };
241 return sn;
242 };
245 Int_t il = indmax;
246 Int_t ir = indmax;
247 Int_t inc = 0;
249 if( clsignal[indmax] < cut*clsigma[indmax] ) return 0;
251 while ( inc < nstrip ){
252 Float_t sl = -100000;
253 Float_t sr = -100000;
254 if( il >= 0 ) sl = clsignal[il];
255 if( ir < CLlength ) sr = clsignal[ir];
256 if( sl == sr && inc == 0 ){
257 sn += clsignal[il]/clsigma[il];
258 il--;
259 ir++;
260 }else if ( sl >= sr && sl > cut*clsigma[il] && inc !=0 ){
261 sn += sl/clsigma[il];
262 il--;
263 }else if ( sl < sr && sr > cut*clsigma[ir] ){
264 sn += sr/clsigma[ir];
265 ir++;
266 }else break;
268 inc++;
269 }
270 return sn;
271 };
272 /**
273 * Evaluate the cluster multiplicity.
274 * @param cut Inclusion cut.
275 */
276 Int_t TrkCluster::GetMultiplicity(Float_t cut){
278 if(CLlength<=0)return 0;
280 Int_t m = 0;
282 for(Int_t is = indmax+1; is < CLlength; is++){
283 Float_t scut = cut*clsigma[is];
284 if(clsignal[is] > scut) m++;
285 else break;
286 };
287 for(Int_t is = indmax; is >=0; is--){
288 Float_t scut = cut*clsigma[is];
289 if(clsignal[is] > scut) m++;
290 else break;
291 };
292 return m;
293 };
294 /**
295 * True if the cluster contains bad strips.
296 * @param nbad Number of strips around the maximum.
297 */
298 Bool_t TrkCluster::IsBad(Int_t nbad){
300 if(CLlength<=0)return 0;
302 Int_t il,ir;
303 il = indmax;
304 ir = indmax;
305 for(Int_t i=1; i<nbad; i++){
306 if (ir == CLlength-1 && il == 0)break;
307 else if (ir == CLlength-1 && il != 0)il--;
308 else if (ir != CLlength-1 && il == 0)ir++;
309 else{
310 if(clsignal[il-1] > clsignal[ir+1])il--;
311 else ir++;
312 }
313 }
314 Int_t isbad = 0;
315 for(Int_t i=il; i<=ir; i++)isbad += clbad[i];
317 return ( isbad != nbad );
318 };
319 /**
320 * True if the cluster contains saturated strips.
321 * @param nbad Number of strips around the maximum.
322 */
323 Bool_t TrkCluster::IsSaturated(Int_t nbad){
325 if(CLlength<=0)return 0;
327 Int_t il,ir;
328 il = indmax;
329 ir = indmax;
330 for(Int_t i=1; i<nbad; i++){
331 if (ir == CLlength-1 && il == 0)break;
332 else if (ir == CLlength-1 && il != 0)il--;
333 else if (ir != CLlength-1 && il == 0)ir++;
334 else{
335 if(clsignal[il-1] > clsignal[ir+1])il--;
336 else ir++;
337 }
338 }
339 Int_t isbad = 0;
340 for(Int_t i=il; i<=ir; i++){
341 if( IsX() && cladc[i] > 2980 )isbad++;
342 if( IsY() && cladc[i] < 80 )isbad++;
343 }
344 return ( isbad != 0 );
346 }
347 //--------------------------------------
348 //
349 //
350 //--------------------------------------
351 void TrkCluster::Dump(){
353 cout << "----- Cluster" << endl;
354 cout << "View "<<view << " - Ladder "<<GetLadder()<<endl;
355 cout << "Position of maximun "<< maxs <<endl;
356 cout << "Multiplicity "<< GetMultiplicity() <<endl;
357 cout << "Tot signal "<< GetSignal() << " (ADC channels)"<<endl ;
358 cout << "Signal/Noise "<< GetSignalToNoise()<<endl;
359 cout << "COG "<< GetCOG(0)<<endl;;
360 cout << "Strip signals ";
361 for(Int_t i =0; i<CLlength; i++)cout << " " <<clsignal[i];
362 cout <<endl<< "Strip sigmas ";
363 for(Int_t i =0; i<CLlength; i++)cout << " " <<clsigma[i];
364 cout <<endl<< "Strip ADC ";
365 for(Int_t i =0; i<CLlength; i++)cout << " " <<cladc[i];
366 cout <<endl<< "Strip BAD ";
367 for(Int_t i =0; i<CLlength; i++){
368 if(i==indmax)cout << " *" <<clbad[i]<<"*";
369 else cout << " " <<clbad[i];
370 }
371 cout << endl;
373 }
374 //--------------------------------------
375 //
376 //
377 //--------------------------------------
378 /**
379 * Method to fill a level1 struct with only one cluster (done to use F77 p.f.a. routines on a cluster basis).
