/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/ToFLevel2/src/ToFLevel2.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/ToFLevel2/src/ToFLevel2.cpp

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Revision 1.10 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Jan 11 09:34:27 2007 UTC (18 years, 1 month ago) by pam-fi
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.9: +72 -34 lines
memory-leak bug fixed

1 #include <TObject.h>
2 #include <ToFLevel2.h>
3 #include <iostream>
4 using namespace std;
5 ClassImp(ToFPMT);
6 ClassImp(ToFTrkVar);
7 ClassImp(ToFLevel2);
10 pmt_id = 0;
11 adc = 0.;
12 tdc_tw = 0.;
13 }
15 ToFPMT::ToFPMT(const ToFPMT &t){
16 pmt_id = t.pmt_id;
17 adc = t.adc;
18 tdc_tw = t.tdc_tw;
19 }
21 void ToFPMT::Clear(){
22 pmt_id = 0;
23 adc = 0.;
24 tdc_tw = 0.;
25 }
29 ToFTrkVar::ToFTrkVar() {
30 trkseqno = 0;
31 npmttdc = 0;
32 npmtadc = 0;
33 pmttdc = TArrayI(48);
34 pmtadc = TArrayI(48);
35 tdcflag = TArrayI(48); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
36 adcflag = TArrayI(48); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
37 dedx = TArrayF(48);
38 //
39 //
40 memset(beta, 0, 13*sizeof(Float_t));
41 memset(xtofpos, 0, 3*sizeof(Float_t));
42 memset(ytofpos, 0, 3*sizeof(Float_t));
43 //
44 };
46 void ToFTrkVar::Clear() {
47 trkseqno = 0;
48 npmttdc = 0;
49 npmtadc = 0;
50 pmttdc.Reset();
51 pmtadc.Reset();
52 tdcflag.Reset(); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
53 adcflag.Reset(); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
54 dedx.Reset();
55 //
56 memset(beta, 0, 13*sizeof(Float_t));
57 memset(xtofpos, 0, 3*sizeof(Float_t));
58 memset(ytofpos, 0, 3*sizeof(Float_t));
59 //
60 };
62 ToFTrkVar::ToFTrkVar(const ToFTrkVar &t){
64 trkseqno = t.trkseqno;
65 //
66 npmttdc = t.npmttdc;
67 npmtadc = t.npmtadc;
68 (t.pmttdc).Copy(pmttdc);
69 (t.pmtadc).Copy(pmtadc);
70 (t.tdcflag).Copy(tdcflag); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
71 (t.adcflag).Copy(adcflag); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
72 (t.dedx).Copy(dedx);
73 //
74 memcpy(beta,t.beta,sizeof(beta));
75 memcpy(xtofpos,t.xtofpos,sizeof(xtofpos));
76 memcpy(ytofpos,t.ytofpos,sizeof(ytofpos));
77 //
78 };
80 ToFLevel2::ToFLevel2() {
81 //
82 // PMT = new TClonesArray("ToFPMT",12); //ELENA
83 // ToFTrk = new TClonesArray("ToFTrkVar",2); //ELENA
84 PMT = 0; //ELENA
85 ToFTrk = 0; //ELENA
86 //
87 this->Clear();
88 //
89 };
91 void ToFLevel2::Clear(){
92 //
93 if(ToFTrk)ToFTrk->Delete(); //ELENA
94 if(PMT)PMT->Delete(); //ELENA
95 memset(tof_j_flag, 0, 6*sizeof(Int_t));
96 unpackError = 0;
97 //
98 };
100 void ToFLevel2::Delete(){ //ELENA
101 //
102 if(ToFTrk){
103 ToFTrk->Delete(); //ELENA
104 delete ToFTrk; //ELENA
105 }
106 if(PMT){
107 PMT->Delete(); //ELENA
108 delete PMT; //ELENA
109 } //ELENA
110 //
111 }; //ELENA
113 ToFTrkVar *ToFLevel2::GetToFTrkVar(Int_t itrk){
114 //
115 if(itrk >= ntrk()){
116 printf(" ToFLevel2 ERROR: track related variables set %i does not exists! \n",itrk);
117 printf(" stored track related variables = %i \n",ntrk());
118 return(NULL);
119 }
120 //
121 if(!ToFTrk)return 0; //ELENA
122 TClonesArray &t = *(ToFTrk);
123 ToFTrkVar *toftrack = (ToFTrkVar*)t[itrk];
124 return toftrack;
125 }
127 ToFPMT *ToFLevel2::GetToFPMT(Int_t ihit){
128 //
129 if(ihit >= npmt()){
130 printf(" ToFLevel2 ERROR: pmt variables set %i does not exists! \n",ihit);
131 printf(" stored pmt variables = %i \n",npmt());
132 return(NULL);
133 }
134 //
135 if(!PMT)return 0; //ELENA
136 TClonesArray &t = *(PMT);
137 ToFPMT *tofpmt = (ToFPMT*)t[ihit];
138 return tofpmt;
139 }
140 //--------------------------------------
141 //
142 //
143 //--------------------------------------
144 /**
145 * Method to get the plane ID (11 12 21 22 31 32) from the plane index (0 1 2 3 4 5)
146 */
147 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetToFPlaneID(Int_t ip){
148 if(ip>=0 && ip<6)return 10*((int)(ip/2+1.1))+(ip%2)+1;
149 else return -1;
150 };
151 /**
152 * Method to get the plane index (0 1 2 3 4 5) from the plane ID (11 12 21 22 31 32)
153 */
154 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetToFPlaneIndex(Int_t plane_id){
155 if(
156 plane_id == 11 ||
157 plane_id == 12 ||
158 plane_id == 21 ||
159 plane_id == 22 ||
160 plane_id == 31 ||
161 plane_id == 32 ||
162 false)return (Int_t)(plane_id/10)*2-1- plane_id%2;
163 else return -1;
164 };
165 /**
166 * Method to know if a given ToF paddle was hit, that is there is a TDC signal
167 * from both PMTs
168 * @param plane Plane ID (11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32) or Plane index (0,1,2,3,4,5).
