185 |
// variables needed to load magnetic field maps |
// variables needed to load magnetic field maps |
186 |
// |
// |
187 |
Int_t ntrkentry = 0; |
Int_t ntrkentry = 0; |
188 |
Int_t npmtentry = 0; |
189 |
ULong64_t tttrkpar1 = 0ULL; |
ULong64_t tttrkpar1 = 0ULL; |
190 |
Bool_t trkpar1 = true; |
Bool_t trkpar1 = true; |
191 |
ULong64_t tttofpar1 = 0ULL; |
ULong64_t tttofpar1 = 0ULL; |
537 |
// |
// |
538 |
ei = l0reg->event; |
ei = l0reg->event; |
539 |
// |
// |
540 |
// |
541 |
// |
542 |
tof->Clear(); |
543 |
Int_t pmt_id = 0; |
544 |
ToFPMT *t_pmt = new ToFPMT(); |
545 |
TClonesArray &tpmt = *tof->PMT; |
546 |
ToFTrkVar *t_tof = new ToFTrkVar(); |
547 |
TClonesArray &t = *tof->ToFTrk; |
548 |
// |
549 |
// paranoid check |
// paranoid check |
550 |
// |
// |
551 |
if ( atime > runinfo->RUNTRAILER_TIME || atime < runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME ) { |
if ( atime > runinfo->RUNTRAILER_TIME || atime < runinfo->RUNHEADER_TIME ) { |
577 |
// |
// |
578 |
// start processing |
// start processing |
579 |
// |
// |
tof->Clear(); |
//tof = new ToFLevel2(); |
580 |
// |
// |
581 |
// Here we will use some procedure to calibrate our data and put some kind of informations in the cinput structure |
// Here we will use some procedure to calibrate our data and put some kind of informations in the cinput structure |
582 |
593 |
// |
// |
594 |
// Here we have calibrated data, ready to be passed to the FORTRAN routine which will extract common and track-related variables. |
// Here we have calibrated data, ready to be passed to the FORTRAN routine which will extract common and track-related variables. |
595 |
// |
// |
596 |
npmtentry = 0; |
597 |
// |
598 |
ntrkentry = 0; |
599 |
// |
// |
600 |
// Calculate tracks informations from ToF alone |
// Calculate tracks informations from ToF alone |
601 |
// |
// |
602 |
tofl2com(); |
tofl2com(); |
603 |
// |
// |
604 |
memcpy(tof->tof_j_flag,tofoutput_.tof_j_flag,6*sizeof(Int_t)); |
605 |
// |
606 |
t_tof->trkseqno = -1; |
607 |
// |
608 |
// and now we must copy from the output structure to the level2 class: |
// and now we must copy from the output structure to the level2 class: |
609 |
// |
// |
610 |
// common variables not related to the track |
t_tof->npmttdc = 0; |
611 |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<3;kk++){ |
// |
tof->xtofpos[kk] = tofoutput_.xtofpos[kk]; |
tof->ytofpos[kk] = tofoutput_.ytofpos[kk]; |
} |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<6;kk++){ |
tof->tof_i_flag[kk]=tofoutput_.tof_i_flag[kk]; |
tof->tof_j_flag[kk]=tofoutput_.tof_j_flag[kk]; |
} |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<13;kk++){ |
tof->betatof_a[kk] = tofoutput_.betatof_a[kk]; |
} |
612 |
for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){ |
for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){ |
613 |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){ |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){ |
614 |
tof->adctof_c[hh][kk] = tofoutput_.adctof_c[hh][kk]; |
if ( tofoutput_.tofmask[hh][kk] != 0 ){ |
615 |
} |
pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh); |
616 |
t_tof->pmttdc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmttdc); |
617 |
t_tof->npmttdc++; |
618 |
}; |
619 |
}; |
620 |
}; |
621 |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<13;kk++){ |
622 |
t_tof->beta[kk] = tofoutput_.betatof_a[kk]; |
623 |
} |
} |
624 |
// |
625 |
t_tof->npmtadc = 0; |
626 |
for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){ |
for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){ |
627 |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){ |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){ |
628 |
tof->tdc_c[hh][kk] = tofoutput_.tdc_c[hh][kk]; |
if ( tofoutput_.adctof_c[hh][kk] < 1000 ){ |
629 |
} |
t_tof->dedx.AddAt(tofoutput_.adctof_c[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc); |
630 |
} |
pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh); |
631 |
t_tof->pmtadc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmtadc); |
632 |
t_tof->npmtadc++; |
633 |
}; |
634 |
}; |
635 |
}; |
636 |
// |
// |
637 |
