/** * \file TrkCore.cpp * \author Elena Vannuccini */ // ......................................................... // ROOT header files // ......................................................... #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ......................................................... // other general header files // ......................................................... #include #include // ......................................................... // files in the inc directory // ......................................................... #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include #include #include // ......................................................... // YODA header files // ......................................................... #include //#include #include #include #include // // Calorimeter level1 class header and definitions // #include //EM // // ToF level2 class header and definitions // #include //EM // // Extended tracking // #include //EV // ......................................................... // namespaces // ......................................................... using namespace std; using namespace pamela; // ================================================================================ // // // ================================================================================ /** * \brief Tracker data reduction routine. * * It performs data reduction LEVEL0->LEVEL1->LEVEL2, producing LEVEL1 and or LEVEL2 output, in ROOT or HBOOK format. * Input parameters: * @param run id of the run to be processed (if run=0 a whole file is reprocessed) * @param dbc pointer to BD server * @param file1 output LEVEL1 file name (null if no LEVEL1 output is required) * @param file2 output LEVEL2 file name (null if no LEVEL2 output is required) * @param standalone (flag to run the program in standalone mode, that is without reading RunInfo) */ //short int TrkCore(Int_t run, TSQLServer *dbc, TString file1, TString file2, Bool_t standalone) //int TrkCore(UInt_t run, TFile *f2, TSQLServer *dbc, int ncustom, char*vcustom[]) // EMILIANO int TrkCore(UInt_t run, TFile *f2, GL_TABLES *glt, int ncustom, char*vcustom[]) // EMILIANO { // --------------------------- // Define some basic variables // --------------------------- TString filename = ""; Long64_t nentries = 0LL; // LEVEL0 input TFile *f0 = 0; TTree *physicsTree = 0; TBranch *b_trk = 0; TBranch *b_header = 0; EventHeader *header = 0; PscuHeader *pscu = 0; TrkLevel0 *l0_event = new TrkLevel0(); // RunInfo ItoRunInfo *runinfo = 0; TArrayI *runlist = 0; UInt_t from_run; UInt_t to_run; // Bool_t reprocessing = false; // EM GCC 4.7 //LEVEL2 output - ROOT TTree *t_level2 = 0; TTree *t_clone = 0; TrkLevel2 *l2_event = new TrkLevel2(); TrkLevel2 *l2_clone = new TrkLevel2(); TrkLevel2 *l2_event_nuclei = new TrkLevel2(); // EM TrkLevel2 *l2_clone_nuclei = new TrkLevel2(); //LEVEL1 output - ROOT TrkLevel1 *l1_event = new TrkLevel1(); TrkLevel1 *l1_event_nuclei = new TrkLevel1(); TrkHough *lh_event = new TrkHough(); //Extended tracking: TTree *t_cal = NULL; TTree *t_tof = NULL; ExtTrkingAlg *trkAlg = NULL; ExtTrkingAlg *trkAlg_nuclei = NULL; TClonesArray *trk_array = NULL; TClonesArray *trk_array_nuclei = NULL; CaloLevel1 *cl1 = NULL; ToFLevel2 *tl2 = NULL; typedef struct { Int_t nTrk; Int_t nTrkNuc; Int_t nTrkExt; Int_t nTrkExtNuc; Int_t nCl; Int_t nClCut; Float_t tTrk; Float_t tTrkExt; Float_t tTrkNuc; } TrkWatch; TrkWatch trkWatch; TTree *tWatch = NULL; Int_t extAlgFlag=0; /* // EM: how to use CaloLevel1 data inside tracker core routine, example: TTree *T = (TTree*)f2->Get("Calorimeter"); if ( T ){ CaloStrip *cs = new CaloStrip(false); CaloLevel1 *cl1 = new CaloLevel1(); T->SetBranchAddress("CaloLevel1",&cl1); // for (Int_t i=0; i < T->GetEntries(); i++){ T->GetEntry(i); Bool_t OK = false; Int_t k = 0; Int_t view = 0; Int_t plane = 0; Int_t strip = 0; Float_t mip = 0.; Float_t ene[2][22][96]; memset (ene,0,sizeof(Float_t)*2*22*96); // while ( k < cl1->istrip ){ mip = cl1->DecodeEstrip(k,view,plane,strip); // if ( view==0 && plane==18 ) mip = 0.; // 9thRED - set to zero signals from plane 18X // ene[view][plane][strip] = mip; k++; }; // check 5 Float_t totX = 0.; Float_t totY = 0.; Float_t posX = 0.; Float_t posY = 0.; Int_t minYstrip = 100; Int_t maxYstrip = -1; // calculate baricenter strip on first x and y planes for (Int_t j = 0; j<2; j++){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<96; i++){ totX += ene[0][j][i]; totY += ene[1][j][i]; if ( j==0 && ene[1][0][i]>0. && i > maxYstrip ) maxYstrip = i; if ( j==0 && ene[1][0][i]>0. && i < minYstrip ) minYstrip = i; posX += (float)i*ene[0][j][i]; posY += (float)i*ene[1][j][i]; } } // // printf(" totX %f totY %f maxYstrip %i minYstrip %i \n",totX,totY,maxYstrip,minYstrip); Int_t bariX = 0; Int_t bariY = 0; if ( totX>0. && totY > 0.){ // printf(" totX %f totY %f \n",totX,totY); posX /= totX; posY /= totY; bariX = (int)(posX); bariY = (int)(posY); Int_t minX = bariX - 10; Int_t maxX = bariX + 10; Int_t minY = bariY - 10; Int_t maxY = bariY + 10; if ( minX < 0 ) minX = 0; if ( minY < 0 ) minY = 0; if ( maxX > 95 ) maxX = 95; if ( maxY > 95 ) maxY = 95; totX = 0.; totY = 0.; Float_t parX = 0.; Float_t parY = 0.; for (Int_t j = 0; j<3; j++){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<96; i++){ totX += ene[0][j][i]; totY += ene[1][j][i]; if ( i>=minX && i<=maxX){ parX += ene[0][j][i]; } if ( i>=minY && i<=maxY){ parY += ene[1][j][i]; } } } // printf(" bariX %i bariY %i minX %i maxX %i minY %i maxY %i fractionX %f fractionY %f \n",bariX,bariY,minX,maxX,minY,maxY,parX/totX,parY/totY); if ( parX/totX > 0.65 && parY/totY > 0.75 ) OK = true; // less strict cut on the X due to possible bremsstrhalung double showers // if ( OK ) printf(" CHECK5 PASSED\n"); } // check 1 if ( totY > 0. && abs(maxYstrip-minYstrip)<10 ){ posY /= totY; bariY = (int)(posY); Float_t ntotX = 0.; Float_t ntotY = 0.; for (Int_t j = 0; j<2; j++){ for (Int_t i = 0; i<96; i++){ ntotX += ene[0][j][i]; if ( j > 0 ) ntotY += ene[1][j][i]; } } if ( ntotX < 0.3 && ntotY < 0.3 ){ OK = true; // printf(" CHECK1 PASSED\n"); } } if ( OK ){ printf("%i: event is good! \n",i); cs->Set(1,0,bariY); printf(" Y0 hit strip coordinates: X %f Y %f Z %f \n",cs->GetX(),cs->GetY(),cs->GetZ()); } } T->Delete(); } // end EM // EM: how to use ToF data inside tracker core routine, example: T = (TTree*)f2->Get("ToF"); if ( T ){ ToFLevel2 *tl2 = new ToFLevel2(); T->SetBranchAddress("ToFLevel2",&tl2); // for (Int_t i=0; i < T->GetEntries(); i++){ T->GetEntry(i); printf("%i GetPaddleIdOfTrack(-2.4,5.6,2) %i HitPaddle(2,0) %i \n",i,tl2->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(-24.,5.6,2),tl2->HitPaddle(2,0)); } T->Delete(); } // END EM */ // ----------------------- // ----------------------- // Handle input parameters // (data) // // - open/create output files, determining the environment root/hbook from the estension // - create the level1/level2 tree+branch/nt-uple // ----------------------- // ----------------------- TrkProcess *p = new TrkProcess(run,f2); if( p->HandleCustomPar(ncustom,vcustom) )return(p->ostatus);; if( TrkParams::VerboseMode() )p->Dump(); // p->Dump(); // =================================== // Open/Create level2 output file // =================================== if(p->get2){ //------------------------------------------- // read RunInfo //------------------------------------------- if(!