12 |
subroutine track_finding(iflag) |
subroutine track_finding(iflag) |
13 |
14 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
15 |
include 'level1.f' |
16 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
17 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
18 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
19 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
20 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
21 |
include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
22 |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
23 |
24 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
25 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
26 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
27 |
* STEP 1 |
* STEP 1 |
28 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
45 |
c iflag=0 |
c iflag=0 |
46 |
call cl_to_couples(iflag) |
call cl_to_couples(iflag) |
47 |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
48 |
goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
goto 880 !go to next event |
49 |
endif |
endif |
50 |
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
* selezione di tracce pulite per diagnostica |
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)then |
c$$$ do ip=1,nplanes |
c$$$ if(ncp_plane(ip).ne.1)good2=.false. |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$c if(good2.eq.0)goto 100!next event |
c$$$c if(good2.eq.0)goto 880!fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ endif |
51 |
*----------------------------------------------------- |
*----------------------------------------------------- |
52 |
*----------------------------------------------------- |
*----------------------------------------------------- |
53 |
79 |
c iflag=0 |
c iflag=0 |
80 |
call cp_to_doubtrip(iflag) |
call cp_to_doubtrip(iflag) |
81 |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
82 |
goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
goto 880 !go to next event |
83 |
endif |
endif |
84 |
85 |
108 |
* $ ,ptcloud_xz,tr_cloud,cpcloud_xz |
* $ ,ptcloud_xz,tr_cloud,cpcloud_xz |
109 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
110 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
111 |
* count number of hit planes |
112 |
planehit=0 |
113 |
do np=1,nplanes |
114 |
if(ncp_plane(np).ne.0)then |
115 |
planehit=planehit+1 |
116 |
endif |
117 |
enddo |
118 |
if(planehit.lt.3) goto 880 ! exit |
119 |
120 |
nptxz_min=x_min_start |
121 |
nplxz_min=x_min_start |
122 |
123 |
nptyz_min=y_min_start |
124 |
nplyz_min=y_min_start |
125 |
126 |
c iflag=0 |
cutdistyz=cutystart |
127 |
cutdistxz=cutxstart |
128 |
129 |
878 continue |
130 |
call doub_to_YZcloud(iflag) |
call doub_to_YZcloud(iflag) |
131 |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
132 |
goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
133 |
endif |
endif |
134 |
c iflag=0 |
if(nclouds_yz.eq.0.and.cutdistyz.lt.maxcuty)then |
135 |
if(cutdistyz.lt.maxcuty/2)then |
136 |
cutdistyz=cutdistyz+cutystep |
137 |
else |
138 |
cutdistyz=cutdistyz+(3*cutystep) |
139 |
endif |
140 |
goto 878 |
141 |
endif |
142 |
143 |
if(planehit.eq.3) goto 881 |
144 |
145 |
879 continue |
146 |
call trip_to_XZcloud(iflag) |
call trip_to_XZcloud(iflag) |
147 |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
148 |
goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
149 |
endif |
endif |
150 |
151 |
if(nclouds_xz.eq.0.and.cutdistxz.lt.maxcutx)then |
152 |
cutdistxz=cutdistxz+cutxstep |
153 |
goto 879 |
154 |
endif |
155 |
156 |
157 |
881 continue |
158 |
* if there is at least three planes on the Y view decreases cuts on X view |
159 |
if(nclouds_xz.eq.0.and.nclouds_yz.gt.0.and. |
160 |
$ nplxz_min.ne.y_min_start)then |
161 |
nptxz_min=x_min_step |
162 |
nplxz_min=x_min_start-x_min_step |
163 |
goto 879 |
164 |
endif |
165 |
166 |
880 return |
880 return |
167 |
end |
end |
168 |
172 |
subroutine track_fitting(iflag) |
subroutine track_fitting(iflag) |
173 |
174 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
175 |
include 'level1.f' |
176 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
177 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
178 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
179 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
180 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
181 |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
182 |
183 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
184 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
185 |
logical FIMAGE ! |
logical FIMAGE ! |
186 |
187 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
223 |
ibest=0 !best track among candidates |
ibest=0 !best track among candidates |
224 |
iimage=0 !track image |
iimage=0 !track image |
225 |
* ------------- select the best track ------------- |
* ------------- select the best track ------------- |
226 |
c$$$ rchi2best=1000000000. |
227 |
c$$$ do i=1,ntracks |
228 |
c$$$ if(RCHI2_STORE(i).lt.rchi2best.and. |
229 |
c$$$ $ RCHI2_STORE(i).gt.0)then |
230 |
c$$$ ibest=i |
231 |
c$$$ rchi2best=RCHI2_STORE(i) |
232 |
c$$$ endif |
233 |
c$$$ enddo |
234 |
c$$$ if(ibest.eq.0)goto 880 !>> no good candidates |
235 |
236 |
rchi2best=1000000000. |
rchi2best=1000000000. |
237 |
ndofbest=0 !(1) |
238 |
do i=1,ntracks |
do i=1,ntracks |
239 |
if(RCHI2_STORE(i).lt.rchi2best.and. |
if(RCHI2_STORE(i).lt.rchi2best.and. |
240 |
$ RCHI2_STORE(i).gt.0)then |
$ RCHI2_STORE(i).gt.0)then |
241 |
ndof=0 !(1) |
242 |
do ii=1,nplanes !(1) |
243 |
ndof=ndof !(1) |
244 |
$ +int(xgood_store(ii,i)) !(1) |
245 |
$ +int(ygood_store(ii,i)) !(1) |
246 |
enddo !(1) |
247 |
if(ndof.ge.ndofbest)then !(1) |
248 |
ibest=i |
ibest=i |
249 |
rchi2best=RCHI2_STORE(i) |
rchi2best=RCHI2_STORE(i) |
250 |
endif |
ndofbest=ndof !(1) |
251 |
endif !(1) |
252 |
endif |
253 |
enddo |
enddo |
254 |
if(ibest.eq.0)goto 880 !>> no good candidates |
if(ibest.eq.0)goto 880 !>> no good candidates |
255 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
288 |