// Calculate track-related variables |
memcpy(t_tof->xtofpos,tofoutput_.xtofpos,sizeof(t_tof->xtofpos)); |
638 |
memcpy(t_tof->ytofpos,tofoutput_.ytofpos,sizeof(t_tof->ytofpos)); |
639 |
// |
// |
640 |
new(t[ntrkentry]) ToFTrkVar(*t_tof); |
641 |
ntrkentry++; |
642 |
t_tof->Clear(); |
643 |
// |
// |
// Calculate variables related to tracks only if we have at least one track (from selftrigger and/or tracker) |
644 |
// |
// |
ntrkentry = 0; |
645 |
// |
// |
646 |
// if ( trk->GetNTracks() > 0 ){ |
t_pmt->Clear(); |
647 |
// |
648 |
for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){ |
649 |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){ |
650 |
if ( tofoutput_.tdc_c[hh][kk] < 4095 || tofEvent->adc[kk][hh] < 4095 ){ |
651 |
// |
652 |
t_pmt->pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh); |
653 |
t_pmt->tdc_tw = tofoutput_.tdc_c[hh][kk]; |
654 |
t_pmt->adc = tofEvent->adc[kk][hh]; |
655 |
// |
656 |
new(tpmt[npmtentry]) ToFPMT(*t_pmt); |
657 |
npmtentry++; |
658 |
t_pmt->Clear(); |
659 |
}; |
660 |
}; |
661 |
}; |
662 |
// |
663 |
// Calculate track-related variables |
664 |
// |
665 |
if ( trk->ntrk() > 0 ){ |
if ( trk->ntrk() > 0 ){ |
666 |
// |
// |
667 |
// We have at least one track |
// We have at least one track |
669 |
// |
// |
670 |
// Run over tracks |
// Run over tracks |
671 |
// |
// |
// example: how to use tracker data |
672 |
for(Int_t nt=0; nt < trk->ntrk(); nt++){ |
for(Int_t nt=0; nt < trk->ntrk(); nt++){ |
673 |
// |
// |
674 |
TrkTrack *ptt = trk->GetStoredTrack(nt); |
TrkTrack *ptt = trk->GetStoredTrack(nt); |
685 |
// |
// |
686 |
// Copy values in the class from the structure (we need to use a temporary class to store variables). |
// Copy values in the class from the structure (we need to use a temporary class to store variables). |
687 |
// |
// |
688 |
ToFTrkVar *t_tof = new ToFTrkVar(); |
t_tof->npmttdc = 0; |
689 |
for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){ |
690 |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){ |
691 |
if ( tofoutput_.tofmask[hh][kk] != 0 ){ |
692 |
pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh); |
693 |
t_tof->pmttdc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmttdc); |
694 |
t_tof->npmttdc++; |
695 |
}; |
696 |
}; |
697 |
}; |
698 |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<13;kk++){ |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<13;kk++){ |
699 |
t_tof->beta_a[kk] = tofoutput_.beta_a[kk]; |
t_tof->beta[kk] = tofoutput_.beta_a[kk]; |
700 |
} |
}; |
701 |
// |
702 |
t_tof->npmtadc = 0; |
703 |
for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){ |
for (Int_t hh=0; hh<12;hh++){ |
704 |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){ |
for (Int_t kk=0; kk<4;kk++){ |
705 |
t_tof->adc_c[hh][kk] = tofoutput_.adc_c[hh][kk]; |
if ( tofoutput_.adc_c[hh][kk] < 1000 ){ |
706 |
} |
t_tof->dedx.AddAt(tofoutput_.adc_c[hh][kk],t_tof->npmtadc); |
707 |
} |
pmt_id = tof->GetPMTid(kk,hh); |
708 |
t_tof->pmtadc.AddAt(pmt_id,t_tof->npmtadc); |
709 |
t_tof->npmtadc++; |
710 |
}; |
711 |
}; |
712 |
}; |
713 |
// |
714 |
memcpy(t_tof->xtofpos,tofoutput_.xtofpos,sizeof(t_tof->xtofpos)); |
715 |
memcpy(t_tof->ytofpos,tofoutput_.ytofpos,sizeof(t_tof->ytofpos)); |
716 |
// |
// |
717 |
// Store the tracker track number in order to be sure to have shyncronized data during analysis |
// Store the tracker track number in order to be sure to have shyncronized data during analysis |
718 |
// |
// |
720 |
// |
// |
721 |
// create a new object for this event with track-related variables |
// create a new object for this event with track-related variables |
722 |
// |
// |
TClonesArray &t = *tof->ToFTrk; |
723 |
new(t[ntrkentry]) ToFTrkVar(*t_tof); |
new(t[ntrkentry]) ToFTrkVar(*t_tof); |
// |
delete t_tof; |
// |
724 |
ntrkentry++; |
ntrkentry++; |
725 |
t_tof->Clear(); |
726 |
// |
// |
727 |
}; // loop on all the tracks |
}; // loop on all the tracks |
728 |
}; |
}; |
732 |
toft->Fill(); |
toft->Fill(); |
733 |
// |
// |
734 |
// |
// |
735 |
// |
736 |
delete t_tof; |
737 |
// |
738 |
// |
739 |
// |
740 |
jumpev: |
jumpev: |
741 |
debug = false; |
debug = false; |
742 |
// |
// |