18 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
19 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
20 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
21 |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
22 |
23 |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
24 |
25 |
c print*,'======================================================' |
26 |
c$$$ do ic=1,NCLSTR1 |
27 |
c$$$ if(.false. |
28 |
c$$$ $ .or.nsatstrips(ic).gt.0 |
29 |
c$$$c $ .or.nbadstrips(0,ic).gt.0 |
30 |
c$$$c $ .or.nbadstrips(4,ic).gt.0 |
31 |
c$$$c $ .or.nbadstrips(3,ic).gt.0 |
32 |
c$$$ $ .or..false.)then |
33 |
c$$$ print*,'--- cl-',ic,' ------------------------' |
34 |
c$$$ istart = INDSTART(IC) |
35 |
c$$$ istop = TOTCLLENGTH |
36 |
c$$$ if(ic.lt.NCLSTR1)istop=INDSTART(IC+1)-1 |
37 |
c$$$ print*,'ADC ',(CLADC(i),i=istart,istop) |
38 |
c$$$ print*,'s/n ',(CLSIGNAL(i)/CLSIGMA(i),i=istart,istop) |
39 |
c$$$ print*,'sgnl ',(CLSIGNAL(i),i=istart,istop) |
40 |
c$$$ print*,'strip ',(i-INDMAX(ic),i=istart,istop) |
41 |
c$$$ print*,'view ',VIEW(ic) |
42 |
c$$$ print*,'maxs ',MAXS(ic) |
43 |
c$$$ print*,'COG4 ',cog(4,ic) |
44 |
c$$$ ff = fbad_cog(4,ic) |
45 |
c$$$ print*,'fbad ',ff |
46 |
c$$$ print*,(CLBAD(i),i=istart,istop) |
47 |
c$$$ bb=nbadstrips(0,ic) |
48 |
c$$$ print*,'#BAD (tot)',bb |
49 |
c$$$ bb=nbadstrips(4,ic) |
50 |
c$$$ print*,'#BAD (4)',bb |
51 |
c$$$ bb=nbadstrips(3,ic) |
52 |
c$$$ print*,'#BAD (3)',bb |
53 |
c$$$ ss=nsatstrips(ic) |
54 |
c$$$ print*,'#saturated ',ss |
55 |
c$$$ endif |
56 |
c$$$ enddo |
57 |
58 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
59 |
* STEP 1 |
* STEP 1 |
74 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
75 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
76 |
77 |
c iflag=0 |
78 |
call cl_to_couples(iflag) |
call cl_to_couples(iflag) |
79 |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
80 |
goto 880 !go to next event |
goto 880 !go to next event |
108 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
109 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
110 |
111 |
c iflag=0 |
112 |
call cp_to_doubtrip(iflag) |
call cp_to_doubtrip(iflag) |
113 |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
if(iflag.eq.1)then !bad event |
114 |
goto 880 !go to next event |
goto 880 !go to next event |
266 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ enddo |
267 |
c$$$ if(ibest.eq.0)goto 880 !>> no good candidates |
c$$$ if(ibest.eq.0)goto 880 !>> no good candidates |
268 |
269 |
rchi2best=1000000000. |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
270 |
ndofbest=0 !(1) |
* order track-candidates according to: |
271 |
* 1st) decreasing n.points |
272 |
* 2nd) increasing chi**2 |
273 |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
274 |
rchi2best=1000000000. |
275 |
ndofbest=0 |
276 |
do i=1,ntracks |
do i=1,ntracks |
277 |
if(RCHI2_STORE(i).lt.rchi2best.and. |
ndof=0 |
278 |
$ RCHI2_STORE(i).gt.0)then |
do ii=1,nplanes |
279 |
ndof=0 !(1) |
ndof=ndof |
280 |
do ii=1,nplanes !(1) |
$ +int(xgood_store(ii,i)) |
281 |
ndof=ndof !(1) |
$ +int(ygood_store(ii,i)) |
282 |
$ +int(xgood_store(ii,i)) !(1) |
enddo |
283 |
$ +int(ygood_store(ii,i)) !(1) |
if(ndof.gt.ndofbest)then |
284 |
enddo !(1) |
ibest=i |
285 |
if(ndof.ge.ndofbest)then !(1) |
rchi2best=RCHI2_STORE(i) |
286 |
ndofbest=ndof |
287 |
elseif(ndof.eq.ndofbest)then |
288 |
if(RCHI2_STORE(i).lt.rchi2best.and. |
289 |
$ RCHI2_STORE(i).gt.0)then |
290 |
ibest=i |
ibest=i |
291 |
rchi2best=RCHI2_STORE(i) |
rchi2best=RCHI2_STORE(i) |
292 |
ndofbest=ndof !(1) |
ndofbest=ndof |
293 |
endif !(1) |
endif |
294 |
endif |
endif |
295 |
enddo |
enddo |
296 |
297 |
c$$$ rchi2best=1000000000. |
298 |
c$$$ ndofbest=0 !(1) |
299 |
c$$$ do i=1,ntracks |
300 |
c$$$ if(RCHI2_STORE(i).lt.rchi2best.and. |
301 |
c$$$ $ RCHI2_STORE(i).gt.0)then |
302 |
c$$$ ndof=0 !(1) |
303 |
c$$$ do ii=1,nplanes !(1) |
304 |
c$$$ ndof=ndof !(1) |
305 |
c$$$ $ +int(xgood_store(ii,i)) !(1) |
306 |
c$$$ $ +int(ygood_store(ii,i)) !(1) |
307 |
c$$$ enddo !(1) |
308 |
c$$$ if(ndof.ge.ndofbest)then !(1) |
309 |
c$$$ ibest=i |
310 |
c$$$ rchi2best=RCHI2_STORE(i) |
311 |
c$$$ ndofbest=ndof !(1) |
312 |
c$$$ endif !(1) |
313 |
c$$$ endif |
314 |
c$$$ enddo |
315 |
316 |
if(ibest.eq.0)goto 880 !>> no good candidates |
if(ibest.eq.0)goto 880 !>> no good candidates |
317 |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
318 |
* The best track candidate (ibest) is selected and a new fitting is performed. |
* The best track candidate (ibest) is selected and a new fitting is performed. |
331 |
iimage=0 |
iimage=0 |
332 |
endif |
endif |
333 |
if(icand.eq.0)then |
if(icand.eq.0)then |
334 |
print*,'HAI FATTO UN CASINO!!!!!! icand = ',icand |
if(VERBOSE)then |
335 |
$ ,ibest,iimage |
print*,'HAI FATTO UN CASINO!!!!!! icand = ',icand |
336 |
$ ,ibest,iimage |
337 |
endif |
338 |
return |
return |
339 |
endif |
endif |
340 |
349 |
do i=1,5 |
do i=1,5 |
350 |
AL_GUESS(i)=AL(i) |
AL_GUESS(i)=AL(i) |
351 |
enddo |
enddo |
352 |
c print*,'## guess: ',al |
353 |
354 |
do i=1,5 |
do i=1,5 |
355 |
AL(i)=dble(AL_STORE(i,icand)) |
AL(i)=dble(AL_STORE(i,icand)) |
361 |
362 |
iprint=0 |
iprint=0 |
363 |
c if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
c if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
364 |
if(.true.)iprint=1 |
if(VERBOSE)iprint=1 |
365 |
if(DEBUG)iprint=2 |
366 |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
367 |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
368 |
if(.true.)then |
if(VERBOSE)then |
369 |
print *, |
print *, |
370 |
$ '*** MINIMIZATION FAILURE *** (after refinement) ' |
$ '*** MINIMIZATION FAILURE *** (after refinement) ' |
371 |
$ ,iev |
$ ,iev |
372 |
373 |
print*,'guess: ',(al_guess(i),i=1,5) |
c$$$ print*,'guess: ',(al_guess(i),i=1,5) |
374 |
print*,'previous: ',(al_store(i,icand),i=1,5) |
c$$$ print*,'previous: ',(al_store(i,icand),i=1,5) |
375 |
print*,'result: ',(al(i),i=1,5) |
c$$$ print*,'result: ',(al(i),i=1,5) |
376 |
print*,'xgood ',xgood |
c$$$ print*,'xgood ',xgood |
377 |
print*,'ygood ',ygood |
c$$$ print*,'ygood ',ygood |
378 |
print*,'----------------------------------------------' |
c$$$ print*,'----------------------------------------------' |
379 |
endif |
endif |
380 |
c chi2=-chi2 |
c chi2=-chi2 |
381 |
endif |
endif |
488 |
end |
end |
489 |
490 |
c$$$************************************************************ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ subroutine readmipparam |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*60 fname_param |
c$$$ 201 format('trk-LADDER',i1,'-mip.dat') |
c$$$ do ilad=1,nladders_view |
c$$$ write(fname_param,201)ilad |
c$$$ print *,'Opening file: ',fname_param |
c$$$ open(10, |
c$$$ $ FILE='./bin-aux/'//fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) |
c$$$ $ ,STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ print*,'READMIPPARAM: *** Error in opening file ***' |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ do iv=1,nviews |
c$$$ read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ )pip, |
c$$$ $ mip(int(pip),ilad) |
c$$$c print*,ilad,iv,pip,mip(int(pip),ilad) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ close(10) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$*** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** |
c$$$ subroutine readchargeparam |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*60 fname_param |
c$$$ 201 format('charge-l',i1,'.dat') |
c$$$ do ilad=1,nladders_view |
c$$$ write(fname_param,201)ilad |
c$$$ print *,'Opening file: ',fname_param |
c$$$ open(10, |
c$$$ $ FILE='./bin-aux/'//fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) |
c$$$ $ ,STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ print*,'READCHARGEPARAM: *** Error in opening file ***' |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ do ip=1,nplanes |
c$$$ read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ )pip, |
c$$$ $ kch(ip,ilad),cch(ip,ilad),sch(ip,ilad) |
c$$$c print*,ilad,ip,pip,kch(ip,ilad), |
c$$$c $ cch(ip,ilad),sch(ip,ilad) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ close(10) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$*** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** |
c$$$ subroutine readetaparam |
c$$$* ----------------------------------------- |
c$$$* read eta2,3,4 calibration parameters |
c$$$* and fill variables: |
c$$$* |
c$$$* eta2(netabin,nladders_view,nviews) |
c$$$* eta3(2*netabin,nladders_view,nviews) |
c$$$* eta4(2*netabin,nladders_view,nviews) |
c$$$* |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*40 fname_binning |
c$$$ character*40 fname_param |
c$$$c character*120 cmd1 |
c$$$c character*120 cmd2 |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$******retrieve ANGULAR BINNING info |
c$$$ fname_binning='binning.dat' |
c$$$ print *,'Opening file: ',fname_binning |
c$$$ open(10, |
c$$$ $ FILE='./bin-aux/'//fname_binning(1:LNBLNK(fname_binning)) |
c$$$ $ ,STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ print*,'READETAPARAM: *** Error in opening file ***' |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ print*,'---- ANGULAR BINNING ----' |
c$$$ print*,'Bin - angL - angR' |
c$$$ 101 format(i2,' ',f6.2,' ',f6.2) |
c$$$ do ibin=1,nangmax |
c$$$ read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ )xnn,angL(ibin),angR(ibin) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)goto 1000 |
c$$$ write(*,101)int(xnn),angL(ibin),angR(ibin) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ 1000 nangbin=int(xnn) |
c$$$ close(10) |
c$$$ print*,'-------------------------' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do ieta=2,4 !loop on eta 2,3,4 |
c$$$******retrieve correction parameters |
c$$$ 200 format(' Opening eta',i1,' files...') |
c$$$ write(*,200)ieta |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 201 format('eta',i1,'-bin',i1,'-l',i1,'.dat') |
c$$$ 202 format('eta',i1,'-bin',i2,'-l',i1,'.dat') |
c$$$ do iang=1,nangbin |
c$$$ do ilad=1,nladders_view |
c$$$ if(iang.lt.10)write(fname_param,201)ieta,iang,ilad |
c$$$ if(iang.ge.10)write(fname_param,202)ieta,iang,ilad |
c$$$c print *,'Opening file: ',fname_param |
c$$$ open(10, |
c$$$ $ FILE='./bin-aux/'//fname_param(1:LNBLNK(fname_param)) |
c$$$ $ ,STATUS='UNKNOWN' |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ print*,'READETAPARAM: *** Error in opening file ***' |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ do ival=1,netavalmax |
c$$$ if(ieta.eq.2)read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ eta2(ival,iang), |
c$$$ $ (feta2(ival,iv,ilad,iang),iv=1,nviews) |
c$$$ if(ieta.eq.3)read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ eta3(ival,iang), |
c$$$ $ (feta3(ival,iv,ilad,iang),iv=1,nviews) |
c$$$ if(ieta.eq.4)read(10,* |
c$$$ $ ,IOSTAT=iostat |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ eta4(ival,iang), |
c$$$ $ (feta4(ival,iv,ilad,iang),iv=1,nviews) |
c$$$ if(iostat.ne.0)then |
c$$$ netaval=ival-1 |
c$$$c$$$ if(eta2(1,iang).ne.-eta2(netaval,iang)) |
c$$$c$$$ $ print*,'**** ERROR on parameters !!! ****' |
c$$$ goto 2000 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ 2000 close(10) |
c$$$* print*,'... done' |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ enddo !end loop on eta 2,3,4 |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$ |
491 |
492 |
************************************************************ |
************************************************************ |
493 |
************************************************************ |
************************************************************ |
512 |
* PFAy - Position Finding Algorithm in y (COG2,ETA2,...) |
* PFAy - Position Finding Algorithm in y (COG2,ETA2,...) |
513 |
* angx - Projected angle in x |
* angx - Projected angle in x |
514 |
* angy - Projected angle in y |
* angy - Projected angle in y |
515 |
* bfx - x-component of magnetci field |
516 |
* bfy - y-component of magnetic field |
517 |
* |
* |
518 |
* --------- COUPLES ------------------------------------------------------- |
* --------- COUPLES ------------------------------------------------------- |
519 |
* The couple defines a point in the space. |
* The couple defines a point in the space. |
552 |
* |
* |
553 |
* |
* |
554 |
555 |
subroutine xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,angx,angy) |
subroutine xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
556 |
c***************************************************** |
c 07/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini --> (1) |
c 01/02/2006 modified by elena vannuccini --> (2) |
c 02/02/2006 modified by Elena Vannuccini --> (3) |
c (implemented new p.f.a.) |
c 03/02/2006 modified by Elena Vannuccini --> (4) |
c (implemented variable resolution) |
c***************************************************** |
557 |
558 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
559 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
560 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
561 |
include 'common_align.f' |
include 'common_align.f' |
562 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
563 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
c include 'common_resxy.f' |
c logical DEBUG |
c common/dbg/DEBUG |
564 |
565 |
integer icx,icy !X-Y cluster ID |
integer icx,icy !X-Y cluster ID |
566 |
integer sensor |
integer sensor |
567 |
integer viewx,viewy |
integer viewx,viewy |
568 |
character*4 PFAx,PFAy !PFA to be used |
character*4 PFAx,PFAy !PFA to be used |
569 |
real angx,angy !X-Y angle |
real ax,ay !X-Y geometric angle |
570 |
real angx,angy !X-Y effective angle |
571 |
real bfx,bfy !X-Y b-field components |
572 |
573 |
real stripx,stripy |
real stripx,stripy |
574 |
575 |
double precision xrt,yrt,zrt |
double precision xrt,yrt,zrt |
576 |
double precision xrt_A,yrt_A,zrt_A |
double precision xrt_A,yrt_A,zrt_A |
577 |
double precision xrt_B,yrt_B,zrt_B |
double precision xrt_B,yrt_B,zrt_B |
c double precision xi,yi,zi |
c double precision xi_A,yi_A,zi_A |
c double precision xi_B,yi_B,zi_B |
578 |
579 |
580 |
parameter (ndivx=30) |
parameter (ndivx=30) |
581 |
582 |
583 |
c$$$ print*,icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy |
584 |
585 |
resxPAM = 0 |
resxPAM = 0 |
586 |
resyPAM = 0 |
resyPAM = 0 |
594 |
xPAM_B = 0. |
