331 |
iimage=0 |
iimage=0 |
332 |
endif |
endif |
333 |
if(icand.eq.0)then |
if(icand.eq.0)then |
334 |
print*,'HAI FATTO UN CASINO!!!!!! icand = ',icand |
if(VERBOSE)then |
335 |
$ ,ibest,iimage |
print*,'HAI FATTO UN CASINO!!!!!! icand = ',icand |
336 |
$ ,ibest,iimage |
337 |
endif |
338 |
return |
return |
339 |
endif |
endif |
340 |
578 |
579 |
580 |
parameter (ndivx=30) |
parameter (ndivx=30) |
581 |
582 |
583 |
c$$$ print*,icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy |
584 |
585 |
resxPAM = 0 |
resxPAM = 0 |
586 |
resyPAM = 0 |
resyPAM = 0 |
596 |
zPAM_B = 0. |
zPAM_B = 0. |
597 |
c print*,'## xyz_PAM: ',icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,angx,angy |
c print*,'## xyz_PAM: ',icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,angx,angy |
598 |
599 |
if(sensor.lt.1.or.sensor.gt.2)then |
600 |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** wrong input ' |
601 |
print*,'sensor ',sensor |
602 |
icx=0 |
603 |
icy=0 |
604 |
endif |
605 |
606 |
* ----------------- |
* ----------------- |
607 |
608 |
* ----------------- |
* ----------------- |
609 |
if(icx.ne.0)then |
if(icx.ne.0)then |
610 |
611 |
viewx = VIEW(icx) |
viewx = VIEW(icx) |
613 |
nplx = npl(VIEW(icx)) |
nplx = npl(VIEW(icx)) |
614 |
resxPAM = RESXAV |
resxPAM = RESXAV |
615 |
stripx = float(MAXS(icx)) |
stripx = float(MAXS(icx)) |
616 |
617 |
if( |
618 |
$ viewx.lt.1.or. |
619 |
$ viewx.gt.12.or. |
620 |
$ nldx.lt.1.or. |
621 |
$ nldx.gt.3.or. |
622 |
$ stripx.lt.1.or. |
623 |
$ stripx.gt.3072.or. |
624 |
$ .false.)then |
625 |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** wrong input ' |
626 |
print*,'icx ',icx,'view ',viewx,'nld ',nldx,'strip ',stripx |
627 |
icx = 0 |
628 |
goto 10 |
629 |
endif |
630 |
631 |
* -------------------------- |
* -------------------------- |
632 |
* magnetic-field corrections |
* magnetic-field corrections |
633 |
* -------------------------- |
* -------------------------- |
634 |
angtemp = ax |
angtemp = ax |
635 |
bfytemp = bfy |
bfytemp = bfy |
636 |
if(nplx.eq.6) angtemp = -1. * ax |
* ///////////////////////////////// |
637 |
if(nplx.eq.6) bfytemp = -1. * bfy |
* AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
638 |
* *grvzkkjsdgjhhhgngbn###>:( |
639 |
* ///////////////////////////////// |
640 |
c if(nplx.eq.6) angtemp = -1. * ax |
641 |
c if(nplx.eq.6) bfytemp = -1. * bfy |
642 |
if(viewx.eq.12) angtemp = -1. * ax |
643 |
if(viewx.eq.12) bfytemp = -1. * bfy |
644 |
tgtemp = tan(angtemp*acos(-1.)/180.) + pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001 |
tgtemp = tan(angtemp*acos(-1.)/180.) + pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001 |
645 |
angx = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.) |
angx = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.) |
646 |
stripx = stripx - 0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchX |
stripx = stripx - 0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchX |
647 |
c$$$ print*,nplx,ax,bfy/10. |
c$$$ print*,nplx,ax,bfy/10. |
648 |
c$$$ print*,angx,0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchX |
c$$$ print*,angx,0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchX |
649 |
c$$$ print*,'========================' |
c$$$ print*,'========================' |
650 |
c$$$ if(bfy.ne.0.)print*,viewx,'-x- ' |
651 |
c$$$ $ ,bfy,-1*0.5*pmuH_h*bfytemp*0.00001*SiDimZ |
652 |
* -------------------------- |
* -------------------------- |
653 |
654 |
c$$$ print*,'--- x-cl ---' |
c$$$ print*,'--- x-cl ---' |
688 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA2')then |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA2')then |
689 |
690 |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta2(icx,angx) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta2(icx,angx) |
691 |
resxPAM = risx_eta2(abs(angx)) |
resxPAM = risxeta2(abs(angx)) |
