*************************************************************************** * * Common for the track analysis, performed by the routine mini.f * *************************************************************************** c PARAMETER (PIGR=3.141592654)!??????????????????? * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A TRACK is defined by: * - the measured points associated to it * - their spatial resolution * - the track status vector AL-pha * * This common must be filled when calling mini_2. After the fit, * the initial values of AL-pha (initial guess, for instance from Hough) * are replaced with the minimization result. * * About the measured points: * - a COUPLE defines a point in the space; in this case you should set * * XGOOD = 1 * YGOOD = 1 * XM,YM,ZM = coordinates of the point in cm * RESX = spatial resolution of cl-x * RESY = spatial resolution of cl-y * * - a SINGLET (single cluster x/y) defines a segment AB, parallel to * the x/y strips; in this case you should set, for example in the case * of a cl-x: * * XGOOD = 1 * YGOOD = 0 * ZM = average z coordinate of the segment AB in cm * XM_A,YM_A = coordinates of extreme point A * XM_B,YM_B = coordinates of extreme point B * RESX = spatial resolution of cl-x * * NB!!! ZM must be always initialized, at least with the mechanical positions * * (All the needed quantities for couples and singlets can be evaluated * by means of the routine xyz_PAM) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REAL*8 AL REAL*8 XM,YM,ZM REAL*8 XM_A,YM_A!,ZM_A REAL*8 XM_B,YM_B!,ZM_B REAL*8 RESX,RESY REAL*8 TAILX,TAILY REAL*8 XGOOD,YGOOD REAL*8 DEDXTRK_X REAL*8 DEDXTRK_Y REAL*8 ZINI ! ***PP*** REAL*8 PFIXED ! ***PP*** REAL*8 CHI2 REAL*8 XV,YV,ZV REAL*8 AXV,AYV REAL*8 COV REAL*8 FACT INTEGER NSTEP INTEGER IDCAND INTEGER TRACKMODE INTEGER ISTEPMIN COMMON/TRACK/ $ AL(5) !track parameters $ ,XM(NPLANES),YM(NPLANES),ZM(NPLANES) !couple => xyz point $ ,XM_A(NPLANES),YM_A(NPLANES)!,ZM_A(NPLANES) !single cl => segment AB $ ,XM_B(NPLANES),YM_B(NPLANES)!,ZM_B(NPLANES) ! $ ,RESX(NPLANES),RESY(NPLANES) !spatial resolution $ ,TAILX(NPLANES),TAILY(NPLANES) !tails in the resolution $ ,XGOOD(NPLANES),YGOOD(NPLANES) !mask of included views c $ ,DEDXTRK(NPLANES) !energy release $ ,DEDXTRK_X(NPLANES),DEDXTRK_Y(NPLANES) $ ,ZINI $ ,PFIXED $ ,CHI2 $ ,XV(NPLANES),YV(NPLANES),ZV(NPLANES) $ ,AXV(NPLANES),AYV(NPLANES) $ ,COV(5,5) $ ,FACT ! factor scale for tracking precision $ ,NSTEP $ ,IDCAND !(2) track-candidate ID (to relate some level1 info) $ ,TRACKMODE ! tracking mode, 0=normal, 1=with bremsstrahlung $ ,ISTEPMIN ! minimum number of step during tracking c****************************************************** cccccc 06/10/2005 modified by elena vannuccini ---> (1) cccccc 17/08/2006 modified by elena vannuccini ---> (2) c****************************************************** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The FIT info includes: * - REDUCED chi2 * - number of d.o.f. * - evaluated coordinates (track intersection with the silicon planes) * - projected angles * - parameter covariance matrix * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c$$$ REAL*8 ZINI ! ***PP*** c$$$ REAL*8 PFIXED ! ***PP*** c$$$ REAL*8 CHI2 c$$$ REAL*8 XV,YV,ZV c$$$ REAL*8 AXV,AYV c$$$ REAL*8 COV c$$$ COMMON/FIT_INFO/ c$$$ $ ZINI c$$$ $ ,PFIXED c$$$ $ ,CHI2 c$$$ $ ,XV(NPLANES),YV(NPLANES),ZV(NPLANES) c$$$ $ ,AXV(NPLANES),AYV(NPLANES) c$$$ $ ,COV(5,5) * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Other commons needed by the minimization procedures: * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * computation of chi^2 and its derivatives REAL*8 DAL REAL*8 CHI2D,CHI2DOLD,CHI2DD !first and second derivatives of chi^2 REAL*8 DXDAL,DYDAL !first derivatives of x and y on AL-pha REAL*8 STEPAL ! ***PP*** REAL*8 ZINI !z coordinate of reference plane COMMON/MINICOM/ $ DAL(5) $ ,CHI2D(5),CHI2DOLD(5),CHI2DD(5,5) $ ,DXDAL(NPLANES,5),DYDAL(NPLANES,5) $ ,STEPAL(5) ***PP*** $ ,ZINI * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * convergence conditions REAL*8 ALTOL !tolerances on AL-pha parameters REAL*8 ALMAX,ALMIN !maximum and minimum value for AL-pha parameters INTEGER ISTEPMAX !maximum number of steps COMMON/MINICON/ $ ALTOL(5) $ ,ALMAX(5),ALMIN(5) $ ,ISTEPMAX * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * variables for the tracking (routine posxy) REAL*8 VECT,VECTINI,VOUT !vectors for Runge-Kutta method REAL*8 TOLL !tolerance from plane REAL*8 STEPMAX !maximum number of steps REAL*8 CHARGE !sign of electric charge COMMON/TRACKING/VECT(7),VECTINI(7),VOUT(7),TOLL,STEPMAX, $ CHARGE