/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/ToFLevel2/src/ToFLevel2.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/ToFLevel2/src/ToFLevel2.cpp

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Revision 1.39 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Aug 7 16:04:11 2014 UTC (10 years, 6 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.38: +241 -0 lines
Continue porting of TrkTrack methods to ExtTrack class, extAlgFlag bug fixed, new methods in ToFlevel2

1 /**
2 * \file ToFLevel2.cpp
3 * \author Gianfranca DeRosa, Wolfgang Menn
4 *
5 * WM dec 2008: Description of "GetdEdx" changed
6 * WM dec 2008: "GetdEdxPaddle" modified: Now includes saturation limit
7 * PMTs higher than the saturation limit are not used for dEdx
8 * WM apr 2009: bug found by Nicola in method "GetPaddlePlane"
9 */
11 #include <ToFLevel2.h>
12 using namespace std;
13 ClassImp(ToFPMT);
14 ClassImp(ToFdEdx);
15 ClassImp(ToFGeom);
16 ClassImp(ToFTrkVar);
17 ClassImp(ToFLevel2);
19 ToFPMT::ToFPMT(){
20 pmt_id = 0;
21 adc = 0.;
22 tdc_tw = 0.;
23 tdc = 0.;
24 l0flag_adc = 0.;
25 l0flag_tdc = 0.;
26 }
28 ToFPMT::ToFPMT(const ToFPMT &t){
29 pmt_id = t.pmt_id;
30 adc = t.adc;
31 tdc_tw = t.tdc_tw;
32 tdc = t.tdc;
33 }
35 void ToFPMT::Clear(Option_t *t){
36 pmt_id = 0;
37 adc = 0.;
38 tdc_tw = 0.;
39 tdc = 0.;
40 }
44 ToFTrkVar::ToFTrkVar() {
45 trkseqno = 0;
46 npmttdc = 0;
47 npmtadc = 0;
48 pmttdc = TArrayI(48);
49 pmtadc = TArrayI(48);
50 tdcflag = TArrayI(48); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
51 adcflag = TArrayI(48); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
52 dedx = TArrayF(48);
53 //
54 //
55 memset(beta, 0, 13*sizeof(Float_t));
56 memset(xtofpos, 0, 3*sizeof(Float_t));
57 memset(ytofpos, 0, 3*sizeof(Float_t));
58 memset(xtr_tof, 0, 6*sizeof(Float_t));
59 memset(ytr_tof, 0, 6*sizeof(Float_t));
60 //
61 };
63 void ToFTrkVar::Clear(Option_t *t) {
64 trkseqno = 0;
65 npmttdc = 0;
66 npmtadc = 0;
67 pmttdc.Reset();
68 pmtadc.Reset();
69 tdcflag.Reset(); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
70 adcflag.Reset(); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
71 dedx.Reset();
72 //
73 memset(beta, 0, 13*sizeof(Float_t));
74 memset(xtofpos, 0, 3*sizeof(Float_t));
75 memset(ytofpos, 0, 3*sizeof(Float_t));
76 memset(xtr_tof, 0, 6*sizeof(Float_t));
77 memset(ytr_tof, 0, 6*sizeof(Float_t));
78 //
79 };
81 ToFTrkVar::ToFTrkVar(const ToFTrkVar &t){
83 trkseqno = t.trkseqno;
84 //
85 npmttdc = t.npmttdc;
86 npmtadc = t.npmtadc;
87 (t.pmttdc).Copy(pmttdc);
88 (t.pmtadc).Copy(pmtadc);
89 (t.tdcflag).Copy(tdcflag); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
90 (t.adcflag).Copy(adcflag); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
91 (t.dedx).Copy(dedx);
92 //
93 memcpy(beta,t.beta,sizeof(beta));
94 memcpy(xtofpos,t.xtofpos,sizeof(xtofpos));
95 memcpy(ytofpos,t.ytofpos,sizeof(ytofpos));
96 memcpy(xtr_tof,t.xtr_tof,sizeof(xtr_tof));
97 memcpy(ytr_tof,t.ytr_tof,sizeof(ytr_tof));
98 //
99 };
101 ToFLevel2::ToFLevel2() {
102 //
103 // PMT = new TClonesArray("ToFPMT",12); //ELENA
104 // ToFTrk = new TClonesArray("ToFTrkVar",2); //ELENA
105 PMT = 0; //ELENA
106 ToFTrk = 0; //ELENA
107 //
108 this->Clear();
109 //
110 };
112 void ToFLevel2::Set(){//ELENA
113 if(!PMT)PMT = new TClonesArray("ToFPMT",12); //ELENA
114 if(!ToFTrk)ToFTrk = new TClonesArray("ToFTrkVar",2); //ELENA
115 }//ELENA
117 void ToFLevel2::Clear(Option_t *t){
118 //
119 if(ToFTrk)ToFTrk->Delete(); //ELENA
120 if(PMT)PMT->Delete(); //ELENA
121 memset(tof_j_flag, 0, 6*sizeof(Int_t));
122 unpackError = 0;
123 unpackWarning = 0;
124 //
125 };
127 void ToFLevel2::Delete(Option_t *t){ //ELENA
128 //
129 if(ToFTrk){
130 ToFTrk->Delete(); //ELENA
131 delete ToFTrk; //ELENA
132 }
133 if(PMT){
134 PMT->Delete(); //ELENA
135 delete PMT; //ELENA
136 } //ELENA
137 //
138 }; //ELENA
140 ToFTrkVar *ToFLevel2::GetToFTrkVar(Int_t itrk){
141 //
142 if(itrk >= ntrk()){
143 printf(" ToFLevel2 ERROR: track related variables set %i does not exists! \n",itrk);
144 printf(" stored track related variables = %i \n",ntrk());
145 return(NULL);
146 }
147 //
148 if(!ToFTrk)return 0; //ELENA
149 TClonesArray &t = *(ToFTrk);
150 ToFTrkVar *toftrack = (ToFTrkVar*)t[itrk];
151 return toftrack;
152 }
154 ToFPMT *ToFLevel2::GetToFPMT(Int_t ihit){
155 //
156 if(ihit >= npmt()){
157 printf(" ToFLevel2 ERROR: pmt variables set %i does not exists! \n",ihit);
158 printf(" stored pmt variables = %i \n",npmt());
159 return(NULL);
160 }
161 //
162 if(!PMT)return 0; //ELENA
163 TClonesArray &t = *(PMT);
164 ToFPMT *tofpmt = (ToFPMT*)t[ihit];
165 return tofpmt;
166 }
167 //--------------------------------------
168 //
169 //
170 //--------------------------------------
171 /**
172 * Method to get the plane ID (11 12 21 22 31 32) from the plane index (0 1 2 3 4 5)
173 * @param Plane index (0,1,2,3,4,5).
174 */
175 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetToFPlaneID(Int_t ip){
176 if(ip>=0 && ip<6)return 10*((int)(ip/2+1.1))+(ip%2)+1;
177 else return -1;
178 };
179 /**
180 * Method to get the plane index (0 1 2 3 4 5) from the plane ID (11 12 21 22 31 32)
181 * @param plane Plane ID (11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32)
182 */
183 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetToFPlaneIndex(Int_t plane_id){
184 if(
185 plane_id == 11 ||
186 plane_id == 12 ||
187 plane_id == 21 ||
188 plane_id == 22 ||
189 plane_id == 31 ||
190 plane_id == 32 ||
191 false)return (Int_t)(plane_id/10)*2-1- plane_id%2;
192 else return -1;
193 };
194 /**
195 * Method to know if a given ToF paddle was hit, that is there is a TDC signal
196 * from both PMTs. The method uses the "tof_j_flag" variable.
197 * @param plane Plane ID (11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32) or Plane index (0,1,2,3,4,5).
198 * @param paddle_id Paddle ID.
199 * @return 1 if the paddle was hit.
200 */
201 Bool_t ToFLevel2::HitPaddle(Int_t plane, Int_t paddle_id){ //<<< NEW
202 Int_t ip = -1;
203 if (plane>=6 ) ip = GetToFPlaneIndex(plane);
204 else if(plane>=0 && plane < 6) ip = plane;
205 Int_t flag=0;
206 if(ip != -1)flag = tof_j_flag[ip] & (int)pow(2.,(double)paddle_id);
207 if(
208 (ip == 0 && paddle_id < 8 && flag) ||
209 (ip == 1 && paddle_id < 6 && flag) ||
210 (ip == 2 && paddle_id < 2 && flag) ||
211 (ip == 3 && paddle_id < 2 && flag) ||
212 (ip == 4 && paddle_id < 3 && flag) ||
213 (ip == 5 && paddle_id < 3 && flag) ||
214 false) return true;
215 else return false;
216 };
217 /**
218 * Method to get the number of hit paddles on a ToF plane.
219 * @param plane Plane ID (11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32) or Plane index (0,1,2,3,4,5).
220 */
221 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetNHitPaddles(Int_t plane){
222 Int_t npad=0;
223 for(Int_t i=0; i<8; i++)npad = npad + (int)HitPaddle(plane,i);
224 return npad;
225 };
227 /**
228 * Method to get the number of hit paddles on a ToF plane.
229 * @param plane Plane ID (11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32) or Plane index (0,1,2,3,4,5).
230 */
231 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetTrueNHitPaddles(Int_t plane){
232 Int_t npad=0;
233 TClonesArray* Pmt = this->PMT;
234 int paddle[24];
235 memset(paddle,0, 24*sizeof(int));
236 for(int i=0; i<Pmt->GetEntries(); i++) { //loop per vedere quale TOF è colpito
237 ToFPMT* pmthit = (ToFPMT*)Pmt->At(i);
238 int pplane = -1;
239 int ppaddle = -1;
240 GetPMTPaddle(pmthit->pmt_id,pplane,ppaddle);
241 if ( pplane == plane ) paddle[ppaddle]++;
242 }
243 for(int i=0;i<24;i++) if ( paddle[i]>0 ) npad++;
245 return npad;
246 };
248 //wm Nov 08
249 //gf Apr 07
250 /**
251 * Method to get the mean dEdx from a ToF layer - ATTENTION:
252 * It will sum up the dEdx of all the paddles, but since by definition
253 * only the paddle hitted by the track gets a dEdx value and the other
254 * paddles are set to zero, the output is just the dEdx of the hitted
255 * paddle in each layer!
256 * The "adcfl" option is not very useful (an artificial dEdx is per
257 * definition= 1 mip and not a real measurement), anyway left in the code
258 * @param notrack Track Number
259 * @param plane Plane index (0,1,2,3,4,5)
260 * @param adcflag in the plane (100<-> independent of the adcflag; !=0&&!=100 <-> at least one PMT with adcflag!=0; )
261 */
262 Float_t ToFLevel2::GetdEdx(ToFTrkVar *trk, Int_t plane, Int_t adcfl){
263 // printf("fiffi\n");
264 Float_t dedx = 0.;
265 Float_t PadEdx =0.;
266 Int_t SatWarning;
267 Int_t pad=-1;
268 //
269 if(!trk) return 0; //ELENA
270 //
271 if ( trk->trkseqno == -1 ){ //standalone, only paddles along the track, or about...