692 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(2,icx) |
693 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
694 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
696 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA3')then |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA3')then |
697 |
698 |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta3(icx,angx) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta3(icx,angx) |
699 |
resxPAM = risx_eta3(abs(angx)) |
resxPAM = risxeta3(abs(angx)) |
700 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(3,icx) |
701 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icx).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(3,icx).ne.1) |
702 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(3,icx) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(3,icx) |
704 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA4')then |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA4')then |
705 |
706 |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta4(icx,angx) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta4(icx,angx) |
707 |
resxPAM = risx_eta4(abs(angx)) |
resxPAM = risxeta4(abs(angx)) |
708 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(4,icx) |
709 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icx).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(4,icx).ne.1) |
710 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(4,icx) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(4,icx) |
712 |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA')then |
elseif(PFAx.eq.'ETA')then |
713 |
714 |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta(icx,angx) |
stripx = stripx + pfaeta(icx,angx) |
715 |
resxPAM = ris_eta(icx,angx) |
c resxPAM = riseta(icx,angx) |
716 |
resxPAM = riseta(viewx,angx) |
717 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_eta(icx,angx) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_eta(icx,angx) |
718 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icx).ne.1) |
719 |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
$ print*,'BAD icx >>> ',viewx,fbad_cog(2,icx) |
725 |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(0,icx) |
resxPAM = resxPAM*fbad_cog(0,icx) |
726 |
727 |
else |
else |
728 |
print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx |
if(DEBUG) print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx |
729 |
endif |
endif |
730 |
731 |
740 |
c$$$ print*,icx,' *** ',resxPAM |
c$$$ print*,icx,' *** ',resxPAM |
741 |
endif |
endif |
742 |
743 |
endif |
10 endif |
744 |
745 |
746 |
* ----------------- |
* ----------------- |
747 |
748 |
* ----------------- |
* ----------------- |
755 |
resyPAM = RESYAV |
resyPAM = RESYAV |
756 |
stripy = float(MAXS(icy)) |
stripy = float(MAXS(icy)) |
757 |
758 |
if( |
759 |
$ viewy.lt.1.or. |
760 |
$ viewy.gt.12.or. |
761 |
$ nldy.lt.1.or. |
762 |
$ nldy.gt.3.or. |
763 |
$ stripy.lt.1.or. |
764 |
$ stripy.gt.3072.or. |
765 |
$ .false.)then |
766 |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** wrong input ' |
767 |
print*,'icy ',icy,'view ',viewy,'nld ',nldy,'strip ',stripy |
768 |
icy = 0 |
769 |
goto 20 |
770 |
endif |
771 |
772 |
if(icx.ne.0.and.(nply.ne.nplx.or.nldy.ne.nldx))then |
if(icx.ne.0.and.(nply.ne.nplx.or.nldy.ne.nldx))then |
773 |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** invalid cluster couple!!! ' |
if(DEBUG) then |
774 |
$ ,icx,icy |
print*,'xyz_PAM ***ERROR*** invalid cluster couple!!! ' |
775 |
$ ,icx,icy |
776 |
endif |
777 |
goto 100 |
goto 100 |
778 |
endif |
endif |
779 |
* -------------------------- |
* -------------------------- |
782 |
tgtemp = tan(ay*acos(-1.)/180.)+pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001 |
tgtemp = tan(ay*acos(-1.)/180.)+pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001 |
783 |
angy = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.) |
