/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/level2.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/level2.f

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Revision 1.7 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Mar 5 17:00:18 2008 UTC (17 years ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v5r00, v10RED, v9r00, v9r01, v10REDr01, v6r01, v6r00, HEAD
Changes since 1.6: +8 -0 lines
Error occurred while calculating annotation data.
modified TrkSinglet, optimized DoTrack2, fixed bug in evaluation of effective angle

1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Common level2.f
4 *
5 * contains LEVEL2 ntuple variables definitions
6 *
7 *************************************************************************
12 integer good2
13 integer vkflag !viking-chip flag (-1:masked 0:CN-failure 1:ok)
14 integer ntrk !# identified tracks
15 integer image !flag to tag track-images
16 real al_nt !track state vector
17 real coval !covariance matrix
18 integer xgood_nt !mask of used planes
19 integer ygood_nt !*
20 integer ls !10*ladder+sensor
21 integer xbad !number of bad strips
22 integer ybad !"
23 real xm_nt !measured points
24 real ym_nt !*
25 real zm_nt !*
26 real resx_nt !spatial resolution
27 real resy_nt !*
28 real tailx_nt !spatial resolution
29 real taily_nt !*
30 real chi2_nt !chi2
31 integer nstep_nt !chi2
32 real xv_nt !calculated points
33 real yv_nt !*
34 real zv_nt !*
35 real axv_nt !calculated angles (deg)
36 real ayv_nt !*
37 real dedx_x !signal in MIP scaled to 300 micrometer
38 real dedx_y !signal in MIP scaled to 300 micrometer
39 integer cltrx !cluster ID (to associate level2 and level1)
40 integer cltry !cluster ID (to associate level2 and level1)
41 integer nclsx !# unassociated clusters X views
42 integer planex !plane of single x
43 real xs !center coord of single x
44 real sgnlxs !signal in MIP of single x
45 integer clsx !cluster ID (to associate level2 and level1)
46 integer sxbad !number of bad strips (x-singlets)
47 integer multmaxsx !cluster multiplicity and max strip
48 integer nclsy ! " " Y views
49 integer planey !plane of single y
50 real ys !center coord of single y
51 real sgnlys !signal in MIP of single y
52 integer clsy !cluster ID (to associate level2 and level1)
53 integer sybad !number of bad strips (x-singlets)
54 integer multmaxsy !cluster multiplicity and max strip
55 integer multmaxx !cluster multiplicity and max strip
56 integer multmaxy !cluster multiplicity and max strip
57 real seedx !cluster seed
58 real seedy !cluster seed
59 real xpu !cluster coordinate in pitch units
60 real ypu !cluster coordinate in pitch units
62 common/level2event/
63 $ good2(12)
64 $ ,vkflag(12,24)
65 $ ,nclsx,planex(NSINGMAX),xs(2,NSINGMAX),sgnlxs(NSINGMAX)
66 $ ,clsx(NSINGMAX)
67 $ ,sxbad(NSINGMAX)
68 $ ,multmaxsx(NSINGMAX)
69 $ ,nclsy,planey(NSINGMAX),ys(2,NSINGMAX),sgnlys(NSINGMAX)
70 $ ,clsy(NSINGMAX)
71 $ ,sybad(NSINGMAX)
72 $ ,multmaxsy(NSINGMAX)
73 $ ,ntrk
74 $ ,image(NTRKMAX)
75 $ ,xm_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
76 $ ,ym_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
77 $ ,zm_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
78 $ ,resx_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
79 $ ,resy_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
80 $ ,tailx_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
81 $ ,taily_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
82 $ ,al_nt(5,NTRKMAX)
83 $ ,coval(5,5,NTRKMAX)
84 $ ,chi2_nt(NTRKMAX)
85 $ ,nstep_nt(NTRKMAX)
86 $ ,xgood_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
87 $ ,ygood_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
88 $ ,ls(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
89 $ ,xbad(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
90 $ ,ybad(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
91 $ ,xv_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
92 $ ,yv_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
93 $ ,zv_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
94 $ ,axv_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
95 $ ,ayv_nt(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
96 $ ,dedx_x(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
97 $ ,dedx_y(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
98 $ ,cltrx(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
99 $ ,cltry(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
100 $ ,multmaxx(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
101 $ ,multmaxy(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
102 $ ,seedx(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
103 $ ,seedy(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
104 $ ,xpu(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
105 $ ,ypu(nplanes,NTRKMAX)
107 SAVE/level2event/
108 *********************************************************

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