18 |
include 'common_reduction.f' |
include 'common_reduction.f' |
19 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
20 |
21 |
data eventn_old/nviews*0/ |
22 |
23 |
integer ierror |
integer ierror |
24 |
ierror = 0 |
ierror = 0 |
25 |
27 |
28 |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
29 |
30 |
call stripmask |
c call stripmask !called later, after CN computation |
31 |
call init_level1 |
call init_level1 |
32 |
33 |
good1=good0 |
c good1 = good0 |
34 |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
35 |
c check the LEVEL0 event status for missing |
36 |
c sections or DSP alarms |
37 |
c ==> set the variable GOOD1(12) |
38 |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
39 |
do iv=1,nviews |
40 |
if(DSPnumber(iv).gt.0.and.DSPnumber(iv).le.12)then |
41 |
c ------------------------ |
42 |
c GOOD |
43 |
c ------------------------ |
44 |
GOOD1(DSPnumber(iv))=0 !OK |
45 |
c ------------------------ |
46 |
c CRC error |
47 |
c ------------------------ |
48 |
if(crc(iv).eq.1) then |
49 |
GOOD1(DSPnumber(iv)) = 2 |
50 |
goto 18 !next view |
51 |
endif |
52 |
c ------------------------ |
53 |
c online-software alarm |
54 |
c ------------------------ |
55 |
if( |
56 |
$ fl1(iv).ne.0.or. |
57 |
$ fl2(iv).ne.0.or. |
58 |
$ fl3(iv).ne.0.or. |
59 |
$ fl4(iv).ne.0.or. |
60 |
$ fl5(iv).ne.0.or. |
61 |
$ fl6(iv).ne.0.or. |
62 |
$ fc(iv).ne.0.or. |
63 |
$ DATAlength(iv).eq.0.or. |
64 |
$ .false.)then |
65 |
GOOD1(DSPnumber(iv))=3 |
66 |
goto 18 |
67 |
endif |
68 |
c ------------------------ |
69 |
c DSP-counter jump |
70 |
c ------------------------ |
71 |
if( |
72 |
$ eventn_old(iv).ne.0.and. !first event in this file |
73 |
$ eventn(iv).ne.1.and. !first event in run |
74 |
$ good_old(DSPnumber(iv)).ne.0.and. !previous event corrupted |
75 |
$ .true.)then |
76 |
77 |
if(eventn(iv).ne.(eventn_old(iv)+1))then |
78 |
GOOD1(DSPnumber(iv))=4 |
79 |
goto 18 |
80 |
endif |
81 |
82 |
endif |
83 |
c ------------------------ |
84 |
18 continue |
85 |
endif |
86 |
enddo |
87 |
88 |
ngood = 0 |
89 |
do iv = 1,nviews |
90 |
eventn_old(iv) = eventn(iv) |
91 |
good_old(iv) = good1(iv) |
92 |
ngood = ngood + good1(iv) |
93 |
enddo |
94 |
c if(ngood.ne.0)print*,'* WARNING * LEVEL0 event status: ' |
95 |
c $ ,(good1(i),i=1,nviews) |
96 |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
97 |
c read the variable DATATRACKER from LEVEL0 |
c read the variable DATATRACKER from LEVEL0 |
98 |
c and fill the variable ADC (inverting view 11) |
c and fill the variable ADC (invertin view 11) |
99 |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
100 |
call filladc(iflag) |
call filladc(iflag) |
101 |
if(iflag.ne.0)then |
if(iflag.ne.0)then |
102 |
good1=0 |
c good1=0!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< |
103 |
c if(DEBUG)print*,'event ',eventn(1),' >>>>> decode ERROR' |
c if(DEBUG)print*,'event ',eventn(1),' >>>>> decode ERROR' |
104 |
ierror = -220 |
ierror = 220 |
105 |
goto 200 |
c goto 200 |
106 |
c print*,'filladc error' |
107 |
endif |
endif |
108 |
109 |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
112 |
c tagged with the flag CLSTR) |
c tagged with the flag CLSTR) |
113 |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
c-------------------------------------------------- |
114 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
115 |
do ik=1,nva1_view |
