/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/RunInfo/src/RunInfoCore.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/RunInfo/src/RunInfoCore.cpp

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Revision 1.3 - (show annotations) (download)
Thu Nov 9 14:44:08 2006 UTC (18 years ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +15 -1 lines
RunInfo updated + added -c option to DV

1 //
2 // C/C++ headers
3 //
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <sstream>
6 //
7 // ROOT headers
8 //
9 #include <TString.h>
10 #include <TSQLServer.h>
11 #include <TFile.h>
12 #include <TSystem.h>
13 //
14 #include <RunInfo.h>
15 using namespace std;
16 //
17 int RunInfoCore(UInt_t run, TFile *processFile, TSQLServer *dbc, TString DVV, Int_t runargc, char *runargv[]){
18 Int_t i = 0;
19 Int_t sgnl = 0;
20 //
21 TString processFolder = "runinfoFolder";
22 if ( runargc > 0 ){
23 i = 0;
24 while ( i < runargc ){
25 if ( !strcmp(runargv[i],"-processFolder") ) {
26 if ( runargc < i+1 ){
27 throw -3;
28 };
29 processFolder = (TString)runargv[i+1];
30 i++;
31 };
32 i++;
33 };
34 };
35 ItoRunInfo *runinfo = 0;
36 stringstream temprname;
37 const char* routdir = gSystem->DirName(gSystem->DirName(processFile->GetPath()));
38 temprname.str("");
39 temprname << routdir;
40 temprname << "/" << processFolder.Data();
41 //
42 runinfo = new ItoRunInfo(dbc,processFile,processFolder);
43 sgnl = runinfo->Update(run,"NONE","");
44 gSystem->Unlink(temprname.str().c_str());
45 //
46 runinfo->Close();
47 processFile->cd();
48 if ( processFile ) processFile->Write("Run");
49 runinfo->Clear();
50 //
51 delete runinfo;
52 //
53 runinfo = new ItoRunInfo(processFile);
54 sgnl = runinfo->Update(run,"DV",DVV);
55 gSystem->Unlink(temprname.str().c_str());
56 runinfo->Close();
57 processFile->cd();
58 if ( processFile ) processFile->Write("Run");
59 runinfo->Clear();
60 delete runinfo;
61 //
62 //
63 //
64 if ( sgnl < 0 ) throw sgnl;
65 return(sgnl);
66 }

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