--- DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/analysissubroutines.f	2007/08/28 13:25:50	1.30
+++ DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/src/F77/analysissubroutines.f	2008/11/25 14:41:38	1.36
@@ -688,6 +688,9 @@
       real stripx,stripy
+      double precision xi,yi,zi
+      double precision xi_A,yi_A,zi_A
+      double precision xi_B,yi_B,zi_B
       double precision xrt,yrt,zrt
       double precision xrt_A,yrt_A,zrt_A
       double precision xrt_B,yrt_B,zrt_B
@@ -701,16 +704,16 @@
       resxPAM = 0
       resyPAM = 0
-      xPAM = 0.
-      yPAM = 0.
-      zPAM = 0.
-      xPAM_A = 0.
-      yPAM_A = 0.
-      zPAM_A = 0.
-      xPAM_B = 0.
-      yPAM_B = 0.
-      zPAM_B = 0.
-c      print*,'## xyz_PAM: ',icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,angx,angy
+      xPAM = 0.D0
+      yPAM = 0.D0
+      zPAM = 0.D0
+      xPAM_A = 0.D0
+      yPAM_A = 0.D0
+      zPAM_A = 0.D0
+      xPAM_B = 0.D0
+      yPAM_B = 0.D0
+      zPAM_B = 0.D0
+cc      print*,'## xyz_PAM: ',icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,angx,angy
          print*,'xyz_PAM   ***ERROR*** wrong input '
@@ -727,7 +730,7 @@
          viewx   = VIEW(icx)
          nldx    = nld(MAXS(icx),VIEW(icx))
          nplx    = npl(VIEW(icx))
-         resxPAM = RESXAV 
+c         resxPAM = RESXAV 
          stripx  = float(MAXS(icx))
@@ -747,125 +750,14 @@
 *        --------------------------
 *        magnetic-field corrections
 *        --------------------------
-         angtemp  = ax
-         bfytemp  = bfy
-*        /////////////////////////////////
-*        AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-*        *grvzkkjsdgjhhhgngbn###>:(
-*        /////////////////////////////////
-c         if(nplx.eq.6) angtemp = -1. * ax
-c         if(nplx.eq.6) bfytemp = -1. * bfy
-         if(viewx.eq.12) angtemp = -1. * ax
-         if(viewx.eq.12) bfytemp = -1. * bfy
-         tgtemp   = tan(angtemp*acos(-1.)/180.) + pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001
-         angx     = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.)
-         stripx   = stripx - 0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchX
-c$$$         print*,nplx,ax,bfy/10.
-c$$$         print*,angx,0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchX
-c$$$         print*,'========================'
-c$$$         if(bfy.ne.0.)print*,viewx,'-x- '
-c$$$     $        ,bfy,-1*0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ
-*        --------------------------
-c$$$         print*,'--- x-cl ---'
-c$$$         istart = INDSTART(ICX)
-c$$$         istop  = TOTCLLENGTH
-c$$$         if(icx.lt.NCLSTR1)istop=INDSTART(ICX+1)-1
-c$$$         print*,(CLSIGNAL(i)/CLSIGMA(i),i=istart,istop)
-c$$$         print*,(CLSIGNAL(i),i=istart,istop)
-c$$$         print*,INDMAX(icx)
-c$$$         print*,cog(4,icx)
-c$$$         print*,fbad_cog(4,icx)
+         stripx  = stripx +  fieldcorr(viewx,bfy)       
+         angx    = effectiveangle(ax,viewx,bfy)
-         if(PFAx.eq.'COG1')then 
-            stripx  = stripx
-            resxPAM = 1e-4*pitchX/sqrt(12.)!!resxPAM
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG2')then
-            stripx  = stripx + cog(2,icx)            
-            resxPAM = risx_cog(abs(angx))!TEMPORANEO               
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx)
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG3')then
-            stripx  = stripx + cog(3,icx)            
-            resxPAM = risx_cog(abs(angx))!TEMPORANEO                      
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx)
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG4')then
-            stripx  = stripx + cog(4,icx)            
-            resxPAM = risx_cog(abs(angx))!TEMPORANEO                      
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx)
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA2')then
-            stripx  = stripx + pfaeta2(icx,angx)           
-            resxPAM = risxeta2(abs(angx))
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx)
-c$$$            if(DEBUG.EQ.1.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1)
-c$$$     $           print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx)
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA3')then                        
-            stripx  = stripx + pfaeta3(icx,angx)           
-            resxPAM = risxeta3(abs(angx))                       
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx)               
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icx).ne.1)             
-c     $           print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(3,icx)
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA4')then                         
-            stripx  = stripx + pfaeta4(icx,angx)            
-            resxPAM = risxeta4(abs(angx))                       
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx)               
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icx).ne.1)              
-c     $           print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(4,icx)
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA')then   
-            stripx  = stripx + pfaeta(icx,angx)             
-c            resxPAM = riseta(icx,angx)                     
-            resxPAM = riseta(viewx,angx)                     
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_eta(icx,angx)             
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1)              
-c     $           print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx)
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETAL')then   
-            stripx  = stripx + pfaetal(icx,angx)             
