/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/common_calibration.f
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Contents of /DarthVader/TrackerLevel2/inc/F77/common_calibration.f

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Revision - (show annotations) (download) (vendor branch)
Fri May 19 13:15:52 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: DarthVader, MAIN
CVS Tags: v0r01, v0r02, v5r00, v4r00, v2r01, v10RED, v1r01beta, start, v9r00, v9r01, v1r00, v1r01, v10REDr01, v3r04, v3r05, v3r06, v3r00, v3r03, v6r01, v6r00, v2r00BETA, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines
Imported sources

1 C-------------------------------------------------
2 C output files logical units
3 C-------------------------------------------------
4 parameter (lun_file_out=70) !output file id number
5 parameter (lun_file_log=73) !log file id number
6 parameter (lun_file_eta=74) !eta param file id number
9 c$$$C-------------------------------------------------
10 c$$$C variables for the good track identification
11 c$$$C-------------------------------------------------
12 c$$$ real xpa(nplanes),ypa(nplanes) !PAMELA frame measured coordinates
13 c$$$ real xres(nplanes),yres(nplanes) !residuals
14 c$$$ real chix,chiy !chi-squared
15 c$$$ real thetax,thetay !incidence angle
16 c$$$ real xsi(nplanes),ysi(nplanes) !silicon sensor frame measured coordinates
17 c$$$ integer lad(nplanes) !hit ladders
18 c$$$ integer isensor(nplanes) !hit sensors
19 integer which_cl_x(nplanes),which_cl_y(nplanes)
20 c$$$c real fitz(nplanes) !z coordinates of the planes
21 c$$$
22 common/good_track_cl/
23 c$$$c $ fitz,
24 c$$$ $ xpa,ypa,xres,yres,
25 c$$$ $ chix,chiy,
26 c$$$ $ thetax,thetay,
27 c$$$ $ xsi,ysi,
28 c$$$ $ lad,isensor,
29 $ which_cl_x,which_cl_y
31 C-------------------------------------------------
32 C level1 n-tuple with selected events
33 C-------------------------------------------------
35 c parameter (ntp_level1_tmp=41)
37 C-------------------------------------------------
38 C some check histos
39 C-------------------------------------------------
40 parameter (id_hi_chi=10000)
41 parameter (id_hi_mult=7000000)
42 parameter (id_hi_charge=8000000)
44 parameter (id_hi_angle=9000000)
45 parameter (id_hi_angle_stat=9900000)
47 parameter (id_hi_beam=5000000)
49 parameter (id_hi_bx=2000)
50 parameter (id_hi_by=3000)
51 parameter (id_hi_bz=4000)
53 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 c
55 c eta-2 eta-3 eta-4 histograms
56 c
57 c here is defined the histogram and angular binning
58 c for eta corrections
59 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 parameter (id_hi_eta2=20000)
62 parameter (id_hi_eta3=30000)
63 parameter (id_hi_eta4=40000)
65 parameter (nhbin2=100) !eta-2 histo bins
66 parameter (nhbin3=2*nhbin2) !eta-3 histo bins
67 parameter (nhbin4=3*nhbin2) !eta-4 histo bins
69 c$$$ real histo2(nhbin2)
70 c$$$ real eta2corr(nhbin2+1,nviews) !eta2 correction
71 c$$$ real eta2abs(nhbin2+1) !eta2 abscissa
74 c$$$# ifdef TEST2003
75 c$$$ parameter (nangbin=3) !number of angular bins
76 c$$$c real angbin(nang+1) !bin extremes
77 c$$$ data angbin/ !nang=3
78 c$$$ $ -6.0,
79 c$$$ $ -2.0,
80 c$$$ $ 2.0,
81 c$$$ $ 6.0/
82 c$$$# else
83 c$$$ parameter (nangbin=3) !number of angular bins
84 c$$$c real angbin(nang+1) !bin extremes
85 c$$$ data angbin/ !nang=3
86 c$$$ $ -6.0,
87 c$$$ $ -2.0,
88 c$$$ $ 2.0,
89 c$$$ $ 6.0/
90 c$$$# endif
92 c$$$ parameter (nangmax=50)
93 c$$$ integer nang,angbin(nangmax)
94 real avangbin(nangmax,nviews),navangbin(nangmax,nviews) !average angle in the bin
95 common/avang/avangbin,navangbin
97 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 c
99 c charge correlation histograms
100 c
101 c------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 parameter (id_hi_chargeco=500000)
104 real syksx(nplanes),sycsx(nplanes)
105 real esyksx(nplanes),esycsx(nplanes)
106 common/sxsy/syksx,sycsx,esyksx,esycsx
108 * ---------------------------------------------
109 * common per la correlazione di carica (MINUIT)
110 parameter (ncorrmax=10000)
111 real chargexy(nplanes,3,ncorrmax,2)
112 integer whichplane,whichladder,goodtr
113 common/chargecorr/chargexy,whichplane,whichladder,goodtr
115 c double precision val,error
116 c character*12 chnam
117 c real esyksx(nplanes),esycsx(nplanes)
118 * ---------------------------------------------

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