/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/tricircle.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/tricircle.f

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Revision 1.6 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Jan 17 12:56:52 2014 UTC (10 years, 10 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v10RED, v10REDr01, HEAD
Changes since 1.5: +11 -17 lines
Differences with 9RED version in the track reconstruction due to approximation in F77 code fixed

1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Subroutine tricircle.f
4 *
5 * - find the best circle passing through npoints: compute the circle
6 * passing through every combination of 3 of them and average the
7 * resulting centres and radii
8 *
9 * output variables:
10 * - angle(npoints) angle of the tangent in the input points, in degrees, range -90..+90
11 * - residual(npoints) residuals
12 * - chi sum of squared residuals
13 * - xc,zc,radius circle parameters
14 * - eflag error flag
15 *
16 * to be called inside ./fitxy.f
17 *
18 *************************************************************************
21 subroutine tricircle(npoints,dep,indep,angle,residual,chi
22 $ ,xc,zc,radius,eflag)
25 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 c
27 c local variables
28 c
29 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 integer npoints !fit number of points
32 real dep(npoints),indep(npoints) !dependent and independent variables
34 real angle(npoints) !angle between the tangent line in the input points and
35 ! the independent variable axis
37 real residual(npoints) !residuals
38 real chi !sum of squared residuals
39 real xc,zc,radius !circle parameters
41 integer eflag !error flag =1 if the procedure fails
43 c integer nloops !number of combinations of 3 points out of npoints
44 integer index(3) !indexes of the 3 chosen points
46 parameter(scale=1000.)
47 double precision z(3),x(3),unit(3),zzxx(3) !temp variables
48 double precision a(3,3),d(3,3),e(3,3),f(3,3)
49 double precision ir(3)
50 double precision deta,detd,dete,detf !determinants
51 integer ifail !=-1 if singular matrix error, =0 if not singular
52 integer jfail !=0 if determinant can be evaluated, =-1 if determinat is probably too small, =+1 if too large
54 parameter (ibig=10000) !just a number greater than C(npoints,3) !EM GCC4.7
55 double precision xxc(ibig),zzc(ibig),rrr(ibig) !centres and radii to be averaged
57 double precision tmp1,tmp2,tmp(npoints) !temp variables
59 logical DEBUG
61 real pigr !3.1415...
62 pigr=ACOS(-1.)
65 DEBUG = .false.
66 if(eflag.eq.1)DEBUG = .true.
68 eflag = 0
71 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 c choose 3 points out of npoints
73 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 c nloops = fact(npoints) / (fact(3) * fact(npoints-3))
76 k=0
77 do i1=1,npoints-2
78 index(1)=i1
79 do i2=i1+1,npoints-1
80 index(2)=i2
81 do i3=i2+1,npoints
82 index(3)=i3
84 k=k+1 !number of combinations
85 c$$$ print*,' ' !???
86 c$$$ print*,'k =',k,' index =',index
88 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 c build temp vectors
90 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 do i=1,3
92 z(i)=indep(index(i))/scale !to avoid too big numbers in matrix computation
93 x(i)=dep(index(i))/scale
94 unit(i)=1.
95 zzxx(i)=z(i)**2.+x(i)**2.
96 enddo
97 c$$$ print*,'z =',z,' x =',x !???
98 c$$$ print*,'unit =',unit,' zzxx =',zzxx
100 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 c build the matrixes
102 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 do i=1,3
104 a(i,1)=z(i) !A has (z x 1) as columns
105 a(i,2)=x(i)
106 a(i,3)=unit(i)
107 d(i,1)=zzxx(i) !D has (zzxx x 1) as columns
108 d(i,2)=x(i)
109 d(i,3)=unit(i)
110 e(i,1)=zzxx(i) !E has (zzxx z 1) as columns
111 e(i,2)=z(i)
112 e(i,3)=unit(i)
113 f(i,1)=zzxx(i) !F has (zzxx z x) as columns
114 f(i,2)=z(i)
115 f(i,3)=x(i)
116 enddo
118 c$$$ print*,'matrix A:' !???