-            resxPAM = riseta(viewx,angx)                     
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_eta(icx,angx)             
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1)              
-c     $           print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx)
-         elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG')then          
-            stripx  = stripx + cog(0,icx)             
-            resxPAM = risx_cog(abs(angx))                     
-            resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(0,icx)
-         else
-            if(DEBUG.EQ.1) print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx
-         endif
-*     ======================================
-*     temporary patch for saturated clusters
-*     ======================================
-         if( nsatstrips(icx).gt.0 )then
-            stripx  = stripx + cog(4,icx)             
-            resxPAM = pitchX*1e-4/sqrt(12.)
-cc            cc=cog(4,icx)
-c$$$            print*,icx,' *** ',cc
-c$$$            print*,icx,' *** ',resxPAM
-         endif
+         call applypfa(PFAx,icx,angx,corr,res)
+         stripx  = stripx + corr
+         resxPAM = res
  10   endif
 *     ----------------- 
 *     CLUSTER Y
@@ -876,7 +768,7 @@
          viewy = VIEW(icy)
          nldy = nld(MAXS(icy),VIEW(icy))
          nply = npl(VIEW(icy))
-         resyPAM = RESYAV 
+c         resyPAM = RESYAV 
          stripy = float(MAXS(icy))
@@ -900,114 +792,20 @@
             goto 100
 *        --------------------------
 *        magnetic-field corrections
 *        --------------------------
-         tgtemp = tan(ay*acos(-1.)/180.)+pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001         
-         angy    = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.)
-         stripy = stripy + 0.5*pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchY
-c$$$         if(bfx.ne.0.)print*,viewy,'-y- '
-c$$$     $        ,bfx,0.5*pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001*SiDimZ
-*        --------------------------
+         stripy  = stripy +  fieldcorr(viewy,bfx)       
+         angy    = effectiveangle(ay,viewy,bfx)
-c$$$         print*,'--- y-cl ---'
-c$$$         istart = INDSTART(ICY)
-c$$$         istop  = TOTCLLENGTH
-c$$$         if(icy.lt.NCLSTR1)istop=INDSTART(ICY+1)-1
-c$$$         print*,(CLSIGNAL(i)/CLSIGMA(i),i=istart,istop)
-c$$$         print*,(CLSIGNAL(i),i=istart,istop)
-c$$$         print*,INDMAX(icy)
-c$$$         print*,cog(4,icy)
-c$$$         print*,fbad_cog(4,icy)
-         if(PFAy.eq.'COG1')then
-            stripy  = stripy    
-            resyPAM = 1e-4*pitchY/sqrt(12.)!resyPAM  
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG2')then
-            stripy  = stripy + cog(2,icy)
-            resyPAM = risy_cog(abs(angy))!TEMPORANEO 
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy)
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG3')then
-            stripy  = stripy + cog(3,icy)
-            resyPAM = risy_cog(abs(angy))!TEMPORANEO 
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(3,icy)
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG4')then
-            stripy  = stripy + cog(4,icy)
-            resyPAM = risy_cog(abs(angy))!TEMPORANEO 
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(4,icy)
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA2')then
-            stripy  = stripy + pfaeta2(icy,angy)          
-            resyPAM = risyeta2(abs(angy))              
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy)
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1)
-c     $           print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy)
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA3')then                      
-            stripy  = stripy + pfaeta3(icy,angy) 
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(3,icy)  
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icy).ne.1) 
-c     $           print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(3,icy)
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA4')then  
-            stripy  = stripy + pfaeta4(icy,angy) 
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(4,icy)
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icy).ne.1)
-c     $           print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(4,icy)
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA')then 
-            stripy  = stripy + pfaeta(icy,angy)
-c            resyPAM = riseta(icy,angy)  
-            resyPAM = riseta(viewy,angy)  
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy)
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) 
-c     $           print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy)
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETAL')then 
-            stripy  = stripy + pfaetal(icy,angy)
-            resyPAM = riseta(viewy,angy)  
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy)
-c            if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) 
-c     $           print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy)
-         elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG')then
-            stripy  = stripy + cog(0,icy)            
-            resyPAM = risy_cog(abs(angy))
-            resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(0,icy)
-         else
-            if(DEBUG.EQ.1) print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx
-         endif
-*     ======================================
-*     temporary patch for saturated clusters
-*     ======================================
-         if( nsatstrips(icy).gt.0 )then
-            stripy  = stripy + cog(4,icy)             
-            resyPAM = pitchY*1e-4/sqrt(12.)