169 * @param paddle_id Paddle ID.
170 * @return 1 if the paddle was hit.
171 */
172 Bool_t ToFLevel2::HitPaddle(Int_t plane, Int_t paddle_id){ //<<< NEW
173 Int_t ip = -1;
174 if (plane>=6 ) ip = GetToFPlaneIndex(plane);
175 else if(plane>=0 && plane < 6) ip = plane;
176 Int_t flag=0;
177 if(ip != -1)flag = tof_j_flag[ip] & (int)pow(2.,(double)paddle_id);
178 if(
179 (ip == 0 && paddle_id < 8 && flag) ||
180 (ip == 1 && paddle_id < 6 && flag) ||
181 (ip == 2 && paddle_id < 2 && flag) ||
182 (ip == 3 && paddle_id < 2 && flag) ||
183 (ip == 4 && paddle_id < 3 && flag) ||
184 (ip == 5 && paddle_id < 3 && flag) ||
185 false) return true;
186 else return false;
187 };
188 /**
189 * Method to get the number of hit paddles on a ToF plane.
190 * @param plane Plane ID (11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32) or Plane index (0,1,2,3,4,5).
191 */
192 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetNHitPaddles(Int_t plane){
193 Int_t npad=0;
194 for(Int_t i=0; i<8; i++)npad = npad + (int)HitPaddle(plane,i);
195 return npad;
196 };
199 Float_t ToFLevel2::GetdEdx(Int_t notrack, Int_t plane){
201 Float_t dedx = 0.;
202 Int_t ip = 0;
203 Int_t pmt_id = 0;
204 Int_t pl = 0;
205 if ( plane >= 6 ){
206 ip = GetToFPlaneIndex(plane);
207 } else {
208 ip = plane;
209 };
210 //
211 ToFTrkVar *trk = GetToFTrkVar(notrack);
212 if(!trk) return 0; //ELENA
213 //
214 for (Int_t i=0; i<trk->npmtadc; i++){
215 //
216 pmt_id = (trk->pmtadc).At(i);
217 //
218 pl = GetPlaneIndex(pmt_id);
219 //
220 if ( pl == ip ){
221 // // --- patch ---
222 // bool ISNULL=false;
223 // for(Int_t im=0; im< this->npmt(); im++){
224 // if(this->GetToFPMT(im)->pmt_id == pmt_id && this->GetToFPMT(im)->adc == 4095){
225 // cout << " ToFLevel2::GetdEdx(Int_t,Int_t) --> **warning** ADC(PMT="<<pmt_id<<") = 4095"<<endl;
226 // ISNULL=true;
227 // }
228 // }
229 // // --- patch ---
230 // dedx += (trk->dedx).At(i)*(Int_t)(!ISNULL);
231 dedx += (trk->dedx).At(i);
232 }
233 //
234 };
235 //
236 return(dedx);
237 };
240 void ToFLevel2::GetMatrix(Int_t notrack, Float_t adc[4][12], Float_t tdc[4][12]){
241 //
242 for (Int_t aa=0; aa<4;aa++){
243 for (Int_t bb=0; bb<12;bb++){
244 adc[aa][bb] = 1000.;
245 tdc[aa][bb] = 4095.;
246 };
247 };
248 //
249 Int_t pmt_id = 0;
250 Int_t hh = 0;
251 Int_t kk = 0;
252 //
253 ToFTrkVar *trk = GetToFTrkVar(notrack);
254 if(!trk)return; //ELENA
255 //
256 for (Int_t i=0; i<trk->npmtadc; i++){
257 //
258 pmt_id = (trk->pmtadc).At(i);
259 //
260 GetPMTIndex(pmt_id,hh,kk);
261 adc[kk][hh] = (trk->dedx).At(i);
262 //
263 };
264 //
265 for (Int_t i=0; i<npmt(); i++){
266 //
267 ToFPMT *pmt = GetToFPMT(i);
268 if(!pmt)break; //ELENA
269 //
270 GetPMTIndex(pmt->pmt_id,hh,kk);
271 //
272 tdc[kk][hh] = pmt->tdc_tw;
273 //
274 };
275 //
276 return;
277 };
281 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetPlaneIndex(Int_t pmt_id){
282 TString pmtname = GetPMTName(pmt_id);
283 pmtname.Resize(3);
284 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S11") ) return(0);
285 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S12") ) return(1);
286 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S21") ) return(2);
287 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S22") ) return(3);
288 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S31") ) return(4);
289 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S32") ) return(5);
290 return(-1);
291 };
294 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetPMTid(Int_t hh, Int_t kk){
295 //
296 short tof[4][24] = {
297 {4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4},
298 {1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 1, 5, 3, 9, 7, 9, 11, 1, 5, 9},
299 {2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4},
