18 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
19 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
20 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
21 |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
22 |
23 |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
182 |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
183 |
184 |
logical FIMAGE ! |
logical FIMAGE ! |
185 |
real*8 AL_GUESS(5) |
186 |
187 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
188 |
* STEP 4 (ITERATED until any other physical track isn't found) |
* STEP 4 (ITERATED until any other physical track isn't found) |
281 |
* ********************************************************** |
* ********************************************************** |
282 |
* ************************** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** |
* ************************** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** |
283 |
* ********************************************************** |
* ********************************************************** |
284 |
call guess() |
285 |
do i=1,5 |
286 |
AL_GUESS(i)=AL(i) |
287 |
enddo |
288 |
289 |
do i=1,5 |
do i=1,5 |
290 |
AL(i)=dble(AL_STORE(i,icand)) |
AL(i)=dble(AL_STORE(i,icand)) |
291 |
enddo |
enddo |
292 |
293 |
IDCAND = icand !fitted track-candidate |
IDCAND = icand !fitted track-candidate |
294 |
ifail=0 !error flag in chi2 computation |
ifail=0 !error flag in chi2 computation |
295 |
jstep=0 !# minimization steps |
jstep=0 !# minimization steps |
296 |
297 |
iprint=0 |
iprint=0 |
298 |
if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
c if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
299 |
if(VERBOSE)iprint=1 |
300 |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
301 |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
302 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(.true.)then |
303 |
print *, |
print *, |
304 |
$ '*** MINIMIZATION FAILURE *** (mini2) ' |
$ '*** MINIMIZATION FAILURE *** (after refinement) ' |
305 |
$ ,iev |
$ ,iev |
306 |
307 |
c$$$ print*,'guess: ',(al_guess(i),i=1,5) |
308 |
c$$$ print*,'previous: ',(al_store(i,icand),i=1,5) |
309 |
c$$$ print*,'result: ',(al(i),i=1,5) |
310 |
c$$$ print*,'xgood ',xgood |
311 |
c$$$ print*,'ygood ',ygood |
312 |
c$$$ print*,'----------------------------------------------' |
313 |
endif |
endif |
314 |
chi2=-chi2 |
c chi2=-chi2 |
315 |
endif |
endif |
316 |
317 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
422 |
end |
end |
423 |
424 |
c$$$************************************************************ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ subroutine readmipparam |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*60 fname_param |
c$$$ 201 format('trk-LADDER',i1,'-mip.dat') |
c$$$ do ilad=1,nladders_view |
c$$$ write(fname_param,201)ilad |
c$$$ print *,'Opening file: ',fname_param |
c$$$ open(10, |
c$$$ $ FILE='./bin-aux/'//fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) |
c$$$ $ ,STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ print*,'READMIPPARAM: *** Error in opening file ***' |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ do iv=1,nviews |
c$$$ read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ )pip, |
c$$$ $ mip(int(pip),ilad) |
c$$$c print*,ilad,iv,pip,mip(int(pip),ilad) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ close(10) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$*** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** |
c$$$ subroutine readchargeparam |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*60 fname_param |
c$$$ 201 format('charge-l',i1,'.dat') |
c$$$ do ilad=1,nladders_view |
c$$$ write(fname_param,201)ilad |
c$$$ print *,'Opening file: ',fname_param |
c$$$ open(10, |
c$$$ $ FILE='./bin-aux/'//fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) |
c$$$ $ ,STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ print*,'READCHARGEPARAM: *** Error in opening file ***' |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ do ip=1,nplanes |
c$$$ read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ )pip, |
c$$$ $ kch(ip,ilad),cch(ip,ilad),sch(ip,ilad) |
c$$$c print*,ilad,ip,pip,kch(ip,ilad), |
c$$$c $ cch(ip,ilad),sch(ip,ilad) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ close(10) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$*** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** |
c$$$ subroutine readetaparam |
c$$$* ----------------------------------------- |
c$$$* read eta2,3,4 calibration parameters |
c$$$* and fill variables: |
c$$$* |
c$$$* eta2(netabin,nladders_view,nviews) |
c$$$* eta3(2*netabin,nladders_view,nviews) |
c$$$* eta4(2*netabin,nladders_view,nviews) |
c$$$* |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*40 fname_binning |
c$$$ character*40 fname_param |
c$$$c character*120 cmd1 |
c$$$c character*120 cmd2 |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$******retrieve ANGULAR BINNING info |
c$$$ fname_binning='binning.dat' |
c$$$ print *,'Opening file: ',fname_binning |
c$$$ open(10, |
c$$$ $ FILE='./bin-aux/'//fname_binning(1:LNBLNK(fname_binning)) |
c$$$ $ ,STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ print*,'READETAPARAM: *** Error in opening file ***' |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ print*,'---- ANGULAR BINNING ----' |
c$$$ print*,'Bin - angL - angR' |
c$$$ 101 format(i2,' ',f6.2,' ',f6.2) |
c$$$ do ibin=1,nangmax |
c$$$ read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ )xnn,angL(ibin),angR(ibin) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)goto 1000 |
c$$$ write(*,101)int(xnn),angL(ibin),angR(ibin) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ 1000 nangbin=int(xnn) |
c$$$ close(10) |
c$$$ print*,'-------------------------' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do ieta=2,4 !loop on eta 2,3,4 |
c$$$******retrieve correction parameters |
