/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/src/OrientationInfo.cpp
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Contents of /DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/src/OrientationInfo.cpp

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Oct 1 15:26:35 2008 UTC (16 years, 5 months ago) by mocchiut
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: v6r01, v6r00, v9r00, v9r01
Orientation infos added to OrbitalInfo, OrbitalInfo class changed, small changes in the Makefile

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <TObject.h>
4 #include <TString.h>
5 #include <TMatrixD.h>
7 #include <OrientationInfo.h>
9 ClassImp(OrientationInfo)
12 using namespace std;
14 OrientationInfo::OrientationInfo() : TObject(){
15 a = 360/(2*TMath::Pi());
16 Re = 6000000;
17 }
19 OrientationInfo::~OrientationInfo(){
20 }
22 TMatrixD OrientationInfo::QuatoECI(Float_t q0, Float_t q1, Float_t q2, Float_t q3){
23 TMatrixD Pij(3,3);
24 Pij(0,0) = pow(q0,2)+pow(q1,2)-pow(q2,2)-pow(q3,2);
25 Pij(0,1) = /*2*(q1*q2+q0*q3);/*/ 2*(q1*q2-q0*q3);
26 Pij(0,2) = /*2*(q1*q3-q0*q2);/*/ 2*(q1*q3+q0*q2);
27 Pij(1,0) = /*2*(q1*q2-q0*q3);/*/ 2*(q1*q2+q0*q3);
28 Pij(1,1) = pow(q0,2)-pow(q1,2)+pow(q2,2)-pow(q3,2);
29 Pij(1,2) = /*2*(q2*q3+q0*q1);/*/ 2*(q2*q3-q0*q1);
30 Pij(2,0) = /*2*(q1*q3+q0*q2);/*/ 2*(q1*q3-q0*q2);
31 Pij(2,1) = /*2*(q2*q3-q0*q1);/*/ 2*(q2*q3+q0*q1);
32 Pij(2,2) = pow(q0,2)-pow(q1,2)-pow(q2,2)+pow(q3,2);
33 return Pij;
34 }
36 TMatrixD OrientationInfo::ECItoGreenwich(TMatrixD Aij, UInt_t t){
37 //t=1154304000+86400*365;
38 TMatrixD Gij(3,3);
39 Double_t omg = (7.292115e-5)*a; // Earth rotation velosity (Around polar axis);
40 //Double_t t1 = 0;
41 //if(t<=1158883200) t1 = 1127347200+229.2732; //absTime at 22/09/2005 + diference between Solar midnight and Greenwich sidereal midnight
42 //if(t>1158883200&&t<=1190419200) t1 = 1158883200+172.3415;//absTime at 22/09/2006 + diference between Solar midnight and Greenwich sidereal midnight
43 //if(t>=1190419200&&t<1222041600) t1 = 1190419200+115.39; //absTime at 22/09/2007 + diference between Solar midnight and Greenwich sidereal midnight
44 //if(t>=1222041600) t1 = 1222041600 + 294.9361; //absTime at 22/09/2008 + diference between Solar midnight and Greenwich sidereal midnight
45 //UInt_t Nd = (t-t1)/86400;
46 //Int_t DifSuSt = Nd*236.55;
47 Double_t d = (t-10957*86400-43200); //Number of day, passing from 01/01/2000 12:00:00 to t;
