11 |
#include <TRefArray.h> |
#include <TRefArray.h> |
12 |
#include <TRef.h> |
#include <TRef.h> |
13 |
14 |
#include <TrkStruct.h> |
//#include <TrkStruct.h> |
15 |
#include <TrkParams.h> |
16 |
#include <TrkLevel1.h> |
#include <TrkLevel1.h> |
17 |
18 |
// z-coordinate of track state-vector reference-plane |
// z-coordinate of track state-vector reference-plane |
88 |
TRefArray *clx; |
TRefArray *clx; |
89 |
TRefArray *cly; |
TRefArray *cly; |
90 |
91 |
/* float al[5]; ///<TRACK STATE VECTOR */ |
92 |
float al[5]; ///<TRACK STATE VECTOR |
float al[5]; ///<TRACK STATE VECTOR |
93 |
float coval[5][5]; ///<covariance matrix |
float coval[5][5]; ///<covariance matrix |
94 |
int xgood[6]; ///<mask of included x planes |
int xgood[6]; ///<mask of included x planes |
105 |
float zv[6]; ///<calculated z coordinates |
float zv[6]; ///<calculated z coordinates |
106 |
float axv[6]; ///<calculated angles (deg) on x view |
float axv[6]; ///<calculated angles (deg) on x view |
107 |
float ayv[6]; ///<calculated angles (deg) on y view |
float ayv[6]; ///<calculated angles (deg) on y view |
108 |
float dedx_x[6]; ///<signal in MIP (scaled to 300 micrometer) |
float dedx_x[6]; ///<dE/dx in MIP |
109 |
float dedx_y[6]; ///<signal in MIP (scaled to 300 micrometer) |
float dedx_y[6]; ///<dE/dx in MIP |
110 |
111 |
TrkTrack(); |
TrkTrack(); |
112 |
TrkTrack(const TrkTrack&); |
TrkTrack(const TrkTrack&); |
126 |
int DoTrack(Trajectory* t); ///< Evaluates the trajectory in the apparatus. |
int DoTrack(Trajectory* t); ///< Evaluates the trajectory in the apparatus. |
127 |
int DoTrack2(Trajectory* t); ///< Evaluates the trajectory in the apparatus. |
int DoTrack2(Trajectory* t); ///< Evaluates the trajectory in the apparatus. |
128 |
float BdL(){return 0;}; ///< Evaluates the integral of B*dL along the track. |
float BdL(){return 0;}; ///< Evaluates the integral of B*dL along the track. |
129 |
Int_t GetNX(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=xgood[i]; return n;}; |
Int_t GetNX(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=XGood(i); return n;}; |
130 |
Int_t GetNY(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=ygood[i]; return n;}; |
Int_t GetNY(){Int_t n=0; for(Int_t i=0; i<6; i++)n+=YGood(i); return n;}; |
131 |
Int_t GetNtot(){return GetNX()+GetNY();}; |
Int_t GetNtot(){return GetNX()+GetNY();}; |
132 |
Float_t GetRigidity(); |
Float_t GetRigidity(); |
133 |
Float_t GetDeflection(); |
Float_t GetDeflection(); |
134 |
Float_t GetDEDX(); |
Float_t GetDEDX(); |
135 |
Float_t GetDEDX(Int_t ip){if( !(xgood[ip]+ygood[ip]) ) return 0; return (dedx_x[ip]+dedx_y[ip])/(xgood[ip]+ygood[ip]);}; |
Float_t GetDEDX(Int_t ip){if( !(XGood(ip)+YGood(ip)) ) return 0; return (dedx_x[ip]+dedx_y[ip])/(XGood(ip)+YGood(ip));}; |
136 |
// sono un'imbecille... assegno xm e ym anche quando si tratta di un singolo |
// sono un'imbecille... assegno xm e ym anche quando si tratta di un singolo |
137 |
// non posso quindi usare xm e ym per dire se una vista e` inclusa nel fit o no |
// non posso quindi usare xm e ym per dire se una vista e` inclusa nel fit o no |
138 |
/* Bool_t XGood(int ip){ return xm[ip] != -100.;}; |
/* Bool_t XGood(int ip){ return xm[ip] != -100.;}; |
139 |
Bool_t YGood(int ip){ return ym[ip] != -100.;};*/ |
Bool_t YGood(int ip){ return ym[ip] != -100.;};*/ |
140 |
Bool_t XGood(int ip){ return xgood[ip]==1;}; |
Bool_t XGood(int ip){ return xgood[ip]> 0;}; |
141 |
Bool_t YGood(int ip){ return ygood[ip]==1;}; |
Bool_t YGood(int ip){ return ygood[ip]> 0;}; |
142 |
143 |
144 |
void SetMeasure(double *xmeas, double *ymeas, double *zmeas); |
void SetMeasure(double *xmeas, double *ymeas, double *zmeas); |
145 |
void SetResolution(double *rx, double *ry); |
void SetResolution(double *rx, double *ry); |
147 |
void LoadField(TString s); |
void LoadField(TString s); |
148 |
void Fit(double pfixed, int& fail, int iprint); |
void Fit(double pfixed, int& fail, int iprint); |
149 |
void FitReset(); |
void FitReset(); |
150 |
void SetTrackingMode(int trackmode); |
151 |
void SetPrecisionFactor(double fact); |
152 |
void SetStepMin(int istepmin); |
153 |
154 |
void FillMiniStruct(cMini2track&); |
void FillMiniStruct(cMini2track&); |
155 |
void SetFromMiniStruct(cMini2track*); |
void SetFromMiniStruct(cMini2track*); |
156 |
157 |
TrkCluster *GetClusterX(int ip){TrkCluster *pt = (TrkCluster*)(clx->At(ip)); return pt;}; |
TrkCluster *GetClusterX(int ip); |
158 |
TrkCluster *GetClusterY(int ip){TrkCluster *pt = (TrkCluster*)(cly->At(ip)); return pt;}; |
TrkCluster *GetClusterY(int ip); |
159 |
160 |
Int_t GetClusterX_ID(int ip){return xgood[ip];}; |
161 |
Int_t GetClusterY_ID(int ip){return ygood[ip];}; |
162 |
163 |
TrkTrack* GetTrkTrack(){return this;}; |
TrkTrack* GetTrkTrack(){return this;}; |
164 |
239 |
int nclsy(){return SingletY->GetEntries();} ///< number of y singlets |
int nclsy(){return SingletY->GetEntries();} ///< number of y singlets |
240 |
241 |
void Dump(); |
void Dump(); |
void SetFromLevel2Struct(cTrkLevel2 *); |
242 |
void SetFromLevel2Struct(cTrkLevel2 *, TrkLevel1 *); |
void SetFromLevel2Struct(cTrkLevel2 *, TrkLevel1 *); |
243 |
void SetFromLevel2Struct(cTrkLevel2 *s2){ SetFromLevel2Struct(s2, NULL); }; |
244 |
void SetFromLevel2Struct(TrkLevel1 *l1) { SetFromLevel2Struct(&level2event_, l1); }; |
245 |
void SetFromLevel2Struct() { SetFromLevel2Struct(&level2event_); }; |
246 |
void GetLevel2Struct(cTrkLevel2 *) const; |
void GetLevel2Struct(cTrkLevel2 *) const; |
247 |
void LoadField(TString); |
void LoadField(TString); |
248 |
float GetBX(float*); |
float GetBX(float*); |