c$$$ 200 format(' Opening eta',i1,' files...') |
c$$$ write(*,200)ieta |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 201 format('eta',i1,'-bin',i1,'-l',i1,'.dat') |
c$$$ 202 format('eta',i1,'-bin',i2,'-l',i1,'.dat') |
c$$$ do iang=1,nangbin |
c$$$ do ilad=1,nladders_view |
c$$$ if(iang.lt.10)write(fname_param,201)ieta,iang,ilad |
c$$$ if(iang.ge.10)write(fname_param,202)ieta,iang,ilad |
c$$$c print *,'Opening file: ',fname_param |
c$$$ open(10, |
c$$$ $ FILE='./bin-aux/'//fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) |
c$$$ $ ,STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ print*,'READETAPARAM: *** Error in opening file ***' |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ do ival=1,netavalmax |
c$$$ if(ieta.eq.2)read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ eta2(ival,iang), |
c$$$ $ (feta2(ival,iv,ilad,iang),iv=1,nviews) |
c$$$ if(ieta.eq.3)read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ eta3(ival,iang), |
c$$$ $ (feta3(ival,iv,ilad,iang),iv=1,nviews) |
c$$$ if(ieta.eq.4)read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ eta4(ival,iang), |
c$$$ $ (feta4(ival,iv,ilad,iang),iv=1,nviews) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ netaval=ival-1 |
c$$$c$$$ if(eta2(1,iang).ne.-eta2(netaval,iang)) |
c$$$c$$$ $ print*,'**** ERROR on parameters !!! ****' |
c$$$ goto 2000 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ 2000 close(10) |
c$$$* print*,'... done' |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ enddo !end loop on eta 2,3,4 |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$ |
425 |
426 |
************************************************************ |
************************************************************ |
427 |
************************************************************ |
************************************************************ |
502 |
include 'common_align.f' |
include 'common_align.f' |
503 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
504 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
505 |
include 'common_resxy.f' |
c include 'common_resxy.f' |
506 |
507 |
c logical DEBUG |
c logical DEBUG |
508 |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
1271 |
************************************************************************* |
************************************************************************* |
1272 |
************************************************************************* |
************************************************************************* |
1273 |
************************************************************************* |
************************************************************************* |
c$$$ subroutine book_debug |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_level2debug.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*35 block1,block2,block3!,block4 |
c$$$ $ ,block5!,block6 |
c$$$ |
c$$$* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBOOK2(1003 |
c$$$ $ ,'y vs tg thyz' |
c$$$ $ ,300,-1.,1. !x |
c$$$ $ ,3000,-70.,70.,0.) !y |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBOOK1(1004 |
c$$$ $ ,'Dy' |
c$$$ $ ,100,0.,2.,0.) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBOOK1(1005 |
c$$$ $ ,'D thyz' |
c$$$ $ ,100,0.,.05,0.) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$* DEBUG ntuple: |
c$$$ call HBNT(ntp_level2+1,'LEVEL2',' ') |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'EVENT',good2_nt, |
c$$$ $ 'GOOD2:L,NEV2:I') |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 411 format('NDBLT:I::[0,',I5,']') |
c$$$ write(block1,411) ndblt_max_nt |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'HOUGH YZ',ndblt_nt, |
c$$$ $ block1//' |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAYZ1(NDBLT):R |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAYZ2(NDBLT):R |
c$$$ $ ,DB_CLOUD(NDBLT):I |
c$$$ $ ') |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 412 format('NTRPT:I::[0,',I5,']') |
c$$$ write(block2,412) ntrpt_max_nt |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'HOUGH XZ',NTRPT_nt, |
c$$$ $ block2//' |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAXZ1(NTRPT):R |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAXZ2(NTRPT):R |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAXZ3(NTRPT):R |
c$$$ $ ,TR_CLOUD(NTRPT):I |
c$$$ $ ') |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 413 format('NCLOUDS_YZ:I::[0,',I4,']') |
c$$$c$$$ 414 format('DB_CLOUD(',I4,'):I') |
c$$$ write(block3,413) ncloyz_max |
c$$$c$$$ write(block4,414) ndblt_max_nt |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'CLOUD YZ',NCLOUDS_YZ, |
c$$$ $ block3//' |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,'//block4 |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 415 format('NCLOUDS_XZ:I::[0,',I4,']') |
c$$$c$$$ 416 format('TR_CLOUD(',I5,'):I') |
c$$$ write(block5,415) ncloxz_max |
c$$$c$$$ write(block6,416) ntrpt_max_nt |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'CLOUD XZ',NCLOUDS_XZ, |
c$$$ $ block5//' |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,'//block6 |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...*** |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...*** |
c$$$ subroutine book_level2 |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$cccccc 07/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini --> (2) |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$ include 'level2.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*35 block1,block2 |
c$$$ |
c$$$c print*,'__________ booking LEVEL2 n-tuple __________' |
c$$$ |
c$$$* LEVEL1 ntuple: |
c$$$ call HBNT(ntp_level2,'LEVEL2',' ') |
c$$$ |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'EVENT',good2,'GOOD2:L,NEV2:I') |
c$$$cccccc 06/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini |
c$$$c call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'GENERAL',good2,'GOOD2:L,NEV2:I |
