/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/momanhough_init.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/momanhough_init.f

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Fri May 19 13:15:53 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: DarthVader
CVS Tags: v0r01, v0r02, v1r01beta, v1r00, v1r01, start, v2r00BETA
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Imported sources

1 C Parameter definition for the program
2 C
3 C momanhough.f
4 C
5 C Author: Vannuccini Elena
6 C Date: 2004/2005
7 C
8 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 c CUTS and other parameters
10 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 c*****************************************************
13 cccccc 10/9/2005 modified by david fedele --> (1)
14 c
15 cccccc20/10/2005 modified by elena --> (2)
16 c (rilasciati i tagli per la hough transform,
17 c in attesa dell'allineamento delle colonne)
18 c****************************************************
20 PARAMETER (PIGR=3.14) !159265359)!(1)
21 * -----------------------------------------------------
22 * cuts on cluster signal
23 * -----------------------------------------------------
24 parameter (dedx_x_min=70.)
25 parameter (dedx_y_min=50.)
26 * -----------------------------------------------------
27 * number of GOOD strips around MAXS
28 * (NB this cut has been removed in track fitting but
29 * not in calibration)
30 * -----------------------------------------------------
31 * parameter (ngoodstr=1)
32 parameter (ngoodstr=2)
34 * -----------------------------------------------------
35 * first cuts on the parameters determined with
36 * the hough transform, in order to exclude from the
37 * following analysis not physical dublets and triplets
38 * (out of the geometrical acceptance of the apparatus)
39 * -----------------------------------------------------
40 parameter (alfyz1_max=70.7) !Y0
41 parameter (alfyz2_max=0.47) !tg theta-yz (25 deg)
42 parameter (alfxz1_max=80.7) !X0
43 parameter (alfxz2_max=0.47) !tg theta-xz (25 deg)
44 * -----------------------------------------------------
45 * cut on the position of the circle center:
46 * center inside the spectrometer volume is not physical
48 * -----------------------------------------------------
49 parameter (xclimit=8.) !cm
51 * -----------------------------------------------------
52 * Parameter normalization constants, needed to evaluate
53 * distances in parameter space
54 * -----------------------------------------------------
55 parameter (Dalfayz1=0.1689e-2)
56 parameter (Dalfayz2=0.4813e-4)
57 parameter (Dalfaxz1=0.1974e-2)
58 parameter (Dalfaxz2=0.7978e-4)
59 parameter (Dalfaxz3=1.)
60 * -----------------------------------------------------
61 * Cut on normalized distances in parameter space.
62 * Doublets/triplets are recursively included in a cloud
63 * if the distance from any of the points already included
64 * is less than this cut.
65 * -----------------------------------------------------
66 c parameter (cutdistyz=10.) !y0 / tg theta_yz space
67 c parameter (cutdistxz=30.) !x0 / tg theta_xz space
68 parameter (cutdistyz=20.) !y0 / tg theta_yz space !(2)
69 parameter (cutdistxz=60.) !x0 / tg theta_xz space !(2)
70 * (NB deflection is not considered in the selection criteria)
72 * --------------------------------------------------
73 * cloud selection
74 * --------------------------------------------------
75 * minimum number of COUPLES required in order to select a cloud
76 c parameter (ncpyz_min=3) !for a straight line
77 c parameter (ncpxz_min=4) !for a circle
78 parameter (ncpyz_min=3) !for a straight line !(2)
79 parameter (ncpxz_min=3) !for a circle !(2)
80 * minimum number of POINTS required in order to select a cloud
81 c parameter (nptyz_min=3) !for a straight line
82 c parameter (nptxz_min=6) !for a circle
83 parameter (nptyz_min=3) !for a straight line !(2)
84 parameter (nptxz_min=3) !for a circle !(2)
85 * minimum number of PLANES required in order to select a cloud
86 c parameter (nplyz_min=3) !for a straight line
87 c parameter (nplxz_min=4) !for a circle
88 parameter (nplyz_min=3) !for a straight line !(2)
89 parameter (nplxz_min=3) !for a circle !(2)
90 * --------------------------------------------------
92 * -----------------------------------------------------
93 * minimum number of matching couples required to combine
94 * XZ-YZ clouds and perform the fit
95 * -----------------------------------------------------
96 c parameter (ncpok=4)
97 parameter (ncpok=3) !(2)
99 * -----------------------------------------------------
100 * maximum value of deflection from Hough transform
101 * accepted in order to perform the track fit
102 * -----------------------------------------------------
103 c parameter (defmax=10.) !GV-1
104 c parameter (defmax=10000.) !GV-1
105 parameter (defmax=25.) !GV-1
107 * -----------------------------------------------------
108 * cut to include new couple or single clusters in the
109 * track fitting, after the first fit
110 * -----------------------------------------------------
111 c parameter (clinc=4)
112 c parameter (clinc=6)
113 parameter (clinc=10)

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