/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/common_reduction.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/common_reduction.f

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Fri May 19 13:15:53 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Branch point for: DarthVader
Initial revision

3 ************************************************************************
4 *
5 * Common common_reduction.f
6 *
7 * contains variables used only in the execution of reduction
8 *
9 * to be included in:
10 * - reduction.f
11 *
12 *
13 *************************************************************************
15 real adc(nviews,nva1_view,nstrips_va1)
16 common/adc_value/adc
18 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 c
20 c common noise computation
21 c
22 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 parameter (scut=3.)
25 real cn(nviews,nva1_view) !common noise value
26 integer clstr(nviews,nva1_view,nstrips_va1) !flag matrix to mark
27 ! strips with signal and exclude them from
28 ! common noise computation
29 integer strange(nviews,nva1_view,nstrips_va1) !flag matrix to mark
30 ! strips with unusually high or low signal and
31 ! exclude them from common noise computation
33 common/cn/cn,clstr,strange
36 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 c$$$c
38 c$$$c cluster seed cuts
39 c$$$c
40 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 c$$$ parameter (clcutx=7.) !cluster seed cut (to esclude particles in CN
42 c$$$ ! computation and to find clusters in data
43 c$$$ ! reduction)
44 c$$$ parameter (clcuty=7.)
47 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 c
49 c common noise inclusion cut
50 c
51 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 parameter (cnincut=2.) !cut to include strips in cluster definition
53 ! during common noise computation
56 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 c$$$c
58 c$$$c cluster finding inclusion cut
59 c$$$c
60 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 c$$$ parameter (incutx=4.) !cut to include strips in cluster definition
62 c$$$ ! during cluster finding procedure
63 c$$$ parameter (incuty=4.)
65 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 c$$$c
67 c$$$c variables passed from TRACKEREXE.cra
68 c$$$c
69 c$$$c------------------------------------------------------------------------
70 c$$$
71 c$$$ integer trkpaw
72 c$$$ integer procerr
73 c$$$ character*20 data_file
74 c$$$ character*50 data_file_level1
75 c$$$ character*50 data_file_level2
76 c$$$ character*74 data_file_calib
77 c$$$
78 c$$$ common/c2red/trkpaw,procerr,data_file,data_file_level1
79 c$$$ $ ,data_file_level2,data_file_calib
80 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 c
82 c some common for reductionflight
83 c
84 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 integer ind
86 real value(nstrips_view) !per trovare i cluster
87 real clseedcut(nstrips_view)
88 real clinclcut(nstrips_view)
89 common/searchcluster/value,clseedcut,clinclcut,ind
91 integer nshowers
92 logical flag_shower
93 common/shower/nshowers,flag_shower

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