c$$$c $ ,WHIC_CALIB:I,SWCODE:I') |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'GENERAL',good2,'GOOD2:L,NEV2:I |
c$$$ $ ,WHICH_CALIB:I,SWCODE:I,CRC(12):L') |
c$$$c********************************************************* |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$c$$$# ifndef TEST2003 |
c$$$c$$$ |
c$$$c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'CPU',pkt_type |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,'PKT_TYPE:I::[0,50] |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,PKT_NUM:I |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,OBT:I'// |
c$$$c$$$c******************************************************** |
c$$$c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c$$$c $ ,WHICH_CALIB:I::[0,50]') |
c$$$c$$$ $ ',CPU_CRC:L') |
c$$$c$$$c******************************************************** |
c$$$c$$$ |
c$$$c$$$# endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 417 format('NTRK:I::[0,',I4,']') |
c$$$ 418 format(',IMAGE(NTRK):I::[0,',I4,']') |
c$$$ write(block1,417)NTRKMAX |
c$$$ write(block2,418)NTRKMAX |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'TRACKS',NTRK, |
c$$$ $ block1// |
c$$$ $ block2//' |
c$$$ $ ,XM(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,YM(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,ZM(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,RESX(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,RESY(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,AL(5,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,COVAL(5,5,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,CHI2(NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,XGOOD(6,NTRK):I::[0,1] |
c$$$ $ ,YGOOD(6,NTRK):I::[0,1] |
c$$$ $ ,XV(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,YV(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,ZV(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,AXV(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,AYV(6,NTRK):R'// |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c $ ,DEDXP(6,NTRK):R'// |
c$$$c $ ') |
c$$$ $ ',DEDX_X(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,DEDX_Y(6,NTRK):R'// |
c$$$c**************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 06/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini |
c$$$c $ ,CRC(12):L |
c$$$ $ ',BdL(NTRK):R' |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$c**************************************************** |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'SINGLETX',nclsx, |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c $ 'NCLSX(6):I,NCLSY(6):I') |
c$$$ $ 'NCLSX:I::[0,500],PLANEX(NCLSX):I |
c$$$ $ ,XS(2,NCLSX):R,SGNLXS(NCLSX):R') !(2) |
c$$$c $ ,XS(NCLSX):R,SGNLXS(NCLSX):R') !(2) |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'SINGLETY',nclsy, |
c$$$ $ 'NCLSY:I::[0,500],PLANEY(NCLSY):I |
c$$$ $ ,YS(2,NCLSY):R,SGNLYS(NCLSY):R') !(2) |
c$$$c $ ,YS(NCLSY):R,SGNLYS(NCLSY):R') !(2) |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$ subroutine fill_level2_clouds |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$c 29/11/2005 created by elena vannuccini |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ------------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* This routine fills the variables related to the hough |
c$$$* transform, for the debig n-tuple |
c$$$* ------------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_level2debug.f' |
c$$$ include 'level2.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ good2_nt=.true.!good2 |
c$$$c nev2_nt=nev2 |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(.false. |
c$$$ $ .or.ntrpt.gt.ntrpt_max_nt |
c$$$ $ .or.ndblt.gt.ndblt_max_nt |
c$$$ $ .or.NCLOUDS_XZ.gt.ncloxz_max |
c$$$ $ .or.NCLOUDS_yZ.gt.ncloyz_max |
c$$$ $ )then |
c$$$ good2_nt=.false. |
c$$$ ntrpt_nt=0 |
c$$$ ndblt_nt=0 |
c$$$ NCLOUDS_XZ_nt=0 |
c$$$ NCLOUDS_YZ_nt=0 |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ ndblt_nt=ndblt |
c$$$ ntrpt_nt=ntrpt |
c$$$ if(ndblt.ne.0)then |
c$$$ do id=1,ndblt |
c$$$ alfayz1_nt(id)=alfayz1(id) !Y0 |
c$$$ alfayz2_nt(id)=alfayz2(id) !tg theta-yz |
c$$$c db_cloud_nt(id)=db_cloud(id) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ if(ndblt.ne.0)then |
c$$$ do it=1,ntrpt |
c$$$ alfaxz1_nt(it)=alfaxz1(it) !X0 |
c$$$ alfaxz2_nt(it)=alfaxz2(it) !tg theta-xz |
c$$$ alfaxz3_nt(it)=alfaxz3(it) !1/r |
c$$$c tr_cloud_nt(it)=tr_cloud(it) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ nclouds_yz_nt=nclouds_yz |
c$$$ nclouds_xz_nt=nclouds_xz |
c$$$ if(nclouds_yz.ne.0)then |
c$$$ nnn=0 |
c$$$ do iyz=1,nclouds_yz |
c$$$ ptcloud_yz_nt(iyz)=ptcloud_yz(iyz) |
c$$$ alfayz1_av_nt(iyz)=alfayz1_av(iyz) |
c$$$ alfayz2_av_nt(iyz)=alfayz2_av(iyz) |
c$$$ nnn=nnn+ptcloud_yz(iyz) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ do ipt=1,nnn |
c$$$ db_cloud_nt(ipt)=db_cloud(ipt) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$c print*,'#### ntupla #### ptcloud_yz ' |
c$$$c $ ,(ptcloud_yz(i),i=1,nclouds_yz) |
c$$$c print*,'#### ntupla #### db_cloud ' |
c$$$c $ ,(db_cloud(i),i=1,nnn) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ if(nclouds_xz.ne.0)then |
c$$$ nnn=0 |
c$$$ do ixz=1,nclouds_xz |
c$$$ ptcloud_xz_nt(ixz)=ptcloud_xz(ixz) |
c$$$ alfaxz1_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz1_av(ixz) |
c$$$ alfaxz2_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz2_av(ixz) |
c$$$ alfaxz3_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz3_av(ixz) |
c$$$ nnn=nnn+ptcloud_xz(ixz) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ do ipt=1,nnn |
c$$$ tr_cloud_nt(ipt)=tr_cloud(ipt) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$c print*,'#### ntupla #### ptcloud_xz ' |
c$$$c $ ,(ptcloud_xz(i),i=1,nclouds_xz) |
c$$$c print*,'#### ntupla #### tr_cloud ' |
c$$$c $ ,(tr_cloud(i),i=1,nnn) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ end |
1274 |
1275 |
1276 |
