/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/ToFLevel2/inc/ToFLevel2.h
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Contents of /DarthVader/ToFLevel2/inc/ToFLevel2.h

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Revision 1.15 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Apr 4 07:22:51 2007 UTC (17 years, 10 months ago) by pam-de
Branch: MAIN
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more Doxygen comments added

1 /**
2 * \file ToFLevel2.h
3 * \author Gianfranca DeRosa / Wolfgang Menn
4 */
6 #ifndef ToFLevel2_h
7 #define ToFLevel2_h
8 //
9 #include <TObject.h>
10 #include <TArrayI.h>
11 #include <TArrayF.h>
12 #include <TClonesArray.h>
14 #include <ToFStruct.h>
17 //
18 // class which contains track related variables
19 //
20 #define ZTOF11 53.74
21 #define ZTOF12 53.04
22 #define ZTOF21 23.94
23 #define ZTOF22 23.44
24 #define ZTOF31 -23.49
25 #define ZTOF32 -24.34
28 /**
29 * \brief Class which contains the PMT data
30 *
31 * If there is a valid ADC or a TDC value (value<4095) for a PMT, both ADC and TDC data
32 * are stored in the PMT class.
33 * Look in the ToFLevel2Ex.cxx example in the repository how to read the PMT class.
34 */
35 class ToFPMT : public TObject {
37 private:
39 public:
40 Int_t pmt_id; ///<the identification number of the PMT from 0 to 47
41 Float_t adc; ///<raw ADC value for this PMT
42 Float_t tdc_tw; ///<time-walk corrected TDC value for this PMT
43 //
44 ToFPMT();
45 ToFPMT(const ToFPMT&);
46 //
47 ToFPMT* GetToFPMT(){return this;};
48 void Clear();
52 ClassDef(ToFPMT,1);
53 };
56 /**
57 * \brief Class which contains the tracker related variables
58 *
59 * We can use the ToF standalone to find hitted paddles, calculate beta, etc..
60 * These results are then stored with the "trkseqno" = -1.
61 * If we use the track from the tracker, then the penetration points in the
62 * scintillators are calculated, which defines the hitted paddles. For these paddles
63 * we calculate then all the output.
64 * Note: The artificial ADC values are stored as dEdx in the output, the dEdx will be
65 * by definition = 1. However, the artificial TDC values are just used internally
66 * and not stored in the output. But one can see in both cases which PMT has artificial
67 * values using "adcflag" and "tdcflag".
68 * Look in the ToFLevel2Ex.cxx example in the repository how to read the tracker related
69 * variables.
70 */
71 class ToFTrkVar : public TObject {
73 private:
75 public:
76 //
77 Int_t trkseqno; ///< tracker sequ. number: -1=ToF standalone, 0=first Tracker track, ...
78 //
79 Int_t npmttdc; ///<number of the TDC measurements used to evaluate beta
80 TArrayI pmttdc; ///<contains the ID (0..47) for the PMT used to evaluate beta
81 TArrayI tdcflag; ///<flag for artificial TDC, "0" if normal TDC value
83 /**
84 * \brief beta, 12 measurements for the 12 combinations, beta[13] is weighted mean
85 *
86 * The 12 measurements are S11-S31, S11-S32, S12-S31, S12-S32, and then analogue for
87 * S2-S3 and S1-S2.
88 * In the moment all measurements are taken and the weighted mean is calculated.
89 * Note that the weights are just simple overall results for S1-S3, S2-S3, and S1-S2.
90 * Artificial measurments are not treated correct, (since there is only one real
91 * measurment the weight should be different then for two meassurments).
92 * The beta calculation will be improved in the next release.
93 */
94 Float_t beta[13];
95 //
96 Int_t npmtadc; ///<number of the ADC measurements used for dEdx evaluation
97 TArrayI pmtadc; ///<contains the ID (0..47) for the PMT used to evaluate dEdx
98 TArrayI adcflag; ///<flag for artificial ADCs, "0" if normal ADC value
99 TArrayF dedx; ///<energy loss for this PMT in mip
100 //
101 Float_t xtofpos[3]; ///<x-measurement using the TDC values and the calibration from S12, S21, S32
102 Float_t ytofpos[3]; ///<x-measurement using the TDC values and the calibration from S11, S22, S31
104 //
105 ToFTrkVar();
106 ToFTrkVar(const ToFTrkVar&);
108 ToFTrkVar* GetToFTrkVar(){return this;};
109 void Clear();
111 ClassDef(ToFTrkVar,1);
112 //
113 };
115 /**
116 * \brief Class to describe ToF LEVEL2 data
117 *
118 */
120 class ToFLevel2 : public TObject {
121 private:
123 public:
124 //
125 TClonesArray *PMT; ///<class needed to store PMT hit informations
126 TClonesArray *ToFTrk; ///<track related variable class
127 Int_t tof_j_flag[6]; ///<number of hitted paddle(s) for each ToF layer: flag = flag + 2**(paddlenumber-1)
129 Int_t unpackError;
130 //
131 Float_t GetdEdx(Int_t notrack, Int_t plane);
132 //
133 // methods to make life simplier during the analysis, returns a pointer to the ToFTrkVar class containing track related variables
134 //
135 Int_t ntrk(){return ToFTrk->GetEntries();};
136 Int_t npmt(){return PMT->GetEntries();};
138 //
139 void GetLevel2Struct(cToFLevel2 *) const;
140 //
141 ToFTrkVar *GetToFTrkVar(Int_t notrack);
142 ToFPMT *GetToFPMT(Int_t nohit);
143 Int_t GetPMTid(Int_t gg, Int_t hh);
144 TString GetPMTName(Int_t ind);
145 Int_t GetPlaneIndex(Int_t pmt_id);
146 void GetMatrix(Int_t notrack, Float_t adc[4][12], Float_t tdc[4][12]);
147 void GetPMTIndex(Int_t pmt_id, Int_t &gg, Int_t &hh);
148 //
149 // constructor
150 //
151 ToFLevel2();
152 ~ToFLevel2(){Delete();}; //ELENA
153 void Delete(); //ELENA
154 void Set();//ELENA
155 //
156 //
157 ToFLevel2* GetToFLevel2(){return this;};
159 /**
160 * Method to get the z-position of the 6 TOF layers from the plane ID
161 * @param plane_id Plane ID (11 12 21 22 31 32)
162 */
163 Float_t GetZTOF(Int_t plane_id){
164 switch(plane_id){
165 case 11: return ZTOF11;
166 case 12: return ZTOF12;
167 case 21: return ZTOF21;
168 case 22: return ZTOF22;
169 case 31: return ZTOF31;
170 case 32: return ZTOF32;
171 default: return 0.;
172 };
173 };
175 //
176 // Paddles position
177 //
178 /*
179 S11 8 paddles 33.0 x 5.1 cm
180 S12 6 paddles 40.8 x 5.5 cm
181 S21 2 paddles 18.0 x 7.5 cm
182 S22 2 paddles 15.0 x 9.0 cm
183 S31 3 paddles 15.0 x 6.0 cm
184 S32 3 paddles 18.0 x 5.0 cm
185 */
187 Int_t GetToFPlaneID(Int_t ip);
188 Int_t GetToFPlaneIndex(Int_t plane_id);
189 Bool_t HitPaddle(Int_t ,Int_t);
190 Int_t GetNHitPaddles(Int_t plane);
191 void Clear();
192 //
193 ClassDef(ToFLevel2,2);
194 };
196 #endif

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