/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/TrkParams.h
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/TrkParams.h

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Revision 1.16 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Oct 22 15:17:33 2008 UTC (16 years, 4 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v6r01, v6r00, v9r00, v9r01
Changes since 1.15: +6 -2 lines
File MIME type: text/plain
fixed bug in TrkHough track + new method UnpackError()

1 /**
2 * \file TrkParams.h
3 * \author Elena Vannuccini
4 */
5 #ifndef trkparams_h
6 #define trkparams_h
8 #include <TObject.h>
9 #include <TString.h>
10 #include <TSQLServer.h>
11 #include <TSystem.h>
12 #include <TROOT.h> // EMILIANO: needed to compile with ROOT > 5.16/x
14 #include <GLTables.h>
15 #include <TrkStruct.h>
16 #include <TrkCalib.h>
18 #define NTYPES 10
19 #define NGF 14
21 /**
22 * \brief Class to store tracker parameter information
23 *
24 * Tracker parameters include calibration parameters (PED, SIG and BAD),
25 * parameters loaded from DB (alignment, ADC-to-mip, etc. ) and some parameters
26 * to configure tracker processing (PFA, ecc...).
27 *
28 * Calibrations can be either those evaluated online or default values.
29 * External parameter are labelled according to the DB convention:
30 *
31 * type description
32 * -----------------
33 * 1 field
34 * 2 adc-to-mip
35 * 3 charge-correlation
36 * 4 p.f.a. (eta)
37 * 5 alignment
38 * 6 VA1 mask
39 * 7 default calibration
40 *
41 * Internal parameters are initialized to default values
42 *
43 * TrkParams::SetCalib(...) and TrkParams::Set(...) methods allow to set
44 * required parameters, from an input path, from the DB (for a given input
45 * run id) and from environment variable PAM_CALIB.
46 * TrkParams::LoadCalib() and TrkParams::Load() methods load parameters into
47 * F77 common.
48 *
49 * Tracker libraries (TrkLevel0, TrkLevel1 and TrkLevel2) implement automatic
50 * setting (either from DB or from environment variables) and loading of parameters.
51 * If one needs to load custom parameters, it is enough to call TrkParams::Set(...)
52 * with proper arguments. All the methods are static, and can be used as standalone functions.
53 *
54 * For example:
55 *
56 * TrkParams::Set("/param-path/new-mip-param/",2);
57 *
58 * After this instruction (to be called once), new adc-to-mip conversion parameters
59 * will be loaded automatically (once) and used until the next set instruction
60 */
61 class TrkParams : public TObject {
63 private:
65 static Int_t GetIndex( UInt_t type );
67 public:
69 // ---------------------------------------------
70 // variables to store loaded-calibration info
71 // ---------------------------------------------
72 static GL_TRK_CALIB calib;
73 static TString calibpatht; //truncated
74 static TString calibpathf; //full
75 static Bool_t calib104;
76 static Bool_t calibload;
77 static TrkCalib* calib1;
78 static TrkCalib* calib2;
79 // ---------------------------------------------
80 // variables to store loaded-parameters info
81 // ---------------------------------------------
82 static UInt_t trkparamtype[NTYPES];
83 static GL_PARAM gl[NTYPES];
84 static TString glpath[NTYPES];
85 static Bool_t glload[NTYPES];
86 // -----------------------------------------------
87 // some parameters to configure tracker processing
88 // -----------------------------------------------
89 static int init__pfa;
90 static int init__mini_trackmode;
91 static int init__mini_istepmin;
92 static double init__mini_fact;
93 static cDbg init__dbg_mode; //debug mode (for both c++ and F77 roiutines)
94 static float init__pfa_e234ax[6]; // angle intervals for eta2-3-4
95 static float init__pfa_e234ay[6]; // angle intervals for eta2-3-4
96 static double init__deltab_0;
97 static double init__deltab_1;
98 static double init__dlt;
100 // ------------------------------------------
101 // nominal z-coordinates to define acceptance
102 // ------------------------------------------
103 static int nGF;
104 static float zGF[NGF];
105 static float xGF_min[NGF];
106 static float xGF_max[NGF];
107 static float yGF_min[NGF];
108 static float yGF_max[NGF];