angy = 180.*atan(tgtemp)/acos(-1.) |
784 |
stripy = stripy + 0.5*pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchY |
stripy = stripy + 0.5*pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001*SiDimZ/pitchY |
785 |
c$$$ if(bfx.ne.0.)print*,viewy,'-y- ' |
786 |
c$$$ $ ,bfx,0.5*pmuH_e*bfx*0.00001*SiDimZ |
787 |
* -------------------------- |
* -------------------------- |
788 |
789 |
c$$$ print*,'--- y-cl ---' |
c$$$ print*,'--- y-cl ---' |
822 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA2')then |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA2')then |
823 |
824 |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta2(icy,angy) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta2(icy,angy) |
825 |
resyPAM = risy_eta2(abs(angy)) |
resyPAM = risyeta2(abs(angy)) |
826 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(2,icy) |
827 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
828 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
844 |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA')then |
elseif(PFAy.eq.'ETA')then |
845 |
846 |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta(icy,angy) |
stripy = stripy + pfaeta(icy,angy) |
847 |
resyPAM = ris_eta(icy,angy) |
c resyPAM = riseta(icy,angy) |
848 |
resyPAM = riseta(viewy,angy) |
849 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_eta(icy,angy) |
850 |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
if(DEBUG.and.fbad_cog(2,icy).ne.1) |
851 |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
$ print*,'BAD icy >>> ',viewy,fbad_cog(2,icy) |
857 |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(0,icy) |
resyPAM = resyPAM*fbad_cog(0,icy) |
858 |
859 |
else |
else |
860 |
print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx |
if(DEBUG) print*,'*** Non valid p.f.a. (x) --> ',PFAx |
861 |
endif |
endif |
862 |
863 |
873 |
endif |
endif |
874 |
875 |
876 |
endif |
20 endif |
877 |
878 |
c print*,'## stripx,stripy ',stripx,stripy |
c$$$ print*,'## stripx,stripy ',stripx,stripy |
879 |
880 |
c=========================================================== |
c=========================================================== |
881 |
887 |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
c------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
888 |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
889 |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
890 |
print*,'xyz_PAM (couple):', |
if(DEBUG) then |
891 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
print*,'xyz_PAM (couple):', |
892 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
893 |
endif |
894 |
endif |
endif |
895 |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
896 |
yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy) |
yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy) |
982 |
c if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
c if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
983 |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
984 |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
985 |
print*,'xyz_PAM (X-singlet):', |
if(DEBUG) then |
986 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
print*,'xyz_PAM (X-singlet):', |
987 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
988 |
endif |
989 |
endif |
endif |
990 |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
991 |
1007 |
c print*,yi_A,' <--> ',yi_B |
c print*,yi_A,' <--> ',yi_B |
1008 |
1009 |
else |
else |
1010 |
if(DEBUG) then |
1011 |
print *,'routine xyz_PAM ---> not properly used !!!' |
print *,'routine xyz_PAM ---> not properly used !!!' |
1012 |
print *,'icx = ',icx |
print *,'icx = ',icx |
1013 |
print *,'icy = ',icy |
print *,'icy = ',icy |
1014 |
endif |
1015 |
goto 100 |
goto 100 |
1016 |
1017 |
endif |
endif |
1076 |
c print*,'A-(',xPAM_A,yPAM_A,') B-(',xPAM_B,yPAM_B,')' |
c print*,'A-(',xPAM_A,yPAM_A,') B-(',xPAM_B,yPAM_B,')' |