300 {6, 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 9, 7, 11, 11, 5, 3, 1, 3, 7, 11}
301 };
302 //
303 Int_t ind = 0;
304 Int_t k = 0;
305 while (k < 24){
306 Int_t j = 0;
307 while (j < 2){
308 Int_t ch = tof[2*j][k] - 1;
309 Int_t hb = tof[2*j + 1][k] - 1;
310 /* tofEvent->tdc[ch][hb] */
311 if( ch == hh && hb == kk ){
312 ind = 2*k + j;
313 break;
314 };
315 j++;
316 };
317 k++;
318 };
319 return ind;
320 };
322 TString ToFLevel2::GetPMTName(Int_t ind){
324 TString pmtname = " ";
326 TString photoS[48] = {
327 "S11_1A", "S11_1B", "S11_2A", "S11_2B", "S11_3A", "S11_3B", "S11_4A", "S11_4B",
328 "S11_5A", "S11_5B", "S11_6A", "S11_6B", "S11_7A", "S11_7B", "S11_8A", "S11_8B",
329 "S12_1A", "S12_1B", "S12_2A", "S12_2B", "S12_3A", "S12_3B", "S12_4A", "S12_4B", "S12_5A", "S12_5B", "S12_6A", "S12_6B",
330 "S21_1A", "S21_1B", "S21_2A", "S21_2B",
331 "S22_1A", "S22_1B", "S22_2A", "S22_2B",
332 "S31_1A", "S31_1B", "S31_2A", "S31_2B", "S31_3A", "S31_3B",
333 "S32_1A", "S32_1B", "S32_2A", "S32_2B", "S32_3A", "S32_3B"
334 };
337 pmtname = photoS[ind].Data();
339 return pmtname;
340 };
343 void ToFLevel2::GetPMTIndex(Int_t ind, Int_t &hb, Int_t &ch){
344 //
345 short tof[4][24] = {
346 {4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4},
347 {1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 1, 5, 3, 9, 7, 9, 11, 1, 5, 9},
348 {2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4},
349 {6, 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 9, 7, 11, 11, 5, 3, 1, 3, 7, 11}
350 };
351 //
352 Int_t k = 0;
353 while (k < 24){
354 Int_t j = 0;
355 while (j < 2){
356 /* tofEvent->tdc[ch][hb] */
357 if( ind == 2*k + j ){
358 ch = tof[2*j][k] - 1;
359 hb = tof[2*j + 1][k] - 1;
360 return;
361 };
362 j++;
363 };
364 k++;
365 };
366 return;
367 };
369 /**
370 * Fills a struct cToFLevel2 with values from a ToFLevel2 object (to put data into a F77 common).
371 */
372 void ToFLevel2::GetLevel2Struct(cToFLevel2 *l2) const{
374 for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++)
375 l2->tof_j_flag[i]=tof_j_flag[i];
377 if(ToFTrk){ //ELENA
378 l2->ntoftrk = ToFTrk->GetEntries();
379 for(Int_t j=0;j<l2->ntoftrk;j++){
380 l2->toftrkseqno[j]= ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->trkseqno;
381 l2->npmttdc[j]= ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->npmttdc;
382 for(Int_t i=0;i<l2->npmttdc[j];i++){
383 l2->pmttdc[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->pmttdc.At(i);
384 l2->tdcflag[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->tdcflag.At(i); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
385 }
386 for(Int_t i=0;i<13;i++)
387 l2->beta[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->beta[i];
389 l2->npmtadc[j]= ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->npmtadc;
390 for(Int_t i=0;i<l2->npmtadc[j];i++){
391 l2->pmtadc[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->pmtadc.At(i);
392 l2->adcflag[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->adcflag.At(i); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
393 l2->dedx[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->dedx.At(i);
394 }
395 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){
396 l2->xtofpos[i][j]=((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->xtofpos[i];
397 l2->ytofpos[i][j]=((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->ytofpos[i];
398 }
399 }
400 } //ELENA
402 if(PMT){ //ELENA
403 l2->npmt = PMT->GetEntries();
404 for(Int_t j=0;j<l2->npmt;j++){
405 l2->pmt_id[j] = ((ToFPMT*)PMT->At(j))->pmt_id;
406 l2->adc[j] =((ToFPMT*)PMT->At(j))->adc;
407 l2->tdc_tw[j] =((ToFPMT*)PMT->At(j))->tdc_tw;
408 }
409 } //ELENA
410 }

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