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Links to v10REDr01: | (view) (download) (annotate) |
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New tracking algorythm implementation (extended to up to 2 calorimeter planes and with level1 cleaning for nuclei)
Differences with 9RED version in the track reconstruction due to approximation in F77 code fixed
Compilation warnings using GCC4.7 fixed
Changed to work with GCC 4.x (gfortran) + ROOT >= 5.24
more severe condition for second-track search and some protections added
new tracking algorithm
change in the fit method fot singlets
tracking optimization
modified mini.f for student fit
*** empty log message ***
Student Fit
implemented method to reprocess a track, starting from cluster positions
v3r00: new hough parameters, new variables, and other things...
modified for FACT and ISTEPMIN
added TRACKMOD parameter
Magnetic field, improoved de/dx, reprocessing tools
*** empty log message ***
modified: evaluation of track initial-guess + put constraints on AL(3)
some refinements
bug fixed + n.couple cut implemented
back to previous version
*** empty log message ***
fixed bug in readB
track fit optimized and some bugs fixed
fitting methods
Error handling from F77 routine / Fixed some bugs with default calibration
Initial revision
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