119 c$$$ do i=1,3
120 c$$$ print*,(a(i,j),j=1,3)
121 c$$$ enddo
122 c$$$ print*,'matrix D:' !???
123 c$$$ do i=1,3
124 c$$$ print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
125 c$$$ enddo
126 c$$$ print*,'matrix E:' !???
127 c$$$ do i=1,3
128 c$$$ print*,(e(i,j),j=1,3)
129 c$$$ enddo
130 c$$$ print*,'matrix F:' !???
131 c$$$ do i=1,3
132 c$$$ print*,(f(i,j),j=1,3)
133 c$$$ enddo
135 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 c compute the determinants of A, D, E and F matrixes
137 c using DFACT (http://wwwasdoc.web.cern.ch/wwwasdoc/shortwrupsdir/f011/top.html)
138 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 ifail=0
141 jfail=0
142 call DFACT(3,a,3,ir,ifail,deta,jfail)
143 if(ifail.eq.-1) then
144 if(DEBUG)then
145 print*,'tricircle: ERROR: singular matrix A:'
146 do i=1,3
147 print*,(a(i,j),j=1,3)
148 enddo
149 endif
150 eflag=1
151 endif
152 if(jfail.eq.-1) then
153 if(DEBUG)then
154 print*
155 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix A: determinant too small?'
156 do i=1,3
157 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
158 enddo
159 endif
160 eflag=1
161 elseif(jfail.eq.1) then
162 if(DEBUG)then
163 print*
164 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix A: determinant too large?'
165 do i=1,3
166 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
167 enddo
168 endif
169 eflag=1
170 endif
172 ifail=0
173 jfail=0
174 call DFACT(3,d,3,ir,ifail,detd,jfail)
175 if(ifail.eq.-1) then
176 if(DEBUG)then
177 print*,'tricircle: ERROR: singular matrix D:'
178 do i=1,3
179 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
180 enddo
181 endif
182 eflag=1
183 endif
184 if(jfail.eq.-1) then
185 if(DEBUG)then
186 print*
187 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix D: determinant too small?'
188 do i=1,3
189 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
190 enddo
191 endif
192 eflag=1
193 elseif(jfail.eq.1) then
194 if(DEBUG)then
195 print*
196 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix D: determinant too large?'
197 do i=1,3
198 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
199 enddo
200 endif
201 eflag=1
202 endif
204 ifail=0
205 jfail=0
206 call DFACT(3,e,3,ir,ifail,dete,jfail)
207 if(ifail.eq.-1) then
208 if(DEBUG)then
209 print*,'tricircle: ERROR: singular matrix E:'
210 do i=1,3
211 print*,(e(i,j),j=1,3)
212 enddo
213 endif
214 eflag=1
215 endif
216 if(jfail.eq.-1) then
217 if(DEBUG)then
218 print*
219 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix E: determinant too small?'
220 do i=1,3
221 print*,(e(i,j),j=1,3)
222 enddo
223 endif
224 eflag=1
225 elseif(jfail.eq.1) then
226 if(DEBUG)then
227 print*
228 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix E: determinant too large?'
229 do i=1,3
230 print*,(e(i,j),j=1,3)
231 enddo
232 endif
233 eflag=1
234 endif
236 ifail=0
237 jfail=0
238 call DFACT(3,f,3,ir,ifail,detf,jfail)
239 c ifail=-1 !???
240 if(ifail.eq.-1) then
241 if(DEBUG)then
242 print*,'tricircle: ERROR: singular matrix F:'
243 do i=1,3
244 print*,(f(i,j),j=1,3)
245 enddo
246 endif
247 eflag=1
248 endif
249 if(jfail.eq.-1) then
250 if(DEBUG)then
251 print*
252 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix F: determinant too small?'
