// #include // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include #include ClassImp(SoftInfo); ClassImp(ItoRunInfo); // using namespace std; // SoftInfo::SoftInfo() { TRIG_ver = ""; TOF_ver = ""; AC_ver = ""; TRK_ver = ""; ORB_ver = ""; CAL_ver = ""; ND_ver = ""; S4_ver = ""; } /** * Fills a struct cSoftInfo with values from a SoftInfo object (to put data into a F77 common). */ void SoftInfo::GetLevel2Struct(cSoftInfo *l2) const{ l2->FillTrigWith(TRIG_ver); l2->FillTofWith(TOF_ver); l2->FillAcWith(AC_ver); l2->FillTrkWith(TRK_ver); l2->FillOrbWith(ORB_ver); l2->FillCalWith(CAL_ver); l2->FillNdWith(ND_ver); l2->FillS4With(S4_ver); } /***********************/ ItoRunInfo::ItoRunInfo() { reprocessing = false; updating = false; isreadonly = true; first_file_entry = 0; last_file_entry = 0; file_entries = 0ULL; totnorun = 0LL; version = new SoftInfo(); version->TRIG_ver = ""; version->TOF_ver = ""; version->AC_ver = ""; version->TRK_ver = ""; version->CAL_ver = ""; version->ND_ver = ""; version->S4_ver = ""; version->ORB_ver = ""; norun = 0; runlist = new TArrayL(0,NULL); file = new TFile(); newtree = new TTree(); } ItoRunInfo::ItoRunInfo(TFile *processFl){ // file=(TFile*)processFl; dbc=NULL; processFolder = ""; idRun = 0ULL; Detector = "NONE"; // reprocessing = false; updating = false; first_file_entry = 0; last_file_entry = 0; file_entries = 0ULL; version = new SoftInfo(); version->TRIG_ver = ""; version->TOF_ver = ""; version->AC_ver = ""; version->TRK_ver = ""; version->ORB_ver = ""; version->CAL_ver = ""; version->ND_ver = ""; version->S4_ver = ""; norun = 0; totnorun = 0; // runlist = new TArrayL(0,NULL); // } ItoRunInfo::ItoRunInfo(TSQLServer *db, TFile *processFl, TString processFld){ // file=(TFile*)processFl; dbc=(TSQLServer*)db; processFolder = processFld; // reprocessing = false; updating = false; first_file_entry = 0; last_file_entry = 0; file_entries = 0ULL; version = new SoftInfo(); version->TRIG_ver = ""; version->TOF_ver = ""; version->AC_ver = ""; version->TRK_ver = ""; version->ORB_ver = ""; version->CAL_ver = ""; version->ND_ver = ""; version->S4_ver = ""; norun = 0; totnorun = 0; runlist = new TArrayL(0,NULL); // } Int_t ItoRunInfo::Update(ULong64_t run, TString Detector, TString Version){ // isreadonly = false; idRun = run; // Bool_t debug = false; // Bool_t ismydir = false; // if ( !strcmp(processFolder.Data(),"") ){ processFolder = "runinfoFolder"; ismydir = true; }; // GL_RUN *oldrun = new GL_RUN(); GL_RUN *newrun = new GL_RUN(); SoftInfo *oldver = new SoftInfo(); SoftInfo *newver = new SoftInfo(); // ID = 0ULL; ID_REG_RUN = 0ULL; ID_REG_RUN_L2 = 0ULL; RUNHEADER_TIME = 0ULL; RUNTRAILER_TIME = 0ULL; EV_REG_PHYS_FROM = 0; EV_REG_PHYS_TO = 0; EV_REG_RUNHEADER = 0; EV_REG_RUNTRAILER = 0; TRK_CALIB_USED = 0; EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = 0; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = 0; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = 0; ACQ_BUILD_INFO = 0; ACQ_VAR_INFO = 0; version->TRIG_ver = ""; version->TOF_ver = ""; version->AC_ver = ""; version->TRK_ver = ""; version->ORB_ver = ""; version->CAL_ver = ""; version->ND_ver = ""; version->S4_ver = ""; // norun = 0; runlist = new TArrayL(0,NULL); //runlist->Reset(); // Bool_t found = false; Int_t error = 0; // // TFile *temprfile = 0; // TTree *temprrun = 0; // stringstream temprname; // stringstream tempdir; // const char* routdir = gSystem->DirName(gSystem->DirName(file->GetPath())); // TTree *oldtree = 0; // // // Try