48 d = d/86400;
49 //d = t-da*86400+DifSuSt
50 //cout<<"t = "<<t<<"\n";
51 //cout<<"t - 2000y = "<<t-10957*86400-43200<<"\n";
52 //cout<<"d = "<<d<<"\n";
53 //Int_t tl = t%86400; //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
54 Double_t T = d/36525; //Number of Julian centuries;
56 //Double_t tl = t-t1-Nd*86400-DifSuSt;
57 Double_t Se = 6*3600+41*60+236.555367908*d+0.093104*pow(T,2)-(6.2e-6)*pow(T,3);
58 //cout<<"Se = "<<Se<<"\n";
59 //cout<<t<<endl<<d<<endl<<tl<<endl<<Se+omg*tl*86400/360<<endl;
60 Int_t tr = (t-10957*86400)%86400;
61 //cout<<"tr = "<<tr<<endl;
62 Double_t Somg = (Se+49.077+omg*86400*tr/360)*360/86400;
63 //cout<<"t1 = "<<(t-10957*86400)%86400<<"\n";
64 //cout<<"tr = "<<tr<<"\n";
65 //cout<<"Somg = "<<Se+omg*86400*tr/360<<"\n";
66 //cout<<"Somg = "<<((Somg-360*6)*86400/360/3600-20)*60<<"\n";
67 //cout<<cos(Somg/a)<<endl;
68 Gij(0,0) = cos(Somg/a);
69 Gij(0,1) = -sin(Somg/a);
70 Gij(0,2) = 0;
71 Gij(1,0) = sin(Somg/a);
72 Gij(1,1) = cos(Somg/a);
73 Gij(1,2) = 0;
74 Gij(2,0) = 0;
75 Gij(2,1) = 0;
76 Gij(2,2) = 1;
77 Gij.Invert();
78 //SetDirAxisGreenwich(Aij);
79 //cout<<(Somg/a)<<endl<<Aij(0,0)<<" "<<Aij(1,0)<<" "<<Aij(2,0)<<endl;
80 return Gij*Aij;
81 }
83 TMatrixD OrientationInfo::GreenwichtoGEO(Double_t lat, Double_t lon, TMatrixD Aij){
84 //Double_t a = 360/(2*TMath::Pi());
85 //Double_t Re = 6000000;
86 TMatrixD Gij(3,3);
87 TMatrixD Fij(3,3);
89 TMatrixD Hij(3,3); //TEST
90 TMatrixD Iij(3,3); //TEST
92 // if((lat<0.1)&&(lat>-0.1)){
93 //cout<<"lon = "<<lon<<" lat = "<<lat<<endl;
94 lon=(-lon)/a; lat=(-lat)/a;
95 //cout<<"lon = "<<lon<<" lat = "<<lat<<endl;
96 //
97 // cout<<"Quaternions Array"<<endl;
98 //cout<<Aij(0,0)<<" "<<Aij(0,1)<<" "<<Aij(0,2)<<endl;
99 //cout<<Aij(1,0)<<" "<<Aij(1,1)<<" "<<Aij(1,2)<<endl;
100 //cout<<Aij(2,0)<<" "<<Aij(2,1)<<" "<<Aij(2,2)<<endl<<endl;
101 // }
102 //Double_t x0 = (alt+Re)*sin(lat)*sin(lon);
103 //Double_t y0 = (alt+Re)*sin(lat)*cos(lon);
104 //Double_t Sa = lon-a*atan(y0/x0);
105 //if (y0>0&&x0<0) Sa=-Sa+90;
106 //if (y0<0&&x0<0) Sa=Sa-90;
107 //if (y0>0&&x0==0) Sa=90;
108 //if (y0<0&&x0==0) Sa=-90;
110 Gij(0,0) = cos(lon);
111 Gij(0,1) = -sin(lon);
112 Gij(0,2) = 0;
113 Gij(1,0) = sin(lon);
114 Gij(1,1) = cos(lon);
115 Gij(1,2) = 0;
116 Gij(2,0) = 0;
117 Gij(2,1) = 0;
118 Gij(2,2) = 1;
120 //cout<<"First rotation"<<endl;
121 //cout<<Gij(0,0)<<" "<<Gij(0,1)<<" "<<Gij(0,2)<<endl;