ifail=0 !error flag in chi2 computation |
ifail=0 !error flag in chi2 computation |
289 |
jstep=0 !# minimization steps |
jstep=0 !# minimization steps |
290 |
291 |
call mini_2(jstep,ifail) |
iprint=0 |
292 |
if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
293 |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
294 |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
295 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
296 |
print *, |
print *, |
297 |
$ '*** MINIMIZATION FAILURE *** (mini_2) ' |
$ '*** MINIMIZATION FAILURE *** (mini2) ' |
298 |
$ ,iev |
$ ,iev |
299 |
endif |
endif |
300 |
chi2=-chi2 |
chi2=-chi2 |
654 |
c***************************************************** |
c***************************************************** |
655 |
656 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
657 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
658 |
include 'calib.f' |
659 |
c include 'level1.f' |
660 |
include 'common_align.f' |
include 'common_align.f' |
661 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
662 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
715 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
716 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA2')then |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA2')then |
717 |
c cog2 = cog(2,icx) |
c cog2 = cog(2,icx) |
718 |
c etacorr = pfa_eta2(cog2,viewx,nldx,angx) |
c etacorr = pfaeta2(cog2,viewx,nldx,angx) |
719 |
c stripx = stripx + etacorr |
c stripx = stripx + etacorr |
720 |
stripx = stripx + pfa_eta2(icx,angx) !(3) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta2(icx,angx) !(3) |
721 |
resxPAM = risx_eta2(angx) ! (4) |
resxPAM = risx_eta2(angx) ! (4) |
722 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
723 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
724 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
725 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA3')then !(3) |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA3')then !(3) |
726 |
stripx = stripx + pfa_eta3(icx,angx) !(3) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta3(icx,angx) !(3) |
727 |
resxPAM = risx_eta3(angx) ! (4) |
resxPAM = risx_eta3(angx) ! (4) |
728 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
729 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(3,icx)!(3) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(3,icx)!(3) |
730 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx) !(3) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx) !(3) |
731 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA4')then !(3) |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA4')then !(3) |
732 |
stripx = stripx + pfa_eta4(icx,angx) !(3) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta4(icx,angx) !(3) |
733 |
resxPAM = risx_eta4(angx) ! (4) |
resxPAM = risx_eta4(angx) ! (4) |
734 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
735 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(4,icx)!(3) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(4,icx)!(3) |
736 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx) !(3) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx) !(3) |
737 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA')then !(3) |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA')then !(3) |
738 |
stripx = stripx + pfa_eta(icx,angx) !(3) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta(icx,angx) !(3) |
739 |
resxPAM = ris_eta(icx,angx) ! (4) |
resxPAM = ris_eta(icx,angx) ! (4) |
740 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
741 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx)!(3) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx)!(3) |
779 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
780 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA2')then |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA2')then |
781 |
c cog2 = cog(2,icy) |
c cog2 = cog(2,icy) |
782 |
c etacorr = pfa_eta2(cog2,viewy,nldy,angy) |
c etacorr = pfaeta2(cog2,viewy,nldy,angy) |
783 |
c stripy = stripy + etacorr |
c stripy = stripy + etacorr |
784 |
stripy = stripy + pfa_eta2(icy,angy) !(3) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta2(icy,angy) !(3) |
785 |
resyPAM = risy_eta2(angy) ! (4) |
resyPAM = risy_eta2(angy) ! (4) |
786 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
787 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
788 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
789 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA3')then !(3) |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA3')then !(3) |
790 |
stripy = stripy + pfa_eta3(icy,angy) !(3) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta3(icy,angy) !(3) |
791 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(3,icy) !(3) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(3,icy) !(3) |
792 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icy).ne.1) !(3) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icy).ne.1) !(3) |
793 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(3,icy)!(3) |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(3,icy)!(3) |
794 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA4')then !(3) |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA4')then !(3) |
795 |
stripy = stripy + pfa_eta4(icy,angy) !(3) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta4(icy,angy) !(3) |
796 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(4,icy) !(3) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(4,icy) !(3) |
797 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icy).ne.1) !(3) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icy).ne.1) !(3) |
798 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(4,icy)!(3) |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(4,icy)!(3) |
799 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA')then !(3) |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA')then !(3) |
800 |
stripy = stripy + pfa_eta(icy,angy) !(3) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta(icy,angy) !(3) |