272 // printf("ciccio\n");
273 Float_t xleft=0;
274 Float_t xright=0;
275 Float_t yleft=0;
276 Float_t yright=0;
277 Float_t xtof_temp[6]={100.,100.,100.,100.,100.,100.};
278 Float_t ytof_temp[6]={100.,100.,100.,100.,100.,100.};
279 ToFTrkVar *t_tof = trk;
281 xtof_temp[0]=t_tof->xtofpos[0];
282 ytof_temp[0]=t_tof->ytofpos[0];
283 xtof_temp[1]=t_tof->xtofpos[0];
284 ytof_temp[1]=t_tof->ytofpos[0];
286 xtof_temp[2]=t_tof->xtofpos[1];
287 ytof_temp[2]=t_tof->ytofpos[1];
288 xtof_temp[3]=t_tof->xtofpos[1];
289 ytof_temp[3]=t_tof->ytofpos[1];
291 xtof_temp[4]=t_tof->xtofpos[2];
292 ytof_temp[4]=t_tof->ytofpos[2];
293 xtof_temp[5]=t_tof->xtofpos[2];
294 ytof_temp[5]=t_tof->ytofpos[2];
296 if(t_tof->xtofpos[0]<100. && t_tof->ytofpos[0]<100.){
297 xtof_temp[1]=t_tof->xtofpos[0];
298 ytof_temp[0]=t_tof->ytofpos[0];
299 }else if(t_tof->xtofpos[0]>=100. && t_tof->ytofpos[0]<100.){
300 ytof_temp[0]=t_tof->ytofpos[0];
301 this->GetPaddleGeometry(0,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[0]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
302 xtof_temp[1]=xleft+2.55;
303 }else if(t_tof->ytofpos[0]>=100. && t_tof->xtofpos[0]<100.){
304 xtof_temp[1]=t_tof->xtofpos[0];
305 this->GetPaddleGeometry(1,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[1]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
306 ytof_temp[0]=yleft+2.75;
307 }
309 if(t_tof->xtofpos[1]<100. && t_tof->ytofpos[1]<100.){
310 xtof_temp[2]=t_tof->xtofpos[1];
311 ytof_temp[3]=t_tof->ytofpos[1];
312 }else if(t_tof->xtofpos[1]>=100. && t_tof->ytofpos[1]<100.){
313 ytof_temp[3]=t_tof->ytofpos[1];
314 this->GetPaddleGeometry(3,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[3]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
315 xtof_temp[2]=xleft+4.5;
316 }else if(t_tof->ytofpos[1]>=100. && t_tof->xtofpos[1]<100.){
317 xtof_temp[2]=t_tof->xtofpos[1];
318 this->GetPaddleGeometry(2,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[2]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
319 ytof_temp[3]=yleft+3.75;
320 }
322 if(t_tof->xtofpos[2]<100. && t_tof->ytofpos[2]<100.){
323 xtof_temp[5]=t_tof->xtofpos[2];
324 ytof_temp[4]=t_tof->ytofpos[2];
325 }else if(t_tof->xtofpos[2]>=100. && t_tof->ytofpos[2]<100.){
326 ytof_temp[4]=t_tof->ytofpos[2];
327 this->GetPaddleGeometry(4,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[4]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
328 xtof_temp[5]=xleft+3;
329 }else if(t_tof->ytofpos[2]>=100. && t_tof->xtofpos[2]<100.){
330 xtof_temp[5]=t_tof->xtofpos[2];
331 this->GetPaddleGeometry(5,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[5]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
332 ytof_temp[4]=yleft+2.5;
333 }
335 if ( (xtof_temp[0])> 17.85 && fabs(xtof_temp[0])<17.85+4. ) xtof_temp[0] =17.84;
336 if ( (xtof_temp[1])> 17.85 && fabs(xtof_temp[1])<17.85+4. ) xtof_temp[1] =17.84;
337 if ( (ytof_temp[0])> 13.75 && fabs(ytof_temp[0])<13.75+4. ) ytof_temp[0] =13.74;
338 if ( (ytof_temp[1])> 13.75 && fabs(ytof_temp[1])<13.75+4. ) ytof_temp[1] =13.74;
339 if ( (xtof_temp[0])< -17.85 && fabs(xtof_temp[0])>-(17.85+4.) ) xtof_temp[0] =-17.84;
340 if ( (xtof_temp[1])< -17.85 && fabs(xtof_temp[1])>-(17.85+4.) ) xtof_temp[1] =-17.84;
341 if ( (ytof_temp[0])< -13.75 && fabs(ytof_temp[0])>-(13.75+4.) ) ytof_temp[0] =-13.74;
342 if ( (ytof_temp[1])< -13.75 && fabs(ytof_temp[1])>-(13.75+4.) ) ytof_temp[1] =-13.74;
344 if ( (xtof_temp[2])> 4.5 && (xtof_temp[2])<4.5+4. ) xtof_temp[2] =4.4;
345 if ( (xtof_temp[3])> 4.45 && (xtof_temp[3])<4.5+4. ) xtof_temp[3] =4.4;
346 if ( (ytof_temp[2])> 3.75 && (ytof_temp[2])<3.75+4. ) ytof_temp[2] =3.74;
347 if ( (ytof_temp[3])> 3.75 && (ytof_temp[3])<3.75+4. ) ytof_temp[3] =3.74;
348 if ( (xtof_temp[2])< -4.5 && (xtof_temp[2])>-(4.5+4.) ) xtof_temp[2] =-4.4;
349 if ( (xtof_temp[3])< -4.45 && (xtof_temp[3])>-(4.5+4.) ) xtof_temp[3] =-4.4;
350 if ( (ytof_temp[2])< -3.75 && (ytof_temp[2])>-(3.75+4.) ) ytof_temp[2] =-3.74;
351 if ( (ytof_temp[3])< -3.75 && (ytof_temp[3])>-(3.75+4.) ) ytof_temp[3] =-3.74;
353 if ( (xtof_temp[4])> 6. && (xtof_temp[4])<6.+4. ) xtof_temp[2] =5.9;
354 if ( (xtof_temp[5])> 6. && (xtof_temp[5])<6.+4. ) xtof_temp[3] =5.9;
355 if ( (ytof_temp[4])> 5. && (ytof_temp[4])<5.+4. ) ytof_temp[2] =4.9;
356 if ( (ytof_temp[5])> 5. && (ytof_temp[5])<5.+4. ) ytof_temp[3] =4.9;
357 if ( (xtof_temp[4])< -6. && (xtof_temp[4])>-(6.+4.) ) xtof_temp[2] =-5.9;
358 if ( (xtof_temp[5])< -6. && (xtof_temp[5])>-(6.+4.) ) xtof_temp[3] =-5.9;
359 if ( (ytof_temp[4])< -5. && (ytof_temp[4])>-(5.+4.) ) ytof_temp[2] =-4.9;
360 if ( (ytof_temp[5])< -5. && (ytof_temp[5])>-(5.+4.) ) ytof_temp[3] =-4.9;
363 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<GetNPaddle(plane); ii++){
364 Int_t paddleid=ii;
365 pad = GetPaddleid(plane,paddleid);
366 Int_t IpaddleT=-1;
367 IpaddleT=this->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xtof_temp[plane],ytof_temp[plane], plane,0.0);
368 // printf("SSS %i %i %f %f %f %f \n",IpaddleT,paddleid,xtof_temp[plane],ytof_temp[plane],t_tof->xtofpos[plane],t_tof->ytofpos[plane]);
369 // if ( IpaddleT == paddleid || IpaddleT-1 == paddleid || IpaddleT+1 == paddleid ){
370 if ( IpaddleT == paddleid || GetTrueNHitPaddles(plane) == 1 ){
371 //IpaddleT-1 == paddleid || IpaddleT+1 == paddleid ){
372 GetdEdxPaddle(trk, pad, adcfl, PadEdx, SatWarning);
373 dedx += PadEdx;
374 }
375 };
376 } else {
377 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<GetNPaddle(plane); ii++){
378 Int_t paddleid=ii;
379 pad = GetPaddleid(plane,paddleid);
380 GetdEdxPaddle(trk, pad, adcfl, PadEdx, SatWarning);
381 dedx += PadEdx;
382 // printf("TTT %i %i %f\n",paddleid,plane,PadEdx);
383 };
384 }
385 //
386 return(dedx);
387 };
390 //wm Nov 08
391 //gf Apr 07
392 /**
393 * Method to get the mean dEdx from a ToF layer - ATTENTION:
394 * It will sum up the dEdx of all the paddles, but since by definition
395 * only the paddle hitted by the track gets a dEdx value and the other
396 * paddles are set to zero, the output is just the dEdx of the hitted
397 * paddle in each layer!
398 * The "adcfl" option is not very useful (an artificial dEdx is per
399 * definition= 1 mip and not a real measurement), anyway left in the code
400 * @param notrack Track Number
401 * @param plane Plane index (0,1,2,3,4,5)
402 * @param adcflag in the plane (100<-> independent of the adcflag; !=0&&!=100 <-> at least one PMT with adcflag!=0; )
403 */
404 Float_t ToFLevel2::GetdEdx(Int_t notrack, Int_t plane, Int_t adcfl){
405 // printf("fiffi\n");
406 Float_t dedx = 0.;
407 Float_t PadEdx =0.;
408 Int_t SatWarning;
409 Int_t pad=-1;
410 //
411 ToFTrkVar *trk = GetToFTrkVar(notrack);
412 if(!trk) return 0; //ELENA
413 //
414 if ( trk->trkseqno == -1 ){ //standalone, only paddles along the track, or about...
415 // printf("ciccio\n");
416 Float_t xleft=0;
417 Float_t xright=0;
418 Float_t yleft=0;
419 Float_t yright=0;
420 Float_t xtof_temp[6]={100.,100.,100.,100.,100.,100.};
421 Float_t ytof_temp[6]={100.,100.,100.,100.,100.,100.};
422 ToFTrkVar *t_tof = trk;
424 xtof_temp[0]=t_tof->xtofpos[0];
425 ytof_temp[0]=t_tof->ytofpos[0];
426 xtof_temp[1]=t_tof->xtofpos[0];
427 ytof_temp[1]=t_tof->ytofpos[0];
429 xtof_temp[2]=t_tof->xtofpos[1];
430 ytof_temp[2]=t_tof->ytofpos[1];
431 xtof_temp[3]=t_tof->xtofpos[1];
432 ytof_temp[3]=t_tof->ytofpos[1];
434 xtof_temp[4]=t_tof->xtofpos[2];
435 ytof_temp[4]=t_tof->ytofpos[2];
436 xtof_temp[5]=t_tof->xtofpos[2];
437 ytof_temp[5]=t_tof->ytofpos[2];
439 if(t_tof->xtofpos[0]<100. && t_tof->ytofpos[0]<100.){
440 xtof_temp[1]=t_tof->xtofpos[0];
441 ytof_temp[0]=t_tof->ytofpos[0];
442 }else if(t_tof->xtofpos[0]>=100. && t_tof->ytofpos[0]<100.){
443 ytof_temp[0]=t_tof->ytofpos[0];
444 this->GetPaddleGeometry(0,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[0]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
445 xtof_temp[1]=xleft+2.55;
446 }else if(t_tof->ytofpos[0]>=100. && t_tof->xtofpos[0]<100.){
447 xtof_temp[1]=t_tof->xtofpos[0];
448 this->GetPaddleGeometry(1,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[1]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
449 ytof_temp[0]=yleft+2.75;
450 }
452 if(t_tof->xtofpos[1]<100. && t_tof->ytofpos[1]<100.){
453 xtof_temp[2]=t_tof->xtofpos[1];
454 ytof_temp[3]=t_tof->ytofpos[1];
455 }else if(t_tof->xtofpos[1]>=100. && t_tof->ytofpos[1]<100.){
456 ytof_temp[3]=t_tof->ytofpos[1];
457 this->GetPaddleGeometry(3,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[3]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
458 xtof_temp[2]=xleft+4.5;
459 }else if(t_tof->ytofpos[1]>=100. && t_tof->xtofpos[1]<100.){
460 xtof_temp[2]=t_tof->xtofpos[1];
461 this->GetPaddleGeometry(2,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[2]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
462 ytof_temp[3]=yleft+3.75;
463 }
465 if(t_tof->xtofpos[2]<100. && t_tof->ytofpos[2]<100.){
466 xtof_temp[5]=t_tof->xtofpos[2];
467 ytof_temp[4]=t_tof->ytofpos[2];
468 }else if(t_tof->xtofpos[2]>=100. && t_tof->ytofpos[2]<100.){
469 ytof_temp[4]=t_tof->ytofpos[2];
470 this->GetPaddleGeometry(4,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[4]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
471 xtof_temp[5]=xleft+3;
472 }else if(t_tof->ytofpos[2]>=100. && t_tof->xtofpos[2]<100.){
473 xtof_temp[5]=t_tof->xtofpos[2];
474 this->GetPaddleGeometry(5,(Int_t)log2(this->tof_j_flag[5]),xleft, xright, yleft, yright);
475 ytof_temp[4]=yleft+2.5;
476 }
478 if ( (xtof_temp[0])> 17.85 && fabs(xtof_temp[0])<17.85+4. ) xtof_temp[0] =17.84;
479 if ( (xtof_temp[1])> 17.85 && fabs(xtof_temp[1])<17.85+4. ) xtof_temp[1] =17.84;
480 if ( (ytof_temp[0])> 13.75 && fabs(ytof_temp[0])<13.75+4. ) ytof_temp[0] =13.74;
481 if ( (ytof_temp[1])> 13.75 && fabs(ytof_temp[1])<13.75+4. ) ytof_temp[1] =13.74;
482 if ( (xtof_temp[0])< -17.85 && fabs(xtof_temp[0])>-(17.85+4.) ) xtof_temp[0] =-17.84;
483 if ( (xtof_temp[1])< -17.85 && fabs(xtof_temp[1])>-(17.85+4.) ) xtof_temp[1] =-17.84;
484 if ( (ytof_temp[0])< -13.75 && fabs(ytof_temp[0])>-(13.75+4.) ) ytof_temp[0] =-13.74;
485 if ( (ytof_temp[1])< -13.75 && fabs(ytof_temp[1])>-(13.75+4.) ) ytof_temp[1] =-13.74;
487 if ( (xtof_temp[2])> 4.5 && (xtof_temp[2])<4.5+4. ) xtof_temp[2] =4.4;
488 if ( (xtof_temp[3])> 4.45 && (xtof_temp[3])<4.5+4. ) xtof_temp[3] =4.4;
489 if ( (ytof_temp[2])> 3.75 && (ytof_temp[2])<3.75+4. ) ytof_temp[2] =3.74;
490 if ( (ytof_temp[3])> 3.75 && (ytof_temp[3])<3.75+4. ) ytof_temp[3] =3.74;
491 if ( (xtof_temp[2])< -4.5 && (xtof_temp[2])>-(4.5+4.) ) xtof_temp[2] =-4.4;
492 if ( (xtof_temp[3])< -4.45 && (xtof_temp[3])>-(4.5+4.) ) xtof_temp[3] =-4.4;
493 if ( (ytof_temp[2])< -3.75 && (ytof_temp[2])>-(3.75+4.) ) ytof_temp[2] =-3.74;
494 if ( (ytof_temp[3])< -3.75 && (ytof_temp[3])>-(3.75+4.) ) ytof_temp[3] =-3.74;
496 if ( (xtof_temp[4])> 6. && (xtof_temp[4])<6.+4. ) xtof_temp[2] =5.9;
497 if ( (xtof_temp[5])> 6. && (xtof_temp[5])<6.+4. ) xtof_temp[3] =5.9;
498 if ( (ytof_temp[4])> 5. && (ytof_temp[4])<5.+4. ) ytof_temp[2] =4.9;
499 if ( (ytof_temp[5])> 5. && (ytof_temp[5])<5.+4. ) ytof_temp[3] =4.9;
500 if ( (xtof_temp[4])< -6. && (xtof_temp[4])>-(6.+4.) ) xtof_temp[2] =-5.9;
501 if ( (xtof_temp[5])< -6. && (xtof_temp[5])>-(6.+4.) ) xtof_temp[3] =-5.9;
502 if ( (ytof_temp[4])< -5. && (ytof_temp[4])>-(5.+4.) ) ytof_temp[2] =-4.9;
503 if ( (ytof_temp[5])< -5. && (ytof_temp[5])>-(5.+4.) ) ytof_temp[3] =-4.9;
506 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<GetNPaddle(plane); ii++){
507 Int_t paddleid=ii;
508 pad = GetPaddleid(plane,paddleid);
509 Int_t IpaddleT=-1;
510 IpaddleT=this->GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xtof_temp[plane],ytof_temp[plane], plane,0.0);
511 // printf("SSS %i %i %f %f %f %f \n",IpaddleT,paddleid,xtof_temp[plane],ytof_temp[plane],t_tof->xtofpos[plane],t_tof->ytofpos[plane]);
512 // if ( IpaddleT == paddleid || IpaddleT-1 == paddleid || IpaddleT+1 == paddleid ){
513 if ( IpaddleT == paddleid || GetTrueNHitPaddles(plane) == 1 ){
514 //IpaddleT-1 == paddleid || IpaddleT+1 == paddleid ){
515 GetdEdxPaddle(notrack, pad, adcfl, PadEdx, SatWarning);
516 dedx += PadEdx;
517 }
518 };
519 } else {
520 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<GetNPaddle(plane); ii++){
521 Int_t paddleid=ii;
522 pad = GetPaddleid(plane,paddleid);
523 GetdEdxPaddle(notrack, pad, adcfl, PadEdx, SatWarning);
524 dedx += PadEdx;
525 // printf("TTT %i %i %f\n",paddleid,plane,PadEdx);
526 };
527 }
528 //
529 return(dedx);
530 };
532 /**
533 * Method to fill the ADC_C 4x12 matrix with the dEdx values and the TDC 4x12 matrix
534 * with the time-walk corrected TDC values.
