/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/filladc.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/filladc.f

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Revision 1.5 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri Sep 29 08:13:04 2006 UTC (18 years, 5 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.4: +10 -10 lines
bug fixed

1 subroutine filladc(iflag) !??? AGGIUSTARE TUTTO
4 include 'commontracker.f'
5 include 'level0.f'
6 include 'level1.f'
7 include 'calib.f'
10 include 'common_reduction.f'
13 external nvk
14 external nst
16 real errflag
17 integer*2 flag,tipo,info,prec_ind,word
18 integer*2 newVAL,oldVAL
19 data oldval/0/
20 integer DSPn
22 iflag = 0
24 C---------------------------------------------------------
25 C check DAQmode to see if data are
26 C - b#1001 = 9 full
27 C - b#1010 =10 compressed
28 C - b#1011 =11 compressed + full
29 C - b#1000 = 8 special --> (compressed+full) / compressed
30 C (even/odd views compressed/full, alternately)
31 C in the third case ADC is filled with full data
32 C---------------------------------------------------------
34 idata=0 !datatracker array index
36 do iv=1,nviews
38 DSPn = DSPnumber(iv)
39 ievent = eventn(iv)
41 C ---------------------------
42 C if the iv view is missing
43 C or the data buffer is empty
44 C jump to next view
45 C ---------------------------
47 if(DSPn.eq.0
48 $ .or.datalength(iv).eq.0)goto 333
50 C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
51 if( iand(DAQmode(iv),z'0003').eq.z'0002'.or.
52 $ iand(DAQmode(iv),z'0003').eq.z'0003'.or.
53 $ iand(DAQmode(iv),z'0003').eq.z'0000'.or.
54 $ .false.) then
55 C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
56 C--------------------------------------compressed mode
57 is = 0
58 il = 0
59 prec_ind = 0
60 222 continue
61 idata = idata+1
62 word=datatracker(idata)
63 C------------------------------------------------------
64 C call routine to uncompress data
65 C------------------------------------------------------
66 call compdecode(word,flag,tipo,info,errflag)
68 if(errflag.ne.0.) then
69 if(verbose)print*,'filladc --> ERROR on compdecode'
70 iflag=1
71 GOOD1(DSPn) = 10
72 c return
73 goto 221
74 endif
76 if(flag.eq.1) then ! flag: fine messaggio (ladder)
78 if(info.ne.1.and.info.ne.2.and.info.ne.3) then
79 if(verbose)print*,
80 $ 'filladc --> wrong end-of-ladder '
81 $ //'in COMPRESSED mode'
82 if(verbose)print*,
83 $ ' info(=ladder) ',info,' type ',tipo
84 iflag=1
85 GOOD1(DSPn) = 10
86 c return
87 goto 221
88 endif
90 il = info
91 do js=is+1,1024*il
93 if( DSPn.le.nviews
94 $ .and.nvk(js).le.nva1_view
95 $ .and.nst(js).le.nstrips_va1
96 $ .and.nvk(is).le.nva1_view
97 $ .and.nst(is).le.nstrips_va1
98 $ )then
100 newVAL=oldVAL-pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is))
101 $ +pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js))
102 newVAL=max(0,newVAL)
103 newVAL=min(4095,newVAL)
104 adc(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js))=newVAL
105 else
106 print*,'filladc -->'
107 $ ,' attempt to access array elements (1)'
108 $ ,'(',DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is),')'
109 $ ,'(',DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js),')'
110 endif
111 c$$$ print*,DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js)
112 c$$$ $ ,pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js)),newval
113 c$$$ $ ,pedestal(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js))
114 enddo
116 if(info.eq.3) goto 1000
118 is=1024*il
119 prec_ind=0 !il precedente non e' un indirizzo
120 endif
122 if(flag.eq.0) then ! flag: dato o indirizzo
123 if(tipo.eq.1) then ! tipo: indirizzo
124 iaddr = info + il*1024
125 if(iaddr.ge.is+1.and.iaddr.le.3072) then
126 do js = is+1,iaddr-1
128 if( DSPn.le.nviews
129 $ .and.nvk(js).le.nva1_view
130 $ .and.nst(js).le.nstrips_va1
131 $ .and.nvk(is).le.nva1_view
132 $ .and.nst(is).le.nstrips_va1
133 $ )then
135 newVAL=oldVAL
136 $ -pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is))
137 $ +pedestal_t(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js))
138 newVAL=max(0,newVAL)
139 newVAL=min(4095,newVAL)
140 adc(DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js))=newVAL
141 else
142 print*,'filladc -->'
143 $ ,' attempt to access array elements (2)'
144 $ ,'(',DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is),')'
