350 |
* distances in parameter space |
* distances in parameter space |
351 |
* ----------------------------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------------------------- |
352 |
parameter (Dalfaxz3=1.) |
parameter (Dalfaxz3=1.) |
353 |
parameter (Dalfayz1=0.8864e-1) |
354 |
parameter (Dalfayz2=0.6204e-3) |
* --- David ground |
355 |
parameter (Dalfaxz1=0.2909e-1) |
c$$$ parameter (Dalfayz1=0.8864e-1) |
356 |
parameter (Dalfaxz2=0.2759e-2) |
c$$$ parameter (Dalfayz2=0.6204e-3) |
357 |
c$$$ parameter (Dalfaxz1=0.2909e-1) |
358 |
c$$$ parameter (Dalfaxz2=0.2759e-2) |
359 |
* --- David flight (preliminary) |
360 |
parameter (Dalfayz1=0.64e-3) |
361 |
parameter (Dalfayz2=0.54e-3) |
362 |
parameter (Dalfaxz1=0.50e-3) |
363 |
parameter (Dalfaxz2=0.12e-3) |
364 |
365 |
366 |
* ----------------------------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------------------------- |
367 |
* Cut on normalized distances in parameter space. |
* Cut on normalized distances in parameter space. |
368 |
* Doublets/triplets are recursively included in a cloud |
* Doublets/triplets are recursively included in a cloud |
369 |
* if the distance from any of the points already included |
* if the distance from any of the points already included |
370 |
* is less than this cut. |
* is less than this cut. |
371 |
* ----------------------------------------------------- |
* ----------------------------------------------------- |
372 |
parameter(cutystart=0.3) |
* --- David ground |
373 |
parameter(cutystep=0.3) |
c$$$ parameter(cutystart=0.3) |
374 |
parameter(cutxstart=1.) |
c$$$ parameter(cutystep=0.3) |
375 |
parameter(cutxstep=1.) |
c$$$ parameter(cutxstart=1.) |
376 |
parameter(maxcuty=100.) |
c$$$ parameter(cutxstep=1.) |
377 |
parameter(maxcutx=150.) |
c$$$ parameter(maxcuty=100.) |
378 |
c$$$ parameter(maxcutx=150.) |
379 |
c$$$ parameter(nstepx=50) !inclusion-cut increasing steps |
380 |
c$$$ parameter(nstepy=50) |
381 |
* --- David flight (preliminary) |
382 |
parameter(cutystart=7.) |
383 |
parameter(cutystep=5.) |
384 |
parameter(cutxstart=5.) |
385 |
parameter(cutxstep=2.) |
386 |
parameter(maxcuty=200.) |
387 |
parameter(maxcutx=150.) |
388 |
parameter(nstepx=5) !inclusion-cut increasing steps |
389 |
parameter(nstepy=5) |
390 |
391 |
parameter(nstepx=50) !inclusion-cut increasing steps |
parameter(nstepy=50) |
392 |
393 |
real cutdistyz !y0 / tg theta_yz space |
real cutdistyz !y0 / tg theta_yz space |
394 |
real cutdistxz !x0 / tg theta_xz space |
real cutdistxz !x0 / tg theta_xz space |