535 * @param notrack Track Number
536 * @param adc ADC_C matrix with dEdx values
537 * @param tdc TDC matrix
538 */
539 void ToFLevel2::GetMatrix(Int_t notrack, Float_t adc[4][12], Float_t tdc[4][12]){
540 //
541 for (Int_t aa=0; aa<4;aa++){
542 for (Int_t bb=0; bb<12;bb++){
543 adc[aa][bb] = 1000.;
544 tdc[aa][bb] = 4095.;
545 };
546 };
547 //
548 Int_t pmt_id = 0;
549 Int_t hh = 0;
550 Int_t kk = 0;
551 //
552 ToFTrkVar *trk = GetToFTrkVar(notrack);
553 if(!trk)return; //ELENA
554 //
555 for (Int_t i=0; i<trk->npmtadc; i++){
556 //
557 pmt_id = (trk->pmtadc).At(i);
558 //
559 GetPMTIndex(pmt_id,hh,kk);
560 adc[kk][hh] = (trk->dedx).At(i);
561 //
562 };
563 //
564 for (Int_t i=0; i<npmt(); i++){
565 //
566 ToFPMT *pmt = GetToFPMT(i);
567 if(!pmt)break; //ELENA
568 //
569 GetPMTIndex(pmt->pmt_id,hh,kk);
570 //
571 tdc[kk][hh] = pmt->tdc_tw;
572 //
573 };
574 //
575 return;
576 };
579 /**
580 * Method to get the plane index (0 - 5) for the PMT_ID as input
581 * @param pmt_id PMT_ID (0 - 47)
582 */
583 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetPlaneIndex(Int_t pmt_id){
584 TString pmtname = GetPMTName(pmt_id);
585 pmtname.Resize(3);
586 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S11") ) return(0);
587 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S12") ) return(1);
588 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S21") ) return(2);
589 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S22") ) return(3);
590 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S31") ) return(4);
591 if ( !strcmp(pmtname,"S32") ) return(5);
592 return(-1);
593 };
596 /**
597 * Method to get the PMT_ID if the index (4,12) is given. We have 4 channels on
598 * each of the 12 half-boards, this method decodes which PMT is cables to which
599 * channel.
600 * @param hh Channel
601 * @param kk HalfBoard
602 */
603 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetPMTid(Int_t hh, Int_t kk){
604 //
605 short tof[4][24] = {
606 {4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4},
607 {1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 1, 5, 3, 9, 7, 9, 11, 1, 5, 9},
608 {2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4},
609 {6, 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 9, 7, 11, 11, 5, 3, 1, 3, 7, 11}
610 };
611 //
612 Int_t ind = 0;
613 Int_t k = 0;
614 while (k < 24){
615 Int_t j = 0;
616 while (j < 2){
617 Int_t ch = tof[2*j][k] - 1;
618 Int_t hb = tof[2*j + 1][k] - 1;
619 /* tofEvent->tdc[ch][hb] */
620 if( ch == hh && hb == kk ){
621 ind = 2*k + j;
622 break;
623 };
624 j++;
625 };
626 k++;
627 };
628 return ind;
629 };
632 /**
633 * Method to get the PMT index if the PMT ID is given. This method is the
634 * "reverse" of method "GetPMTid"
635 * @param ind PMT_ID (0 - 47)
636 * @param hb HalfBoard
637 * @param ch Channel
638 */
639 void ToFLevel2::GetPMTIndex(Int_t ind, Int_t &hb, Int_t &ch){
640 //
641 short tof[4][24] = {
642 {4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4},
643 {1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 1, 5, 3, 9, 7, 9, 11, 1, 5, 9},
644 {2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4},
645 {6, 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 9, 7, 11, 11, 5, 3, 1, 3, 7, 11}
646 };
647 //
648 Int_t k = 0;
649 while (k < 24){
650 Int_t j = 0;
651 while (j < 2){
652 /* tofEvent->tdc[ch][hb] */
653 if( ind == 2*k + j ){
654 ch = tof[2*j][k] - 1;
655 hb = tof[2*j + 1][k] - 1;
656 return;
657 };
658 j++;
659 };
660 k++;
661 };
662 return;
663 };
667 // wm Nov 08 revision - saturation values included
668 /// gf Apr 07
669 /**
670 * Method to get the dEdx from a given ToF paddle.
671 * If two PMTs are good, the mean dEdx of both PMTs is taken, otherwise
672 * just the dEdx of the "good" PMT. If both PMTs are above saturation => dEdx=1000
673 * @param notrack Track Number
674 * @param Paddle index (0,1,...,23).
675 * @param adcflag in the paddle (100<-> independent of the adcflag; !=0&&!=100 <-> at least one PMT with adcflag!=0; )
676 * @param PadEdx dEdx from a given ToF paddle
677 * @param SatWarning 1 if the PMT ios near saturation region (adcraw ~3000)
678 */
679 void ToFLevel2::GetdEdxPaddle(Int_t notrack, Int_t paddleid, Int_t adcfl, Float_t &PadEdx, Int_t &SatWarning){
681 /*
682 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
683 3162.14, 3165.48, 3153.85, 3085.73, 3089.65, 3107.64, 3097.52, 3078.37,
684 3130.05, 3087.07, 3112.22, 3102.92, 3080.58, 3092.55, 3087.94, 3125.03,
685 3094.09, 3143.16, 3125.51, 3181.27, 3092.09, 3124.98, 3069.3, 3095.53,
686 3097.11, 3133.53, 3114.73, 3113.01, 3091.19, 3097.99, 3033.84, 3134.98,
687 3081.37, 3111.04, 3066.77, 3108.17, 3133, 3111.06, 3052.52, 3140.66,
688 3106.33, 3094.85, 3150.85, 3118.8, 3096.24, 3118.47,3111.36, 3117.11 } ;
689 */
691 // new values from Napoli dec 2008
692 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
693 3176.35,3178.19,3167.38,3099.73,3117.00,3126.29,3111.44,3092.27,
694 3146.48,3094.41,3132.13,3115.37,3099.32,3110.97,3111.80,3143.14,
695 3106.72,3153.44,3136.00,3188.96,3104.73,3140.45,3073.18,3106.62,
696 3112.48,3146.92,3127.24,3136.52,3109.59,3112.89,3045.15,3147.26,
697 3095.92,3121.05,3083.25,3123.62,3150.92,3125.30,3067.60,3160.18,
698 3119.36,3108.92,3164.77,3133.64,3111.47,3131.98,3128.87,3135.56 };
700 for (Int_t i=0; i<48;i++) PMTsat[i] = PMTsat[i] - 5.; // safety margin
703 PadEdx = 0.;
704 // SatWarning = 1000;
705 SatWarning = 0; // 0=good, increase for each bad PMT
707 Float_t dEdx[48] = {0};
708 Int_t pmt_id = -1;
709 Float_t adcraw[48];
710 //
711 ToFTrkVar *trk = GetToFTrkVar(notrack);
712 if(!trk) return; //ELENA
713 //
715 Int_t pmtleft=-1;
716 Int_t pmtright=-1;
717 GetPaddlePMT(paddleid, pmtleft, pmtright);
719 adcraw[pmtleft] = 4095;
720 adcraw[pmtright] = 4095;
723 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<npmt(); jj++){
725 ToFPMT *pmt = GetToFPMT(jj);
726 if(!pmt)break; //ELENA
728 pmt_id = pmt->pmt_id;
729 if(pmt_id==pmtleft){
730 adcraw[pmtleft] = pmt->adc;
731 }
733 if(pmt_id==pmtright){
734 adcraw[pmtright] = pmt->adc;
735 }
736 }
739 for (Int_t i=0; i<trk->npmtadc; i++){
741 if((trk->adcflag).At(i)==0 || adcfl==100){
742 if((trk->pmtadc).At(i) == pmtleft)dEdx[pmtleft] = (trk->dedx).At(i);
743 if((trk->pmtadc).At(i) == pmtright)dEdx[pmtright] = (trk->dedx).At(i);
744 }else{
745 if((trk->pmtadc).At(i) == pmtleft)dEdx[pmtleft] = 0.;
746 if((trk->pmtadc).At(i) == pmtright)dEdx[pmtright] = 0.;
747 }
748 }
751 // if( adcraw[pmtleft] >3000 || adcraw[pmtright] >3000)SatWarning=1; //old version
753 // Increase SatWarning Counter for each PMT>Sat
754 if( adcraw[pmtleft] > PMTsat[pmtleft])SatWarning++;
755 if( adcraw[pmtright] > PMTsat[pmtright])SatWarning++;
757 // if ADC > sat set dEdx=1000
758 if( adcraw[pmtleft] > PMTsat[pmtleft]) dEdx[pmtleft] = 1000.;
759 if( adcraw[pmtright] > PMTsat[pmtright]) dEdx[pmtright] = 1000. ;
761 // if two PMT are good, take mean dEdx, otherwise only the good dEdx
762 if(dEdx[pmtleft]<1000 && dEdx[pmtright]<1000) PadEdx = (dEdx[pmtleft]+dEdx[pmtright])*0.5;
763 if(dEdx[pmtleft]==1000 && dEdx[pmtright]<1000) PadEdx = dEdx[pmtright];
764 if(dEdx[pmtleft]<1000 && dEdx[pmtright]==1000) PadEdx = dEdx[pmtleft];
766 };
768 //
769 // wm Nov 08 revision - saturation values included
770 /// gf Apr 07
771 /**
772 * Method to get the dEdx from a given ToF paddle.
773 * If two PMTs are good, the mean dEdx of both PMTs is taken, otherwise
774 * just the dEdx of the "good" PMT. If both PMTs are above saturation => dEdx=1000
775 * @param notrack Track Number
776 * @param Paddle index (0,1,...,23).
