71 |
void Dump(); |
void Dump(); |
72 |
void Delete(); |
void Delete(); |
73 |
74 |
int DoTrack2(float* al); |
int DoTrack(float* al, float zini); |
75 |
int DoTrack(float* al){ return DoTrack(al,23.5); }; |
76 |
77 |
int DoTrack2(float* al, float zini); |
78 |
int DoTrack2(float* al){ return DoTrack2(al,23.5); }; |
79 |
80 |
float GetLength(){float l=0; for(int i=0; i<npoint;i++)l=l+tl[i]; return l;}; |
float GetLength(){float l=0; for(int i=0; i<npoint;i++)l=l+tl[i]; return l;}; |
81 |
float GetLength(int,int); |
float GetLength(int,int); |
82 |
159 |
float BdL(){return 0;}; ///< Evaluates the integral of B*dL along the track. |
float BdL(){return 0;}; ///< Evaluates the integral of B*dL along the track. |
160 |
Int_t GetNX(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=(Int_t)XGood(i); return n;}; |
Int_t GetNX(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=(Int_t)XGood(i); return n;}; |
161 |
Int_t GetNY(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=(Int_t)YGood(i); return n;}; |
Int_t GetNY(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=(Int_t)YGood(i); return n;}; |
162 |
Int_t GetNXY(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=(Int_t)YGood(i)*XGood(i); return n;}; |
163 |
Int_t GetNtot(){return GetNX()+GetNY();}; |
Int_t GetNtot(){return GetNX()+GetNY();}; |
164 |
Float_t GetRigidity(); |
Float_t GetRigidity(); |
165 |
Float_t GetDeflection(); |
Float_t GetDeflection(); |
170 |
Float_t GetDEDX(); |
Float_t GetDEDX(); |
171 |
Float_t GetDEDX(int ip); |
Float_t GetDEDX(int ip); |
172 |
Float_t GetDEDX(int ip,int iv); |
Float_t GetDEDX(int ip,int iv); |
173 |
Int_t GetLeverArmXY(); |
174 |
Int_t GetLeverArmX(); |
Int_t GetLeverArmX(); |
175 |
Int_t GetLeverArmY(); |
Int_t GetLeverArmY(); |
176 |
Float_t GetChi2X(); |
Float_t GetChi2X(); |
196 |
197 |
Bool_t IsInsideCavity(float); |
Bool_t IsInsideCavity(float); |
198 |
Bool_t IsInsideCavity(){ return IsInsideCavity(0.); }; |
Bool_t IsInsideCavity(){ return IsInsideCavity(0.); }; |
199 |
Bool_t IsInsideAcceptance(); |
Bool_t IsInsideAcceptance(float); |
200 |
Bool_t IsInsideAcceptance(){ return IsInsideAcceptance(0.); }; |
201 |
Bool_t IsInsideGFSurface(const char*,float); |
202 |
Bool_t IsInsideGFSurface(const char* surf){ return IsInsideGFSurface(surf,0.); }; |
203 |
204 |
Bool_t EvaluateClusterPositions(); |
Bool_t EvaluateClusterPositions(); |
205 |
214 |
Bool_t YGood(int ip){ return GetClusterY_ID(ip)!=-1; }; |
Bool_t YGood(int ip){ return GetClusterY_ID(ip)!=-1; }; |
215 |
void ResetXGood(int ip){ xgood[ip]=0; }; |
void ResetXGood(int ip){ xgood[ip]=0; }; |
216 |
void ResetYGood(int ip){ ygood[ip]=0; }; |
void ResetYGood(int ip){ ygood[ip]=0; }; |
217 |
void SetXGood(int ip, int clid, int is); |
/* void SetXGood(int ip, int clid, int is); */ |
218 |
void SetYGood(int ip, int clid, int is); |
/* void SetYGood(int ip, int clid, int is); */ |
219 |
void SetXGood(int ip, int clid, int il, int is, bool bad); |
220 |
void SetYGood(int ip, int clid, int il, int is, bool bad); |
221 |
void SetXGood(int ip, int clid, int il, int is){ SetXGood(ip,clid,il,is,false); }; |
222 |
void SetYGood(int ip, int clid, int il, int is){ SetYGood(ip,clid,il,is,false); }; |
223 |
224 |
225 |
Bool_t BadClusterX(int ip){ return IsBad(ip,0); }; |
Bool_t BadClusterX(int ip){ return IsBad(ip,0); }; |
226 |
Bool_t BadClusterY(int ip){ return IsBad(ip,1); }; |
Bool_t BadClusterY(int ip){ return IsBad(ip,1); }; |
234 |
Int_t GetClusterY_MaxStrip(int ip){ return (Int_t)(multmaxy[ip]%10000); }; |
Int_t GetClusterY_MaxStrip(int ip){ return (Int_t)(multmaxy[ip]%10000); }; |
235 |
Float_t GetClusterX_Seed(int ip){ return seedx[ip]; }; |
Float_t GetClusterX_Seed(int ip){ return seedx[ip]; }; |
236 |
Float_t GetClusterY_Seed(int ip){ return seedy[ip]; }; |
Float_t GetClusterY_Seed(int ip){ return seedy[ip]; }; |
237 |
/* Float_t GetClusterX_CoordinatePU(int ip); */ |
/* Float_t GetClusterX_oordinatePU(int ip); */ |
238 |
/* Float_t GetClusterY_CoordinatePU(int ip); */ |
/* Float_t GetClusterY_CoordinatePU(int ip); */ |
239 |
240 |
Float_t GetYav(); |
Float_t GetYav(); |
253 |
Float_t GetResidual_max(int ip, int iv); |
Float_t GetResidual_max(int ip, int iv); |
254 |
Float_t GetResidual_max(int iv){ return GetResidual_max(-1,iv); }; |
Float_t GetResidual_max(int iv){ return GetResidual_max(-1,iv); }; |
255 |
Float_t GetResidual_max(){ return GetResidual_max(-1,-1); }; |
Float_t GetResidual_max(){ return GetResidual_max(-1,-1); }; |
256 |
Float_t GetResidual_av(int ip, int iv); |
257 |
Float_t GetResidual_av(int iv){ return GetResidual_av(-1,iv); }; |
258 |
Float_t GetResidual_av(){ return GetResidual_av(-1,-1); }; |
259 |
260 |
Int_t GetClusterX_Multiplicity_max(); |
Int_t GetClusterX_Multiplicity_max(); |
261 |
Int_t GetClusterX_Multiplicity_min(); |
Int_t GetClusterX_Multiplicity_min(); |
389 |
void Clear(Option_t *option){Clear();}; |
void Clear(Option_t *option){Clear();}; |
390 |
void Delete(); |
void Delete(); |
391 |
void Set(); |
void Set(); |
392 |
int UnpackError(){ for(int i=0; i<12; i++)if(!StatusCheck(i,0x12))return 1; return 0;}; |
393 |
394 |
int ntrk() {return Track->GetEntries();} ///< number of stored track |
int ntrk() {return Track->GetEntries();} ///< number of stored track |
395 |
int nclsx(){return SingletX->GetEntries();} ///< number of x singlets |
int nclsx(){return SingletX->GetEntries();} ///< number of x singlets |