*************************************************** |
*************************************************** |
1328 |
enddo |
enddo |
1329 |
* mask views with too many clusters |
* mask views with too many clusters |
1330 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
1331 |
if( ncl_view(iv).gt. nclustermax)then |
if( ncl_view(iv).gt. nclusterlimit)then |
1332 |
mask_view(iv) = 1 |
mask_view(iv) = 1 |
1333 |
if(VERBOSE)print*,' * WARNING * cl_to_couple: n.clusters > ' |
if(DEBUG)print*,' * WARNING * cl_to_couple: n.clusters > ' |
1334 |
$ ,nclustermax,' on view ', iv,' --> masked!' |
$ ,nclusterlimit,' on view ', iv,' --> masked!' |
1335 |
endif |
endif |
1336 |
enddo |
enddo |
1337 |
1469 |
endif |
endif |
1470 |
1471 |
* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
1472 |
* check to do not overflow vector dimentions |
ncp_plane(nplx) = ncp_plane(nplx) + 1 |
1473 |
c$$$ if(ncp_plane(nplx).gt.ncouplemax)then |
clx(nplx,ncp_plane(nplx))=icx |
1474 |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)print*, |
cly(nply,ncp_plane(nplx))=icy |
1475 |
c$$$ $ ' ** warning ** number of identified'// |
cl_single(icx)=0 |
1476 |
c$$$ $ ' couples on plane ',nplx, |
cl_single(icy)=0 |
1477 |
c$$$ $ ' exceeds vector dimention'// |
c$$$ $ ' ( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
1478 |
if(ncp_plane(nplx).eq.ncouplemax)then |
if(ncp_plane(nplx).eq.ncouplemax)then |
1479 |
if(verbose)print*, |
if(verbose)print*, |
1480 |
$ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
$ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
1481 |
$ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
$ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
1482 |
$ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
$ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
1483 |
$ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
$ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' ) --> masked!' |
c good2=.false. |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
1484 |
mask_view(nviewx(nplx)) = 2 |
mask_view(nviewx(nplx)) = 2 |
1485 |
mask_view(nviewy(nply)) = 2 |
mask_view(nviewy(nply)) = 2 |
c iflag=1 |
c return |
1486 |
endif |
endif |
ncp_plane(nplx) = ncp_plane(nplx) + 1 |
clx(nplx,ncp_plane(nplx))=icx |
cly(nply,ncp_plane(nplx))=icy |
cl_single(icx)=0 |
cl_single(icy)=0 |
endif |
1487 |
* ---------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------- |
1488 |
1489 |
endif |
1490 |
1491 |
20 continue |
20 continue |
1492 |
enddo !end loop on clusters(Y) |
enddo !end loop on clusters(Y) |
1493 |
1514 |
do ip=1,6 |
do ip=1,6 |
1515 |
ncp_tot = ncp_tot + ncp_plane(ip) |
ncp_tot = ncp_tot + ncp_plane(ip) |
1516 |
enddo |
enddo |
c if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)goto 100!next event (TEMPORANEO!!!) |
c$$$ if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)then |
c$$$ if(verbose)print*, |
c$$$ $ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
c$$$ $ 'couples exceeds upper limit for Hough tr. ' |
c$$$ $ ,'( ',ncp_max,' )' |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
1517 |
1518 |
return |
return |
1519 |
end |
end |
1526 |
* * |
* * |
1527 |
* * |
* * |
1528 |
************************************************** |
************************************************** |
c$$$ subroutine cl_to_couples_nocharge(iflag) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'level1.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$c include 'level1.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$* output flag |
c$$$* -------------- |
c$$$* 0 = good event |
c$$$* 1 = bad event |
c$$$* -------------- |
c$$$ integer iflag |
c$$$ |
c$$$ integer badseed,badcl |
c$$$ |
c$$$* init variables |
c$$$ ncp_tot=0 |
c$$$ do ip=1,nplanes |
c$$$ do ico=1,ncouplemax |
c$$$ clx(ip,ico)=0 |
c$$$ cly(ip,ico)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ ncp_plane(ip)=0 |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstrmax_level2 |
c$$$ cls(ip,icl)=1 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ ncls(ip)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstrmax_level2 |
c$$$ cl_single(icl)=1 |
c$$$ cl_good(icl)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$* start association |
c$$$ ncouples=0 |
c$$$ do icx=1,nclstr1 !loop on cluster (X) |
c$$$ if(mod(VIEW(icx),2).eq.1)goto 10 |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* cut on charge (X VIEW) |
c$$$ if(dedx(icx).lt.dedx_x_min)then |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 |
c$$$ goto 10 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* cut BAD (X VIEW) |
c$$$ badseed=BAD(VIEW(icx),nvk(MAXS(icx)),nst(MAXS(icx))) |
c$$$ ifirst=INDSTART(icx) |
c$$$ if(icx.ne.nclstr1) then |
c$$$ ilast=INDSTART(icx+1)-1 |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ ilast=TOTCLLENGTH |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badseed |
c$$$ do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
c$$$ ibad=1 |
c$$$ if((INDMAX(icx)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(icx)+igood).lt.ilast.and. |
c$$$ $ .true.)then |
c$$$ ibad=BAD(VIEW(icx), |
c$$$ $ nvk(MAXS(icx)+igood), |
c$$$ $ nst(MAXS(icx)+igood)) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badcl*ibad |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ if(badcl.eq.0)then !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ goto 10 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ endif !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ cl_good(icx)=1 |
c$$$ nplx=npl(VIEW(icx)) |
c$$$ nldx=nld(MAXS(icx),VIEW(icx)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do icy=1,nclstr1 !loop on cluster (Y) |
c$$$ if(mod(VIEW(icy),2).eq.0)goto 20 |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* cut on charge (Y VIEW) |
c$$$ if(dedx(icy).lt.dedx_y_min)then |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 |
c$$$ goto 20 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* cut BAD (Y VIEW) |