-cc            cc=cog(4,icy)
-c$$$            print*,icy,' *** ',cc
-c$$$            print*,icy,' *** ',resyPAM
-         endif
+         call applypfa(PFAy,icy,angy,corr,res)
+         stripy  = stripy + corr
+         resyPAM = res
  20   endif
-c$$$      print*,'## stripx,stripy ',stripx,stripy
+cc      print*,'## stripx,stripy ',stripx,stripy
@@ -1024,11 +822,10 @@
      $              ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx
-         xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx)
-         yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy)
-         zi = 0.
+         xi = dcoordsi(stripx,viewx)
+         yi = dcoordsi(stripy,viewy)
+         zi = 0.D0
 c     (xrt,yrt,zrt) = rototranslated coordinates in the silicon sensor frame
@@ -1062,13 +859,13 @@
          yPAM = dcoord(yrt,viewy,nldy,sensor) / 1.d4
          zPAM = ( zrt + z_mech_sensor(nplx,nldx,sensor)*1000. ) / 1.d4
-         xPAM_A = 0.
-         yPAM_A = 0.
-         zPAM_A = 0.
-         xPAM_B = 0.
-         yPAM_B = 0.
-         zPAM_B = 0.
+         xPAM_A = 0.D0
+         yPAM_A = 0.D0
+         zPAM_A = 0.D0
+         xPAM_B = 0.D0
+         yPAM_B = 0.D0
+         zPAM_B = 0.D0
      $        (icx.ne.0.and.icy.eq.0).or.
@@ -1088,7 +885,7 @@
             nldx = nldy
             viewx = viewy + 1
-            yi   = acoordsi(stripy,viewy)
+            yi   = dcoordsi(stripy,viewy)
             xi_A = edgeY_d - SiDimX/2
             yi_A = yi
@@ -1119,7 +916,7 @@
      $                 ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx
-            xi   = acoordsi(stripx,viewx)
+            xi   = dcoordsi(stripx,viewx)
             xi_A = xi
             yi_A = edgeX_d - SiDimY/2
@@ -1192,9 +989,9 @@
 c                        in PAMELA reference system
-         xPAM = 0.
-         yPAM = 0.
-         zPAM = 0.
+         xPAM = 0.D0
+         yPAM = 0.D0
+         zPAM = 0.D0
          xPAM_A = dcoord(xrt_A,viewx,nldx,sensor) / 1.d4
          yPAM_A = dcoord(yrt_A,viewy,nldy,sensor) / 1.d4
@@ -1256,7 +1053,7 @@
             print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy
-     $           ,' does not exists (nclstr1=',nclstr1,')'
+     $           ,' do not exists (n.clusters=',nclstr1,')'
             icx = -1*icx
             icy = -1*icy
@@ -1303,10 +1100,10 @@
          xm(ip) = xPAM
          ym(ip) = yPAM
          zm(ip) = zPAM
-         xm_A(ip) = 0.
-         ym_A(ip) = 0.
-         xm_B(ip) = 0.
-         ym_B(ip) = 0.
+         xm_A(ip) = 0.D0
+         ym_A(ip) = 0.D0
+         xm_B(ip) = 0.D0
+         ym_B(ip) = 0.D0
 c         zv(ip) = zPAM
@@ -1330,13 +1127,25 @@
          resx(ip)  = 1000.
          resy(ip)  = resyPAM
+cPP --- old ---
+c$$$         xm(ip) = -100.
