/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/tricircle.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/tricircle.f

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue Aug 28 13:25:49 2007 UTC (17 years, 6 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v5r00, v4r00, v6r01, v6r00
Changes since 1.2: +13 -13 lines
minor bug in tricircle call

1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Subroutine tricircle.f
4 *
5 * - find the best circle passing through npoints: compute the circle
6 * passing through every combination of 3 of them and average the
7 * resulting centres and radii
8 *
9 * output variables:
10 * - angle(npoints) angle of the tangent in the input points, in degrees, range -90..+90
11 * - residual(npoints) residuals
12 * - chi sum of squared residuals
13 * - xc,zc,radius circle parameters
14 * - eflag error flag
15 *
16 * to be called inside ./fitxy.f
17 *
18 *************************************************************************
21 subroutine tricircle(npoints,dep,indep,angle,residual,chi
22 $ ,xc,zc,radius,eflag)
25 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 c
27 c local variables
28 c
29 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 integer npoints !fit number of points
32 real dep(npoints),indep(npoints) !dependent and independent variables
34 real angle(npoints) !angle between the tangent line in the input points and
35 ! the independent variable axis
37 real residual(npoints) !residuals
38 real chi !sum of squared residuals
39 real xc,zc,radius !circle parameters
41 integer eflag !error flag =1 if the procedure fails
43 c integer nloops !number of combinations of 3 points out of npoints
44 integer index(3) !indexes of the 3 chosen points
46 parameter(scale=1000.)
47 double precision z(3),x(3),unit(3),zzxx(3) !temp variables
48 double precision a(3,3),d(3,3),e(3,3),f(3,3)
49 double precision ir(3)
50 double precision deta,detd,dete,detf !determinants
51 integer ifail !=-1 if singular matrix error, =0 if not singular
52 integer jfail !=0 if determinant can be evaluated, =-1 if determinat is probably too small, =+1 if too large
54 parameter (big=1.e4) !just a number greater than C(npoints,3)
55 double precision xxc(big),zzc(big),rrr(big) !centres and radii to be averaged
57 double precision tmp1,tmp2,tmp(npoints) !temp variables
59 logical DEBUG
61 real pigr !3.1415...
62 pigr=ACOS(-1.)
65 DEBUG = .false.
66 if(eflag.eq.1)DEBUG = .true.
68 eflag = 0
71 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 c choose 3 points out of npoints
73 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 c nloops = fact(npoints) / (fact(3) * fact(npoints-3))
76 k=0
77 do i1=1,npoints-2
78 index(1)=i1
79 do i2=i1+1,npoints-1
80 index(2)=i2
81 do i3=i2+1,npoints
82 index(3)=i3
84 k=k+1 !number of combinations
85 c$$$ print*,' ' !???
86 c$$$ print*,'k =',k,' index =',index
88 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 c build temp vectors
90 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
91 do i=1,3
92 z(i)=indep(index(i))/scale !to avoid too big numbers in matrix computation
93 x(i)=dep(index(i))/scale
94 unit(i)=1.
95 zzxx(i)=z(i)**2.+x(i)**2.
96 enddo
97 c$$$ print*,'z =',z,' x =',x !???
98 c$$$ print*,'unit =',unit,' zzxx =',zzxx
100 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 c build the matrixes
102 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 do i=1,3
104 a(i,1)=z(i) !A has (z x 1) as columns
105 a(i,2)=x(i)
106 a(i,3)=unit(i)
107 d(i,1)=zzxx(i) !D has (zzxx x 1) as columns
108 d(i,2)=x(i)
109 d(i,3)=unit(i)
110 e(i,1)=zzxx(i) !E has (zzxx z 1) as columns
111 e(i,2)=z(i)
112 e(i,3)=unit(i)
113 f(i,1)=zzxx(i) !F has (zzxx z x) as columns
114 f(i,2)=z(i)
115 f(i,3)=x(i)
116 enddo
118 c$$$ print*,'matrix A:' !???