122 //cout<<Gij(1,0)<<" "<<Gij(1,1)<<" "<<Gij(1,2)<<endl;
123 //cout<<Gij(2,0)<<" "<<Gij(2,1)<<" "<<Gij(2,2)<<endl<<endl;
125 //Gij.Invert();
127 Fij(0,0) = cos(lat);
128 Fij(0,1) = 0;
129 Fij(0,2) = -sin(lat);
130 Fij(1,0) = 0;
131 Fij(1,1) = 1;
132 Fij(1,2) = 0;
133 Fij(2,0) = sin(lat);
134 Fij(2,1) = 0;
135 Fij(2,2) = cos(lat);
137 //Fij.Invert();
139 //if((lat<0.1)&&(lat>-0.1)){
140 /* Hij=Gij*Aij; //TEST
142 cout<<"First rotation"<<endl;
143 cout<<Hij(0,0)<<" "<<Hij(0,1)<<" "<<Hij(0,2)<<endl;
144 cout<<Hij(1,0)<<" "<<Hij(1,1)<<" "<<Hij(1,2)<<endl;
145 cout<<Hij(2,0)<<" "<<Hij(2,1)<<" "<<Hij(2,2)<<endl<<endl;
147 Iij = Fij*(Gij*Aij); //TEST
149 cout<<"Second rotation"<<endl;
150 cout<<Iij(0,0)<<" "<<Iij(0,1)<<" "<<Iij(0,2)<<endl;
151 cout<<Iij(1,0)<<" "<<Iij(1,1)<<" "<<Iij(1,2)<<endl;
152 cout<<Iij(2,0)<<" "<<Iij(2,1)<<" "<<Iij(2,2)<<endl;
153 //
154 Int_t ret;
155 cin>>ret;*/
156 // }
157 return Fij*(Gij*Aij);
158 }
160 TMatrixD OrientationInfo::PamelatoGEO(TMatrixD Aij, Double_t B1, Double_t B2, Double_t B3){
161 //TMatrixD Gij(3,3);
162 TMatrixD Hij(3,1);
163 TMatrixD Bij(3,1);
164 Bij(0,0) = B1;
165 Bij(1,0) = B2;
166 Bij(2,0) = B3;
167 //Double_t alfa = TMath::ASin(sqrt(1/((Aij(1,2))/Aij(0,2)+1))) * TMath::RadToDeg();
168 //Gij(0,0) = cos(alfa/a);
169 //Gij(0,1) = -sin(alfa/a);
170 //Gij(0,2) = 0;
171 //Gij(1,0) = 0;
172 //Gij(1,1) = 1;
173 //Gij(1,2) = 0;
174 //Gij(2,0) = sin(alfa/a);
175 //Gij(2,1) = cos(alfa/a);
176 //Gij(2,2) = 0;
178 Hij=Aij*Bij;
179 return Hij;
180 //cout<<0.25-Aij(2,2)/(Aij(2,1)*Aij(2,0))<<endl;
181 //cout<<Hij(0,0)<<endl;//" "<<Hij(0,1)<<" "<<Hij(0,2)<<endl;
182 //cout<<Hij(1,0)<<endl;//" "<<Hij(1,1)<<" "<<Hij(1,2)<<endl;
183 //cout<<Hij(2,0)<<endl;//" "<<Hij(2,1)<<" "<<Hij(2,2)<<endl;
184 }
186 TMatrixD OrientationInfo::ColPermutation(TMatrixD Aij){
187 TMatrixD Gij(3,3);
188 Gij(0,0) = 1; Gij(0,1) = 0; Gij(0,2) = 0;
189 Gij(1,0) = 0; Gij(1,1) = 0; Gij(1,2) = 1;
190 Gij(2,0) = 0; Gij(2,1) = -1; Gij(2,2) = 0;
191 return Aij*Gij;
192 }
194 Double_t OrientationInfo::GetPitchAngle(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t z1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2, Double_t z2){
195 return TMath::ACos((x1*x2 + y1*y2 + z1*z2)/(sqrt(pow(x1,2)+pow(y1,2)+pow(z1,2))*sqrt(pow(x2,2)+pow(y2,2)+pow(z2,2)))) * TMath::RadToDeg();
196 }

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