/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/TrkLevel0.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/TrkLevel0.cpp

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Revision 1.5 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Nov 25 14:41:36 2008 UTC (16 years, 3 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4: +6 -2 lines
fixed small bug in cluster-finding.

1 /**
2 * \file TrkLevel0.cpp
3 * \author Elena Vannuccini
4 */
5 #include <TrkLevel0.h>
7 //......................................
8 // F77 routines
9 //......................................
10 extern "C" {
12 void filladc_(int*);
13 void evaluatecn_(int*);
14 void subtractped_(int*);
17 }
18 using namespace pamela::tracker;
20 /**
21 *
22 * Function to decode the tracker words.
23 *
24 * Tracker words are of three types:
25 * - ADC data
26 * - strip address
27 * - end of ladder
28 *
29 * The function returns a struct variable (trkword)
30 * that contains two quantities, type and decode, which are assigned
31 * the following values:
32 *
33 * type decode
34 * ----------------------------------------------------
35 * -1 error 0
36 * 0 data 0-4095 ADC values
37 * 1 address 0-1023 strip address (relative to ladder)
38 * 2 end-of-ladder 1,2,3 ladder number (compressed acq mode)
39 * 4,5,6 ladder number + 3 (full acq mode)
40 *
41 **/
43 trkword datadecode(int word){
44 int type =0;
45 int data =0;
46 int nodata = word&0xf000;
47 int zero = 0;
49 trkword thisword;
51 switch (nodata>>12){
53 case 0:
55 thisword.decode = word;
56 thisword.type = 0;
57 // cout << thisword.decode << "\n";
58 return (thisword); //>>>>> ADC data (0)
60 case 1:
62 type = word&0xC00;
63 data = word&0x3ff;
65 switch(type>>10){
67 case 0:
68 thisword.decode = data;
69 thisword.type = 1; //>>> address (1)
70 return (thisword);
72 case 2:
73 // if(data>=4)data = data-3;
74 if(data>6){
75 printf("Error on data \n");
76 thisword.decode = zero;
77 thisword.type = -1;
78 return (thisword); //>>>>> error (-1)
79 }
80 thisword.decode = data;
81 thisword.type = 2;
82 return (thisword); //>>> end-of-ladder
84 default:
85 printf("Error on data \n");
86 thisword.decode = zero;
87 thisword.type = -1;
88 return (thisword); //>>>>> error (-1)
90 }
92 default:
94 printf("Error on data \n");
95 thisword.decode = zero;
96 thisword.type = -1;
97 return (thisword); //>>>>> error (-1)
98 }
99 }
102 /**
103 * Pass values from the TrkLevel0 object to a struct cTrkLevel0 (to put data in F77 common).
104 */
105 //void TrkLevel0::GetCommonVar(cTrkLevel0 *l0) {
106 void TrkLevel0::GetLevel0Struct(cTrkLevel0 *l0) {
108 Int_t countrk=0;
110 l0->good0 = yodaobj->good0;
111 l0->TOTDATAlength = yodaobj->TOTDATAlength;
112 for(Int_t ii=0;ii<12;ii++){
113 l0->DAQmode[ii] = yodaobj->DAQmode[ii];
114 l0->DSPnumber[ii] = yodaobj->DSPnumber[ii];
115 l0->DATAlength[ii] = yodaobj->DATAlength[ii];
116 l0->eventn[ii] = yodaobj->eventn[ii];
117 l0->nclust[ii] = yodaobj->nclust[ii];
118 l0->cutc[ii] = yodaobj->cutc[ii];
119 l0->cutcl[ii] = yodaobj->cutcl[ii];
120 for(Int_t iii=0;iii<3;iii++){
121 l0->addrcluster[iii][ii] = yodaobj->addrcluster[ii][iii];
122 l0->signcluster[iii][ii] = yodaobj->signcluster[ii][iii];
123 };
124 l0->fc[ii] = yodaobj->fc[ii];
125 l0->compressiontime[ii] = yodaobj->compressiontime[ii];
126 l0->fl5[ii] = yodaobj->fl5[ii];
127 l0->fl4[ii] = yodaobj->fl4[ii];
128 l0->fl3[ii] = yodaobj->fl3[ii];
129 l0->fl2[ii] = yodaobj->fl2[ii];
130 l0->fl1[ii] = yodaobj->fl1[ii];
131 l0->fl6[ii] = yodaobj->fl6[ii];
132 l0->checksum[ii] = yodaobj->checksum[ii];
133 for(Int_t j=0;j<yodaobj->DATAlength[ii];j++){
134 l0->datatracker[countrk] = yodaobj->TrackerData.At(countrk);
135 ++countrk;
136 };
137 l0->pnum[ii] = yodaobj->pnum[ii];
138 l0->cmdnum[ii] = yodaobj->cmdnum[ii];
139 l0->bid[ii] = yodaobj->bid[ii];
140 l0->alarm[ii] = yodaobj->alarm[ii];
141 l0->aswr[ii] = yodaobj->aswr[ii];
142 };
145 }
146 /**
147 * Pass values from the TrkLevel0 object to a struct cTrkLevel0 (to put data in F77 common).