801 |
resyPAM = ris_eta(icy,angy) ! (4) |
resyPAM = ris_eta(icy,angy) ! (4) |
802 |
c resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) !(3)TEMPORANEO |
c resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) !(3)TEMPORANEO |
803 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy) ! (4) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy) ! (4) |
1332 |
* it returns the plane number |
* it returns the plane number |
1333 |
* |
* |
1334 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1335 |
include 'level1.f' |
1336 |
c include 'common_analysis.f' |
c include 'common_analysis.f' |
1337 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
1338 |
1370 |
* it returns the id number ON THE PLANE |
* it returns the id number ON THE PLANE |
1371 |
* |
* |
1372 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1373 |
include 'level1.f' |
1374 |
c include 'common_analysis.f' |
c include 'common_analysis.f' |
1375 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
1376 |
1399 |
* positive if sensor =2 |
* positive if sensor =2 |
1400 |
* |
* |
1401 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1402 |
include 'level1.f' |
1403 |
c include 'calib.f' |
c include 'calib.f' |
1404 |
c include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
1405 |
c include 'common_analysis.f' |
c include 'common_analysis.f' |
1711 |
subroutine cl_to_couples(iflag) |
subroutine cl_to_couples(iflag) |
1712 |
1713 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1714 |
include 'level1.f' |
1715 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
1716 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
1717 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
1718 |
include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
1719 |
1720 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
1721 |
* -------------- |
* -------------- |
1724 |
* -------------- |
* -------------- |
1725 |
integer iflag |
integer iflag |
1726 |
1727 |
integer badseed,badcl |
integer badseed,badclx,badcly |
1728 |
1729 |
* init variables |
* init variables |
1730 |
ncp_tot=0 |
ncp_tot=0 |
1740 |
ncls(ip)=0 |
ncls(ip)=0 |
1741 |
enddo |
enddo |
1742 |
do icl=1,nclstrmax_level2 |
do icl=1,nclstrmax_level2 |
1743 |
cl_single(icl)=1 |
cl_single(icl) = 1 |
1744 |
cl_good(icl)=0 |
cl_good(icl) = 0 |
1745 |
enddo |
1746 |
do iv=1,nviews |
1747 |
ncl_view(iv) = 0 |
1748 |
mask_view(iv) = 0 !all included |
1749 |
enddo |
enddo |
1750 |
1751 |
* count number of cluster per view |
1752 |
do icl=1,nclstr1 |
1753 |
ncl_view(VIEW(icl)) = ncl_view(VIEW(icl)) + 1 |
1754 |
enddo |
1755 |
* mask views with too many clusters |
1756 |
do iv=1,nviews |
1757 |
if( ncl_view(iv).gt. nclustermax)then |
1758 |
mask_view(iv) = 1 |
1759 |
print*,' * WARNING * cl_to_couple: n.clusters > ' |
1760 |
$ ,nclustermax,' on view ', iv,' --> masked!' |
1761 |
endif |
1762 |
enddo |
1763 |
1764 |
1765 |
* start association |
* start association |
1766 |
ncouples=0 |
ncouples=0 |
1767 |
do icx=1,nclstr1 !loop on cluster (X) |
do icx=1,nclstr1 !loop on cluster (X) |
1768 |
if(mod(VIEW(icx),2).eq.1)goto 10 |
if(mod(VIEW(icx),2).eq.1)goto 10 |
1769 |
1770 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1771 |
* jump masked views (X VIEW) |
1772 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1773 |
if( mask_view(VIEW(icx)).ne.0 ) goto 10 |
1774 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1775 |
* cut on charge (X VIEW) |
* cut on charge (X VIEW) |
1776 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1777 |
if(dedx(icx).lt.dedx_x_min)then |
if(dedx(icx).lt.dedx_x_min)then |
1788 |
else |
else |
1789 |
1790 |
endif |
endif |
1791 |
badcl=badseed |
badclx=badseed |
1792 |
do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
1793 |
ibad=1 |
ibad=1 |
1794 |
if((INDMAX(icx)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
if((INDMAX(icx)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
1798 |
$ nvk(MAXS(icx)+igood), |
$ nvk(MAXS(icx)+igood), |
1799 |
$ nst(MAXS(icx)+igood)) |
$ nst(MAXS(icx)+igood)) |
1800 |
endif |
endif |
1801 |
badcl=badcl*ibad |
badclx=badclx*ibad |
1802 |
enddo |
enddo |
1803 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1804 |
* >>> eliminato il taglio sulle BAD <<< |
* >>> eliminato il taglio sulle BAD <<< |
1817 |
if(mod(VIEW(icy),2).eq.0)goto 20 |
if(mod(VIEW(icy),2).eq.0)goto 20 |
1818 |
1819 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1820 |
* jump masked views (Y VIEW) |
1821 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1822 |
if( mask_view(VIEW(icy)).ne.0 ) goto 20 |
1823 |
1824 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1825 |
* cut on charge (Y VIEW) |
* cut on charge (Y VIEW) |
1826 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1827 |
if(dedx(icy).lt.dedx_y_min)then |
if(dedx(icy).lt.dedx_y_min)then |
1838 |
else |
else |
1839 |
1840 |
endif |
endif |
1841 |
badcl=badseed |
badcly=badseed |
1842 |
do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
1843 |
ibad=1 |
ibad=1 |
1844 |
if((INDMAX(icy)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
if((INDMAX(icy)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
1847 |
$ ibad=BAD(VIEW(icy), |
$ ibad=BAD(VIEW(icy), |
1848 |
$ nvk(MAXS(icy)+igood), |
$ nvk(MAXS(icy)+igood), |
1849 |
$ nst(MAXS(icy)+igood)) |
$ nst(MAXS(icy)+igood)) |
1850 |
badcl=badcl*ibad |
badcly=badcly*ibad |
1851 |
enddo |
enddo |
1852 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1853 |
* >>> eliminato il taglio sulle BAD <<< |
* >>> eliminato il taglio sulle BAD <<< |
1870 |
* charge correlation |
* charge correlation |
1871 |
* (modified to be applied only below saturation... obviously) |
* (modified to be applied only below saturation... obviously) |
1872 |
1873 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------- |
if( .not.(dedx(icy).gt.chsaty.and.dedx(icx).gt.chsatx) |
1874 |
* >>> eliminata (TEMPORANEAMENTE) la correlazione di carica <<< |
$ .and. |