ima=0 |
116 |
cn(iv,ik)=0 !initializes cn variable |
do ik=1,nva1_view |
117 |
iflag=0 |
cn(iv,ik) = 0 |
118 |
if(mask_vk(iv,ik).eq.1)call cncomp(iv,ik,iflag) |
cnn(iv,ik) = -1 |
119 |
if(iflag.ne.0)good1=0 |
mask_vk_ev(iv,ik)=1 |
120 |
enddo |
iflag=0 |
121 |
if(mask_vk(iv,ik).eq.1)call cncomp(iv,ik,iflag) |
122 |
c if(iflag.ne.0)good1=0 |
123 |
if(iflag.ne.0)then |
124 |
ima=ima+1 |
125 |
mask_vk_ev(iv,ik)=0 |
126 |
ierror = 220 |
127 |
c$$$ if(verbose) |
128 |
c$$$ $ print*,' * WARNING * Event ',eventn(1) |
129 |
c$$$ $ ,': masked vk ',ik,' on view',iv |
130 |
endif |
131 |
enddo |
132 |
if(ima.ne.0.and.verbose)print*,' * WARNING * Event ',eventn(1) |
133 |
$ ,' view',iv,': VK MASK ' |
134 |
$ ,(mask_vk_ev(iv,ik),ik=1,nva1_view) |
135 |
enddo |
enddo |
136 |
if(good1.eq.0)then |
c if(good1.eq.0)then |
137 |
ierror = 220 |
c ierror = 220 |
138 |
c if(WARNING) |
c endif |
c $ print*,' WARNING - cncomp: CN computation failure ' |
endif |
139 |
140 |
call stripmask !compute mask(i,j,k), combining mask_vk_ev and mask_vk |
141 |
c--------------------------------------------- |
c--------------------------------------------- |
142 |
c loops on views, VA1 and strips, |
c loops on views, VA1 and strips, |
143 |
c and computes strips signals using |
c and computes strips signals using |
146 |
c--------------------------------------------- |
c--------------------------------------------- |
147 |
flag_shower = .false. |
flag_shower = .false. |
148 |
ind=1 !clsignal array index |
ind=1 !clsignal array index |
149 |
150 |
do iv=1,nviews !loop on views |
do iv=1,nviews !loop on views |
151 |
do is=1,nstrips_view !loop on strips (1) |
do is=1,nstrips_view !loop on strips (1) |
152 |
if(mod(iv,2).eq.1) then |
if(mod(iv,2).eq.1) then |
169 |
clinclcut(is)=incutx*sigma(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)) |
clinclcut(is)=incutx*sigma(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)) |
170 |
$ *mask(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)) |
$ *mask(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)) |
171 |
endif |
endif |
172 |
c$$$ print*,iv,is,' --- ',adc(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)),cn(iv,nvk(is)) |
173 |
c$$$ $ ,pedestal(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)),value(is) |
174 |
c$$$ $ ,sigma(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)) |
175 |
c if(value(is).gt.clseedcut(is)) |
176 |
c $ print*,iv,is,' --- (ADC_PED_CN) ',value(is),clseedcut(is) |
177 |
enddo !end loop on strips (1) |
enddo !end loop on strips (1) |
178 |
call search_cluster(iv) |
call search_cluster(iv) |
179 |
if(flag_shower.eqv..true.)then |
c$$$ if(flag_shower.eqv..true.)then |
180 |
call init_level1 |
c$$$ call init_level1 |
181 |
good1=0 |
c$$$ good1=0 |
182 |
goto 200 !jump to next event |
c$$$ goto 200 !jump to next event |
183 |
c$$$ endif |
184 |
ccc |
185 |
ccc modified by Elena (08/2006) |
186 |
ccc |
187 |
if(.not.flag_shower)then |
188 |
call save_cluster(iv) |
189 |
else |
190 |
fshower(iv) = 1 |
191 |
GOOD1(DSPn) = 11 |
192 |
endif |
endif |
193 |
enddo ! end loop on views |
enddo ! end loop on views |
194 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
195 |
do ik=1,nva1_view |
do ik=1,nva1_view |
196 |
cnev(iv,ik)=cn(iv,ik) !assigns computed CN to ntuple variables |
cnev(iv,ik) = cn(iv,ik) !assigns computed CN to ntuple variables |