148 */
149 void TrkLevel0::SetFromLevel0Struct(cTrkLevel0 *){
151 cout<<"void TrkLevel0::SetFromLevel0Struct(cTrkLevel0 *) -- not implemented"<<endl;
153 };
154 /**
155 * Method to call the F77 routine that performs level0->level1 processing.
156 * The level1 output is stored in a common block, which can be retrieved
157 * by mean of the method TrkLevel1::SetFromLevel1Struct().
158 */
159 int TrkLevel0::ProcessEvent(){
161 // cout << "int TrkLevel0::ProcessEvent()" << endl;
162 TrkParams::Load(6);
163 if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(6) ){
164 cout << "int TrkLevel0::ProcessEvent() -- ERROR -- VK-mask not loaded"<<endl;
165 return 0;
166 };
167 TrkParams::LoadCalib( );
168 if( !TrkParams::CalibIsLoaded() ){
169 cout << "int TrkLevel0::ProcessEvent() -- ERROR -- Calibration not loaded"<<endl;
170 return 0;
171 };
173 GetLevel0Struct();
174 int F77err = 0;
175 reductionflight_(&F77err);
176 if(F77err < 0){
177 cout << "int TrkLevel0::ProcessEvent() -- ERROR -- from F77 routine"<<endl;
178 return 0;
179 }
180 // cout << "...done"<<endl;
182 return 1;
184 }
185 /**
186 * Method to evaluate the raw signal (ADC) of each strip (it performs uncompression).
187 * (it calls F77 routine filladc )
188 */
189 bool TrkLevel0::FillADC(){
191 // cout << "int TrkLevel0::ProcessEvent()" << endl;
192 TrkParams::Load(6);
193 if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded(6) ){
194 cout << "int TrkLevel0::FillADC() -- ERROR -- VK-mask not loaded"<<endl;
195 return false;
196 };
197 TrkParams::LoadCalib( );
198 if( !TrkParams::CalibIsLoaded() ){
199 cout << "int TrkLevel0::FillADC() -- ERROR -- Calibration not loaded"<<endl;
200 return false;
201 };
203 GetLevel0Struct();
204 int iflag=0;
205 filladc_(&iflag);
206 if(iflag!=0)return false;
207 return true;
209 }
210 /**
211 * Method to evaluate calibrated signal (ADC-CN-PED) of each view
212 * (it calls F77 routines: filladc + evaluatecn + subtractped)
213 * @param iview view number (1-12)
214 * @param graph pointer to a TGraph to retrieve the output
215 * @param filladc if true calls F77 routine FillADC. otherwise must be called outside
216 */
217 bool TrkLevel0::GetCalibratedEvent(int iview, TGraph* graph, bool filladc){
219 if ( iview<1 || iview>12 )return false;
220 if( filladc ){
221 if ( !FillADC() ) return false;
222 }
223 evaluatecn_(&iview);
224 subtractped_(&iview);
226 if(graph){
227 graph->Set(NSTRIP);
228 for(int i=0; i<NSTRIP; i++)graph->SetPoint(i,(float)i,calibratedsignal_.value[i]);
229 }
232 return true;
234 }
235 /**
236 * extract compressed/full data for a subset of channels
237 *
238 */
239 void TrkLevel0::Decode(int from,int to,bool& COMPRESSED,bool& FULL, int* datacomp, int* datafull){
240 //
241 int address = 0;
242 int ladder = 1;
243 Int_t whisto[3072]; for(int i=0; i<3072; i++)whisto[i] = -200;
244 //
245 COMPRESSED=false;
246 FULL=false;
248 for(Int_t vi = from ; vi < to ; vi++){
249 int word = yodaobj->TrackerData.At(vi);
250 trkword thisword = datadecode(word);
251 switch (thisword.type){
253 case 0: //ADC value
254 whisto[address] = thisword.decode;
255 // cout << vi<<" data " << thisword.decode << " @ "<<address << "\n";
256 address++;
257 break;
259 case 1: //address
260 address = 1024*(ladder-1) + thisword.decode;
261 // cout << vi<<" adr " << address << "\n";
262 break;
264 case 2: //end-of-ladder
265 ladder = thisword.decode;
266 // cout << vi<<" Ladder " << ladder << "\n";
267 if(ladder==3){
268 // end of compressed data - FILL HISTO
269 // cout << ">>> COMPRESSED data" << "\n";