xPAM_B = 0. |
595 |
yPAM_B = 0. |
yPAM_B = 0. |
596 |
zPAM_B = 0. |
zPAM_B = 0. |
597 |
c print*,'## xyz_PAM: ',icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,angx,angy |
598 |
599 |
if(sensor.lt.1.or.sensor.gt.2)then |
600 |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** wrong input ' |
601 |
print*,'sensor ',sensor |
602 |
icx=0 |
603 |
icy=0 |
604 |
endif |
605 |
606 |
* ----------------- |
* ----------------- |
607 |
608 |
* ----------------- |
* ----------------- |
609 |
if(icx.ne.0)then |
if(icx.ne.0)then |
610 |
viewx = VIEW(icx) |
611 |
nldx = nld(MAXS(icx),VIEW(icx)) |
viewx = VIEW(icx) |
612 |
nplx = npl(VIEW(icx)) |
nldx = nld(MAXS(icx),VIEW(icx)) |
613 |
resxPAM = RESXAV !!!!!!!TEMPORANEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
nplx = npl(VIEW(icx)) |
614 |
resxPAM = RESXAV |
615 |
stripx = float(MAXS(icx)) |
stripx = float(MAXS(icx)) |
616 |
if(PFAx.eq.'COG1')then !(1) |
617 |
stripx = stripx !(1) |
if( |
618 |
resxPAM = resxPAM !(1) |
$ viewx.lt.1.or. |
619 |
$ viewx.gt.12.or. |
620 |
$ nldx.lt.1.or. |
621 |
$ nldx.gt.3.or. |
622 |
$ stripx.lt.1.or. |
623 |
$ stripx.gt.3072.or. |
624 |
$ .false.)then |
625 |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** wrong input ' |
626 |
print*,'icx ',icx,'view ',viewx,'nld ',nldx,'strip ',stripx |
627 |
icx = 0 |
628 |
goto 10 |
629 |
endif |
630 |
631 |
* -------------------------- |
632 |
* magnetic-field corrections |
633 |
* -------------------------- |
634 |
angtemp = ax |
635 |
bfytemp = bfy |
636 |
* ///////////////////////////////// |
637 |
* AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
638 |
* *grvzkkjsdgjhhhgngbn###>:( |
639 |
* ///////////////////////////////// |
640 |
c if(nplx.eq.6) angtemp = -1. * ax |
641 |
c if(nplx.eq.6) bfytemp = -1. * bfy |
642 |
if(viewx.eq.12) angtemp = -1. * ax |
643 |
if(viewx.eq.12) bfytemp = -1. * bfy |
644 |
tgtemp = tan(angtemp*acos(-1.)/180.) + pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001 |
645 |
angx = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.) |
646 |
stripx = stripx - 0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchX |
647 |
c$$$ print*,nplx,ax,bfy/10. |
648 |
c$$$ print*,angx,0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchX |
649 |
c$$$ print*,'========================' |
650 |
c$$$ if(bfy.ne.0.)print*,viewx,'-x- ' |
651 |
c$$$ $ ,bfy,-1*0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ |
652 |
* -------------------------- |
653 |
654 |
c$$$ print*,'--- x-cl ---' |
655 |
c$$$ istart = INDSTART(ICX) |
656 |
c$$$ istop = TOTCLLENGTH |
657 |
c$$$ if(icx.lt.NCLSTR1)istop=INDSTART(ICX+1)-1 |
658 |
c$$$ print*,(CLSIGNAL(i)/CLSIGMA(i),i=istart,istop) |
659 |
c$$$ print*,(CLSIGNAL(i),i=istart,istop) |
660 |
c$$$ print*,INDMAX(icx) |
661 |
c$$$ print*,cog(4,icx) |
662 |
c$$$ print*,fbad_cog(4,icx) |
663 |
664 |
665 |
if(PFAx.eq.'COG1')then |
666 |
667 |
stripx = stripx |
668 |
resxPAM = 1e-4*pitchX/sqrt(12.)!!resxPAM |
669 |
670 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG2')then |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG2')then |
671 |
stripx = stripx + cog(2,icx) |
672 |
stripx = stripx + cog(2,icx) |
673 |
resxPAM = risx_cog(abs(angx))!TEMPORANEO |
674 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
675 |
676 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG3')then |
677 |
678 |
stripx = stripx + cog(3,icx) |
679 |
resxPAM = risx_cog(abs(angx))!TEMPORANEO |
680 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx) |
681 |
682 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG4')then |
683 |
684 |
stripx = stripx + cog(4,icx) |
685 |
resxPAM = risx_cog(abs(angx))!TEMPORANEO |
686 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx) |
687 |
688 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA2')then |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA2')then |
689 |
c cog2 = cog(2,icx) |
690 |
c etacorr = pfaeta2(cog2,viewx,nldx,angx) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta2(icx,angx) |
691 |
c stripx = stripx + etacorr |
resxPAM = risxeta2(abs(angx)) |
692 |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta2(icx,angx) !(3) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
resxPAM = risx_eta2(angx) ! (4) |
693 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
694 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
695 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
696 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA3')then !(3) |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA3')then |
697 |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta3(icx,angx) !(3) |
698 |
resxPAM = risx_eta3(angx) ! (4) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta3(icx,angx) |
699 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
resxPAM = risxeta3(abs(angx)) |
700 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(3,icx)!(3) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx) |
701 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx) !(3) |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icx).ne.1) |
702 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA4')then !(3) |
c $ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(3,icx) |
703 |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta4(icx,angx) !(3) |
704 |
resxPAM = risx_eta4(angx) ! (4) |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA4')then |
705 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
706 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(4,icx)!(3) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta4(icx,angx) |
707 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx) !(3) |
resxPAM = risxeta4(abs(angx)) |
708 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA')then !(3) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx) |
709 |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta(icx,angx) !(3) |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icx).ne.1) |
710 |
resxPAM = ris_eta(icx,angx) ! (4) |
c $ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(4,icx) |
711 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) !(3) |
712 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx)!(3) |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA')then |
713 |
c resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) !(3)TEMPORANEO |
714 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_eta(icx,angx) !(3)(4) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta(icx,angx) |
715 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG')then !(2) |
c resxPAM = riseta(icx,angx) |
716 |
stripx = stripx + cog(0,icx) !(2) |
resxPAM = riseta(viewx,angx) |
717 |
resxPAM = risx_cog(angx) ! (4) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_eta(icx,angx) |
718 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(0,icx)!(2) |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
719 |
c $ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
720 |
721 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETAL')then |
722 |
723 |
stripx = stripx + pfaetal(icx,angx) |
724 |
resxPAM = riseta(viewx,angx) |
725 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_eta(icx,angx) |
726 |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
727 |
c $ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
728 |
729 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'COG')then |
730 |
731 |
stripx = stripx + cog(0,icx) |
732 |
resxPAM = risx_cog(abs(angx)) |
733 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(0,icx) |
734 |
735 |
else |
else |
736 |
print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx |
if(DEBUG) print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx |
737 |
endif |
endif |
738 |
739 |
endif |
740 |
c if(icy.eq.0.and.icx.ne.0) |
* ====================================== |
741 |
c $ print*,PFAx,icx,angx,stripx,resxPAM,'***' |
* temporary patch for saturated clusters |
742 |
* ====================================== |
743 |
if( nsatstrips(icx).gt.0 )then |
744 |
stripx = stripx + cog(4,icx) |
745 |
resxPAM = pitchX*1e-4/sqrt(12.) |
746 |
cc=cog(4,icx) |
747 |
c$$$ print*,icx,' *** ',cc |
748 |
c$$$ print*,icx,' *** ',resxPAM |
749 |
endif |
750 |
751 |
10 endif |
752 |
753 |
754 |
* ----------------- |
* ----------------- |
755 |
756 |
* ----------------- |
* ----------------- |
757 |
758 |
if(icy.ne.0)then |
if(icy.ne.0)then |
759 |
760 |
viewy = VIEW(icy) |
viewy = VIEW(icy) |
761 |
nldy = nld(MAXS(icy),VIEW(icy)) |
nldy = nld(MAXS(icy),VIEW(icy)) |
762 |
nply = npl(VIEW(icy)) |
nply = npl(VIEW(icy)) |
763 |
resyPAM = RESYAV !!!!!!!TEMPORANEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
resyPAM = RESYAV |
764 |
stripy = float(MAXS(icy)) |
765 |
766 |
if( |
767 |
$ viewy.lt.1.or. |
768 |
$ viewy.gt.12.or. |
769 |
$ nldy.lt.1.or. |
770 |
$ nldy.gt.3.or. |
771 |
$ stripy.lt.1.or. |
772 |
$ stripy.gt.3072.or. |
773 |
$ .false.)then |
774 |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** wrong input ' |
775 |
print*,'icy ',icy,'view ',viewy,'nld ',nldy,'strip ',stripy |
776 |
icy = 0 |
777 |
goto 20 |
778 |
endif |
779 |
780 |
if(icx.ne.0.and.(nply.ne.nplx.or.nldy.ne.nldx))then |
if(icx.ne.0.and.(nply.ne.nplx.or.nldy.ne.nldx))then |
781 |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** invalid cluster couple!!! ' |
if(DEBUG) then |
782 |
$ ,icx,icy |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** invalid cluster couple!!! ' |
783 |
$ ,icx,icy |
784 |
endif |
785 |
goto 100 |
goto 100 |
786 |
endif |
endif |
787 |
* -------------------------- |
788 |
stripy = float(MAXS(icy)) |
* magnetic-field corrections |
789 |
if(PFAy.eq.'COG1')then !(1) |
* -------------------------- |
790 |
stripy = stripy !(1) |
tgtemp = tan(ay*acos(-1.)/180.)+pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001 |
791 |
resyPAM = resyPAM !(1) |
angy = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.) |
792 |
stripy = stripy + 0.5*pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchY |
793 |
c$$$ if(bfx.ne.0.)print*,viewy,'-y- ' |
794 |
c$$$ $ ,bfx,0.5*pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001*SiDimZ |
795 |
* -------------------------- |
796 |
797 |
c$$$ print*,'--- y-cl ---' |
798 |
c$$$ istart = INDSTART(ICY) |
799 |
c$$$ istop = TOTCLLENGTH |
800 |
c$$$ if(icy.lt.NCLSTR1)istop=INDSTART(ICY+1)-1 |
801 |
c$$$ print*,(CLSIGNAL(i)/CLSIGMA(i),i=istart,istop) |
802 |
c$$$ print*,(CLSIGNAL(i),i=istart,istop) |
803 |
c$$$ print*,INDMAX(icy) |
804 |
c$$$ print*,cog(4,icy) |
805 |
c$$$ print*,fbad_cog(4,icy) |
806 |
807 |
if(PFAy.eq.'COG1')then |
808 |
809 |
stripy = stripy |
810 |
resyPAM = 1e-4*pitchY/sqrt(12.)!resyPAM |
811 |
812 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG2')then |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG2')then |
813 |
stripy = stripy + cog(2,icy) |
814 |
stripy = stripy + cog(2,icy) |
815 |
resyPAM = risy_cog(abs(angy))!TEMPORANEO |
816 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
817 |
818 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG3')then |
819 |
820 |
stripy = stripy + cog(3,icy) |
821 |
resyPAM = risy_cog(abs(angy))!TEMPORANEO |
822 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(3,icy) |
823 |
824 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG4')then |
825 |
826 |
stripy = stripy + cog(4,icy) |
827 |
resyPAM = risy_cog(abs(angy))!TEMPORANEO |
828 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(4,icy) |
829 |
830 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA2')then |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA2')then |
831 |
c cog2 = cog(2,icy) |
832 |
c etacorr = pfaeta2(cog2,viewy,nldy,angy) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta2(icy,angy) |
833 |
c stripy = stripy + etacorr |
resyPAM = risyeta2(abs(angy)) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta2(icy,angy) !(3) |
resyPAM = risy_eta2(angy) ! (4) |
834 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
835 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
836 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
c $ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
837 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA3')then !(3) |
838 |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta3(icy,angy) !(3) |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA3')then |
839 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(3,icy) !(3) |
840 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icy).ne.1) !(3) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta3(icy,angy) |
841 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(3,icy)!(3) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(3,icy) |
842 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA4')then !(3) |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icy).ne.1) |
843 |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta4(icy,angy) !(3) |
c $ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(3,icy) |
844 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(4,icy) !(3) |
845 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icy).ne.1) !(3) |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA4')then |
846 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(4,icy)!(3) |
847 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA')then !(3) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta4(icy,angy) |
848 |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta(icy,angy) !(3) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(4,icy) |
849 |
resyPAM = ris_eta(icy,angy) ! (4) |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icy).ne.1) |
850 |
c resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) !(3)TEMPORANEO |
c $ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(4,icy) |
851 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy) ! (4) |
852 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) !(3) |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA')then |
853 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy)!(3) |
854 |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta(icy,angy) |
855 |
c resyPAM = riseta(icy,angy) |
856 |
resyPAM = riseta(viewy,angy) |
857 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy) |