197 |
cnnev(iv,ik) = cnn(iv,ik) !assigns computed CN to ntuple variables |
198 |
ccc print*,"cnev(",iv,",",ik,")(reduction)= ",cnev(iv,ik) |
ccc print*,"cnev(",iv,",",ik,")(reduction)= ",cnev(iv,ik) |
199 |
enddo |
enddo |
200 |
enddo |
enddo |
203 |
C or the event has too many clusters |
C or the event has too many clusters |
204 |
C--------------------------------------------- |
C--------------------------------------------- |
205 |
200 continue |
200 continue |
206 |
207 |
ngood = 0 |
208 |
do iv = 1,nviews |
209 |
ngood = ngood + good1(iv) |
210 |
enddo |
211 |
if(ngood.ne.0)print*,'* WARNING * Event ',eventn(1) |
212 |
$ ,':LEVEL1 event status: ' |
213 |
$ ,(good1(i),i=1,nviews) |
214 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
215 |
c |
c |
216 |
c closes files and exits |
c closes files and exits |
238 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
239 |
include 'level0.f' |
include 'level0.f' |
240 |
241 |
good1=0 |
c good1 = 0 |
242 |
nclstr1=0 |
do iv=1,12 |
243 |
totCLlength=0 |
good1(iv) = 1 !missing packet |
244 |
enddo |
245 |
nclstr1 = 0 |
246 |
totCLlength = 0 |
247 |
do ic=1,nclstrmax |
do ic=1,nclstrmax |
248 |
view(ic)=0 |
view(ic) = 0 |
249 |
ladder(ic)=0 |
ladder(ic) = 0 |
250 |
indstart(ic)=0 |
indstart(ic) = 0 |
251 |
indmax(ic)=0 |
indmax(ic) = 0 |
252 |
maxs(ic)=0 |
maxs(ic) = 0 |
253 |
mult(ic)=0 |
mult(ic) = 0 |
254 |
dedx(ic)=0 |
dedx(ic) = 0 |
255 |
whichtrack(ic) = 0 |
256 |
257 |
enddo |
enddo |
258 |
do id=1,maxlength !??? |
do id=1,maxlength !??? |
259 |
clsignal(id)=0. |
clsignal(id) = 0. |
260 |
clsigma(id) = 0. |
261 |
cladc(id) = 0. |
262 |
clbad(id) = 0. |
263 |
enddo |
enddo |
264 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
265 |
c crc1(iv)=0 |
c crc1(iv)=0 |
266 |
do ik=1,nva1_view |
do ik=1,nva1_view |
267 |
cnev(iv,ik)=0 |
cnev(iv,ik) = 0 |
268 |
cnnev(iv,ik) = 0 |
269 |
enddo |
enddo |
270 |
fshower(iv) = 0 |
271 |
enddo |
enddo |
272 |
273 |
return |
return |
283 |
subroutine search_cluster(iv) |
subroutine search_cluster(iv) |
284 |
285 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'common_reduction.f' |
286 |
include 'level0.f' |
include 'level0.f' |
287 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
288 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
289 |
290 |
include 'common_reduction.f' |
291 |
292 |
293 |
c local variables |
c local variables |
298 |
299 |
integer multtemp !temporary multiplicity variable |
integer multtemp !temporary multiplicity variable |
300 |
integer CLlength !lunghezza in strip del cluster |
301 |
external nst |
external nst |
302 |
303 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
328 |
329 |
iseed=-999 !cluster seed index initialization |
iseed=-999 !cluster seed index initialization |
330 |
331 |
nclstr_view=0 |
332 |
333 |
do jl=1,nladders_view !1..3 !loops on ladders |
do jl=1,nladders_view !1..3 !loops on ladders |
334 |
first=1+nstrips_ladder*(jl-1) !1,1025,2049 |
first=1+nstrips_ladder*(jl-1) !1,1025,2049 |
335 |
last=nstrips_ladder*jl !1024,2048,3072 |
last=nstrips_ladder*jl !1024,2048,3072 |
338 |
first=first+3 |
first=first+3 |
339 |
last=last-3 |
last=last-3 |
340 |
endif |
endif |
341 |
342 |
do is=first,last !loop on strips in each ladder |
do is=first,last !loop on strips in each ladder |
343 |
344 |