380 */
381 void TrkCluster::GetLevel1Struct(cTrkLevel1* l1){
383 // cTrkLevel1* l1 = new cTrkLevel1;
385 // cTrkLevel1* l1 = &level1event_ ;
387 l1->nclstr1 = 1;
388 l1->view[0] = view;
389 l1->ladder[0] = GetLadder();
390 l1->maxs[0] = maxs;
391 l1->mult[0] = GetMultiplicity();
392 l1->dedx[0] = GetSignal();
393 l1->indstart[0] = 1;
394 l1->indmax[0] = indmax+1;
395 l1->totCLlength = CLlength;
396 for(Int_t i=0; i<CLlength; i++){
397 l1->clsignal[i] = clsignal[i];
398 l1->clsigma[i] = clsigma[i];
399 l1->cladc[i] = cladc[i];
400 l1->clbad[i] = clbad[i];
401 };
403 // return l1;
404 };
405 //--------------------------------------
406 //
407 //
408 //--------------------------------------
409 /**
410 * Evaluates the Center-Of-Gravity (COG) of the cluster, in strips, relative to the strip with the maximum signal (TrkCluster::maxs).
411 * @param ncog Number of strips to evaluate COG.
412 * If ncog=0, the COG of the cluster is evaluated according to the cluster multiplicity (defined by the inclusion cut).
413 * If ncog>0, the COG is evaluated using ncog strips, even if they have a negative signal (according to G.Landi)
414 *
415 * (NB TrkCluster::GetLevel1Struct() showld be called first, in order to fill the F77 level1 common with this single cluster)
416 */
417 Float_t TrkCluster::GetCOG(Int_t ncog){
419 int ic = 1;
420 // GetLevel1Struct(); //Elena: dangerous...
421 return cog_(&ncog,&ic);
423 };
424 /**
425 * Evaluates the Center-Of-Gravity (COG) of the cluster, in strips, relative to the strip with the maximum signal (TrkCluster::maxs),
426 * choosing the number of strips according to the angle, as implemented for the eta-algorythm .
427 * @param angle Projected angle in degree.
428 */
429 Float_t TrkCluster::GetCOG(Float_t angle){
431 Int_t neta = 0;
433 // Float_t eta = GetETA(0,angle);
434 // for(neta=2; neta<10; neta++) if( eta == GetETA(neta,angle) ) break;
435 // if(eta != GetETA(neta,angle) )cout << "Attenzione!! pasticcio "<<endl;
437 if( view%2 ){ //Y
438 neta=2;
439 }else{ //X
440 if( fabs(angle) <= 10. ){
441 neta = 2;
442 }else if( fabs(angle) > 10. && fabs(angle) <= 15. ){
443 neta = 3;
444 }else{
445 neta = 4;
446 };
447 };
449 return GetCOG(neta);
451 };
452 //--------------------------------------
453 //
454 //
455 //--------------------------------------
456 /**
457 * Evaluates the cluster position, in pitch units, relative to the strip
458 * with the maximum signal (TrkCluster::maxs), by applying the non-linear
459 * ETA-algorythm.
460 * @param neta Number of strips to evaluate ETA.
461 * @param angle Projected (effective) angle between particle track and detector plane.
462 * @landi flag to apply Landi correction
463 * Implemented values of neta are 2,3,4. If neta=0, ETA2, ETA3 and ETA4 are applied according to the angle.
464 * (NB TrkCluster::GetLevel1Struct() showld be called first, in order to fill the F77 level1 common with this single cluster)
465 */
466 Float_t TrkCluster::GetETA(Int_t neta, float angle, bool landi){
468 // cout << "GetETA(neta,angle) "<< neta << " "<< angle;
469 // LoadPfaParam();
471 TrkParams::Load(4);
472 if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(4) ){
473 cout << "Float_t TrkCluster::GetETA(Int_t neta, float angle, bool landi) --- ERROR --- p.f.a. parameters not loaded"<<endl;
474 return 0;
475 }
477 float ax = angle;
478 int ic = 1;
479 //GetLevel1Struct(); //Elena: dangerous...