1875 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------- |
$ .not.(dedx(icy).lt.chmipy.and.dedx(icx).lt.chmipx) |
1876 |
c$$$ if(dedx(icy).lt.chsaty.or.dedx(icx).lt.chsatx)then |
$ .and. |
1877 |
c$$$ ddd=(dedx(icy) |
$ (badclx.eq.1.and.badcly.eq.1) |
1878 |
c$$$ $ -kch(nplx,nldx)*dedx(icx)-cch(nplx,nldx)) |
$ .and. |
1879 |
c$$$ ddd=ddd/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
$ .true.)then |
1880 |
c$$$ cut=chcut*sch(nplx,nldx) |
1881 |
c$$$ if(abs(ddd).gt.cut)goto 20 !charge not consistent |
ddd=(dedx(icy) |
1882 |
c$$$ endif |
$ -kch(nplx,nldx)*dedx(icx)-cch(nplx,nldx)) |
1883 |
ddd=ddd/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
1884 |
1885 |
c cut = chcut * sch(nplx,nldx) |
1886 |
1887 |
sss=(kch(nplx,nldx)*dedx(icy)+dedx(icx) |
1888 |
$ -kch(nplx,nldx)*cch(nplx,nldx)) |
1889 |
sss=sss/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
1890 |
cut = chcut * (16 + sss/50.) |
1891 |
1892 |
if(abs(ddd).gt.cut)then |
1893 |
goto 20 !charge not consistent |
1894 |
endif |
1895 |
endif |
1896 |
1897 |
* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
1898 |
* check to do not overflow vector dimentions |
* check to do not overflow vector dimentions |
1913 |
$ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
$ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
1914 |
$ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
$ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
1915 |
$ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
$ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
1916 |
$ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
$ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' ) NB - THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN' |
1917 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
1918 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
1919 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
1981 |
subroutine cl_to_couples_nocharge(iflag) |
subroutine cl_to_couples_nocharge(iflag) |
1982 |
1983 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1984 |
include 'level1.f' |
1985 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
1986 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
1987 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
1988 |
include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
1989 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
1990 |
1991 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
1992 |
* -------------- |
* -------------- |
2189 |
return |
return |
2190 |
end |
end |
2191 |
c$$$ subroutine cl_to_couples_2(iflag) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$ include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ include 'level1.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ logical DEBUG |
c$$$ common/dbg/DEBUG |
c$$$ |
c$$$* output flag |
c$$$* -------------- |
c$$$* 0 = good event |
c$$$* 1 = bad event |
c$$$* -------------- |
c$$$ integer iflag |
c$$$ |
c$$$ integer badseed,badcl |
c$$$ |
c$$$* init variables |
c$$$ ncp_tot=0 |
c$$$ do ip=1,nplanes |
c$$$ do ico=1,ncouplemax |
c$$$ clx(ip,ico)=0 |
c$$$ cly(ip,ico)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ ncp_plane(ip)=0 |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstrmax_level2 |
c$$$ cls(ip,icl)=1 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ ncls(ip)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstrmax_level2 |
c$$$ cl_single(icl)=1 |
c$$$ cl_good(icl)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$* start association |
c$$$ ncouples=0 |
c$$$ do icx=1,nclstr1 !loop on cluster (X) |
c$$$ if(mod(VIEW(icx),2).eq.1)goto 10 |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* cut on charge (X VIEW) |
c$$$ if(dedx(icx).lt.dedx_x_min)then |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 |
c$$$ goto 10 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* cut BAD (X VIEW) |
c$$$ badseed=BAD(VIEW(icx),nvk(MAXS(icx)),nst(MAXS(icx))) |
c$$$ ifirst=INDSTART(icx) |
c$$$ if(icx.ne.nclstr1) then |
c$$$ ilast=INDSTART(icx+1)-1 |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ ilast=TOTCLLENGTH |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badseed |
c$$$ do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
c$$$ ibad=1 |
c$$$ if((INDMAX(icx)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(icx)+igood).lt.ilast.and. |
c$$$ $ .true.)then |
c$$$ ibad=BAD(VIEW(icx), |
c$$$ $ nvk(MAXS(icx)+igood), |
c$$$ $ nst(MAXS(icx)+igood)) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badcl*ibad |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$* print*,'icx ',icx,badcl |
c$$$ if(badcl.eq.0)then |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 |
c$$$ goto 10 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ cl_good(icx)=1 |
c$$$ nplx=npl(VIEW(icx)) |
c$$$ nldx=nld(MAXS(icx),VIEW(icx)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do icy=1,nclstr1 !loop on cluster (Y) |
c$$$ if(mod(VIEW(icy),2).eq.0)goto 20 |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* cut on charge (Y VIEW) |
c$$$ if(dedx(icy).lt.dedx_y_min)then |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 |
c$$$ goto 20 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* cut BAD (Y VIEW) |
c$$$ badseed=BAD(VIEW(icy),nvk(MAXS(icy)),nst(MAXS(icy))) |
c$$$ ifirst=INDSTART(icy) |
c$$$ if(icy.ne.nclstr1) then |
c$$$ ilast=INDSTART(icy+1)-1 |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ ilast=TOTCLLENGTH |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badseed |
c$$$ do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
c$$$ ibad=1 |
c$$$ if((INDMAX(icy)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(icy)+igood).lt.ilast.and. |
c$$$ $ .true.) |
c$$$ $ ibad=BAD(VIEW(icy), |
c$$$ $ nvk(MAXS(icy)+igood), |
c$$$ $ nst(MAXS(icy)+igood)) |
c$$$ badcl=badcl*ibad |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$* print*,'icy ',icy,badcl |
c$$$ if(badcl.eq.0)then |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 |
c$$$ goto 20 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ cl_good(icy)=1 |