+c$$$         ym(ip) = -100.
+c$$$         zm(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2.
+c$$$         xm_A(ip) = xPAM_A
+c$$$         ym_A(ip) = yPAM_A
+c$$$         xm_B(ip) = xPAM_B
+c$$$         ym_B(ip) = yPAM_B
+cPP --- new ---
          xm(ip) = -100.
          ym(ip) = -100.
-         zm(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2.
+         zm(ip) = z_mech_sensor(nplanes-ip+1,il,is)*1000./1.d4
          xm_A(ip) = xPAM_A
          ym_A(ip) = yPAM_A
+         zm_A(ip) = zPAM_A
          xm_B(ip) = xPAM_B
          ym_B(ip) = yPAM_B
+         zm_B(ip) = zPAM_B
+cPP -----------
 c         zv(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2.
@@ -1361,14 +1170,26 @@
          resx(ip)  = resxPAM
          resy(ip)  = 1000.
+cPP --- old ---
+c$$$         xm(ip) = -100.
+c$$$         ym(ip) = -100.
+c$$$         zm(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2.
+c$$$         xm_A(ip) = xPAM_A
+c$$$         ym_A(ip) = yPAM_A
+c$$$         xm_B(ip) = xPAM_B
+c$$$         ym_B(ip) = yPAM_B
+cPP --- new ---
          xm(ip) = -100.
          ym(ip) = -100.
-         zm(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2.
+         zm(ip) = z_mech_sensor(nplanes-ip+1,il,is)*1000./1.d4
          xm_A(ip) = xPAM_A
          ym_A(ip) = yPAM_A
+         zm_A(ip) = zPAM_A
          xm_B(ip) = xPAM_B
          ym_B(ip) = yPAM_B
+         zm_B(ip) = zPAM_B
+cPP -----------
 c         zv(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2.
@@ -1426,7 +1247,7 @@
-      real function distance_to(XPP,YPP)
+      real function distance_to(rXPP,rYPP)
       include 'common_xyzPAM.f'
@@ -1435,9 +1256,14 @@
 *     ( i.e. distance/resolution )
 *     -----------------------------------
+      real rXPP,rYPP
+      double precision XPP,YPP
       double precision distance,RE
       double precision BETA,ALFA,xmi,ymi
+      XPP=DBLE(rXPP)
+      YPP=DBLE(rYPP)
 *     ----------------------
       if (
      +     xPAM.eq.0.and.
@@ -1564,17 +1390,17 @@
       data c1/1.,0.,0.,1./
       data c2/1.,-1.,-1.,1./
       data c3/1.,1.,0.,0./
-      real*8 yvvv,xvvv
+      double precision yvvv,xvvv
       double precision xi,yi,zi
       double precision xrt,yrt,zrt
       real AA,BB
-      real yvv(4),xvv(4)
+      double precision yvv(4),xvv(4)
 *     tollerance to consider the track inside the sensitive area
       real ptoll
       data ptoll/150./          !um
-      external nviewx,nviewy,acoordsi,dcoord
+      external nviewx,nviewy,dcoordsi,dcoord
       nplpt = nplPAM            !plane
       viewx = nviewx(nplpt)
@@ -1589,15 +1415,15 @@
 c     (xi,yi,zi) = mechanical coordinates in the silicon sensor frame
-               if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3)
-     $              .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips...
+c               if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3)
+c     $              .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips...
 c     if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips...
 c                  print*,'whichsensor: ',
 c     $                ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx
-               endif
-               xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx)
-               yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy)
-               zi = 0.
+c               endif
+               xi = dcoordsi(stripx,viewx)
+               yi = dcoordsi(stripy,viewy)
+               zi = 0.D0
 c     (xrt,yrt,zrt) = rototranslated coordinates in the silicon sensor frame
@@ -3250,6 +3076,8 @@
       call track_init
       do ip=1,nplanes           !loop on planes
+         if(DEBUG.EQ.1)print*,' ........... plane ',ip,' ........... '
@@ -3351,8 +3179,8 @@
                if(LADDER(icx).ne.nldt.or. !If the ladder number does not match
 c     $              cl_used(icx).eq.1.or. !or the X cluster is already used 
 c     $              cl_used(icy).eq.1.or. !or the Y cluster is already used
-     $              cl_used(icx).ne.0.or. !or the X cluster is already used !(3)
-     $              cl_used(icy).ne.0.or. !or the Y cluster is already used !(3)
+     $              cl_used(icx).ne.0.or. !or the X cluster is already used 
+     $              cl_used(icy).ne.0.or. !or the Y cluster is already used 
      $              .false.)goto 1188 !then jump to next couple.