480 if( neta == 0 && !landi) return pfaeta_(&ic,&ax);
481 else if(neta == 0 && landi ) return pfaetal_(&ic,&ax);
482 else if(neta == 2 ) return pfaeta2_(&ic,&ax);
483 else if(neta == 3 ) return pfaeta3_(&ic,&ax);
484 else if(neta == 4 ) return pfaeta4_(&ic,&ax);
485 else cout << "TrkCluster::GetETA("<<neta<<","<<angle<<","<<landi<<") not implemented\n";
486 return 0;
488 };
490 /**
491 * Evaluates the cluster position, in pitch units, relative to the strip
492 * with the maximum signal (TrkCluster::maxs), by applying the digital
493 * algorithm for saturated clusters.
494 *
495 * @return The cluster position (0 also if if no saturated strip is found).
496 *
497 * (NB TrkCluster::GetLevel1Struct() showld be called first, in order to fill the F77 level1 common with this single cluster)
498 */
499 Float_t TrkCluster::GetDigSat() {
501 // GetLevel1Struct(); //Elena: dangerous...
502 int ic = 1;
503 return digsat_(&ic);
505 }
507 /**
508 * Evaluates the cluster position, in pitch unit, relative to the strip with
509 * the maximum signal (TrkCluster::maxs), by applying the PFA set as default (see TrkParams).
510 * @param angle Projected (effective) angle between particle track and detector plane.
511 */
512 Float_t TrkCluster::GetPositionPU(float angle){
514 if ( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 0 )return GetETA(0,angle,false);
515 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 2 )return GetETA(2,angle,false);
516 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 3 )return GetETA(3,angle,false);
517 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 4 )return GetETA(4,angle,false);
518 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 5 )return GetETA(0,angle,true);
519 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 10 )return GetCOG(0);
520 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 11 )return GetCOG(1);
521 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 12 )return GetCOG(2);
522 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 13 )return GetCOG(3);
523 else if( TrkParams::GetPFA() == 14 )return GetCOG(4);
524 else cout << " TrkCluster::GetPositionPU(float "<<angle<<") -- WARNING -- PFA="<<TrkParams::GetPFA()<<" not implemented"<<endl;
526 return 0.;
528 }
530 /**
531 * Give the number of strip used to evaluate the cluster coordinate
532 * according to the p.f.a.
533 * It returns 0 when the COG is used (in this case the number of strip used
534 * equals the multiplicity).
535 * (NB TrkCluster::GetLevel1Struct() showld be called first, in order to fill the F77 level1 common with this single cluster)
536 */
537 Int_t TrkCluster::GetPFAstrips(float angle){
539 float ax = angle;
540 int ic = 1;
541 // GetLevel1Struct(); //Elena: dangerous...
542 return npfastrips_(&ic,&ax);
544 }
546 //--------------------------------------
547 //
548 //
549 //--------------------------------------
550 TrkLevel1::TrkLevel1(){
552 // cout << "TrkLevel1::TrkLevel1()"<<endl;
553 // Cluster = new TClonesArray("TrkCluster");
554 Cluster = 0;
555 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
556 good[i] = -1;
557 for(Int_t j=0; j<24 ; j++){
558 cn[j][i]=0;
559 cnn[j][i]=0;
560 };
561 };
562 // TrkParams::SetTrackingMode();
563 // TrkParams::SetPrecisionFactor();
564 // TrkParams::SetStepMin();
565 TrkParams::SetMiniDefault();
566 TrkParams::SetPFA();
567 }
568 //--------------------------------------
569 //
570 //
571 //--------------------------------------
572 void TrkLevel1::Set(){
573 if(!Cluster)Cluster = new TClonesArray("TrkCluster");
574 }
575 //--------------------------------------
576 //
577 //
578 //--------------------------------------
579 void TrkLevel1::Dump(){
581 cout<<"DSP status: ";
582 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++)cout<<good[i]<<" ";
583 cout<<endl;
584 cout<<"VA1 mask : "<<endl;
585 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
586 for(Int_t ii=0; ii<24 ; ii++){
587 Int_t mask = cnn[ii][i];
588 if(mask>0)mask=1;
589 cout<<mask<<" ";
590 }
591 cout <<endl;
592 }
594 if(!Cluster)return;
595 TClonesArray &t = *Cluster;
596 for(int i=0; i<this->nclstr(); i++) ((TrkCluster *)t[i])->Dump();
598 }
599 /**
600 * \brief Dump processing status
601 */
602 void TrkLevel1::StatusDump(int view){
603 cout << "DSP n. "<<view+1<<" (level1-)status: "<<hex<<showbase<<good[view]<<dec<<endl;
604 };
605 /**
606 * \brief Check event status
607 *
608 * Check the event status, according to a flag-mask given as input.