858 |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
859 |
c $ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
860 |
861 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETAL')then |
862 |
863 |
stripy = stripy + pfaetal(icy,angy) |
864 |
resyPAM = riseta(viewy,angy) |
865 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy) |
866 |
c if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
867 |
c $ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
868 |
869 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG')then |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'COG')then |
870 |
stripy = stripy + cog(0,icy) |
871 |
resyPAM = risy_cog(angy) ! (4) |
stripy = stripy + cog(0,icy) |
872 |
c resyPAM = ris_eta(icy,angy) ! (4) |
resyPAM = risy_cog(abs(angy)) |
873 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(0,icy) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(0,icy) |
874 |
875 |
else |
else |
876 |
print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx |
if(DEBUG) print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx |
877 |
endif |
endif |
878 |
endif |
879 |
880 |
* ====================================== |
881 |
* temporary patch for saturated clusters |
882 |
* ====================================== |
883 |
if( nsatstrips(icy).gt.0 )then |
884 |
stripy = stripy + cog(4,icy) |
885 |
resyPAM = pitchY*1e-4/sqrt(12.) |
886 |
cc=cog(4,icy) |
887 |
c$$$ print*,icy,' *** ',cc |
888 |
c$$$ print*,icy,' *** ',resyPAM |
889 |
endif |
890 |
891 |
892 |
20 endif |
893 |
894 |
c$$$ print*,'## stripx,stripy ',stripx,stripy |
895 |
896 |
c=========================================================== |
c=========================================================== |
897 |
898 |
C=========================================================== |
C=========================================================== |
903 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
904 |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
905 |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
906 |
print*,'xyz_PAM (couple):', |
if(DEBUG) then |
907 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
print*,'xyz_PAM (couple):', |
908 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
909 |
endif |
910 |
endif |
endif |
911 |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
912 |
yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy) |
yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy) |
998 |
c if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
c if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
999 |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
1000 |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
1001 |
print*,'xyz_PAM (X-singlet):', |
if(DEBUG) then |
1002 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
print*,'xyz_PAM (X-singlet):', |
1003 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
1004 |
endif |
1005 |
endif |
endif |
1006 |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
1007 |
1023 |
c print*,yi_A,' <--> ',yi_B |
c print*,yi_A,' <--> ',yi_B |
1024 |
1025 |
else |
else |
1026 |
if(DEBUG) then |
1027 |
print *,'routine xyz_PAM ---> not properly used !!!' |
print *,'routine xyz_PAM ---> not properly used !!!' |
1028 |
print *,'icx = ',icx |
print *,'icx = ',icx |
1029 |
print *,'icy = ',icy |
print *,'icy = ',icy |
1030 |
endif |
1031 |
goto 100 |
goto 100 |
1032 |
1033 |
endif |
endif |
1092 |
c print*,'A-(',xPAM_A,yPAM_A,') B-(',xPAM_B,yPAM_B,')' |
c print*,'A-(',xPAM_A,yPAM_A,') B-(',xPAM_B,yPAM_B,')' |
1093 |
1094 |
else |
else |
1095 |
if(DEBUG) then |
1096 |
print *,'routine xyz_PAM ---> not properly used !!!' |
print *,'routine xyz_PAM ---> not properly used !!!' |
1097 |
print *,'icx = ',icx |
print *,'icx = ',icx |
1098 |
print *,'icy = ',icy |
print *,'icy = ',icy |
1099 |
endif |
1100 |
endif |
endif |
1101 |
1102 |
1103 |
c print*,'## xPAM,yPAM,zPAM ',xPAM,yPAM,zPAM |
1104 |
c print*,'## xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A ',xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A |
1105 |
c print*,'## xPAM_B,yPAM_B,zPAM_B ',xPAM_B,yPAM_B,zPAM_B |
1106 |
1107 |
100 continue |
100 continue |
1108 |
end |
end |
1109 |
1110 |
************************************************************************ |
1111 |
* Call xyz_PAM subroutine with default PFA and fill the mini2 common. |
1112 |
* (done to be called from c/c++) |
1113 |
************************************************************************ |
1114 |
1115 |
subroutine xyzpam(ip,icx,icy,lad,sensor,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1116 |
1117 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1118 |
include 'level1.f' |
1119 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
1120 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
1121 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
1122 |
include 'calib.f' |
1123 |
1124 |
* flag to chose PFA |
1125 |
c$$$ character*10 PFA |
1126 |
c$$$ common/FINALPFA/PFA |
1127 |
1128 |
integer icx,icy !X-Y cluster ID |
1129 |
integer sensor |
1130 |
character*4 PFAx,PFAy !PFA to be used |
1131 |
real ax,ay !X-Y geometric angle |
1132 |
real bfx,bfy !X-Y b-field components |
1133 |
1134 |
ipx=0 |
1135 |
ipy=0 |
1136 |
1137 |
c$$$ PFAx = 'COG4'!PFA |
1138 |
c$$$ PFAy = 'COG4'!PFA |
1139 |
1140 |
if(icx.gt.nclstr1.or.icy.gt.nclstr1)then |
1141 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy |
1142 |
$ ,' does not exists (nclstr1=',nclstr1,')' |
1143 |
icx = -1*icx |
1144 |
icy = -1*icy |
1145 |
return |
1146 |
1147 |
endif |
1148 |
1149 |
call idtoc(pfaid,PFAx) |
1150 |
call idtoc(pfaid,PFAy) |
1151 |
1152 |
c$$$ call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1153 |
1154 |
c$$$ print*,icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy |
1155 |
1156 |
if(icx.ne.0.and.icy.ne.0)then |
1157 |
1158 |
ipx=npl(VIEW(icx)) |
1159 |
ipy=npl(VIEW(icy)) |
1160 |
c$$$ if( (nplanes-ipx+1).ne.ip.or.(nplanes-ipy+1).ne.ip ) |
1161 |
c$$$ $ print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy |
1162 |
c$$$ $ ,' does not belong to the correct plane: ',ip,ipx,ipy |
1163 |
1164 |
if( (nplanes-ipx+1).ne.ip )then |
1165 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** cluster ',icx |
1166 |
$ ,' does not belong to plane: ',ip |
1167 |
icx = -1*icx |
1168 |
return |
1169 |
endif |
1170 |
if( (nplanes-ipy+1).ne.ip )then |
1171 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** cluster ',icy |
1172 |
$ ,' does not belong to plane: ',ip |
1173 |
icy = -1*icy |
1174 |
return |
1175 |
endif |
1176 |
1177 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1178 |
1179 |
xgood(ip) = 1. |
1180 |
ygood(ip) = 1. |
1181 |
resx(ip) = resxPAM |
1182 |
resy(ip) = resyPAM |
1183 |
1184 |
xm(ip) = xPAM |
1185 |
ym(ip) = yPAM |
1186 |
zm(ip) = zPAM |
1187 |
xm_A(ip) = 0. |
1188 |
ym_A(ip) = 0. |
1189 |
xm_B(ip) = 0. |
1190 |
ym_B(ip) = 0. |
1191 |
1192 |
c zv(ip) = zPAM |
1193 |
1194 |
elseif(icx.eq.0.and.icy.ne.0)then |
1195 |
1196 |
ipy=npl(VIEW(icy)) |
1197 |
c$$$ if((nplanes-ipy+1).ne.ip) |
1198 |
c$$$ $ print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy |
1199 |
c$$$ $ ,' does not belong to the correct plane: ',ip,ipx,ipy |
1200 |
if( (nplanes-ipy+1).ne.ip )then |
1201 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** cluster ',icy |
1202 |
$ ,' does not belong to plane: ',ip |
1203 |
icy = -1*icy |
1204 |
return |
1205 |
endif |
1206 |
1207 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1208 |
1209 |
xgood(ip) = 0. |
1210 |
ygood(ip) = 1. |
1211 |
resx(ip) = 1000. |
1212 |
resy(ip) = resyPAM |
1213 |
1214 |
xm(ip) = -100. |
1215 |
ym(ip) = -100. |
1216 |
zm(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2. |
1217 |
xm_A(ip) = xPAM_A |
1218 |
ym_A(ip) = yPAM_A |
1219 |
xm_B(ip) = xPAM_B |
1220 |
ym_B(ip) = yPAM_B |
1221 |
1222 |
c zv(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2. |
1223 |
1224 |
elseif(icx.ne.0.and.icy.eq.0)then |
1225 |
1226 |
ipx=npl(VIEW(icx)) |
1227 |
c$$$ if((nplanes-ipx+1).ne.ip) |
1228 |
c$$$ $ print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy |
1229 |
c$$$ $ ,' does not belong to the correct plane: ',ip,ipx,ipy |
1230 |
1231 |
if( (nplanes-ipx+1).ne.ip )then |
1232 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** cluster ',icx |
1233 |
$ ,' does not belong to plane: ',ip |
1234 |
icx = -1*icx |
1235 |
return |
1236 |
endif |
1237 |
1238 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1239 |
1240 |
xgood(ip) = 1. |
1241 |
ygood(ip) = 0. |
1242 |
resx(ip) = resxPAM |
1243 |
resy(ip) = 1000. |
1244 |
1245 |
xm(ip) = -100. |
1246 |
ym(ip) = -100. |
1247 |
zm(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2. |
1248 |
xm_A(ip) = xPAM_A |
1249 |
ym_A(ip) = yPAM_A |
1250 |
xm_B(ip) = xPAM_B |
1251 |
ym_B(ip) = yPAM_B |
1252 |
1253 |
c zv(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2. |
1254 |
1255 |
else |
1256 |
1257 |
il = 2 |
1258 |
if(lad.ne.0)il=lad |
1259 |
is = 1 |
1260 |
if(sensor.ne.0)is=sensor |
1261 |
c print*,nplanes-ip+1,il,is |
1262 |
1263 |
xgood(ip) = 0. |
1264 |
ygood(ip) = 0. |
1265 |
resx(ip) = 1000. |
1266 |
resy(ip) = 1000. |
1267 |
1268 |
xm(ip) = -100. |
1269 |
ym(ip) = -100. |
1270 |
zm(ip) = z_mech_sensor(nplanes-ip+1,il,is)*1000./1.d4 |
1271 |
xm_A(ip) = 0. |
1272 |
ym_A(ip) = 0. |
1273 |
xm_B(ip) = 0. |
1274 |
ym_B(ip) = 0. |
1275 |
1276 |
c zv(ip) = z_mech_sensor(nplanes-ip+1,il,is)*1000./1.d4 |
1277 |
1278 |
endif |
1279 |
1280 |
if(DEBUG)then |
1281 |
c print*,'----------------------------- track coord' |
1282 |
22222 format(i2,' * ',3f10.4,' --- ',4f10.4,' --- ',2f4.0,2f10.5) |
1283 |
write(*,22222)ip,zm(ip),xm(ip),ym(ip) |
1284 |
$ ,xm_A(ip),ym_A(ip),xm_B(ip),ym_B(ip) |
1285 |
$ ,xgood(ip),ygood(ip),resx(ip),resy(ip) |
1286 |
c$$$ print*,'-----------------------------' |
1287 |
endif |
1288 |
end |
1289 |
1290 |
******************************************************************************** |
******************************************************************************** |
1291 |
******************************************************************************** |
******************************************************************************** |
1361 |
endif |
endif |
1362 |
1363 |
distance= |
distance= |
1364 |
$ ((xmi-XPP)**2+(ymi-YPP)**2)/RE**2 |
$ ((xmi-XPP)**2+(ymi-YPP)**2)!QUIQUI |
1365 |
cc $ ((xmi-XPP)**2+(ymi-YPP)**2)/RE**2 |
1366 |
distance=dsqrt(distance) |
distance=dsqrt(distance) |
1367 |
1368 |
c$$$ print*,xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b |
c$$$ print*,xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b |
1387 |
* ---------------------- |
* ---------------------- |
1388 |
1389 |
distance= |
distance= |
1390 |
$ ((xPAM-XPP)/resxPAM)**2 |
$ ((xPAM-XPP))**2 !QUIQUI |
1391 |
$ + |
$ + |
1392 |
$ ((yPAM-YPP)/resyPAM)**2 |
$ ((yPAM-YPP))**2 |
1393 |
c$$$ $ ((xPAM-XPP)/resxPAM)**2 |
1394 |
c$$$ $ + |
1395 |
c$$$ $ ((yPAM-YPP)/resyPAM)**2 |
1396 |
distance=dsqrt(distance) |
distance=dsqrt(distance) |
1397 |
1398 |
c$$$ print*,xPAM,yPAM,zPAM |
c$$$ print*,xPAM,yPAM,zPAM |
1401 |
1402 |
else |
else |
1403 |
1404 |
print* |
c print* |
1405 |
$ ,' function distance_to ---> wrong usage!!!' |
c $ ,' function distance_to ---> wrong usage!!!' |
1406 |
print*,' xPAM,yPAM,zPAM ',xPAM,yPAM,zPAM |
c print*,' xPAM,yPAM,zPAM ',xPAM,yPAM,zPAM |
1407 |
print*,' xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b ' |
c print*,' xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b ' |
1408 |
$ ,xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b |
c $ ,xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b |
1409 |
endif |
endif |
1410 |
1411 |
distance_to = sngl(distance) |
distance_to = sngl(distance) |
1473 |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
1474 |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
1475 |
c if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
c if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
1476 |
print*,'whichsensor: ', |
c print*,'whichsensor: ', |
1477 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
c $ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
1478 |
endif |
endif |
1479 |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
1480 |
yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy) |
yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy) |
1629 |
is_cp=0 |
is_cp=0 |
1630 |
if(id.lt.0)is_cp=1 |
if(id.lt.0)is_cp=1 |
1631 |
if(id.gt.0)is_cp=2 |
if(id.gt.0)is_cp=2 |
1632 |
if(id.eq.0)print*,'IS_CP ===> wrong couple id !!!' |
c if(id.eq.0)print*,'IS_CP ===> wrong couple id !!!' |
1633 |
1634 |
return |
return |
1635 |
end |
end |
1700 |
************************************************************************* |
************************************************************************* |
1701 |
************************************************************************* |
************************************************************************* |
1702 |
************************************************************************* |
************************************************************************* |
c$$$ subroutine book_debug |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_level2debug.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*35 block1,block2,block3!,block4 |
c$$$ $ ,block5!,block6 |
c$$$ |
c$$$* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBOOK2(1003 |
c$$$ $ ,'y vs tg thyz' |
c$$$ $ ,300,-1.,1. !x |
c$$$ $ ,3000,-70.,70.,0.) !y |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBOOK1(1004 |
c$$$ $ ,'Dy' |
c$$$ $ ,100,0.,2.,0.) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBOOK1(1005 |
c$$$ $ ,'D thyz' |
c$$$ $ ,100,0.,.05,0.) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$* DEBUG ntuple: |
c$$$ call HBNT(ntp_level2+1,'LEVEL2',' ') |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'EVENT',good2_nt, |
c$$$ $ 'GOOD2:L,NEV2:I') |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 411 format('NDBLT:I::[0,',I5,']') |
c$$$ write(block1,411) ndblt_max_nt |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'HOUGH YZ',ndblt_nt, |
c$$$ $ block1//' |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAYZ1(NDBLT):R |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAYZ2(NDBLT):R |
c$$$ $ ,DB_CLOUD(NDBLT):I |
