/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/common_tracks.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/common_tracks.f

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Fri May 19 13:15:53 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: DarthVader, MAIN
CVS Tags: v0r01, v0r02, v5r00, v4r00, v2r01, v10RED, v1r01beta, start, v9r00, v9r01, v1r00, v1r01, v10REDr01, v3r04, v3r05, v3r06, v3r00, v3r03, v6r01, v6r00, v2r00BETA, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Imported sources

1 *************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Common common_tracks.f
4 *
5 * to be included in:
6 * - ../align/prealign.f
7 * -...and other stuff
8 *
9 *************************************************************************
12 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 c good clusters common
14 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 c$$$ integer cl_view(nviews) !number of good clusters per view
16 c$$$ integer jc(nviews,nclstrmax) !matrix containing good clusters indexes
17 c$$$
18 c$$$ common/good_cl/cl_view,jc
20 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 c coordinates of silicon sensors centres in PAMELA reference frame in mm
22 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 real x_mech_sensor(nplanes,nladders_view,2) !mechanical project coordinates
24 real y_mech_sensor(nplanes,nladders_view,2) ! of silicon sensors centres
25 real z_mech_sensor(nplanes,nladders_view,2) ! (plane, ladder, sensor) in
26 ! millimeters
27 common/mechanical_positions/x_mech_sensor,y_mech_sensor
28 $ ,z_mech_sensor

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