c$$$ badseed=BAD(VIEW(icy),nvk(MAXS(icy)),nst(MAXS(icy))) |
c$$$ ifirst=INDSTART(icy) |
c$$$ if(icy.ne.nclstr1) then |
c$$$ ilast=INDSTART(icy+1)-1 |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ ilast=TOTCLLENGTH |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badseed |
c$$$ do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
c$$$ ibad=1 |
c$$$ if((INDMAX(icy)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(icy)+igood).lt.ilast.and. |
c$$$ $ .true.) |
c$$$ $ ibad=BAD(VIEW(icy), |
c$$$ $ nvk(MAXS(icy)+igood), |
c$$$ $ nst(MAXS(icy)+igood)) |
c$$$ badcl=badcl*ibad |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ if(badcl.eq.0)then !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ goto 20 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ endif !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ cl_good(icy)=1 |
c$$$ nply=npl(VIEW(icy)) |
c$$$ nldy=nld(MAXS(icy),VIEW(icy)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* geometrical consistency (same plane and ladder) |
c$$$ if(nply.eq.nplx.and.nldy.eq.nldx)then |
c$$$* charge correlation |
c$$$* =========================================================== |
c$$$* this version of the subroutine is used for the calibration |
c$$$* thus charge-correlation selection is obviously removed |
c$$$* =========================================================== |
c$$$c$$$ ddd=(dedx(icy) |
c$$$c$$$ $ -kch(nplx,nldx)*dedx(icx)-cch(nplx,nldx)) |
c$$$c$$$ ddd=ddd/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
c$$$c$$$ cut=chcut*sch(nplx,nldx) |
c$$$c$$$ if(abs(ddd).gt.cut)goto 20 !charge not consistent |
c$$$* =========================================================== |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
c$$$* check to do not overflow vector dimentions |
c$$$c$$$ if(ncp_plane(nplx).gt.ncouplemax)then |
c$$$c$$$ if(DEBUG)print*, |
c$$$c$$$ $ ' ** warning ** number of identified'// |
c$$$c$$$ $ ' couples on plane ',nplx, |
c$$$c$$$ $ ' exceeds vector dimention'// |
c$$$c$$$ $ ' ( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
c$$$c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$c$$$ return |
c$$$c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncp_plane(nplx).eq.ncouplemax)then |
c$$$ if(verbose)print*, |
c$$$ $ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
c$$$ $ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
c$$$ $ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
c$$$ $ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ ncp_plane(nplx) = ncp_plane(nplx) + 1 |
c$$$ clx(nplx,ncp_plane(nplx))=icx |
c$$$ cly(nply,ncp_plane(nplx))=icy |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 20 continue |
c$$$ enddo !end loop on clusters(Y) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 10 continue |
c$$$ enddo !end loop on clusters(X) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstr1 |
c$$$ if(cl_single(icl).eq.1)then |
c$$$ ip=npl(VIEW(icl)) |
c$$$ ncls(ip)=ncls(ip)+1 |
c$$$ cls(ip,ncls(ip))=icl |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)then |
c$$$ print*,'clusters ',nclstr1 |
c$$$ print*,'good ',(cl_good(i),i=1,nclstr1) |
c$$$ print*,'singles ',(cl_single(i),i=1,nclstr1) |
c$$$ print*,'couples per plane: ',(ncp_plane(ip),ip=1,nplanes) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do ip=1,6 |
c$$$ ncp_tot=ncp_tot+ncp_plane(ip) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$c if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)goto 100!next event (TEMPORANEO!!!) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)then |
c$$$ if(verbose)print*, |
c$$$ $ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
c$$$ $ 'couples exceeds upper limit for Hough tr. ' |
c$$$ $ ,'( ',ncp_max,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$ |
*************************************************** |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
************************************************** |
1529 |
1530 |
subroutine cp_to_doubtrip(iflag) |
subroutine cp_to_doubtrip(iflag) |
c***************************************************** |
c 02/02/2006 modified by Elena Vannuccini --> (1) |
c***************************************************** |
1531 |
1532 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1533 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
1534 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
1535 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
1536 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
1537 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
1538 |
1539 |
1540 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
1568 |
* ----------------------------- |
* ----------------------------- |
1569 |
1570 |
1571 |
* -------------------------------------------- |
1572 |
* put a limit to the maximum number of couples |
1573 |
* per plane, in order to apply hough transform |
1574 |
* (couples recovered during track refinement) |
1575 |
* -------------------------------------------- |
1576 |
do ip=1,nplanes |
1577 |
if(ncp_plane(ip).gt.ncouplelimit)then |
1578 |
mask_view(nviewx(ip)) = 8 |
1579 |
mask_view(nviewy(ip)) = 8 |
1580 |
endif |
1581 |
enddo |
1582 |
1583 |
1584 |
ndblt=0 !number of doublets |
ndblt=0 !number of doublets |
1585 |
ntrpt=0 !number of triplets |
ntrpt=0 !number of triplets |
1586 |
1587 |
do ip1=1,(nplanes-1) !loop on planes - COPPIA 1 |
do ip1=1,(nplanes-1) !loop on planes - COPPIA 1 |
1588 |
do is1=1,2 !loop on sensors - COPPIA 1 |
if( mask_view(nviewx(ip1)).ne.0 .or. |
1589 |
$ mask_view(nviewy(ip1)).ne.0 )goto 10 !skip plane |
1590 |
do is1=1,2 !loop on sensors - COPPIA 1 |
1591 |
do icp1=1,ncp_plane(ip1) !loop on COPPIA 1 |
do icp1=1,ncp_plane(ip1) !loop on COPPIA 1 |
1592 |
icx1=clx(ip1,icp1) |
icx1=clx(ip1,icp1) |
1593 |
icy1=cly(ip1,icp1) |
icy1=cly(ip1,icp1) |
1597 |
ym1=yPAM |
ym1=yPAM |
1598 |
zm1=zPAM |
zm1=zPAM |
1599 |
c print*,'***',is1,xm1,ym1,zm1 |