c$$$ $ ') |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 412 format('NTRPT:I::[0,',I5,']') |
c$$$ write(block2,412) ntrpt_max_nt |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'HOUGH XZ',NTRPT_nt, |
c$$$ $ block2//' |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAXZ1(NTRPT):R |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAXZ2(NTRPT):R |
c$$$ $ ,ALFAXZ3(NTRPT):R |
c$$$ $ ,TR_CLOUD(NTRPT):I |
c$$$ $ ') |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 413 format('NCLOUDS_YZ:I::[0,',I4,']') |
c$$$c$$$ 414 format('DB_CLOUD(',I4,'):I') |
c$$$ write(block3,413) ncloyz_max |
c$$$c$$$ write(block4,414) ndblt_max_nt |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'CLOUD YZ',NCLOUDS_YZ, |
c$$$ $ block3//' |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,'//block4 |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 415 format('NCLOUDS_XZ:I::[0,',I4,']') |
c$$$c$$$ 416 format('TR_CLOUD(',I5,'):I') |
c$$$ write(block5,415) ncloxz_max |
c$$$c$$$ write(block6,416) ntrpt_max_nt |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2+1,'CLOUD XZ',NCLOUDS_XZ, |
c$$$ $ block5//' |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,'//block6 |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...*** |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...***...*** |
c$$$ subroutine book_level2 |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$cccccc 07/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini --> (2) |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$ include 'level2.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ character*35 block1,block2 |
c$$$ |
c$$$c print*,'__________ booking LEVEL2 n-tuple __________' |
c$$$ |
c$$$* LEVEL1 ntuple: |
c$$$ call HBNT(ntp_level2,'LEVEL2',' ') |
c$$$ |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'EVENT',good2,'GOOD2:L,NEV2:I') |
c$$$cccccc 06/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini |
c$$$c call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'GENERAL',good2,'GOOD2:L,NEV2:I |
c$$$c $ ,WHIC_CALIB:I,SWCODE:I') |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'GENERAL',good2,'GOOD2:L,NEV2:I |
c$$$ $ ,WHICH_CALIB:I,SWCODE:I,CRC(12):L') |
c$$$c********************************************************* |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$c$$$# ifndef TEST2003 |
c$$$c$$$ |
c$$$c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'CPU',pkt_type |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,'PKT_TYPE:I::[0,50] |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,PKT_NUM:I |
c$$$c$$$ $ ,OBT:I'// |
c$$$c$$$c******************************************************** |
c$$$c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c$$$c $ ,WHICH_CALIB:I::[0,50]') |
c$$$c$$$ $ ',CPU_CRC:L') |
c$$$c$$$c******************************************************** |
c$$$c$$$ |
c$$$c$$$# endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 417 format('NTRK:I::[0,',I4,']') |
c$$$ 418 format(',IMAGE(NTRK):I::[0,',I4,']') |
c$$$ write(block1,417)NTRKMAX |
c$$$ write(block2,418)NTRKMAX |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'TRACKS',NTRK, |
c$$$ $ block1// |
c$$$ $ block2//' |
c$$$ $ ,XM(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,YM(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,ZM(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,RESX(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,RESY(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,AL(5,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,COVAL(5,5,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,CHI2(NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,XGOOD(6,NTRK):I::[0,1] |
c$$$ $ ,YGOOD(6,NTRK):I::[0,1] |
c$$$ $ ,XV(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,YV(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,ZV(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,AXV(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,AYV(6,NTRK):R'// |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c $ ,DEDXP(6,NTRK):R'// |
c$$$c $ ') |
c$$$ $ ',DEDX_X(6,NTRK):R |
c$$$ $ ,DEDX_Y(6,NTRK):R'// |
c$$$c**************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 06/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini |
c$$$c $ ,CRC(12):L |
c$$$ $ ',BdL(NTRK):R' |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$c**************************************************** |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'SINGLETX',nclsx, |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$cccccc 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele |
c$$$c $ 'NCLSX(6):I,NCLSY(6):I') |
c$$$ $ 'NCLSX:I::[0,500],PLANEX(NCLSX):I |
c$$$ $ ,XS(2,NCLSX):R,SGNLXS(NCLSX):R') !(2) |
c$$$c $ ,XS(NCLSX):R,SGNLXS(NCLSX):R') !(2) |
c$$$ call HBNAME(ntp_level2,'SINGLETY',nclsy, |
c$$$ $ 'NCLSY:I::[0,500],PLANEY(NCLSY):I |
c$$$ $ ,YS(2,NCLSY):R,SGNLYS(NCLSY):R') !(2) |
c$$$c $ ,YS(NCLSY):R,SGNLYS(NCLSY):R') !(2) |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$ subroutine fill_level2_clouds |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$c 29/11/2005 created by elena vannuccini |
c$$$c***************************************************** |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ------------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* This routine fills the variables related to the hough |
c$$$* transform, for the debig n-tuple |
c$$$* ------------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_level2debug.f' |
c$$$ include 'level2.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ good2_nt=.true.!good2 |
c$$$c nev2_nt=nev2 |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(.false. |
c$$$ $ .or.ntrpt.gt.ntrpt_max_nt |
c$$$ $ .or.ndblt.gt.ndblt_max_nt |
c$$$ $ .or.NCLOUDS_XZ.gt.ncloxz_max |
c$$$ $ .or.NCLOUDS_yZ.gt.ncloyz_max |
c$$$ $ )then |
c$$$ good2_nt=.false. |
c$$$ ntrpt_nt=0 |
c$$$ ndblt_nt=0 |
c$$$ NCLOUDS_XZ_nt=0 |
c$$$ NCLOUDS_YZ_nt=0 |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ ndblt_nt=ndblt |
c$$$ ntrpt_nt=ntrpt |
c$$$ if(ndblt.ne.0)then |
c$$$ do id=1,ndblt |
c$$$ alfayz1_nt(id)=alfayz1(id) !Y0 |
c$$$ alfayz2_nt(id)=alfayz2(id) !tg theta-yz |
c$$$c db_cloud_nt(id)=db_cloud(id) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ if(ndblt.ne.0)then |
c$$$ do it=1,ntrpt |
c$$$ alfaxz1_nt(it)=alfaxz1(it) !X0 |
c$$$ alfaxz2_nt(it)=alfaxz2(it) !tg theta-xz |
c$$$ alfaxz3_nt(it)=alfaxz3(it) !1/r |
c$$$c tr_cloud_nt(it)=tr_cloud(it) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ nclouds_yz_nt=nclouds_yz |
c$$$ nclouds_xz_nt=nclouds_xz |
c$$$ if(nclouds_yz.ne.0)then |
c$$$ nnn=0 |
c$$$ do iyz=1,nclouds_yz |
c$$$ ptcloud_yz_nt(iyz)=ptcloud_yz(iyz) |
c$$$ alfayz1_av_nt(iyz)=alfayz1_av(iyz) |
c$$$ alfayz2_av_nt(iyz)=alfayz2_av(iyz) |
c$$$ nnn=nnn+ptcloud_yz(iyz) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ do ipt=1,nnn |
c$$$ db_cloud_nt(ipt)=db_cloud(ipt) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$c print*,'#### ntupla #### ptcloud_yz ' |
c$$$c $ ,(ptcloud_yz(i),i=1,nclouds_yz) |
c$$$c print*,'#### ntupla #### db_cloud ' |
c$$$c $ ,(db_cloud(i),i=1,nnn) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ if(nclouds_xz.ne.0)then |
c$$$ nnn=0 |
c$$$ do ixz=1,nclouds_xz |
c$$$ ptcloud_xz_nt(ixz)=ptcloud_xz(ixz) |
c$$$ alfaxz1_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz1_av(ixz) |
c$$$ alfaxz2_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz2_av(ixz) |
c$$$ alfaxz3_av_nt(ixz)=alfaxz3_av(ixz) |
c$$$ nnn=nnn+ptcloud_xz(ixz) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ do ipt=1,nnn |
c$$$ tr_cloud_nt(ipt)=tr_cloud(ipt) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$c print*,'#### ntupla #### ptcloud_xz ' |
c$$$c $ ,(ptcloud_xz(i),i=1,nclouds_xz) |
c$$$c print*,'#### ntupla #### tr_cloud ' |
c$$$c $ ,(tr_cloud(i),i=1,nnn) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ end |
1703 |
1704 |
1705 |
*************************************************** |
*************************************************** |
1757 |
enddo |
enddo |
1758 |
* mask views with too many clusters |
* mask views with too many clusters |
1759 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
1760 |
if( ncl_view(iv).gt. nclustermax)then |
if( ncl_view(iv).gt. nclusterlimit)then |
1761 |
mask_view(iv) = 1 |
c mask_view(iv) = 1 |
1762 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv) + 2**0 |
1763 |
if(DEBUG)print*,' * WARNING * cl_to_couple: n.clusters > ' |
if(DEBUG)print*,' * WARNING * cl_to_couple: n.clusters > ' |
1764 |
$ ,nclustermax,' on view ', iv,' --> masked!' |
$ ,nclusterlimit,' on view ', iv,' --> masked!' |
1765 |
endif |
endif |
1766 |
enddo |
enddo |
1767 |
1778 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1779 |
* cut on charge (X VIEW) |
* cut on charge (X VIEW) |
1780 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1781 |
if(dedx(icx).lt.dedx_x_min)then |
if(sgnl(icx).lt.dedx_x_min)then |
1782 |
cl_single(icx)=0 |
cl_single(icx)=0 |
1783 |
goto 10 |
goto 10 |
1784 |
endif |
endif |
1828 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1829 |
* cut on charge (Y VIEW) |
* cut on charge (Y VIEW) |
1830 |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------------- |
1831 |
if(dedx(icy).lt.dedx_y_min)then |
if(sgnl(icy).lt.dedx_y_min)then |
1832 |
cl_single(icy)=0 |
cl_single(icy)=0 |
1833 |
goto 20 |
goto 20 |
1834 |
endif |
endif |
1874 |
* charge correlation |
* charge correlation |
1875 |
* (modified to be applied only below saturation... obviously) |
* (modified to be applied only below saturation... obviously) |
1876 |
1877 |
if( .not.(dedx(icy).gt.chsaty.and.dedx(icx).gt.chsatx) |
if( .not.(sgnl(icy).gt.chsaty.and.sgnl(icx).gt.chsatx) |
1878 |
$ .and. |
$ .and. |
1879 |
$ .not.(dedx(icy).lt.chmipy.and.dedx(icx).lt.chmipx) |
$ .not.(sgnl(icy).lt.chmipy.and.sgnl(icx).lt.chmipx) |
1880 |
$ .and. |
$ .and. |
1881 |
$ (badclx.eq.1.and.badcly.eq.1) |
$ (badclx.eq.1.and.badcly.eq.1) |
1882 |
$ .and. |
$ .and. |
1883 |
$ .true.)then |
$ .true.)then |
1884 |
1885 |
ddd=(dedx(icy) |
ddd=(sgnl(icy) |
1886 |
$ -kch(nplx,nldx)*dedx(icx)-cch(nplx,nldx)) |
$ -kch(nplx,nldx)*sgnl(icx)-cch(nplx,nldx)) |
1887 |
ddd=ddd/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
ddd=ddd/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
1888 |
1889 |
c cut = chcut * sch(nplx,nldx) |
c cut = chcut * sch(nplx,nldx) |
1890 |
1891 |
sss=(kch(nplx,nldx)*dedx(icy)+dedx(icx) |
sss=(kch(nplx,nldx)*sgnl(icy)+sgnl(icx) |
1892 |
$ -kch(nplx,nldx)*cch(nplx,nldx)) |
$ -kch(nplx,nldx)*cch(nplx,nldx)) |
1893 |
sss=sss/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
sss=sss/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
1894 |
cut = chcut * (16 + sss/50.) |
cut = chcut * (16 + sss/50.) |
1897 |
goto 20 !charge not consistent |
goto 20 !charge not consistent |
1898 |
endif |
endif |
1899 |
endif |
endif |
1900 |
1901 |
* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
if(ncp_plane(nplx).gt.ncouplemax)then |
* check to do not overflow vector dimentions |
c$$$ if(ncp_plane(nplx).gt.ncouplemax)then |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)print*, |
c$$$ $ ' ** warning ** number of identified'// |
c$$$ $ ' couples on plane ',nplx, |
c$$$ $ ' exceeds vector dimention'// |
c$$$ $ ' ( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
if(ncp_plane(nplx).eq.ncouplemax)then |
1902 |
if(verbose)print*, |
if(verbose)print*, |
1903 |
$ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
$ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
1904 |
$ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
$ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
1905 |
$ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
$ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
1906 |
$ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
$ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' ) --> masked!' |
1907 |
c good2=.false. |
c mask_view(nviewx(nplx)) = 2 |
1908 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c mask_view(nviewy(nply)) = 2 |
1909 |
mask_view(nviewx(nplx)) = 2 |
mask_view(nviewx(nplx))= mask_view(nviewx(nplx))+ 2**1 |
1910 |
mask_view(nviewy(nply)) = 2 |
mask_view(nviewy(nply))= mask_view(nviewy(nply))+ 2**1 |
1911 |
c iflag=1 |
goto 10 |
c return |
1912 |
endif |
endif |
1913 |
1914 |
* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
1915 |
ncp_plane(nplx) = ncp_plane(nplx) + 1 |
ncp_plane(nplx) = ncp_plane(nplx) + 1 |
1916 |
clx(nplx,ncp_plane(nplx))=icx |
clx(nplx,ncp_plane(nplx))=icx |
1917 |
cly(nply,ncp_plane(nplx))=icy |
cly(nply,ncp_plane(nplx))=icy |
1918 |
cl_single(icx)=0 |
cl_single(icx)=0 |
1919 |
cl_single(icy)=0 |
cl_single(icy)=0 |
endif |
1920 |
* ---------------------------------------------- |
* ---------------------------------------------- |
1921 |
1922 |
endif |
1923 |
1924 |
20 continue |
20 continue |
1925 |
enddo !end loop on clusters(Y) |
enddo !end loop on clusters(Y) |
1926 |
1947 |
do ip=1,6 |
do ip=1,6 |
1948 |
ncp_tot = ncp_tot + ncp_plane(ip) |
ncp_tot = ncp_tot + ncp_plane(ip) |
1949 |
enddo |
enddo |
c if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)goto 100!next event (TEMPORANEO!!!) |
c$$$ if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)then |
c$$$ if(verbose)print*, |
c$$$ $ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
c$$$ $ 'couples exceeds upper limit for Hough tr. ' |
c$$$ $ ,'( ',ncp_max,' )' |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
1950 |
1951 |
return |
return |
1952 |
end |
end |
1959 |
* * |
* * |
1960 |
* * |
* * |
1961 |
************************************************** |
************************************************** |
c$$$ subroutine cl_to_couples_nocharge(iflag) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'level1.f' |
c$$$ include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c$$$c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$c include 'level1.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$* output flag |
c$$$* -------------- |
c$$$* 0 = good event |
c$$$* 1 = bad event |
c$$$* -------------- |
c$$$ integer iflag |
c$$$ |
c$$$ integer badseed,badcl |
c$$$ |
c$$$* init variables |
c$$$ ncp_tot=0 |
c$$$ do ip=1,nplanes |
c$$$ do ico=1,ncouplemax |
c$$$ clx(ip,ico)=0 |