1077 |
1078 |
else |
else |
1079 |
if(DEBUG) then |
1080 |
print *,'routine xyz_PAM ---> not properly used !!!' |
print *,'routine xyz_PAM ---> not properly used !!!' |
1081 |
print *,'icx = ',icx |
print *,'icx = ',icx |
1082 |
print *,'icy = ',icy |
print *,'icy = ',icy |
1083 |
endif |
1084 |
endif |
endif |
1085 |
1086 |
1091 |
100 continue |
100 continue |
1092 |
end |
end |
1093 |
1094 |
************************************************************************ |
1095 |
* Call xyz_PAM subroutine with default PFA and fill the mini2 common. |
1096 |
* (done to be called from c/c++) |
1097 |
************************************************************************ |
1098 |
1099 |
subroutine xyzpam(ip,icx,icy,lad,sensor,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1100 |
1101 |
include 'commontracker.f' |
1102 |
include 'level1.f' |
1103 |
include 'common_mini_2.f' |
1104 |
include 'common_xyzPAM.f' |
1105 |
include 'common_mech.f' |
1106 |
include 'calib.f' |
1107 |
1108 |
* flag to chose PFA |
1109 |
c$$$ character*10 PFA |
1110 |
c$$$ common/FINALPFA/PFA |
1111 |
1112 |
integer icx,icy !X-Y cluster ID |
1113 |
integer sensor |
1114 |
character*4 PFAx,PFAy !PFA to be used |
1115 |
real ax,ay !X-Y geometric angle |
1116 |
real bfx,bfy !X-Y b-field components |
1117 |
1118 |
ipx=0 |
1119 |
ipy=0 |
1120 |
1121 |
c$$$ PFAx = 'COG4'!PFA |
1122 |
c$$$ PFAy = 'COG4'!PFA |
1123 |
1124 |
if(icx.gt.nclstr1.or.icy.gt.nclstr1)then |
1125 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy |
1126 |
$ ,' does not exists (nclstr1=',nclstr1,')' |
1127 |
icx = -1*icx |
1128 |
icy = -1*icy |
1129 |
return |
1130 |
1131 |
endif |
1132 |
1133 |
call idtoc(pfaid,PFAx) |
1134 |
call idtoc(pfaid,PFAy) |
1135 |
1136 |
c$$$ call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1137 |
1138 |
c$$$ print*,icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy |
1139 |
1140 |
if(icx.ne.0.and.icy.ne.0)then |
1141 |
1142 |
ipx=npl(VIEW(icx)) |
1143 |
ipy=npl(VIEW(icy)) |
1144 |
c$$$ if( (nplanes-ipx+1).ne.ip.or.(nplanes-ipy+1).ne.ip ) |
1145 |
c$$$ $ print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy |
1146 |
c$$$ $ ,' does not belong to the correct plane: ',ip,ipx,ipy |
1147 |
1148 |
if( (nplanes-ipx+1).ne.ip )then |
1149 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** cluster ',icx |
1150 |
$ ,' does not belong to plane: ',ip |
1151 |
icx = -1*icx |
1152 |
return |
1153 |
endif |
1154 |
if( (nplanes-ipy+1).ne.ip )then |
1155 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** cluster ',icy |
1156 |
$ ,' does not belong to plane: ',ip |
1157 |
icy = -1*icy |
1158 |
return |
1159 |
endif |
1160 |
1161 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1162 |
1163 |
xgood(ip) = 1. |
1164 |
ygood(ip) = 1. |
1165 |
resx(ip) = resxPAM |
1166 |
resy(ip) = resyPAM |
1167 |
1168 |
xm(ip) = xPAM |
1169 |
ym(ip) = yPAM |
1170 |
zm(ip) = zPAM |
1171 |
xm_A(ip) = 0. |
1172 |
ym_A(ip) = 0. |
1173 |
xm_B(ip) = 0. |
1174 |
ym_B(ip) = 0. |
1175 |
1176 |
c zv(ip) = zPAM |
1177 |
1178 |
elseif(icx.eq.0.and.icy.ne.0)then |
1179 |
1180 |
ipy=npl(VIEW(icy)) |
1181 |
c$$$ if((nplanes-ipy+1).ne.ip) |
1182 |
c$$$ $ print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy |
1183 |
c$$$ $ ,' does not belong to the correct plane: ',ip,ipx,ipy |
1184 |
if( (nplanes-ipy+1).ne.ip )then |
1185 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** cluster ',icy |
1186 |
$ ,' does not belong to plane: ',ip |
1187 |
icy = -1*icy |
1188 |
return |
1189 |
endif |
1190 |
1191 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1192 |
1193 |
xgood(ip) = 0. |
1194 |
ygood(ip) = 1. |
1195 |
resx(ip) = 1000. |
1196 |
resy(ip) = resyPAM |
1197 |
1198 |
xm(ip) = -100. |
1199 |
ym(ip) = -100. |
1200 |
zm(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2. |
1201 |
xm_A(ip) = xPAM_A |
1202 |
ym_A(ip) = yPAM_A |
1203 |