777 * @param adcflag in the paddle (100<-> independent of the adcflag; !=0&&!=100 <-> at least one PMT with adcflag!=0; )
778 * @param PadEdx dEdx from a given ToF paddle
779 * @param SatWarning 1 if the PMT ios near saturation region (adcraw ~3000)
780 */
781 void ToFLevel2::GetdEdxPaddle(ToFTrkVar *trk, Int_t paddleid, Int_t adcfl, Float_t &PadEdx, Int_t &SatWarning){
783 /*
784 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
785 3162.14, 3165.48, 3153.85, 3085.73, 3089.65, 3107.64, 3097.52, 3078.37,
786 3130.05, 3087.07, 3112.22, 3102.92, 3080.58, 3092.55, 3087.94, 3125.03,
787 3094.09, 3143.16, 3125.51, 3181.27, 3092.09, 3124.98, 3069.3, 3095.53,
788 3097.11, 3133.53, 3114.73, 3113.01, 3091.19, 3097.99, 3033.84, 3134.98,
789 3081.37, 3111.04, 3066.77, 3108.17, 3133, 3111.06, 3052.52, 3140.66,
790 3106.33, 3094.85, 3150.85, 3118.8, 3096.24, 3118.47,3111.36, 3117.11 } ;
791 */
793 // new values from Napoli dec 2008
794 Float_t PMTsat[48] = {
795 3176.35,3178.19,3167.38,3099.73,3117.00,3126.29,3111.44,3092.27,
796 3146.48,3094.41,3132.13,3115.37,3099.32,3110.97,3111.80,3143.14,
797 3106.72,3153.44,3136.00,3188.96,3104.73,3140.45,3073.18,3106.62,
798 3112.48,3146.92,3127.24,3136.52,3109.59,3112.89,3045.15,3147.26,
799 3095.92,3121.05,3083.25,3123.62,3150.92,3125.30,3067.60,3160.18,
800 3119.36,3108.92,3164.77,3133.64,3111.47,3131.98,3128.87,3135.56 };
802 for (Int_t i=0; i<48;i++) PMTsat[i] = PMTsat[i] - 5.; // safety margin
805 PadEdx = 0.;
806 // SatWarning = 1000;
807 SatWarning = 0; // 0=good, increase for each bad PMT
809 Float_t dEdx[48] = {0};
810 Int_t pmt_id = -1;
811 Float_t adcraw[48];
812 //
813 if(!trk) return; //ELENA
814 //
816 Int_t pmtleft=-1;
817 Int_t pmtright=-1;
818 GetPaddlePMT(paddleid, pmtleft, pmtright);
820 adcraw[pmtleft] = 4095;
821 adcraw[pmtright] = 4095;
824 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<npmt(); jj++){
826 ToFPMT *pmt = GetToFPMT(jj);
827 if(!pmt)break; //ELENA
829 pmt_id = pmt->pmt_id;
830 if(pmt_id==pmtleft){
831 adcraw[pmtleft] = pmt->adc;
832 }
834 if(pmt_id==pmtright){
835 adcraw[pmtright] = pmt->adc;
836 }
837 }
840 for (Int_t i=0; i<trk->npmtadc; i++){
842 if((trk->adcflag).At(i)==0 || adcfl==100){
843 if((trk->pmtadc).At(i) == pmtleft)dEdx[pmtleft] = (trk->dedx).At(i);
844 if((trk->pmtadc).At(i) == pmtright)dEdx[pmtright] = (trk->dedx).At(i);
845 }else{
846 if((trk->pmtadc).At(i) == pmtleft)dEdx[pmtleft] = 0.;
847 if((trk->pmtadc).At(i) == pmtright)dEdx[pmtright] = 0.;
848 }
849 }
852 // if( adcraw[pmtleft] >3000 || adcraw[pmtright] >3000)SatWarning=1; //old version
854 // Increase SatWarning Counter for each PMT>Sat
855 if( adcraw[pmtleft] > PMTsat[pmtleft])SatWarning++;
856 if( adcraw[pmtright] > PMTsat[pmtright])SatWarning++;
858 // if ADC > sat set dEdx=1000
859 if( adcraw[pmtleft] > PMTsat[pmtleft]) dEdx[pmtleft] = 1000.;
860 if( adcraw[pmtright] > PMTsat[pmtright]) dEdx[pmtright] = 1000. ;
862 // if two PMT are good, take mean dEdx, otherwise only the good dEdx
863 if(dEdx[pmtleft]<1000 && dEdx[pmtright]<1000) PadEdx = (dEdx[pmtleft]+dEdx[pmtright])*0.5;
864 if(dEdx[pmtleft]==1000 && dEdx[pmtright]<1000) PadEdx = dEdx[pmtright];
865 if(dEdx[pmtleft]<1000 && dEdx[pmtright]==1000) PadEdx = dEdx[pmtleft];
867 };
869 // gf Apr 07
871 /**
872 * Method to get the PMT name (like "S11_1A") if the PMT_ID is given.
873 * Indexes of corresponding plane, paddle and pmt are also given as output.
874 * @param ind PMT_ID (0 - 47)
875 * @param iplane plane index (0 - 5)
876 * @param ipaddle paddle index (relative to the plane)
877 * @param ipmt pmt index (0(A), 1(B))
878 */
879 TString ToFLevel2::GetPMTName(Int_t ind, Int_t &iplane, Int_t &ipaddle,Int_t &ipmt){
881 TString pmtname = " ";
883 TString photoS[48] = {
884 "S11_1A", "S11_1B", "S11_2A", "S11_2B", "S11_3A", "S11_3B", "S11_4A",
885 "S11_4B",
886 "S11_5A", "S11_5B", "S11_6A", "S11_6B", "S11_7A", "S11_7B", "S11_8A",
887 "S11_8B",
888 "S12_1A", "S12_1B", "S12_2A", "S12_2B", "S12_3A", "S12_3B", "S12_4A",
889 "S12_4B", "S12_5A", "S12_5B", "S12_6A", "S12_6B",
890 "S21_1A", "S21_1B", "S21_2A", "S21_2B",
891 "S22_1A", "S22_1B", "S22_2A", "S22_2B",
892 "S31_1A", "S31_1B", "S31_2A", "S31_2B", "S31_3A", "S31_3B",
893 "S32_1A", "S32_1B", "S32_2A", "S32_2B", "S32_3A", "S32_3B"
894 };
897 pmtname = photoS[ind].Data();
899 TString ss = pmtname(1,2);
900 iplane = (int)(atoi(ss.Data())/10)*2-3+atoi(ss.Data())%10;
901 ss = pmtname(4);
902 ipaddle = atoi(ss.Data())-1 ;
903 if( pmtname.Contains("A") )ipmt=0;
904 if( pmtname.Contains("B") )ipmt=1;
906 return pmtname;
907 };
908 /**
909 * Method to get the PMT name (like "S11_1A") if the PMT_ID is given
910 * @param ind PMT_ID (0 - 47)
911 */
912 TString ToFLevel2::GetPMTName(Int_t ind){
914 Int_t iplane = -1;
915 Int_t ipaddle = -1;
916 Int_t ipmt = -1;
917 return GetPMTName(ind,iplane,ipaddle,ipmt);
919 };
921 // wm jun 08
922 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetPaddleIdOfTrack(Float_t xtr, Float_t ytr, Int_t plane){
923 return GetPaddleIdOfTrack(xtr ,ytr ,plane, 0.4);
924 }
926 // gf Apr 07
927 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetPaddleIdOfTrack(Float_t xtr, Float_t ytr, Int_t plane, Float_t margin){
929 Double_t xt,yt,xl,xh,yl,yh;
931 Float_t tof11_x[8] = {-17.85,-12.75,-7.65,-2.55,2.55,7.65,12.75,17.85};
932 Float_t tof12_y[6] = { -13.75,-8.25,-2.75,2.75,8.25,13.75};
933 Float_t tof21_y[2] = { 3.75,-3.75};
934 Float_t tof22_x[2] = { -4.5,4.5};
935 Float_t tof31_x[3] = { -6.0,0.,6.0};
936 Float_t tof32_y[3] = { -5.0,0.0,5.0};
938 // S11 8 paddles 33.0 x 5.1 cm
939 // S12 6 paddles 40.8 x 5.5 cm
940 // S21 2 paddles 18.0 x 7.5 cm
941 // S22 2 paddles 15.0 x 9.0 cm
942 // S31 3 paddles 15.0 x 6.0 cm
943 // S32 3 paddles 18.0 x 5.0 cm
945 Int_t paddleidoftrack=-1;
946 //
948 //--- S11 ------
950 if(plane==0){
951 xt = xtr;
952 yt = ytr;
953 paddleidoftrack=-1;
954 yl = -33.0/2. ;
955 yh = 33.0/2. ;
956 if ((yt>yl)&&(yt<yh)) {
957 for (Int_t i1=0; i1<8;i1++){
958 xl = tof11_x[i1] - (5.1-margin)/2. ;
959 xh = tof11_x[i1] + (5.1-margin)/2. ;
960 if ((xt>xl)&&(xt<xh)) paddleidoftrack=i1;
961 }
962 }
963 }
964 // cout<<"S11 "<<paddleidoftrack[0]<<"\n";
966 //--- S12 -------
967 if(plane==1){
968 xt = xtr;
969 yt = ytr;
970 paddleidoftrack=-1;
971 xl = -40.8/2. ;
972 xh = 40.8/2. ;
974 if ((xt>xl)&&(xt<xh)) {
975 for (Int_t i1=0; i1<6;i1++){
976 yl = tof12_y[i1] - (5.5-margin)/2. ;
977 yh = tof12_y[i1] + (5.5-margin)/2. ;
978 if ((yt>yl)&&(yt<yh)) paddleidoftrack=i1;
979 }
980 }
981 }
983 //--- S21 ------
985 if(plane==2){
986 xt = xtr;
987 yt = ytr;
988 paddleidoftrack=-1;
989 xl = -18./2. ;
990 xh = 18./2. ;
992 if ((xt>xl)&&(xt<xh)) {
993 for (Int_t i1=0; i1<2;i1++){
994 yl = tof21_y[i1] - (7.5-margin)/2. ;
995 yh = tof21_y[i1] + (7.5-margin)/2. ;
996 if ((yt>yl)&&(yt<yh)) paddleidoftrack=i1;
997 }
998 }
999 }
1001 //--- S22 ------
1002 if(plane==3){
1003 xt = xtr;
1004 yt = ytr;
1005 paddleidoftrack=-1;
1006 yl = -15./2. ;
1007 yh = 15./2. ;
1009 if ((yt>yl)&&(yt<yh)) {
1010 for (Int_t i1=0; i1<2;i1++){
1011 xl = tof22_x[i1] - (9.0-margin)/2. ;
1012 xh = tof22_x[i1] + (9.0-margin)/2. ;
1013 if ((xt>xl)&&(xt<xh)) paddleidoftrack=i1;
1014 }
1015 }
1016 }
1018 //--- S31 ------
1019 if(plane==4){
1020 xt = xtr;
1021 yt = ytr;
1022 paddleidoftrack=-1;
1023 yl = -15.0/2. ;
1024 yh = 15.0/2. ;
1026 if ((yt>yl)&&(yt<yh)) {
1027 for (Int_t i1=0; i1<3;i1++){
1028 xl = tof31_x[i1] - (6.0-margin)/2. ;
1029 xh = tof31_x[i1] + (6.0-margin)/2. ;
1030 if ((xt>xl)&&(xt<xh)) paddleidoftrack=i1;
1031 }
1032 }
1033 }
1035 //--- S32 ------
1036 if(plane==5){
1037 xt = xtr;
1038 yt = ytr;
1039 paddleidoftrack=-1;
1040 xl = -18.0/2. ;
1041 xh = 18.0/2. ;
1043 if ((xt>xl)&&(xt<xh)) {
1044 for (Int_t i1=0; i1<3;i1++){
1045 yl = tof32_y[i1] - (5.0-margin)/2. ;
1046 yh = tof32_y[i1] + (5.0-margin)/2. ;
1047 if ((yt>yl)&&(yt<yh)) paddleidoftrack=i1;
1048 }
1049 }
1050 }
1052 return paddleidoftrack;
1054 }
1056 //
1058 // gf Apr 07
1060 void ToFLevel2::GetPMTPaddle(Int_t pmt_id, Int_t &plane, Int_t &paddle){
1062 plane = GetPlaneIndex(pmt_id);
1064 if(plane == 0){
1065 if(pmt_id==0 || pmt_id==1)paddle=0;
1066 if(pmt_id==2 || pmt_id==3)paddle=1;
1067 if(pmt_id==4 || pmt_id==5)paddle=2;
1068 if(pmt_id==6 || pmt_id==7)paddle=3;
1069 if(pmt_id==8 || pmt_id==9)paddle=4;
1070 if(pmt_id==10 || pmt_id==11)paddle=5;
1071 if(pmt_id==12 || pmt_id==13)paddle=6;
1072 if(pmt_id==14 || pmt_id==15)paddle=7;
1073 }
1075 if(plane == 1){
1076 if(pmt_id==16 || pmt_id==17)paddle=0;
1077 if(pmt_id==18 || pmt_id==19)paddle=1;
1078 if(pmt_id==20 || pmt_id==21)paddle=2;
1079 if(pmt_id==22 || pmt_id==23)paddle=3;
1080 if(pmt_id==24 || pmt_id==25)paddle=4;
1081 if(pmt_id==26 || pmt_id==27)paddle=5;
1082 }
1084 if(plane == 2){
1085 if(pmt_id==28 || pmt_id==29)paddle=0;
1086 if(pmt_id==30 || pmt_id==31)paddle=1;
1087 }
1089 if(plane == 3){
1090 if(pmt_id==32 || pmt_id==33)paddle=0;
1091 if(pmt_id==34 || pmt_id==35)paddle=1;
1092 }
1094 if(plane == 4){
1095 if(pmt_id==36 || pmt_id==37)paddle=0;
1096 if(pmt_id==38 || pmt_id==39)paddle=1;
1097 if(pmt_id==40 || pmt_id==41)paddle=2;
1098 }
1100 if(plane == 5){
1101 if(pmt_id==42 || pmt_id==43)paddle=0;
1102 if(pmt_id==44 || pmt_id==45)paddle=1;
1103 if(pmt_id==46 || pmt_id==47)paddle=2;
1104 }
1105 return;
1106 }
1108 //
1110 // gf Apr 07
1112 void ToFLevel2::GetPaddlePMT(Int_t paddle, Int_t &pmtleft, Int_t &pmtright){
1113 pmtleft=paddle*2;
1114 pmtright= pmtleft+1;
1115 return;
1116 }
1118 //
1122 // // gf Apr 07
1124 void ToFLevel2::GetPaddleGeometry(Int_t plane, Int_t paddle, Float_t &xleft, Float_t &xright, Float_t &yleft, Float_t &yright){
1126 Int_t i1;
1128 Float_t tof11_x[8] = {-17.85,-12.75,-7.65,-2.55,2.55,7.65,12.75,17.85};
1129 Float_t tof12_y[6] = { -13.75,-8.25,-2.75,2.75,8.25,13.75};
1130 Float_t tof21_y[2] = { 3.75,-3.75};
1131 Float_t tof22_x[2] = { -4.5,4.5};
1132 Float_t tof31_x[3] = { -6.0,0.,6.0};
1133 Float_t tof32_y[3] = { -5.0,0.0,5.0};
1135 // S11 8 paddles 33.0 x 5.1 cm
1136 // S12 6 paddles 40.8 x 5.5 cm
1137 // S21 2 paddles 18.0 x 7.5 cm
1138 // S22 2 paddles 15.0 x 9.0 cm
1139 // S31 3 paddles 15.0 x 6.0 cm
1140 // S32 3 paddles 18.0 x 5.0 cm
1142 if(plane==0)
1143 {
1144 for (i1=0; i1<8;i1++){
1145 if(i1 == paddle){
1146 xleft = tof11_x[i1] - 5.1/2.;
1147 xright = tof11_x[i1] + 5.1/2.;
1148 yleft = -33.0/2.;
1149 yright = 33.0/2.;
1150 }
1151 }
1152 }
1154 if(plane==1)
1155 {
1156 for (i1=0; i1<6;i1++){
1157 if(i1 == paddle){
1158 xleft = -40.8/2.;
1159 xright = 40.8/2.;
1160 yleft = tof12_y[i1] - 5.5/2.;
1161 yright = tof12_y[i1] + 5.5/2.;
1162 }
1163 }
1164 }
1166 if(plane==2)
1167 {
1168 for (i1=0; i1<2;i1++){
1169 if(i1 == paddle){
1170 xleft = -18./2.;
1171 xright = 18./2.;
1172 yleft = tof21_y[i1] - 7.5/2.;
1173 yright = tof21_y[i1] + 7.5/2.;
1174 }
1175 }
1176 }
1178 if(plane==3)
1179 {
1180 for (i1=0; i1<2;i1++){
1181 if(i1 == paddle){
1182 xleft = tof22_x[i1] - 9.0/2.;
1183 xright = tof22_x[i1] + 9.0/2.;
1184 yleft = -15./2.;
1185 yright = 15./2.;
1186 }
1187 }
1188 }
1191 if(plane==4)
1192 {
1193 for (i1=0; i1<3;i1++){
1194 if(i1 == paddle){
1195 xleft = tof31_x[i1] - 6.0/2.;
1196 xright = tof31_x[i1] + 6.0/2.;
1197 yleft = -15./2.;
1198 yright = 15./2.;
1199 }
1200 }
1201 }
1203 if(plane==5)
1204 {
1205 for (i1=0; i1<3;i1++){
1206 if(i1 == paddle){
1207 xleft = -18.0/2.;
1208 xright = 18.0/2.;
1209 yleft = tof32_y[i1] - 5.0/2.;
1210 yright = tof32_y[i1] + 5.0/2.;
1211 }
1212 }
1213 }
1214 return;
1215 }
1217 // gf Apr 07
1218 /**
1219 * Method to get the paddle index (0,...23) if the plane ID and the paddle id in the plane is given.