c$$$ cly(ip,ico)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ ncp_plane(ip)=0 |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstrmax_level2 |
c$$$ cls(ip,icl)=1 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ ncls(ip)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstrmax_level2 |
c$$$ cl_single(icl)=1 |
c$$$ cl_good(icl)=0 |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$* start association |
c$$$ ncouples=0 |
c$$$ do icx=1,nclstr1 !loop on cluster (X) |
c$$$ if(mod(VIEW(icx),2).eq.1)goto 10 |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* cut on charge (X VIEW) |
c$$$ if(dedx(icx).lt.dedx_x_min)then |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 |
c$$$ goto 10 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* cut BAD (X VIEW) |
c$$$ badseed=BAD(VIEW(icx),nvk(MAXS(icx)),nst(MAXS(icx))) |
c$$$ ifirst=INDSTART(icx) |
c$$$ if(icx.ne.nclstr1) then |
c$$$ ilast=INDSTART(icx+1)-1 |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ ilast=TOTCLLENGTH |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badseed |
c$$$ do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
c$$$ ibad=1 |
c$$$ if((INDMAX(icx)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(icx)+igood).lt.ilast.and. |
c$$$ $ .true.)then |
c$$$ ibad=BAD(VIEW(icx), |
c$$$ $ nvk(MAXS(icx)+igood), |
c$$$ $ nst(MAXS(icx)+igood)) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badcl*ibad |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ if(badcl.eq.0)then !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ goto 10 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ endif !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ cl_good(icx)=1 |
c$$$ nplx=npl(VIEW(icx)) |
c$$$ nldx=nld(MAXS(icx),VIEW(icx)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do icy=1,nclstr1 !loop on cluster (Y) |
c$$$ if(mod(VIEW(icy),2).eq.0)goto 20 |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* cut on charge (Y VIEW) |
c$$$ if(dedx(icy).lt.dedx_y_min)then |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 |
c$$$ goto 20 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* cut BAD (Y VIEW) |
c$$$ badseed=BAD(VIEW(icy),nvk(MAXS(icy)),nst(MAXS(icy))) |
c$$$ ifirst=INDSTART(icy) |
c$$$ if(icy.ne.nclstr1) then |
c$$$ ilast=INDSTART(icy+1)-1 |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ ilast=TOTCLLENGTH |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ badcl=badseed |
c$$$ do igood=-ngoodstr,ngoodstr |
c$$$ ibad=1 |
c$$$ if((INDMAX(icy)+igood).gt.ifirst.and. |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(icy)+igood).lt.ilast.and. |
c$$$ $ .true.) |
c$$$ $ ibad=BAD(VIEW(icy), |
c$$$ $ nvk(MAXS(icy)+igood), |
c$$$ $ nst(MAXS(icy)+igood)) |
c$$$ badcl=badcl*ibad |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ if(badcl.eq.0)then !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ goto 20 !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$ endif !<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BAD cut |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ cl_good(icy)=1 |
c$$$ nply=npl(VIEW(icy)) |
c$$$ nldy=nld(MAXS(icy),VIEW(icy)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$* geometrical consistency (same plane and ladder) |
c$$$ if(nply.eq.nplx.and.nldy.eq.nldx)then |
c$$$* charge correlation |
c$$$* =========================================================== |
c$$$* this version of the subroutine is used for the calibration |
c$$$* thus charge-correlation selection is obviously removed |
c$$$* =========================================================== |
c$$$c$$$ ddd=(dedx(icy) |
c$$$c$$$ $ -kch(nplx,nldx)*dedx(icx)-cch(nplx,nldx)) |
c$$$c$$$ ddd=ddd/sqrt(kch(nplx,nldx)**2+1) |
c$$$c$$$ cut=chcut*sch(nplx,nldx) |
c$$$c$$$ if(abs(ddd).gt.cut)goto 20 !charge not consistent |
c$$$* =========================================================== |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$* ------------------> COUPLE <------------------ |
c$$$* check to do not overflow vector dimentions |
c$$$c$$$ if(ncp_plane(nplx).gt.ncouplemax)then |
c$$$c$$$ if(DEBUG)print*, |
c$$$c$$$ $ ' ** warning ** number of identified'// |
c$$$c$$$ $ ' couples on plane ',nplx, |
c$$$c$$$ $ ' exceeds vector dimention'// |
c$$$c$$$ $ ' ( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
c$$$c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$c$$$ return |
c$$$c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncp_plane(nplx).eq.ncouplemax)then |
c$$$ if(verbose)print*, |
c$$$ $ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
c$$$ $ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
c$$$ $ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
c$$$ $ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ ncp_plane(nplx) = ncp_plane(nplx) + 1 |
c$$$ clx(nplx,ncp_plane(nplx))=icx |
c$$$ cly(nply,ncp_plane(nplx))=icy |
c$$$ cl_single(icx)=0 |
c$$$ cl_single(icy)=0 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$* ---------------------------------------------- |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 20 continue |
c$$$ enddo !end loop on clusters(Y) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ 10 continue |
c$$$ enddo !end loop on clusters(X) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do icl=1,nclstr1 |
c$$$ if(cl_single(icl).eq.1)then |
c$$$ ip=npl(VIEW(icl)) |
c$$$ ncls(ip)=ncls(ip)+1 |
c$$$ cls(ip,ncls(ip))=icl |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)then |
c$$$ print*,'clusters ',nclstr1 |
c$$$ print*,'good ',(cl_good(i),i=1,nclstr1) |
c$$$ print*,'singles ',(cl_single(i),i=1,nclstr1) |
c$$$ print*,'couples per plane: ',(ncp_plane(ip),ip=1,nplanes) |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ do ip=1,6 |
c$$$ ncp_tot=ncp_tot+ncp_plane(ip) |
c$$$ enddo |
c$$$c if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)goto 100!next event (TEMPORANEO!!!) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncp_tot.gt.ncp_max)then |
c$$$ if(verbose)print*, |
c$$$ $ '** warning ** number of identified '// |
c$$$ $ 'couples exceeds upper limit for Hough tr. ' |
c$$$ $ ,'( ',ncp_max,' )' |
c$$$c good2=.false. |
c$$$c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c$$$ iflag=1 |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$ |
*************************************************** |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
************************************************** |
1962 |
1963 |
subroutine cp_to_doubtrip(iflag) |
subroutine cp_to_doubtrip(iflag) |
c***************************************************** |
c 02/02/2006 modified by Elena Vannuccini --> (1) |
c***************************************************** |
1964 |
1965 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1966 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
1967 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
1968 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
1969 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
1970 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
2001 |
* ----------------------------- |
* ----------------------------- |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
* -------------------------------------------- |
2005 |
* put a limit to the maximum number of couples |
2006 |
* per plane, in order to apply hough transform |
2007 |
* (couples recovered during track refinement) |
2008 |
* -------------------------------------------- |
2009 |
do ip=1,nplanes |
2010 |
if(ncp_plane(ip).gt.ncouplelimit)then |
2011 |
c mask_view(nviewx(ip)) = 8 |
2012 |
c mask_view(nviewy(ip)) = 8 |
2013 |
mask_view(nviewx(ip)) = mask_view(nviewx(ip)) + 2**7 |
2014 |
mask_view(nviewy(ip)) = mask_view(nviewy(ip)) + 2**7 |
2015 |
endif |
2016 |
enddo |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
ndblt=0 !number of doublets |
ndblt=0 !number of doublets |
2020 |
ntrpt=0 !number of triplets |
ntrpt=0 !number of triplets |
2021 |
2022 |
do ip1=1,(nplanes-1) !loop on planes - COPPIA 1 |
do ip1=1,(nplanes-1) !loop on planes - COPPIA 1 |
2023 |
do is1=1,2 !loop on sensors - COPPIA 1 |
if( mask_view(nviewx(ip1)).ne.0 .or. |
2024 |
$ mask_view(nviewy(ip1)).ne.0 )goto 10 !skip plane |
2025 |
do is1=1,2 !loop on sensors - COPPIA 1 |
2026 |
do icp1=1,ncp_plane(ip1) !loop on COPPIA 1 |
do icp1=1,ncp_plane(ip1) !loop on COPPIA 1 |
2027 |
icx1=clx(ip1,icp1) |
icx1=clx(ip1,icp1) |
2028 |
icy1=cly(ip1,icp1) |
icy1=cly(ip1,icp1) |
2029 |
c call xyz_PAM(icx1,icy1,is1,'COG2','COG2',0.,0.)!(1) |
c call xyz_PAM(icx1,icy1,is1,'COG2','COG2',0.,0.)!(1) |
2030 |
call xyz_PAM(icx1,icy1,is1,PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.) !(1) |
c call xyz_PAM(icx1,icy1,is1,PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.) !(1) |
2031 |
call xyz_PAM(icx1,icy1,is1,PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.,0.,0.) |
2032 |
xm1=xPAM |
xm1=xPAM |
2033 |
ym1=yPAM |
ym1=yPAM |
2034 |
zm1=zPAM |
zm1=zPAM |
2035 |
c print*,'***',is1,xm1,ym1,zm1 |
c print*,'***',is1,xm1,ym1,zm1 |
2036 |
2037 |
do ip2=(ip1+1),nplanes !loop on planes - COPPIA 2 |
do ip2=(ip1+1),nplanes !loop on planes - COPPIA 2 |
2038 |
if( mask_view(nviewx(ip2)).ne.0 .or. |
2039 |
$ mask_view(nviewy(ip2)).ne.0 )goto 20 !skip plane |
2040 |
do is2=1,2 !loop on sensors -ndblt COPPIA 2 |
do is2=1,2 !loop on sensors -ndblt COPPIA 2 |
2041 |
2042 |
do icp2=1,ncp_plane(ip2) !loop on COPPIA 2 |
do icp2=1,ncp_plane(ip2) !loop on COPPIA 2 |
2044 |
icy2=cly(ip2,icp2) |
icy2=cly(ip2,icp2) |
2045 |
c call xyz_PAM |
c call xyz_PAM |
2046 |
c $ (icx2,icy2,is2,'COG2','COG2',0.,0.)!(1) |
c $ (icx2,icy2,is2,'COG2','COG2',0.,0.)!(1) |
2047 |
c call xyz_PAM |
2048 |
c $ (icx2,icy2,is2,PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.) !(1) |
2049 |
call xyz_PAM |
call xyz_PAM |
2050 |
$ (icx2,icy2,is2,PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.) !(1) |
$ (icx2,icy2,is2,PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.,0.,0.) |
2051 |
xm2=xPAM |
xm2=xPAM |
2052 |
ym2=yPAM |
ym2=yPAM |
2053 |
zm2=zPAM |
zm2=zPAM |
2064 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2065 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2066 |
do iv=1,12 |
do iv=1,12 |
2067 |
mask_view(iv) = 3 |
c mask_view(iv) = 3 |
2068 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv)+ 2**2 |
2069 |
enddo |
enddo |
2070 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2071 |
return |
return |
2100 |
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
2101 |
2102 |
2103 |
if(ip2.eq.nplanes)goto 30 !no possible combination with 3 couples |
if(ip2.eq.nplanes)goto 31 !no possible combination with 3 couples |
2104 |
2105 |
do ip3=(ip2+1),nplanes !loop on planes - COPPIA 3 |
do ip3=(ip2+1),nplanes !loop on planes - COPPIA 3 |
2106 |
if( mask_view(nviewx(ip3)).ne.0 .or. |
2107 |
$ mask_view(nviewy(ip3)).ne.0 )goto 30 !skip plane |
2108 |
do is3=1,2 !loop on sensors - COPPIA 3 |
do is3=1,2 !loop on sensors - COPPIA 3 |
2109 |
2110 |
do icp3=1,ncp_plane(ip3) !loop on COPPIA 3 |
do icp3=1,ncp_plane(ip3) !loop on COPPIA 3 |
2112 |
icy3=cly(ip3,icp3) |
icy3=cly(ip3,icp3) |
2113 |
c call xyz_PAM |
c call xyz_PAM |
2114 |
c $ (icx3,icy3,is3,'COG2','COG2',0.,0.)!(1) |
c $ (icx3,icy3,is3,'COG2','COG2',0.,0.)!(1) |
2115 |
c call xyz_PAM |
2116 |
c $ (icx3,icy3,is3,PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.) !(1) |
2117 |
call xyz_PAM |
call xyz_PAM |
2118 |
$ (icx3,icy3,is3,PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.) !(1) |
$ (icx3,icy3,is3,PFAdef,PFAdef |
2119 |
$ ,0.,0.,0.,0.) |
2120 |
xm3=xPAM |
xm3=xPAM |
2121 |
ym3=yPAM |
ym3=yPAM |
2122 |
zm3=zPAM |
zm3=zPAM |
2144 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2145 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2146 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
2147 |
mask_view(iv) = 4 |
c mask_view(iv) = 4 |
2148 |
mask_view(iv)=mask_view(iv)+ 2**3 |
2149 |
enddo |
enddo |
2150 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2151 |
return |
return |
2185 |
endif |
endif |
2186 |
enddo !end loop on COPPIA 3 |
enddo !end loop on COPPIA 3 |
2187 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 3 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 3 |
2188 |
30 continue |
2189 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 3 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 3 |
2190 |
30 continue |
31 continue |
2191 |
2192 |
1 enddo !end loop on COPPIA 2 |
1 enddo !end loop on COPPIA 2 |
2193 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 2 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 2 |
2194 |
20 continue |
2195 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 2 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 2 |
2196 |
2197 |
enddo !end loop on COPPIA1 |
enddo !end loop on COPPIA1 |
2198 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 1 |
enddo !end loop on sensors - COPPIA 1 |
2199 |
10 continue |
2200 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 1 |
enddo !end loop on planes - COPPIA 1 |
2201 |
2202 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
2379 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2380 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2381 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
2382 |
mask_view(iv) = 5 |
c mask_view(iv) = 5 |
2383 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv) + 2**4 |
2384 |
enddo |
enddo |
2385 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2386 |
return |
return |
2590 |
enddo |
enddo |
2591 |
c if(ncpused.lt.ncpxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
c if(ncpused.lt.ncpxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
2592 |
if(npt.lt.nptxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
if(npt.lt.nptxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
2593 |
if(nplused.lt.nplxz_min)goto 22288 !next doublet |
if(nplused.lt.nplxz_min)goto 22288 !next triplet |
2594 |
2595 |
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
2596 |
* >>> NEW CLOUD <<< |
* >>> NEW CLOUD <<< |
2602 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2603 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2604 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
2605 |
mask_view(iv) = 6 |
c mask_view(iv) = 6 |
2606 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv) + 2**5 |
2607 |
enddo |
enddo |
2608 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2609 |
