#ifndef l2tofcore_h #define l2tofcore_h #include #include /** * \brief Variables needed for ToF calculations: Raw data, calibration constants, etc... */ struct ToFInput { //! The alpha vector from the track fit Double_t al_pp[5]; //! The dEdx from the tracker Double_t trkmip; //! The 24 k1 constants for S11-S31 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_s11s31[24][3]; //! The 24 k1 constants for S11-S32 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_s11s32[24][3]; //! The 18 k1 constants for S12-S31 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_s12s31[18][3]; //! The 18 k1 constants for S12-S32 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_s12s32[18][3]; //! The 6 k1 constants for S21-S31 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_S21S31[6][3]; //! The 6 k1 constants for S21-S32 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_S21S32[6][3]; //! The 6 k1 constants for S22-S31 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_S22S31[6][3]; //! The 6 k1 constants for S22-S32 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_S22S32[6][3]; //! The 16 k1 constants for S11-S21 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_s11s21[16][3]; //! The 16 k1 k2 constants for S11-S22 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_s11s22[16][3]; //! The 12 k1 k2 constants for S12-S21 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_s12s21[12][3]; //! The 12 k1 k2 constants for S12-S22 for Z=1,Z=2,Z>2 Float_t k_s12s22[12][3]; //! parameters for the attenuation fit for S11 Float_t adcx11[4][8][2]; //! parameters for the attenuation fit for S12 Float_t adcx12[4][6][2]; //! parameters for the attenuation fit for S21 Float_t adcx21[4][2][2]; //! parameters for the attenuation fit for S22 Float_t adcx22[4][2][2]; //! parameters for the attenuation fit for S31 Float_t adcx31[4][3][2]; //! parameters for the attenuation fit for S32 Float_t adcx32[4][3][2]; //! constants for the time-walk for S11 Float_t tw11[8][2]; //! constants for the time-walk for S12 Float_t tw12[6][2]; //! constants for the time-walk for S21 Float_t tw21[2][2]; //! constants for the time-walk for S22 Float_t tw22[2][2]; //! constants for the time-walk for S31 Float_t tw31[3][2]; //! constants for the time-walk for S32 Float_t tw32[3][2]; //! constants to get the position from the timing for S11 Float_t y_coor_lin11[8][2]; //! constants to get the position from the timing for S12 Float_t x_coor_lin12[6][2]; //! constants to get the position from the timing for S21 Float_t x_coor_lin21[2][2]; //! constants to get the position from the timing for S22 Float_t y_coor_lin22[2][2]; //! constants to get the position from the timing for S31 Float_t y_coor_lin31[3][2]; //! constants to get the position from the timing for S32 Float_t x_coor_lin32[3][2]; //! raw ADC matrix 4x12 : 12 half-boards @ 4 channels Int_t adc[12][4]; //! raw TDC matrix 4x12 : 12 half-boards @ 4 channels Int_t tdc[12][4]; //! patterntrig contains trigger information Int_t patterntrig[6]; Int_t ntrk; }; /** * \brief Internal output variables from ToF calculations: beta, etc... * * Look at ToFLevel2 class for the real Level2 ToF output */ struct ToFOutput { //! beta track dependend, 12 measurements for the 12 combinations, beta[13] is weighted mean Float_t beta_a[13]; //! internal variable: beta ToF standalone, 12 measurements for the 12 combinations, beta[13] is weighted mean Float_t betatof_a[13]; //! x-measurement using the TDC values and the calibration Float_t xtofpos[3]; //! y-measurement using the TDC values and the calibration Float_t ytofpos[3]; //! x-measurement at the ToF layers from tracker Float_t xtr_tof[6]; //! y-measurement at the ToF layers from tracker Float_t ytr_tof[6]; //! matrix 4x12 which contains the dEdx value for each PMT Float_t adc_c[12][4]; //! internal variable: ToF standalone: matrix 4x12 which contains the dEdx value for each PMT Float_t adctof_c[12][4]; //! matrix 4x12 which contains the time-walk corrected TDC value for each PMT Float_t tdc_c[12][4]; //! internal variable: matrix is filled if beta is calculated Int_t tofmask[12][4]; //! internal variable: number of the hitted paddle for each ToF layer from ToF standalone Int_t tof_i_flag[6]; //! number of hitted paddle(s) from ToF standalone for each ToF layer: flag = flag + 2**(paddlenumber-1) Int_t tof_j_flag[6]; //! internal variable: array flagging the artificial ToF standalone ADCs, "0" if normal ADC value Int_t adcflagtof[12][4]; //! internal variable: array is always "0" since there are no artificial TDC values with ToF standalone Int_t tdcflagtof[12][4]; //! array flagging the artificial track dependend ADCs, "0" if normal ADC value Int_t adcflag[12][4]; //! array flagging the artificial track dependend TDCs, "0" if normal TDC value Int_t tdcflag[12][4]; }; extern int ToFCore(UInt_t run, TFile *file, GL_TABLES *glt, Int_t ToFargc, char *ToFargv[]); #endif