253 do i=1,3
254 print*,(f(i,j),j=1,3)
255 enddo
256 endif
257 eflag=1
258 elseif(jfail.eq.1) then
259 if(DEBUG)then
260 print*
261 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix F: determinant too large?'
262 do i=1,3
263 print*,(f(i,j),j=1,3)
264 enddo
265 endif
266 eflag=1
267 endif
269 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 c compute the centre and radius
271 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 detd=-detd
273 detf=-detf
275 c xxc(k)=-detd/(2.*deta)
276 c zzc(k)=-dete/(2.*deta)
277 xxc(k)=-dete/(2.*deta)
278 zzc(k)=-detd/(2.*deta)
279 rrr(k)=SQRT((detd**2+dete**2)/(4.*deta**2.)-detf/deta)
281 c$$$ write(30,*) xxc(k)*scale !???
282 c$$$ write(31,*) zzc(k)*scale !???
283 c$$$ write(32,*) rrr(k)*scale !???
284 c$$$ print*,'xxc =',xxc(k)*scale,' zzc =',zzc(k)*scale
285 c$$$ $ ,' rrr =',rrr(k)*scale !???
287 enddo !index loops
288 enddo
289 enddo
292 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 c averages the centres and the radii
294 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 xc=0.
296 zc=0.
297 radius=0.
298 do i=1,k
299 xc=xc+REAL(xxc(i)) !EM GCC4.7
300 zc=zc+REAL(zzc(i)) !EM GCC4.7
301 radius=radius+REAL(rrr(i)) !EM GCC4.7
302 enddo
303 xc=xc/k * scale !back to micrometers
304 zc=zc/k * scale
305 radius=radius/k * scale
307 c$$$ c------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 c$$$ c check for small radius...!???
309 c$$$ c------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 c$$$ num=200
311 c$$$ height=ABS(indep(1)-indep(6))
312 c$$$ if(radius.lt.(num*height)) then
313 c$$$ xc=0.
314 c$$$ zc=0.
315 c$$$ radius=0.
316 c$$$ print*,'tricircle: ERROR: bad circle'
317 c$$$ print*,'radius' ,radius,' < ', num,' x',height
318 c$$$ c$$$ print*,dep !???
319 c$$$ c$$$ print*,indep !???
320 c$$$ eflag=1
321 c$$$ endif
324 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 c computes residuals and chi-squared
326 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
327 chi=0.
329 c print*,xc,zc,radius !???
330 do i=1,npoints
331 tmp1 = SQRT(radius**2.-(indep(i)-zc)**2.)
332 tmp2 = dep(i)-xc
333 if(ABS(tmp2-tmp1).le.ABS(tmp2+tmp1)) then !it chooses the right sign
334 tmp(i)=tmp1 !according to residuals
335 else
336 tmp(i)=-tmp1
337 endif
338 residual(i)=REAL(tmp2 - tmp(i)) !EM GCC4.7
339 chi=chi + residual(i)**2.
340 c print*,dep(i) !???
341 c print*,indep(i) !???
342 c print*,tmp1,tmp2,tmp(i),residual(i) !???
343 enddo
345 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 c it computes the angle between the tangent to the circumference and the
347 c independent variable axis
348 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 do i=1,npoints
350 angle(i)=REAL((zc-indep(i)) / tmp(i)) !EM GCC4.7
351 angle(i)=ATAN(angle(i)) !-pi/2 <= angle <= pi/2
352 angle(i)=angle(i)/pigr*180.
353 enddo
355 return
356 end
367 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
368 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
369 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
372 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
373 c$$$c Function to find the factorial value
374 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 c$$$
376 c$$$c from http://www.digitalcoding.com/programming/fortran/tutorial/ftute10.htm
377 c$$$
378 c$$$
380 c$$$ FACT=1
381 c$$$ DO 10 J=2,N
382 c$$$ FACT=FACT*J
383 c$$$10 CONTINUE
384 c$$$ RETURN
385 c$$$ END
386 c$$$
387 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------

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