if(is.le.iseed+1) goto 220 |
if(is.le.iseed+1) goto 220 |
345 |
c----------------------------------------- |
******************************************************* |
346 |
c after a cluster seed as been found, |
* Elena 08/2006 |
347 |
c look for next one skipping one strip on the right |
* QUESTA PARTE NON E` ADEGUATA per cluster con grossi rilasci di carica |
348 |
c (i.e. look for double peak cluster) |
* perche` salva molte volte lo stesso cluster |
349 |
c----------------------------------------- |
* (salvo il cluster rispetto al primo massimo e basta...) |
350 |
if(is.ne.first) then |
******************************************************* |
351 |
if(value(is).le.value(is-1)) goto 220 |
c$$$c----------------------------------------- |
352 |
endif |
c$$$c after a cluster seed as been found, |
353 |
c----------------------------------------- |
c$$$c look for next one skipping one strip on the right |
354 |
c skips cluster seed |
c$$$c (i.e. look for double peak cluster) |
355 |
c finding if strips values are descreasing (a strip |
c$$$c----------------------------------------- |
356 |
c can be a cluster seed only if previous strip value |
c$$$ if(is.ne.first) then |
357 |
c is lower) |
c$$$ if(value(is).le.value(is-1)) goto 220 |
358 |
c----------------------------------------- |
c$$$ endif |
359 |
c$$$c----------------------------------------- |
360 |
c$$$c skips cluster seed |
361 |
c$$$c finding if strips values are descreasing (a strip |
362 |
c$$$c can be a cluster seed only if previous strip value |
363 |
c$$$c is lower) |
364 |
c$$$c----------------------------------------- |
365 |
******************************************************* |
366 |
367 |
******************************************************* |
368 |
if(is.le.iseed+rmax+1) goto 220 |
369 |
******************************************************* |
370 |
371 |
if(value(is).gt.clseedcut(is)) then |
if(value(is).gt.clseedcut(is)) then |
372 |
ccc print*,"value(",is,")=",value(is), |
ccc print*,"value(",is,")=",value(is), |
373 |
ccc $ " .gt.clseedcut(",is,")=",clseedcut(is) |
ccc $ " .gt.clseedcut(",is,")=",clseedcut(is) |
376 |
c----------------------------------------- |
c----------------------------------------- |
377 |
itemp=is |
itemp=is |
378 |
if(itemp.eq.last) goto 230 !estremo... |
if(itemp.eq.last) goto 230 !estremo... |
379 |
do while(value(itemp) |
**************************************************** |
380 |
$ /sigma(iv,nvk(itemp),nst(itemp)) |
* modificato da Elena (08/2006) per salvare |
381 |
$ .le.value(itemp+1) |
* il cluster intorno al massimo assoluto |
382 |
$ /sigma(iv,nvk(itemp+1),nst(itemp+1))) !BIAS: aggiustare il caso uguale!??? |
**************************************************** |
383 |
c$$$ do while(value(itemp) |
384 |
c$$$ $ /sigma(iv,nvk(itemp),nst(itemp)) |
385 |
c$$$ $ .le.value(itemp+1) |
386 |
c$$$ $ /sigma(iv,nvk(itemp+1),nst(itemp+1))) !BIAS: aggiustare il caso uguale!??? |
387 |
c$$$ itemp=itemp+1 |
388 |
c$$$ if(itemp.eq.last) goto 230 !stops if reaches last strip |
389 |
c$$$ enddo ! of the ladder |
390 |
do while( |
391 |
$ value(itemp).le.value(itemp+1) |
392 |
$ .and.value(itemp+1).gt.clseedcut(itemp+1)) |
393 |
itemp=itemp+1 |
itemp=itemp+1 |
394 |
if(itemp.eq.last) goto 230 !stops if reaches last strip |
if(itemp.eq.last) goto 230 !stops if reaches last strip |
395 |