1220 * This method is the
1221 * "reverse" of method "GetPaddlePlane"
1222 * @param plane (0 - 5)
1223 * @param paddle (plane=0, paddle = 0,...5)
1224 * @param padid (0 - 23)
1225 */
1226 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetPaddleid(Int_t plane, Int_t paddle)
1227 {
1228 Int_t padid=-1;
1229 Int_t pads[6]={8,6,2,2,3,3};
1231 int somma=0;
1232 int np=plane;
1233 for(Int_t j=0; j<np; j++){
1234 somma+=pads[j];
1235 }
1236 padid=paddle+somma;
1237 return padid;
1239 }
1242 // gf Apr 07
1243 /**
1244 * Method to get the plane ID and the paddle id in the plane if the paddle index (0,...23) is given.
1245 * This method is the
1246 * "reverse" of method "GetPaddleid"
1247 * @param pad (0 - 23)
1248 * @param plane (0 - 5)
1249 * @param paddle (plane=0, paddle = 0,...5)
1250 */
1251 void ToFLevel2::GetPaddlePlane(Int_t pad, Int_t &plane, Int_t &paddle)
1252 {
1254 Int_t pads11=8;
1255 Int_t pads12=6;
1256 Int_t pads21=2;
1257 Int_t pads22=2;
1258 Int_t pads31=3;
1259 // Int_t pads32=3;
1261 if(pad<8){
1262 plane=0;
1263 paddle=pad;
1264 return;
1265 }
1267 if((7<pad)&&(pad<14)){
1268 plane=1;
1269 paddle=pad-pads11;
1270 return;
1271 }
1273 if((13<pad)&&(pad<16)){
1274 plane=2;
1275 paddle=pad-pads11-pads12;
1276 return;
1277 }
1279 if((15<pad)&&(pad<18)){
1280 plane=3;
1281 paddle=pad-pads11-pads12-pads21;
1282 return;
1283 }
1285 if((17<pad)&&(pad<21)){
1286 plane=4;
1287 paddle=pad-pads11-pads12-pads21-pads22;
1288 return;
1289 }
1291 if((20<pad)&&(pad<24)){
1292 plane=5;
1293 paddle=pad-pads11-pads12-pads21-pads22-pads31;
1294 return;
1295 }
1297 }
1300 Int_t ToFLevel2::GetNPaddle(Int_t plane){
1302 Int_t npaddle=-1;
1304 Int_t pads11=8;
1305 Int_t pads12=6;
1306 Int_t pads21=2;
1307 Int_t pads22=2;
1308 Int_t pads31=3;
1309 Int_t pads32=3;
1311 if(plane==0)npaddle=pads11;
1312 if(plane==1)npaddle=pads12;
1313 if(plane==2)npaddle=pads21;
1314 if(plane==3)npaddle=pads22;
1315 if(plane==4)npaddle=pads31;
1316 if(plane==5)npaddle=pads32;
1318 return npaddle;
1320 }
1324 /// wm feb 08
1326 /**
1327 * Method to calculate Beta from the 12 single measurements
1328 * we check the individual weights for artificial TDC values, then calculate
1329 * am mean beta for the first time. In a second step we loop again through
1330 * the single measurements, checking for the residual from the mean
1331 * The cut on the residual reject measurements > "x"-sigma. A chi2 value is
1332 * calculated, furthermore a "quality" value by adding the weights which
1333 * are finally used. If all measurements are taken, "quality" will be = 22.47.
1334 * A chi2 cut around 3-4 and a quality-cut > 20 is needed for clean beta
1335 * measurements like antiprotons etc.
1336 * The Level2 output is derived in the fortran routines using: 10.,10.,20.
1337 * @param notrack Track Number
1338 * @param cut on residual: difference between single measurement and mean
1339 * @param cut on "quality"
1340 * @param cut on chi2
1341 */
1343 Float_t ToFLevel2::CalcBeta(Int_t notrack, Float_t resmax, Float_t qualitycut, Float_t chi2cut){
1345 // cout<<" in CalcBeta "<<resmax<<" "<<chi2cut<<" "<<qualitycut<<endl;
1347 Float_t bxx = 100.;
1348 //
1349 ToFTrkVar *trk = GetToFTrkVar(notrack);
1350 if(!trk) return 0; //ELENA
1353 Float_t chi2,xhelp,beta_mean;
1354 Float_t w_i[12],quality,sw,sxw,res,betachi,beta_mean_inv;
1355 Float_t b[12],tdcfl;
1356 Int_t pmt_id,pmt_plane;
1358 for (Int_t i=0; i<12; i++){
1359 b[i] = trk->beta[i];
1360 }
1363 //========================================================================
1364 //--- Find out ToF layers with artificial TDC values & fill vector ---
1365 //========================================================================
1367 Float_t w_il[6];
1369 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<6;jj++) {
1370 w_il[jj] = 1000.;
1371 }
1374 for (Int_t i=0; i<trk->npmttdc; i++){
1375 //
1376 pmt_id = (trk->pmttdc).At(i);
1377 pmt_plane = GetPlaneIndex(pmt_id);
1378 tdcfl = (trk->tdcflag).At(i);
1379 if (w_il[pmt_plane] != 1.) w_il[pmt_plane] = tdcfl; //tdcflag
1380 };
1382 //========================================================================
1383 //--- Set weights for the 12 measurements using information for top and bottom:
1384 //--- if no measurements: weight = set to very high value=> not used
1385 //--- top or bottom artificial: weight*sqrt(2)
1386 //--- top and bottom artificial: weight*sqrt(2)*sqrt(2)
1387 //========================================================================
1389 Int_t itop[12] = {0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,0,0,1,1};
1390 Int_t ibot[12] = {4,5,4,5,4,5,4,5,2,3,2,3};
1392 xhelp= 1E09;
1394 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<12;jj++) {
1395 if (jj<4) xhelp = 0.11; // S1-S3
1396 if ((jj>3)&&(jj<8)) xhelp = 0.18; // S2-S3
1397 if (jj>7) xhelp = 0.28; // S1-S2
1398 if ((w_il[itop[jj]] == 1000.) && (w_il[ibot[jj]] == 1000.)) xhelp = 1E09;
1399 if ((w_il[itop[jj]] == 1) || (w_il[ibot[jj]] == 1.)) xhelp = xhelp*1.414 ;
1400 if ((w_il[itop[jj]] == 1) && (w_il[ibot[jj]] == 1.)) xhelp = xhelp*2. ;
1402 w_i[jj] = 1./xhelp;
1403 }
1406 //========================================================================
1407 //--- Calculate mean beta for the first time -----------------------------
1408 //--- We are using "1/beta" since its error is gaussian ------------------
1409 //========================================================================
1411 Int_t icount=0;
1412 sw=0.;
1413 sxw=0.;
1414 beta_mean=100.;
1416 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<12;jj++){
1417 if ((fabs(1./b[jj])>0.1)&&(fabs(1./b[jj])<15.))
1418 {
1419 icount= icount+1;
1420 sxw=sxw + (1./b[jj])*w_i[jj]*w_i[jj] ;
1421 sw =sw + w_i[jj]*w_i[jj] ;
1423 }
1424 }
1426 if (icount>0) beta_mean=1./(sxw/sw);
1427 beta_mean_inv = 1./beta_mean;
1429 //========================================================================
1430 //--- Calculate beta for the second time, use residuals of the single
1431 //--- measurements to get a chi2 value
1432 //========================================================================
1434 icount=0;
1435 sw=0.;
1436 sxw=0.;
1437 betachi = 100.;
1438 chi2 = 0.;
1439 quality=0.;
1442 for (Int_t jj=0; jj<12;jj++){
1443 if ((fabs(1./b[jj])>0.1)&&(fabs(1./b[jj])<15.)&&(w_i[jj]>0.01)) {
1444 res = beta_mean_inv - (1./b[jj]) ;
1445 if (fabs(res*w_i[jj])<resmax) {;
1446 chi2 = chi2 + pow((res*w_i[jj]),2) ;
1447 icount= icount+1;
1448 sxw=sxw + (1./b[jj])*w_i[jj]*w_i[jj] ;
1449 sw =sw + w_i[jj]*w_i[jj] ;
1450 }
1451 }
1452 }
1453 quality = sqrt(sw) ;
1455 if (icount==0) chi2 = 1000.;
1456 if (icount>0) chi2 = chi2/(icount) ;
1457 if (icount>0) betachi=1./(sxw/sw);
1459 bxx = 100.;
1460 if ((chi2 < chi2cut)&&(quality>qualitycut)) bxx = betachi;
1461 //
1462 return(bxx);
1463 };
1466 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1467 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1470 /**
1471 * Fills a struct cToFLevel2 with values from a ToFLevel2 object (to put data into a F77 common).