270 COMPRESSED=true;
271 for(int ii = 0; ii < 3072; ii++){
272 *(datacomp+ii) = whisto[ii];
273 whisto[ii] = -200;
274 }
275 address = 0;
276 ladder = 1;
277 }else if(ladder==6){
278 // end of full data - FILL HISTO
279 // cout << ">>> FULL data" << "\n";
280 FULL=true;
281 for(int ii = 0; ii < 3072; ii++){
282 *(datafull+ii) = whisto[ii];
283 whisto[ii] = -200;
284 }
285 address = 0;
286 ladder = 1;
287 }else{
288 if(ladder>3) ladder=ladder-3;
289 address= ladder*1024;
290 ladder = ladder + 1;
291 }
292 }
293 }
295 }
297 /**
298 * Retrieve full event
299 *
300 */
301 bool TrkLevel0::GetFullEvent(int iview, TGraph* graph){
304 // retrieve the index of the dsp
305 int idsp=0;
306 do{
307 if ( yodaobj->DSPnumber[idsp] == iview )break;
308 idsp++;
309 }while(idsp<12);
310 if(idsp==12)return false;
311 //
312 // check DAQ mode:
313 // 9 full
314 // 10 compressed
315 // 11 compressed+full
316 // 8 special: compressed+full <--> compressed alternati
317 //
318 if( yodaobj->DAQmode[idsp] == 10 )return false;//compressed only
319 //
320 int offset =0;
321 for(int i=0; i<idsp; i++)offset+=yodaobj->DATAlength[i];
322 //
323 // decode data
324 //
325 Int_t whistocomp[3072];
326 Int_t whistofull[3072];
327 bool COMPRESSED=false;
328 bool FULL=false;
329 Decode(offset,offset+yodaobj->DATAlength[idsp],COMPRESSED,FULL,whistocomp,whistofull);
330 if(!FULL) return false;
332 if(!graph)graph=new TGraph(3072);
333 for(int i=0; i<3072; i++)graph->SetPoint(i,(double)i,(double)whistofull[i]);
334 return true;
336 }
338 /**
339 * Retrieve compressed event
340 *
341 */
342 bool TrkLevel0::GetCompressedEvent(int iview, TGraph* graph){
345 // retrieve the index of the dsp
346 int idsp=0;
347 do{
348 if ( yodaobj->DSPnumber[idsp] == iview )break;
349 idsp++;
350 }while(idsp<12);
351 if(idsp==12)return false;
352 //
353 // check DAQ mode:
354 // 9 full
355 // 10 compressed
356 // 11 compressed+full
357 // 8 special: compressed+full <--> compressed alternati
358 //
359 if( yodaobj->DAQmode[idsp] == 9 )return false;
360 //
361 int offset =0;
362 for(int i=0; i<idsp; i++)offset+=yodaobj->DATAlength[i];
363 //
364 // decode data
365 //
366 Int_t whistocomp[3072];
367 Int_t whistofull[3072];
368 bool COMPRESSED=false;
369 bool FULL=false;
370 Decode(offset,offset+yodaobj->DATAlength[idsp],COMPRESSED,FULL,whistocomp,whistofull);
371 if(!COMPRESSED) return false;
373 if(!graph)graph=new TGraph(3072);
374 for(int i=0; i<3072; i++)graph->SetPoint(i,(double)i,(double)whistocomp[i]);
375 return true;
377 }
378 /**
379 * Retrieve uncompressed event event
380 */
381 bool TrkLevel0::GetUnCompressedEvent(int iview, TGraph* graph){
383 if(!graph)graph=new TGraph(3072);
384 //
385 if( !GetCompressedEvent(iview,graph) )return false;
386 //
387 double* adc;
388 double last;
389 adc = graph->GetY();
390 for(int i=0; i<3072; i++){
391 int ivk = (int)((float)i/128.);
392 int is = i%128;
393 if(*(adc+i)>0)last = adc[i] - (double)pedsigbad_.pedestal_t[is][ivk][iview-1];
394 else{
395 *(adc+i) = last + (double)pedsigbad_.pedestal_t[is][ivk][iview-1];
396 }
397 graph->SetPoint(i,(double)i,*(adc+i));
398 }
400 return true;
402 }
403 /**
404 * Retrieve sigmas
405 */
406 bool TrkLevel0::GetSigma(int iview, TGraph* graph){
408 if(!graph)graph=new TGraph(3072);
409 //
410 for(int i=0; i<3072; i++){
411 int ivk = (int)((float)i/128.);
412 int is = i%128;
413 graph->SetPoint(i,(double)i,(double)pedsigbad_.sigma[is][ivk][iview-1]);
414 }
416 return true;
418 }
420 ClassImp(TrkLevel0);

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