/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/level1.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/level1.f

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Revision 1.4 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Sep 28 14:04:39 2006 UTC (18 years, 5 months ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +2 -1 lines
some bugs fixed, some changings in the classes:

1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Common level1.f
4 *
5 * contains LEVEL1 ntuple variables definitions
6 *
7 * to be included in:
8 * - ../reduction/reduction.f
9 * - ../analysis/analysis.f
10 * - !???
11 *
12 * parameters:
13 * - nclstrmax
14 * - nclstrp
15 *
16 * 11/9/2005 modified by david fedele to include general variables
17 * **/8/2006 modified to store info about CN computation and "showers"
18 *************************************************************************
20 parameter (nclstrmax_view = 200) ! maximum number of clusters per view
21 parameter (nclstrmax = nclstrmax_view * nviews)
22 parameter (nclstrp = 19) ! maximum number of stored strips per cluster
23 parameter (maxlength = nclstrmax * nclstrp)
25 c integer good1 !flag to mark good or noise events
26 integer good1(nviews)
28 c CLUSTER block:
29 integer nclstr1 !cluster number
30 integer view(nclstrmax) !view the cluster belongs to
31 integer ladder(nclstrmax) !ladder the strip carrying the largest signal
32 ! value belongs to
33 integer maxs(nclstrmax) !cluster strip carrying the largest signal value
34 integer mult(nclstrmax) !cluster multiplicity
35 real dedx(nclstrmax) !cluster multiplicity
36 integer indstart(nclstrmax) !cluster starting point index in clsignal array
37 integer indmax(nclstrmax) !cluster maximum point index in clsignal array
38 integer totCLlength !sum of all clusters length (to assign
39 ! dimension to clsignal array)
40 real clsignal(maxlength) !signal values of all strips belonging to clusters
42 real clsigma(maxlength)
43 integer cladc(maxlength)
44 integer clbad(maxlength)
45 c real clped(maxlength)
47 real cnev(nviews,nva1_view) !CN of the event for a certain view and VA1
48 integer cnnev(nviews,nva1_view) !n.strips used for CN computation
49 integer fshower(nviews) !flag to tag views with too many clusters
50 c !(in this case clusters are not saved)
51 integer whichtrack(nclstrmax) !flag to relate the cluster to the track it belongs to
52 common/level1event/good1,nclstr1,view,ladder,maxs
53 $ ,mult,dedx,indstart
54 $ ,indmax,totCLlength,clsignal,clsigma,cladc,clbad!,clped
55 $ ,cnev,cnnev,fshower,whichtrack
57 SAVE/level1event/

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