609 * Return true if the view passes the check.
610 *
611 * @param view View number (0-11)
612 * @param flagmask Mask of flags to check (eg. flagmask=0x111 no missing packet,
613 * no crc error, no software alarm)
614 *
615 * @see TrkLevel2 class definition to know how the status flag is defined
616 *
617 */
618 Bool_t TrkLevel1::StatusCheck(int view, int flagmask){
620 if( view<0 || view >= 12)return false;
621 return !(good[view]&flagmask);
623 };
626 //--------------------------------------
627 //
628 //
629 //--------------------------------------
630 /**
631 * Fills a TrkLevel1 object with values from a struct cTrkLevel1 (to get data from F77 common).
632 */
633 void TrkLevel1::SetFromLevel1Struct(cTrkLevel1 *l1, Bool_t full){
635 // cout << "void TrkLevel1::SetFromLevel1Struct(cTrkLevel1 *l1, Bool_t full)"<<endl;
637 Clear();
638 // ---------------
639 // *** CLUSTER ***
640 // ---------------
641 TrkCluster* t_cl = new TrkCluster();
642 if(!Cluster)Cluster = new TClonesArray("TrkCluster");
643 TClonesArray &t = *Cluster;
644 for(int i=0; i<l1->nclstr1; i++){
646 t_cl->Clear();
647 // if( full || (!full && l1->whichtrack[i]) ){
649 t_cl->view = l1->view[i];
650 t_cl->maxs = l1->maxs[i];
652 if( full || (!full && l1->whichtrack[i]) ){
653 t_cl->indmax = l1->indmax[i] - l1->indstart[i];
654 Int_t from = l1->indstart[i] -1;
655 Int_t to = l1->totCLlength ;
656 if(i != l1->nclstr1-1)to = l1->indstart[i+1] -1 ;
657 t_cl->CLlength = to - from ;
659 t_cl->clsignal = new Float_t[t_cl->CLlength];
660 t_cl->clsigma = new Float_t[t_cl->CLlength];
661 t_cl->cladc = new Int_t[t_cl->CLlength];
662 t_cl->clbad = new Bool_t[t_cl->CLlength];
664 Int_t index = 0;
665 for(Int_t is = from; is < to; is++ ){
666 t_cl->clsignal[index] = (Float_t) l1->clsignal[is];
667 t_cl->clsigma[index] = (Float_t) l1->clsigma[is];
668 t_cl->cladc[index] = (Int_t) l1->cladc[is];
669 t_cl->clbad[index] = (Bool_t) l1->clbad[is];
670 index++;
671 };
672 }
673 new(t[i]) TrkCluster(*t_cl); // <<< store cluster
674 };
676 delete t_cl;
678 // -------------------------
679 // ****general variables****
680 // -------------------------
681 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
682 good[i] = l1->good[i];
683 for(Int_t j=0; j<24 ; j++){
684 cn[j][i] = l1->cnev[j][i];
685 // cnrms[j][i] = l1->cnrmsev[j][i];
686 cnn[j][i] = l1->cnnev[j][i];
687 };
688 };
690 }
691 /**
692 * Fills a struct cTrkLevel1 with values from a TrkLevel1 object (to put data into a F77 common).
693 */
695 void TrkLevel1::GetLevel1Struct(cTrkLevel1* l1) {
697 // cTrkLevel1* l1 = &level1event_ ;
699 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
700 l1->good[i] = good[i];
701 for(Int_t j=0; j<24 ; j++){
702 l1->cnev[j][i] = cn[j][i] ;
703 l1->cnnev[j][i] = cnn[j][i] ;
704 l1->cnrmsev[j][i] = 0. ;
705 };
706 l1->fshower[i] = 0;
707 };
709 l1->nclstr1=0;
710 l1->totCLlength=0;
711 Int_t index=0;
712 if(Cluster){
713 Int_t i=0;
714 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<Cluster->GetEntries();ii++){
715 TrkCluster *clu = GetCluster(ii);
716 // ----------------------------------------
717 // attenzione!!