119 c$$$ do i=1,3
120 c$$$ print*,(a(i,j),j=1,3)
121 c$$$ enddo
122 c$$$ print*,'matrix D:' !???
123 c$$$ do i=1,3
124 c$$$ print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
125 c$$$ enddo
126 c$$$ print*,'matrix E:' !???
127 c$$$ do i=1,3
128 c$$$ print*,(e(i,j),j=1,3)
129 c$$$ enddo
130 c$$$ print*,'matrix F:' !???
131 c$$$ do i=1,3
132 c$$$ print*,(f(i,j),j=1,3)
133 c$$$ enddo
135 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 c compute the determinants of A, D, E and F matrixes
137 c using DFACT (http://wwwasdoc.web.cern.ch/wwwasdoc/shortwrupsdir/f011/top.html)
138 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 ifail=0
141 jfail=0
142 call DFACT(3,a,3,ir,ifail,deta,jfail)
143 if(ifail.eq.-1) then
144 if(DEBUG)then
145 print*,'tricircle: ERROR: singular matrix A:'
146 do i=1,3
147 print*,(a(i,j),j=1,3)
148 enddo
149 endif
150 eflag=1
151 endif
152 if(jfail.eq.-1) then
153 if(DEBUG)then
154 print*
155 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix A: determinant too small?'
156 do i=1,3
157 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
158 enddo
159 endif
160 eflag=1
161 elseif(jfail.eq.1) then
162 if(DEBUG)then
163 print*
164 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix A: determinant too large?'
165 do i=1,3
166 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
167 enddo
168 endif
169 eflag=1
170 endif
172 ifail=0
173 jfail=0
174 call DFACT(3,d,3,ir,ifail,detd,jfail)
175 if(ifail.eq.-1) then
176 if(DEBUG)then
177 print*,'tricircle: ERROR: singular matrix D:'
178 do i=1,3
179 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
180 enddo
181 endif
182 eflag=1
183 endif
184 if(jfail.eq.-1) then
185 if(DEBUG)then
186 print*
187 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix D: determinant too small?'
188 do i=1,3
189 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
190 enddo
191 endif
192 eflag=1
193 elseif(jfail.eq.1) then
194 if(DEBUG)then
195 print*
196 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix D: determinant too large?'
197 do i=1,3
198 print*,(d(i,j),j=1,3)
199 enddo
200 endif
201 eflag=1
202 endif
204 ifail=0
205 jfail=0
206 call DFACT(3,e,3,ir,ifail,dete,jfail)
207 if(ifail.eq.-1) then
208 if(DEBUG)then
209 print*,'tricircle: ERROR: singular matrix E:'
210 do i=1,3
211 print*,(e(i,j),j=1,3)
212 enddo
213 endif
214 eflag=1
215 endif
216 if(jfail.eq.-1) then
217 if(DEBUG)then
218 print*
219 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix E: determinant too small?'
220 do i=1,3
221 print*,(e(i,j),j=1,3)
222 enddo
223 endif
224 eflag=1
225 elseif(jfail.eq.1) then
226 if(DEBUG)then
227 print*
228 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix E: determinant too large?'
229 do i=1,3
230 print*,(e(i,j),j=1,3)
231 enddo
232 endif
233 eflag=1
234 endif
236 ifail=0
237 jfail=0
238 call DFACT(3,f,3,ir,ifail,detf,jfail)
239 c ifail=-1 !???
240 if(ifail.eq.-1) then
241 if(DEBUG)then
242 print*,'tricircle: ERROR: singular matrix F:'
243 do i=1,3
244 print*,(f(i,j),j=1,3)
245 enddo
246 endif
247 eflag=1
248 endif
249 if(jfail.eq.-1) then
250 if(DEBUG)then
251 print*
252 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix F: determinant too small?'