                call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,ist,
@@ -3498,6 +3326,7 @@
 *----- single clusters -----------------------------------------------   
 c            print*,'## ncls(',ip,') ',ncls(ip)
             do ic=1,ncls(ip)    !loop on single clusters
+c               print*,'-',ic,'-'
 c               if(cl_used(icl).eq.1.or.     !if the cluster is already used 
                if(cl_used(icl).ne.0.or.     !if the cluster is already used !(3)
@@ -3586,9 +3415,13 @@
 *     ----------------------------
                   xm_A(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm_A
                   ym_A(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm_A
+                  zm_A(nplanes-ip+1) = zmm_A
                   xm_B(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm_B
                   ym_B(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm_B
+                  zm_B(nplanes-ip+1) = zmm_B
                   zm(nplanes-ip+1) = (zmm_A+zmm_B)/2.
+c$$$                  zm(nplanes-ip+1) =
+c$$$     $                 z_mech_sensor(nplanes-ip+1,il,is)*1000./1.d4
                   dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmx !<<<
                   dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmy !<<<
 *     ----------------------------
@@ -3732,6 +3565,12 @@
             DEDX_Y(IP,IT) = 0
             CLTRX(IP,IT) = 0
             CLTRY(IP,IT) = 0
+            multmaxx(ip,it) = 0
+            seedx(ip,it)    = 0
+            xpu(ip,it)      = 0
+            multmaxy(ip,it) = 0
+            seedy(ip,it)    = 0
+            ypu(ip,it)      = 0
          do ipa=1,5
             AL_nt(IPA,IT) = 0
@@ -3751,6 +3590,10 @@
+        sxbad(ip)=0
+        sybad(ip)=0
+        multmaxsx(ip)=0
+        multmaxsy(ip)=0
@@ -3924,12 +3767,16 @@
          ay   = ayv_nt(ip,ntr)
          bfx  = BX_STORE(ip,IDCAND)
          bfy  = BY_STORE(ip,IDCAND)
-         if(ip.eq.6) ax = -1. * axv_nt(ip,ntr)
-         if(ip.eq.6) bfy = -1. * BY_STORE(ip,IDCAND)
-         tgtemp   = tan(ax*acos(-1.)/180.) + pmuH_h*bfy*0.00001
-         angx     = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.)
-         tgtemp = tan(ay*acos(-1.)/180.)+pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001         
-         angy    = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.)
+c$$$         if(ip.eq.6) ax = -1. * axv_nt(ip,ntr)
+c$$$         if(ip.eq.6) bfy = -1. * BY_STORE(ip,IDCAND)
+c$$$         tgtemp   = tan(ax*acos(-1.)/180.) + pmuH_h*bfy*0.00001
+c$$$         angx     = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.)
+c$$$         tgtemp = tan(ay*acos(-1.)/180.)+pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001         
+c$$$         angy    = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.)