c$$$ nply=npl(VIEW(icy)) |
c$$$ nldy=nld(MAXS(icy),VIEW(icy)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* geometrical consistency (same plane and ladder) |
c$$$ if(nply.eq.nplx.and.nldy.eq.nldx)then |
c$$$ |
c$$$c$$$* charge correlation |
c$$$c$$$ ddd=(dedx(icy) |
c$$$c$$$ $ -kch(nplx,nldx)*dedx(icx)-cch(nplx,nldx)) |
c$$$c$$$ ddd=ddd/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
c$$$c$$$ cut=chcut*sch(nplx,nldx) |
c$$$c$$$ if(abs(ddd).gt.cut)goto 20 !charge not consistent |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
c$$$* check to do not overflow vector dimentions |
c$$$ if(ncp_plane(nplx).gt.ncouplemax)then |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)print*, |
c$$$ $ ' ** warning ** number of identified'// |
c$$$ $ ' couples on plane ',nplx, |
c$$$ $ ' exceeds vector dimention'// |
c$$$ $ ' ( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncp_plane(nplx).eq.ncouplemax)then |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)print*, |
c$$$ $ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
c$$$ $ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
c$$$ $ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
c$$$ $ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ ncp_plane(nplx) = ncp_plane(nplx) + 1 |
c$$$ clx(nplx,ncp_plane(nplx))=icx |
c$$$ cly(nply,ncp_plane(nplx))=icy |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 |
c$$$c print*,'couple ',nplx,ncp_plane(nplx),' --- ',icx,icy |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 20 continue |
c$$$ enddo !end loop on clusters(Y) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 10 continue |
c$$$ enddo !end loop on clusters(X) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstr1 |
c$$$ if(cl_single(icl).eq.1)then |
c$$$ ip=npl(VIEW(icl)) |
c$$$ ncls(ip)=ncls(ip)+1 |
c$$$ cls(ip,ncls(ip))=icl |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)then |
c$$$ print*,'clusters ',nclstr1 |
c$$$ print*,'good ',(cl_good(i),i=1,nclstr1) |
c$$$ print*,'singles ',(cl_single(i),i=1,nclstr1) |
c$$$ print*,'couples per plane: ',(ncp_plane(ip),ip=1,nplanes) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do ip=1,6 |
c$$$ ncp_tot=ncp_tot+ncp_plane(ip) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$c if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)goto 100!next event (TEMPORANEO!!!) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)then |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)print*, |
c$$$ $ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
c$$$ $ 'couples exceeds upper limit for Hough tr. ' |
c$$$ $ ,'( ',ncp_max,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
2192 |
2193 |
*************************************************** |
*************************************************** |
2194 |
* * |
* * |
2205 |
c***************************************************** |
c***************************************************** |
2206 |
2207 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
2208 |
include 'level1.f' |
2209 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
2210 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
2211 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
2212 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
2213 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
2214 |
include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
2215 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
2216 |
2217 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
2218 |
* -------------- |
* -------------- |
2430 |
subroutine doub_to_YZcloud(iflag) |
subroutine doub_to_YZcloud(iflag) |
2431 |
2432 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
2433 |
include 'level1.f' |
2434 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
2435 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
2436 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
2437 |
2438 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
2439 |
* -------------- |
* -------------- |
2465 |
distance=0 |
distance=0 |
2466 |
nclouds_yz=0 !number of clouds |
nclouds_yz=0 !number of clouds |
2467 |
npt_tot=0 |
npt_tot=0 |
2468 |
nloop=0 |
2469 |
90 continue |
2470 |
do idb1=1,ndblt !loop (1) on DOUBLETS |
do idb1=1,ndblt !loop (1) on DOUBLETS |
2471 |
if(db_used(idb1).eq.1)goto 2228 !db already included in a cloud |
if(db_used(idb1).eq.1)goto 2228 !db already included in a cloud |
2472 |
2570 |
nplused=nplused+ hit_plane(ip) |
nplused=nplused+ hit_plane(ip) |
2571 |
enddo |
enddo |
2572 |
c print*,'>>>> ',ncpused,npt,nplused |
c print*,'>>>> ',ncpused,npt,nplused |
2573 |
if(ncpused.lt.ncpyz_min)goto 2228 !next doublet |
c if(ncpused.lt.ncpyz_min)goto 2228 !next doublet |
2574 |
if(npt.lt.nptyz_min)goto 2228 !next doublet |
if(npt.lt.nptyz_min)goto 2228 !next doublet |
2575 |
if(nplused.lt.nplyz_min)goto 2228 !next doublet |
if(nplused.lt.nplyz_min)goto 2228 !next doublet |
2576 |
2621 |
enddo !end loop (1) on DOUBLETS |
enddo !end loop (1) on DOUBLETS |
2622 |
2623 |
2624 |
if(nloop.lt.nstepy)then |
2625 |
cutdistyz = cutdistyz+cutystep |
2626 |
nloop = nloop+1 |
2627 |
goto 90 |
2628 |
endif |
2629 |
2630 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
2631 |
print*,'---------------------- ' |
print*,'---------------------- ' |
2632 |
print*,'Y-Z total clouds ',nclouds_yz |
print*,'Y-Z total clouds ',nclouds_yz |
2653 |
subroutine trip_to_XZcloud(iflag) |
subroutine trip_to_XZcloud(iflag) |
2654 |
2655 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
2656 |
include 'level1.f' |
2657 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
2658 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
2659 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
2660 |
2661 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
2662 |
* -------------- |
* -------------- |
2687 |
distance=0 |
distance=0 |
2688 |
nclouds_xz=0 !number of clouds |
nclouds_xz=0 !number of clouds |
2689 |
npt_tot=0 !total number of selected triplets |
