/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/fillpedsig.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/fillpedsig.f

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Fri May 19 13:15:55 2006 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: DarthVader
CVS Tags: v0r01, start
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
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1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Subroutine fillpedsig.f
4 *
5 * - fills bad, pedestal and sigma variables with respective values from
6 * level0 histograms, in order to perform cluster identification !???
7 * - fills bad, pedestal_t and sigma_t variables with respective truncated
8 * values from level0 histograms, in order to perform data decompression
9 *
10 * needs:
11 * - level0 pedestal, sigma and badstrip histograms
12 *
13 * output variables:
14 * - bad
15 * - pedestal
16 * - pedestal_t
17 * - sigma
18 * - sigma_t
19 *
20 * to be called inside ./reduction.f
21 *
22 *************************************************************************
25 subroutine fillpedsigfromdefault()
27 include 'commontracker.f'
28 include 'common_reduction.f'
29 include 'common_c2f.f'
30 include 'calib.f'
32 external nvk
33 external nst
35 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 c
37 c local variables
38 c
39 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 REAL hmemor(10000000)
42 integer Iquest(100)
43 COMMON /pawc/hmemor
44 save /pawc/
45 C
46 Common /QUEST/ Iquest
47 save /quest/
49 real content(nstrips_view) !temporary array
50 parameter (lun_data_file=70) !data file id number
52 c character*60 fname_param
55 CALL HLIMIT(10000000)
57 IQUEST(10)=65000
59 c2f_error=0
62 if(C2F_DEBUG.eq.1)print*,c2f_path(1:c2f_pathlen)
63 call HROPEN(lun_data_file,
64 $ 'CALIB'
65 $ ,c2f_path(1:c2f_pathlen) !<<<< C2F
66 $ ,'QP',4096,istat) !opens
67 if(istat.ne.0)then
68 c2f_error=1
69 goto 19
70 endif
71 call HRIN(0,9999,0)
74 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 c
76 c loops on views filling badstrip, pedestal and sigma variables from
77 c level0 histograms
78 c
79 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 do iv=1,nviews
82 call HUNPAK(id_hi_bad+iv,content,' ',0) !puts histo contents in an array
83 do is=1,nstrips_view !fills variables with array values
84 bad(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=INT(content(is))
85 enddo
87 call HUNPAK(id_hi_ped+iv,content,' ',0)
88 do is=1,nstrips_view
89 pedestal(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=content(is)
90 cc print*,'ped',pedestal(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))
91 pedestal_t(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=AINT(content(is)) !truncated value
92 cc print*,'ped_t',pedestal_t(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))
93 enddo
95 call HUNPAK(id_hi_sig+iv,content,' ',0)
96 do is=1,nstrips_view
97 sigma(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=content(is)
98 sigma_t(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=ANINT(content(is)) !truncated value
99 enddo
101 do is=1,nstrips_view!inversione (a volte ritornano, quasi...) badstrip!???
102 if(bad(iv,nvk(is),nst(is)).eq.1) then
103 bad(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=0
104 else
105 bad(iv,nvk(is),nst(is))=1
106 endif
107 enddo
109 enddo
111 do iview=1,nviews
112 call HDELET(id_hi_bad+iview)
113 call HDELET(id_hi_ped+iview)
114 call HDELET(id_hi_sig+iview)
115 enddo
116 call HREND('CALIB')
117 close(lun_data_file)
121 c$$$ C
122 c$$$ C inversione vista 11: devo riinvertire i valori contenuti negli istogrammi
123 c$$$ C per poter decomprimere i dati compressi (che sono stati messi a diritto
124 c$$$ C nel vettore datatracker, senza inversione 11). quello che mi serve e' di
125 c$$$ C riinvertire pedestal_t(11,nvk(is),nst(is)) e (anche se forse non lo uso)
126 c$$$ C sigma_t(11,nvk(is),nst(is)) !???
127 c$$$ C
128 c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view
129 c$$$ content(is) = pedestal_t(11,nvk(is),nst(is))
130 c$$$ enddo
131 c$$$
132 c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view
133 c$$$ offset=5121
134 c$$$ if(is.le.2048) offset=3073
135 c$$$ if(is.le.1024) offset=1025
136 c$$$ iss=offset-is
137 c$$$
138 c$$$ pedestal_t(11,nvk(iss),nst(iss)) = content(is)
139 c$$$ enddo
140 c$$$
141 c$$$
142 c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view
143 c$$$ content(is) = sigma_t(11,nvk(is),nst(is))
144 c$$$ enddo
145 c$$$
146 c$$$ do is=1,nstrips_view
147 c$$$ offset=5121
148 c$$$ if(is.le.2048) offset=3073
149 c$$$ if(is.le.1024) offset=1025
150 c$$$ iss=offset-is
151 c$$$
152 c$$$ sigma_t(11,nvk(iss),nst(iss)) = content(is)
153 c$$$ enddo
154 c$$$ C
155 c$$$ C fine inversione vista 11 !???
156 c$$$ C
157 19 continue
158 return
159 end

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