145 $ ,'(',DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js),')'
146 endif
147 c print*,DSPn,nvk(js),nst(js),newval
149 enddo
151 is = iaddr
152 prec_ind = 1
153 else
154 if(verbose)print*,'filladc --> address '//
155 $ 'out of range - iaddr,is',iaddr,is
156 iflag=1
157 GOOD1(DSPn) = 10
158 c return
159 goto 221
160 endif
161 endif
162 if(tipo.eq.0) then ! tipo: dato
163 if(prec_ind.eq.0) is=is+1
164 if(info.ge.0.and.info.le.4095) then
165 if(is.gt.3072)then
166 if(verbose)print*,
167 $ 'filladc --> strip out of range - DSPn,is'
168 $ ,DSPn,is
169 iflag=1
170 GOOD1(DSPn) = 10
171 c return
172 goto 221
174 endif
175 newVAL=info
177 if( DSPn.le.nviews
178 $ .and.nvk(is).le.nva1_view
179 $ .and.nst(is).le.nstrips_va1)then
180 adc(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is))=newVAL
181 else
182 print*,'filladc --> attempt to access ADC('
183 $ ,DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is),')'
184 endif
185 ccc print*,DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is),newval
187 oldVAL=newVAL
188 else
189 if(verbose)
190 $ print*,'filladc --> datum out of range - info'
191 $ ,info
192 iflag=1
193 GOOD1(DSPn) = 10
194 c return
195 goto 221
196 endif
197 prec_ind=0
198 endif
199 endif
200 221 continue
201 goto 222
202 endif
204 1000 continue
207 C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
208 c if(iand(DAQmode(iv),z'0001').eq.z'0001') then
209 if(iand(DAQmode(iv),z'0003').eq.z'0001'.or. !full
210 $ iand(DAQmode(iv),z'0003').eq.z'0003'.or. !comp+full
211 $ (iand(DAQmode(iv),z'0003').eq.z'0000' !special
212 $ .and.mod(DSPn+ievent,2).eq.1).or.
213 $ .false.) then
214 C++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
215 C--------------------------------------------full mode
218 do i=1,3 !loop over ladder
219 do j=1,1024 !loop over strips
220 idata = idata+1
221 is=j+1024*(i-1)
222 c adcadc=adc(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is))
223 if( DSPn.le.nviews
224 $ .and.nvk(is).le.nva1_view
225 $ .and.nst(is).le.nstrips_va1)then
226 adc(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is))= datatracker(idata)
227 else
228 print*,'filladc --> attempt to access ADC['
229 $ ,DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is),']'
230 endif
232 c if(iand(DAQmode(iv),z'0002').eq.z'0002') then
233 c diff=adc(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is))-adcadc
234 c if(abs(diff).gt.0)
235 c $ print*,DSPn,is,adcadc,
236 c $ ' ---- ',adc(DSPn,nvk(is),nst(is)),diff
237 c endif
238 enddo !loop over strips
239 idata = idata+1
240 if(datatracker(idata).ne.ior(z'1800',i+3)) then
241 if(verbose)
242 $ print*,'filladc --> ',
243 $ 'wrong end-of-ladder in FULL mode'
244 if(verbose)
245 $ print*,' word ',datatracker(idata)
246 if(verbose)
247 $ print*,' should be ',ior(z'1800',i+3)
248 iflag=1
249 GOOD1(DSPn) = 10
250 c return
251 endif
252 enddo!endl loop over ladder
253 endif
254 goto 334
255 333 continue
256 if(verbose)print*,'filladc --> ',iv
257 $ ,'^ DSP packet missing or corrupted: '
258 $ ,'DSPn, datalength(iv) => '
259 $ ,DSPn,datalength(iv)
260 334 continue
261 enddo
263 return
264 end
268 c qui o nelle functions.f???
270 SUBROUTINE COMPDECODE(word,flag,tipo,info,errflag)
271 INTEGER*2 word,flag,tipo,info
272 C-------------------------------------------------------
273 C Decode tracker words:
274 C
275 C flag tipo info
276 C --------------------------------------------------
277 C 0 0 ADC value
278 C 0 1 strip address 1-1024
279 C 1 0(end of ladders 1 2 1,2 or 4,5
280 C 1 1(end of ladder 3) 3 or 6
281 C-------------------------------------------------------
282 errflag=0.
283 flag=iand(word,z'f000')
284 flag=ishft(flag,-12)
286 if(flag.ne.0.and.flag.ne.1) then
287 c print*,'compdecode --> error on uncompression: flag=',flag
288 errflag=1.
289 endif
290 if(flag.eq.0) then ! valore ADC
291 tipo=0
292 info=iand(word,z'0fff')
293 endif
294 if(flag.eq.1) then ! indirizzo OR fine vista
295 info=iand(word,z'03ff')
296 tipo=iand(word,z'0c00')
297 if(tipo.ne.0.and.tipo.ne.z'0800') then
298 c print*,'compdecode --> error on decompression: tipo=',tipo
299 errflag=1.
300 endif
301 if(tipo.eq.0) then ! indirizzo
302 flag=0
303 tipo=1
304 info=info+1
305 endif
306 if(tipo.eq.z'0800') then ! fine vista
307 flag=1
308 if(info.eq.3.or.info.eq.6) then
309 tipo=1
310 else
311 tipo=0
312 endif
313 endif
314 endif
315 return
316 end

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