npt_tot=0 !total number of selected triplets |
2690 |
nloop=0 |
2691 |
91 continue |
2692 |
do itr1=1,ntrpt !loop (1) on TRIPLETS |
do itr1=1,ntrpt !loop (1) on TRIPLETS |
2693 |
if(tr_used(itr1).eq.1)goto 22288 !already included in a cloud |
if(tr_used(itr1).eq.1)goto 22288 !already included in a cloud |
2694 |
c print*,'--------------' |
c print*,'--------------' |
2790 |
do ip=1,nplanes |
do ip=1,nplanes |
2791 |
nplused=nplused+ hit_plane(ip) |
nplused=nplused+ hit_plane(ip) |
2792 |
enddo |
enddo |
2793 |
if(ncpused.lt.ncpxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
c if(ncpused.lt.ncpxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
2794 |
if(npt.lt.nptxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
if(npt.lt.nptxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
2795 |
if(nplused.lt.nplxz_min)goto 22288 !next doublet |
if(nplused.lt.nplxz_min)goto 22288 !next doublet |
2796 |
2838 |
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2839 |
22288 continue |
22288 continue |
2840 |
enddo !end loop (1) on DOUBLETS |
enddo !end loop (1) on DOUBLETS |
2841 |
2842 |
if(nloop.lt.nstepx)then |
2843 |
cutdistxz=cutdistxz+cutxstep |
2844 |
nloop=nloop+1 |
2845 |
goto 91 |
2846 |
endif |
2847 |
2848 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
2849 |
print*,'---------------------- ' |
print*,'---------------------- ' |
2850 |
print*,'X-Z total clouds ',nclouds_xz |
print*,'X-Z total clouds ',nclouds_xz |
2871 |
c***************************************************** |
c***************************************************** |
2872 |
2873 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
2874 |
include 'level1.f' |
2875 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
2876 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
2877 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
2878 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
2879 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
2880 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
2881 |
2882 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
2883 |
* -------------- |
* -------------- |
2893 |
* ----------------------------------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------------------------------- |
2894 |
* list of matching couples in the combination |
* list of matching couples in the combination |
2895 |
* between a XZ and YZ cloud |
* between a XZ and YZ cloud |
2896 |
integer cp_match(nplanes,ncouplemax) |
integer cp_match(nplanes,2*ncouplemax) |
2897 |
integer ncp_match(nplanes) |
integer ncp_match(nplanes) |
2898 |
* ----------------------------------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------------------------------- |
2899 |
integer hit_plane(nplanes) |
integer hit_plane(nplanes) |
2993 |
c$$$ print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
c$$$ print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
2994 |
2995 |
* -------> INITIAL GUESS <------- |
* -------> INITIAL GUESS <------- |
2996 |
AL_INI(1)=dreal(alfaxz1_av(ixz)) |
AL_INI(1) = dreal(alfaxz1_av(ixz)) |
2997 |
AL_INI(2)=dreal(alfayz1_av(iyz)) |
AL_INI(2) = dreal(alfayz1_av(iyz)) |
2998 |
AL_INI(4)=datan(dreal(alfayz2_av(iyz)) |
AL_INI(4) = PIGR + datan(dreal(alfayz2_av(iyz)) |
2999 |
$ /dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))) |
$ /dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))) |
3000 |
tath=-dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))/dcos(AL_INI(4)) |
tath = -dreal(alfaxz2_av(ixz))/dcos(AL_INI(4)) |
3001 |
AL_INI(3)=tath/sqrt(1+tath**2) |
AL_INI(3) = tath/sqrt(1+tath**2) |
3002 |
AL_INI(5)=(1.e2*alfaxz3_av(ixz))/(0.3*0.43) !0. |
AL_INI(5) = (1.e2*alfaxz3_av(ixz))/(0.3*0.43) !0. |
3003 |
3004 |
c print*,'*******',AL_INI(5) |
c print*,'*******',AL_INI(5) |
3005 |
if(AL_INI(5).gt.defmax)goto 888 !next cloud |
if(AL_INI(5).gt.defmax)goto 888 !next cloud |
3082 |
enddo |
enddo |
3083 |
ifail=0 !error flag in chi^2 computation |
ifail=0 !error flag in chi^2 computation |
3084 |
jstep=0 !number of minimization steps |
jstep=0 !number of minimization steps |
3085 |
call mini_2(jstep,ifail) |
iprint=0 |
3086 |
if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
3087 |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
3088 |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
3089 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
3090 |
print *, |
print *, |
3091 |
3092 |
$ //'(mini_2 in clouds_to_ctrack)' |
$ //'(mini2 in clouds_to_ctrack)' |
3093 |
endif |
endif |
3094 |
chi2=-chi2 |
chi2=-chi2 |
3095 |
endif |
endif |
3208 |
c****************************************************** |
c****************************************************** |
3209 |
3210 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
3211 |
include 'level1.f' |
3212 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3213 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
3214 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
3215 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
3216 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
3217 |
include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
3218 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
3219 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
3220 |
3221 |
* flag to chose PFA |
* flag to chose PFA |
3222 |
character*10 PFA |
character*10 PFA |
3537 |
subroutine clean_XYclouds(ibest,iflag) |
subroutine clean_XYclouds(ibest,iflag) |
3538 |
3539 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
3540 |
include 'level1.f' |
3541 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3542 |
include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
3543 |
include 'level2.f' !(1) |
include 'level2.f' !(1) |
3544 |
c include 'calib.f' |
c include 'calib.f' |
3545 |
c include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
3546 |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
3547 |
3548 |
3549 |
do ip=1,nplanes !loop on planes |
do ip=1,nplanes !loop on planes |
3719 |
3720 |
subroutine init_level2 |
