/[PAMELA software]/DarthVader/OrbitalInfo/src/OrbitalInfoCore.cpp |
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Reprocessing tool tuning
Infinite loop bug in OrbitalInfo fixed
Wrong debug setting when outside time window fixed
Wrong debug setting when outside time window fixed
OrbitalInfo mcmds bug fixed
Trying to fix char bug in igrf_sub.for routine
New XXXFolder bug fixed
Inclination variables added
XXXFolder bug fixed
Problems with classes streamerinfo fixed
Inclination updated
Added inclination classes
Compilation bug fixed
Small bug in Makefiles fixed, crash if tle is missing converted to exit with error
Compiling bug under fedora4 fixed, Syntax error inc/TrkLevelX bug fixed
OrbitalInfo updated, small changes in calo code
Incremented SetAutoSave variable for all the trees
_NOT_ COMPILING yet, fixed AC, ND, S4, RunInfo, OrbitalInfo and Trigger
Small memory leaks fixed
Memory leak bug fixed
Added OBT and pkt_num variables
Initial revision
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