************************************************************************ * * functions.f * * - !??? * * needs: * - !??? * * output variables: * - !??? * * to be called inside !??? * * * MODIFIED in order to have in input a * REAL-defined strip number instead of INTEGER * ************************************************************************* function pitch(view) !it gives the strip pitch, knowing the view number real pitch integer view include 'commontracker.f' if(mod(view,2).eq.0) then !X pitch=pitchX else !Y pitch=pitchY endif end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function npl(view) !it gives the plane number, knowing the view number. ! plane 1 = views 11+12, calorimeter side ! ... ! plane 6 = views 1+2, TRD side integer npl,view npl=7-(INT((view-1)/2)+1) end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function nld(istrip,view) * it gives the number of the ladder, knowing the * strip number (1..3072) and the view number. * the first strip belongs to ladder 1 integer istrip,view,nld include 'commontracker.f' view = view nld=INT((istrip-1)/nstrips_ladder)+1 end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function nviewx(iplane) !it gives the view number of a X plane integer nviewx,iplane nviewx=2*(7-iplane) end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function nviewy(iplane) !it gives the view number of a Y plane integer nviewy,iplane nviewy=2*(7-iplane)-1 end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function nvk(istrip) * it gives the number of the VA1, knowing the strip * number (1..3072). * the first strip belongs to VA1 1 integer istrip,nvk include 'commontracker.f' nvk=INT((istrip-1)/nstrips_va1)+1 end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function nst(istrip) * it gives the VA1 strip, knowing the strip number * (1..3072). * the first strip belongs to VA1 1 integer istrip,nst include 'commontracker.f' nst=INT(mod((istrip-1),nstrips_va1))+1 end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function coordsi(istrip,view) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it gives the strip coordinate in micrometers, * knowing the strip number (1..3072) and the view * number. the origin of the coordinate is on the * centre of the sensor the strip belongs to. * the axes directions are the same as in the PAMELA * reference frame (i.e.: the 11th view coordinate * direction has to be inverted here) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c integer is,view,istrip integer view,is,istrip real coordsi include 'commontracker.f' c NB mettere il 1024 nel commontracker...!??? is=istrip !it stores istrip number is=mod(is-1,1024)+1 !it puts all clusters on a single ladder coordsi=0. if(mod(view,2).eq.0) then !X view c if((is.le.3).or.(is.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... c print*,'functions: WARNING: false X strip: strip ',is c endif is=is-3 !4 =< is =< 1021 --> 1 =< is =< 1018 edge=edgeX dim=SiDimX elseif(mod(view,2).eq.1) then !Y view edge=edgeY dim=SiDimY c$$$ if(view.eq.11) then !INVERSIONE!??? c$$$ is=1025-is c$$$ endif endif p=pitch(view) coord1=(is-1)*p !referred to 1st sensor strip coord1=coord1+edge !referred to sensor edge coordsi=coord1-dim/2 !referred to the centre of the sensor if(view.eq.11) then !INVERSION: it puts y axis in the same direction for all views coordsi=-coordsi endif end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function acoordsi(strip,view) * * same as COORDSI, but accept a real value of strip!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it gives the strip coordinate in micrometers, * knowing the strip number (1..3072) and the view * number. the origin of the coordinate is on the * centre of the sensor the strip belongs to. * the axes directions are the same as in the PAMELA * reference frame (i.e.: the 11th view coordinate * direction has to be inverted here) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c integer is,view,istrip integer view,is,istrip real coordsi,acoordsi real strip,stripladder include 'commontracker.f' c NB mettere il 1024 nel commontracker...!??? istrip = int(strip+0.5) !istrip stores the closest integer to strip is=istrip !it stores istrip number is=mod(is-1,1024)+1 !it puts all clusters on a single ladder coordsi=0. if(mod(view,2).eq.0) then !X view c if((is.le.3).or.(is.