enddo ! of the ladder |
enddo ! of the ladder |
597 |
250 continue |
250 continue |
598 |
599 |
c-------------------------------------------------------- |
c-------------------------------------------------------- |
600 |
c fills ntuple variables |
c fills cluster variables |
601 |
c-------------------------------------------------------- |
c-------------------------------------------------------- |
602 |
nclstr1=nclstr1+1 !cluster number |
c$$$ nclstr1=nclstr1+1 !cluster number |
603 |
ccc print*,nclstr1,multtemp |
c$$$ccc print*,nclstr1,multtemp |
604 |
if(nclstr1.gt.nclstrmax) then !too many clusters for the event: |
c$$$ if(nclstr1.gt.nclstrmax) then !too many clusters for the event: |
605 |
good1=0 ! event |
c$$$ if(verbose)print*,'Event ',eventn(1), |
606 |
nclstr1=0 |
c$$$ $ ': more than ',nclstrmax,' clusters' |
607 |
totCLlength=0 |
c$$$ good1=0 ! event |
608 |
c$$$ nclstr1=0 |
609 |
c$$$ totCLlength=0 |
610 |
c$$$ flag_shower = .true. |
611 |
c$$$ goto 2000 |
612 |
c$$$ endif |
613 |
c$$$ view(nclstr1) = iv !vista del cluster |
614 |
c$$$ ladder(nclstr1) = nld(iseed,iv) !ladder a cui appartiene il cluster seed |
615 |
c$$$ maxs(nclstr1) = iseed !strip del cluster seed |
616 |
c$$$ mult(nclstr1) = multtemp !molteplicita' |
617 |
c$$$ |
618 |
c$$$ indstart(nclstr1) = ind !posizione dell'inizio del cluster nell' |
619 |
c$$$c ! array clsignal |
620 |
c$$$ indmax(nclstr1) = indstart(nclstr1)+(iseed-lmax) !posizione del |
621 |
c$$$c ! cluster seed nell'array clsignal |
622 |
c$$$ |
623 |
c$$$ CLlength = rmax-lmax+1 !numero di strip del cluster |
624 |
c$$$ totCLlength = totCLlength+CLlength |
625 |
c$$$ dedx(nclstr1) = 0 |
626 |
c$$$ do j=lmax,rmax !stores sequentially cluter strip values in |
627 |
c$$$ clsignal(ind) = value(j) ! clsignal array |
628 |
c$$$ ind=ind+1 |
629 |
c$$$c if(value(j).gt.0) |
630 |
c$$$ if(value(j).gt.clinclcut(j)) |
631 |
c$$$ $ dedx(nclstr1) = dedx(nclstr1) + value(j) !cluster charge |
632 |
c$$$ enddo |
633 |
ccc |
634 |
ccc *** Modified by Elena (08/2006) *** |
635 |
ccc |
636 |
nclstr_view = nclstr_view + 1 !cluster number |
637 |
c print*,'view ',iv,' -- search_cluster -- nclstr_view: ' |
638 |
c $ ,nclstr_view |
639 |
if(nclstr_view.gt.nclstrmax_view) then !too many clusters for the view: |
640 |
if(verbose) print*,'Event ',eventn(1), |
641 |
$ ': more than ',nclstrmax_view |
642 |
$ ,' clusters on view ',iv |
643 |
c good1=0 ! event |
644 |
c nclstr1=0 |
645 |
c totCLlength=0 |
646 |
flag_shower = .true. |
flag_shower = .true. |
if(verbose)print*,'Event ',eventn(1), |
$ ': more than ',nclstrmax,' clusters' |
647 |
goto 2000 |
goto 2000 |
648 |
endif |
endif |
649 |
view(nclstr1)=iv !vista del cluster |
650 |
ladder(nclstr1)=nld(iseed,iv) !ladder a cui appartiene il cluster seed |
c view(nclstr1) = iv !vista del cluster |
651 |
maxs(nclstr1)=iseed !strip del cluster seed |
ladder_view(nclstr_view) = nld(iseed,iv) !ladder a cui appartiene il cluster seed |
652 |
mult(nclstr1)=multtemp !molteplicita' |
maxs_view(nclstr_view) = iseed !strip del cluster seed |
653 |
mult_view(nclstr_view) = multtemp !molteplicita' |
654 |
indstart(nclstr1)=ind !posizione dell'inizio del cluster nell' |
rmax_view(nclstr_view) = rmax |
655 |
! array clsignal |
lmax_view(nclstr_view) = lmax |
656 |
indmax(nclstr1)=indstart(nclstr1)+(iseed-lmax) !posizione del |