1472 */
1473 void ToFLevel2::GetLevel2Struct(cToFLevel2 *l2) const{
1475 for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++)
1476 l2->tof_j_flag[i]=tof_j_flag[i];
1478 if(ToFTrk){ //ELENA
1479 l2->ntoftrk = ToFTrk->GetEntries();
1480 for(Int_t j=0;j<l2->ntoftrk;j++){
1481 l2->toftrkseqno[j]= ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->trkseqno;
1482 l2->npmttdc[j]= ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->npmttdc;
1483 for(Int_t i=0;i<l2->npmttdc[j];i++){
1484 l2->pmttdc[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->pmttdc.At(i);
1485 l2->tdcflag[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->tdcflag.At(i); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
1486 }
1487 for(Int_t i=0;i<13;i++)
1488 l2->beta[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->beta[i];
1490 l2->npmtadc[j]= ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->npmtadc;
1491 for(Int_t i=0;i<l2->npmtadc[j];i++){
1492 l2->pmtadc[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->pmtadc.At(i);
1493 l2->adcflag[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->adcflag.At(i); // gf: 30 Nov 2006
1494 l2->dedx[i][j] = ((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->dedx.At(i);
1495 }
1496 for(Int_t i=0;i<3;i++){
1497 l2->xtofpos[i][j]=((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->xtofpos[i];
1498 l2->ytofpos[i][j]=((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->ytofpos[i];
1499 }
1500 for(Int_t i=0;i<6;i++){
1501 l2->xtr_tof[i][j]=((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->xtr_tof[i];
1502 l2->ytr_tof[i][j]=((ToFTrkVar*)ToFTrk->At(j))->ytr_tof[i];
1503 }
1504 }
1505 } //ELENA
1507 if(PMT){ //ELENA
1508 l2->npmt = PMT->GetEntries();
1509 for(Int_t j=0;j<l2->npmt;j++){
1510 l2->pmt_id[j] = ((ToFPMT*)PMT->At(j))->pmt_id;
1511 l2->adc[j] =((ToFPMT*)PMT->At(j))->adc;
1512 l2->tdc_tw[j] =((ToFPMT*)PMT->At(j))->tdc_tw;
1513 }
1514 } //ELENA
1515 }
1518 //
1519 // Reprocessing tool // Emiliano 08/04/07
1520 //
1521 Int_t ToFLevel2::Process(TrkLevel2 *trk, TrigLevel2 *trg, GL_RUN *run, OrbitalInfo *orb, Bool_t force){
1522 //
1523 // Copiare qui qualcosa di simile a calonuclei per evitare di riprocessare sempre tutto
1524 //
1525 printf("\n\n\n ERROR: NOT IMPLEMENTED ANYMORE, write Emiliano if you need this method (Emiliano.Mocchiutti@ts.infn.it) \n\n\n");
1526 return(-1);
1527 // //
1528 // // structures to communicate with F77
1529 // //
1530 // extern struct ToFInput tofinput_;
1531 // extern struct ToFOutput tofoutput_;
1532 // //
1533 // // DB connection
1534 // //
1535 // TString host;
1536 // TString user;
1537 // TString psw;
1538 // const char *pamdbhost=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBHOST");
1539 // const char *pamdbuser=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBUSER");
1540 // const char *pamdbpsw=gSystem->Getenv("PAM_DBPSW");
1541 // if ( !pamdbhost ) pamdbhost = "";
1542 // if ( !pamdbuser ) pamdbuser = "";
1543 // if ( !pamdbpsw ) pamdbpsw = "";
1544 // if ( strcmp(pamdbhost,"") ) host = pamdbhost;
1545 // if ( strcmp(pamdbuser,"") ) user = pamdbuser;
1546 // if ( strcmp(pamdbpsw,"") ) psw = pamdbpsw;
1547 // //
1548 // //
1549 // TSQLServer *dbc = TSQLServer::Connect(host.Data(),user.Data(),psw.Data());
1550 // if ( !dbc->IsConnected() ) return 1;
1551 // stringstream myquery;
1552 // myquery.str("");
1553 // myquery << "SET time_zone='+0:00'";
1554 // dbc->Query(myquery.str().c_str());
1555 // GL_PARAM *glparam = new GL_PARAM();
1556 // glparam->Query_GL_PARAM(1,1,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
1557 // trk->LoadField(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME);
1558 // //
1559 // Bool_t defcal = true;
1560 // Int_t error=glparam->Query_GL_PARAM(run->RUNHEADER_TIME,201,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
1561 // if ( error<0 ) {
1562 // return(1);
1563 // };
1564 // printf(" Reading ToF parameter file: %s \n",(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Data());
1565 // if ( (UInt_t)glparam->TO_TIME != (UInt_t)4294967295UL ) defcal = false;
1566 // //
1567 // Int_t nlen = (Int_t)(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Length();
1568 // rdtofcal((char *)(glparam->PATH+glparam->NAME).Data(),&nlen);
1569 // //
1570 // Int_t adc[4][12];
1571 // Int_t tdc[4][12];
1572 // Float_t tdcc[4][12];
1573 // //
1574 // // process tof data
1575 // //
1576 // for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
1577 // for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
1578 // adc[kk][hh] = 4095;
1579 // tdc[kk][hh] = 4095;
1580 // tdcc[kk][hh] = 4095.;
1581 // tofinput_.adc[hh][kk] = 4095;
1582 // tofinput_.tdc[hh][kk] = 4095;
1583 // };
1584 // };
1585 // Int_t ntrkentry = 0;
1586 // Int_t npmtentry = 0;
1587 // Int_t gg = 0;
1588 // Int_t hh = 0;
1589 // Int_t adcf[48];
1590 // memset(adcf, 0, 48*sizeof(Int_t));
1591 // Int_t tdcf[48];
1592 // memset(tdcf, 0, 48*sizeof(Int_t));
1593 // for (Int_t pm=0; pm < this->ntrk() ; pm++){
1594 // ToFTrkVar *ttf = this->GetToFTrkVar(pm);
1595 // for ( Int_t nc=0; nc < ttf->npmttdc; nc++){
1596 // if ( (ttf->tdcflag).At(nc) != 0 ) tdcf[(ttf->pmttdc).At(nc)] = 1;
1597 // };
1598 // for ( Int_t nc=0; nc < ttf->npmtadc; nc++){
1599 // if ( (ttf->adcflag).At(nc) != 0 ) adcf[(ttf->pmtadc).At(nc)] = 1;
1600 // };
1601 // };
1602 // //
1603 // for (Int_t pm=0; pm < this->npmt() ; pm++){
1604 // ToFPMT *pmt = this->GetToFPMT(pm);
1605 // this->GetPMTIndex(pmt->pmt_id, gg, hh);
1606 // if ( adcf[pmt->pmt_id] == 0 ){
1607 // tofinput_.adc[gg][hh] = (int)pmt->adc;
1608 // adc[hh][gg] = (int)pmt->adc;
1609 // };
1610 // if ( tdcf[pmt->pmt_id] == 0 ){
1611 // tofinput_.tdc[gg][hh] = (int)pmt->tdc;
1612 // tdc[hh][gg] = (int)pmt->tdc;
1613 // };
1614 // tdcc[hh][gg] = (float)pmt->tdc_tw;
1615 // // Int_t pppid = this->GetPMTid(hh,gg);
1616 // // printf(" pm %i pmt_id %i pppid %i hh %i gg %i tdcc %f tdc %f adc %f \n",pm,pmt->pmt_id,pppid,hh,gg,pmt->tdc_tw,pmt->tdc,pmt->adc);
1617 // };
1618 // //
1619 // Int_t unpackError = this->unpackError;
1620 // //
1621 // for (Int_t hh=0; hh<5;hh++){
1622 // tofinput_.patterntrig[hh]=trg->patterntrig[hh];
1623 // };
1624 // //
1625 // this->Clear();
1626 // //
1627 // Int_t pmt_id = 0;
1628 // ToFPMT *t_pmt = new ToFPMT();
1629 // if(!(this->PMT)) this->PMT = new TClonesArray("ToFPMT",12); //ELENA
1630 // TClonesArray &tpmt = *this->PMT;
1631 // ToFTrkVar *t_tof = new ToFTrkVar();
1632 // if(!(this->ToFTrk)) this->ToFTrk = new TClonesArray("ToFTrkVar",2); //ELENA
1633 // TClonesArray &t = *this->ToFTrk;
1634 // //
1635 // //
1636 // // Here we have calibrated data, ready to be passed to the FORTRAN routine which will extract common and track-related variables.
1637 // //
1638 // npmtentry = 0;
1639 // //
1640 // ntrkentry = 0;
1641 // //
1642 // // Calculate tracks informations from ToF alone
1643 // //
1644 // tofl2com();
1645 // //
1646 // memcpy(this->tof_j_flag,tofoutput_.tof_j_flag,6*sizeof(Int_t));
1647 // //
1648 // t_tof->trkseqno = -1;
1649 // //
1650 // // and now we must copy from the output structure to the level2 class:
1651 // //
1652 // t_tof->npmttdc = 0;
1653 // //
1654 // for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
1655 // for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
1656 // if ( tofoutput_.tofmask[hh][kk] != 0 ){
1657 // pmt_id = this->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
1658 // t_tof->pmttdc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmttdc);
1659 // t_tof->tdcflag.AddAt(tofoutput_.tdcflagtof[hh][kk],t_tof->npmttdc); // gf: Jan 09/07
1660 // t_tof->npmttdc++;
1661 // };
1662 // };
1663 // };
1664 // for (Int_t kk=0; kk<13;kk++){
1665 // t_tof->beta[kk] = tofoutput_.betatof_a[kk];
1666 // }
1667 // //
1668 // t_tof->npmtadc = 0;
1669 // for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
1670 // for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
1671 // if ( tofoutput_.adctof_c[hh][kk] < 1000 ){
1672 // t_tof->dedx.AddAt(tofoutput_.adctof_c[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc);
1673 // pmt_id = this->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
1674 // t_tof->pmtadc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmtadc);
1675 // t_tof->adcflag.AddAt(tofoutput_.adcflagtof[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc); // gf: Jan 09/07
1676 // t_tof->npmtadc++;
1677 // };
1678 // };
1679 // };
1680 // //
1681 // memcpy(t_tof->xtofpos,tofoutput_.xtofpos,sizeof(t_tof->xtofpos));
1682 // memcpy(t_tof->ytofpos,tofoutput_.ytofpos,sizeof(t_tof->ytofpos));
1683 // memcpy(t_tof->xtr_tof,tofoutput_.xtr_tof,sizeof(t_tof->xtr_tof));
1684 // memcpy(t_tof->ytr_tof,tofoutput_.ytr_tof,sizeof(t_tof->ytr_tof));
1685 // //
1686 // new(t[ntrkentry]) ToFTrkVar(*t_tof);
1687 // ntrkentry++;
1688 // t_tof->Clear();
1689 // //
1690 // //
1691 // //
1692 // t_pmt->Clear();
1693 // //
1694 // for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
1695 // for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
1696 // // new WM
1697 // if ( tofoutput_.tdc_c[hh][kk] < 4095 || adc[kk][hh] < 4095 || tdc[kk][hh] < 4095 ){
1698 // // if ( tdcc[kk][hh] < 4095. || adc[kk][hh] < 4095 || tdc[kk][hh] < 4095 ){
1699 // //
1700 // t_pmt->pmt_id = this->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
1701 // t_pmt->tdc_tw = tofoutput_.tdc_c[hh][kk];
1702 // t_pmt->adc = (Float_t)adc[kk][hh];
1703 // t_pmt->tdc = (Float_t)tdc[kk][hh];
1704 // //
1705 // new(tpmt[npmtentry]) ToFPMT(*t_pmt);
1706 // npmtentry++;
1707 // t_pmt->Clear();
1708 // };
1709 // };
1710 // };
1711 // //
1712 // // Calculate track-related variables
1713 // //
1714 // if ( trk->ntrk() > 0 ){
1715 // //
1716 // // We have at least one track
1717 // //
1718 // //
1719 // // Run over tracks
1720 // //
1721 // for(Int_t nt=0; nt < trk->ntrk(); nt++){
1722 // //
1723 // TrkTrack *ptt = trk->GetStoredTrack(nt);
1724 // //
1725 // // Copy the alpha vector in the input structure
1726 // //
1727 // for (Int_t e = 0; e < 5 ; e++){
1728 // tofinput_.al_pp[e] = ptt->al[e];
1729 // };
1730 // //
1731 // // Get tracker related variables for this track
1732 // //
1733 // toftrk();
1734 // //
1735 // // Copy values in the class from the structure (we need to use a temporary class to store variables).