718 // se il cluster non e` salvato (view = 0)
719 // DEVE essere escluso dal common F77
720 // ----------------------------------------
721 if(clu->view != 0 ){
722 l1->view[i] = clu->view;
723 l1->ladder[i] = clu->GetLadder();
724 l1->maxs[i] = clu->maxs;
725 l1->mult[i] = clu->GetMultiplicity();
726 l1->dedx[i] = clu->GetSignal();
727 l1->indstart[i] = index+1;
728 l1->indmax[i] = l1->indstart[i] + clu->indmax;
729 l1->totCLlength += clu->CLlength;
730 for(Int_t iw=0; iw < clu->CLlength; iw++){
731 l1->clsignal[index] = clu->clsignal[iw];
732 l1->clsigma[index] = clu->clsigma[iw];
733 l1->cladc[index] = clu->cladc[iw];
734 l1->clbad[index] = clu->clbad[iw];
735 index++;
736 }
737 i++;
738 }
739 }
740 l1->nclstr1 = i;
741 }
743 // return l1;
744 }
745 //--------------------------------------
746 //
747 //
748 //--------------------------------------
749 void TrkLevel1::Clear(){
751 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
752 good[i] = -1;
753 for(Int_t j=0; j<24 ; j++){
754 cn[j][i] = 0;
755 cnn[j][i] = 0;
756 };
757 };
758 // if(Cluster)Cluster->Clear("C");
759 if(Cluster)Cluster->Delete();
761 }
762 //--------------------------------------
763 //
764 //
765 //--------------------------------------
766 void TrkLevel1::Delete(){
768 // Clear();
769 if(Cluster)Cluster->Delete();
770 if(Cluster)delete Cluster;
772 }
773 //--------------------------------------
774 //
775 //
776 //--------------------------------------
777 TrkCluster *TrkLevel1::GetCluster(int is){
779 if(!Cluster)return 0;
780 if(is >= nclstr()){
781 cout << "** TrkLevel1::GetCluster(int) ** Cluster "<< is << " does not exits! " << endl;
782 cout << "( Stored clusters nclstr() = "<< this->nclstr()<<" )" << endl;
783 return 0;
784 }
786 TClonesArray &t = *(Cluster);
787 TrkCluster *cluster = (TrkCluster*)t[is];
788 return cluster;
789 }
792 // int TrkLevel1::GetPfaNbinsAngle(){
793 // TrkParams::Load(4);
794 // if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(4) ){
795 // cout << "int TrkLevel1::GetPfaNbinsAngle() --- ERROR --- p.f.a. parameters not loaded"<<endl;
796 // return 0;
797 // }
798 // return pfa_.nangbin;
799 // };
801 // int TrkLevel1::GetPfaNbinsETA(){
802 // TrkParams::Load(4);
803 // if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(4) ){
804 // cout << "int TrkLevel1::GetPfaNbinsETA() --- ERROR --- p.f.a. parameters not loaded"<<endl;
805 // return 0;
806 // }
807 // return pfa_.netaval;
808 // };
810 // /**
811 // *
812 // *
813 // */
814 // float* TrkLevel1::GetPfaCoord(TString pfa, int nview, int nladder, int nang){
816 // TrkParams::Load(4);
817 // if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(4) ){
818 // cout << "float* TrkLevel1::GetPfaCoord(TString pfa, int nview, int nladder, int nang) --- ERROR --- p.f.a. parameters not loaded"<<endl;
819 // return 0;
820 // }
822 // int nbins = GetPfaNbinsETA();
823 // if(!nbins)return 0;
825 // float *fcorr = new float [nbins];
827 // if(!pfa.CompareTo("ETA2",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
828 // for(int ib=0; ib<nbins; ib++){
829 // fcorr[ib] = pfa_.feta2[nang][nladder][nview][ib];
830 // cout << pfa_.eta2[nang][ib] << " - " << pfa_.feta2[nang][nladder][nview][ib]<<endl;;
831 // }
832 // }else if (!pfa.CompareTo("ETA3",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
833 // for(int ib=0; ib<nbins; ib++)fcorr[ib] = pfa_.feta3[nang][nladder][nview][ib];
834 // }else if (!pfa.CompareTo("ETA4",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