! cluster seed nell'array clsignal |
CLlength=rmax-lmax+1 !numero di strip del cluster |
totCLlength=totCLlength+CLlength |
dedx(nclstr1)=0 |
do j=lmax,rmax !stores sequentially cluter strip values in |
clsignal(ind)=value(j) ! clsignal array |
ind=ind+1 |
c if(value(j).gt.0) |
if(value(j).gt.clinclcut(j)) |
$ dedx(nclstr1)=dedx(nclstr1)+value(j) !cluster charge |
enddo |
657 |
c-------------------------------------------------------- |
c-------------------------------------------------------- |
658 |
c |
c |
659 |
c-------------------------------------------------------- |
c-------------------------------------------------------- |
675 |
* |
* |
676 |
*---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---*** |
*---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---*** |
677 |
678 |
subroutine save_cluster(iv) |
679 |
* |
680 |
* (080/2006 Elena Vannuccini) |
681 |
* Save the clusters view by view |
682 |
683 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
684 |
include 'level1.f' |
685 |
include 'calib.f' |
686 |
include 'common_reduction.f' |
687 |
688 |
integer CLlength !lunghezza in strip del cluster |
689 |
690 |
do ic=1,nclstr_view |
691 |
692 |
nclstr1 = nclstr1+1 |
693 |
view(nclstr1) = iv |
694 |
ladder(nclstr1) = ladder_view(ic) |
695 |
maxs(nclstr1) = maxs_view(ic) |
696 |
mult(nclstr1) = mult_view(ic) |
697 |
698 |
c posizione dell'inizio del cluster nell' array clsignal |
699 |
indstart(nclstr1) = ind |
700 |
c posizione del cluster seed nell'array clsignal |
701 |
indmax(nclstr1) = indstart(nclstr1) |
702 |
$ +( maxs_view(ic) - lmax_view(ic) ) |
703 |
704 |
CLlength = rmax_view(ic) - lmax_view(ic) + 1 !numero di strip salvate |
705 |
totCLlength = totCLlength + CLlength |
706 |
dedx(nclstr1) = 0 |
707 |
do j=lmax_view(ic),rmax_view(ic) !stores sequentially cluter strip values in |
708 |
709 |
clsignal(ind) = value(j) ! clsignal array |
710 |
711 |
ivk=nvk(j) |
712 |
ist=nst(j) |
713 |
714 |
clsigma(ind) = sigma(iv,ivk,ist) |
715 |
cladc(ind) = adc(iv,ivk,ist) |
716 |
clbad(ind) = bad(iv,ivk,ist) |
717 |
c clped(ind) = pedestal(iv,ivk,ist) |
718 |
719 |
ind=ind+1 |
720 |
c if(value(j).gt.0) |
721 |
if(value(j).gt.clinclcut(j)) |
722 |
$ dedx(nclstr1) = dedx(nclstr1) + value(j) !cluster charge |
723 |
enddo |
724 |
725 |
c print*,'view ',iv,' -- save_cluster -- nclstr1: ' |
726 |
c $ ,nclstr1,maxs(nclstr1),mult(nclstr1),dedx(nclstr1) |
727 |
728 |
enddo |
729 |
730 |
return |
731 |
end |
732 |
*---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---*** |
733 |
* |
734 |
* |
735 |
* |
736 |
* |
737 |
* |
738 |
*---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---*** |
739 |
740 |
741 |
subroutine stripmask |
subroutine stripmask |
742 |
748 |
* |
* |
749 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
750 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
751 |
include 'common_reduction.f' |
752 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
753 |
754 |
* init mask |
* init mask |
755 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
756 |
do ivk=1,nva1_view |
do ivk=1,nva1_view |
757 |
do is=1,nstrips_va1 |
do is=1,nstrips_va1 |
758 |
mask(iv,ivk,is) = mask_vk(iv,ivk) |
c mask(iv,ivk,is) = mask_vk(iv,ivk) |
759 |
mask(iv,ivk,is) = mask_vk(iv,ivk) * mask_vk_ev(iv,ivk) |
760 |
enddo |
enddo |
761 |
enddo |
enddo |
762 |
enddo |
enddo |