c print*,'***',is1,xm1,ym1,zm1 |
1600 |
1601 |
do ip2=(ip1+1),nplanes !loop on planes - COPPIA 2 |
do ip2=(ip1+1),nplanes !loop on planes - COPPIA 2 |
1602 |
if( mask_view(nviewx(ip2)).ne.0 .or. |
1603 |
$ mask_view(nviewy(ip2)).ne.0 )goto 20 !skip plane |
1604 |
do is2=1,2 !loop on sensors -ndblt COPPIA 2 |
do is2=1,2 !loop on sensors -ndblt COPPIA 2 |
1605 |
1606 |
do icp2=1,ncp_plane(ip2) !loop on COPPIA 2 |
do icp2=1,ncp_plane(ip2) !loop on COPPIA 2 |
1661 |
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
1662 |
1663 |
1664 |
if(ip2.eq.nplanes)goto 30 !no possible combination with 3 couples |
if(ip2.eq.nplanes)goto 31 !no possible combination with 3 couples |
1665 |
1666 |
do ip3=(ip2+1),nplanes !loop on planes - COPPIA 3 |
do ip3=(ip2+1),nplanes !loop on planes - COPPIA 3 |
1667 |
if( mask_view(nviewx(ip3)).ne.0 .or. |
1668 |
$ mask_view(nviewy(ip3)).ne.0 )goto 30 !skip plane |
1669 |
do is3=1,2 !loop on sensors - COPPIA 3 |
do is3=1,2 !loop on sensors - COPPIA 3 |
1670 |
1671 |
do icp3=1,ncp_plane(ip3) !loop on COPPIA 3 |
do icp3=1,ncp_plane(ip3) !loop on COPPIA 3 |
1742 |
endif |
endif |
1743 |
enddo !end loop on COPPIA 3 |
enddo !end loop on COPPIA 3 |
1744 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 3 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 3 |
1745 |
30 continue |
1746 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 3 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 3 |
1747 |
30 continue |
31 continue |
1748 |
1749 |
1 enddo !end loop on COPPIA 2 |
1 enddo !end loop on COPPIA 2 |
1750 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 2 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 2 |
1751 |
20 continue |
1752 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 2 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 2 |
1753 |
1754 |
enddo !end loop on COPPIA1 |
enddo !end loop on COPPIA1 |
1755 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 1 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 1 |
1756 |
10 continue |
1757 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 1 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 1 |
1758 |
1759 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
2257 |
* ----------------------------------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------------------------------- |
2258 |
* variables for track fitting |
* variables for track fitting |
2259 |
double precision AL_INI(5) |
double precision AL_INI(5) |
2260 |
double precision tath |
c double precision tath |
2261 |
* ----------------------------------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------------------------------- |
2262 |
c real fitz(nplanes) !z coordinates of the planes in cm |
c real fitz(nplanes) !z coordinates of the planes in cm |
2263 |
2350 |
c$$$ print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
c$$$ print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
2351 |
2352 |
* -------> INITIAL GUESS <------- |
* -------> INITIAL GUESS <------- |
2353 |
AL_INI(1) = dreal(alfaxz1_av(ixz)) |
2354 |
AL_INI(2) = dreal(alfayz1_av(iyz)) |
c$$$ AL_INI(1) = dreal(alfaxz1_av(ixz)) |
2355 |
AL_INI(4) = PIGR + datan(dreal(alfayz2_av(iyz)) |
c$$$ AL_INI(2) = dreal(alfayz1_av(iyz)) |
2356 |
$ /dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))) |
c$$$ AL_INI(4) = PIGR + datan(dreal(alfayz2_av(iyz)) |
2357 |
tath = -dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))/dcos(AL_INI(4)) |
c$$$ $ /dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))) |
2358 |
AL_INI(3) = tath/sqrt(1+tath**2) |
c$$$ tath = -dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))/dcos(AL_INI(4)) |
2359 |
AL_INI(5) = (1.e2*alfaxz3_av(ixz))/(0.3*0.43) !0. |
c$$$ AL_INI(3) = tath/sqrt(1+tath**2) |
2360 |
c$$$ AL_INI(5) = (1.e2*alfaxz3_av(ixz))/(0.3*0.43) !0. |
2361 |
c print*,'*******',AL_INI(5) |
cccc GIUSTO (ma si sua guess()) |
2362 |
if(AL_INI(5).gt.defmax)goto 888 !next cloud |
c$$$ AL_INI(1) = dreal(alfaxz1_av(ixz)) |
2363 |
c$$$ AL_INI(2) = dreal(alfayz1_av(iyz)) |
2364 |
c print*,'alfaxz2, alfayz2 ' |
c$$$ tath = -dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))/dcos(AL_INI(4)) |
2365 |
c $ ,alfaxz2_av(ixz),alfayz2_av(iyz) |
c$$$ AL_INI(3) = tath/sqrt(1+tath**2) |
2366 |
c$$$ IF(alfaxz2_av(ixz).NE.0)THEN |
2367 |
* -------> INITIAL GUESS <------- |
c$$$ AL_INI(4) = PIGR + datan(dreal(alfayz2_av(iyz)) |
2368 |
c print*,'AL_INI ',(al_ini(i),i=1,5) |
c$$$ $ /dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))) |
2369 |
c$$$ ELSE |
2370 |
c$$$ AL_INI(4) = acos(-1.)/2 |
2371 |
c$$$ IF(alfayz2_av(iyz).LT.0)AL_INI(4) = AL_INI(4)+acos(-1.) |
2372 |
c$$$ ENDIF |
2373 |
c$$$ IF(alfaxz2_av(ixz).LT.0)AL_INI(4)= acos(-1.)+ AL_INI(4) |
2374 |
c$$$ AL_INI(4) = -acos(-1.) + AL_INI(4) !from incidence direction to tracking rs |
2375 |
c$$$ |
2376 |
c$$$ AL_INI(5) = (1.e2*alfaxz3_av(ixz))/(0.3*0.43) !0. |
2377 |
c$$$ |
2378 |
c$$$ if(AL_INI(5).gt.defmax)goto 888 !next cloud |
2379 |
2380 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
2381 |
print*,'1 >>> ',(cp_match(6,i),i=1,ncp_match(6)) |
print*,'1 >>> ',(cp_match(6,i),i=1,ncp_match(6)) |
2382 |
print*,'2 >>> ',(cp_match(5,i),i=1,ncp_match(5)) |
print*,'2 >>> ',(cp_match(5,i),i=1,ncp_match(5)) |
2444 |
* ********************************************************** |
* ********************************************************** |
2445 |
* ************************** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** |
* ************************** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** |
2446 |
* ********************************************************** |
* ********************************************************** |
2447 |
cccc scommentare se si usa al_ini della nuvola |
2448 |
c$$$ do i=1,5 |
2449 |
c$$$ AL(i)=AL_INI(i) |
2450 |
c$$$ enddo |
2451 |
call guess() |
2452 |
do i=1,5 |
do i=1,5 |
2453 |
AL(i)=AL_INI(i) |