return |
return |
2668 |
************************************************** |
************************************************** |
2669 |
2670 |
subroutine clouds_to_ctrack(iflag) |
subroutine clouds_to_ctrack(iflag) |
c***************************************************** |
c 02/02/2006 modified by Elena Vannuccini --> (1) |
c***************************************************** |
2671 |
2672 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
2673 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
2675 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
2676 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
2677 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
2678 |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
2679 |
2680 |
2681 |
* output flag |
* output flag |
2765 |
nplused=nplused+ hit_plane(ip) |
nplused=nplused+ hit_plane(ip) |
2766 |
enddo |
enddo |
2767 |
2768 |
if(nplused.lt.nplxz_min)goto 888 !next doublet |
c if(nplused.lt.nplxz_min)goto 888 !next doublet |
2769 |
if(nplused.lt.nplyz_min)goto 888 !next doublet |
2770 |
if(ncp_ok.lt.ncpok)goto 888 !next cloud |
if(ncp_ok.lt.ncpok)goto 888 !next cloud |
2771 |
2772 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
2870 |
* ************************* |
* ************************* |
2871 |
c call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, |
c call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, |
2872 |
c $ 'COG2','COG2',0.,0.) |
c $ 'COG2','COG2',0.,0.) |
2873 |
c call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, !(1) |
2874 |
c $ PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.) !(1) |
2875 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, !(1) |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, !(1) |
2876 |
$ PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.) !(1) |
$ PFAdef,PFAdef,0.,0.,0.,0.) |
2877 |
* ************************* |
* ************************* |
2878 |
* ----------------------------- |
* ----------------------------- |
2879 |
xgood(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
xgood(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
2901 |
jstep=0 !number of minimization steps |
jstep=0 !number of minimization steps |
2902 |
iprint=0 |
iprint=0 |
2903 |
c if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
c if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
2904 |
if(DEBUG)iprint=1 |
if(DEBUG)iprint=2 |
2905 |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
call mini2(jstep,ifail,iprint) |
2906 |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
if(ifail.ne.0) then |
2907 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
2936 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2937 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2938 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
2939 |
mask_view(iv) = 7 |
c mask_view(iv) = 7 |
2940 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv) + 2**6 |
2941 |
enddo |
enddo |
2942 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2943 |
return |
return |
2945 |
2946 |
ntracks = ntracks + 1 |
ntracks = ntracks + 1 |
2947 |
c$$$ ndof=0 |
2948 |
do ip=1,nplanes |
do ip=1,nplanes |
2949 |
c$$$ ndof=ndof |
c$$$ $ +int(xgood(ip)) |
c$$$ $ +int(ygood(ip)) |
2950 |
XV_STORE(ip,ntracks)=sngl(xv(ip)) |
XV_STORE(ip,ntracks)=sngl(xv(ip)) |
2951 |
YV_STORE(ip,ntracks)=sngl(yv(ip)) |
YV_STORE(ip,ntracks)=sngl(yv(ip)) |
2952 |
ZV_STORE(ip,ntracks)=sngl(zv(ip)) |
ZV_STORE(ip,ntracks)=sngl(zv(ip)) |
2965 |
if(hit_plane(ip).ne.0)then |
if(hit_plane(ip).ne.0)then |
2966 |
CP_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)= |
CP_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)= |
2967 |
$ cp_match(ip,hit_plane(ip)) |
$ cp_match(ip,hit_plane(ip)) |
2968 |
SENSOR_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks) |
2969 |
$ = is_cp(cp_match(ip,hit_plane(ip))) |
2970 |
LADDER_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks) |
2971 |
$ = LADDER( |
2972 |
$ clx(ip,icp_cp( |
2973 |
$ cp_match(ip,hit_plane(ip) |
2974 |
$ )))); |
2975 |
else |
else |
2976 |
CP_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)=0 |
CP_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)=0 |
2977 |
SENSOR_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)=0 |
2978 |
LADDER_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)=0 |
2979 |
endif |
endif |
2980 |
BX_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)=0!I dont need it now |
2981 |
BY_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)=0!I dont need it now |
2982 |
CLS_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)=0 |
CLS_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ntracks)=0 |
2983 |
do i=1,5 |
do i=1,5 |
2984 |
AL_STORE(i,ntracks)=sngl(AL(i)) |
AL_STORE(i,ntracks)=sngl(AL(i)) |
2985 |
enddo |
enddo |
2986 |
enddo |
enddo |
2987 |
c$$$ * Number of Degree Of Freedom |
c$$$ ndof=ndof-5 |
c$$$ * reduced chi^2 |
c$$$ rchi2=chi2/dble(ndof) |
2988 |
RCHI2_STORE(ntracks)=chi2 |
RCHI2_STORE(ntracks)=chi2 |
2989 |
2990 |
* -------------------------------- |
* -------------------------------- |
3008 |
return |
return |
3009 |
endif |
endif |
3010 |
3011 |
c$$$ if(DEBUG)then |
3012 |
c$$$ print*,'****** TRACK CANDIDATES ***********' |
3013 |
c$$$ print*,'# R. chi2 RIG' |
3014 |
c$$$ do i=1,ntracks |
3015 |
c$$$ print*,i,' --- ',rchi2_store(i),' --- ' |
3016 |
c$$$ $ ,1./abs(AL_STORE(5,i)) |
3017 |
c$$$ enddo |
3018 |
c$$$ print*,'***********************************' |
3019 |
c$$$ endif |
3020 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
3021 |
print*,'****** TRACK CANDIDATES ***********' |
print*,'****** TRACK CANDIDATES *****************' |
3022 |
print*,'# R. chi2 RIG' |
print*,'# R. chi2 RIG ndof' |
3023 |
do i=1,ntracks |
do i=1,ntracks |
3024 |
print*,i,' --- ',rchi2_store(i),' --- ' |
ndof=0 !(1) |
3025 |
$ ,1./abs(AL_STORE(5,i)) |
do ii=1,nplanes !(1) |
3026 |
enddo |
ndof=ndof !(1) |
3027 |
print*,'***********************************' |
$ +int(xgood_store(ii,i)) !(1) |
3028 |
$ +int(ygood_store(ii,i)) !(1) |
3029 |
enddo !(1) |
3030 |
print*,i,' --- ',rchi2_store(i),' --- ' |
3031 |
$ ,1./abs(AL_STORE(5,i)),' --- ',ndof |
3032 |
enddo |
3033 |
print*,'*****************************************' |
3034 |
endif |
endif |
3035 |
3036 |
3049 |
3050 |
subroutine refine_track(ibest) |
subroutine refine_track(ibest) |
3051 |
c****************************************************** |
cccccc 06/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini ---> (1) |
cccccc 31/01/2006 modified by elena vannuccini ---> (2) |
cccccc 12/08/2006 modified by elena vannucicni ---> (3) |
c****************************************************** |
3052 |
3053 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
3054 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
3056 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
3057 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
3058 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
include 'common_mech.f' |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
3059 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
3060 |
3061 |
* flag to chose PFA |
* flag to chose PFA |
3062 |
character*10 PFA |
character*10 PFA |
3063 |
3064 |
3065 |
real k(6) |
3066 |
DATA k/1.099730,0.418900,0.220939,0.220907,0.418771,1.100674/ |
3067 |
3068 |
real xp,yp,zp |
3069 |
real xyzp(3),bxyz(3) |
3070 |
equivalence (xp,xyzp(1)),(yp,xyzp(2)),(zp,xyzp(3)) |
3071 |
3072 |
* ================================================= |
* ================================================= |
3073 |
* new estimate of positions using ETA algorithm |
* new estimate of positions using ETA algorithm |
3074 |
* and |
* and |
3077 |
call track_init |
call track_init |
3078 |
do ip=1,nplanes !loop on planes |
do ip=1,nplanes !loop on planes |
3079 |
3080 |
xP=XV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest) |
3081 |
yP=YV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest) |
3082 |
zP=ZV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest) |
3083 |
call gufld(xyzp,bxyz) |
3084 |
BX_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)=bxyz(1) |
3085 |
BY_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)=bxyz(2) |
3086 |
c$$$ bxyz(1)=0 |
3087 |
c$$$ bxyz(2)=0 |
3088 |
c$$$ bxyz(3)=0 |
3089 |
* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
3090 |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
3091 |
* If the plane has been already included, it just |
* If the plane has been already included, it just |
3106 |
$ ,ip_cp(id),ip |
$ ,ip_cp(id),ip |
3107 |
icx=clx(ip,icp) |
icx=clx(ip,icp) |
3108 |
icy=cly(ip,icp) |
icy=cly(ip,icp) |
3109 |
c call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, |
3110 |
c $ PFA,PFA, |
3111 |
c $ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
3112 |
c $ AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
3113 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, |
c $ 'ETA2','ETA2', |
3114 |
$ PFA,PFA, |
$ PFA,PFA, |
3115 |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
3116 |
$ AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
$ AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
3117 |
c$$$ call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,is, |
$ bxyz(1), |
3118 |
c$$$ $ 'COG2','COG2', |
$ bxyz(2) |
3119 |
c$$$ $ 0., |
$ ) |
3120 |
c$$$ $ 0.) |
3121 |
xm(nplanes-ip+1) = xPAM |
xm(nplanes-ip+1) = xPAM |
3122 |
ym(nplanes-ip+1) = yPAM |
ym(nplanes-ip+1) = yPAM |
3123 |
zm(nplanes-ip+1) = zPAM |
zm(nplanes-ip+1) = zPAM |
3126 |
resx(nplanes-ip+1) = resxPAM |
resx(nplanes-ip+1) = resxPAM |
3127 |
resy(nplanes-ip+1) = resyPAM |
resy(nplanes-ip+1) = resyPAM |
3128 |
3129 |
c dedxtrk(nplanes-ip+1) = (dedx(icx)+dedx(icy))/2. !(1) |
dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1)=sgnl(icx)/mip(VIEW(icx),LADDER(icx)) |
3130 |
dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1)=dedx(icx)/mip(VIEW(icx),LADDER(icx)) !(1)(2) |
dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1)=sgnl(icy)/mip(VIEW(icy),LADDER(icy)) |
dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1)=dedx(icy)/mip(VIEW(icy),LADDER(icy)) !(1)(2) |
3131 |
3132 |
* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
3133 |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------- |
3142 |
3143 |
* -------------------------------------------------------------- |
* -------------------------------------------------------------- |
3144 |
* determine which ladder and sensor are intersected by the track |
* determine which ladder and sensor are intersected by the track |
xP=XV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest) |
yP=YV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest) |
zP=ZV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest) |
3145 |
call whichsensor(ip,xP,yP,nldt,ist) |
call whichsensor(ip,xP,yP,nldt,ist) |
3146 |
* if the track hit the plane in a dead area, go to the next plane |
* if the track hit the plane in a dead area, go to the next plane |
3147 |
if(nldt.eq.0.or.ist.eq.0)goto 133 |
if(nldt.eq.0.or.ist.eq.0)goto 133 |
3148 |
3149 |
SENSOR_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,IBEST)=ist |
3150 |
LADDER_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,IBEST)=nldt |
3151 |
* -------------------------------------------------------------- |
* -------------------------------------------------------------- |
3152 |
3153 |
if(DEBUG)then |
if(DEBUG)then |
3184 |
* |
* |
3185 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,ist, |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,ist, |
3186 |
$ PFA,PFA, |
$ PFA,PFA, |
c $ 'ETA2','ETA2', |
3187 |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
3188 |
$ AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
$ AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
3189 |
$ bxyz(1), |
3190 |
$ bxyz(2) |
3191 |
$ ) |
3192 |
3193 |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
3194 |
distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS |
c distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS !QUIQUI |
3195 |
id=id_cp(ip,icp,ist) |
id=id_cp(ip,icp,ist) |
3196 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( couple ',id |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( couple ',id |
3197 |
$ ,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
$ ,' ) distance ',distance |
3198 |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
3199 |
xmm = xPAM |
xmm = xPAM |
3200 |
ymm = yPAM |
ymm = yPAM |
3203 |
rymm = resyPAM |
rymm = resyPAM |
3204 |
distmin = distance |
distmin = distance |
3205 |
idm = id |
idm = id |
3206 |
c dedxmm = (dedx(icx)+dedx(icy))/2. !(1) |
dedxmmx = sgnl(icx)/mip(VIEW(icx),LADDER(icx)) !(1)(2) |
3207 |
dedxmmx = dedx(icx)/mip(VIEW(icx),LADDER(icx)) !(1)(2) |
dedxmmy = sgnl(icy)/mip(VIEW(icy),LADDER(icy)) !(1)(2) |
3208 |
dedxmmy = dedx(icy)/mip(VIEW(icy),LADDER(icy)) !(1)(2) |
c QUIQUI --> non devo moltiplicare per clinc?!?!?! |
3209 |
clincnewc=10*sqrt(rymm**2+rxmm**2 !QUIQUI |
3210 |
$ +RCHI2_STORE(ibest)*k(ip)*(cov(1,1)+cov(2,2))) !QUIQUI |
3211 |
endif |
endif |
3212 |
1188 continue |
1188 continue |
3213 |
enddo !end loop on couples on plane icp |
enddo !end loop on couples on plane icp |
3214 |
if(distmin.le.clinc)then |
c if(distmin.le.clinc)then !QUIQUI |
3215 |
if(distmin.le.clincnewc)then !QUIQUI |
3216 |
* ----------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------- |
3217 |
xm(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm !<<< |
xm(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm !<<< |
3218 |
ym(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm !<<< |
ym(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm !<<< |
3219 |
zm(nplanes-ip+1) = zmm !<<< |
zm(nplanes-ip+1) = zmm !<<< |
3220 |
xgood(nplanes-ip+1) = 1 !<<< |
xgood(nplanes-ip+1) = 1 !<<< |
3221 |
ygood(nplanes-ip+1) = 1 !<<< |
ygood(nplanes-ip+1) = 1 !<<< |
3222 |
resx(nplanes-ip+1)=rxmm !<<< |
resx(nplanes-ip+1)=rxmm !<<< |
3223 |
resy(nplanes-ip+1)=rymm !<<< |
resy(nplanes-ip+1)=rymm !<<< |
3224 |
c dedxtrk(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmm !<<< !(1) |
dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmx !<<< |
3225 |
dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmx !(1) |
dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmy !<<< |
dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmy !(1) |
3226 |
* ----------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------- |
3227 |
CP_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)=idm |
CP_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)=idm |
3228 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included couple ',idm |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included couple ',idm |
3229 |
$ ,' (norm.dist.= ',distmin,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
$ ,' (dist.= ',distmin,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
3230 |
goto 133 !next plane |
goto 133 !next plane |
3231 |
endif |
endif |
3232 |
* ================================================ |
* ================================================ |
3259 |
c if(cl_used(icx).eq.1)goto 11881 !if the X cluster is already used |
c if(cl_used(icx).eq.1)goto 11881 !if the X cluster is already used |
3260 |
if(cl_used(icx).ne.0)goto 11881 !if the X cluster is already used !(3) |
if(cl_used(icx).ne.0)goto 11881 !if the X cluster is already used !(3) |
3261 |
* !jump to the Y cluster |
* !jump to the Y cluster |
3262 |
c call xyz_PAM(icx,0,ist, |
3263 |
c $ PFA,PFA, |
3264 |
c $ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest),0.) |
3265 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,0,ist, |
call xyz_PAM(icx,0,ist, |
c $ 'ETA2','ETA2', |
3266 |
$ PFA,PFA, |
$ PFA,PFA, |
3267 |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest),0.) |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest),0., |
3268 |
$ bxyz(1), |
3269 |
$ bxyz(2) |
3270 |
$ ) |
3271 |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
3272 |
distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS |
c distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS !QUIQUI |
3273 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-X ',icx |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-X ',icx |
3274 |
$ ,' in cp ',id,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
$ ,' in cp ',id,' ) distance ',distance |
3275 |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
3276 |
xmm_A = xPAM_A |
xmm_A = xPAM_A |
3277 |
ymm_A = yPAM_A |
ymm_A = yPAM_A |
3283 |
rymm = resyPAM |
rymm = resyPAM |
3284 |
distmin = distance |
distmin = distance |
3285 |
iclm = icx |
iclm = icx |
3286 |
c dedxmm = dedx(icx) !(1) |
c dedxmm = sgnl(icx) !(1) |
3287 |
dedxmmx = dedx(icx)/mip(VIEW(icx),LADDER(icx)) !(1)(2) |
dedxmmx = sgnl(icx)/mip(VIEW(icx),LADDER(icx)) !(1)(2) |
3288 |
dedxmmy = 0. !(1) |
dedxmmy = 0. !(1) |
3289 |
endif |
endif |
3290 |
11881 continue |
11881 continue |
3292 |
c if(cl_used(icy).eq.1)goto 11882 !if the Y cluster is already used |
c if(cl_used(icy).eq.1)goto 11882 !if the Y cluster is already used |
3293 |
if(cl_used(icy).ne.0)goto 11882 !if the Y cluster is already used !(3) |
if(cl_used(icy).ne.0)goto 11882 !if the Y cluster is already used !(3) |
3294 |
* !jump to the next couple |
* !jump to the next couple |
3295 |
c call xyz_PAM(0,icy,ist, |
3296 |
c $ PFA,PFA, |
3297 |
c $ 0.,AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
3298 |
call xyz_PAM(0,icy,ist, |
call xyz_PAM(0,icy,ist, |
c $ 'ETA2','ETA2', |
3299 |
$ PFA,PFA, |
$ PFA,PFA, |
3300 |
$ 0.,AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
$ 0.,AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
3301 |
$ bxyz(1), |
3302 |
$ bxyz(2) |
3303 |
$ ) |
3304 |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
3305 |
distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS |
c distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS !QUIQUI |
3306 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-Y ',icy |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-Y ',icy |
3307 |
$ ,' in cp ',id,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
$ ,' in cp ',id,' ) distance ',distance |
3308 |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
3309 |
xmm_A = xPAM_A |
xmm_A = xPAM_A |
3310 |
ymm_A = yPAM_A |
ymm_A = yPAM_A |
3316 |
rymm = resyPAM |
rymm = resyPAM |
3317 |
distmin = distance |
distmin = distance |
3318 |
iclm = icy |
iclm = icy |
3319 |
c dedxmm = dedx(icy) !(1) |
c dedxmm = sgnl(icy) !(1) |
3320 |
dedxmmx = 0. !(1) |
dedxmmx = 0. !(1) |
3321 |
dedxmmy = dedx(icy)/mip(VIEW(icy),LADDER(icy)) !(1)(2) |
dedxmmy = sgnl(icy)/mip(VIEW(icy),LADDER(icy)) !(1)(2) |
3322 |
endif |
endif |
3323 |
11882 continue |
11882 continue |
3324 |
enddo !end loop on cluster inside couples |
enddo !end loop on cluster inside couples |
3325 |
*----- single clusters ----------------------------------------------- |
*----- single clusters ----------------------------------------------- |
3326 |
c print*,'## ncls(',ip,') ',ncls(ip) |
3327 |
do ic=1,ncls(ip) !loop on single clusters |
do ic=1,ncls(ip) !loop on single clusters |
3328 |
icl=cls(ip,ic) |
icl=cls(ip,ic) |
3329 |
c if(cl_used(icl).eq.1.or. !if the cluster is already used |
c if(cl_used(icl).eq.1.or. !if the cluster is already used |
3332 |
$ .false.)goto 18882 !jump to the next singlet |
$ .false.)goto 18882 !jump to the next singlet |
3333 |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then!<---- X view |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then!<---- X view |
3334 |
call xyz_PAM(icl,0,ist, |
call xyz_PAM(icl,0,ist, |
c $ 'ETA2','ETA2', |
3335 |
$ PFA,PFA, |
$ PFA,PFA, |
3336 |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest),0.) |
$ AXV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest),0., |
3337 |
$ bxyz(1), |
3338 |
$ bxyz(2) |
3339 |
$ ) |
3340 |
else !<---- Y view |
else !<---- Y view |
3341 |
call xyz_PAM(0,icl,ist, |
call xyz_PAM(0,icl,ist, |
c $ 'ETA2','ETA2', |
3342 |
$ PFA,PFA, |
$ PFA,PFA, |
3343 |
$ 0.,AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)) |
$ 0.,AYV_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest), |
3344 |
$ bxyz(1), |
3345 |
$ bxyz(2) |
3346 |
$ ) |
3347 |
endif |
endif |
3348 |
3349 |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
distance = distance_to(XP,YP) |
3350 |
distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS |
c distance = distance / RCHI2_STORE(ibest)!<<< MS !QUIQUI |
3351 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-s ',icl |
if(DEBUG)print*,'( cl-s ',icl |
3352 |
$ ,' ) normalized distance ',distance |
$ ,' ) distance ',distance,'<',distmin,' ?' |
3353 |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
if(distance.lt.distmin)then |
3354 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'YES' |
3355 |
xmm_A = xPAM_A |
xmm_A = xPAM_A |
3356 |
ymm_A = yPAM_A |
ymm_A = yPAM_A |
3357 |
zmm_A = zPAM_A |
zmm_A = zPAM_A |
3362 |
rymm = resyPAM |
rymm = resyPAM |
3363 |
distmin = distance |
distmin = distance |
3364 |
iclm = icl |
iclm = icl |
c dedxmm = dedx(icl) !(1) |
3365 |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then !<---- X view |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then !<---- X view |
3366 |
dedxmmx = dedx(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl)) !(1)(2) |
dedxmmx = sgnl(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl)) |
3367 |
dedxmmy = 0. !(1) |
dedxmmy = 0. |
3368 |
else !<---- Y view |
else !<---- Y view |
3369 |
dedxmmx = 0. !(1) |
dedxmmx = 0. |
3370 |
dedxmmy = dedx(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl)) !(1)(2) |
dedxmmy = sgnl(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl)) |
3371 |
endif |
endif |
3372 |
endif |
endif |
3373 |
18882 continue |
18882 continue |
3374 |
enddo !end loop on single clusters |
enddo !end loop on single clusters |
3375 |
c print*,'## distmin ', distmin,' clinc ',clinc |
3376 |
3377 |
if(distmin.le.clinc)then |
c QUIQUI------------ |
3378 |
c anche qui: non ci vuole clinc??? |
3379 |
CLS_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)=iclm !<<<< |
if(iclm.ne.0)then |
* ---------------------------- |
c print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
3380 |
if(mod(VIEW(iclm),2).eq.0)then |
if(mod(VIEW(iclm),2).eq.0)then |
3381 |
XGOOD(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
clincnew= |
3382 |
resx(nplanes-ip+1)=rxmm |
$ 20* |
3383 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included X-cl ',iclm |
$ sqrt(rxmm**2+RCHI2_STORE(ibest)*k(ip)*cov(1,1)) |
3384 |
c if(.true.)print*,'%%%% included X-cl ',iclm |
else if(mod(VIEW(iclm),2).ne.0)then |
3385 |
$ ,'( chi^2, ',RCHI2_STORE(ibest) |
clincnew= |
3386 |
$ ,', norm.dist.= ',distmin |
$ 10* |
3387 |
$ ,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
$ sqrt(rymm**2+RCHI2_STORE(ibest)*k(ip)*cov(2,2)) |
3388 |
else |
endif |
3389 |
YGOOD(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
c QUIQUI------------ |
3390 |
resy(nplanes-ip+1)=rymm |
3391 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included Y-cl ',iclm |
if(distmin.le.clincnew)then !QUIQUI |
3392 |
c if(.true.)print*,'%%%% included Y-cl ',iclm |
c if(distmin.le.clinc)then !QUIQUI |
3393 |
$ ,'( chi^2, ',RCHI2_STORE(ibest) |
3394 |
$ ,', norm.dist.= ', distmin |
CLS_STORE(nplanes-ip+1,ibest)=iclm !<<<< |
3395 |
$ ,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
* ---------------------------- |
3396 |
c print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
3397 |
if(mod(VIEW(iclm),2).eq.0)then |
3398 |
XGOOD(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
3399 |
resx(nplanes-ip+1)=rxmm |
3400 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included X-cl ',iclm |
3401 |
$ ,'( chi^2, ',RCHI2_STORE(ibest) |
3402 |
$ ,', dist.= ',distmin |
3403 |
$ ,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
3404 |
else |
3405 |
YGOOD(nplanes-ip+1)=1. |
3406 |
resy(nplanes-ip+1)=rymm |
3407 |
if(DEBUG)print*,'%%%% included Y-cl ',iclm |
3408 |
$ ,'( chi^2, ',RCHI2_STORE(ibest) |
3409 |
$ ,', dist.= ', distmin |
3410 |
$ ,', cut ',clinc,' )' |
3411 |
endif |
3412 |
c print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
3413 |
* ---------------------------- |
3414 |
xm_A(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm_A |
3415 |
ym_A(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm_A |
3416 |
xm_B(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm_B |
3417 |
ym_B(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm_B |
3418 |
zm(nplanes-ip+1) = (zmm_A+zmm_B)/2. |
3419 |
dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmx !<<< |
3420 |
dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmy !<<< |
3421 |
* ---------------------------- |
3422 |
endif |
endif |
c print*,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' |
* ---------------------------- |
xm_A(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm_A |
ym_A(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm_A |
xm_B(nplanes-ip+1) = xmm_B |
ym_B(nplanes-ip+1) = ymm_B |
zm(nplanes-ip+1) = (zmm_A+zmm_B)/2. |
c dedxtrk(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmm !<<< !(1) |
dedxtrk_x(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmx !<<< !(1) |
dedxtrk_y(nplanes-ip+1) = dedxmmy !<<< !(1) |
* ---------------------------- |
3423 |
endif |
endif |
3424 |
endif |
endif |
3425 |
133 continue |
133 continue |
3438 |
* * |
* * |
3439 |
* * |
* * |
3440 |
************************************************** |
************************************************** |
cccccc 12/08/2006 modified by elena ---> (1) |
3441 |
* |
* |
3442 |
subroutine clean_XYclouds(ibest,iflag) |
subroutine clean_XYclouds(ibest,iflag) |
3443 |
3444 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
3445 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
3446 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3447 |
c include 'momanhough_init.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' !(1) |
c include 'calib.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
3448 |
3449 |
do ip=1,nplanes !loop on planes |
do ip=1,nplanes !loop on planes |
3450 |
3454 |
if(id.ne.0)then |
if(id.ne.0)then |
3455 |
iclx=clx(ip,icp_cp(id)) |
iclx=clx(ip,icp_cp(id)) |
3456 |
icly=cly(ip,icp_cp(id)) |
icly=cly(ip,icp_cp(id)) |
3457 |
c cl_used(iclx)=1 !tag used clusters |
cl_used(iclx)=ntrk !tag used clusters |
3458 |
c cl_used(icly)=1 !tag used clusters |
cl_used(icly)=ntrk !tag used clusters |
cl_used(iclx)=ntrk !tag used clusters !(1) |
cl_used(icly)=ntrk !tag used clusters !(1) |
3459 |
elseif(icl.ne.0)then |
elseif(icl.ne.0)then |
3460 |
c cl_used(icl)=1 !tag used clusters |
cl_used(icl)=ntrk !tag used clusters |
cl_used(icl)=ntrk !tag used clusters !1) |
3461 |
endif |
endif |
3462 |
c if(DEBUG)then |
c print*,ip,' <<< ',id |
c endif |
3463 |
* ----------------------------- |
* ----------------------------- |
3464 |
* remove the couple from clouds |
* remove the couple from clouds |
3465 |
* remove also vitual couples containing the |
* remove also vitual couples containing the |
3510 |
3511 |
3512 |
c$$$*** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** * * * *** |
c$$$ real function fbad_cog(ncog,ic) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ include 'commontracker.f' |
c$$$ include 'level1.f' |
c$$$ include 'calib.f' |
c$$$ |
c$$$* --> signal of the central strip |
c$$$ sc = CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)) !center |
c$$$ |
c$$$* signal of adjacent strips |
c$$$* --> left |
c$$$ sl1 = 0 !left 1 |
c$$$ if( |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(ic)-1).ge.INDSTART(ic) |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ sl1 = max(0.,CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)-1)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ sl2 = 0 !left 2 |
c$$$ if( |
c$$$ $ (INDMAX(ic)-2).ge.INDSTART(ic) |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ sl2 = max(0.,CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)-2)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$* --> right |
c$$$ sr1 = 0 !right 1 |
c$$$ if( |
c$$$ $ (ic.ne.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+1).lt.INDSTART(ic+1)) |
c$$$ $ .or. |
c$$$ $ (ic.eq.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+1).le.TOTCLLENGTH) |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ sr1 = max(0.,CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)+1)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ sr2 = 0 !right 2 |
c$$$ if( |
c$$$ $ (ic.ne.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+2).lt.INDSTART(ic+1)) |