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... c print*,'functions: WARNING: false X strip: strip ',is c endif is=is-3 !4 =< is =< 1021 --> 1 =< is =< 1018 edge=edgeX dim=SiDimX elseif(mod(view,2).eq.1) then !Y view edge=edgeY dim=SiDimY c$$$ if(view.eq.11) then !INVERSIONE!??? c$$$ is=1025-is c$$$ endif endif stripladder = float(is)+(strip-float(istrip))!cluster position relative to ladder p=pitch(view) ccccc coord1=(is-1)*p !referred to 1st sensor strip coord1=(stripladder-1)*p !referred to 1st sensor strip coord1=coord1+edge !referred to sensor edge acoordsi=coord1-dim/2 !referred to the centre of the sensor if(view.eq.11) then !INVERSION: it puts y axis in the same direction for all views acoordsi=-acoordsi endif end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ double precision function dcoordsi(rstrip,view) * * same as COORDSI, but accept a real value of strip!!! * and gives a double precision output * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it gives the strip coordinate in micrometers, * knowing the strip number (1..3072) and the view * number. the origin of the coordinate is on the * centre of the sensor the strip belongs to. * the axes directions are the same as in the PAMELA * reference frame (i.e.: the 11th view coordinate * direction has to be inverted here) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c integer is,view,istrip integer view,is,istrip real rstrip double precision strip,stripladder,p double precision edge,dim double precision coord1 include 'commontracker.f' c NB mettere il 1024 nel commontracker...!??? strip=DBLE(rstrip) istrip = int(strip+0.5) !istrip stores the closest integer to strip is=istrip !it stores istrip number is=mod(is-1,1024)+1 !it puts all clusters on a single ladder dcoordsi=0. if(mod(view,2).eq.0) then !X view c if((is.le.3).or.(is.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... c print*,'functions: WARNING: false X strip: strip ',is c endif is=is-3 !4 =< is =< 1021 --> 1 =< is =< 1018 edge=edgeX dim=SiDimX elseif(mod(view,2).eq.1) then !Y view edge=edgeY dim=SiDimY c$$$ if(view.eq.11) then !INVERSIONE!??? c$$$ is=1025-is c$$$ endif endif stripladder = DBLE(is)+(strip-DBLE(istrip))!cluster position relative to ladder p=pitch(view) ccccc coord1=(is-1)*p !referred to 1st sensor strip coord1=(stripladder-1)*p !referred to 1st sensor strip coord1=coord1+edge !referred to sensor edge dcoordsi=coord1-dim/2 !referred to the centre of the sensor if(view.eq.11) then !INVERSION: it puts y axis in the same direction for all views dcoordsi=-dcoordsi endif end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ function coord(coordsi,view,ladder,sen) * it gives the coordinate in * micrometers, knowing the coordinate in the sensor * frame, the view, the ladder and the sensor numbers. * the origin is in the centre of the magnet (PAMELA * reference frame) include 'commontracker.f' include 'common_tracks.f' integer view,ladder,sen integer sx,sy,sz real coord,coordsi,trasl c$$$c parameter (offset=4365.) !??? ! in um !CONTROLLARE SE HA SENSO: c$$$ ! dalle misure sul piano dovrebbe essere 4970, c$$$ ! dallo shift dei residui viene 4365 c$$$ ! va messo .ne.0. se in mech_sensor assegno ai c$$$ ! sensori del sesto piano coordinate Y uguali c$$$ ! a quelle degli altri sensori c$$$ parameter (offset=0.) !??? altrimenti se il sesto piano ha coordinate c$$$ ! Y diverse offset dovrebbe essere .eq.0. c$$$ ! CONTROLLARE CON I GRAFICI DEI RESIDUI!!! coord=0. sx=ladder sy=sen sz=npl(view) if(mod(view,2).eq.0) then !X view trasl=x_mech_sensor(sz,sx,sy) !in mm elseif(mod(view,2).eq.1) then !Y view trasl=y_mech_sensor(sz,sx,sy) !in mm c$$$ if(view.eq.11) then !INVERSIONE!???INUTILE, ne e' gia' tenuto conto c$$$ coordsi=coordsi+offset ! in y_mech_pos... c$$$ endif endif coord=coordsi+trasl*1000. end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ c------------------------------------------------------------------------ c double precision version of the above subroutine double precision function dcoord(coordsi,view,ladder,sen) !it gives the coordinate in ! micrometers, knowing the coordinate in the sensor ! frame, the view, the ladder and the sensor numbers. ! the origin is in the centre of the magnet (PAMELA ! reference frame) include 'commontracker.f' include 'common_tracks.f' integer view,ladder,sen integer sx,sy,sz c double precision dcoord double precision coordsi,trasl c$$$c parameter (offset=4365.) !??? ! in um !CONTROLLARE SE HA SENSO: c$$$ ! dalle misure sul piano dovrebbe essere 4970, c$$$ ! dallo shift dei residui viene 4365 c$$$ ! va messo .ne.0. se in mech_sensor assegno ai c$$$ ! sensori del sesto piano coordinate Y uguali c$$$ ! a quelle degli altri sensori c$$$ parameter (offset=0.) !??? altrimenti se il sesto piano ha coordinate c$$$ ! Y diverse offset dovrebbe essere .eq.0. c$$$ ! CONTROLLARE CON I GRAFICI DEI RESIDUI!!! dcoord=0. if( $ ladder.lt.1.or. $ ladder.gt.nladders_view.or. $ sen.lt.1.or. $ sen.gt.2.or. $ view.lt.1.or. $ view.gt.nviews.or. $ .false.)then print*,'dcoord ---> wrong input: ladder ',ladder $ ,' sensor ',sen $ ,' view ',view return endif sx=ladder sy=sen sz=npl(view) if(mod(view,2).eq.0) then !X view trasl=x_mech_sensor(sz,sx,sy) !in mm elseif(mod(view,2).eq.1) then !Y view trasl=y_mech_sensor(sz,sx,sy) !in mm c$$$ if(view.eq.11) then !INVERSIONE!???INUTILE, ne e' gia' tenuto conto c$$$ dcoordsi=dcoordsi+offset ! in y_mech_pos... c$$$ endif endif dcoord=coordsi+trasl*1000. end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function nsatstrips(ic) *-------------------------------------------------------------- * this function returns the number of saturated strips * inside a cluster *-------------------------------------------------------------- include 'commontracker.f' include 'level1.f' include 'calib.f' real incut integer nsat nsat = 0 iv=VIEW(ic) if(mod(iv,2).eq.1)incut=incuty if(mod(iv,2).eq.0)incut=incutx istart = INDSTART(IC) istop = TOTCLLENGTH if(ic.lt.NCLSTR1)istop=INDSTART(IC+1)-1 do i = INDMAX(IC),istart,-1 c cut = incut*CLSIGMA(i) c if(CLSIGNAL(i).ge.cut)then if( (mod(iv,2).eq.1.and.CLADC(i).lt.ADCsatx) $ .or. $ (mod(iv,2).eq.0.and.CLADC(i).gt.ADCsaty) )then nsat = nsat +1 else goto 10 endif enddo 10 continue do i = INDMAX(IC)+1,istop c cut = incut*CLSIGMA(i) c if(CLSIGNAL(i).ge.cut)then if( (mod(iv,2).eq.1.and.CLADC(i).lt.ADCsatx) $ .or. $ (mod(iv,2).eq.0.and.CLADC(i).gt.ADCsaty) )then nsat = nsat +1 else goto 20 endif enddo 20 continue nsatstrips = nsat return end c------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer function nbadstrips(ncog,ic) *-------------------------------------------------------------- * this function returns the number of BAD strips * inside a cluster: * - if NCOG=0, the number BAD strips inside the whole cluster * are given, according to the cluster multiplicity * * - if NCOG>0, the number BAD strips is evaluated using NCOG * strips, even if they have a negative signal (according to Landi) *-------------------------------------------------------------- include 'commontracker.f' include 'level1.f' include 'calib.f' real incut integer nbad nbad = 0 if (ncog.gt.0) then * --> signal of the central strip sc = CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)) !center * signal of adjacent strips sl1 = -100000 !left 1 if( $ (INDMAX(ic)-1).ge.INDSTART(ic) $ ) $ sl1 = CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)-1) sl2 = -100000 !left 2 if( $ (INDMAX(ic)-2).ge.INDSTART(ic) $ ) $ sl2 = CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)-2) sr1 = -100000 !right 1 if( $ (ic.ne.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+1).lt.INDSTART(ic+1)) $ .or. $ (ic.eq.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+1).le.TOTCLLENGTH) $ ) $ sr1 = CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)+1) sr2 = -100000 !right 2 if( $ (ic.ne.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+2).lt.INDSTART(ic+1)) $ .or. $ (ic.eq.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+2).le.TOTCLLENGTH) $ ) $ sr2 = CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)+2) if(ncog.ge.1)nbad = nbad+1-CLBAD(INDMAX(ic)) if(ncog.ge.2)then if(sl1.gt.sr1.and.(INDMAX(ic)-1).ge.1)then nbad=nbad+1-CLBAD(INDMAX(ic)-1) elseif(sl1.le.sr1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+1).le.NCLSTR1)then nbad=nbad+1-CLBAD(INDMAX(ic)+1) endif endif if(ncog.ge.3)then if(sl1.gt.sr1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+1).le.NCLSTR1)then nbad=nbad+1-CLBAD(INDMAX(ic)+1) elseif(sl1.le.sr1.and.(INDMAX(ic)-1).ge.1)then c if(INDMAX(ic)-1.eq.0) c $ print*,' ======= ',sl2,sl1,sc,sr1,sr2 nbad=nbad+1-CLBAD(INDMAX(ic)-1) endif endif if(ncog.ge.4)then if(sl2.gt.sr2.and.(INDMAX(ic)-2).ge.1)then nbad=nbad+1-CLBAD(INDMAX(ic)-2) elseif(sl2.le.sr2.and.(INDMAX(ic)+2).le.NCLSTR1)then nbad=nbad+1-CLBAD(INDMAX(ic)+2) endif endif c if(ncog.ge.5)then c print*,'function CLBAD(NCOG,IC) ==> WARNING!! NCOG=',NCOG c $ ,' not implemented' c endif elseif(ncog.eq.0)then * ========================= * COG computation * ========================= iv=VIEW(ic) if(mod(iv,2).eq.1)incut=incuty if(mod(iv,2).eq.0)incut=incutx istart = INDSTART(IC) istop = TOTCLLENGTH if(ic.lt.NCLSTR1)istop=INDSTART(IC+1)-1 nbad = 0 c$$$ do i=istart,istop c$$$ cut = incut*CLSIGMA(i) c$$$ if(CLSIGNAL(i).ge.cut)nbad = nbad +1 -CLBAD(i) c$$$ enddo do i = INDMAX(IC),istart,-1 cut = incut*CLSIGMA(i) if(CLSIGNAL(i).ge.cut)then nbad = nbad +1 -CLBAD(i) else goto 10 endif enddo 10 continue do i = INDMAX(IC)+1,istop cut = incut*CLSIGMA(i) if(CLSIGNAL(i).ge.cut)then nbad = nbad +1 -CLBAD(i) else goto 20 endif enddo 20 continue else c print*,'function CLBAD(NCOG,IC) ==> WARNING!! NCOG=',NCOG c $ ,' not implemented' endif nbadstrips = nbad return end