1736 // //
1737 // t_tof->npmttdc = 0;
1738 // for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
1739 // for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
1740 // if ( tofoutput_.tofmask[hh][kk] != 0 ){
1741 // pmt_id = this->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
1742 // t_tof->pmttdc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmttdc);
1743 // t_tof->tdcflag.AddAt(tofoutput_.tdcflag[hh][kk],t_tof->npmttdc); // gf: Jan 09/07
1744 // t_tof->npmttdc++;
1745 // };
1746 // };
1747 // };
1748 // for (Int_t kk=0; kk<13;kk++){
1749 // t_tof->beta[kk] = tofoutput_.beta_a[kk];
1750 // };
1751 // //
1752 // t_tof->npmtadc = 0;
1753 // for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
1754 // for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){
1755 // if ( tofoutput_.adc_c[hh][kk] < 1000 ){
1756 // t_tof->dedx.AddAt(tofoutput_.adc_c[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc);
1757 // pmt_id = this->GetPMTid(kk,hh);
1758 // t_tof->pmtadc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmtadc);
1759 // t_tof->adcflag.AddAt(tofoutput_.adcflag[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc); // gf: Jan 09/07
1760 // t_tof->npmtadc++;
1761 // };
1762 // };
1763 // };
1764 // //
1765 // memcpy(t_tof->xtofpos,tofoutput_.xtofpos,sizeof(t_tof->xtofpos));
1766 // memcpy(t_tof->ytofpos,tofoutput_.ytofpos,sizeof(t_tof->ytofpos));
1767 // memcpy(t_tof->xtr_tof,tofoutput_.xtr_tof,sizeof(t_tof->xtr_tof));
1768 // memcpy(t_tof->ytr_tof,tofoutput_.ytr_tof,sizeof(t_tof->ytr_tof));
1769 // //
1770 // // Store the tracker track number in order to be sure to have shyncronized data during analysis
1771 // //
1772 // t_tof->trkseqno = nt;
1773 // //
1774 // // create a new object for this event with track-related variables
1775 // //
1776 // new(t[ntrkentry]) ToFTrkVar(*t_tof);
1777 // ntrkentry++;
1778 // t_tof->Clear();
1779 // //
1780 // }; // loop on all the tracks
1781 // //
1782 // this->unpackError = unpackError;
1783 // if ( defcal ){
1784 // this->default_calib = 1;
1785 // } else {
1786 // this->default_calib = 0;
1787 // };
1788 //};
1789 // return(0);
1790 }
1792 bool ToFLevel2::bit(int decimal, char pos){
1793 return( (decimal>>pos)%2 );
1794 }
1796 bool ToFLevel2::checkPMT(TString givenpmt){
1797 TClonesArray* Pmt = this->PMT;
1798 // printf(" ou %s entries %i \n",givenpmt.Data(),Pmt->GetEntries());
1799 for(int i=0; i<Pmt->GetEntries(); i++) {
1800 ToFPMT* pmthit = (ToFPMT*)Pmt->At(i);
1801 TString pmtname = this->GetPMTName(pmthit->pmt_id);
1802 // printf(" name %s \n",pmtname.Data());
1803 if ( !strcmp(pmtname.Data(),givenpmt.Data()) )
1804 return true;
1805 }
1806 // printf(" PMT %s missing \n",givenpmt.Data());
1807 return false;
1808 }
1810 bool ToFLevel2::checkPMTpatternPMThit(TrigLevel2 *trg, int &pmtpattern, int &pmtnosignal){
1811 UInt_t *patterntrig = trg->patterntrig;
1812 pmtpattern = 0;
1813 pmtnosignal = 0;
1814 bool good = true;
1815 //S3
1816 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],0) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S31_1A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1817 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],1) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S31_2A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1818 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],2) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S31_3A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1819 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],3) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S31_1B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1820 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],4) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S31_2B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1821 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],5) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S31_3B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1822 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],6) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S32_1A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1823 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],7) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S32_2A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1824 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],8) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S32_3A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1825 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],9) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S32_1B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1826 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],10) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S32_2B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1827 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[2],11) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S32_3B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1828 //S2
1829 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[3],0) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S21_1A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1830 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[3],1) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S21_2A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1831 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[3],2) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S21_1B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1832 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[3],3) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S21_2B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1833 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[3],4) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S22_1A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1834 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[3],5) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S22_2A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1835 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[3],6) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S22_1B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1836 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[3],7) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S22_2B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1837 //S12
1838 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],0) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_1A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1839 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],1) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_2A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1840 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],2) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_3A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1841 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],3) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_4A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1842 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],4) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_5A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1843 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],5) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_6A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1844 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],6) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_1A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1845 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],7) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_2A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1846 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],8) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_3A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1847 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],9) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_4B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1848 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],10) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_5B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1849 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[4],11) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S12_6B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1850 //S11
1851 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],0) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_1A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1852 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],1) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_2A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1853 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],2) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_3A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1854 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],3) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_4A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1855 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],4) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_5A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1856 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],5) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_6A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1857 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],6) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_7A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1858 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],7) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_8A")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1859 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],8) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_1B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1860 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],9) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_2B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1861 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],10) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_3B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1862 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],11) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_4B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1863 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],12) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_5B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1864 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],13) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_6B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1865 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],14) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_7B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1866 if ( this->bit(patterntrig[5],15) ){ pmtpattern++; if ( !this->checkPMT("S11_8B")){ pmtnosignal++; good = false;}}
1868 return good;
1869 }
1871 bool ToFLevel2::checkPMTpmttrig(TrigLevel2 *trg){
1872 // UInt_t *patterntrig = trg->patterntrig;
1873 int rS11 = 0;
1874 int rS12 = 0;
1875 int rS21 = 0;
1876 int rS22 = 0;
1877 int rS31 = 0;
1878 int rS32 = 0;
1880 // trigger configuration for the event from saved pmts
1881 TClonesArray* Pmt = this->PMT;
1882 for(int i=0; i<Pmt->GetEntries(); i++) {
1883 ToFPMT* pmthit = (ToFPMT*)Pmt->At(i);
1884 TString pmtname = this->GetPMTName(pmthit->pmt_id);
1885 if ( pmtname.Contains("S11") ) rS11++;
1886 if ( pmtname.Contains("S12") ) rS12++;
1887 if ( pmtname.Contains("S21") ) rS21++;
1888 if ( pmtname.Contains("S22") ) rS22++;
1889 if ( pmtname.Contains("S31") ) rS31++;
1890 if ( pmtname.Contains("S32") ) rS32++;
1891 }
1892 int rTOF1 = (rS11 + rS12) * (rS21 + rS22) * (rS31 + rS32);
1893 int rTOF2 = (rS11 * rS12) * (rS21 * rS22) * (rS31 * rS32);
1895 int rTOF3 = (rS21 + rS22) * (rS31 + rS32);
1896 int rTOF4 = (rS21 * rS22) * (rS31 * rS32);
1898 int rTOF5 = rS12 * (rS21 * rS22);
1900 int rTOF6 = (rS11 + rS12) * (rS31 + rS32);
1901 int rTOF7 = (rS11 * rS12) * (rS31 * rS32);
1904 // trigger configuration of the run
1905 bool TCTOF1 = false;
1906 bool TCTOF2 = false;
1907 bool TCTOF3 = false;
1908 bool TCTOF4 = false;
1909 bool TCTOF5 = false;
1910 bool TCTOF6 = false;
1911 bool TCTOF7 = false;
1912 if ( trg->trigconf & (1<<0) ) TCTOF1 = true;
1913 if ( trg->trigconf & (1<<1) ) TCTOF2 = true;
1914 if ( trg->trigconf & (1<<2) ) TCTOF3 = true;
1915 if ( trg->trigconf & (1<<3) ) TCTOF4 = true;
1916 if ( trg->trigconf & (1<<4) ) TCTOF5 = true;
1917 if ( trg->trigconf & (1<<5) ) TCTOF6 = true;
1918 if ( trg->trigconf & (1<<6) ) TCTOF7 = true;
1920 // do patterntrig pmts match the trigger configuration?
1921 bool pmtsconf_trigconf_match = true;
1922 if ( rTOF1 == 0 && TCTOF1 ) pmtsconf_trigconf_match = false;
1923 if ( rTOF2 == 0 && TCTOF2 ) pmtsconf_trigconf_match = false;
1924 if ( rTOF3 == 0 && TCTOF3 ) pmtsconf_trigconf_match = false;
1925 if ( rTOF4 == 0 && TCTOF4 ) pmtsconf_trigconf_match = false;
1926 if ( rTOF5 == 0 && TCTOF5 ) pmtsconf_trigconf_match = false;
1927 if ( rTOF6 == 0 && TCTOF6 ) pmtsconf_trigconf_match = false;
1928 if ( rTOF7 == 0 && TCTOF7 ) pmtsconf_trigconf_match = false;
1930 return pmtsconf_trigconf_match;
1931 }
1933 void ToFLevel2::printPMT(){
1934 TClonesArray* Pmt = this->PMT;
1935 for(int i=0; i<Pmt->GetEntries(); i++) {
1936 ToFPMT* pmthit = (ToFPMT*)Pmt->At(i);
1937 TString pmtname = this->GetPMTName(pmthit->pmt_id);
1938 printf(" PMT hit: %s \n",pmtname.Data());
1939 }
1940 }
1943 ToFdEdx::ToFdEdx()
1944 {
1945 memset(conn,0,12*sizeof(Bool_t));
1946 memset(ts,0,12*sizeof(UInt_t));
1947 memset(te,0,12*sizeof(UInt_t));
1948 eDEDXpmt = new TArrayF(48);
1949 Define_PMTsat();
1950 Clear();
1951 }
1953 ToFdEdx::~ToFdEdx(){
1954 Clear();
1955 Delete();
1956 }
1958 void ToFdEdx::Delete(Option_t *option){
1959 if ( eDEDXpmt ){
1960 eDEDXpmt->Set(0);
1961 if ( eDEDXpmt) delete eDEDXpmt;
1962 }
1963 }
1965 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1966 void ToFdEdx::CheckConnectors(UInt_t atime, GL_PARAM *glparam, TSQLServer *dbc)
1967 {
1968 for(int i=0; i<12; i++){
1969 if(atime<=ts[i] || atime>te[i]){
1970 Int_t error=glparam->Query_GL_PARAM(atime,210+i,dbc); // parameters stored in DB in GL_PRAM table
1971 if ( error<0 ) {
1972 conn[i]=false;
1973 ts[i]=0;
1974 te[i]=numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max();
1975 };
1976 if ( !error ){
1977 conn[i]=true;
1978 ts[i]=glparam->FROM_TIME;
1979 te[i]=glparam->TO_TIME;
1980 }
1981 if ( error>0 ){
1982 conn[i]=false;
1983 ts[i]=glparam->TO_TIME;
1984 TSQLResult *pResult;
1985 TSQLRow *row;
1987 pResult=dbc->Query(query.Data());
1988 if(!pResult->GetRowCount()){
1989 te[i]=numeric_limits<UInt_t>::max();
1990 }else{
1991 row=pResult->Next();
1992 te[i]=(UInt_t)atoll(row->GetField(0));
1993 }
1994 }
1995 //
1997 }
1998 }
2000 }
2001 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2002 void ToFdEdx::Clear(Option_t *option)
2003 {
2004 //
2005 // Set arrays and initialize structure
2006 // eDEDXpmt.Set(48); eDEDXpmt.Reset(-1); // Set array size and reset structure
2007 eDEDXpmt->Set(48); eDEDXpmt->Reset(-1); // Set array size and reset structure
2008 //
2009 };
2011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012 void ToFdEdx::Print(Option_t *option)
2013 {
2014 //
2015 printf("========================================================================\n");
2017 };
2019 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2020 void ToFdEdx::Init(pamela::tof::TofEvent *tofl0)
2021 {
2022 //
2023 ToFLevel2 tf;
2024 for (Int_t gg=0; gg<4;gg++){
2025 for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
2026 // tofinput_.tdc[hh][gg]=tofEvent->tdc[gg][hh];
2027 int mm = tf.GetPMTid(gg,hh);
2028 adc[mm]= (0xFFF & tofl0->adc[gg][hh]); // EM, exclude warning bits
2029 };
2030 };
2032 };
2034 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2035 void ToFdEdx::Init(Int_t gg, Int_t hh, Float_t adce)
2036 {
2037 //
2038 ToFLevel2 tf;
2039 // for (Int_t gg=0; gg<4;gg++){
2040 // for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){
2041 int mm = tf.GetPMTid(gg,hh);
2042 adc[mm]=adce;
2044 };
2045 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2046 void ToFdEdx::Process(UInt_t atime, Float_t betamean, Float_t *xtr_tof, Float_t *ytr_tof, Int_t exitat)
2047 {
2048 bool debug = false;
2049 if ( debug ) printf(" INSIDE TOFDEDX PROCESS \n");
2050 // the parameters should be already initialised by InitPar()
2051 // printf(" in process \n");
2052 Clear();
2054 // define angle:
2055 double dx = xtr_tof[1] - xtr_tof[5];
2056 double dy = ytr_tof[0] - ytr_tof[4];
2057 double dr = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
2058 double theta=atan(dr/76.81);
2059 //
2060 if ( xtr_tof[1] > 99. || xtr_tof[5] > 99. || ytr_tof[0] > 99. || ytr_tof[4] > 99. ) theta = 0.;
2061 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<6; ii++){
2062 if ( xtr_tof[ii] > 99. ) xtr_tof[ii] = 0.;
2063 if ( ytr_tof[ii] > 99. ) ytr_tof[ii] = 0.;
2064 };
2065 //
2066 if ( debug ) printf(" theta %f \n",theta);
2067 if ( debug ) printf(" xtr_tof %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f \n",xtr_tof[0],xtr_tof[1],xtr_tof[2],xtr_tof[3],xtr_tof[4],xtr_tof[5]);
2068 if ( debug ) printf(" ytr_tof %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f \n",ytr_tof[0],ytr_tof[1],ytr_tof[2],ytr_tof[3],ytr_tof[4],ytr_tof[5]);
2069 //--------------------- TABLE OF PERIODS WITH HV PROBLEMS ----------------------------
2071 int Aconn=conn[0]; // PMT 0,20,22,24
2072 int Bconn=conn[1]; // PMT 6,12,26,34
2073 int Cconn=conn[2]; // PMT 4,14,28,32
2074 int Dconn=conn[3]; // PMT 2,8,10,30
2075 int Econn=conn[4]; // PMT 42,43,44,47
2076 int Fconn=conn[5]; // PMT 7,19,23,27
2077 int Gconn=conn[6]; // PMT 3,11,25,33
2078 int Hconn=conn[7]; // PMT 1,9,13,21
2079 int Iconn=conn[8]; // PMT 5,29,31,35
2080 int Lconn=conn[9]; // PMT 37,40,45,46
2081 int Mconn=conn[10]; // PMT 15,16,17,18
2082 int Nconn=conn[11]; // PMT 36,38,39,41
2083 if( false ) cout << Gconn << Iconn << Lconn <<endl; // to avoid compilation warnings
2085 // printf(" size %i \n",eDEDXpmt.GetSize());
2086 for( int ii=0; ii<48; ii++ ) {
2087 //
2088 // eDEDXpmt.SetAt(-1.,ii);
2089 // printf(" ii %i beta %f atime %u xtr 1 %f ytr 1 %f adc %f \n",ii,betamean,atime,xtr_tof[0],ytr_tof[0],adc[ii]);
2090 if ( debug ) printf("II %i adc %f \n",ii,adc[ii]);
2092 if( adc[ii] >= 4095. ){
2093 // eDEDXpmt[ii] = 0.;
2094 eDEDXpmt->AddAt(0.,ii);
2095 if ( debug ) printf(" %i adc>4095 \n",ii);
2096 continue; // EMILIANO
2097 };
2099 if( adc[ii] >= (PMTsat[ii]-5.) && adc[ii] < 4095. ){
2100 eDEDXpmt->AddAt(1000.,ii);
2101 if ( debug ) printf(" %i adc> pmtsat && adc<4095 \n",ii);
2102 continue; // EMILIANO
2103 };
2105 if( adc[ii] <= 0. ) {
2106 eDEDXpmt->AddAt(1500.,ii);
2107 if ( debug ) printf(" %i adc<=0 \n",ii);
2108 continue;
2109 };
2110 //
2111 double adcpC = f_adcPC( adc[ii] ); // - adc conversion in pC
2112 if ( exitat == 0 ){
2113 eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adcpC,ii);
2114 continue;
2115 }
2116 // printf(" e qua? \n");
2118 double adccorr = adcpC*fabs(cos(theta));
2119 if ( debug ) printf(" adccorr %f \n",adccorr);
2120 if(adccorr<=0.){
2121 if ( debug ) printf(" %i adccorr<=0 \n",ii);
2122 // eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adcpC,ii);//?