AL_INI(i)=AL(i) |
2454 |
enddo |
enddo |
2455 |
ifail=0 !error flag in chi^2 computation |
ifail=0 !error flag in chi^2 computation |
2456 |
jstep=0 !number of minimization steps |
jstep=0 !number of minimization steps |
2457 |
iprint=0 |
iprint=0 |
2458 |
c if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
2459 |
if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
2460 |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
2461 |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
2462 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
2463 |
print *, |
print *, |
2464 |
2465 |
$ //'(mini2 in clouds_to_ctrack)' |
$ //'(clouds_to_ctrack)' |
2466 |
print*,'initial guess: ' |
2467 |
2468 |
print*,'AL_INI(1) = ',AL_INI(1) |
2469 |
print*,'AL_INI(2) = ',AL_INI(2) |
2470 |
print*,'AL_INI(3) = ',AL_INI(3) |
2471 |
print*,'AL_INI(4) = ',AL_INI(4) |
2472 |
print*,'AL_INI(5) = ',AL_INI(5) |
2473 |
endif |
endif |
2474 |
chi2=-chi2 |
c chi2=-chi2 |
2475 |
endif |
endif |
2476 |
* ********************************************************** |
* ********************************************************** |
2477 |
* ************************** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** |
* ************************** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** FIT *** |
2613 |
call track_init |
call track_init |
2614 |
do ip=1,nplanes !loop on planes |
do ip=1,nplanes !loop on planes |
2615 |
2616 |
* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
2617 |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
2618 |
* If the plane has been already included, it just |
* If the plane has been already included, it just |
2619 |
* computes again the coordinates of the x-y couple |
* computes again the coordinates of the x-y couple |
2620 |
* using improved PFAs |
* using improved PFAs |
2621 |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
2622 |
* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
2623 |
if(XGOOD_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest).eq.1..and. |
if(XGOOD_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest).eq.1..and. |
2624 |
$ YGOOD_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest).eq.1. )then |
$ YGOOD_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest).eq.1. )then |
2625 |
2654 |
dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1)=dedx(icx)/mip(VIEW(icx),LADDER(icx)) !(1)(2) |
dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1)=dedx(icx)/mip(VIEW(icx),LADDER(icx)) !(1)(2) |
2655 |
dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1)=dedx(icy)/mip(VIEW(icy),LADDER(icy)) !(1)(2) |
dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1)=dedx(icy)/mip(VIEW(icy),LADDER(icy)) !(1)(2) |
2656 |
2657 |
* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
2658 |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
2659 |
* If the plane has NOT been already included, |
* If the plane has NOT been already included, |
2660 |
* it tries to include a COUPLE or a single cluster |
* it tries to include a COUPLE or a single cluster |
2661 |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
2662 |
* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
2663 |
else |
else |
2664 |
2665 |
xgood(nplanes-ip+1)=0 |
xgood(nplanes-ip+1)=0 |
2714 |
$ AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
$ AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
2715 |
2716 |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
2717 |
distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS |
2718 |
id=id_cp(ip,icp,ist) |
id=id_cp(ip,icp,ist) |
2719 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( couple ',id |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( couple ',id |
2720 |
$ ,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
$ ,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
2785 |
$ PFA,PFA, |
$ PFA,PFA, |
2786 |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest),0.) |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest),0.) |
2787 |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
2788 |
c if(DEBUG)print*,'normalized distance ',distance |
distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS |
2789 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-X ',icx |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-X ',icx |
2790 |
$ ,' in cp ',id,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
$ ,' in cp ',id,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
2791 |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
2813 |
$ PFA,PFA, |
$ PFA,PFA, |
2814 |
$ 0.,AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
$ 0.,AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
2815 |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
2816 |
distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS |
2817 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-Y ',icy |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-Y ',icy |
2818 |
$ ,' in cp ',id,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
$ ,' in cp ',id,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
2819 |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
2853 |
endif |
endif |
2854 |
2855 |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
2856 |
distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS |
2857 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-s ',icl |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-s ',icl |
2858 |
$ ,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
$ ,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
2859 |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
2883 |
2884 |
CLS_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)=iclm !<<<< |
CLS_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)=iclm !<<<< |
2885 |
* ---------------------------- |
* ---------------------------- |
2886 |
c print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