(p->standalone)){ // Open "RunInfo" tree and get list of run runinfo = new ItoRunInfo(f2); char *trkversion = TrkInfo(false); int runinfo_error = runinfo->Update(run,"TRK",trkversion); if( runinfo_error ) throw runinfo_error; runlist = runinfo->GetRunList(); // reprocessing = runinfo->IsReprocessing();//???? if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){ cout << "#events "<< runinfo->GetFileEntries() << endl;// #events in the file cout << "#runs "<< runinfo->GetRunEntries() << endl;// #runs in the file cout << "1-st run "<< runlist->At(0) << endl; cout << "last run "<< runlist->At(runinfo->GetRunEntries()-1) << endl; cout << "1-st event "<< runinfo->GetFirstEntry() << endl;// first event of our run cout << "last event+1 "<< runinfo->GetLastEntry() << endl;// first event AFTER the last event of our run // cout << "reprocessing "<< runinfo->IsReprocessing() << endl << endl; }; }; //------------------------------------------- // //------------------------------------------- // Take (if present) the old Tracker tree t_clone = (TTree*)f2->Get("Tracker"); if( t_clone != NULL ) t_clone->SetBranchAddress("TrkLevel2",&l2_clone); // Create NEW Tracker tree t_level2 = new TTree("Tracker","PAMELA tracker level2 data "); l2_event->Set(); // ****NBNBNBN***** t_level2->Branch("TrkLevel2","TrkLevel2",&l2_event); if(p->get1){ if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << endl << "Requested LEVEL1 output" << endl; l1_event->Set(); // ****NBNBNBN***** t_level2->Branch("TrkLevel1","TrkLevel1",&l1_event); } if(p->geth){ if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << endl << "Requested Hough-Transform output" << endl; t_level2->Branch("TrkHough","TrkHough",&lh_event); }; if(p->getn){ if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << endl << "Requested nuclei-algorythm output" << endl; if(!l2_event_nuclei)l2_event_nuclei = new TrkLevel2(); l2_event_nuclei->Set(); // ****NBNBNBN***** t_level2->Branch("TrackNuclei",l2_event_nuclei->GetPointerToTrackArray()); } // ========================================================= // extended tracking algorythm output // ========================================================= if(p->gete){ trkAlg = new ExtTrkingAlg(p->extAlgID);// create the algorythm trk_array = trkAlg->GetTrackArray(); // get the track array if(!trk_array)throw -206; t_level2->Branch("RecoveredTrack",trkAlg->GetPointerToTrackArray());// put it in a branch if(p->getn){ if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << endl << "Requested nuclei-algorythm output" << endl; trkAlg_nuclei = new ExtTrkingAlg(p->extAlgID);// create the algorythm for nuclei trk_array_nuclei = trkAlg_nuclei->GetTrackArray();// get the track array if(!trk_array_nuclei)throw -206; t_level2->Branch("RecoveredTrackNuclei",trkAlg_nuclei->GetPointerToTrackArray()); // put it in a branch } t_level2->Branch("extAlgFlag",&extAlgFlag,"extAlgFlag/I"); // ------------------------ // calorimeter and tof tree // ------------------------ t_cal = (TTree*)f2->Get("Calorimeter"); if(!t_cal)throw -206; cl1 = new CaloLevel1(); t_cal->SetBranchAddress("CaloLevel1",&cl1); t_tof = (TTree*)f2->Get("ToF"); if(!t_tof)throw -206; tl2 = new ToFLevel2(); t_tof->SetBranchAddress("ToFLevel2",&tl2); } if(p->watch){ // f2->cd(); tWatch = new TTree("TrkWatch"," Tracking timing info"); tWatch->Branch("nCl",&trkWatch.nCl,"nCl/I"); tWatch->Branch("nClCut",&trkWatch.nClCut,"nClCut/I"); tWatch->Branch("nTrk",&trkWatch.nTrk,"nTrk/I"); tWatch->Branch("nTrkExt",&trkWatch.nTrkExt,"nTrkExt/I"); tWatch->Branch("nTrkNuc",&trkWatch.nTrkNuc,"nTrkNuc/I"); tWatch->Branch("nTrkExtNuc",&trkWatch.nTrkExtNuc,"nTrkExtExt/I"); tWatch->Branch("tTrk",&trkWatch.tTrk,"tTrk/F"); tWatch->Branch("tTrkExt",&trkWatch.tTrkExt,"tTrkExt/F"); tWatch->Branch("tTrkNuc",&trkWatch.tTrkNuc,"tTrkNuc/F"); } }; // ------------------------------------------- // define runs to be processed/reprocessed // ------------------------------------------- if(run == 0){ // reprocessing ALL runs if(p->standalone)throw -298; // reprocessing not implemented from_run = runlist->At(0); to_run = runlist->At(runinfo->GetRunEntries()-1); }else{ // processing/reprocessing ONE single run from_run = run; to_run = run; }; // // init event counter // Int_t ev_count =0; // // create query-results objects // GL_RUN q1 = GL_RUN(); GL_TRK_CALIB q2 = GL_TRK_CALIB(); GL_ROOT q3 = GL_ROOT(); GL_PARAM q4 = GL_PARAM(); // ------------------------------------------------------------ // if reprocessing one run, copy all the events BEFORE the run // ------------------------------------------------------------ if( !