subroutine init_level2 |
3721 |
c***************************************************** |
c 07/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini --> (1) |
c***************************************************** |
3722 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
3723 |
include 'level1.f' |
3724 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3725 |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
3726 |
include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
3727 |
3728 |
do i=1,nviews |
do i=1,nviews |
3729 |
good2(i)=good1(i) |
good2(i)=good1(i) |
3730 |
enddo |
enddo |
3731 |
c good2 = 0!.false. |
c$$$ nev2 = nev1 |
c$$$# ifndef TEST2003 |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c pkt_type = pkt_type1 |
c$$$c pkt_num = pkt_num1 |
c$$$c obt = obt1 |
c$$$c which_calib = which_calib1 |
c$$$ swcode = 302 |
c$$$ |
c$$$ which_calib = which_calib1 |
c$$$ pkt_type = pkt_type1 |
c$$$ pkt_num = pkt_num1 |
c$$$ obt = obt1 |
c$$$ cpu_crc = cpu_crc1 |
c$$$ do iv=1,12 |
c$$$ crc(iv)=crc1(iv) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$# endif |
c***************************************************** |
3732 |
3733 |
NTRK = 0 |
NTRK = 0 |
3734 |
do it=1,NTRKMAX |
3735 |
3736 |
CHI2_nt(IT) = -100000. |
CHI2_nt(IT) = -100000. |
c BdL(IT) = 0. |
3737 |
do ip=1,nplanes |
do ip=1,nplanes |
3738 |
XM_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
XM_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3739 |
YM_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
YM_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3742 |
RESY_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
RESY_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3743 |
XGOOD_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
XGOOD_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3744 |
YGOOD_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
YGOOD_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
c***************************************************** |
cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
3745 |
DEDX_X(IP,IT) = 0 |
DEDX_X(IP,IT) = 0 |
3746 |
DEDX_Y(IP,IT) = 0 |
DEDX_Y(IP,IT) = 0 |
c****************************************************** |
cccccc 17/8/2006 modified by elena |
3747 |
CLTRX(IP,IT) = 0 |
CLTRX(IP,IT) = 0 |
3748 |
CLTRY(IP,IT) = 0 |
CLTRY(IP,IT) = 0 |
3749 |
enddo |
enddo |
3754 |
enddo |
enddo |
3755 |
enddo |
enddo |
3756 |
enddo |
enddo |
c***************************************************** |
cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
3757 |
nclsx=0 |
nclsx=0 |
3758 |
nclsy=0 |
nclsy=0 |
3759 |
do ip=1,NSINGMAX |
do ip=1,NSINGMAX |
3760 |
planex(ip)=0 |
planex(ip)=0 |
c xs(ip)=0 |
3761 |
xs(1,ip)=0 |
xs(1,ip)=0 |
3762 |
xs(2,ip)=0 |
xs(2,ip)=0 |
3763 |
sgnlxs(ip)=0 |
sgnlxs(ip)=0 |
3764 |
planey(ip)=0 |
planey(ip)=0 |
c ys(ip)=0 |
3765 |
ys(1,ip)=0 |
ys(1,ip)=0 |
3766 |
ys(2,ip)=0 |
ys(2,ip)=0 |
3767 |
sgnlys(ip)=0 |
sgnlys(ip)=0 |
3768 |
enddo |
enddo |
c******************************************************* |
3769 |
end |
end |
3770 |
3771 |
3780 |
************************************************************ |
************************************************************ |
3781 |
3782 |
3783 |
subroutine init_hough |
3784 |
3785 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
3786 |
include 'level1.f' |
3787 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3788 |
include 'common_hough.f' |
3789 |
include 'level2.f' |
3790 |
3791 |
ntrpt_nt=0 |
3792 |
ndblt_nt=0 |
3793 |
3794 |
3795 |
do idb=1,ndblt_max_nt |
3796 |
db_cloud_nt(idb)=0 |
3797 |
alfayz1_nt(idb)=0 |
3798 |
alfayz2_nt(idb)=0 |
3799 |
enddo |
3800 |
do itr=1,ntrpl_max_nt |
3801 |
tr_cloud_nt(itr)=0 |
3802 |
alfaxz1_nt(itr)=0 |
3803 |
alfaxz2_nt(itr)=0 |
3804 |
alfaxz3_nt(itr)=0 |
3805 |
enddo |
3806 |
do idb=1,ncloyz_max |
3807 |
ptcloud_yz_nt(idb)=0 |
3808 |
alfayz1_av_nt(idb)=0 |
3809 |
alfayz2_av_nt(idb)=0 |
3810 |
enddo |
3811 |
do itr=1,ncloxz_max |
3812 |
ptcloud_xz_nt(itr)=0 |
3813 |
alfaxz1_av_nt(itr)=0 |
3814 |
alfaxz2_av_nt(itr)=0 |
3815 |
alfaxz3_av_nt(itr)=0 |
3816 |
enddo |
3817 |
3818 |
ntrpt=0 |
3819 |
ndblt=0 |
3820 |
3821 |
3822 |
do idb=1,ndblt_max |
3823 |
db_cloud(idb)=0 |
3824 |
cpyz1(idb)=0 |
3825 |
cpyz2(idb)=0 |
3826 |
alfayz1(idb)=0 |
3827 |
alfayz2(idb)=0 |
3828 |
enddo |
3829 |
do itr=1,ntrpl_max |
3830 |
tr_cloud(itr)=0 |
3831 |
cpxz1(itr)=0 |
3832 |
cpxz2(itr)=0 |
3833 |
cpxz3(itr)=0 |
3834 |
alfaxz1(itr)=0 |
3835 |
alfaxz2(itr)=0 |
3836 |
alfaxz3(itr)=0 |
3837 |
enddo |
3838 |
do idb=1,ncloyz_max |
3839 |
ptcloud_yz(idb)=0 |
3840 |
alfayz1_av(idb)=0 |
3841 |
alfayz2_av(idb)=0 |
3842 |
do idbb=1,ncouplemaxtot |
3843 |
cpcloud_yz(idb,idbb)=0 |
3844 |
enddo |
3845 |
enddo |
3846 |
do itr=1,ncloxz_max |
3847 |
ptcloud_xz(itr)=0 |
3848 |
alfaxz1_av(itr)=0 |
3849 |
alfaxz2_av(itr)=0 |
3850 |
alfaxz3_av(itr)=0 |
3851 |
do itrr=1,ncouplemaxtot |
3852 |
cpcloud_xz(itr,itrr)=0 |
3853 |
enddo |
3854 |
enddo |
3855 |
end |
3856 |
************************************************************ |
3857 |
* |
3858 |
* |
3859 |
* |
3860 |
* |
3861 |
* |
3862 |
* |
3863 |
* |
3864 |
************************************************************ |
3865 |
3866 |
3867 |
subroutine fill_level2_tracks(ntr) |
subroutine fill_level2_tracks(ntr) |
3868 |
3869 |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
3874 |
3875 |
3876 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
3877 |
c include 'level1.f' |
3878 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
3879 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3880 |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
3881 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
3882 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
real sinth,phi,pig |
real sinth,phi,pig !(4) |
3883 |
pig=acos(-1.) |
pig=acos(-1.) |
3884 |
c good2=1!.true. |
3885 |
chi2_nt(ntr) = sngl(chi2) |
chi2_nt(ntr) = sngl(chi2) |
3886 |
nstep_nt(ntr) = 0!nstep |
nstep_nt(ntr) = nstep |
3887 |
3888 |
phi = al(4) |
3889 |