2887 |
if(mod(VIEW(iclm),2).eq.0)then |
if(mod(VIEW(iclm),2).eq.0)then |
2888 |
XGOOD(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
XGOOD(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
2889 |
resx(nplanes-ip+1)=rxmm |
resx(nplanes-ip+1)=rxmm |
2890 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included X-cl ',iclm |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included X-cl ',iclm |
2891 |
$ ,' ( norm.dist.= ',distmin,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
c if(.true.)print*,'%%%% included X-cl ',iclm |
2892 |
$ ,'( chi^2, ',RCHI2_STORE(ibest) |
2893 |
$ ,', norm.dist.= ',distmin |
2894 |
$ ,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
2895 |
else |
else |
2896 |
YGOOD(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
YGOOD(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
2897 |
resy(nplanes-ip+1)=rymm |
resy(nplanes-ip+1)=rymm |
2898 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included Y-cl ',iclm |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included Y-cl ',iclm |
2899 |
$ ,' ( norm.dist.= ',distmin,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
c if(.true.)print*,'%%%% included Y-cl ',iclm |
2900 |
$ ,'( chi^2, ',RCHI2_STORE(ibest) |
2901 |
$ ,', norm.dist.= ', distmin |
2902 |
$ ,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
2903 |
endif |
endif |
2904 |
c print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
2905 |
* ---------------------------- |
* ---------------------------- |
2906 |
xm_A(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm_A |
xm_A(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm_A |
2907 |
ym_A(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm_A |
ym_A(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm_A |
3014 |
3015 |
3016 |
c$$$*** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** |
c$$$ real function fbad_cog(ncog,ic) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'level1.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$* --> signal of the central strip |
c$$$ sc = CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)) !center |
c$$$ |
c$$$* signal of adjacent strips |
c$$$* --> left |
c$$$ sl1 = 0 !left 1 |
c$$$ if( |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(ic)-1).ge.INDSTART(ic) |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ sl1 = max(0.,CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)-1)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ sl2 = 0 !left 2 |
c$$$ if( |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(ic)-2).ge.INDSTART(ic) |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ sl2 = max(0.,CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)-2)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$* --> right |
c$$$ sr1 = 0 !right 1 |
c$$$ if( |
c$$$ $ (ic.ne.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+1).lt.INDSTART(ic+1)) |
c$$$ $ .or. |
c$$$ $ (ic.eq.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+1).le.TOTCLLENGTH) |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ sr1 = max(0.,CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)+1)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ sr2 = 0 !right 2 |
c$$$ if( |
c$$$ $ (ic.ne.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+2).lt.INDSTART(ic+1)) |
c$$$ $ .or. |
c$$$ $ (ic.eq.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+2).le.TOTCLLENGTH) |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ sr2 = max(0.,CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)+2)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(mod(int(VIEW(ic)),2).eq.1)then !Y-view |
c$$$ f = 4. |
c$$$ si = 8.4 |
c$$$ else !X-view |
c$$$ f = 6. |
c$$$ si = 3.9 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ f0 = 1 |
c$$$ f1 = 1 |
c$$$ f2 = 1 |
c$$$ f3 = 1 |
c$$$ if(sl1.gt.sr1.and.sl1.gt.0.)then |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)) ).eq.0)f0=f |
c$$$ if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)-1)).eq.0)f1=f |
c$$$c if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)+1)).eq.0)f3=f |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncog.eq.2.and.sl1.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = (f1**2*sc**2/sl1**2+f0**2)/(sc**2/sl1**2+1.) |
c$$$ elseif(ncog.eq.3.and.sl1.ne.0.and.sr1.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ elseif(ncog.eq.4.and.sl1.ne.0.and.sr1.ne.0.and.sl2.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ elseif(sl1.le.sr1.and.sr1.gt.0.)then |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)) ).eq.0)f0=f |
c$$$ if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)+1)).eq.0)f1=f |
c$$$c if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)-1)).eq.0)f3=f |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncog.eq.2.and.sr1.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = (f1**2*sc**2/sr1**2+f0**2)/(sc**2/sr1**2+1.) |
c$$$ elseif(ncog.eq.3.and.sr1.ne.0.and.sl1.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ elseif(ncog.eq.4.and.sr1.ne.0.and.sl1.ne.0.and.sr2.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ fbad_cog = sqrt(fbad_cog) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$ |
3017 |
3018 |
3019 |
* **************************************************** |
* **************************************************** |
3098 |
alfayz1_nt(idb)=0 |
alfayz1_nt(idb)=0 |
3099 |
alfayz2_nt(idb)=0 |
alfayz2_nt(idb)=0 |
3100 |
enddo |
enddo |
3101 |
do itr=1,ntrpl_max_nt |
do itr=1,ntrpt_max_nt |
3102 |
tr_cloud_nt(itr)=0 |
tr_cloud_nt(itr)=0 |
3103 |
alfaxz1_nt(itr)=0 |
alfaxz1_nt(itr)=0 |
3104 |
alfaxz2_nt(itr)=0 |
alfaxz2_nt(itr)=0 |
3127 |
alfayz1(idb)=0 |
alfayz1(idb)=0 |
3128 |
alfayz2(idb)=0 |
alfayz2(idb)=0 |
3129 |
enddo |
enddo |
3130 |
do itr=1,ntrpl_max |
do itr=1,ntrpt_max |
3131 |
tr_cloud(itr)=0 |
tr_cloud(itr)=0 |
3132 |
cpxz1(itr)=0 |
cpxz1(itr)=0 |
3133 |
cpxz2(itr)=0 |
cpxz2(itr)=0 |