/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/TrkStruct.h
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/TrkStruct.h

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Revision 1.2 - (show annotations) (download)
Tue May 30 16:30:36 2006 UTC (18 years, 8 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v0r02, v1r01beta, v1r00
Changes since 1.1: +55 -14 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
Error handling from F77 routine / Fixed some bugs with default calibration

1 /**
2 * \file TrkStruct.h
3 * \author Elena Vannuccini
4 * \date
5 */
6 #ifndef trkstruct_h
7 #define trkstruct_h
9 #define NTRKMAX 10
10 #define NSINGMAX 100
12 #include <CalibTrk1Event.h>
13 #include <CalibTrk2Event.h>
15 #include <TString.h>
16 #include <TFile.h>
17 #include <TTree.h>
19 #include <fstream>
20 #include <iostream>
21 /**
22 * \brief Struct to pass calibration parameters to F77 routines
23 */
24 struct cTrkCalib {
26 float pedestal[128][24][12];
27 float pedestal_t[128][24][12];
28 float sigma[128][24][12];
29 float sigma_t[128][24][12];
30 int bad[128][24][12];
32 void FillACalibFrom(TFile* , Int_t , Int_t );
33 void FillFCalibFrom(TFile* , Int_t , Int_t );
34 void FillTCalibFrom(TFile* , Int_t , Int_t );
35 void FillTCalibFrom(TString);
37 };
38 // ==================================================================
39 /**
40 * \brief Struct to pass tracker LEVEL0 data to F77 routines
41 */
42 struct cTrkLevel0 {
43 int DAQmode[12];
44 int DSPnumber[12];
45 int DATAlength[12];
46 int eventn[12];
47 int nclust[12];
48 int cutc[12];
49 int cutcl[12];
50 int addrcluster[3][12];
51 int signcluster[3][12];
52 int fc[12];
53 int compressiontime[12];
54 int fl5[12];
55 int fl4[12];
56 int fl3[12];
57 int fl2[12];
58 int fl1[12];
59 int fl6[12];
60 int checksum[12];
61 int TOTDATAlength;
62 int datatracker[49152];
63 int pnum[12];
64 int cmdnum[12];
65 int bid[12];
66 int alarm[12];
67 int aswr[12];
68 int good0;
69 int crc[12];
70 };
71 // ==================================================================
72 /**
73 * \brief Struct to pass tracker LEVEL1 data to F77 routines
74 */
75 struct cTrkLevel1 {
76 int good1;
77 int nclstr1;
78 int view[500];
79 int ladder[500];
80 int maxs[500];
81 int mult[500];
82 float dedx[500];
83 int indstart[500];
84 int indmax[500];
85 int totCLlength;
86 float clsignal[8500];
87 float cnev[24][12];
88 };
89 // ==================================================================
90 /**
91 * \brief Struct to pass tracker LEVEL2 data to F77 routines
92 */
93 struct cTrkLevel2 {
94 int good2;
95 int crc[12];
96 // ----------------------------
97 int nclsx;
98 int planex[NSINGMAX];
99 float xs[NSINGMAX][2];
100 float signlxs[NSINGMAX];
101 // ----------------------------
102 int nclsy;
103 int planey[NSINGMAX];
104 float ys[NSINGMAX][2];
105 float signlys[NSINGMAX];
106 // ----------------------------
107 int ntrk;
108 int image[NTRKMAX];
109 float xm_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
110 float ym_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
111 float zm_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
112 float resx_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
113 float resy_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
114 float al_nt[NTRKMAX][5];
115 float coval[NTRKMAX][5][5];
116 float chi2_nt[NTRKMAX];
117 int xgood_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
118 int ygood_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
119 float xv_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
120 float yv_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
121 float zv_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
122 float axv_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
123 float ayv_nt[NTRKMAX][6];
124 float dedx_x[NTRKMAX][6];
125 float dedx_y[NTRKMAX][6];
126 float bdl[NTRKMAX];
127 };
128 // ==================================================================
129 /**
130 * \brief Struct to pass calibration/parameter file paths to F77 routines
131 */
132 struct cPath {
133 char path[80];
134 int pathlen;
135 int error;
136 /**
137 * Fill the struct variables from a TString object
138 */
139 void FillWith(TString s){
140 pathlen = s.Length();
141 const char *pc = s.Data();
142 for(Int_t i=0; i<=pathlen; i++) path[i] = *pc++;
143 };
146 };
148 // ==================================================================
149 /**
150 * \brief Struct to pass magnetic-field file paths to F77 routines
151 */
152 struct cBPath {
153 char b_path[80];
154 int b_pathlen;
155 int b_error;
156 int b_loaded;
157 /**
158 * Fill the struct variables from a TString object and set
159 * the load flag to FALSE.
160 */
161 void FillWith(TString s){
162 b_loaded = 0;
163 b_pathlen = s.Length();
164 const char *pc = s.Data();
165 for(Int_t i=0; i<=b_pathlen; i++) b_path[i] = *pc++;
166 };
167 /**
168 * Fill the struct variables from a TString object
169 */
170 int BIsLoaded(){ return b_loaded; };
172 };
174 // ==================================================================
175 /**
176 * \brief Struct to set debug mode in F77 routines
177 */
178 struct cDbg {
179 int debug;
180 int verbose;
181 int warning;
182 // bool debug;
183 // bool verbose;
184 void SetNone() {debug=0; verbose=0; warning=0;};
185 void SetWarning(){debug=0; verbose=0; warning=1;};
186 void SetVerbose(){debug=0; verbose=1; warning=1;};
187 void SetDebug() {debug=1; verbose=1; warning=1;};
188 };
190 extern "C" {
191 extern struct cTrkCalib pedsigbad_;
192 extern struct cTrkLevel0 level0event_;
193 extern struct cTrkLevel1 level1event_;
194 extern struct cTrkLevel2 level2event_;
195 extern struct cPath path_;
196 extern struct cBPath bpath_;
197 extern struct cDbg dbg_;
198 void fillpedsigfromdefault_();
199 int readmipparam_();
200 int readchargeparam_();
201 int readvkmask_();
202 int readalignparam_();
203 int readetaparam_();
204 void reductionflight_(int*);
205 int analysisflight_();
206 }
209 #endif

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