to get the tree Run in the processed file // oldtree = (TTree*)file->Get("Run"); // // Look for detector's versions if we are updating a single detector // if ( debug ) printf("Detector -%s- \n",Detector.Data()); if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"NONE") ){ version->TRIG_ver = Version; version->TOF_ver = Version; version->AC_ver = Version; version->TRK_ver = Version; version->ORB_ver = Version; version->CAL_ver = Version; version->S4_ver = Version; version->ND_ver = Version; } else { if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TRIG") ) version->TRIG_ver = Version; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TOF") ) version->TOF_ver = Version; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"AC") ) version->AC_ver = Version; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TRK") ) version->TRK_ver = Version; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"CALO") ) version->CAL_ver = Version; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"S4") ) version->S4_ver = Version; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"ND") ) version->ND_ver = Version; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"ORB") ) version->ORB_ver = Version; if ( strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TRIG") && strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TOF") && strcmp(Detector.Data(),"AC") && strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TRK") && strcmp(Detector.Data(),"CALO") && strcmp(Detector.Data(),"S4") && strcmp(Detector.Data(),"ND") && strcmp(Detector.Data(),"ORB") ) return(-804); }; // if ( !oldtree ) { // if ( strcmp(Detector.Data(),"NONE") ) return(-803); updating = false; if ( debug ) printf(" RunInfo: creating Run tree in this file\n"); // } else { // // temprname.str(""); // temprname << routdir; // temprname << "/" << processFolder.Data(); // gSystem->MakeDirectory(temprname.str().c_str()); // tempdir.str(""); // tempdir << temprname.str().c_str(); // temprname << "/runinfo_run"; // temprname << idRun << ".root"; // if ( debug ) printf(" file temporaneo is %s \n",temprname.str().c_str()); // // // temprfile = new TFile(temprname.str().c_str(),"RECREATE"); // // // temprrun = new TTree(); // // // if ( !temprfile ) return(-805); // if ( !oldtree ) return(-806); // if ( !temprrun ) return(-807); // // // temprrun = oldtree->CloneTree(-1,"fast"); // // // temprfile->cd(); // temprrun->SetName("Run-old"); // temprfile->Write(); // if ( temprrun ) temprrun->Delete(); // temprfile->Close(); // // // oldtree->Delete("all"); // updating = true; if ( debug ) printf(" RunInfo: updating versioning information \n"); // }; // file->cd(); // // Prepare a new tree to upgrade the contents of the old tree // newtree = new TTree("Run-new","PAMELA Level2 data from the GL_RUN table"); newtree->Branch("RunInfo","GL_RUN",&newrun); newtree->Branch("SoftInfo","SoftInfo",&newver); // // if ( !updating ){ if ( idRun == 0ULL ){ if ( debug ) printf("\n RUNINFO - ERROR: reprocessing data but no RunInfo tree in Level2 file. \n"); return(-805); }; // runlist = new TArrayL(1); // error = Query_GL_RUN(idRun, dbc); // if ( error ){ if ( debug ) printf("\n RUNINFO - ERROR: Query_GL_RUN exited with non zero error\n"); return(error); }; if ( ID == 0ULL ){ if ( debug ) printf("\n RUNINFO - ERROR: no run with ID_RUN = %llu \n",idRun); return(-5); }; // // // newrun->ID = ID; newrun->ID_REG_RUN = ID_REG_RUN; newrun->ID_REG_RUN_L2 = ID_REG_RUN_L2; newrun->RUNHEADER_TIME = RUNHEADER_TIME; newrun->RUNTRAILER_TIME = RUNTRAILER_TIME; newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM = EV_REG_PHYS_FROM; newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO = EV_REG_PHYS_TO; newrun->EV_REG_RUNHEADER = EV_REG_RUNHEADER; newrun->EV_REG_RUNTRAILER = EV_REG_RUNTRAILER; newrun->TRK_CALIB_USED = TRK_CALIB_USED; newrun->EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE; newrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A; newrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B; newrun->ACQ_BUILD_INFO = ACQ_BUILD_INFO; newrun->ACQ_VAR_INFO = ACQ_VAR_INFO; newver->TRIG_ver = version->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = version->TOF_ver; newver->AC_ver = version->AC_ver; newver->TRK_ver = version->TRK_ver; newver->ORB_ver = version->ORB_ver; newver->CAL_ver = version->CAL_ver; newver->S4_ver = version->S4_ver; newver->ND_ver = version->ND_ver; // // fill the tree; // newtree->Fill(); // totnorun = 1; reprocessing = false; first_file_entry = 0; last_file_entry = (UInt_t)(EV_REG_PHYS_TO - EV_REG_PHYS_FROM); norun = 1; runlist->AddAt((Long64_t)ID,0); // newtree->SetName("Run"); // file->cd(); // file->Write("Run"); //newtree->Delete(); delete newver; delete newrun; delete oldver; delete oldrun; // return(0); // } else { // // temprfile = new TFile(temprname.str().c_str(),"READ"); // oldtree = (TTree*)temprfile->Get("Run-old"); // oldtree->SetBranchAddress("RunInfo",&oldrun); oldtree->SetBranchAddress("SoftInfo",&oldver); // totnorun = oldtree->GetEntries(); // runlist = new TArrayL((Int_t)totnorun); // found = false; // for ( UInt_t run = 0; run < totnorun; run++){ // oldtree->GetEntry(run); // newrun->ID = oldrun->ID; newrun->ID_REG_RUN = oldrun->ID_REG_RUN; newrun->ID_REG_RUN_L2 = oldrun->ID_REG_RUN_L2; newrun->RUNHEADER_TIME = oldrun->RUNHEADER_TIME; newrun->RUNTRAILER_TIME = oldrun->RUNTRAILER_TIME; newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM = oldrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM; newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO = oldrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO; newrun->EV_REG_RUNHEADER = oldrun->EV_REG_RUNHEADER; newrun->EV_REG_RUNTRAILER = oldrun->EV_REG_RUNTRAILER; newrun->TRK_CALIB_USED = oldrun->TRK_CALIB_USED; newrun->EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = oldrun->EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE; newrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = oldrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A; newrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = oldrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B; newrun->ACQ_BUILD_INFO = oldrun->ACQ_BUILD_INFO; newrun->ACQ_VAR_INFO = oldrun->ACQ_VAR_INFO; newver->TRIG_ver = oldver->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = oldver->TOF_ver; newver->AC_ver = oldver->AC_ver; newver->TRK_ver = oldver->TRK_ver; newver->ORB_ver = oldver->ORB_ver; newver->CAL_ver = oldver->CAL_ver; newver->S4_ver = oldver->S4_ver; newver->ND_ver = oldver->ND_ver; // file_entries += (oldrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO - oldrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM + 1); // if ( debug ) printf("totnorun %i idRun %i newrun->ID %i \n",(int)totnorun,(int)idRun,(int)newrun->ID); // if ( idRun == 0ULL || idRun == newrun->ID ) { // if ( debug ) printf(" Updating run number %llu \n",idRun); // found = true; // runlist->AddAt(newrun->ID,norun); norun++; // if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"NONE") ){ // // update infromations querying the DB // error = Query_GL_RUN(newrun->ID, dbc); // if ( error ){ if ( debug ) printf("\n RUNINFO - ERROR: Query_GL_RUN exited with non zero error\n"); return(error); }; // newrun->ID = ID; newrun->ID_REG_RUN = ID_REG_RUN; newrun->ID_REG_RUN_L2 = ID_REG_RUN_L2; newrun->RUNHEADER_TIME = RUNHEADER_TIME; newrun->RUNTRAILER_TIME = RUNTRAILER_TIME; newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM = EV_REG_PHYS_FROM; newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO = EV_REG_PHYS_TO; newrun->EV_REG_RUNHEADER = EV_REG_RUNHEADER; newrun->EV_REG_RUNTRAILER = EV_REG_RUNTRAILER; newrun->TRK_CALIB_USED = TRK_CALIB_USED; newrun->EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE; newrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A; newrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B; newrun->ACQ_BUILD_INFO = ACQ_BUILD_INFO; newrun->ACQ_VAR_INFO = ACQ_VAR_INFO; } else { // if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TRIG") ){ newver->TRIG_ver = version->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = oldver->TOF_ver; newver->AC_ver = oldver->AC_ver; newver->TRK_ver = oldver->TRK_ver; newver->ORB_ver = oldver->ORB_ver; newver->CAL_ver = oldver->CAL_ver; newver->S4_ver = oldver->S4_ver; newver->ND_ver = oldver->ND_ver; if ( strcmp(oldver->TRIG_ver.Data(),"") ) reprocessing = true; }; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TOF") ){ newver->TRIG_ver = oldver->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = version->TOF_ver; newver->AC_ver = oldver->AC_ver; newver->TRK_ver = oldver->TRK_ver; newver->ORB_ver = oldver->ORB_ver; newver->CAL_ver = oldver->CAL_ver; newver->S4_ver = oldver->S4_ver; newver->ND_ver = oldver->ND_ver; if ( strcmp(oldver->TOF_ver.Data(),"") ) reprocessing = true; }; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"AC") ){ newver->TRIG_ver = oldver->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = oldver->TOF_ver; newver->TRK_ver = oldver->TRK_ver; newver->ORB_ver = oldver->ORB_ver; newver->CAL_ver = oldver->CAL_ver; newver->S4_ver = oldver->S4_ver; newver->ND_ver = oldver->ND_ver; newver->AC_ver = version->AC_ver; if ( strcmp(oldver->AC_ver.Data(),"") ) reprocessing = true; }; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"TRK") ){ newver->TRIG_ver = oldver->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = oldver->TOF_ver; newver->CAL_ver = oldver->CAL_ver; newver->ORB_ver = oldver->ORB_ver; newver->S4_ver = oldver->S4_ver; newver->ND_ver = oldver->ND_ver; newver->AC_ver = oldver->AC_ver; newver->TRK_ver = version->TRK_ver; if ( strcmp(oldver->TRK_ver.Data(),"") ) reprocessing = true; }; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"ORB") ){ newver->TRIG_ver = oldver->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = oldver->TOF_ver; newver->CAL_ver = oldver->CAL_ver; newver->TRK_ver = oldver->TRK_ver; newver->S4_ver = oldver->S4_ver; newver->ND_ver = oldver->ND_ver; newver->AC_ver = oldver->AC_ver; newver->ORB_ver = version->ORB_ver; if ( strcmp(oldver->ORB_ver.Data(),"") ) reprocessing = true; }; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"CALO") ){ newver->TRIG_ver = oldver->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = oldver->TOF_ver; newver->S4_ver = oldver->S4_ver; newver->ORB_ver = oldver->ORB_ver; newver->ND_ver = oldver->ND_ver; newver->AC_ver = oldver->AC_ver; newver->TRK_ver = oldver->TRK_ver; newver->CAL_ver = version->CAL_ver; if ( strcmp(oldver->CAL_ver.Data(),"") ) reprocessing = true; }; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"S4") ){ newver->TRIG_ver = oldver->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = oldver->TOF_ver; newver->ND_ver = oldver->ND_ver; newver->AC_ver = oldver->AC_ver; newver->TRK_ver = oldver->TRK_ver; newver->ORB_ver = oldver->ORB_ver; newver->CAL_ver = oldver->CAL_ver; newver->S4_ver = version->S4_ver; if ( strcmp(oldver->S4_ver.Data(),"") ) reprocessing = true; }; if ( !strcmp(Detector.Data(),"ND") ){ newver->TRIG_ver = oldver->TRIG_ver; newver->TOF_ver = oldver->TOF_ver; newver->S4_ver = oldver->S4_ver; newver->AC_ver = oldver->AC_ver; newver->ORB_ver = oldver->ORB_ver; newver->TRK_ver = oldver->TRK_ver; newver->CAL_ver = oldver->CAL_ver; newver->ND_ver = version->ND_ver; if ( strcmp(oldver->ND_ver.Data(),"") ) reprocessing = true; }; }; // last_file_entry = first_file_entry + (oldrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO - oldrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM + 1); // } else { if ( !found ) first_file_entry += (oldrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO - oldrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM + 1); }; // file->cd(); newtree->Fill(); // }; // // temprfile->Close(); // gSystem->Unlink(temprname.str().c_str()); // if ( ismydir ) gSystem->Unlink(tempdir.str().c_str()); file->cd(); if ( oldtree ) oldtree->Delete("all"); newtree->SetName("Run"); // file->Write("Run"); // newtree->Delete(); delete newver; delete newrun; delete oldver; delete oldrun; // if ( !found ){ if ( debug ) printf("\n RUNINFO - ERROR: no run with ID_RUN = %llu \n",idRun); return(-5); }; // // newtree->Write(); }; return(0); } Int_t ItoRunInfo::Read(ULong64_t idRun){ // isreadonly = true; // Bool_t debug = false; // SoftInfo *newver = new SoftInfo(); GL_RUN *newrun = new GL_RUN(); // // Try to get the tree Run in the processed file // newtree = (TTree*)file->Get("Run"); // if ( !newtree ) { // printf("\n RUNINFO - ERROR: no RunInfo tree in Level2 file. \n"); return(-801); // } else { // printf(" RunInfo: opening RunInfo tree \n"); // newtree->SetBranchAddress("RunInfo",&newrun); newtree->SetBranchAddress("SoftInfo",&newver); // totnorun = newtree->GetEntries(); // runlist = new TArrayL((Int_t)totnorun); // first_file_entry = 0; // for ( UInt_t run = 0; run < totnorun; run++){ // newtree->GetEntry(run); // file_entries += (newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO - newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM + 1); // if ( debug ) printf("totnorun %i newrun->ID %i \n",(int)totnorun,(int)newrun->ID); // ID = newrun->ID; ID_REG_RUN = newrun->ID_REG_RUN; ID_REG_RUN_L2 = newrun->ID_REG_RUN_L2; RUNHEADER_TIME = newrun->RUNHEADER_TIME; RUNTRAILER_TIME = newrun->RUNTRAILER_TIME; EV_REG_PHYS_FROM = newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM; EV_REG_PHYS_TO = newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO; EV_REG_RUNHEADER = newrun->EV_REG_RUNHEADER; EV_REG_RUNTRAILER = newrun->EV_REG_RUNTRAILER; TRK_CALIB_USED = newrun->TRK_CALIB_USED; EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = newrun->EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = newrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = newrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B; ACQ_BUILD_INFO = newrun->ACQ_BUILD_INFO; ACQ_VAR_INFO = newrun->ACQ_VAR_INFO; version->TRIG_ver = newver->TRIG_ver; version->TOF_ver = newver->TOF_ver; version->AC_ver = newver->AC_ver; version->TRK_ver = newver->TRK_ver; version->ORB_ver = newver->ORB_ver; version->CAL_ver = newver->CAL_ver; version->S4_ver = newver->S4_ver; version->ND_ver = newver->ND_ver; if ( idRun == ID || idRun == 0ULL ){ runlist->AddAt(newrun->ID,norun); norun++; }; last_file_entry = first_file_entry + (newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO - newrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM + 1); }; }; if ( debug ) printf("norun %i \n",(int)norun); Int_t error = 0; error = GetRunInfo(idRun); delete newver; delete newrun; if ( error ) return(error); return(0); } void ItoRunInfo::Close(){ reprocessing = false; updating = false; first_file_entry = 0; last_file_entry = 0; file_entries = 0ULL; norun = 0; runlist = new TArrayL(0,NULL); file = new TFile(); if ( isreadonly ) newtree->Delete(); } void ItoRunInfo::Clear(){ if ( newtree ) newtree->Delete(); } UInt_t ItoRunInfo::GetRunForEntry(UInt_t entry){ // UInt_t startfrom = 0; // if ( entry >= (UInt_t)first_file_entry && entry <= (UInt_t)last_file_entry ) return(ID); // if ( entry > (UInt_t)last_file_entry ){ for ( UInt_t nrun = 0; nrun < norun; nrun++){ if ( ID == (ULong64_t)runlist->At(nrun) ) { startfrom = nrun+1; break; }; }; } else { startfrom = 0; }; // if ( startfrom >= norun ) startfrom = 0; // retry: // for ( UInt_t nrun = startfrom; nrun < norun; nrun++){ GetRunInfo((ULong64_t)runlist->At(nrun)); if ( entry >= (UInt_t)first_file_entry && entry <= (UInt_t)last_file_entry ){ return((UInt_t)runlist->At(nrun)); }; }; if ( startfrom ){ startfrom = 0; goto retry; }; printf(" ERROR! run not found \n"); return(0); } Int_t ItoRunInfo::GetRunInfo(ULong64_t run){ Bool_t found = false; SoftInfo *nwver = new SoftInfo(); GL_RUN *nwrun = new GL_RUN(); // newtree->SetBranchAddress("RunInfo",&nwrun); newtree->SetBranchAddress("SoftInfo",&nwver); // last_file_entry = 0; first_file_entry = 0; // totnorun = newtree->GetEntries(); // for ( UInt_t nrun = 0; nrun < totnorun; nrun++){ newtree->GetEntry(nrun); // if ( nwrun->ID == run || run == 0ULL ){ ID = nwrun->ID; ID_REG_RUN = nwrun->ID_REG_RUN; ID_REG_RUN_L2 = nwrun->ID_REG_RUN_L2; RUNHEADER_TIME = nwrun->RUNHEADER_TIME; RUNTRAILER_TIME = nwrun->RUNTRAILER_TIME; EV_REG_PHYS_FROM = nwrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM; EV_REG_PHYS_TO = nwrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO; EV_REG_RUNHEADER = nwrun->EV_REG_RUNHEADER; EV_REG_RUNTRAILER = nwrun->EV_REG_RUNTRAILER; TRK_CALIB_USED = nwrun->TRK_CALIB_USED; EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE = nwrun->EFF_WRK_SCHEDULE; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A = nwrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_A; PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B = nwrun->PRH_VAR_TRG_MODE_B; ACQ_BUILD_INFO = nwrun->ACQ_BUILD_INFO; ACQ_VAR_INFO = nwrun->ACQ_VAR_INFO; version->TRIG_ver = nwver->TRIG_ver; version->TOF_ver = nwver->TOF_ver; version->AC_ver = nwver->AC_ver; version->TRK_ver = nwver->TRK_ver; version->ORB_ver = nwver->ORB_ver; version->CAL_ver = nwver->CAL_ver; version->S4_ver = nwver->S4_ver; version->ND_ver = nwver->ND_ver; found = true; last_file_entry = first_file_entry + (nwrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO - nwrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM + 1); }; if ( !found ) first_file_entry += (nwrun->EV_REG_PHYS_TO - nwrun->EV_REG_PHYS_FROM + 1); }; delete nwver; delete nwrun; if ( found ) return(0); return(-800); }