xm_B(ip) = xPAM_B |
1204 |
ym_B(ip) = yPAM_B |
1205 |
1206 |
c zv(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2. |
1207 |
1208 |
elseif(icx.ne.0.and.icy.eq.0)then |
1209 |
1210 |
ipx=npl(VIEW(icx)) |
1211 |
c$$$ if((nplanes-ipx+1).ne.ip) |
1212 |
c$$$ $ print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** clusters ',icx,icy |
1213 |
c$$$ $ ,' does not belong to the correct plane: ',ip,ipx,ipy |
1214 |
1215 |
if( (nplanes-ipx+1).ne.ip )then |
1216 |
print*,'xyzpam: ***WARNING*** cluster ',icx |
1217 |
$ ,' does not belong to plane: ',ip |
1218 |
icx = -1*icx |
1219 |
return |
1220 |
endif |
1221 |
1222 |
call xyz_PAM(icx,icy,sensor,PFAx,PFAy,ax,ay,bfx,bfy) |
1223 |
1224 |
xgood(ip) = 1. |
1225 |
ygood(ip) = 0. |
1226 |
resx(ip) = resxPAM |
1227 |
resy(ip) = 1000. |
1228 |
1229 |
xm(ip) = -100. |
1230 |
ym(ip) = -100. |
1231 |
zm(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2. |
1232 |
xm_A(ip) = xPAM_A |
1233 |
ym_A(ip) = yPAM_A |
1234 |
xm_B(ip) = xPAM_B |
1235 |
ym_B(ip) = yPAM_B |
1236 |
1237 |
c zv(ip) = (zPAM_A+zPAM_B)/2. |
1238 |
1239 |
else |
1240 |
1241 |
il = 2 |
1242 |
if(lad.ne.0)il=lad |
1243 |
is = 1 |
1244 |
if(sensor.ne.0)is=sensor |
1245 |
c print*,nplanes-ip+1,il,is |
1246 |
1247 |
xgood(ip) = 0. |
1248 |
ygood(ip) = 0. |
1249 |
resx(ip) = 1000. |
1250 |
resy(ip) = 1000. |
1251 |
1252 |
xm(ip) = -100. |
1253 |
ym(ip) = -100. |
1254 |
zm(ip) = z_mech_sensor(nplanes-ip+1,il,is)*1000./1.d4 |
1255 |
xm_A(ip) = 0. |
1256 |
ym_A(ip) = 0. |
1257 |
xm_B(ip) = 0. |
1258 |
ym_B(ip) = 0. |
1259 |
1260 |
c zv(ip) = z_mech_sensor(nplanes-ip+1,il,is)*1000./1.d4 |
1261 |
1262 |
endif |
1263 |
1264 |
if(DEBUG)then |
1265 |
c print*,'----------------------------- track coord' |
1266 |
22222 format(i2,' * ',3f10.4,' --- ',4f10.4,' --- ',2f4.0,2f10.5) |
1267 |
write(*,22222)ip,zm(ip),xm(ip),ym(ip) |
1268 |
$ ,xm_A(ip),ym_A(ip),xm_B(ip),ym_B(ip) |
1269 |
$ ,xgood(ip),ygood(ip),resx(ip),resy(ip) |
1270 |
c$$$ print*,'-----------------------------' |
1271 |
endif |
1272 |
end |
1273 |
1274 |
******************************************************************************** |
******************************************************************************** |
1275 |
******************************************************************************** |
******************************************************************************** |
1385 |
1386 |
else |
else |
1387 |
1388 |
print* |
c print* |
1389 |
$ ,' function distance_to ---> wrong usage!!!' |
c $ ,' function distance_to ---> wrong usage!!!' |
1390 |
print*,' xPAM,yPAM,zPAM ',xPAM,yPAM,zPAM |
c print*,' xPAM,yPAM,zPAM ',xPAM,yPAM,zPAM |
1391 |
print*,' xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b ' |
c print*,' xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b ' |
1392 |
$ ,xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b |
c $ ,xPAM_A,yPAM_A,zPAM_A,xPAM_b,yPAM_b,zPAM_b |
1393 |
endif |
endif |
1394 |
1395 |
distance_to = sngl(distance) |
distance_to = sngl(distance) |
1457 |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
if(((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).le.3) |
1458 |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
$ .or.((mod(int(stripx+0.5)-1,1024)+1).ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
1459 |
c if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
c if((stripx.le.3).or.(stripx.ge.1022)) then !X has 1018 strips... |
1460 |
print*,'whichsensor: ', |
c print*,'whichsensor: ', |
1461 |
$ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
c $ ' WARNING: false X strip: strip ',stripx |
1462 |
endif |
endif |
1463 |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
xi = acoordsi(stripx,viewx) |
1464 |
yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy) |
yi = acoordsi(stripy,viewy) |
1613 |
is_cp=0 |
is_cp=0 |
1614 |
if(id.lt.0)is_cp=1 |
if(id.lt.0)is_cp=1 |
1615 |
