subroutine fillpedsigfromdefault() include 'commontracker.f' include 'calib.f' include 'common_c2f.f' !<<<< C2F integer dsp(2,6) character*60 fname_param c2f_error = 0 fname_param='cabling.dat' c if(DEBUG)print * c $ ,c2f_path(1:c2f_pathlen) !<<<< C2F c $ //fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) open(10, $ FILE=c2f_path(1:c2f_pathlen) !<<<< C2F $ //fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) $ ,STATUS='OLD' $ ,IOSTAT=iostat $ ) if( c if(C2F_DEBUG.eq.1)print* if(DEBUG)print* $ ,'READPEDSIGFROMDEFAULT: *** Error opening file *** ' c2f_error = 1 return endif do iv=1,nviews read(10,* $ ,IOSTAT=iostat $ )ilink,ipn,dsp(ilink,ipn+1) if( c2f_error = 1 goto 100 endif enddo 100 close(10) 300 format('link',i1,'/param2_',i1,'_',i1,'.dat') do ilink=1,2 !loop over links if(VERBOSE)print *,'Opening default calibration - link' $ ,ilink do ipn=0,5 !loop over peripheral numbers do iladder=1,3 !loop over DSP write(fname_param,300)ilink,ipn,iladder c if(DEBUG)print*, c $ ,c2f_path(1:c2f_pathlen) !<<<< C2F c $ //fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) open(10, $ FILE=c2f_path(1:c2f_pathlen) !<<<< C2F $ //fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) $ ,STATUS='OLD' $ ,IOSTAT=iostat $ ) if( c if(C2F_DEBUG.eq.1)print* if(DEBUG)print* $ ,'READPEDSIGFROMDEFAULT:' $ ,' *** Error opening file *** ' c2f_error = 1 return endif * PEDESTAL ---------------------- do is=1,nstrips_ladder read(10,* $ ,IOSTAT=iostat) $ pedestal_t( dsp(ilink,ipn+1) $ ,(nvk(is)+(iladder-1)*nva1_ladder) $ ,nst(is)) c print*,ilink,ipn,is,' --- ',dsp(ilink,ipn+1) c $ ,(nvk(is)+(iladder-1)*nva1_ladder) c $ ,nst(is) if( c2f_error = 1 print*,'ped ',is goto 1000 endif enddo * SIGMA ------------------------- do is=1,nstrips_ladder read(10,* $ ,IOSTAT=iostat) $ sigma_t( $ dsp(ilink,ipn+1) $ ,(nvk(is)+(iladder-1)*nva1_ladder) $ ,nst(is)) if( c2f_error = 1 print*,'sig ',is goto 1000 endif enddo * ------------------------------- 1000 close(10) enddo !end loop over DSP enddo !end loop over peripheral numbers enddo !end loop over links return end ************************************************************************* * * Subroutine fillpedsig.f * * - fills bad, pedestal and sigma variables with respective values from * level0 histograms, in order to perform cluster identification !??? * - fills bad, pedestal_t and sigma_t variables with respective truncated * values from level0 histograms, in order to perform data decompression * * needs: * - level0 pedestal, sigma and badstrip histograms * * output variables: * - bad * - pedestal * - pedestal_t * - sigma * - sigma_t * * to be called inside ./reduction.f * ************************************************************************* subroutine fillpedsigfromdefaultrz() include 'commontracker.f' include 'level1.f' include 'common_reduction.f' include 'common_c2f.f' include 'calib.f' external nvk external nst c------------------------------------------------------------------------ c c local variables c c------------------------------------------------------------------------ REAL hmemor(10000000) integer Iquest(100) COMMON /pawc/hmemor save /pawc/ C Common /QUEST/ Iquest save /quest/ real content(nstrips_view) !temporary array parameter (lun_data_file=70) !data file id number c character*60 fname_param CALL HLIMIT(10000000) IQUEST(10)=65000 c2f_error=0 if(C2F_DEBUG.eq.1)print*,c2f_path(1:c2f_pathlen) call HROPEN(lun_data_file, $ 'CALIB' $ ,c2f_path(1:c2f_pathlen) !<<<< C2F $ ,'QP',4096,istat) !opens if( c2f_error=1 goto 19 endif call HRIN(0,9999,0) c------------------------------------------------------------------------ c c loops on views filling badstrip, pedestal and sigma variables from c level0 histograms c c------------------------------------------------------------------------ do iv=1,nviews call HUNPAK(id_hi_bad+iv,content,' ',0) !puts histo contents in an array do is=1,nstrips_view !fills variables with array values bad(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=INT(content(is)) enddo call HUNPAK(id_hi_ped+iv,content,' ',0) do is=1,nstrips_view pedestal(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=content(is) cc print*,'ped',pedestal(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)) pedestal_t(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=AINT(content(is)) !truncated value cc print*,'ped_t',pedestal_t(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)) enddo call HUNPAK(id_hi_sig+iv,content,' ',0) do is=1,nstrips_view sigma(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=content(is) sigma_t(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=ANINT(content(is)) !truncated value enddo do is=1,nstrips_view!inversione (a volte ritornano, quasi...) badstrip!??? if(bad(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)).eq.1) then bad(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=0 else bad(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=1 endif enddo enddo do iview=1,nviews call HDELET(id_hi_bad+iview) call HDELET(id_hi_ped+iview) call HDELET(id_hi_sig+iview) enddo call HREND('CALIB') close(lun_data_file) c$$$ C c$$$ C inversione vista 11: devo riinvertire i valori contenuti negli istogrammi c$$$ C per poter decomprimere i dati compressi (che sono stati messi a diritto c$$$ C nel vettore datatracker, senza inversione 11). quello che mi serve e' di c$$$ C riinvertire pedestal_t(11,nvk(is),nst(is)) e (anche se forse non lo uso) c$$$ C sigma_t(11,nvk(is),nst(is)) !??? c$$$ C c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view c$$$ content(is) = pedestal_t(11,nvk(is),nst(is)) c$$$ enddo c$$$ c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view c$$$ offset=5121 c$$$ if(is.le.2048) offset=3073 c$$$ if(is.le.1024) offset=1025 c$$$ iss=offset-is c$$$ c$$$ pedestal_t(11,nvk(iss),nst(iss)) = content(is) c$$$ enddo c$$$ c$$$ c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view c$$$ content(is) = sigma_t(11,nvk(is),nst(is)) c$$$ enddo c$$$ c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view c$$$ offset=5121 c$$$ if(is.le.2048) offset=3073 c$$$ if(is.le.1024) offset=1025 c$$$ iss=offset-is c$$$ c$$$ sigma_t(11,nvk(iss),nst(iss)) = content(is) c$$$ enddo c$$$ C c$$$ C fine inversione vista 11 !??? c$$$ C 19 continue return end