253 do i=1,3
254 print*,(f(i,j),j=1,3)
255 enddo
256 endif
257 eflag=1
258 elseif(jfail.eq.1) then
259 if(DEBUG)then
260 print*
261 $ ,'tricircle: ERROR: matrix F: determinant too large?'
262 do i=1,3
263 print*,(f(i,j),j=1,3)
264 enddo
265 endif
266 eflag=1
267 endif
269 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
270 c compute the centre and radius
271 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 detd=-detd
273 detf=-detf
275 c xxc(k)=-detd/(2.*deta)
276 c zzc(k)=-dete/(2.*deta)
277 xxc(k)=-dete/(2.*deta)
278 zzc(k)=-detd/(2.*deta)
279 rrr(k)=SQRT((detd**2+dete**2)/(4.*deta**2.)-detf/deta)
281 c$$$ write(30,*) xxc(k)*scale !???
282 c$$$ write(31,*) zzc(k)*scale !???
283 c$$$ write(32,*) rrr(k)*scale !???
284 c$$$ print*,'xxc =',xxc(k)*scale,' zzc =',zzc(k)*scale
285 c$$$ $ ,' rrr =',rrr(k)*scale !???
287 enddo !index loops
288 enddo
289 enddo
292 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
293 c averages the centres and the radii
294 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 xc=0.
296 zc=0.
297 radius=0.
298 do i=1,k
299 xc=xc+xxc(i)
300 zc=zc+zzc(i)
301 radius=radius+rrr(i)
302 enddo
303 xc=xc/k * scale !back to micrometers
304 zc=zc/k * scale
305 radius=radius/k * scale
307 c$$$ c------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 c$$$ c check for small radius...!???
309 c$$$ c------------------------------------------------------------------------
310 c$$$ num=200
311 c$$$ height=ABS(indep(1)-indep(6))
312 c$$$ if(radius.lt.(num*height)) then
313 c$$$ xc=0.
314 c$$$ zc=0.
315 c$$$ radius=0.
316 c$$$ print*,'tricircle: ERROR: bad circle'
317 c$$$ print*,'radius' ,radius,' < ', num,' x',height
318 c$$$ c$$$ print*,dep !???
319 c$$$ c$$$ print*,indep !???
320 c$$$ eflag=1
321 c$$$ endif
324 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 c computes residuals and chi-squared
326 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
327 chi=0.
329 c print*,xc,zc,radius !???
330 do i=1,npoints
331 tmp1 = SQRT(radius**2.-(indep(i)-zc)**2.)
332 tmp2 = dep(i)-xc
333 if(ABS(tmp2-tmp1).le.ABS(tmp2+tmp1)) then !it chooses the right sign
334 tmp(i)=tmp1 !according to residuals
335 else
336 tmp(i)=-tmp1
337 endif
338 residual(i)=tmp2 - tmp(i)
339 chi=chi + residual(i)**2.
340 c print*,dep(i) !???
341 c print*,indep(i) !???
342 c print*,tmp1,tmp2,tmp(i),residual(i) !???
343 enddo
345 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
346 c it computes the angle between the tangent to the circumference and the
347 c independent variable axis
348 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 do i=1,npoints
350 angle(i)=(zc-indep(i)) / tmp(i)
351 angle(i)=ATAN(angle(i)) !-pi/2 <= angle <= pi/2
352 angle(i)=angle(i)/pigr*180.
353 enddo
355 return
356 end
367 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
368 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
369 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
372 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
373 c$$$c Function to find the factorial value
374 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
375 c$$$
376 c$$$c from http://www.digitalcoding.com/programming/fortran/tutorial/ftute10.htm
377 c$$$
378 c$$$
380 c$$$ FACT=1
381 c$$$ DO 10 J=2,N
382 c$$$ FACT=FACT*J
383 c$$$10 CONTINUE
384 c$$$ RETURN
385 c$$$ END
386 c$$$
387 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------

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