835 // for(int ib=0; ib<nbins; ib++)fcorr[ib] = pfa_.feta4[nang][nladder][nview][ib];
836 // }else{
837 // cout << pfa<<" pfa parameters not implemented "<<endl;
838 // return 0;
839 // }
841 // return fcorr;
843 // };
845 // float* TrkLevel1::GetPfaAbs(TString pfa, int nang){
847 // TrkParams::Load(4);
848 // if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(4) ){
849 // cout << "float* TrkLevel1::GetPfaAbs(TString pfa, int nang) --- ERROR --- p.f.a. parameters not loaded"<<endl;
850 // return 0;
851 // }
853 // int nbins = GetPfaNbinsETA();
854 // if(!nbins)return 0;
856 // float *fcorr = new float [nbins];
858 // if(!pfa.CompareTo("ETA2",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
859 // for(int ib=0; ib<nbins; ib++)fcorr[ib] = pfa_.eta2[nang][ib];
860 // }else if (!pfa.CompareTo("ETA3",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
861 // for(int ib=0; ib<nbins; ib++)fcorr[ib] = pfa_.eta3[nang][ib];
862 // }else if (!pfa.CompareTo("ETA4",TString::kIgnoreCase)){
863 // for(int ib=0; ib<nbins; ib++)fcorr[ib] = pfa_.eta4[nang][ib];
864 // }else{
865 // cout << pfa<<" pfa parameters not implemented "<<endl;
866 // return 0;
867 // }
869 // return fcorr;
871 // };
873 /**
874 * Method to call the F77 routine that performs level1->level2 processing.
875 * The level2 output is stored in a common block, which can be retrieved
876 * by mean of the method TrkLevel2::SetFromLevel2Struct().
877 * NB If the TrkLevel1 object is readout from a tree, and the
878 * TrkLevel1::ProcessEvent(int pfa) is used to reprocess the event, attention
879 * should be payed to the fact that single clusters (clusters not associated
880 * with any track) might not be stored. Full reprocessing should be done starting
881 * from level0 data.
882 */
883 //int TrkLevel1::ProcessEvent(int pfa){
884 int TrkLevel1::ProcessEvent(){
886 // cout << "int TrkLevel1::ProcessEvent()" << endl;
887 TrkParams::Load( );
888 if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded() )return 0;
890 GetLevel1Struct();
892 // analysisflight_(&pfa);
893 // TrkParams::SetPFA(pfa);
894 analysisflight_();
896 return 1;
898 }
900 //--------------------------------------
901 //
902 //
903 //--------------------------------------
904 /**
905 * Method to fill a TrkLevel1 object from an existing one, by cleaning low-signal clusters.
906 *
907 */
908 void TrkLevel1::Set(TrkLevel1 *trkl1, float mipCut, float fCut){
913 if(!trkl1)return;
915 // -------------------------
916 // ****general variables****
917 // -------------------------
918 for(Int_t i=0; i<12 ; i++){
919 good[i] = trkl1->good[i];
920 for(Int_t j=0; j<24 ; j++){
921 cn[j][i] = trkl1->cn[j][i];
922 cnn[j][i] = trkl1->cnn[j][i];
923 };
924 };
925 // -------------------------
926 // ****cluster array****
927 // -------------------------
929 if(Cluster)Cluster->Clear("C");
930 Cluster = new TClonesArray("TrkCluster");
931 TClonesArray &t = *Cluster;
933 int isel=0;
934 for(int icl=0 ; icl< trkl1->GetClusters()->GetEntries(); icl++){
935 TrkCluster *cl = trkl1->GetCluster(icl);
937 float mip = TrkParams::GetMIP(cl->GetLadder()-1,cl->view-1);
938 float smip = cl->GetSignal()/(mip>0.?mip:1.);
939 float smax = cl->clsignal[cl->indmax]/(mip>0.?mip:1.);
940 if(smax/smip<fCut)continue;
941 if(smip<mipCut)continue;
942 if(smax<0.5*mipCut)continue;
946 new(t[isel]) TrkCluster(*cl); // <<< store cluster
947 isel++;
948 }
952 }
954 ClassImp(TrkLevel1);
955 ClassImp(TrkCluster);

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