if(id.gt.0)is_cp=2 |
if(id.gt.0)is_cp=2 |
1616 |
if(id.eq.0)print*,'IS_CP ===> wrong couple id !!!' |
c if(id.eq.0)print*,'IS_CP ===> wrong couple id !!!' |
1617 |
1618 |
return |
return |
1619 |
end |
end |
1742 |
* mask views with too many clusters |
* mask views with too many clusters |
1743 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
1744 |
if( ncl_view(iv).gt. nclusterlimit)then |
if( ncl_view(iv).gt. nclusterlimit)then |
1745 |
mask_view(iv) = 1 |
c mask_view(iv) = 1 |
1746 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv) + 2**0 |
1747 |
if(DEBUG)print*,' * WARNING * cl_to_couple: n.clusters > ' |
if(DEBUG)print*,' * WARNING * cl_to_couple: n.clusters > ' |
1748 |
$ ,nclusterlimit,' on view ', iv,' --> masked!' |
$ ,nclusterlimit,' on view ', iv,' --> masked!' |
1749 |
endif |
endif |
1888 |
$ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
$ 'couples on plane ',nplx, |
1889 |
$ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
$ 'exceeds vector dimention ' |
1890 |
$ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' ) --> masked!' |
$ ,'( ',ncouplemax,' ) --> masked!' |
1891 |
mask_view(nviewx(nplx)) = 2 |
c mask_view(nviewx(nplx)) = 2 |
1892 |
mask_view(nviewy(nply)) = 2 |
c mask_view(nviewy(nply)) = 2 |
1893 |
mask_view(nviewx(nplx))= mask_view(nviewx(nplx))+ 2**1 |
1894 |
mask_view(nviewy(nply))= mask_view(nviewy(nply))+ 2**1 |
1895 |
goto 10 |
goto 10 |
1896 |
endif |
endif |
1897 |
1992 |
* -------------------------------------------- |
* -------------------------------------------- |
1993 |
do ip=1,nplanes |
do ip=1,nplanes |
1994 |
if(ncp_plane(ip).gt.ncouplelimit)then |
if(ncp_plane(ip).gt.ncouplelimit)then |
1995 |
mask_view(nviewx(ip)) = 8 |
c mask_view(nviewx(ip)) = 8 |
1996 |
mask_view(nviewy(ip)) = 8 |
c mask_view(nviewy(ip)) = 8 |
1997 |
mask_view(nviewx(ip)) = mask_view(nviewx(ip)) + 2**7 |
1998 |
mask_view(nviewy(ip)) = mask_view(nviewy(ip)) + 2**7 |
1999 |
endif |
endif |
2000 |
enddo |
enddo |
2001 |
2048 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2049 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2050 |
do iv=1,12 |
do iv=1,12 |
2051 |
mask_view(iv) = 3 |
c mask_view(iv) = 3 |
2052 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv)+ 2**2 |
2053 |
enddo |
enddo |
2054 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2055 |
return |
return |
2128 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2129 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2130 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
2131 |
mask_view(iv) = 4 |
c mask_view(iv) = 4 |
2132 |
mask_view(iv)=mask_view(iv)+ 2**3 |
2133 |
enddo |
enddo |
2134 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2135 |
return |
return |
2363 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2364 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2365 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
2366 |
mask_view(iv) = 5 |
c mask_view(iv) = 5 |
2367 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv) + 2**4 |
2368 |
enddo |
enddo |
2369 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2370 |
return |
return |
2586 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2587 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2588 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
2589 |
mask_view(iv) = 6 |
c mask_view(iv) = 6 |
2590 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv) + 2**5 |
2591 |
enddo |
enddo |
2592 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2593 |
return |
return |
2920 |
c good2=.false. |
c good2=.false. |
2921 |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
c goto 880 !fill ntp and go to next event |
2922 |
do iv=1,nviews |
do iv=1,nviews |
2923 |
mask_view(iv) = 7 |
c mask_view(iv) = 7 |
2924 |
mask_view(iv) = mask_view(iv) + 2**6 |
2925 |
enddo |
enddo |
2926 |
iflag=1 |
iflag=1 |
2927 |
return |
return |
3755 |