+         angx = effectiveangle(ax,2*ip,bfy)
+         angy = effectiveangle(ay,2*ip-1,bfx)
 c         print*,'* ',ip,bfx,bfy,angx,angy
@@ -3950,10 +3797,6 @@
             cl_used(cltrx(ip,ntr)) = 1     !tag used clusters           
             cl_used(cltry(ip,ntr)) = 1     !tag used clusters           
-c$$$            nnnnx = npfastrips(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)),PFA,angx)
-c$$$            nnnny = npfastrips(cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)),PFA,angy)            
-c$$$            xbad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(nnnnx,clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)))
-c$$$            ybad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(nnnny,cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)))
             xbad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(4,clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)))
             ybad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(4,cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)))
@@ -3963,23 +3806,51 @@
      $           dedx_y(ip,ntr)=-dedx_y(ip,ntr)
+            multmaxx(ip,ntr) = maxs(cltrx(ip,ntr))
+     $                         +10000*mult(cltrx(ip,ntr))
+            seedx(ip,ntr)    = clsignal(indmax(cltrx(ip,ntr)))
+     $           /clsigma(indmax(cltrx(ip,ntr)))
+            call applypfa(PFA,cltrx(ip,ntr),angx,corr,res)
+            xpu(ip,ntr)      = corr
+            multmaxy(ip,ntr) = maxs(cltry(ip,ntr))
+     $                         +10000*mult(cltry(ip,ntr))
+            seedy(ip,ntr)    = clsignal(indmax(cltry(ip,ntr)))
+     $           /clsigma(indmax(cltry(ip,ntr)))
+            call applypfa(PFA,cltry(ip,ntr),angy,corr,res)
+            ypu(ip,ntr)      = corr
             cl_used(icl) = 1    !tag used clusters           
-c$$$               nnnnn = npfastrips(icl,PFA,angx)
-c$$$               xbad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(nnnnn,icl) 
                xbad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(4,icl) 
+               multmaxx(ip,ntr) = maxs(cltrx(ip,ntr))
+     $                         +10000*mult(cltrx(ip,ntr))
+               seedx(ip,ntr)    = clsignal(indmax(cltrx(ip,ntr)))
+     $           /clsigma(indmax(cltrx(ip,ntr)))
+               call applypfa(PFA,cltrx(ip,ntr),angx,corr,res)
+               xpu(ip,ntr)      = corr
-c$$$               nnnnn = npfastrips(icl,PFA,angy)
-c$$$               ybad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(nnnnn,icl) 
                ybad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(4,icl) 
+               multmaxy(ip,ntr) = maxs(cltry(ip,ntr))
+     $                         +10000*mult(cltry(ip,ntr))
+               seedy(ip,ntr)    = clsignal(indmax(cltry(ip,ntr)))
+     $           /clsigma(indmax(cltry(ip,ntr)))
+               call applypfa(PFA,cltry(ip,ntr),angy,corr,res)
+               ypu(ip,ntr)      = corr
@@ -4036,12 +3907,21 @@
          if(cl_used(icl).eq.0)then !cluster not included in any track
+cc            print*,' ic ',icl,' --- stored '
             if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then !=== X views
                nclsx = nclsx + 1
                planex(nclsx) = ip
                sgnlxs(nclsx) = sgnl(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl))
                clsx(nclsx)   = icl
+               sxbad(nclsx)  = nbadstrips(1,icl)
+               multmaxsx(nclsx) = maxs(icl)+10000*mult(icl)
+cc               print*,icl,' >>>> ',sxbad(nclsx)
                do is=1,2
 c                  call xyz_PAM(icl,0,is,'COG1',' ',0.,0.)
 c                  call xyz_PAM(icl,0,is,PFAdef,' ',0.,0.)
@@ -4059,6 +3939,11 @@
                sgnlys(nclsy) = sgnl(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl))
                clsy(nclsy)   = icl
+               sybad(nclsy)  = nbadstrips(1,icl)
+               multmaxsy(nclsy) = maxs(icl)+10000*mult(icl)
+cc               print*,icl,' >>>> ',sybad(nclsy)
                do is=1,2
 c                  call xyz_PAM(0,icl,is,' ','COG1',0.,0.)
 c                  call xyz_PAM(0,icl,is,' ',PFAdef,0.,0.)
@@ -4082,24 +3967,7 @@
 *     associati ad una traccia, e permettere di salvare
 *     solo questi nell'albero di uscita
 *     --------------------------------------------------
-c$$$         print*,' cl ',icl,' --> ',cl_used(icl)
-c$$$         if( cl_used(icl).ne.0 )then
-c$$$            if( 
-c$$$     $           mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0.and.
-c$$$     $           cltrx(ip,whichtrack(icl)).ne.icl )
-c$$$     $           print*,'**WARNING** cltrx(',ip,',',whichtrack(icl)
-c$$$     $           ,')=',cltrx(ip,whichtrack(icl)),'.ne.',icl
-c$$$            if(
-c$$$     $           mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.1.and.
-c$$$     $           cltry(ip,whichtrack(icl)).ne.icl )
-c$$$     $           print*,'**WARNING** cltry(',ip,',',whichtrack(icl)
-c$$$     $           ,')=',cltry(ip,whichtrack(icl)),'.ne.',icl
-c$$$         endif