(p->standalone) ){ for(UInt_t i=0; iGetFirstEntry(); i++){ if ( t_clone->GetEntry(i) <= 0 ) throw -36;// EM // COPY COPY COPY *l2_event = *l2_clone; t_level2->Fill(); l2_event->Clear(); }; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------ // START LOOP OVER RUNS TO PROCESS/REPROCESS // ------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------ for(UInt_t idRun = from_run; idRun <= to_run; idRun++){ if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()) cout << endl<<" ========================= Run: "<< idRun << endl; UInt_t runheadtime = 0; UInt_t runtrailtime = 0; UInt_t runheadobt = 0; UInt_t runtrailobt = 0; UInt_t abstime = 0; UInt_t evfrom = 0; UInt_t evto = 0; UInt_t nevents = 0; Int_t id_root_l0 =-1; Int_t trk_calib_used = 0; TString host = glt->CGetHost(); // EMILIANO TString user = glt->CGetUser(); // EMILIANO TString psw = glt->CGetPsw(); // EMILIANO // TString host = "mysql://localhost/pamelaprod"; // TString user = "anonymous"; // TString psw = ""; // const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST"); // const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER"); // const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW"); // if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = ""; // if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = ""; // if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = ""; // if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost; // if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser; // if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw; TSQLServer *dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data()); stringstream myquery; // EMILIANO myquery.str(""); // EMILIANO myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'"; // EMILIANO delete dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str()); // EMILIANO if(p->standalone){ // ============================== // first query: retrieve run info // ============================== if (q1.Query_GL_RUN(idRun,dbc) )throw -50; id_root_l0 = q1.ID_ROOT_L0; runheadtime = q1.RUNHEADER_TIME; runtrailtime = q1.RUNTRAILER_TIME; runheadobt = q1.RUNHEADER_OBT; runtrailobt = q1.RUNTRAILER_OBT; evfrom = q1.EV_FROM; evto = q1.EV_TO; nevents = q1.NEVENTS; trk_calib_used = q1.TRK_CALIB_USED; }else{ // ============================== // get run info from RunInfo tree // ============================== int runinfo_error = runinfo->GetRunInfo(idRun); if( runinfo_error ) throw runinfo_error; id_root_l0 = runinfo->ID_ROOT_L0; runheadtime = runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME; runtrailtime = runinfo->RUNTRAILER_TIME; runheadobt = runinfo->RUNHEADER_OBT; runtrailobt = runinfo->RUNTRAILER_OBT; evfrom = runinfo->EV_FROM; evto = runinfo->EV_TO; nevents = runinfo->NEVENTS; trk_calib_used = runinfo->TRK_CALIB_USED; }; // if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){ cout << "ROOT file ID "<< id_root_l0 << endl; cout << "RunHeader time "<< runheadtime << endl; cout << "RunTrailer time "<< runtrailtime << endl; cout << " from event "<< evfrom << endl; cout << " to event "<< evto << endl; cout << " num. events "<< nevents << endl; cout << "trk-calibration used "<< trk_calib_used << endl; }; // ======================================================== // second query: search the LEVEL0 file that contains idRun // ======================================================== TString lastfilename = filename; if( q3.Query_GL_ROOT(id_root_l0,dbc) )throw -51; filename = q3.PATH + q3.NAME; // ======================================================== // Open the input LEVEL0 data file // ======================================================== if(filename.CompareTo(lastfilename)){ if(!lastfilename.IsNull())f0->Close(); //if( debug ) cout << "Opening LEVEL0 file: "<< filename << endl; if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()) cout << "Opening LEVEL0 file: "<< filename << endl; FileStat_t t; if( gSystem->GetPathInfo(filename.Data(),t) )throw -6; if ( f0 ) f0->Close(); f0 = new TFile(filename); if ( !f0 ) throw -6; physicsTree = (TTree*)f0->Get("Physics"); if(!physicsTree) throw -7; b_header = physicsTree ->GetBranch("Header"); if(!b_header ) throw -8; b_trk = physicsTree ->GetBranch("Tracker"); if(!b_trk ) throw -203; l0_event->Set(); physicsTree->SetBranchAddress("Tracker" ,l0_event->GetPointerToTrackerEvent()); physicsTree->SetBranchAddress("Header",&header); nentries = physicsTree->GetEntries(); if ( nentries < 1 && nevents ) throw -11; // EMILIANO: go on if the file is empty, why not? in principle we should not have any event to process but if the case the next line will take care of exiting; exit only if the file is empty but nevents is not zero if ( nentries < (evto+1) && nevents > 0 ) throw -12; // EMILIANO: if NEVENTS = 0 and the file is empty everything is ok but due to a mistake in the // variable EV_TO type (UInt_t instead of Int_t) that we don't want to change to avoid changing a lot of code, evto becomes inf hence // the condition ( nentries < (evto+1) ) is satisfied and DV exit with error even if the error is only in the DB. }; GL_TIMESYNC *dbtime = new GL_TIMESYNC(id_root_l0,"ID",dbc); // ============================================================= // retrieve information about parameters to process LEVEL2 // ============================================================= TrkParams::Set(runinfo->GetGL_RUN(),dbc); for(int i=0; inpar; i++){ if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout<<" ((( force parameters from input path )))"<parpath[i],p->partype[i]); } TrkParams::Load(); if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded() )throw -52; // ============================================================= // retrieve calibration file needed to reduce data // ============================================================= TrkParams::SetCalib(runinfo->GetGL_RUN(),dbc); TrkParams::LoadCalib( ); if( !TrkParams::CalibIsLoaded() )throw -53; TBenchmark *reduction = new TBenchmark(); if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())reduction->Start("reduction"); Int_t ntrk=0; // ==================================================== // start looping on events cointained in the data file // ==================================================== if ( TrkParams::GetSimuFlag() ){ abstime = runheadtime; } else { if(dbc){ dbc->Close(); delete dbc; } } for (UInt_t re = evfrom+min(p->nskip,nevents); re < evfrom+nevents; re++){ ev_count++; // // NBNB check if events are aligned!!!!!!!!!!! // if(p->gete){ int iev = 0; int jumped = 0; iev = runinfo->GetFirstEntry() + (re - evfrom -jumped); if ( t_cal->GetEntry(iev) <= 0 ) throw -36;//EV if ( t_tof->GetEntry(iev) <= 0 ) throw -36;//EV } // if ( TrkParams::DebugMode() && re%100 == 0 && re > 0 ) cout << "."; if ( b_trk->GetEntry(re) <= 0 ) throw -36;//EM if ( b_header->GetEntry(re) <= 0 ) throw -36;//EM pscu = header->GetPscuHeader(); // ============================================================= // The following 6 lines have been moved here by VALERIO. if(TrkParams::GetSimuFlag()){ abstime = runheadtime + (int) floor(0.03*(re-evfrom)); //If simulated data we need to assign a fake abstime. 30ms between each event. if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << "Event: " << re-evfrom << " - Attempting to retrieve Mask Info for abstime=" << abstime << endl; if(!TrkParams::Set(runinfo->GetGL_RUN(),dbc,6,abstime))throw -52; // Setting to load mask (VALERIO) TrkParams::Load(6); if( !TrkParams::IsLoaded() )throw -52; if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())cout << "Mask Info for abstime=" << abstime << " retrieved" << endl; } if( TrkParams::DebugMode() )cout << ">>> "<GetOrbitalTime()<DBabsTime(pscu->GetOrbitalTime()) > (runtrailtime+1) || dbtime->DBabsTime(pscu->GetOrbitalTime()) < (runheadtime-1)) { if (TrkParams::VerboseMode()){ printf(" TrkCore - WARNING: event outside the run time window, skipping it\n"); cout << " OBT "<GetOrbitalTime()<<" RUN "<DBabsTime(pscu->GetOrbitalTime())<<" RUN "<ProcessEvent(l0_event);//call f77 routine w.Stop(); // cout << " STOP default "<geth){ if(p->ifrooth){ // root lh_event->Delete(); lh_event->SetFromHoughStruct(&houghevent_); }else{ // hbook throw -299; }; }; // // ---------------- // // LEVEL2 output // // ---------------- l2_event->Clear(); if(p->get1){ l2_event->SetFromLevel2Struct(&level2event_,l1_event);//set references to level1 }else{ l2_event->SetFromLevel2Struct(&level2event_); } if( l2_event->ntrk()>0 )ntrk++; if(TrkParams::VerboseMode())l2_event->Dump(); //---------------------------------------------- // verify conditions to apply extended algorythm //---------------------------------------------- bool APPLY_EXTENDED = false; if( p->gete && true){ if(l2_event->ntrk()==0){ APPLY_EXTENDED = true; extAlgFlag = 0; } if(p->gete_ncheck>0 && ev_count%p->gete_ncheck==0){ APPLY_EXTENDED = true; extAlgFlag = 1; } } w.Start(); // ------------------ // extended-tracking // ------------------ // if(p->gete){ if(APPLY_EXTENDED){ l1_event->Clear(); l1_event->SetFromLevel1Struct(true); trkAlg->Clear(); // //---------------------------- // // check conditions // //---------------------------- // if( // l2_event->ntrk()==0 && // l1_event->nclstr()<24 && // true){ trkAlg->SetDebug(false); trkAlg->SetTrkLevel2(l2_event); trkAlg->SetTrkLevel1(l1_event); trkAlg->SetCaloLevel1(cl1); trkAlg->SetToFLevel2(tl2); // trkAlg->Dump(); trkAlg->ProcessEvent(); // } } w.Stop(); // cout << " STOP extended "<getn){ l1_event_nuclei->Set(l1_event,5.,0.2);//apply a cut l1_event_nuclei->GetLevel1Struct();//from cleaned l1 object, to f77 common l1_event_nuclei->ProcessEvent(); // default routine l2_event_nuclei->SetFromLevel2Struct(); // from f77 common to l2 object trkAlg_nuclei->Clear(); if(APPLY_EXTENDED){ // if(p->gete){ // if( // l2_event_nuclei->ntrk()==0 && // l1_event_nuclei->nclstr()<24 && // true){ trkAlg_nuclei->SetDebug(false); trkAlg_nuclei->SetTrkLevel2( l2_event_nuclei ); trkAlg_nuclei->SetTrkLevel1( l1_event_nuclei );//cleaned level1 trkAlg_nuclei->SetCaloLevel1( cl1 ); trkAlg_nuclei->SetToFLevel2( tl2 ); trkAlg_nuclei->ProcessEvent(); // } } } w.Stop(); // cout << " STOP nuclei "<get1 ){ l1_event->Clear(); l1_event->SetFromLevel1Struct(p->full1);//get l1 object from f77 common } trkWatch.nCl = l1_event->nclstr(); trkWatch.nClCut = l1_event_nuclei->nclstr(); trkWatch.nTrk = l2_event->GetNTracks(); trkWatch.nTrkNuc = l2_event_nuclei->GetNTracks(); trkWatch.nTrkExt = ( trkAlg ? trkAlg->GetTrackArray()->GetEntries() : 0); trkWatch.nTrkExtNuc = ( trkAlg_nuclei ? trkAlg_nuclei->GetTrackArray()->GetEntries() : 0); ///////////////////// // ==== FILL ===== // ///////////////////// // cout << " FILL "<Fill(); if(tWatch)tWatch->Fill(); }; }; // end loop on events if(TrkParams::VerboseMode()){ cout << " >>> processed "<< ev_count <<" events"<< endl; if(ev_count)cout << ntrk << " events with at least one track ("<<(Int_t)(100*ntrk/ev_count)<<"%)\n"; reduction->Show("reduction"); } delete reduction; delete dbtime; }; // end loop on runs // ------------------------------------------------------------ // if reprocessing one run, copy all the events AFTER the run // ------------------------------------------------------------ if( !(p->standalone) ){ for(UInt_t i=runinfo->GetLastEntry()+1; iGetFileEntries(); i++){ if ( t_clone->GetEntry(i) <= 0 ) throw -36;//EM *l2_event = *l2_clone; // COPY COPY COPY t_level2->Fill(); l2_event->Clear(); }; }; // --------------- // close the files // --------------- if(p->get2){ f2->cd(); // if(tWatch){ // if(tWatch)f2->Write("TrkWatch",TObject::kOverwrite); // } // f2->Write("Tracker", TObject::kOverwrite); if( t_level2 )t_level2->Write(); if( t_level2 )t_level2->Delete(); //delete new tree from memory if( t_clone )t_clone->Delete("all");//delete old tree from file if( !(p->standalone) )runinfo->Close(); if(tWatch)tWatch->Write(); }; if(f0) if(f0->IsOpen()) f0->Close(); l1_event->Delete(); l2_event->Delete(); l2_clone->Delete(); return(p->ostatus); }