c$$$ $ .or. |
c$$$ $ (ic.eq.NCLSTR1.and.(INDMAX(ic)+2).le.TOTCLLENGTH) |
c$$$ $ ) |
c$$$ $ sr2 = max(0.,CLSIGNAL(INDMAX(ic)+2)) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(mod(int(VIEW(ic)),2).eq.1)then !Y-view |
c$$$ f = 4. |
c$$$ si = 8.4 |
c$$$ else !X-view |
c$$$ f = 6. |
c$$$ si = 3.9 |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ f0 = 1 |
c$$$ f1 = 1 |
c$$$ f2 = 1 |
c$$$ f3 = 1 |
c$$$ if(sl1.gt.sr1.and.sl1.gt.0.)then |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)) ).eq.0)f0=f |
c$$$ if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)-1)).eq.0)f1=f |
c$$$c if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)+1)).eq.0)f3=f |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncog.eq.2.and.sl1.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = (f1**2*sc**2/sl1**2+f0**2)/(sc**2/sl1**2+1.) |
c$$$ elseif(ncog.eq.3.and.sl1.ne.0.and.sr1.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ elseif(ncog.eq.4.and.sl1.ne.0.and.sr1.ne.0.and.sl2.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ elseif(sl1.le.sr1.and.sr1.gt.0.)then |
c$$$ |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)) ).eq.0)f0=f |
c$$$ if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)+1)).eq.0)f1=f |
c$$$c if(BAD(VIEW(ic),nvk(MAXS(ic)),nst(MAXS(ic)-1)).eq.0)f3=f |
c$$$ |
c$$$ if(ncog.eq.2.and.sr1.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = (f1**2*sc**2/sr1**2+f0**2)/(sc**2/sr1**2+1.) |
c$$$ elseif(ncog.eq.3.and.sr1.ne.0.and.sl1.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ elseif(ncog.eq.4.and.sr1.ne.0.and.sl1.ne.0.and.sr2.ne.0)then |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ else |
c$$$ fbad_cog = 1. |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ endif |
c$$$ |
c$$$ fbad_cog = sqrt(fbad_cog) |
c$$$ |
c$$$ return |
c$$$ end |
c$$$ |
3513 |
3514 |
3515 |
* **************************************************** |
* **************************************************** |
3520 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
3521 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3522 |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
3523 |
3524 |
* --------------------------------- |
3525 |
* variables initialized from level1 |
3526 |
* --------------------------------- |
3527 |
do i=1,nviews |
do i=1,nviews |
3528 |
good2(i)=good1(i) |
good2(i)=good1(i) |
3529 |
do j=1,nva1_view |
3530 |
vkflag(i,j)=1 |
3531 |
if(cnnev(i,j).le.0)then |
3532 |
vkflag(i,j)=cnnev(i,j) |
3533 |
endif |
3534 |
enddo |
3535 |
enddo |
enddo |
3536 |
* ---------------- |
3537 |
* level2 variables |
3538 |
* ---------------- |
3539 |
NTRK = 0 |
NTRK = 0 |
3540 |
do it=1,NTRKMAX |
do it=1,NTRKMAX |
3541 |
3546 |
ZM_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
ZM_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3547 |
RESX_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
RESX_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3548 |
RESY_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
RESY_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3549 |
TAILX_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3550 |
TAILY_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3551 |
XBAD(IP,IT) = 0 |
3552 |
YBAD(IP,IT) = 0 |
3553 |
XGOOD_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
XGOOD_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3554 |
YGOOD_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
YGOOD_nt(IP,IT) = 0 |
3555 |
LS(IP,IT) = 0 |
3556 |
DEDX_X(IP,IT) = 0 |
DEDX_X(IP,IT) = 0 |
3557 |
DEDX_Y(IP,IT) = 0 |
DEDX_Y(IP,IT) = 0 |
3558 |
CLTRX(IP,IT) = 0 |
CLTRX(IP,IT) = 0 |
3608 |
alfayz1_nt(idb)=0 |
alfayz1_nt(idb)=0 |
3609 |
alfayz2_nt(idb)=0 |
alfayz2_nt(idb)=0 |
3610 |
enddo |
enddo |
3611 |
do itr=1,ntrpl_max_nt |
do itr=1,ntrpt_max_nt |
3612 |
tr_cloud_nt(itr)=0 |
tr_cloud_nt(itr)=0 |
3613 |
alfaxz1_nt(itr)=0 |
alfaxz1_nt(itr)=0 |
3614 |
alfaxz2_nt(itr)=0 |
alfaxz2_nt(itr)=0 |
3637 |
alfayz1(idb)=0 |
alfayz1(idb)=0 |
3638 |
alfayz2(idb)=0 |
alfayz2(idb)=0 |
3639 |
enddo |
enddo |
3640 |
do itr=1,ntrpl_max |
do itr=1,ntrpt_max |
3641 |
tr_cloud(itr)=0 |
tr_cloud(itr)=0 |
3642 |
cpxz1(itr)=0 |
cpxz1(itr)=0 |
3643 |
cpxz2(itr)=0 |
cpxz2(itr)=0 |
3685 |
3686 |
3687 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
3688 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
3689 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3690 |
include 'level2.f' |
include 'level2.f' |
3691 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
3692 |
real sinth,phi,pig |
include 'calib.f' |
3693 |
3694 |
character*10 PFA |
3695 |
3696 |
3697 |
real sinth,phi,pig |
3698 |
integer ssensor,sladder |
3699 |
pig=acos(-1.) |
pig=acos(-1.) |
3700 |
3701 |
* ------------------------------------- |
3702 |
chi2_nt(ntr) = sngl(chi2) |
chi2_nt(ntr) = sngl(chi2) |
3703 |
nstep_nt(ntr) = nstep |
nstep_nt(ntr) = nstep |
3704 |
* ------------------------------------- |
3705 |
phi = al(4) |
phi = al(4) |
3706 |
sinth = al(3) |
sinth = al(3) |
3707 |
if(sinth.lt.0)then |
if(sinth.lt.0)then |
3714 |
$ phi = phi + 2*pig |
$ phi = phi + 2*pig |
3715 |
al(4) = phi |
al(4) = phi |
3716 |
al(3) = sinth |
al(3) = sinth |
3717 |
do i=1,5 |
do i=1,5 |
3718 |
al_nt(i,ntr) = sngl(al(i)) |
al_nt(i,ntr) = sngl(al(i)) |
3719 |
do j=1,5 |
do j=1,5 |
3720 |
coval(i,j,ntr) = sngl(cov(i,j)) |
coval(i,j,ntr) = sngl(cov(i,j)) |
3721 |
enddo |
enddo |
3722 |
enddo |
enddo |
3723 |
* ------------------------------------- |
3724 |
do ip=1,nplanes ! loop on planes |
do ip=1,nplanes ! loop on planes |
3725 |
xgood_nt(ip,ntr) = int(xgood(ip)) |
xgood_nt(ip,ntr) = int(xgood(ip)) |
3726 |
ygood_nt(ip,ntr) = int(ygood(ip)) |
ygood_nt(ip,ntr) = int(ygood(ip)) |
3729 |
zm_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(zm(ip)) |
zm_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(zm(ip)) |
3730 |
RESX_nt(IP,ntr) = sngl(resx(ip)) |
RESX_nt(IP,ntr) = sngl(resx(ip)) |
3731 |
RESY_nt(IP,ntr) = sngl(resy(ip)) |
RESY_nt(IP,ntr) = sngl(resy(ip)) |
3732 |
TAILX_nt(IP,ntr) = 0. |
3733 |
TAILY_nt(IP,ntr) = 0. |
3734 |
xv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(xv(ip)) |
xv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(xv(ip)) |
3735 |
yv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(yv(ip)) |
yv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(yv(ip)) |
3736 |
zv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(zv(ip)) |
zv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(zv(ip)) |
3737 |
axv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(axv(ip)) |
axv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(axv(ip)) |
3738 |
ayv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(ayv(ip)) |
ayv_nt(ip,ntr) = sngl(ayv(ip)) |
3739 |
dedx_x(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk_x(ip)) !(2) |
c l'avevo dimenticato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
3740 |
dedx_y(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk_y(ip)) !(2) |
factor = sqrt( |
3741 |
$ tan( acos(-1.) * sngl(axv(ip)) /180. )**2 + |
3742 |
$ tan( acos(-1.) * sngl(ayv(ip)) /180. )**2 + |
3743 |
$ 1. ) |
3744 |
c !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
3745 |
dedx_x(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk_x(ip)/factor) |
3746 |
dedx_y(ip,ntr) = sngl(dedxtrk_y(ip)/factor) |
3747 |
3748 |
id = CP_STORE(ip,IDCAND) |
ax = axv_nt(ip,ntr) |
3749 |
ay = ayv_nt(ip,ntr) |
3750 |
bfx = BX_STORE(ip,IDCAND) |
3751 |
bfy = BY_STORE(ip,IDCAND) |
3752 |
if(ip.eq.6) ax = -1. * axv_nt(ip,ntr) |
3753 |
if(ip.eq.6) bfy = -1. * BY_STORE(ip,IDCAND) |
3754 |
tgtemp = tan(ax*acos(-1.)/180.) + pmuH_h*bfy*0.00001 |
3755 |
angx = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.) |
3756 |
tgtemp = tan(ay*acos(-1.)/180.)+pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001 |
3757 |
angy = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.) |
3758 |
3759 |
c print*,'* ',ip,bfx,bfy,angx,angy |
3760 |
3761 |
id = CP_STORE(ip,IDCAND) ! couple id |
3762 |
icl = CLS_STORE(ip,IDCAND) |
icl = CLS_STORE(ip,IDCAND) |
3763 |
ssensor = -1 |
3764 |
sladder = -1 |
3765 |
ssensor = SENSOR_STORE(ip,IDCAND) |
3766 |
sladder = LADDER_STORE(ip,IDCAND) |
3767 |
if(ip.eq.6.and.ssensor.ne.0)ssensor = 3 - ssensor !notazione paolo x align |
3768 |
LS(IP,ntr) = ssensor+10*sladder |
3769 |
3770 |
if(id.ne.0)then |
if(id.ne.0)then |
3771 |
c >>> is a couple |
3772 |
cltrx(ip,ntr) = clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)) |
cltrx(ip,ntr) = clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)) |
3773 |
cltry(ip,ntr) = cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)) |
cltry(ip,ntr) = cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)) |
3774 |
c print*,ip,' ',cltrx(ip,ntr),cltry(ip,ntr) |
3775 |
c$$$ nnnnx = npfastrips(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)),PFA,angx) |
3776 |
c$$$ nnnny = npfastrips(cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)),PFA,angy) |
3777 |
c$$$ xbad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(nnnnx,clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3778 |
c$$$ ybad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(nnnny,cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3779 |
xbad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(4,clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3780 |
ybad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(4,cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3781 |
3782 |
3783 |
if(nsatstrips(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))).gt.0) |
3784 |
$ dedx_x(ip,ntr)=-dedx_x(ip,ntr) |
3785 |
if(nsatstrips(cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))).gt.0) |
3786 |
$ dedx_y(ip,ntr)=-dedx_y(ip,ntr) |
3787 |
3788 |
elseif(icl.ne.0)then |
elseif(icl.ne.0)then |
3789 |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)cltrx(ip,ntr)=icl |
3790 |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.1)cltry(ip,ntr)=icl |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then |
3791 |
c print*,ip,' ',cltrx(ip,ntr),cltry(ip,ntr) |
cltrx(ip,ntr)=icl |
3792 |
c$$$ nnnnn = npfastrips(icl,PFA,angx) |
3793 |
c$$$ xbad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(nnnnn,icl) |
3794 |
xbad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(4,icl) |
3795 |
3796 |
if(nsatstrips(icl).gt.0)dedx_x(ip,ntr)=-dedx_x(ip,ntr) |
3797 |
elseif(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.1)then |
3798 |
cltry(ip,ntr)=icl |
3799 |
c$$$ nnnnn = npfastrips(icl,PFA,angy) |
3800 |
c$$$ ybad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(nnnnn,icl) |
3801 |
ybad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(4,icl) |
3802 |
if(nsatstrips(icl).gt.0)dedx_y(ip,ntr)=-dedx_y(ip,ntr) |
3803 |
endif |
3804 |
3805 |
endif |
endif |
3806 |
3807 |
enddo |
enddo |
3808 |
3809 |
3810 |
c$$$ print*,(xgood(i),i=1,6) |
3811 |
c$$$ print*,(ygood(i),i=1,6) |
3812 |
c$$$ print*,(ls(i,ntr),i=1,6) |
3813 |
c$$$ print*,(dedx_x(i,ntr),i=1,6) |
3814 |
c$$$ print*,(dedx_y(i,ntr),i=1,6) |
3815 |
c$$$ print*,'-----------------------' |
3816 |
3817 |
end |
end |
3818 |
3819 |
subroutine fill_level2_siglets |
subroutine fill_level2_siglets |
3825 |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
* ------------------------------------------------------- |
3826 |
3827 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
include 'commontracker.f' |
c include 'level1.f' |
3828 |
include 'calib.f' |
include 'calib.f' |
3829 |
include 'level1.f' |
include 'level1.f' |
3830 |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
include 'common_momanhough.f' |
3832 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
3833 |
3834 |
* count #cluster per plane not associated to any track |
* count #cluster per plane not associated to any track |
c good2=1!.true. |
3835 |
nclsx = 0 |
nclsx = 0 |
3836 |
nclsy = 0 |
nclsy = 0 |
3837 |
3838 |
do iv = 1,nviews |
do iv = 1,nviews |
3839 |
if( mask_view(iv).ne.0 )good2(iv) = 20+mask_view(iv) |
c if( mask_view(iv).ne.0 )good2(iv) = 20+mask_view(iv) |
3840 |
good2(iv) = good2(iv) + mask_view(iv)*2**8 |
3841 |
enddo |
enddo |
3842 |
3843 |
do icl=1,nclstr1 |
do icl=1,nclstr1 |
3846 |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then !=== X views |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then !=== X views |
3847 |
nclsx = nclsx + 1 |
nclsx = nclsx + 1 |
3848 |
planex(nclsx) = ip |
planex(nclsx) = ip |
3849 |
sgnlxs(nclsx) = dedx(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl))!(2) |
sgnlxs(nclsx) = sgnl(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl)) |
3850 |
if(nsatstrips(icl).gt.0)sgnlxs(nclsx)=-sgnlxs(nclsx) |
3851 |
clsx(nclsx) = icl |
clsx(nclsx) = icl |
3852 |
do is=1,2 |
do is=1,2 |
3853 |
c call xyz_PAM(icl,0,is,'COG1',' ',0.,0.) |
c call xyz_PAM(icl,0,is,'COG1',' ',0.,0.) |
3854 |
call xyz_PAM(icl,0,is,PFAdef,' ',0.,0.) |
c call xyz_PAM(icl,0,is,PFAdef,' ',0.,0.) |
3855 |
call xyz_PAM(icl,0,is,PFAdef,' ',0.,0.,0.,0.) |
3856 |
xs(is,nclsx) = (xPAM_A+xPAM_B)/2 |
xs(is,nclsx) = (xPAM_A+xPAM_B)/2 |
3857 |
enddo |
enddo |
3858 |
c$$$ print*,'nclsx ',nclsx |
c$$$ print*,'nclsx ',nclsx |
3863 |
else !=== Y views |
else !=== Y views |
3864 |
nclsy = nclsy + 1 |
nclsy = nclsy + 1 |
3865 |
planey(nclsy) = ip |
planey(nclsy) = ip |
3866 |
sgnlys(nclsy) = dedx(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl))!(2) |
sgnlys(nclsy) = sgnl(icl)/mip(VIEW(icl),LADDER(icl)) |
3867 |
if(nsatstrips(icl).gt.0)sgnlys(nclsy)=-sgnlys(nclsy) |
3868 |
clsy(nclsy) = icl |
clsy(nclsy) = icl |
3869 |
do is=1,2 |
do is=1,2 |
3870 |
c call xyz_PAM(0,icl,is,' ','COG1',0.,0.) |
c call xyz_PAM(0,icl,is,' ','COG1',0.,0.) |
3871 |
call xyz_PAM(0,icl,is,' ',PFAdef,0.,0.) |
c call xyz_PAM(0,icl,is,' ',PFAdef,0.,0.) |
3872 |
call xyz_PAM(0,icl,is,' ',PFAdef,0.,0.,0.,0.) |
3873 |
ys(is,nclsy) = (yPAM_A+yPAM_B)/2 |
ys(is,nclsy) = (yPAM_A+yPAM_B)/2 |
3874 |
enddo |
enddo |
3875 |
c$$$ print*,'nclsy ',nclsy |
c$$$ print*,'nclsy ',nclsy |
3879 |
c$$$ print*,'ys(2,nclsy) ',ys(2,nclsy) |
c$$$ print*,'ys(2,nclsy) ',ys(2,nclsy) |
3880 |
endif |
endif |
3881 |
endif |
endif |
c print*,icl,cl_used(icl),cl_good(icl),ip,VIEW(icl)!nclsx(ip),nclsy(ip) |
3882 |
3883 |
3884 |
whichtrack(icl) = cl_used(icl) |
whichtrack(icl) = cl_used(icl) |