c >>> is a couple |
c >>> is a couple |
3756 |
cltrx(ip,ntr) = clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)) |
cltrx(ip,ntr) = clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)) |
3757 |
cltry(ip,ntr) = cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)) |
cltry(ip,ntr) = cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)) |
3758 |
3759 |
c$$$ nnnnx = npfastrips(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)),PFA,angx) |
3760 |
c$$$ nnnny = npfastrips(cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)),PFA,angy) |
3761 |
c$$$ xbad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(nnnnx,clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3762 |
c$$$ ybad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(nnnny,cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3763 |
xbad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(4,clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3764 |
ybad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(4,cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3765 |
c$$$ if(is_cp(id).ne.ssensor) |
c$$$ $ print*,'ERROR is sensor assignment (couple)' |
c$$$ $ ,is_cp(id),ssensor |
c$$$ if(LADDER(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))).ne.sladder) |
c$$$ $ print*,'ERROR is ladder assignment (couple)' |
c$$$ $ ,LADDER(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))),sladder |
nnnnx = npfastrips(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)),PFA,angx) |
nnnny = npfastrips(cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id)),PFA,angy) |
xbad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(nnnnx,clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
ybad(ip,ntr)= nbadstrips(nnnny,cly(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))) |
3766 |
3767 |
if(nsatstrips(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))).gt.0) |
if(nsatstrips(clx(nplanes-ip+1,icp_cp(id))).gt.0) |
3768 |
$ dedx_x(ip,ntr)=-dedx_x(ip,ntr) |
$ dedx_x(ip,ntr)=-dedx_x(ip,ntr) |
3770 |
$ dedx_y(ip,ntr)=-dedx_y(ip,ntr) |
$ dedx_y(ip,ntr)=-dedx_y(ip,ntr) |
3771 |
3772 |
elseif(icl.ne.0)then |
elseif(icl.ne.0)then |
3773 |
c >>> is a singlet |
c$$$ if(LADDER(icl).ne.sladder) |
c$$$ $ print*,'ERROR is ladder assignment (single)' |
c$$$ $ ,LADDER(icl),sladder |
3774 |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then |
if(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.0)then |
3775 |
cltrx(ip,ntr)=icl |
cltrx(ip,ntr)=icl |
3776 |
nnnnn = npfastrips(icl,PFA,angx) |
c$$$ nnnnn = npfastrips(icl,PFA,angx) |
3777 |
xbad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(nnnnn,icl) |
c$$$ xbad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(nnnnn,icl) |
3778 |
xbad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(4,icl) |
3779 |
3780 |
if(nsatstrips(icl).gt.0)dedx_x(ip,ntr)=-dedx_x(ip,ntr) |
if(nsatstrips(icl).gt.0)dedx_x(ip,ntr)=-dedx_x(ip,ntr) |
3781 |
elseif(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.1)then |
elseif(mod(VIEW(icl),2).eq.1)then |
3782 |
cltry(ip,ntr)=icl |
cltry(ip,ntr)=icl |
3783 |
nnnnn = npfastrips(icl,PFA,angy) |
c$$$ nnnnn = npfastrips(icl,PFA,angy) |
3784 |
ybad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(nnnnn,icl) |
c$$$ ybad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(nnnnn,icl) |
3785 |
ybad(ip,ntr) = nbadstrips(4,icl) |
3786 |
if(nsatstrips(icl).gt.0)dedx_y(ip,ntr)=-dedx_y(ip,ntr) |
if(nsatstrips(icl).gt.0)dedx_y(ip,ntr)=-dedx_y(ip,ntr) |
3787 |
endif |
endif |
3788 |
3789 |
endif |
endif |
3790 |
3791 |
enddo |
enddo |
3820 |
nclsy = 0 |
nclsy = 0 |
3821 |
3822 |
do iv = 1,nviews |
do iv = 1,nviews |
3823 |
if( mask_view(iv).ne.0 )good2(iv) = 20+mask_view(iv) |
c if( mask_view(iv).ne.0 )good2(iv) = 20+mask_view(iv) |
3824 |
good2(iv) = good2(iv) + mask_view(iv)*2**8 |
3825 |
enddo |
enddo |
3826 |
3827 |
do icl=1,nclstr1 |
do icl=1,nclstr1 |