109 static TString GF_element[NGF];
111 TrkParams();
113 // ---------------------------------------------
114 // calibration (PED-SIG-BAD)
115 // ---------------------------------------------
116 static Bool_t SetCalib( GL_RUN* , TSQLServer* );
117 static Bool_t LoadCalib( );
118 static Bool_t CalibIsLoaded(){ return calibload; };
119 static UInt_t ValidateTrkCalib( CalibTrk1Event* );
120 // static void FillFCalibFrom(TFile* , Int_t , Int_t );//full
121 // static void FillTCalibFrom(TFile* , Int_t , Int_t );//truncated
122 static void FillTCalibFrom(TString path);
123 static void FillACalibFrom(TFile* , Int_t , Int_t );//all
124 static void FillMask(TFile* , Int_t , Int_t );
126 // ---------------------------------------------
127 // parameters
128 // ---------------------------------------------
129 static Bool_t Set( GL_RUN* glrun, TSQLServer* dbc, UInt_t type);
130 static Bool_t Set( GL_RUN* glrun, TSQLServer* dbc){
131 for(Int_t i=0; i<NTYPES; i++)
132 if( !TrkParams::Set(glrun,dbc,trkparamtype[i]) )return false;
133 return true;
134 };
135 static Bool_t Set( TString, UInt_t );
136 static Bool_t Set( UInt_t );
137 static Bool_t Set( );
138 static Bool_t Load( UInt_t );
139 static Bool_t Load( );
140 static Bool_t IsLoaded( UInt_t type ){return glload[TrkParams::GetIndex(type)];};
141 static Bool_t IsLoaded( );
143 static GL_PARAM GetParams( UInt_t type ){ return gl[TrkParams::GetIndex(type)]; };
145 // ---------------------------------------------
146 // retrieve parameters
147 // ---------------------------------------------
148 static float GetBX(float*);
149 static float GetBY(float*);
150 static float GetBZ(float*);
151 static float GetResolution(int,float);
152 static int GetPFA(){return sw_.pfaid;};
153 static int GetPFA_NbinsAngle();
154 static int GetPFA_NbinsETA();
155 static int GetPFA_NbinsCharge(){return 0;};
156 static int GetPFA_AngleBin(float);
157 static float* GetPFA_ETAcorr(TString,int,int,int);
158 static float* GetPFA_ETAabs(TString,int);
159 static float GetPFA_ETAlandi(int,int,int);
160 static float GetPFA_ETAlandi(int nv,int nl,float ang)
161 { return TrkParams::GetPFA_ETAlandi(nv,nl,TrkParams::GetPFA_AngleBin(ang)); };
165 // ---------------------------------------------
166 // debug mode
167 // ---------------------------------------------
169 static void SetDebugMode() {init__dbg_mode.SetDebug(); dbg_=init__dbg_mode;};
170 static void SetVerboseMode(){init__dbg_mode.SetVerbose(); dbg_=init__dbg_mode;};
171 static void SetWarningMode(){init__dbg_mode.SetWarning(); dbg_=init__dbg_mode;};
172 static void SetQuietMode() {init__dbg_mode.SetNone(); dbg_=init__dbg_mode;};
173 static Bool_t DebugMode(){return init__dbg_mode.debug;};
174 static Bool_t WarningMode(){return init__dbg_mode.warning;};
175 static Bool_t VerboseMode(){return init__dbg_mode.verbose;};
177 // ------------------------------------------------
178 // alcuni metodi che non sapevo dove mettere
179 // per inizializzare alcune variabili in F77 common
180 // ------------------------------------------------
181 // set to default values
182 static void SetTrackingMode() {track_.trackmode = init__mini_trackmode;};
183 static void SetPrecisionFactor(){track_.fact = init__mini_fact; };
184 static void SetStepMin() {track_.istepmin = init__mini_istepmin; };
185 static void SetDeltaB() {deltab_.delta0 = init__deltab_0;
186 deltab_.delta1 = init__deltab_1;};
187 static void SetDLT() {deltab_.dlt = init__dlt;};
188 static void SetMiniDefault() {
189 SetTrackingMode();
190 SetPrecisionFactor();
191 SetStepMin();
192 SetDeltaB();
193 SetDLT();
194 }; //
195 static void SetPFA();
197 // set to custom values
198 static void SetTrackingMode(int);
199 static void SetPrecisionFactor(double);
200 static void SetStepMin(int);
201 static void SetDeltaB(int,double);
202 static void SetDLT(double);
203 static void SetPFA(int);
204 static void SetPFA(float *);
206 // ---------------------------------------------
207 // varie ed eventuali...
208 // ---------------------------------------------
209 static TSQLServer* SetDBConnection();
212 ClassDef(TrkParams,2);
214 };
216 #endif

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