/** * \file TrkLevel0.h * \author Elena Vannuccini */ #ifndef trklevel0_h #define trklevel0_h #include #include #include #include //#include using namespace pamela::tracker; /** * \brief Class to describe tracker LEVEL0 data. * */ //class TrkLevel0 : public TrackerEvent{ class TrkLevel0 : public TObject{ private: TrackerEvent* yodaobj; public: TrkLevel0(){ yodaobj = 0; }; ~TrkLevel0(){ if(yodaobj) delete yodaobj; }; void Set(){ yodaobj = new TrackerEvent(); }; void GetLevel0Struct(cTrkLevel0 *); void SetFromLevel0Struct(cTrkLevel0 *); void GetLevel0Struct(){ GetLevel0Struct(&level0event_); }; void SetFromLevel0Struct(){ SetFromLevel0Struct(&level0event_); }; bool FillADC(); bool GetCalibratedEvent( int, TGraph*, bool ); bool GetCalibratedEvent( int iview, TGraph* gr){ return GetCalibratedEvent(iview,gr,true); }; bool GetCalibratedEvent( int iview){ return GetCalibratedEvent(iview,NULL); }; void* GetPointerToTrackerEvent(){ return &yodaobj; }; TrackerEvent* GetTrackerEvent(){ return yodaobj; } int ProcessEvent(); void Decode(int from,int to,bool &COMPRESSED,bool &FULL, int* datacomp, int* datafull); bool GetFullEvent(int iview, TGraph* graph); bool GetCompressedEvent(int iview, TGraph* graph); bool GetUnCompressedEvent(int iview, TGraph* graph); bool GetSigma(int iview, TGraph* graph); ClassDef(TrkLevel0,1); }; /** * \brief Struct to decode tracker words * */ typedef struct trkword{ int type; int decode; }; #endif