2123 continue;
2124 }
2125 if ( exitat == 1 ){
2126 eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adccorr,ii);
2127 continue;
2128 }
2129 // printf(" e quo? \n");
2131 // int standard=0;
2132 int S115B_ok=0;
2133 int S115B_break=0;
2135 if(atime<1158720000)S115B_ok=1;
2136 else S115B_break=1;
2139 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2140 // printf(" e qui? \n");
2141 //---------------------------------------------------- Z reconstruction
2143 double adcHe, adcnorm, adclin, dEdx;//, Zeta; // EM GCC4.7
2145 adcHe=-2;
2146 adcnorm=-2;
2147 adclin=-2;
2148 dEdx=-2;
2149 // Zeta=-2;//EM GCC4.7
2150 Double_t correction = 1.;
2152 if(Aconn==1 && (ii==0 || ii==20 || ii==22 || ii==24)){
2153 correction = 1.675;
2154 }
2155 else if(Bconn==1 && (ii==6 || ii==12 || ii==26 || ii==34)){
2156 correction = 2.482;
2157 }
2158 else if(Cconn==1 && (ii==4 || ii==14 || ii==28 || ii==32)){
2159 correction = 1.464;
2160 }
2161 else if(Dconn==1 && (ii==2 || ii==8 || ii==10 || ii==30)){
2162 correction = 1.995;
2163 }
2164 else if(Econn==1 && (ii==42 || ii==43 || ii==44 || ii==47)){
2165 correction = 1.273;
2166 }
2167 else if(Fconn==1 && (ii==7 || ii==19 || ii==23 || ii==27)){
2168 correction = 1.565;
2169 }
2170 else if(Mconn==1 && (ii==15 || ii==16 || ii==17 || ii==18)){
2171 correction = 1.565;
2172 }
2173 else if(Nconn==1 && (ii==36 || ii==38 || ii==39 || ii==41)){
2174 correction = 1.018;
2175 }
2176 else if(Hconn==1 && (ii==1 || ii==13 || ii==21 || (ii==9&&S115B_ok==1))){
2177 correction = 1.84;
2178 }
2179 else if(S115B_break==1 && ii==9 && Hconn==1){
2180 correction = 1.64;
2181 }
2182 else correction = 1.;
2184 if( ii==9 && S115B_break==1 ){
2185 adcHe = f_att5B( ytr_tof[0] )/correction;
2186 } else {
2187 adcHe = Get_adc_he(ii, xtr_tof, ytr_tof)/correction;
2188 };
2189 if(adcHe<=0){
2190 if ( debug ) printf(" %i adcHe<=0 \n",ii);
2191 // eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adccorr,ii); //?
2192 continue;
2193 }
2194 if ( exitat == 2 ){
2195 if(ii==9 && S115B_break==1) eDEDXpmt->AddAt(36.*(Float_t)adccorr/adcHe,ii);
2196 else adclin = 4.*(Float_t)adccorr/adcHe;
2197 continue;
2198 }
2200 if(ii==9 && S115B_break==1) adcnorm = f_pos5B(adccorr);
2201 else adcnorm = f_pos( (parPos[ii]), adccorr);
2202 if(adcnorm<=0){
2203 if ( debug ) printf(" %i adcnorm<=0 \n",ii);
2204 // eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adccorr,ii);//?
2205 continue;
2206 }
2207 if ( debug ) printf(" adcnorm %f \n",adcnorm);
2209 if(ii==9 && S115B_break==1) adclin = 36.*adcnorm/adcHe;
2210 else adclin = 4.*adcnorm/adcHe;
2211 if ( debug ) printf(" adclin %f \n",adclin);
2212 if(adclin<=0){
2213 if ( debug ) printf(" %i adclin<=0 \n",ii);
2214 // eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adccorr,ii);//?
2215 continue;
2216 }
2217 if ( exitat == 3 ){
2218 if(ii==9 && S115B_break==1) eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adclin,ii);
2219 else eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adclin,ii);
2220 continue;
2221 }
2222 //
2223 if ( betamean > 99. ){
2224 // eDEDXpmt.AddAt((Float_t)adclin,ii);
2225 eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adclin,ii);
2226 // printf(" AAPMT IS %i dedx is %f vector is %f \n",ii,adclin,eDEDXpmt[ii]);
2227 if ( debug ) printf(" %i betamean > 99 \n",ii);
2228 continue;
2229 };
2230 //
2231 double dEdxHe=-2;
2232 if(ii==9 && S115B_break==1){
2233 if( betamean <1. ) dEdxHe = f_BB5B( betamean );
2234 else dEdxHe = 33;
2235 } else {
2236 if( betamean <1. ) dEdxHe = f_BB( (parBBneg[ii]), betamean );
2237 else dEdxHe = parBBpos[ii];
2238 }
2240 if ( debug ) printf(" dEdxHe %f \n",dEdxHe);
2242 if(dEdxHe<=0){
2243 eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adclin,ii);
2244 if ( debug ) printf(" %i dEdxHe<=0 \n",ii);
2245 continue;
2246 };
2248 if(ii==9 && S115B_break==1) dEdx = f_desatBB5B( adclin );
2249 else dEdx = f_desatBB((parDesatBB[ii]), adclin );
2251 if(dEdx<=0){
2252 eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)adclin,ii);
2253 if ( debug ) printf(" %i dEdx<=0 \n",ii);
2254 continue;
2255 };
2257 if ( debug ) printf(" dEdx %f \n",dEdx);
2258 eDEDXpmt->AddAt((Float_t)dEdx,ii);
2259 // eDEDXpmt.AddAt((Float_t)dEdx,ii);
2261 // printf(" PMT IS %i dedx is %f vector is %f \n",ii,dEdx,eDEDXpmt[ii]);
2263 } //end loop on 48 PMT
2265 };
2268 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2269 void ToFdEdx::Define_PMTsat()
2270 {
2271 Float_t sat[48] = {
2272 3176.35,3178.19,3167.38,3099.73,3117.00,3126.29,3111.44,3092.27,
2273 3146.48,3094.41,3132.13,3115.37,3099.32,3110.97,3111.80,3143.14,
2274 3106.72,3153.44,3136.00,3188.96,3104.73,3140.45,3073.18,3106.62,
2275 3112.48,3146.92,3127.24,3136.52,3109.59,3112.89,3045.15,3147.26,
2276 3095.92,3121.05,3083.25,3123.62,3150.92,3125.30,3067.60,3160.18,
2277 3119.36,3108.92,3164.77,3133.64,3111.47,3131.98,3128.87,3135.56 };
2278 PMTsat.Set(48,sat);
2279 }
2281 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2282 void ToFdEdx::ReadParBBpos( const char *fname )
2283 {
2284 // printf("read %s\n",fname);
2285 parBBpos.Set(48);
2286 FILE *fattin = fopen( fname , "r" );
2287 for (int i=0; i<48; i++) {
2288 int tid=0;
2289 float tp;
2290 if(fscanf(fattin,"%d %f",
2291 &tid, &tp )!=2) break;
2292 parBBpos[i]=tp;
2293 }
2294 fclose(fattin);
2295 }
2297 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2298 void ToFdEdx::ReadParDesatBB( const char *fname )
2299 {
2300 // printf("read %s\n",fname);
2301 FILE *fattin = fopen( fname , "r" );
2302 for (int i=0; i<48; i++) {
2303 int tid=0;
2304 float tp[3];
2305 if(fscanf(fattin,"%d %f %f %f",
2306 &tid, &tp[0], &tp[1], &tp[2] )!=4) break;
2307 parDesatBB[i].Set(3,tp);
2308 }
2309 fclose(fattin);
2310 }
2313 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2314 void ToFdEdx::ReadParBBneg( const char *fname )
2316 {
2317 // printf("read %s\n",fname);
2318 FILE *fattin = fopen( fname , "r" );
2319 for (int i=0; i<48; i++) {
2320 int tid=0;
2321 float tp[3];
2322 if(fscanf(fattin,"%d %f %f %f",
2323 &tid, &tp[0], &tp[1], &tp[2] )!=4) break;
2324 parBBneg[i].Set(3,tp);
2325 }
2326 fclose(fattin);
2327 }
2329 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2330 void ToFdEdx::ReadParPos( const char *fname )
2331 {
2332 // printf("read %s\n",fname);
2333 FILE *fattin = fopen( fname , "r" );
2334 for (int i=0; i<48; i++) {
2335 int tid=0;
2336 float tp[4];
2337 if(fscanf(fattin,"%d %f %f %f %f",
2338 &tid, &tp[0], &tp[1], &tp[2], &tp[3])!=5) break;
2339 parPos[i].Set(4,tp);
2340 }
2341 fclose(fattin);
2342 }
2344 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2345 void ToFdEdx::ReadParAtt( const char *fname )
2346 {
2347 // printf("read %s\n",fname);
2348 FILE *fattin = fopen( fname , "r" );
2349 for (int i=0; i<48; i++) {
2350 int tid=0;
2351 float tp[6];
2352 if(fscanf(fattin,"%d %f %f %f %f %f %f",
2353 &tid, &tp[0], &tp[1], &tp[2], &tp[3], &tp[4], &tp[5] )!=7) break;
2354 parAtt[i].Set(6,tp);
2355 }
2356 fclose(fattin);
2357 }
2364 double ToFdEdx::f_att( TArrayF &p, float x )
2365 {
2366 return
2367 p[0] +
2368 p[1]*x +
2369 p[2]*x*x +
2370 p[3]*x*x*x +
2371 p[4]*x*x*x*x +
2372 p[5]*x*x*x*x*x;
2373 }
2374 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2375 double ToFdEdx::f_att5B( float x )
2376 {
2377 return
2378 101.9409 +
2379 6.643781*x +
2380 0.2765518*x*x +
2381 0.004617647*x*x*x +
2382 0.0006195132*x*x*x*x +
2383 0.00002813734*x*x*x*x*x;
2384 }
2387 double ToFdEdx::f_pos( TArrayF &p, float x )
2388 {
2389 return
2390 p[0] +
2391 p[1]*x +
2392 p[2]*x*x +
2393 p[3]*x*x*x;
2394 }
2396 double ToFdEdx::f_pos5B( float x )
2397 {
2398 return
2399 15.45132 +
2400 0.8369721*x +
2401 0.0005*x*x;
2402 }
2406 double ToFdEdx::f_adcPC( float x )
2407 {
2408 return 28.12+0.6312*x-5.647e-05*x*x+3.064e-08*x*x*x;
2409 }
2412 float ToFdEdx::Get_adc_he( int id, float pl_x[6], float pl_y[6])
2413 {
2415 //
2416 // input: id - pmt [0:47}
2417 // pl_x - coord x of the tof plane
2418 // pl_y - coord y
2420 adc_he = 0;
2421 if( eGeom.GetXY(id)==1 ) adc_he = f_att( (parAtt[id]), pl_x[eGeom.GetPlane(id)] );
2422 if( eGeom.GetXY(id)==2 ) adc_he = f_att( (parAtt[id]), pl_y[eGeom.GetPlane(id)] );
2423 return adc_he;
2424 }
2426 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2427 double ToFdEdx::f_BB( TArrayF &p, float x )
2428 {
2429 return p[0]/(x*x)*(log(x*x/(1-x*x)) - p[1]*x*x - p[2]);
2430 }
2432 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2433 double ToFdEdx::f_BB5B( float x )
2434 {
2435 return 0.165797/(x*x)*(log(x*x/(1-x*x)) + 140.481*x*x + 52.9258);
2436 }
2437 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2438 double ToFdEdx::f_desatBB( TArrayF &p, float x )
2439 {
2440 return
2441 p[0] +
2442 p[1]*x +
2443 p[2]*x*x;
2444 }
2446 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2447 double ToFdEdx::f_desatBB5B( float x )
2448 {
2449 return
2450 -2.4 +
2451 0.75*x +
2452 0.009*x*x;
2453 }

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