sinth = al(3) |
3890 |
if(sinth.lt.0)then |
3891 |
sinth = -sinth |
3892 |
phi = phi + pig |
3893 |
endif |
3894 |
npig = aint(phi/(2*pig)) |
3895 |
phi = phi - npig*2*pig |
3896 |
if(phi.lt.0) |
3897 |
$ phi = phi + 2*pig |
3898 |
al(4) = phi |
3899 |
al(3) = sinth |
3900 |
phi = al(4) !(4) |
sinth = al(3) !(4) |
if(sinth.lt.0)then !(4) |
sinth = -sinth !(4) |
phi = phi + pig !(4) |
endif !(4) |
npig = aint(phi/(2*pig)) !(4) |
phi = phi - npig*2*pig !(4) |
if(phi.lt.0) !(4) |
$ phi = phi + 2*pig !(4) |
al(4) = phi !(4) |
al(3) = sinth !(4) |
***************************************************** |
3901 |
do i=1,5 |
do i=1,5 |
3902 |
al_nt(i,ntr) = sngl(al(i)) |
al_nt(i,ntr) = sngl(al(i)) |
3903 |
do j=1,5 |
do j=1,5 |
3904 |
coval(i,j,ntr) = sngl(cov(i,j)) |
coval(i,j,ntr) = sngl(cov(i,j)) |
3905 |
enddo |
enddo |
c print*,al_nt(i,ntr) |
3906 |
enddo |
enddo |
3907 |
3908 |
do ip=1,nplanes ! loop on planes |
do ip=1,nplanes ! loop on planes |
3918 |
zv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(zv(ip)) |
zv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(zv(ip)) |
3919 |
axv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(axv(ip)) |
axv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(axv(ip)) |
3920 |
ayv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(ayv(ip)) |
ayv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(ayv(ip)) |
c dedxp(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk(ip)) !(1) |
3921 |
dedx_x(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk_x(ip)) !(2) |
dedx_x(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk_x(ip)) !(2) |
3922 |
dedx_y(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk_y(ip)) !(2) |
dedx_y(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk_y(ip)) !(2) |
3923 |
3934 |
endif |
endif |
3935 |
3936 |
enddo |
enddo |
c call CalcBdL(100,xxxx,IFAIL) |
c if(ifps(xxxx).eq.1)BdL(ntr) = xxxx |
c$$$ print*,'xgood(ip,ntr) ',(xgood_nt(ip,ntr),ip=1,6) |
c$$$ print*,'ygood(ip,ntr) ',(ygood_nt(ip,ntr),ip=1,6) |
c$$$ print*,'dedx_x(ip,ntr) ',(dedx_x(ip,ntr),ip=1,6) |
c$$$ print*,'dedx_y(ip,ntr) ',(dedx_y(ip,ntr),ip=1,6) |
3937 |
3938 |
3939 |
end |
end |
3940 |
3941 |
subroutine fill_level2_siglets |
subroutine fill_level2_siglets |
c***************************************************** |
c 07/10/2005 created by elena vannuccini |
c 31/01/2006 modified by elena vannuccini |
* to convert adc to mip --> (2) |
c***************************************************** |
3942 |
3943 |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
3944 |
* This routine fills the elements of the variables |
* This routine fills the elements of the variables |
3947 |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
3948 |
3949 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
3950 |
include 'level1.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
3951 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
3952 |
include 'level1.f' |
3953 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3954 |
include 'level2.f' |
3955 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
3956 |
3957 |
* count #cluster per plane not associated to any track |
* count #cluster per plane not associated to any track |
3959 |
nclsx = 0 |
nclsx = 0 |
3960 |
nclsy = 0 |
nclsy = 0 |
3961 |
3962 |
do iv = 1,nviews |
3963 |
if( mask_view(iv).ne.0 )good2(iv) = 20+mask_view(iv) |
3964 |
enddo |
3965 |
3966 |
do icl=1,nclstr1 |
do icl=1,nclstr1 |
3967 |
if(cl_used(icl).eq.0)then !cluster not included in any track |
if(cl_used(icl).eq.0)then !cluster not included in any track |
3968 |
ip=nplanes-npl(VIEW(icl))+1 |
ip=nplanes-npl(VIEW(icl))+1 |
4006 |
enddo |
enddo |
4007 |
end |
end |
4008 |
4009 |
*************************************************** |
4010 |
* * |
4011 |
* * |
4012 |
* * |
4013 |
* * |
4014 |
* * |
4015 |
* * |
4016 |
************************************************** |
4017 |
4018 |
subroutine fill_hough |
4019 |
4020 |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
4021 |
* This routine fills the variables related to the hough |
4022 |
* transform, for the debig n-tuple |
4023 |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
4024 |
4025 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
4026 |
include 'level1.f' |
4027 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
4028 |
include 'common_hough.f' |
4029 |
include 'level2.f' |
4030 |
4031 |
if(.false. |
4032 |
$ .or.ntrpt.gt.ntrpt_max_nt |
4033 |
$ .or.ndblt.gt.ndblt_max_nt |
4034 |
$ .or.NCLOUDS_XZ.gt.ncloxz_max |
4035 |
$ .or.NCLOUDS_yZ.gt.ncloyz_max |
4036 |
$ )then |
4037 |
ntrpt_nt=0 |
4038 |
ndblt_nt=0 |
4039 |
4040 |
4041 |
else |
4042 |
ndblt_nt=ndblt |
4043 |
ntrpt_nt=ntrpt |
4044 |
if(ndblt.ne.0)then |
4045 |
do id=1,ndblt |
4046 |
alfayz1_nt(id)=alfayz1(id) !Y0 |
4047 |
alfayz2_nt(id)=alfayz2(id) !tg theta-yz |
4048 |
enddo |
4049 |
endif |
4050 |
if(ndblt.ne.0)then |
4051 |
do it=1,ntrpt |
4052 |
alfaxz1_nt(it)=alfaxz1(it) !X0 |
4053 |
alfaxz2_nt(it)=alfaxz2(it) !tg theta-xz |
4054 |
alfaxz3_nt(it)=alfaxz3(it) !1/r |
4055 |
enddo |
4056 |
endif |
4057 |
nclouds_yz_nt=nclouds_yz |
4058 |
nclouds_xz_nt=nclouds_xz |
4059 |
if(nclouds_yz.ne.0)then |
4060 |
nnn=0 |
4061 |
do iyz=1,nclouds_yz |
4062 |
ptcloud_yz_nt(iyz)=ptcloud_yz(iyz) |
4063 |
alfayz1_av_nt(iyz)=alfayz1_av(iyz) |
4064 |
alfayz2_av_nt(iyz)=alfayz2_av(iyz) |
4065 |
nnn=nnn+ptcloud_yz(iyz) |
4066 |
enddo |
4067 |
do ipt=1,nnn |
4068 |
db_cloud_nt(ipt)=db_cloud(ipt) |
4069 |
enddo |
4070 |
endif |
4071 |
if(nclouds_xz.ne.0)then |
4072 |
nnn=0 |
4073 |
do ixz=1,nclouds_xz |
4074 |
ptcloud_xz_nt(ixz)=ptcloud_xz(ixz) |
4075 |
alfaxz1_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz1_av(ixz) |
4076 |
alfaxz2_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz2_av(ixz) |
4077 |
alfaxz3_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz3_av(ixz) |
4078 |
nnn=nnn+ptcloud_xz(ixz) |
4079 |
enddo |
4080 |
do ipt=1,nnn |
4081 |
tr_cloud_nt(ipt)=tr_cloud(ipt) |
4082 |
enddo |
4083 |
endif |
4084 |
endif |
4085 |
end |
4086 |